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00001 /*++ 00002 00003 Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation 00004 00005 Module Name: 00006 00007 stktrace.h 00008 00009 Abstract: 00010 00011 This header file defines the format of the stack trace data base 00012 used to track caller backtraces. This is a header file so debugger 00013 extensions can lookup entries in the database remotely. 00014 00015 Author: 00016 00017 Steve Wood (stevewo) 13-Sep-1992 00018 00019 Revision History: 00020 00021 --*/ 00022 00023 00024 typedef struct _RTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY { 00025 struct _RTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY *HashChain; 00026 ULONG TraceCount; 00027 USHORT Index; 00028 USHORT Depth; 00029 PVOID BackTrace[ MAX_STACK_DEPTH ]; 00030 } RTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY, *PRTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY; 00031 00032 typedef struct _STACK_TRACE_DATABASE { 00033 union { 00034 RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION CriticalSection; 00035 ERESOURCE Resource; 00036 } Lock; 00037 00038 PRTL_ACQUIRE_LOCK_ROUTINE AcquireLockRoutine; 00039 PRTL_RELEASE_LOCK_ROUTINE ReleaseLockRoutine; 00040 PRTL_OKAY_TO_LOCK_ROUTINE OkayToLockRoutine; 00041 00042 BOOLEAN PreCommitted; 00043 BOOLEAN DumpInProgress; 00044 PVOID CommitBase; 00045 PVOID CurrentLowerCommitLimit; 00046 PVOID CurrentUpperCommitLimit; 00047 PCHAR NextFreeLowerMemory; 00048 PCHAR NextFreeUpperMemory; 00049 ULONG NumberOfEntriesLookedUp; 00050 ULONG NumberOfEntriesAdded; 00051 PRTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY *EntryIndexArray; // Indexed by [-1 .. -NumberOfEntriesAdded] 00052 ULONG NumberOfBuckets; 00053 PRTL_STACK_TRACE_ENTRY Buckets[ 1 ]; 00054 } STACK_TRACE_DATABASE, *PSTACK_TRACE_DATABASE; 00055 00056 PSTACK_TRACE_DATABASE 00057 RtlpAcquireStackTraceDataBase( VOID ); 00058 00059 VOID 00060 RtlpReleaseStackTraceDataBase( VOID );

Generated on Sat May 15 19:41:52 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7