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00001 /*++ 00002 00003 Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation 00004 Copyright (c) 1992 Digital Equipment Corporation 00005 00006 Module Name: 00007 00008 jnsnrtc.h 00009 00010 Abstract: 00011 00012 This module is the header file that describes hardware structure 00013 for the Toy clock in the 82C106 combo chip on Jensen 00014 00015 Author: 00016 00017 David N. Cutler (davec) 3-May-1991 00018 Jeff McLeman (mcleman) 4-Jun-1992 00019 00020 Revision History: 00021 00022 13-Jul-1992 Jeff McLeman 00023 Add port offsets for use with VTI access routines. 00024 00025 4-Jun-1992 Jeff McLeman 00026 Adapt module to Jensen specific 00027 00028 --*/ 00029 00030 #ifndef _JNSNRTC_ 00031 #define _JNSNRTC_ 00032 00033 // 00034 // Define Realtime Clock register numbers. 00035 // 00036 00037 #define RTC_SECOND 0 // second of minute [0..59] 00038 #define RTC_SECOND_ALARM 1 // seconds to alarm 00039 #define RTC_MINUTE 2 // minute of hour [0..59] 00040 #define RTC_MINUTE_ALARM 3 // minutes to alarm 00041 #define RTC_HOUR 4 // hour of day [0..23] 00042 #define RTC_HOUR_ALARM 5 // hours to alarm 00043 #define RTC_DAY_OF_WEEK 6 // day of week [1..7] 00044 #define RTC_DAY_OF_MONTH 7 // day of month [1..31] 00045 #define RTC_MONTH 8 // month of year [1..12] 00046 #define RTC_YEAR 9 // year [00..99] 00047 #define RTC_CONTROL_REGISTERA 10 // control register A 00048 #define RTC_CONTROL_REGISTERB 11 // control register B 00049 #define RTC_CONTROL_REGISTERC 12 // control register C 00050 #define RTC_CONTROL_REGISTERD 13 // control register D 00051 00052 // 00053 // The RTC NVRAM byte addresses are 0x0e -- 0x4f. 00054 // 00055 // Addresses 0x0E -- 0x3F are reserved for use by VMS/OSF. 00056 // 00057 00058 #define RTC_RAM_NT_FLAGS0 0x40 // NT firmware flag set #0 00059 #define RTC_RAM_CONSOLE_SELECTION 0x4f // VMS/OSF/NT boot selection 00060 00061 00062 // 00063 // Define port registers for access with the VTI access 00064 // routines 00065 // 00066 00067 #define RTC_APORT 0x170 00068 #define RTC_DPORT 0x171 00069 00070 00071 #ifndef _LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY 00072 00073 // 00074 // Define Control Register A structure. 00075 // 00076 00077 typedef struct _RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_A { 00078 UCHAR RateSelect : 4; 00079 UCHAR TimebaseDivisor : 3; 00080 UCHAR UpdateInProgress : 1; 00081 } RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_A, *PRTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_A; 00082 00083 // 00084 // Define Control Register B structure. 00085 // 00086 00087 typedef struct _RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_B { 00088 UCHAR DayLightSavingsEnable : 1; 00089 UCHAR HoursFormat : 1; 00090 UCHAR DataMode : 1; 00091 UCHAR SquareWaveEnable : 1; 00092 UCHAR UpdateInterruptEnable : 1; 00093 UCHAR AlarmInterruptEnable : 1; 00094 UCHAR TimerInterruptEnable : 1; 00095 UCHAR SetTime : 1; 00096 } RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_B, *PRTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_B; 00097 00098 // 00099 // Define Control Register C structure. 00100 // 00101 00102 typedef struct _RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_C { 00103 UCHAR Fill : 4; 00104 UCHAR UpdateInterruptFlag : 1; 00105 UCHAR AlarmInterruptFlag : 1; 00106 UCHAR TimeInterruptFlag : 1; 00107 UCHAR InterruptRequest : 1; 00108 } RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_C, *PRTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_C; 00109 00110 // 00111 // Define Control Register D structure. 00112 // 00113 00114 typedef struct _RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_D { 00115 UCHAR Fill : 7; 00116 UCHAR ValidTime : 1; 00117 } RTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_D, *PRTC_CONTROL_REGISTER_D; 00118 00119 // 00120 // Definitions for NT area of NVRAM 00121 // 00122 00123 typedef struct _RTC_RAM_NT_FLAGS_0 { 00124 UCHAR Fill : 7; 00125 UCHAR AutoRunECU : 1; 00126 } RTC_RAM_NT_FLAGS_0, *PRTC_RAM_NT_FLAGS_0; 00127 00128 00129 #endif //_LANGUAGE_ASSEMBLY 00130 00131 // Values for RTC_RAM_CONSOLE_SELECTION 00132 #define RTC_RAM_CONSOLE_SELECTION_NT 1 00133 #define RTC_RAM_CONSOLE_SELECTION_VMS 2 00134 #define RTC_RAM_CONSOLE_SELECTION_OSF 3 00135 00136 // 00137 // Define initialization values for Jensen interval timer 00138 // There are four different rates that are used under NT 00139 // (see page 9-8 of KN121 System Module Programmer's Reference) 00140 // 00141 // .976562 ms 00142 // 1.953125 ms 00143 // 3.90625 ms 00144 // 7.8125 ms 00145 // 00146 #define RTC_RATE_SELECT1 6 00147 #define RTC_RATE_SELECT2 7 00148 #define RTC_RATE_SELECT3 8 00149 #define RTC_RATE_SELECT4 9 00150 00151 // 00152 // note that rates 1-3 have some rounding error, 00153 // since they are not expressible in even 100ns units 00154 // 00155 00156 #define RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS1 9766 00157 #define RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS2 19531 00158 #define RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS3 39063 00159 #define RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS4 78125 00160 00161 // 00162 // Defaults 00163 // 00164 #define MINIMUM_INCREMENT RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS1 00165 #define MAXIMUM_INCREMENT RTC_PERIOD_IN_CLUNKS4 00166 #define MAXIMUM_RATE_SELECT RTC_RATE_SELECT4 00167 00168 #endif // _JNSNRTC_ 00169 

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