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00001 /*++ BUILD Version: 0011 // Increment this if a change has global effects 00002 00003 Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation 00004 00005 Module Name: 00006 00007 se.h 00008 00009 Abstract: 00010 00011 This module contains the Security routines that are only callable 00012 from kernel mode. 00013 00014 This file is included by including "ntos.h". 00015 00016 Author: 00017 00018 Gary Kimura (GaryKi) 09-Mar-1989 00019 00020 Revision History: 00021 00022 00023 00024 --*/ 00025 00026 #ifndef _SE_ 00027 #define _SE_ 00028 00029 00030 00032 // // 00033 // Kernel mode only data structures // 00034 // Opaque security data structures are defined in seopaque.h // 00035 // // 00037 00038 // begin_ntddk begin_nthal begin_ntifs 00039 // 00040 // Security operation codes 00041 // 00042 00043 typedef enum _SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE { 00044 SetSecurityDescriptor, 00045 QuerySecurityDescriptor, 00046 DeleteSecurityDescriptor, 00047 AssignSecurityDescriptor 00048 } SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE, *PSECURITY_OPERATION_CODE; 00049 00050 // end_ntddk end_nthal end_ntifs 00051 00052 00053 00054 // 00055 // Default security quota 00056 // 00057 // This is the minimum amount of quota (in bytes) that will be 00058 // charged for security information for an object that has 00059 // security. 00060 // 00061 00062 #define SE_DEFAULT_SECURITY_QUOTA 2048 00063 00064 // begin_ntifs 00065 // 00066 // Token Flags 00067 // 00068 // Flags that may be defined in the TokenFlags field of the token object, 00069 // or in an ACCESS_STATE structure 00070 // 00071 00072 #define TOKEN_HAS_TRAVERSE_PRIVILEGE 0x01 00073 #define TOKEN_HAS_BACKUP_PRIVILEGE 0x02 00074 #define TOKEN_HAS_RESTORE_PRIVILEGE 0x04 00075 #define TOKEN_HAS_ADMIN_GROUP 0x08 00076 #define TOKEN_IS_RESTRICTED 0x10 00077 00078 // end_ntifs 00079 00080 00081 // 00082 // General flag 00083 // 00084 00085 #define SE_BACKUP_PRIVILEGES_CHECKED 0x00000010 00086 00087 00088 00089 00090 // begin_ntddk begin_nthal begin_ntifs 00091 // 00092 // Data structure used to capture subject security context 00093 // for access validations and auditing. 00094 // 00095 // THE FIELDS OF THIS DATA STRUCTURE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED OPAQUE 00096 // BY ALL EXCEPT THE SECURITY ROUTINES. 00097 // 00098 00099 typedef struct _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT { 00100 PACCESS_TOKEN ClientToken; 00101 SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel; 00102 PACCESS_TOKEN PrimaryToken; 00103 PVOID ProcessAuditId; 00104 } SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT, *PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT; 00105 00106 // end_ntddk end_nthal end_ntifs 00107 // 00108 // where 00109 // 00110 // ClientToken - optionally points to a token object being used by the 00111 // subject's thread to impersonate a client. If the subject's 00112 // thread is not impersonating a client, this field is set to null. 00113 // The token's reference count is incremented to count this field 00114 // as an outstanding reference. 00115 // 00116 // ImpersonationLevel - Contains the impersonation level of the subject's 00117 // thread. This field is only meaningful if the ClientToken field 00118 // is not null. This field over-rides any higher impersonation 00119 // level value that might be in the client's token. 00120 // 00121 // PrimaryToken - points the the subject's primary token. The token's 00122 // reference count is incremented to count this field value as an 00123 // outstanding reference. 00124 // 00125 // ProcessAuditId - Is an ID assigned to represent the subject's process. 00126 // As an implementation detail, this is the process object's address. 00127 // However, this field should not be treated as a pointer, and the 00128 // reference count of the process object is not incremented to 00129 // count it as an outstanding reference. 00130 // 00131 00132 00133 // begin_ntddk begin_nthal begin_ntifs 00135 // // 00136 // ACCESS_STATE and related structures // 00137 // // 00139 00140 // 00141 // Initial Privilege Set - Room for three privileges, which should 00142 // be enough for most applications. This structure exists so that 00143 // it can be imbedded in an ACCESS_STATE structure. Use PRIVILEGE_SET 00144 // for all other references to Privilege sets. 00145 // 00146 00147 #define INITIAL_PRIVILEGE_COUNT 3 00148 00149 typedef struct _INITIAL_PRIVILEGE_SET { 00150 ULONG PrivilegeCount; 00151 ULONG Control; 00152 LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privilege[INITIAL_PRIVILEGE_COUNT]; 00153 } INITIAL_PRIVILEGE_SET, * PINITIAL_PRIVILEGE_SET; 00154 00155 00156 00157 // 00158 // Combine the information that describes the state 00159 // of an access-in-progress into a single structure 00160 // 00161 00162 00163 typedef struct _ACCESS_STATE { 00164 LUID OperationID; 00165 BOOLEAN SecurityEvaluated; 00166 BOOLEAN GenerateAudit; 00167 BOOLEAN GenerateOnClose; 00168 BOOLEAN PrivilegesAllocated; 00169 ULONG Flags; 00170 ACCESS_MASK RemainingDesiredAccess; 00171 ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess; 00172 ACCESS_MASK OriginalDesiredAccess; 00173 SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext; 00174 PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor; 00175 PVOID AuxData; 00176 union { 00177 INITIAL_PRIVILEGE_SET InitialPrivilegeSet; 00178 PRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet; 00179 } Privileges; 00180 00181 BOOLEAN AuditPrivileges; 00182 UNICODE_STRING ObjectName; 00183 UNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName; 00184 00185 } ACCESS_STATE, *PACCESS_STATE; 00186 00187 // end_ntddk end_nthal end_ntifs 00188 00189 /* 00190 where: 00191 00192 OperationID - an LUID to identify the operation being performed. This 00193 ID will be put in the audit log to allow non-contiguous operations 00194 on the same object to be associated with one another. 00195 00196 SecurityEvaluated - a marker to be set by Parse Methods to indicate 00197 that security access checking and audit logging has been performed. 00198 00199 Flags - Holds misc flags for reference during the access attempt. 00200 00201 AuditHandleCreation - a flag set by SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm to indicate 00202 that auditing is to take place when the handle for the object 00203 is allocated. 00204 00205 RemainingDesiredAccess - Access mask containing the access types that 00206 have not yet been granted. 