#include "tokenp.h"
#include <sertlp.h>
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Enumerations | |
enum | ACCESS_MASK_FIELD_TO_UPDATE { UpdateRemaining, UpdateCurrentGranted, UpdateCurrentDenied } |
Functions | |
VOID | SepUpdateParentTypeList (IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN ULONG StartIndex) |
VOID | SepAddAccessTypeList (IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN ULONG StartIndex, IN ACCESS_MASK AccessMask, IN ACCESS_MASK_FIELD_TO_UPDATE FieldToUpdate) |
NTSTATUS | SeAccessCheckByType (IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, IN OUT PULONG PrivilegeSetLength, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList) |
VOID | SepMaximumAccessCheck (IN PTOKEN EToken, IN PTOKEN PrimaryToken, IN PACL Dacl, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN ULONG LocalTypeListLength, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN BOOLEAN Restricted) |
VOID | SepNormalAccessCheck (IN ACCESS_MASK Remaining, IN PTOKEN EToken, IN PTOKEN PrimaryToken, IN PACL Dacl, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN ULONG LocalTypeListLength, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST LocalTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN BOOLEAN Restricted) |
BOOLEAN | SepSidInTokenEx (IN PACCESS_TOKEN AToken, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN PSID Sid, IN BOOLEAN DenyAce, IN BOOLEAN Restricted) |
NTSTATUS | SeCaptureObjectTypeList (IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE RequestorMode, OUT PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST *CapturedObjectTypeList) |
VOID | SeFreeCapturedObjectTypeList (IN PVOID ObjectTypeList) |
BOOLEAN | SepObjectInTypeList (IN GUID *ObjectType, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, OUT PULONG ReturnedIndex) |
BOOLEAN | SepSidInToken (IN PACCESS_TOKEN AToken, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN PSID Sid, IN BOOLEAN DenyAce) |
VOID | SepAccessCheck (IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN PTOKEN PrimaryToken, IN PTOKEN ClientToken OPTIONAL, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PIOBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET *Privileges OPTIONAL, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus, IN BOOLEAN ReturnResultList, OUT PBOOLEAN ReturnSomeAccessGranted, OUT PBOOLEAN ReturnSomeAccessDenied) |
NTSTATUS | NtAccessCheck (IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, IN OUT PULONG PrivilegeSetLength, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) |
NTSTATUS | NtAccessCheckByType (IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, IN OUT PULONG PrivilegeSetLength, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) |
NTSTATUS | NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList (IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSID PrincipalSelfSid, IN HANDLE ClientToken, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN POBJECT_TYPE_LIST ObjectTypeList OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ObjectTypeListLength, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET PrivilegeSet, IN OUT PULONG PrivilegeSetLength, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) |
VOID | SeFreePrivileges (IN PPRIVILEGE_SET Privileges) |
BOOLEAN | SeAccessCheck (IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN BOOLEAN SubjectContextLocked, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET *Privileges OPTIONAL, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) |
BOOLEAN | SeProxyAccessCheck (IN PUNICODE_STRING Volume, IN PUNICODE_STRING RelativePath, IN BOOLEAN ContainerObject, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext, IN BOOLEAN SubjectContextLocked, IN ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, IN ACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET *Privileges OPTIONAL, IN PGENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, OUT PACCESS_MASK GrantedAccess, OUT PNTSTATUS AccessStatus) |
NTSTATUS | SePrivilegePolicyCheck (IN OUT PACCESS_MASK RemainingDesiredAccess, IN OUT PACCESS_MASK PreviouslyGrantedAccess, IN PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT SubjectSecurityContext OPTIONAL, IN PACCESS_TOKEN ExplicitToken OPTIONAL, OUT PPRIVILEGE_SET *PrivilegeSet, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode) |
BOOLEAN | SepTokenIsOwner (IN PACCESS_TOKEN EffectiveToken, IN PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, IN BOOLEAN TokenLocked) |
BOOLEAN | SeFastTraverseCheck (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR SecurityDescriptor, ACCESS_MASK TraverseAccess, KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode) |
Definition at line 55 of file accessck.c.
Definition at line 2413 of file accessck.c. References ClientToken, FALSE, NULL, PAGED_CODE, and SeAccessCheckByType(). Referenced by CreateDAclToken(), and TestAccessCheck().
Definition at line 2501 of file accessck.c. References ClientToken, FALSE, PAGED_CODE, and SeAccessCheckByType().
Definition at line 2602 of file accessck.c. References ClientToken, PAGED_CODE, SeAccessCheckByType(), and TRUE.
Definition at line 3323 of file accessck.c. References DbgPrint, EffectiveToken, FALSE, KernelMode, NULL, PAGED_CODE, PSECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT, SeAssertMappedCanonicalAccess, SeLockSubjectContext(), SepAccessCheck(), SepDumpSecurityDescriptor(), SepDumpTokenInfo(), SepTokenIsOwner(), SeUnlockSubjectContext(), and TRUE. Referenced by CmpCheckCreateAccess(), CmpCheckNotifyAccess(), IopParseDevice(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObpCheckObjectReference(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), PspCreateProcess(), PspCreateThread(), PspSetPrimaryToken(), SeProxyAccessCheck(), and TestAccessCheck().
