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00001 /*++ 00002 00003 Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation 00004 00005 Module Name: 00006 00007 data.h 00008 00009 Abstract: 00010 00011 This module contains global data definitions. 00012 00013 Author: 00014 Michael Tsang (MikeTs) 1-Sep-1998 00015 00016 Environment: 00017 00018 Kernel mode 00019 00020 00021 Revision History: 00022 00023 00024 --*/ 00025 00026 #ifndef _DATA_H 00027 #define _DATA_H 00028 00029 extern CONST GUID IoepGuid; 00030 extern KSPIN_LOCK IoepErrListLock; 00031 extern LIST_ENTRY IoepErrThreadListHead; 00032 extern LIST_ENTRY IoepErrModuleListHead; 00033 extern LIST_ENTRY IoepSaveDataListHead; 00034 extern UNICODE_STRING IoepRegKeyStrIoErr; 00035 extern PERRCASEDB IoepErrCaseDB; 00036 00037 #endif //ifndef _DATA_H

Generated on Sat May 15 19:39:38 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7