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tagED Struct Reference

#include <usercli.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

ICH cchAlloc
ICH cchTextMax
ICH cch
ICH cLines
ICH ichMinSel
ICH ichMaxSel
ICH ichCaret
ICH iCaretLine
ICH ichScreenStart
ICH ichLinesOnScreen
UINT xOffset
UINT charPasswordChar
int cPasswordCharWidth
HWND hwnd
PWND pwnd
RECT rcFmt
HWND hwndParent
POINT ptPrevMouse
UINT prevKeys
UINT fSingle: 1
UINT fNoRedraw: 1
UINT fMouseDown: 1
UINT fFocus: 1
UINT fDirty: 1
UINT fDisabled: 1
UINT fNonPropFont: 1
UINT fNonPropDBCS: 1
UINT fBorder: 1
UINT fAutoVScroll: 1
UINT fAutoHScroll: 1
UINT fNoHideSel: 1
UINT fFmtLines: 1
UINT fWrap: 1
UINT fCalcLines: 1
UINT fEatNextChar: 1
UINT fInDialogBox: 1
UINT fReadOnly: 1
UINT fCaretHidden: 1
UINT fTrueType: 1
UINT fAnsi: 1
UINT fWin31Compat: 1
UINT f40Compat: 1
UINT fFlatBorder: 1
UINT fSawRButtonDown: 1
UINT fInitialized: 1
UINT fSwapRoOnUp: 1
UINT fAllowRTL: 1
UINT fDisplayCtrl: 1
UINT fRtoLReading: 1
BOOL fInsertCompChr:1
BOOL fReplaceCompChr:1
BOOL fNoMoveCaret:1
BOOL fResultProcess:1
BOOL fKorea:1
BOOL fInReconversion:1
BOOL fLShift:1
WORD wImeStatus
WORD cbChar
LPICH chLines
UINT format
int maxPixelWidth
int aveCharWidth
int lineHeight
int charOverhang
int cxSysCharWidth
int cySysCharHeight
HWND listboxHwnd
LPINT pTabStops
LPINT charWidthBuffer
BYTE charSet
UINT wMaxNegAcharPos
UINT wMaxNegCcharPos
UINT wLeftMargin
UINT wRightMargin
ICH ichStartMinSel
ICH ichStartMaxSel
HBITMAP hCaretBitmap
INT iCaretOffset
HANDLE hInstance
UCHAR seed
BOOLEAN fEncoded
int iLockLevel
BYTE DBCSVector [8]
HIMC hImcPrev
POINT ptScreenBounding

Member Data Documentation

int tagED::aveCharWidth

Definition at line 677 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetFont(), ECSetMargin(), ECSize(), ECTabTheTextOut(), GetActualNegA(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseToIch(), MLScroll(), MLSetTabStops(), SLCalcStringWidth(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), and SLSetCaretPosition().

WORD tagED::cbChar

Definition at line 661 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), ECCopy(), ECDeleteText(), ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECGetText(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECInsertText(), ECLock(), ECNcCreate(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetText(), ECTabTheTextOut(), ECUnlock(), ECWord(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLBuildchLines(), MLCalcXOffset(), MLDrawText(), MLGetLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseToIch(), MLSetHandle(), MLUpdateiCaretLine(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SLDrawText(), SLMouseToIch(), and SLScrollText().

ICH tagED::cch

Definition at line 557 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECGetText(), ECImeComposition(), ECInsertText(), ECLock(), ECMenu(), ECSetText(), ECUnlock(), ECWord(), EditWndProc(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLBuildchLines(), MLChangeSelection(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLLine(), MLMoveSelection(), MLPaint(), MLSanityCheck(), MLSetHandle(), MLSetSelection(), MLStripCrCrLf(), NextWordCallBack(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLInsertText(), SLKeyDown(), SLMouseMotion(), SLMouseToIch(), and SLScrollText().

ICH tagED::cchAlloc

Definition at line 553 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECInsertText(), ECNcCreate(), ECSetText(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), and MLSetHandle().

ICH tagED::cchTextMax

Definition at line 555 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCreate(), ECImeComposition(), EditWndProc(), MLCreate(), MLInsertText(), and SLInsertText().

int tagED::charOverhang

Definition at line 679 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetFont(), ECTabTheTextOut(), GetActualNegA(), GetNegABCwidthInfo(), SLCalcStringWidth(), SLDrawText(), SLGetClipRect(), and SLIchToLeftXPos().

