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00001 /*++ 00002 00003 Copyright (c) 1985 - 1999, Microsoft Corporation 00004 00005 Module Name: 00006 00007 globals.h 00008 00009 Abstract: 00010 00011 This module contains the global variables used by the 00012 console server DLL. 00013 00014 Author: 00015 00016 Jerry Shea (jerrysh) 21-Sep-1993 00017 00018 Revision History: 00019 00020 --*/ 00021 00022 extern CONSOLE_REGISTRY_INFO DefaultRegInfo; 00023 extern PFONT_INFO FontInfo; 00024 00025 extern UINT OEMCP; 00026 extern UINT WINDOWSCP; 00027 extern HANDLE ghInstance; 00028 extern HICON ghDefaultIcon; 00029 extern HICON ghDefaultSmIcon; 00030 extern HCURSOR ghNormalCursor; 00031 extern CRITICAL_SECTION ConsoleHandleLock; 00032 extern int DialogBoxCount; 00033 extern LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE CtrlRoutine; // client side ctrl-thread routine 00034 00035 // IME 00036 extern LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE ConsoleIMERoutine; // client side console IME routine 00037 00038 00039 extern BOOL FullScreenInitialized; 00040 extern CRITICAL_SECTION ConsoleVDMCriticalSection; 00041 extern PCONSOLE_INFORMATION ConsoleVDMOnSwitching; 00042 00043 extern DWORD InputThreadTlsIndex; 00044 00045 extern int MinimumWidthX; 00046 extern SHORT VerticalScrollSize; 00047 extern SHORT HorizontalScrollSize; 00048 extern SHORT VerticalClientToWindow; 00049 extern SHORT HorizontalClientToWindow; 00050 extern BOOL fOneTimeInitialized; 00051 extern UINT ConsoleOutputCP; 00052 extern UINT ProgmanHandleMessage; 00053 00054 extern DWORD gExtendedEditKey; 00055 extern BOOL gfTrimLeadingZeros; 00056 00057 extern BOOL gfLoadConIme; 00058 00059 // FE 00060 extern ULONG NumberOfFonts; 00061 00062 extern CRITICAL_SECTION gInputThreadMsgLock;

Generated on Sat May 15 19:40:13 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7