Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
DWORD | RtlGetExpWinVer (HANDLE hmod) |
DWORD | FindCharPosition (LPWSTR lpString, WCHAR ch) |
UINT | TextCopy (PLARGE_UNICODE_STRING pstr, LPWSTR pszDst, UINT cchMax) |
DWORD | wcsncpycch (LPWSTR dest, LPCWSTR source, DWORD count) |
DWORD | strncpycch (LPSTR dest, LPCSTR source, DWORD count) |
Definition at line 80 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c. Referenced by MNRecalcTabStrings(), xxxDlgDirListHelper(), xxxMNItemSize(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem().
Definition at line 28 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c. References BYTE, DWORD, FALSE, NULL, and RtlImageNtHeader(). Referenced by xxxCreateThreadInfo().
Definition at line 184 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c. References DWORD. Referenced by CopyOutputString(), and xxxInterSendMsgEx().
Definition at line 108 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c. References _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Buffer, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Length, min, and UINT. Referenced by _GetAltTabInfo(), DlgDirSelectHelper(), DrawSwitchWndHilite(), NtUserInternalGetWindowText(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxDrawCaptionTemp(), and xxxSetFrameTitle().
Definition at line 146 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c. References DWORD. Referenced by _GetKeyNameText(), CopyOutputString(), CreateDlgFont(), FixupDlgFaceName(), GetActiveKeyboardName(), GetDefaultWallpaperName(), LoadKeyboardLayoutFile(), NtUserCreateWindowStation(), NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutName(), xxxInterSendMsgEx(), and xxxShowTooltip().