00207 00208 PreviouslyGrantedAccess - Access mask containing the access types that 00209 have been granted, one way or another (for example, a given access 00210 may be granted as a result of owning a privilege rather than being 00211 in an ACL. A routine can check the privilege and mark the access 00212 as granted without doing a formal access check). 00213 00214 SubjectSecurityContext - The subject's captured security context 00215 00216 PrivilegesAllocated - Flag to indicate whether we have allocated 00217 space for the privilege set from pool memory, so it can be 00218 freed. 00219 00220 SecurityDescriptor - Temporarily contains the security descriptor 00221 for the object being created between the time the user's 00222 security descriptor is captured and the time the security 00223 descriptor is passed to SeAssignSecurity. NO ONE BUT 00224 SEASSIGNSECURITY SHOULD EVER LOOK IN THIS FIELD FOR AN 00225 OBJECT'S SECURITY DESCRIPTOR. 00226 00227 AuxData - points to an auxillary data structure to be used for future 00228 expansion of the access state in an upwardly compatible way. This 00229 field replaces the PrivilegesUsed pointer, which was for internal 00230 use only. 00231 00232 Privileges - A set of privileges, some of which may have the 00233 UsedForAccess bit set. If the pre-allocated number of privileges 00234 is not enough, we will allocate space from pool memory to allow 00235 for growth. 00236 00237 */ 00238 00239 00240 00241 //******************************************************************************* 00242 // * 00243 // Since the AccessState structure is publically exposed to driver * 00244 // writers, this structure contains additional data added after NT 3.51. * 00245 // * 00246 // Its contents must be accessed only through Se level interfaces, * 00247 // never directly by name. * 00248 // * 00249 // This structure is pointed to by the AuxData field of the AccessState. * 00250 // It is allocated by SeCreateAccessState and freed by SeDeleteAccessState. * 00251 // * 00252 // DO NOT EXPOSE THIS STRUCTURE TO THE PUBLIC. * 00253 // * 00254 //******************************************************************************* 00255 00256 00257 typedef struct _AUX_ACCESS_DATA { 00258 PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegesUsed; 00259 GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping; 00260 ACCESS_MASK AccessesToAudit; 00261 } AUX_ACCESS_DATA, *PAUX_ACCESS_DATA; 00262 00263 /* 00264 where: 00265 00266 PrivilegesUsed - Points to the set of privileges used during the access 00267 validation. 00268 00269 GenericMapping - Points to the generic mapping for the object being accessed. 00270 Normally this would be filled in with the generic mapping passed to 00271 SeCreateAccessState, but in the case of the IO system (which does not 00272 know the type of object being accessed until it parses the name), 00273 it must be filled in later. See the discussion of the GenericMapping 00274 parameter in SeCreateAccessState for more details. 00275 00276 AccessToAudit - Used as a temporary holding area for the access mask 00277 to put into the audit record. This field is necessary because the 00278 access being put into the newly created handle may not be the ones 00279 we want to audit. This occurs when a file is opened for read-only 00280 transacted mode, where a read only file is opened for write access. 00281 We don't want to audit the fact that we granted write access, since 00282 we really didn't, and customers would be confused to see the extra 00283 bit in the audit record. 00284 00285 00286 */ 00287 00288 00289 00290 // 00291 // Structure describing whether or not a particular type of event 00292 // is being audited 00293 // 00294 00295 typedef struct _SE_AUDITING_STATE { 00296 BOOLEAN AuditOnSuccess; 00297 BOOLEAN AuditOnFailure; 00298 } SE_AUDITING_STATE, *PSE_AUDITING_STATE; 00299 00300 00301 00302 00303 typedef struct _SE_PROCESS_AUDIT_INFO { 00304 PEPROCESS Process; 00305 PEPROCESS Parent; 00306 } SE_PROCESS_AUDIT_INFO, *PSE_PROCESS_AUDIT_INFO; 00307 00308 00309 00310 00311 /************************************************************ 00312 00313 WARNING WARNING WARNING 00314 00315 00316 Only add new fields to the end of this structure. 00317 00318 00319 *************************************************************/ 00320 00321 // begin_ntifs 00322 00323 typedef struct _SE_EXPORTS { 00324 00325 // 00326 // Privilege values 00327 // 00328 00329 LUID SeCreateTokenPrivilege; 00330 LUID SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege; 00331 LUID SeLockMemoryPrivilege; 00332 LUID SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege; 00333 LUID SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege; 00334 LUID SeTcbPrivilege; 00335 LUID SeSecurityPrivilege; 00336 LUID SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege; 00337 LUID SeLoadDriverPrivilege; 00338 LUID SeCreatePagefilePrivilege; 00339 LUID SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege; 00340 LUID SeSystemProfilePrivilege; 00341 LUID SeSystemtimePrivilege; 00342 LUID SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege; 00343 LUID SeCreatePermanentPrivilege; 00344 LUID SeBackupPrivilege; 00345 LUID SeRestorePrivilege; 00346 LUID SeShutdownPrivilege; 00347 LUID SeDebugPrivilege; 00348 LUID SeAuditPrivilege; 00349 LUID SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege; 00350 LUID SeChangeNotifyPrivilege; 00351 LUID SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege; 00352 00353 00354 // 00355 // Universally defined Sids 00356 // 00357 00358 00359 PSID SeNullSid; 00360 PSID SeWorldSid; 00361 PSID SeLocalSid; 00362 PSID SeCreatorOwnerSid; 00363 PSID SeCreatorGroupSid; 00364 00365 00366 // 00367 // Nt defined Sids 00368 // 00369 00370 00371 PSID SeNtAuthoritySid; 00372 PSID SeDialupSid; 00373 PSID SeNetworkSid; 00374 PSID SeBatchSid; 00375 PSID SeInteractiveSid; 00376 PSID SeLocalSystemSid; 00377 PSID SeAliasAdminsSid; 00378 PSID SeAliasUsersSid; 00379 PSID SeAliasGuestsSid; 00380 PSID SeAliasPowerUsersSid; 00381 PSID SeAliasAccountOpsSid; 00382 PSID SeAliasSystemOpsSid; 00383 PSID SeAliasPrintOpsSid; 00384 PSID SeAliasBackupOpsSid; 00385 00386 // 00387 // New Sids defined for NT5 00388 // 00389 00390 PSID SeAuthenticatedUsersSid; 00391 00392 PSID SeRestrictedSid; 00393 PSID SeAnonymousLogonSid; 00394 00395 // 00396 // New Privileges defined for NT5 00397 // 00398 00399 LUID SeUndockPrivilege; 00400 LUID SeSyncAgentPrivilege; 00401 LUID SeEnableDelegationPrivilege; 00402 00403 } SE_EXPORTS, *PSE_EXPORTS; 00404 00405 // end_ntifs 00406 00407 /************************************************************ 00408 00409 00410 WARNING WARNING WARNING 00411 00412 00413 Only add new fields to the end of this structure. 