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00001 #ifndef MemLink_h 00002 #define MemLink_h 00003 00004 typedef icXYZNumber MyXYZNumber; 00005 00006 struct LHTextType { 00007 OSType base; /* 0x74657874 */ 00008 unsigned long reserved; /* fill with 0x00 */ 00009 unsigned char text[1]; /* count of text is obtained from tag size element */ 00010 }; 00011 typedef struct LHTextType LHTextType; 00012 struct LHTextDescriptionType { 00013 OSType typeDescriptor; /* 0x64657363 */ 00014 unsigned long reserved; /* fill with 0x00 */ 00015 unsigned long ASCIICount; /* the count of "bytes" */ 00016 unsigned char ASCIIName[2]; /* Variable size, to access fields after this one, have to count bytes */ 00017 unsigned long UniCodeCode; 00018 unsigned long UniCodeCount; /* the count of characters, each character has two bytes */ 00019 unsigned char UniCodeName[2]; /* Variable size */ 00020 short ScriptCodeCode; 00021 unsigned char ScriptCodeCount; /* the count of "bytes" */ 00022 unsigned char ScriptCodeName[2]; /* Variable size */ 00023 }; 00024 typedef struct LHTextDescriptionType LHTextDescriptionType; 00025 typedef struct{ 00026 double X;double Y;double Z; 00027 }MyDoubleXYZ; 00028 00029 CMError MyGetColorSpaces( CMConcatProfileSet *profileSet, 00030 UINT32 *sCS, 00031 UINT32 *dCS ); 00032 #define Round(a) (((a)>0.)?((a)+.5):((a)-.5)) 00033 void MakeMyDoubleXYZ( MyXYZNumber *x, MyDoubleXYZ *ret ); 00034 CMError MyAdd_NL_Header( UINT32 theSize, icHeader *linkHeader, 00035 UINT32 aIntent, UINT32 aClass, UINT32 aColorSpace, UINT32 aConnectionSpace ); 00036 CMError MyAdd_NL_DescriptionTag ( LHTextDescriptionType *descPtr, unsigned char *theText ); 00037 CMError MyAdd_NL_ColorantTag ( icXYZType *descPtr, MyXYZNumber *aColor ); 00038 CMError MyAdd_NL_CurveTag ( icCurveType *descPtr, unsigned short Gamma ); 00039 CMError MyAdd_NL_CopyrightTag ( unsigned char *copyrightText, LHTextType *aLHTextType ); 00040 CMError MyAdd_NL_SequenceDescTag( CMConcatProfileSet *profileSet, 00041 icProfileSequenceDescType *pSeqPtr, 00042 long *aSize ); 00043 CMError MyAdd_NL_AToB0Tag_mft1( CMMModelPtr cw, icLut8Type *lutPtr, long colorLutSize ); 00044 CMError MyAdd_NL_AToB0Tag_mft2( CMMModelPtr cw, icLut16Type *lutPtr, long colorLutSize ); 00045 CMError MyAdd_NL_HeaderMS ( UINT32 theSize, icHeader *linkHeader, unsigned long aIntent, icColorSpaceSignature sCS, icColorSpaceSignature dCS ); 00046 00047 CMError DeviceLinkFill( CMMModelPtr cw, 00048 CMConcatProfileSet *profileSet, 00049 icProfile **theProf, 00050 unsigned long aIntent ); 00051 #endif

Generated on Sat May 15 19:40:43 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7