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00001 /*-- 00002 00003 Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation 00004 00005 Module Name: 00006 00007 resource.h 00008 00009 Abstract: 00010 00011 defines for resource file 00012 00013 Author: 00014 00015 Mark Enstrom (marke) 30-Dec-1992 00016 00017 Revision History: 00018 00019 Dan Almosnino (danalm) 20-Sep-1995 00020 00021 Added TEXT_QRUN, Text String-Length choice items (IDM_S...), Font choice option 00022 00023 Dan Almosnino (danalm) 17-Oct-1995 00024 00025 Added RUN_BATCH for batch mode execution 00026 Added IDM_TRANSPARENT for transparent background text option 00027 --*/ 00028 #define IDR_ACCELERATOR2 106 00029 #define ID_RUN 40001 00030 00031 #define ID_DC 110 00032 #define IDD_RESULTS 111 00033 #define IDD_HELP 913 00034 #define IDC_RESULTSLIST 112 00035 #define IDM_SAVERESULTS 113 00036 #define IDM_SHOW 114 00037 #define IDR_USRBENCH_MENU 101 00038 //#define IDUSERBENCH 122 00039 #define IDM_EXIT 202 00040 #define IDM_RUN 205 00041 #define IDM_QRUN1 206 00042 #define IDM_QRUN2 207 00043 #define RUN_BATCH 208 00044 #define SHOW_HELP 911 00045 #define IDM_HELP 911 00046 #define IDC_HELPLIST 912 00047 #define IDM_S001 221 00048 #define IDM_S002 222 00049 #define IDM_S004 223 00050 #define IDM_S008 224 00051 #define IDM_S016 225 00052 #define IDM_S032 226 00053 #define IDM_S064 227 00054 #define IDM_S128 228 00055 #define IDM_SXXX 240 00056 #define IDM_FONT 250 00057 #define IDM_TRANSPARENT 260 00058 #define ID_TEST_START 400 00059 /* 00060 * Menu IDs. 00061 */ 00062 00063 #define IDM_DUMMY 1 00064 #define IDM_ABOUT 150 00065 //#define IDM_EXIT 151 00066 #define IDM_ALL 152 00067 #define IDM_VIEWRESULTS 153 00068 //#define IDM_SAVERESULTS 154 00069 #define IDM_PROFILEALL 155 00070 00071 //#define IDM_BENCHFIRST 1000 00072 00073 /* 00074 * Control IDs. 00075 */ 00076 00077 //#define IDC_RESULTSLIST 100 00078 #define ID_EDIT 0xCAC 00079 #define ID2 134 00080 #define ID256 135 00081 #define IDWIDTH 100 00082 #define IDHEIGHT 101 00083 #define IDIN 102 00084 #define IDCM 103 00085 #define IDPELS 104 00086 00087 /* 00088 * Dialog IDs 00089 */ 00090 00091 #define IDD_ABOUT 300 00092 //#define IDD_RESULTS 301 00093 #define CLEARBOX 302 00094 #define CLEARBOXNOMENU 303 00095 #define CLEARBOXNOFONT 304 00096 #define EMPTY 305 00097 00098 00099 

Generated on Sat May 15 19:41:39 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7