00414 00415 00416 *************************************************************/ 00417 00418 00419 00420 // begin_ntifs 00422 // // 00423 // Logon session notification callback routines // 00424 // // 00426 00427 // 00428 // These callback routines are used to notify file systems that have 00429 // registered of logon sessions being terminated, so they can cleanup state 00430 // associated with this logon session 00431 // 00432 00433 typedef NTSTATUS 00434 (*PSE_LOGON_SESSION_TERMINATED_ROUTINE)( 00435 IN PLUID LogonId); 00436 00437 // end_ntifs 00438 00439 00440 00441 00442 00444 // // 00445 // Exported Security Macro Definitions // 00446 // // 00448 00449 //++ 00450 // 00451 // ACCESS_MASK 00452 // SeComputeDeniedAccesses( 00453 // IN ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, 00454 // IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess 00455 // ); 00456 // 00457 // Routine Description: 00458 // 00459 // This routine generates an access mask containing those accesses 00460 // requested by DesiredAccess that aren't granted by GrantedAccess. 00461 // The result of this routine may be compared to 0 to determine 00462 // if a DesiredAccess mask contains any accesses that have not 00463 // been granted. 00464 // 00465 // If the result IS ZERO, then all desired accesses have been granted. 00466 // 00467 // Arguments: 00468 // 00469 // GrantedAccess - Specifies the granted access mask. 00470 // 00471 // DesiredAccess - Specifies the desired access mask. 00472 // 00473 // Return Value: 00474 // 00475 // An ACCESS_MASK containing the desired accesses that have 00476 // not been granted. 00477 // 00478 //-- 00479 00480 #define SeComputeDeniedAccesses( GrantedAccess, DesiredAccess ) \ 00481 ((~(GrantedAccess)) & (DesiredAccess) ) 00482 00483 00484 //++ 00485 // 00486 // BOOLEAN 00487 // SeComputeGrantedAccesses( 00488 // IN ACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, 00489 // IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess 00490 // ); 00491 // 00492 // Routine Description: 00493 // 00494 // This routine generates an access mask containing acccesses 00495 // requested by DesiredAccess that are granted by GrantedAccess. 00496 // The result of this routine may be compared to 0 to determine 00497 // if any desired accesses have been granted. 00498 // 00499 // If the result IS NON-ZERO, then at least one desired accesses 00500 // has been granted. 00501 // 00502 // Arguments: 00503 // 00504 // GrantedAccess - Specifies the granted access mask. 00505 // 00506 // DesiredAccess - Specifies the desired access mask. 00507 // 00508 // Return Value: 00509 // 00510 // This routine returns TRUE if the DesiredAccess mask does specifies 00511 // any bits that are set in the GrantedAccess mask. 00512 // 00513 //-- 00514 00515 #define SeComputeGrantedAccesses( GrantedAccess, DesiredAccess ) \ 00516 ((GrantedAccess) & (DesiredAccess) ) 00517 00518 00519 //++ 00520 // 00521 // ULONG 00522 // SeLengthSid( 00523 // IN PSID Sid 00524 // ); 00525 // 00526 // Routine Description: 00527 // 00528 // This routine computes the length of a SID. 00529 // 00530 // Arguments: 00531 // 00532 // Sid - Points to the SID whose length is to be returned. 00533 // 00534 // Return Value: 00535 // 00536 // The length, in bytes of the SID. 00537 // 00538 //-- 00539 00540 #define SeLengthSid( Sid ) \ 00541 (8 + (4 * ((SID *)Sid)->SubAuthorityCount)) 00542 00543 00544 //++ 00545 // BOOLEAN 00546 // SeSameToken ( 00547 // IN PTOKEN_CONTROL TokenControl1, 00548 // IN PTOKEN_CONTROL TokenControl2 00549 // ) 00550 // 00551 // 00552 // Routine Description: 00553 // 00554 // This routine returns a boolean value indicating whether the two 00555 // token control values represent the same token. The token may 00556 // have changed over time, but must have the same authentication ID 00557 // and token ID. A value of TRUE indicates they 00558 // are equal. A value of FALSE indicates they are not equal. 00559 // 00560 // 00561 // 00562 // Arguments: 00563 // 00564 // TokenControl1 - Points to a token control to compare. 00565 // 00566 // TokenControl2 - Points to the other token control to compare. 00567 // 00568 // Return Value: 00569 // 00570 // TRUE => The token control values represent the same token. 00571 // 00572 // FALSE => The token control values do not represent the same token. 00573 // 00574 // 00575 //-- 00576 00577 #define SeSameToken(TC1,TC2) ( \ 00578 ((TC1)->TokenId.HighPart == (TC2)->TokenId.HighPart) && \ 00579 ((TC1)->TokenId.LowPart == (TC2)->TokenId.LowPart) && \ 00580 (RtlEqualLuid(&(TC1)->AuthenticationId,&(TC2)->AuthenticationId)) \ 00581 ) 00582 00583 00584 // begin_ntifs 00585 // 00586 //VOID 00587 //SeDeleteClientSecurity( 00588 // IN PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext 00589 // ) 00590 // 00592 // 00593 //Routine Description: 00594 // 00595 // This service deletes a client security context block, 00596 // performing whatever cleanup might be necessary to do so. In 00597 // particular, reference to any client token is removed. 00598 // 00599 //Arguments: 00600 // 00601 // ClientContext - Points to the client security context block to be 00602 // deleted. 00603 // 00604 // 00605 //Return Value: 00606 // 00607 // 00608 // 00609 //--*/ 00610 //-- 00611 00612 #define SeDeleteClientSecurity(C) { \ 00613 if (SeTokenType((C)->ClientToken) == TokenPrimary) { \ 00614 PsDereferencePrimaryToken( (C)->ClientToken ); \ 00615 } else { \ 00616 PsDereferenceImpersonationToken( (C)->ClientToken ); \ 00617 } \ 00618 } 00619 00620 // end_ntifs 00621 00622 //++ 00623 //VOID 00624 //SeStopImpersonatingClient() 00625 // 00627 // 00628 //Routine Description: 00629 // 00630 // This service is used to stop impersonating a client using an 00631 // impersonation token. This service must be called in the context 00632 // of the server thread which wishes to stop impersonating its 00633 // client. 00634 // 00635 // 00636 //Arguments: 00637 // 00638 // None. 00639 // 00640 //Return Value: 00641 // 00642 // None. 00643 // 00644 //--*/ 00645 //-- 00646 00647 #define SeStopImpersonatingClient() PsRevertToSelf() 00648 00649 00650 #define SeAssertMappedCanonicalAccess( AccessMask ) \ 00651 ASSERT(!( ( AccessMask ) & \ 00652 ( GENERIC_READ | \ 00653 GENERIC_WRITE | \ 00654 GENERIC_EXECUTE | \ 00655 GENERIC_ALL )) \ 00656 ) 00657 /*++ 00658 00659 Routine Description: 00660 00661 This routine asserts that the given AccessMask does not contain 00662 any generic access types. 