#include "winerrp.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
union | tagALWAYSZERO |
struct | tagSIZERECT |
struct | _CAPTUREBUF |
struct | _LARGE_STRING |
struct | _CTLCOLOR |
struct | _CALLBACKWND |
struct | _CLIENTINFO |
struct | _PROPSET |
struct | tagEVENT_PACKET |
struct | POINT5 |
struct | _PFNCLIENT |
struct | tagOEMBITMAPINFO |
struct | tagSERVERINFO |
struct | _WNDMSG |
struct | tagSHAREDINFO |
struct | _USERCONNECT |
struct | tagGETCLIPBDATA |
struct | tagSETCLIPBDATA |
struct | tagHANDLETYPEINFO |
struct | _HEAD |
struct | _THROBJHEAD |
struct | _PROCOBJHEAD |
struct | _PROCMARKHEAD |
struct | _DESKHEAD |
struct | _DESKOBJHEAD |
struct | _THRDESKHEAD |
struct | _PROCDESKHEAD |
struct | _HANDLEENTRY |
struct | _CALLPROCDATA |
struct | tagCOMMON_WNDCLASS |
struct | tagCLSMENUNAME |
struct | tagCLS |
struct | tagSBDATA |
struct | tagSBINFO |
struct | tagPROP |
struct | tagPROPLIST |
struct | tagWND |
struct | tagCBox |
struct | tagCOMBOWND |
struct | _SCROLLPOS |
struct | tagLBIV |
struct | tagLBWND |
struct | tagIMC |
struct | tagHOOK |
struct | tagNAMELIST |
struct | tagMONITOR |
struct | tagDISPLAYINFO |
struct | tagDESKTOPINFO |
struct | tagCURSORDATA |
struct | tagCURSORFIND |
struct | tagITEM |
struct | tagMENU |
struct | tagDLGENUMDATA |
struct | tagSBCALC |
struct | tagSBTRACK |
struct | _DLG |
struct | _DIALOG |
struct | tagCARET |
struct | tagSBWND |
struct | tagSNDMSGTIMEOUT |
struct | tagBUTN |
struct | tagBUTNWND |
struct | tagIMEUI |
struct | tagIMEWND |
struct | _MSGBOXDATA |
struct | tagLPKEDITCALLOUT |
struct | tagMSG_TABLE_ENTRY |
struct | tagMNDRAGOVERINFO |
Defines | |
#define | FASTCALL |
#define | UTCHAR UCHAR |
#define | ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a) / sizeof((a)[0])) |
#define | ICON_PROP_NAME L"SysIC" |
#define | DbgPrint UserDbgPrint |
#define | ZERO(t) ((*(t *)&gZero)) |
#define | PZERO(t) ((t *)&gZero) |
#define | GET_X_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)LOWORD(lp)) |
#define | GET_Y_LPARAM(lp) ((int)(short)HIWORD(lp)) |
#define | TEST_FLAG(field, flag) ((field) & (flag)) |
#define | TEST_BOOL_FLAG(field, flag) (((field) & (flag)) != 0) |
#define | SET_FLAG(field, flag) ((field) |= (flag)) |
#define | CLEAR_FLAG(field, flag) ((field) &= ~(flag)) |
#define | TOGGLE_FLAG(field, flag) ((field ^= (flag)) |
#define | COPY_FLAG(fieldDst, fieldSrc, flag) ((fieldDst) ^= ((fieldDst) ^ (fieldSrc)) & (flag)) |
#define | SET_OR_CLEAR_FLAG(field, flag, fset) COPY_FLAG((field), -!!(fset), (flag)) |
#define | GetClientInfo() ((PCLIENTINFO)((NtCurrentTeb())->Win32ClientInfo)) |
#define | SYSMET(i) ((int)gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_##i]) |
#define | SYSMETRTL(i) ((int)gpsi->aiSysMet[SM_##i]) |
#define | SYSRGB(i) gpsi->argbSystem[COLOR_##i] |
#define | SYSRGBRTL(i) gpsi->argbSystem[COLOR_##i] |
#define | SYSHBR(i) ahbrSystem[COLOR_##i] |
#define | SYSHBRRTL(i) ahbrSystem[COLOR_##i] |
#define | DESTINATION (DWORD)0x00AA0000 |
#define | SOURCE (DWORD)0x00CC0000 |
#define | PATTERN (DWORD)0x00F00000 |
#define | BI_CHECKBOX 0 |
#define | BI_RADIOBUTTON 1 |
#define | BI_3STATE 2 |
#define | NUM_BUTTON_TYPES 3 |
#define | NUM_BUTTON_STATES 4 |
#define | MAX_MB_STRINGS 9 |
#define | CopyRect CopyRectInl |
#define | EqualRect EqualRectInl |
#define | SetRectEmpty SetRectEmptyInl |
#define | TEXT_FN(fn) fn##A |
#define | BYTESTOCHARS(cb) (cb) |
#define | CHARSTOBYTES(cch) (cch) |
#define | INFOCLASS MAKEINTATOM(0x8005) |
#define | MENUCLASS MAKEINTATOM(0x8000) /* Public Knowledge */ |
#define | IDSYS_WNDTRACKING 0x0000FFF7L |