UINT tagED::charPasswordChar

Definition at line 578 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), ECCopy(), ECEnableDisableIME(), ECMenu(), ECSetFont(), ECSetPasswordChar(), ECUnlock(), ECWord(), EditWndProc(), SLCalcStringWidth(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLGetClipRect(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLInsertText(), and SLMouseToIch().

BYTE tagED::charSet

Definition at line 689 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCreate(), ECInsertText(), and ECSetFont().

LPINT tagED::charWidthBuffer

Definition at line 688 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ECSetFont(), ECTabTheTextOut(), GetActualNegA(), and GetNegABCwidthInfo().

LPICH tagED::chLines

Definition at line 662 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), MLBuildchLines(), MLCalcXOffset(), MLCreate(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLGetLine(), MLIchToLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLInsertchLine(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLLine(), MLLineIndex(), MLLineLength(), MLMouseMotion(), MLMouseToIch(), MLSanityCheck(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLShiftchLines(), and MLUpdateiCaretLine().

ICH tagED::cLines

Definition at line 559 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), EditWndProc(), MLBuildchLines(), MLCreate(), MLDrawText(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLGetLine(), MLIchToLine(), MLInsertchLine(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLLine(), MLLineIndex(), MLMouseToIch(), MLSanityCheck(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLShiftchLines(), and SLCreate().

int tagED::cPasswordCharWidth

Definition at line 582 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), ECSetPasswordChar(), SLCalcStringWidth(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLGetClipRect(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLInsertText(), and SLMouseToIch().

int tagED::cxSysCharWidth

Definition at line 680 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetFont(), and SLSetCaretPosition().

int tagED::cySysCharHeight

Definition at line 681 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetFont().

BYTE tagED::DBCSVector[8]

Definition at line 711 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECGetDBCSVector(), and ECIsDBCSLeadByte().

UINT tagED::f40Compat

Definition at line 642 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECSetFont(), MLChar(), MLEditWndProc(), MLSetCaretPosition(), SLChar(), and SLEditWndProc().

UINT tagED::fAllowRTL

Definition at line 647 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by EditWndProc().

UINT tagED::fAnsi

Definition at line 640 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECAdjustIch(), ECCchInWidth(), ECCopy(), ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECGetControlBrush(), ECGetDBCSVector(), ECGetText(), ECImeComposition(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInsertText(), ECIsCharNumeric(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECNcCreate(), ECNextIch(), ECPrevIch(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetPasswordChar(), ECSetText(), ECTabTheTextOut(), ECWord(), EditWndProc(), EditWndProcWorker(), GetActualNegA(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLBuildchLines(), MLChar(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLLine(), MLMouseMotion(), MLMouseToIch(), MLMoveSelection(), MLPasteText(), MLReplaceSel(), MLSetHandle(), MLSetSelection(), MLStripCrCrLf(), NextWordCallBack(), SLCalcStringWidth(), SLChangeSelection(), SLChar(), SLCreate(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SLGetClipRect(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLInsertText(), SLKeyDown(), SLMouseMotion(), SLMouseToIch(), SLPasteText(), SLReplaceSel(), and SLScrollText().

UINT tagED::fAutoHScroll

Definition at line 609 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCreate(), MLCreate(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), SLInsertText(), and SLScrollText().

UINT tagED::fAutoVScroll

Definition at line 608 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLCreate(), MLDeleteText(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), and MLPasteText().

UINT tagED::fBorder

Definition at line 607 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECSize(), and SLEditWndProc().

UINT tagED::fCalcLines

Definition at line 616 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLBuildchLines().

UINT tagED::fCaretHidden

Definition at line 635 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSize(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetCaretPosition().


Definition at line 611 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECAdjustIch(), ECAnsiPrev(), ECCchInWidth(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECNextIch(), ECPrevIch(), ECSetFont(), ECTabTheTextOut(), MLBuildchLines(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLInsertText(), MLMouseMotion(), MLMouseToIch(), MLSetSelection(), SLCalcStringWidth(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLMouseMotion(), SLMouseToIch(), and SLScrollText().