00663 00664 Arguments: 00665 00666 AccessMask - The access mask to be checked. 00667 00668 Return Value: 00669 00670 None, or doesn't return. 00671 00672 --*/ 00673 00674 00675 00676 #define SeComputeSecurityQuota( Size ) \ 00677 ( \ 00678 ((( Size ) * 2 ) > SE_DEFAULT_SECURITY_QUOTA) ? \ 00679 (( Size ) * 2 ) : SE_DEFAULT_SECURITY_QUOTA \ 00680 ) 00681 00682 /*++ 00683 00684 Routine Description: 00685 00686 This macro computes the amount of quota to charge for 00687 security information. 00688 00689 The current algorithm is to use the larger of twice the size 00690 of the Group + Dacl information being applied and the default as 00691 specified by SE_DEFAULT_SECURITY_QUOTA. 00692 00693 Arguments: 00694 00695 Size - The size in bytes of the Group + Dacl information being applied 00696 to the object. 00697 00698 Return Value: 00699 00700 The size in bytes to charge for security information on this object. 00701 00702 --*/ 00703 00704 // begin_ntifs 00705 00706 //++ 00707 // 00708 // PACCESS_TOKEN 00709 // SeQuerySubjectContextToken( 00710 // IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext 00711 // ); 00712 // 00713 // Routine Description: 00714 // 00715 // This routine returns the effective token from the subject context, 00716 // either the client token, if present, or the process token. 00717 // 00718 // Arguments: 00719 // 00720 // SubjectContext - Context to query 00721 // 00722 // Return Value: 00723 // 00724 // This routine returns the PACCESS_TOKEN for the effective token. 00725 // The pointer may be passed to SeQueryInformationToken. This routine 00726 // does not affect the lock status of the token, i.e. the token is not 00727 // locked. If the SubjectContext has been locked, the token remains locked, 00728 // if not, the token remains unlocked. 00729 // 00730 //-- 00731 00732 #define SeQuerySubjectContextToken( SubjectContext ) \ 00733 ( ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ((PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT) SubjectContext)->ClientToken) ? \ 00734 ((PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT) SubjectContext)->ClientToken : \ 00735 ((PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT) SubjectContext)->PrimaryToken ) 00736 00737 // end_ntifs 00738 00739 00740 00741 00742 00744 // // 00745 // Define the exported procedures that are callable only from kernel mode // 00746 // // 00748 00749 BOOLEAN 00750 SeInitSystem( VOID ); 00751 00752 VOID 00753 SeSetSecurityAccessMask( 00754 IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, 00755 OUT PACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess 00756 ); 00757 00758 VOID 00759 SeQuerySecurityAccessMask( 00760 IN SECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, 00761 OUT PACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess 00762 ); 00763 00764 00765 NTSTATUS 00766 SeDefaultObjectMethod ( 00767 IN PVOID Object, 00768 IN SECURITY_OPERATION_CODE OperationCode, 00769 IN PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, 00770 IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 00771 IN OUT PULONG Length, 00772 IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ObjectsSecurityDescriptor, 00773 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 00774 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping 00775 ); 00776 00777 00778 NTKERNELAPI 00779 NTSTATUS 00780 SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor ( 00781 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR InputSecurityDescriptor, 00782 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00783 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 00784 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture, 00785 OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *OutputSecurityDescriptor 00786 ); 00787 00788 NTKERNELAPI 00789 VOID 00790 SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor ( 00791 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR CapturedSecurityDescriptor, 00792 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00793 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture 00794 ); 00795 00796 // begin_ntifs 00797 00798 NTKERNELAPI 00799 VOID 00800 SeCaptureSubjectContext ( 00801 OUT PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext 00802 ); 00803 00804 NTKERNELAPI 00805 VOID 00806 SeLockSubjectContext( 00807 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext 00808 ); 00809 00810 NTKERNELAPI 00811 VOID 00812 SeUnlockSubjectContext( 00813 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext 00814 ); 00815 00816 NTKERNELAPI 00817 VOID 00818 SeReleaseSubjectContext ( 00819 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext 00820 ); 00821 00822 // end_ntifs 00823 00824 NTSTATUS 00825 SeCaptureSecurityQos ( 00826 IN POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes OPTIONAL, 00827 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00828 IN PBOOLEAN SecurityQosPresent, 00829 IN PSECURITY_ADVANCED_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE CapturedSecurityQos 00830 ); 00831 00832 VOID 00833 SeFreeCapturedSecurityQos( 00834 IN PVOID SecurityQos 00835 ); 00836 00837 NTSTATUS 00838 SeCaptureSid ( 00839 IN PSID InputSid, 00840 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00841 IN PVOID CaptureBuffer OPTIONAL, 00842 IN ULONG CaptureBufferLength, 00843 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 00844 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture, 00845 OUT PSID *CapturedSid 00846 ); 00847 00848 00849 VOID 00850 SeReleaseSid ( 00851 IN PSID CapturedSid, 00852 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00853 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture 00854 ); 00855 00856 00857 NTSTATUS 00858 SeCaptureAcl ( 00859 IN PACL InputAcl, 00860 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00861 IN PVOID CaptureBuffer OPTIONAL, 00862 IN ULONG CaptureBufferLength, 00863 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 00864 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture, 00865 OUT PACL *CapturedAcl, 00866 OUT PULONG AlignedAclSize 00867 ); 00868 00869 00870 VOID 00871 SeReleaseAcl ( 00872 IN PACL CapturedAcl, 00873 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00874 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture 00875 ); 00876 00877 00878 NTSTATUS 00879 SeCaptureLuidAndAttributesArray ( 00880 IN PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES InputArray, 