#include <userk.h>
Definition at line 2830 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNSetTimerToCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxMNSelectItem(). |
Definition at line 2839 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNFlushDestroyedPopups(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNEndMenuState(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2859 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNFreePopup(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), and xxxMNOpenHierarchy(). |
Definition at line 2834 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNFlushDestroyedPopups(), xxxDestroyThreadInfo(), xxxEndMenu(), xxxMNCancel(), xxxMNChar(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNEndMenuState(), xxxMNStartMenu(), and xxxMNSwitchToAlternateMenu(). |
Definition at line 2828 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxMNButtonDown(), xxxMNKeyDown(), and xxxMNOpenHierarchy(). |
Definition at line 2818 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNPositionHierarchy(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2823 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxHandleMenuMessages(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2846 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxMNDestroyHandler(), and xxxMNLoop(). |
Definition at line 2852 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNFreePopup(). |
Definition at line 2812 of file userk.h. Referenced by _GetGUIThreadInfo(), GetMenuInheritedContextHelpId(), xxxGetMenuBarInfo(), xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMNKeyDown(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNSelectItem(), and xxxMNStartMenuState(). |
Definition at line 2832 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNSetTimerToCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxMNSelectItem(). |
Definition at line 2819 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNDeleteAdjustIndexes(), MNSetTimerToCloseHierarchy(), MNSetTimerToOpenHierarchy(), xxxInsertMenuItem(), xxxMNButtonUp(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNKeyDown(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxMNPositionHierarchy(). |
Definition at line 2854 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxEndMenu(), xxxEndMenuLoop(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNCancel(), and xxxMNKeyFilter(). |
Definition at line 2816 of file userk.h. Referenced by _GetGUIThreadInfo(), xxxGetMenuBarInfo(), xxxGetSystemMenu(), xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMNCancel(), xxxMNChar(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNDismissWithNotify(), xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint(), xxxMNKeyFilter(), xxxMNLoop(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNSelectItem(), xxxMNStartMenu(), xxxMNSwitchToAlternateMenu(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2817 of file userk.h. Referenced by GetMenuStateWindow(), xxxEndMenu(), xxxEndMenuLoop(), xxxGetSystemMenu(), xxxMNCancel(), xxxMNEndMenuState(), xxxMNLoop(), xxxMNStartMenu(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2829 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMNCancel(), xxxMNLoop(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNStartMenu(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2820 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMNLoop(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2858 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxMNKeyDown(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxMNStartMenuState(). |
Definition at line 2857 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2831 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNSetTimerToOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNButtonUp(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNSelectItem(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2822 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxMNCancel(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2821 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNButtonDown(), xxxMNButtonUp(), and xxxMNKeyFilter(). |
Definition at line 2856 of file userk.h. Referenced by xxxMenuWindowProc(), and xxxMNMouseMove(). |
Definition at line 2860 of file userk.h. Referenced by FindBestPos(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2903 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNDeleteAdjustIndexes(), MNSetTimerToOpenHierarchy(), xxxInsertMenuItem(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxMNSelectItem(). |
Definition at line 2897 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNFlushDestroyedPopups(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), and xxxMNOpenHierarchy(). |
Definition at line 2895 of file userk.h. Referenced by MNFlushDestroyedPopups(), MNFreePopup(), xxxGetMenuBarInfo(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNDoubleClick(), xxxMNKeyDown(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNSelectItem(), xxxMNStartMenuState(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2883 of file userk.h. Referenced by LockPopupMenu(), MNFreePopup(), UnlockPopupMenu(), xxxGetSystemMenu(), xxxMNChar(), xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint(), xxxMNKeyFilter(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNStartMenu(), and xxxMNSwitchToAlternateMenu(). |
Definition at line 2893 of file userk.h. Referenced by GetMenuStateWindow(), MNAnimate(), MNFreePopup(), xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNEndMenuState(), xxxMNHideNextHierarchy(), xxxMNLoop(), xxxMNMouseMove(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNSelectItem(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2874 of file userk.h. Referenced by GetMenuStateWindow(), MNFreePopup(), MNGetPopupFromMenu(), MNSetTimerToCloseHierarchy(), xxxGetMenuBarInfo(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint(), xxxMNHideNextHierarchy(), xxxMNKeyDown(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNPositionHierarchy(), and xxxMNSelectItem(). |
Definition at line 2878 of file userk.h. Referenced by GetMenuInheritedContextHelpId(), MNFreePopup(), xxxMNKeyDown(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxMNSelectItem(). |