UINT tagED::fDirty

Definition at line 603 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECInsertText(), ECResetTextInfo(), EditWndProc(), MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), and SLInsertText().

UINT tagED::fDisabled

Definition at line 604 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECGetBrush(), ECNcCreate(), EditWndProc(), MLDrawText(), and MLEditWndProc().

UINT tagED::fDisplayCtrl

Definition at line 648 of file usercli.h.

UINT tagED::fEatNextChar

Definition at line 619 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by SLEditWndProc(), and SLKeyDown().

BOOLEAN tagED::fEncoded

Definition at line 708 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECLock(), ECNcCreate(), ECUnlock(), and MLSetHandle().

UINT tagED::fFlatBorder

Definition at line 643 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECInvalidateClient(), ECNcCreate(), ECSetEditClip(), ECSize(), MLPaint(), and SLPaint().

UINT tagED::fFmtLines

Definition at line 612 of file usercli.h.

UINT tagED::fFocus

Definition at line 602 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECEnableDisableIME(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECMenu(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetFont(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), MLChangeSelection(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLKeyDown(), MLKillFocus(), MLMouseMotion(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetFocus(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SLKillFocus(), SLMouseMotion(), SLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetFocus().

UINT tagED::fInDialogBox

Definition at line 628 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLChar(), MLEditWndProc(), and MLKeyDown().

UINT tagED::fInitialized

Definition at line 645 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by EditWndProcWorker().

BOOL tagED::fInReconversion

Definition at line 656 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), and EditWndProc().

BOOL tagED::fInsertCompChr

Definition at line 651 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECInitInsert(), ECResultStrHandler(), and EditWndProc().

BOOL tagED::fKorea

Definition at line 655 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECInitInsert(), EditWndProc(), and HanjaKeyHandler().

BOOL tagED::fLShift

Definition at line 657 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by EditWndProc().

UINT tagED::fMouseDown

Definition at line 601 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImeComposition(), EditWndProc(), MLChar(), MLEditWndProc(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), SLChar(), SLEditWndProc(), SLKeyDown(), and SLMouseMotion().

UINT tagED::fNoHideSel

Definition at line 610 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCreate(), MLChangeSelection(), MLDrawText(), MLKillFocus(), MLSetFocus(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawText(), SLKillFocus(), SLMouseMotion(), and SLSetFocus().

BOOL tagED::fNoMoveCaret

Definition at line 653 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECInitInsert(), and ECResultStrHandler().

UINT tagED::fNonPropDBCS

Definition at line 606 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetFont().

UINT tagED::fNonPropFont

Definition at line 605 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), ECSetFont(), SLCalcStringWidth(), and SLIchToLeftXPos().

UINT tagED::fNoRedraw

Definition at line 600 of file usercli.h.

UINT tagED::format

Definition at line 664 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCreate(), ECUpdateFormat(), EditWndProc(), MLCalcXOffset(), MLCreate(), MLDrawText(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLInsertText(), MLMouseToIch(), MLScroll(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SLChar(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLGetClipRect(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLMouseToIch(), and SLScrollText().

UINT tagED::fReadOnly

Definition at line 632 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECClearText(), ECCutText(), ECEnableDisableIME(), ECGetBrush(), ECMenu(), ECNcCreate(), EditWndProc(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLChar(), MLEditWndProc(), MLKeyDown(), SLChar(), SLEditWndProc(), and SLKeyDown().

BOOL tagED::fReplaceCompChr

Definition at line 652 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECInitInsert(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetCaretHandler(), EditWndProc(), and HanjaKeyHandler().

BOOL tagED::fResultProcess

Definition at line 654 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECInitInsert(), and ECResultStrHandler().

UINT tagED::fRtoLReading

Definition at line 649 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECUpdateFormat(), EditWndProc(), MLInsertText(), and MLScroll().

UINT tagED::fSawRButtonDown

Definition at line 644 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by EditWndProc().

UINT tagED::fSingle

Definition at line 599 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECCchInWidth(), ECClearText(), ECGetBrush(), ECImeComposition(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECNcCreate(), ECResetTextInfo(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetFont(), ECSetText(), ECSize(), and EditWndProc().


Definition at line 624 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLInsertCrCrLf().

UINT tagED::fSwapRoOnUp

Definition at line 646 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by EditWndProc().