00881 IN ULONG ArrayCount, 00882 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00883 IN PVOID CaptureBuffer OPTIONAL, 00884 IN ULONG CaptureBufferLength, 00885 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 00886 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture, 00887 OUT PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *CapturedArray, 00888 OUT PULONG AlignedArraySize 00889 ); 00890 00891 00892 00893 VOID 00894 SeReleaseLuidAndAttributesArray ( 00895 IN PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES CapturedArray, 00896 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00897 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture 00898 ); 00899 00900 00901 00902 NTSTATUS 00903 SeCaptureSidAndAttributesArray ( 00904 IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES InputArray, 00905 IN ULONG ArrayCount, 00906 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00907 IN PVOID CaptureBuffer OPTIONAL, 00908 IN ULONG CaptureBufferLength, 00909 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 00910 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture, 00911 OUT PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES *CapturedArray, 00912 OUT PULONG AlignedArraySize 00913 ); 00914 00915 00916 VOID 00917 SeReleaseSidAndAttributesArray ( 00918 IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES CapturedArray, 00919 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 00920 IN BOOLEAN ForceCapture 00921 ); 00922 00923 // begin_ntddk begin_ntifs 00924 00925 NTKERNELAPI 00926 NTSTATUS 00927 SeAssignSecurity ( 00928 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ParentDescriptor OPTIONAL, 00929 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ExplicitDescriptor, 00930 OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *NewDescriptor, 00931 IN BOOLEAN IsDirectoryObject, 00932 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext, 00933 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, 00934 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType 00935 ); 00936 00937 NTKERNELAPI 00938 NTSTATUS 00939 SeAssignSecurityEx ( 00940 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ParentDescriptor OPTIONAL, 00941 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ExplicitDescriptor OPTIONAL, 00942 OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *NewDescriptor, 00943 IN GUID *ObjectType OPTIONAL, 00944 IN BOOLEAN IsDirectoryObject, 00945 IN ULONG AutoInheritFlags, 00946 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext, 00947 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, 00948 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType 00949 ); 00950 00951 NTKERNELAPI 00952 NTSTATUS 00953 SeDeassignSecurity ( 00954 IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *SecurityDescriptor 00955 ); 00956 00957 NTKERNELAPI 00958 BOOLEAN 00959 SeAccessCheck ( 00960 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 00961 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 00962 IN BOOLEAN SubjectContextLocked, 00963 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 00964 IN ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, 00965 OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET *Privileges OPTIONAL, 00966 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, 00967 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, 00968 OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, 00969 OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus 00970 ); 00971 00972 // end_ntddk end_ntifs 00973 00974 BOOLEAN 00975 SeProxyAccessCheck ( 00976 IN PUNICODE_STRING Volume, 00977 IN PUNICODE_STRING RelativePath, 00978 IN BOOLEAN ContainerObject, 00979 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 00980 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 00981 IN BOOLEAN SubjectContextLocked, 00982 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 00983 IN ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, 00984 OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET *Privileges OPTIONAL, 00985 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, 00986 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, 00987 OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, 00988 OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus 00989 ); 00990 00991 // begin_ntifs 00992 00993 NTKERNELAPI 00994 BOOLEAN 00995 SePrivilegeCheck( 00996 IN OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET RequiredPrivileges, 00997 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 00998 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 00999 ); 01000 01001 NTKERNELAPI 01002 VOID 01003 SeFreePrivileges( 01004 IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges 01005 ); 01006 01007 // end_ntifs 01008 01009 NTSTATUS 01010 SePrivilegePolicyCheck( 01011 IN OUT PACCESS_MASK RemainingDesiredAccess, 01012 IN OUT PACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, 01013 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext OPTIONAL, 01014 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token OPTIONAL, 01015 OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET *PrivilegeSet, 01016 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode 01017 ); 01018 01019 VOID 01020 SeGenerateMessage ( 01021 IN PSTRING ObjectName, 01022 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01023 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, 01024 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01025 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01026 IN HANDLE AuditPort, 01027 IN HANDLE AlarmPort, 01028 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01029 ); 01030 01031 // begin_ntifs 01032 01033 NTKERNELAPI 01034 VOID 01035 SeOpenObjectAuditAlarm ( 01036 IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, 01037 IN PVOID Object OPTIONAL, 01038 IN PUNICODE_STRING AbsoluteObjectName OPTIONAL, 01039 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01040 IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState, 01041 IN BOOLEAN ObjectCreated, 01042 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01043 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, 01044 OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose 01045 ); 01046 01047 NTKERNELAPI 01048 VOID 01049 SeOpenObjectForDeleteAuditAlarm ( 01050 IN PUNICODE_STRING ObjectTypeName, 01051 IN PVOID Object OPTIONAL, 01052 IN PUNICODE_STRING AbsoluteObjectName OPTIONAL, 01053 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01054 IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState, 01055 IN BOOLEAN ObjectCreated, 01056 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01057 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, 01058 OUT PBOOLEAN GenerateOnClose 01059 ); 01060 01061 VOID 01062 SeDeleteObjectAuditAlarm( 01063 IN PVOID Object, 01064 IN HANDLE Handle 01065 ); 01066 01067 01068 // end_ntifs 01069 01070 VOID 01071 SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm( 01072 IN PVOID Object, 01073 IN HANDLE Handle, 01074 IN BOOLEAN GenerateOnClose 01075 ); 01076 01077 VOID 01078 SeTraverseAuditAlarm( 01079 IN PLUID OperationID, 01080 IN PVOID DirectoryObject, 01081 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01082 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01083 IN BOOLEAN SubjectContextLocked, 01084 IN ACCESS_MASK TraverseAccess, 01085 IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges OPTIONAL, 01086 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01087 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01088 ); 01089 01090 VOID 01091 SeCreateInstanceAuditAlarm( 01092 IN PLUID OperationID OPTIONAL, 01093 IN PVOID Object, 01094 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01095 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01096 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01097 IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges OPTIONAL, 01098 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01099 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01100 ); 01101 01102 VOID 01103 SeCreateObjectAuditAlarm( 01104 IN PLUID OperationID OPTIONAL, 01105 IN PVOID Object, 01106 IN PUNICODE_STRING ComponentName, 01107 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01108 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01109 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01110 IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges OPTIONAL, 01111 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01112 OUT PBOOLEAN AuditPerformed, 01113 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01114 ); 01115 01116 VOID 01117 SeObjectReferenceAuditAlarm( 01118 IN PLUID OperationID OPTIONAL, 01119 IN PVOID Object, 01120 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01121 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01122 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01123 IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges OPTIONAL, 01124 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01125 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01126 ); 01127 01128 NTKERNELAPI 01129 VOID 01130 SePrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm( 01131 IN HANDLE Handle, 01132 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01133 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01134 IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges, 01135 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01136 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01137 ); 01138 01139 BOOLEAN 01140 SeCheckPrivilegedObject( 01141 LUID PrivilegeValue, 01142 HANDLE ObjectHandle, 01143 ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01144 KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode 01145 ); 01146 01147 // begin_ntddk begin_ntifs 01148 01149 NTKERNELAPI 01150 BOOLEAN 01151 SeValidSecurityDescriptor( 01152 IN ULONG Length, 01153 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor 01154 ); 01155 01156 // end_ntddk end_ntifs 01157 01158 01159 01160 //VOID 01161 //SeImplicitObjectAuditAlarm( 01162 // IN PLUID OperationID OPTIONAL, 01163 // IN PVOID Object, 01164 // IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01165 // IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01166 // IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01167 // IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges OPTIONAL, 01168 // IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, 01169 // IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01170 // ); 01171 // 01172 01173 VOID 01174 SeAuditHandleCreation( 01175 IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState, 01176 IN HANDLE Handle 01177 ); 01178 01179 01180 01181 PACCESS_TOKEN 01182 SeMakeSystemToken (); 01183 01184 PACCESS_TOKEN 01185 SeMakeAnonymousLogonToken (); 01186 01187 VOID 01188 SeGetTokenControlInformation ( 01189 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, 01190 OUT PTOKEN_CONTROL TokenControl 01191 ); 01192 01193 //++ 01194 // 01195 // PVOID 01196 // SeTokenObjectType() 01197 // 01198 // Routine Description: 01199 // 01200 // This function returns a pointer to the Token object type structure. 01201 // 01202 // Arguments: 01203 // 01204 // None. 01205 // 01206 // Return Value: 01207 // 01208 // Pointer to the token object type structure. 01209 // 01210 //-- 01211 01212 extern struct _OBJECT_TYPE *SepTokenObjectType; 01213 #define SeTokenObjectType() (PVOID)SepTokenObjectType 01214 01215 NTKERNELAPI // ntifs 01216 TOKEN_TYPE // ntifs 01217 SeTokenType( // ntifs 01218 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token // ntifs 01219 ); // ntifs 01220 01221 SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL 01222 SeTokenImpersonationLevel( 01223 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token 01224 ); 01225 01226 NTKERNELAPI // ntifs 01227 BOOLEAN // ntifs 01228 SeTokenIsAdmin( // ntifs 01229 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token // ntifs 01230 ); // ntifs 01231 01232 01233 NTKERNELAPI // ntifs 01234 BOOLEAN // ntifs 01235 SeTokenIsRestricted( // ntifs 01236 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token // ntifs 01237 ); // ntifs 01238 01239 NTSTATUS 01240 SeSubProcessToken ( 01241 IN PEPROCESS ParentProcess, 01242 OUT PACCESS_TOKEN *ChildToken 01243 ); 01244 01245 VOID 01246 SeAssignPrimaryToken( 01247 IN PEPROCESS Process, 01248 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token 01249 ); 01250 01251 VOID 01252 SeDeassignPrimaryToken( 01253 IN PEPROCESS Process 01254 ); 01255 01256 NTSTATUS 01257 SeExchangePrimaryToken( 01258 IN PEPROCESS Process, 01259 IN PACCESS_TOKEN NewAccessToken, 01260 OUT PACCESS_TOKEN *OldAccessToken 01261 ); 01262 01263 NTSTATUS 01264 SeCopyClientToken( 01265 IN PACCESS_TOKEN ClientToken, 01266 IN SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVEL ImpersonationLevel, 01267 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 01268 OUT PACCESS_TOKEN *DuplicateToken 01269 ); 01270 01271 NTSTATUS 01272 SeFilterToken ( 01273 IN PACCESS_TOKEN ExistingToken, 01274 