#include <user.h>
Definition at line 1953 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by InitHStrings(), xxxLBInitStorage(), and xxxLBInsertItem(). |
Definition at line 1944 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LastFullVisible(), LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBSetCItemFullMax(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), xxxNewITopEx(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 1949 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by GrowMem(), xxxLBInitStorage(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBResetContent(), and xxxLBSetCount(). |
Definition at line 1956 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBSetTabStops(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), and xxxLBSetFont(). |
Definition at line 1958 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ISelFromPt(), LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBGetItemRect(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBCreate(), and xxxNewITopEx(). |
Definition at line 1957 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by CItemInWindow(), ISelFromPt(), LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBGetItemRect(), LBGetSetItemHeightHandler(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBSetFont(), xxxLBSize(), and xxxNewITopEx(). |
Definition at line 2047 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxFindString(), xxxLBBinarySearchString(), and xxxLBCreate(). |
Definition at line 1979 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1975 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1976 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBSetSel(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1978 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxAlterHilite(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBoxCaretBlinker(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxNewITopEx(), and xxxResetWorld(). |
Definition at line 1966 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInvalidateRect(), xxxLBSetRedraw(), and xxxLBSize(). |
Definition at line 2003 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 1977 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2012 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), and xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(). |
Definition at line 1984 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by GrowMem(), IsSelected(), LBCalcAllocNeeded(), LBGetItemData(), LBSetItemData(), SetSelected(), xxxFindString(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxDeleteItem(), xxxLBoxDoDeleteItems(), xxxLBoxDrawItem(), and xxxLBSetCount(). |
Definition at line 2009 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBGetItemRect(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 2015 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 2019 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBCreate(). |
Definition at line 2021 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(). |
Definition at line 1974 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1990 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1996 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBSetFont(), and xxxLBSize(). |
Definition at line 2013 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBCreate(), and xxxLBPaint(). |
Definition at line 1973 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), and xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(). |
Definition at line 1965 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInvalidateRect(), xxxLBSetCount(), xxxLBSetRedraw(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), xxxLBSize(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 2023 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ISelFromPt(), LBGetItemRect(), LBPrintCallback(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBDrawLBItem(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxNewITopEx(), xxxSetLBScrollParms(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2024 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBCreate(), and xxxLBDrawLBItem(). |
Definition at line 2018 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBSize(). |
Definition at line 2025 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBGetScrollFlags(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), and xxxLBoxCtlScroll(). |
Definition at line 1972 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxFindString(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInsertItem(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(). |
Definition at line 1992 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBPrintCallback(), LBSetTabStops(), xxxLBCreate(), and xxxLBDrawLBItem(). |
Definition at line 2011 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 2016 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 1999 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(), and xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(). |
Definition at line 2046 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBGetDC(), LBInitDC(), LBPrintCallback(), LBReleaseDC(), LBTermDC(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBDrawLBItem(), xxxLBGetBrush(), xxxLBoxDrawItem(), xxxLBPaint(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). |
Definition at line 2041 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBInitDC(), LBTermDC(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBSetFont(). |
Definition at line 2050 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 1952 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by GetLpszItem(), InitHStrings(), xxxDestroyLBox(), xxxFindString(), xxxLBBinarySearchString(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInitStorage(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), and xxxLBResetContent(). |
Definition at line 1954 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by InitHStrings(), xxxLBInitStorage(), xxxLBInsertItem(), and xxxLBoxCtlDelete(). |
Definition at line 2036 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSetSel(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2029 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBResetContent(), xxxLBSetCount(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2032 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSetSel(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1942 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by IsSelected(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), SetSelected(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBResetContent(), xxxLBSetCount(), xxxLBSetCurSel(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1943 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBDrawLBItem(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBResetContent(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBSetCount(), xxxLBSetCurSel(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxLBSize(), xxxSetISelBase(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2040 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBPrintCallback(), LBSetTabStops(), and xxxDestroyLBox(). |
Definition at line 1959 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by _GetListBoxInfo(), CItemInWindow(), ISelFromPt(), LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBGetItemRect(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxNewITopEx(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 2048 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), LBPrintCallback(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), and xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(). |
Definition at line 2043 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBSize(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 1960 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by CItemInWindow(), LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), xxxNewITopEx(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 2045 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSetFont(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2049 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxDestroyLBox(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(). |
Definition at line 1961 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1951 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by GetLpszItem(), GrowMem(), IsSelected(), LBGetItemData(), LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(), LBSetItemData(), LBSetVariableHeightItemHeight(), SetSelected(), xxxDestroyLBox(), xxxFindString(), xxxLBBinarySearchString(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBResetContent(), and xxxLBSetCount(). |
Definition at line 1939 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxDestroyLBox(), xxxFindString(), xxxLBBinarySearchString(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBGetBrush(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBoxDeleteItem(), xxxLBoxDrawItem(), xxxNotifyOwner(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2051 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Definition at line 2042 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBGetItemRect(), LBInitDC(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBResetContent(), xxxLBSetCount(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), xxxLBSize(), xxxSetLBScrollParms(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2027 of file inc/user.h. Referenced by LBGetItemRect(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), and xxxLBPaint(). |