UINT tagED::fTrueType

Definition at line 639 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECSetFont(), ECTabTheTextOut(), GetActualNegA(), and SLDrawText().

UINT tagED::fWin31Compat

Definition at line 641 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), and ECResetTextInfo().

UINT tagED::fWrap

Definition at line 615 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetEditClip(), ECSetFont(), ECUpdateFormat(), MLBuildchLines(), MLCreate(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and MLSize().

HBITMAP tagED::hCaretBitmap

Definition at line 703 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcDestroyHandler().

HANDLE tagED::hFont

Definition at line 674 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECGetEditDC(), ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECSetFont(), EditWndProc(), MLPaint(), MLScroll(), and SLPaint().

HIMC tagED::hImcPrev

Definition at line 712 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECEnableDisableIME(), and ECNcCreate().

HANDLE tagED::hInstance

Definition at line 706 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECInsertText(), ECLock(), ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ECSetText(), ECUnlock(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), and MLSetHandle().

HANDLE tagED::hText

Definition at line 552 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECDeleteText(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECInsertText(), ECLock(), ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ECSetText(), ECUnlock(), MLEditWndProc(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), and MLSetHandle().

HWND tagED::hwnd

Definition at line 584 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECClearText(), ECCopy(), ECCutText(), ECEnableDisableIME(), ECGetControlBrush(), ECGetEditDC(), ECImeComposition(), ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECInvalidateClient(), ECNcCreate(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECResetTextInfo(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetFont(), ECSetText(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLChangeSelection(), MLChar(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), MLPasteText(), MLReplaceSel(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetFocus(), MLSetTabStops(), MLUndo(), SLChangeSelection(), SLChar(), SLEditWndProc(), SLKeyDown(), SLKillFocus(), SLMouseMotion(), SLPaint(), SLPaste(), SLPasteText(), SLReplaceSel(), SLSetFocus(), and SLUndo().

HWND tagED::hwndParent

Definition at line 587 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECNotifyParent(), MLEditWndProc(), MLKeyDown(), MLScroll(), SLChar(), SLEditWndProc(), SLKeyDown(), and SLKillFocus().

ICH tagED::iCaretLine

Definition at line 566 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLLineIndex(), MLMouseMotion(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetSelection(), and MLUpdateiCaretLine().

INT tagED::iCaretOffset

Definition at line 704 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetCaretPosition().

ICH tagED::ichCaret

Definition at line 564 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECImeComposition(), ECInsertText(), ECResetTextInfo(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetText(), EditWndProc(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLChar(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetSelection(), MLStripCrCrLf(), MLUpdateiCaretLine(), SLChar(), SLKeyDown(), SLKillFocus(), SLMouseMotion(), SLScrollText(), SLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetSelection().

ICH tagED::ichLinesOnScreen

Definition at line 574 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), MLMouseToIch(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and MLSize().

ICH tagED::ichMaxSel

Definition at line 563 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCalcChangeSelection(), ECClearText(), ECCopy(), ECCutText(), ECDeleteText(), ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECImeComposition(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECInsertText(), ECMenu(), ECResetTextInfo(), EditWndProc(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLChangeSelection(), MLChar(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLKeyDown(), MLKillFocus(), MLLineLength(), MLMouseMotion(), MLSetFocus(), MLStripCrCrLf(), SLChangeSelection(), SLChar(), SLDrawText(), SLGetBlkEnd(), SLKeyDown(), SLKillFocus(), SLMouseMotion(), and SLSetSelection().

ICH tagED::ichMinSel

Definition at line 561 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCalcChangeSelection(), ECClearText(), ECCopy(), ECCutText(), ECDeleteText(), ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECImeComposition(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInsertText(), ECMenu(), ECResetTextInfo(), EditWndProc(), HanjaKeyHandler(), MLChangeSelection(), MLChar(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLIchToLine(), MLKeyDown(), MLKillFocus(), MLLineLength(), MLMouseMotion(), MLSetFocus(), MLStripCrCrLf(), SLChangeSelection(), SLChar(), SLDrawText(), SLGetBlkEnd(), SLKeyDown(), SLKillFocus(), and SLMouseMotion().