IN ULONG Flags, 01275 IN PTOKEN_GROUPS SidsToDisable OPTIONAL, 01276 IN PTOKEN_PRIVILEGES PrivilegesToDelete OPTIONAL, 01277 IN PTOKEN_GROUPS RestrictedSids OPTIONAL, 01278 OUT PACCESS_TOKEN * FilteredToken 01279 ); 01280 01281 01282 // begin_ntifs 01283 01284 NTKERNELAPI 01285 NTSTATUS 01286 SeQueryAuthenticationIdToken( 01287 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, 01288 OUT PLUID AuthenticationId 01289 ); 01290 01291 NTKERNELAPI 01292 NTSTATUS 01293 SeQuerySessionIdToken( 01294 IN PACCESS_TOKEN, 01295 IN PULONG pSessionId 01296 ); 01297 01298 NTKERNELAPI 01299 NTSTATUS 01300 SeSetSessionIdToken( 01301 IN PACCESS_TOKEN, 01302 IN ULONG SessionId 01303 ); 01304 01305 NTKERNELAPI 01306 NTSTATUS 01307 SeCreateClientSecurity ( 01308 IN PETHREAD ClientThread, 01309 IN PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE ClientSecurityQos, 01310 IN BOOLEAN RemoteSession, 01311 OUT PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext 01312 ); 01313 01314 NTKERNELAPI 01315 VOID 01316 SeImpersonateClient( 01317 IN PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext, 01318 IN PETHREAD ServerThread OPTIONAL 01319 ); 01320 01321 NTKERNELAPI 01322 NTSTATUS 01323 SeImpersonateClientEx( 01324 IN PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext, 01325 IN PETHREAD ServerThread OPTIONAL 01326 ); 01327 01328 NTKERNELAPI 01329 NTSTATUS 01330 SeCreateClientSecurityFromSubjectContext ( 01331 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectContext, 01332 IN PSECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE ClientSecurityQos, 01333 IN BOOLEAN ServerIsRemote, 01334 OUT PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext 01335 ); 01336 01337 // end_ntifs 01338 01339 // 01340 // Do not export the following routines to drivers. 01341 // If you need to do so, create a new routine that 01342 // does not take the AuxData parameter and export 01343 // that. 01344 // 01345 01346 NTKERNELAPI 01347 NTSTATUS 01348 SeCreateAccessState( 01349 IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState, 01350 IN PAUX_ACCESS_DATA AuxData, 01351 IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, 01352 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping 01353 ); 01354 01355 NTKERNELAPI 01356 VOID 01357 SeDeleteAccessState( 01358 IN PACCESS_STATE AccessState 01359 ); 01360 01361 NTSTATUS 01362 SeUpdateClientSecurity( 01363 IN PETHREAD ClientThread, 01364 IN OUT PSECURITY_CLIENT_CONTEXT ClientContext, 01365 OUT PBOOLEAN ChangesMade, 01366 OUT PBOOLEAN NewToken 01367 ); 01368 01369 BOOLEAN 01370 SeRmInitPhase1( 01371 ); 01372 01373 // begin_ntifs 01374 01375 NTKERNELAPI 01376 NTSTATUS 01377 SeQuerySecurityDescriptorInfo ( 01378 IN PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, 01379 OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01380 IN OUT PULONG Length, 01381 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ObjectsSecurityDescriptor 01382 ); 01383 01384 NTKERNELAPI 01385 NTSTATUS 01386 SeSetSecurityDescriptorInfo ( 01387 IN PVOID Object OPTIONAL, 01388 IN PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, 01389 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01390 IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ObjectsSecurityDescriptor, 01391 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 01392 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping 01393 ); 01394 01395 NTKERNELAPI 01396 NTSTATUS 01397 SeSetSecurityDescriptorInfoEx ( 01398 IN PVOID Object OPTIONAL, 01399 IN PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation, 01400 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR ModificationDescriptor, 01401 IN OUT PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *ObjectsSecurityDescriptor, 01402 IN ULONG AutoInheritFlags, 01403 IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, 01404 IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping 01405 ); 01406 01407 NTKERNELAPI 01408 NTSTATUS 01409 SeAppendPrivileges( 01410 PACCESS_STATE AccessState, 01411 PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges 01412 ); 01413 01414 // end_ntifs 01415 01416 NTSTATUS 01417 SeComputeQuotaInformationSize( 01418 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01419 OUT PULONG Size 01420 ); 01421 01422 VOID 01423 SePrivilegedServiceAuditAlarm ( 01424 IN PUNICODE_STRING ServiceName, 01425 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01426 IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges, 01427 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted 01428 ); 01429 01430 NTKERNELAPI // ntddk ntifs 01431 BOOLEAN // ntddk ntifs 01432 SeSinglePrivilegeCheck( // ntddk ntifs 01433 LUID PrivilegeValue, // ntddk ntifs 01434 KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode // ntddk ntifs 01435 ); // ntddk ntifs 01436 01437 BOOLEAN 01438 SeCheckAuditPrivilege ( 01439 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, 01440 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode 01441 ); 01442 01443 NTSTATUS 01444 SeAssignWorldSecurityDescriptor( 01445 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01446 IN OUT PULONG Length, 01447 IN PSECURITY_INFORMATION SecurityInformation 01448 ); 01449 01450 BOOLEAN 01451 SeFastTraverseCheck( 01452 PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, 01453 ACCESS_MASK TraverseAccess, 01454 KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode 01455 ); 01456 01457 NTKERNELAPI // ntifs 01458 BOOLEAN // ntifs 01459 SeAuditingFileEvents( // ntifs 01460 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, // ntifs 01461 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor // ntifs 01462 ); // ntifs 01463 01464 NTKERNELAPI // ntifs 01465 BOOLEAN // ntifs 01466 SeAuditingFileOrGlobalEvents( // ntifs 01467 IN BOOLEAN AccessGranted, // ntifs 01468 IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, // ntifs 01469 IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext // ntifs 01470 ); // ntifs 01471 01472 VOID 01473 SeAuditProcessCreation( 01474 PEPROCESS Process, 01475 PEPROCESS Parent, 01476 PUNICODE_STRING ImageFileName 01477 ); 01478 01479 VOID 01480 SeAuditProcessExit( 01481 PEPROCESS Process 01482 ); 01483 01484 VOID 01485 SeAuditHandleDuplication( 01486 PVOID SourceHandle, 01487 PVOID NewHandle, 01488 PEPROCESS SourceProcess, 01489 PEPROCESS TargetProcess 01490 ); 01491 01492 // begin_ntifs 01493 01494 VOID 01495 SeSetAccessStateGenericMapping ( 01496 PACCESS_STATE AccessState, 01497 PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping 01498 ); 01499 01500 // end_ntifs 