Definition at line 2704 of file accessck.c. References ASSERT, ClientToken, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, ExFreePool(), FALSE, IsValidElementCount, KernelMode, KPROCESSOR_MODE, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, ObDereferenceObject, ObReferenceObjectByHandle(), PAGED_CODE, PagedPool, _SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT::PrimaryToken, ProbeAndReadUlong, ProbeForRead, ProbeForWrite(), ProbeForWriteUlong, PTOKEN, SeCaptureObjectTypeList(), SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor(), SeCaptureSid(), SeCaptureSubjectContext(), SECURITY_SUBJECT_CONTEXT, SeFreeCapturedObjectTypeList(), SeFreePrivileges(), SepAccessCheck(), SepAcquireTokenReadLock, SepPrivilegeSetSize, SepReleaseTokenReadLock, SePrivilegePolicyCheck(), SepTokenIsOwner(), SepTokenObjectType, SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor(), SeReleaseSid(), SeReleaseSubjectContext(), Status, Token, and TRUE. Referenced by NtAccessCheck(), NtAccessCheckByType(), and NtAccessCheckByTypeResultList().
Definition at line 144 of file accessck.c. References _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::CurrentDenied, _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::CurrentGranted, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, ExFreePool(), _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::Flags, IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST, IsValidElementCount, _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::Level, NTSTATUS(), NULL, _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::ObjectType, PAGED_CODE, PagedPool, _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::ParentIndex, ProbeForRead, _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::Remaining, Status, UserMode, and USHORT. Referenced by SeAccessCheckByType(), and SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm().
Definition at line 3871 of file accessck.c. References Dacl, FALSE, FirstAce, KernelMode, NextAce, NULL, PAGED_CODE, RtlEqualSid(), SeWorldSid, and TRUE. Referenced by IopParseDevice(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink(), and ObSetSecurityDescriptorInfo().
Definition at line 353 of file accessck.c. References ExFreePool(), NULL, and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by SeAccessCheckByType(), and SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm().
Definition at line 3294 of file accessck.c. References ExFreePool(), and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by IopParseDevice(), ObCheckCreateObjectAccess(), ObCheckObjectAccess(), ObpCheckTraverseAccess(), and SeAccessCheckByType().
Definition at line 1564 of file accessck.c. References ASSERT, ClientToken, _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::CurrentGranted, Dacl, FALSE, FirstAce, Index, NextAce, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PAGED_CODE, PrimaryToken, PTOKEN, _IOBJECT_TYPE_LIST::Remaining, SeAssertMappedCanonicalAccess, SepAddAccessTypeList(), SepAssemblePrivileges(), SepDumpSecurityDescriptor(), SepDumpTokenInfo(), SepMaximumAccessCheck(), SepNormalAccessCheck(), SepObjectInTypeList(), SepSidInToken(), SepSinglePrivilegeCheck(), SeSecurityPrivilege, SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege, SeTokenIsRestricted(), Status, TRUE, and UpdateRemaining. Referenced by SeAccessCheck(), SeAccessCheckByType(), and SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm().
Definition at line 574 of file accessck.c. References FALSE, Index, PAGED_CODE, SepUpdateParentTypeList(), TRUE, UpdateCurrentDenied, UpdateCurrentGranted, and UpdateRemaining. Referenced by SepAccessCheck(), SepMaximumAccessCheck(), and SepNormalAccessCheck().
Definition at line 992 of file accessck.c. References Dacl, FALSE, FirstAce, Index, NextAce, NULL, PrimaryToken, Restricted, SepAddAccessTypeList(), SepObjectInTypeList(), SepSidInTokenEx(), TRUE, UpdateCurrentDenied, and UpdateCurrentGranted. Referenced by SepAccessCheck().
Definition at line 1304 of file accessck.c. References Dacl, FALSE, FirstAce, Index, NextAce, NULL, PrimaryToken, Restricted, SepAddAccessTypeList(), SepObjectInTypeList(), SepSidInTokenEx(), TRUE, and UpdateRemaining. Referenced by SepAccessCheck().
Definition at line 388 of file accessck.c. References ASSERT, FALSE, Index, PAGED_CODE, and TRUE. Referenced by SepAccessCheck(), SepExamineSaclEx(), SepMaximumAccessCheck(), and SepNormalAccessCheck().
Definition at line 3652 of file accessck.c. References ANYSIZE_ARRAY, EffectiveToken, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, FALSE, NULL, PAGED_CODE, PagedPool, PTOKEN, SepSinglePrivilegeCheck(), SeSecurityPrivilege, SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege, Token, and TRUE. Referenced by SeAccessCheckByType(), and SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm().
Definition at line 3564 of file accessck.c. References SeAccessCheck().
Definition at line 733 of file accessck.c. References FALSE, NULL, PAGED_CODE, PTOKEN, RtlEqualSid(), SepDumpTokenInfo(), SePrincipalSelfSid, Token, and TRUE. Referenced by SepAccessCheck(), SepExamineSacl(), SepExamineSaclEx(), and SepTokenIsOwner().
Definition at line 856 of file accessck.c. References FALSE, NULL, PAGED_CODE, PTOKEN, Restricted, RtlEqualSid(), SepDumpTokenInfo(), SePrincipalSelfSid, Token, and TRUE. Referenced by SepMaximumAccessCheck(), SepNormalAccessCheck(), and SepTokenIsOwner().
Definition at line 3796 of file accessck.c. References ASSERT, EffectiveToken, FALSE, NULL, Owner, PAGED_CODE, PTOKEN, SepAcquireTokenReadLock, SepReleaseTokenReadLock, SepSidInToken(), SepSidInTokenEx(), Token, TOKEN_IS_RESTRICTED, and TRUE. Referenced by SeAccessCheck(), SeAccessCheckByType(), and SepAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm().
Definition at line 441 of file accessck.c. References Index, and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by SepAddAccessTypeList().