ICH tagED::ichScreenStart

Definition at line 570 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), MLBuildchLines(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLInsertText(), MLMouseToIch(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), SLCalcXOffsetLeft(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SLGetClipRect(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLMouseToIch(), and SLScrollText().

ICH tagED::ichStartMaxSel

Definition at line 700 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLMouseMotion(), and SLMouseMotion().

ICH tagED::ichStartMinSel

Definition at line 699 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLMouseMotion(), and SLMouseMotion().

int tagED::iLockLevel

Definition at line 709 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECLock(), ECNcCreate(), and ECUnlock().

int tagED::lineHeight

Definition at line 678 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetFont(), ECSize(), ECTabTheTextOut(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseToIch(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetFocus(), MLSize(), SLEditWndProc(), and SLSetFocus().

HWND tagED::listboxHwnd

Definition at line 682 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), SLChar(), SLCreate(), SLEditWndProc(), SLKeyDown(), SLKillFocus(), and SLMouseMotion().


Definition at line 667 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECWord(), EditWndProc(), MLBuildchLines(), and NextWordCallBack().

int tagED::maxPixelWidth

Definition at line 670 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLBuildchLines(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), and MLScroll().


Definition at line 702 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCreate(), ECDeleteText(), ECInsertText(), ECMenu(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ECPrevIch(), ECSetEditClip(), ECSetFont(), ECWord(), EditWndProc(), MLBuildchLines(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseToIch(), MLMoveSelectionRestricted(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetFocus(), NextWordLpkCallBack(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SLGetClipRect(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLKeyDown(), SLMouseToIch(), SLMoveSelectionRestricted(), SLScrollText(), SLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetFocus().

UINT tagED::prevKeys

Definition at line 596 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), and MLMouseMotion().

LPINT tagED::pTabStops

Definition at line 684 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ECTabTheTextOut(), and MLSetTabStops().

POINT tagED::ptPrevMouse

Definition at line 593 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), and MLMouseMotion().

POINT tagED::ptScreenBounding

Definition at line 713 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), and EditWndProc().

PWND tagED::pwnd

Definition at line 585 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCreate(), ECImeComposition(), ECInsertText(), ECInvalidateClient(), ECNotifyParent(), ECResetTextInfo(), ECSetEditClip(), ECSetPasswordChar(), ECSize(), MLChangeSelection(), MLChar(), MLCreate(), MLDeleteText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLKillFocus(), MLPaint(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetFocus(), SLChangeSelection(), SLChar(), SLCreate(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SLPaint(), and SLReplaceSel().

RECT tagED::rcFmt

Definition at line 586 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECSetEditClip(), ECSetMargin(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), MLBuildchLines(), MLCalcXOffset(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), MLMouseToIch(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSize(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLGetClipRect(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLInsertText(), SLMouseToIch(), SLScrollText(), and SLSetCaretPosition().

UCHAR tagED::seed

Definition at line 707 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECLock(), and ECUnlock().


Definition at line 672 of file usercli.h.

WORD tagED::wImeStatus

Definition at line 659 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECNcCreate(), and EditWndProc().

UINT tagED::wLeftMargin

Definition at line 696 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetEditClip(), ECSetMargin(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLInsertText(), MLScroll(), SLDrawText(), and SLScrollText().

UINT tagED::wMaxNegA

Definition at line 692 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECSetFont(), ECSetMargin(), ECTabTheTextOut(), and SLDrawText().

UINT tagED::wMaxNegAcharPos

Definition at line 693 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetFont(), GetActualNegA(), MLDrawText(), MLInsertText(), and SLDrawLine().

UINT tagED::wMaxNegC

Definition at line 694 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetFont(), ECSetMargin(), ECTabTheTextOut(), MLDrawText(), and SLDrawText().

UINT tagED::wMaxNegCcharPos

Definition at line 695 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetFont(), MLDrawText(), SLChar(), and SLDrawLine().

UINT tagED::wRightMargin

Definition at line 697 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECSetEditClip(), ECSetMargin(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLInsertText(), MLScroll(), and SLDrawText().

UINT tagED::xOffset

Definition at line 575 of file usercli.h.

Referenced by ECGetEditDC(), ECResetTextInfo(), MLBuildchLines(), MLDrawText(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLInsertText(), MLMouseToIch(), MLPaint(), and MLScroll().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sat May 15 19:46:30 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7