01501 01502 // begin_ntifs 01503 01504 NTKERNELAPI 01505 NTSTATUS 01506 SeRegisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine( 01507 IN PSE_LOGON_SESSION_TERMINATED_ROUTINE CallbackRoutine 01508 ); 01509 01510 NTKERNELAPI 01511 NTSTATUS 01512 SeUnregisterLogonSessionTerminatedRoutine( 01513 IN PSE_LOGON_SESSION_TERMINATED_ROUTINE CallbackRoutine 01514 ); 01515 01516 NTKERNELAPI 01517 NTSTATUS 01518 SeMarkLogonSessionForTerminationNotification( 01519 IN PLUID LogonId 01520 ); 01521 01522 NTKERNELAPI 01523 NTSTATUS 01524 SeQueryInformationToken ( 01525 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, 01526 IN TOKEN_INFORMATION_CLASS TokenInformationClass, 01527 OUT PVOID *TokenInformation 01528 ); 01529 01530 01531 // end_ntifs 01532 01533 NTSTATUS 01534 SeIsChildToken( 01535 IN HANDLE Token, 01536 OUT PBOOLEAN IsChild 01537 ); 01538 01539 NTSTATUS 01540 SeIsChildTokenByPointer( 01541 IN PACCESS_TOKEN Token, 01542 OUT PBOOLEAN IsChild 01543 ); 01544 01545 01546 NTSTATUS 01547 SeFastFilterToken( 01548 IN PACCESS_TOKEN ExistingToken, 01549 IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, 01550 IN ULONG Flags, 01551 IN ULONG GroupCount, 01552 IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES GroupsToDisable OPTIONAL, 01553 IN ULONG PrivilegeCount, 01554 IN PLUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES PrivilegesToDelete OPTIONAL, 01555 IN ULONG SidCount, 01556 IN PSID_AND_ATTRIBUTES RestrictedSids OPTIONAL, 01557 IN ULONG SidLength, 01558 OUT PACCESS_TOKEN * FilteredToken 01559 ); 01560 01562 // // 01563 // Global, READ ONLY, Security variables // 01564 // // 01566 01567 01568 // begin_ntifs 01569 // ************************************************************** 01570 // 01571 // C A V E A T P R O G R A M M E R 01572 // 01573 // 01574 // If you wish to include this file in an NT driver and use SeExports structure 01575 // defined above, you need to call: 01576 // 01577 // 01578 // SeEnableAccessToExports() 01579 // 01580 // exactly once during initialization. 01581 // 01582 // C A V E A T P R O G R A M M E R 01583 // 01584 // ************************************************************** 01585 #if 0 01586 #define SeEnableAccessToExports() SeExports = *(PSE_EXPORTS *)SeExports; 01587 extern PSE_EXPORTS SeExports; // ntifs 01588 #else 01589 #define SeEnableAccessToExports() 01590 extern NTKERNELAPI PSE_EXPORTS SeExports; 01591 #endif 01592 01593 // end_ntifs 01594 01595 // 01596 // Value used to represent the authentication ID of system processes 01597 // 01598 01599 extern LUID SeSystemAuthenticationId; 01600 extern LUID SeAnonymousAuthenticationId; 01601 01602 extern TOKEN_SOURCE SeSystemTokenSource; 01603 01604 // 01605 // Universal well known SIDs 01606 // 01607 01608 extern PSID SeNullSid; 01609 extern PSID SeWorldSid; 01610 extern PSID SeLocalSid; 01611 extern PSID SeCreatorOwnerSid; 01612 extern PSID SeCreatorGroupSid; 01613 extern PSID SeCreatorOwnerServerSid; 01614 extern PSID SeCreatorGroupServerSid; 01615 extern PSID SePrincipalSelfSid; 01616 01617 01618 // 01619 // Sids defined by NT 01620 // 01621 01622 extern PSID SeNtAuthoritySid; 01623 01624 extern PSID SeDialupSid; 01625 extern PSID SeNetworkSid; 01626 extern PSID SeBatchSid; 01627 extern PSID SeInteractiveSid; 01628 extern PSID SeLocalSystemSid; 01629 extern PSID SeAuthenticatedUsersSid; 01630 extern PSID SeAliasAdminsSid; 01631 extern PSID SeRestrictedSid; 01632 extern PSID SeAnonymousLogonSid; 01633 extern PSID SeAliasUsersSid; 01634 extern PSID SeAliasGuestsSid; 01635 extern PSID SeAliasPowerUsersSid; 01636 extern PSID SeAliasAccountOpsSid; 01637 extern PSID SeAliasSystemOpsSid; 01638 extern PSID SeAliasPrintOpsSid; 01639 extern PSID SeAliasBackupOpsSid; 01640 01641 // 01642 // Well known tokens 01643 // 01644 01645 extern PACCESS_TOKEN SeAnonymousLogonToken; 01646 01647 // 01648 // System default DACLs & Security Descriptors 01649 // 01650 01651 extern PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SePublicDefaultSd; 01652 extern PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SePublicDefaultUnrestrictedSd; 01653 extern PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SePublicOpenSd; 01654 extern PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SePublicOpenUnrestrictedSd; 01655 extern PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SeSystemDefaultSd; 01656 extern PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SeUnrestrictedSd; 01657 01658 extern PACL SePublicDefaultDacl; 01659 extern PACL SePublicDefaultUnrestrictedDacl; 01660 extern PACL SePublicOpenDacl; 01661 extern PACL SePublicOpenUnrestrictedDacl; 01662 extern PACL SeSystemDefaultDacl; 01663 extern PACL SeUnrestrictedDacl; 01664 01665 // 01666 // Well known privilege values 01667 // 01668 01669 01670 extern LUID SeCreateTokenPrivilege; 01671 extern LUID SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege; 01672 extern LUID SeLockMemoryPrivilege; 01673 extern LUID SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege; 01674 extern LUID SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege; 01675 extern LUID SeTcbPrivilege; 01676 extern LUID SeSecurityPrivilege; 01677 extern LUID SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege; 01678 extern LUID SeLoadDriverPrivilege; 01679 extern LUID SeCreatePagefilePrivilege; 01680 extern LUID SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege; 01681 extern LUID SeSystemProfilePrivilege; 01682 extern LUID SeSystemtimePrivilege; 01683 extern LUID SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege; 01684 extern LUID SeCreatePermanentPrivilege; 01685 extern LUID SeBackupPrivilege; 01686 extern LUID SeRestorePrivilege; 01687 extern LUID SeShutdownPrivilege; 01688 extern LUID SeDebugPrivilege; 01689 extern LUID SeAuditPrivilege; 01690 extern LUID SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege; 01691 extern LUID SeChangeNotifyPrivilege; 01692 extern LUID SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege; 01693 extern LUID SeUndockPrivilege; 01694 extern LUID SeSyncAgentPrivilege; 01695 extern LUID SeEnableDelegationPrivilege; 01696 01697 01698 // 01699 // Auditing information array 01700 // 01701 01702 extern SE_AUDITING_STATE SeAuditingState[]; 01703 01704 // 01705 // Flag so that other components may quickly check for 01706 // auditing. 01707 // 01708 01709 extern BOOLEAN SeDetailedAuditing; 01710 01711 extern UNICODE_STRING SeSubsystemName; 01712 01713 01714 #endif // _SE_

Generated on Sat May 15 19:41:43 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7