#define | IDSYS_FLASHWND 0x0000FFF8L |
#define | IDSYS_MOUSEHOVER 0x0000FFFAL |
#define | IDSYS_MNANIMATE 0x0000FFFBL |
#define | IDSYS_LBSEARCH 0x0000FFFCL |
#define | IDSYS_STANIMATE 0x0000FFFDL |
#define | IDSYS_MNSHOW 0x0000FFFEL |
#define | IDSYS_SCROLL 0x0000FFFEL |
#define | IDSYS_MNHIDE 0x0000FFFFL |
#define | IDSYS_CARET 0x0000FFFFL |
#define | CODEBIT 0x80 |
#define | BUTTONCODE 0x80 |
#define | EDITCODE 0x81 |
#define | STATICCODE 0x82 |
#define | LISTBOXCODE 0x83 |
#define | SCROLLBARCODE 0x84 |
#define | COMBOBOXCODE 0x85 |
#define | MDICLIENTCODE 0x86 |
#define | COMBOLISTBOXCODE 0x87 |
#define | ICLS_BUTTON 0 |
#define | ICLS_EDIT 1 |
#define | ICLS_STATIC 2 |
#define | ICLS_LISTBOX 3 |
#define | ICLS_SCROLLBAR 4 |
#define | ICLS_COMBOBOX 5 |
#define | ICLS_CTL_MAX 6 |
#define | ICLS_DESKTOP 6 |
#define | ICLS_DIALOG 7 |
#define | ICLS_MENU 8 |
#define | ICLS_SWITCH 9 |
#define | ICLS_ICONTITLE 10 |
#define | ICLS_MDICLIENT 11 |
#define | ICLS_COMBOLISTBOX 12 |
#define | ICLS_DDEMLEVENT 13 |
#define | ICLS_DDEMLMOTHER 14 |
#define | ICLS_DDEML16BIT 15 |
#define | ICLS_DDEMLCLIENTA 16 |
#define | ICLS_DDEMLCLIENTW 17 |
#define | ICLS_DDEMLSERVERA 18 |
#define | ICLS_DDEMLSERVERW 19 |
#define | ICLS_IME 20 |
#define | ICLS_TOOLTIP 21 |
#define | ICLS_MAX 22 |
#define | WINSTA_DIR L"\\Windows\\WindowStations" |
#define | WINSTA_SESSION_DIR L"\\Sessions\\xxxxxxxxxxx\\Windows\\WindowStations" |
#define | WINSTA_NAME L"Service-0x0000-0000$" |
#define | MAX_SESSION_PATH 256 |
#define | SESSION_ROOT L"\\Sessions" |
#define | IS_PTR(p) ((((ULONG_PTR)(p)) & ~MAXUSHORT) != 0) |
#define | PTR_TO_ID(p) ((USHORT)(((ULONG_PTR)(p)) & MAXUSHORT)) |
#define | VER50 0x0500 |
#define | VER40 0x0400 |
#define | VER31 0x030A |
#define | VER30 0x0300 |
#define | Is500Compat(dwExpWinVer) (LOWORD(dwExpWinVer) >= VER50) |
#define | Is400Compat(dwExpWinVer) (LOWORD(dwExpWinVer) >= VER40) |
#define | Is310Compat(dwExpWinVer) (LOWORD(dwExpWinVer) >= VER31) |
#define | Is300Compat(dwExpWinVer) (LOWORD(dwExpWinVer) >= VER30) |
#define | CVKKEYCACHE 32 |
#define | CI_IN_SYNC_TRANSACTION 0x00000001 |
#define | CI_PROCESSING_QUEUE 0x00000002 |
#define | CI_16BIT 0x00000004 |
#define | CI_INITIALIZED 0x00000008 |
#define | CI_INTERTHREAD_HOOK 0x00000010 |
#define | CI_REGISTERCLASSES 0x00000020 |
#define | THREAD_CODEPAGE() (GetClientInfo()->CodePage) |
#define | WMCR_IR_DBCSCHAR 0x80000000 |
#define | IS_DBCS_MESSAGE(DbcsChar) (((DWORD)(DbcsChar)) & 0x0000FF00) |
#define | MAKE_IR_DBCSCHAR(DbcsChar) |
#define | MAKE_WPARAM_DBCSCHAR(DbcsChar) |
#define | DBCS_CHARSIZE (2) |
#define | IMM_MAGIC_CALLER_ID (0x19650412) |
#define | WMCS_EXIT 0x0001 |
#define | WMCS_QUERYEND 0x0002 |
#define | WMCS_SHUTDOWN 0x0004 |
#define | WMCS_CONTEXTLOGOFF 0x0008 |
#define | WMCS_ENDTASK 0x0010 |
#define | WMCS_CONSOLE 0x0020 |
#define | WMCS_NODLGIFHUNG 0x0040 |
#define | WMCS_NORETRY 0x0080 |
#define | WMCS_LOGOFF ENDSESSION_LOGOFF /* from winuser.w */ |
#define | WMCSR_DONE 2 |
#define | WMCSR_CANCEL 3 |
#define | MultDiv(x, y, z) (((INT)(x) * (INT)(y) + (INT)(z) / 2) / (INT)(z)) |
#define | MFISPOPUP 0x00000001 |
#define | MFMULTIROW 0x00000002 |
#define | MFUNDERLINE 0x00000004 |
#define | MFWINDOWDC 0x00000008 /* Window DC vs Client area DC when drawing*/ |
#define | MFINACTIVE 0x00000010 |
#define | MFRTL 0x00000020 |
#define | MFDESKTOP 0x00000040 |
#define | MFSYSMENU 0x00000080 |
#define | MFLAST 0x00000080 |
#define | GWLP_INSTANCE_INFO 0 |
#define | GWLP_PCI 0 |
#define | GWL_CONVCONTEXT GWLP_PCI + sizeof(PVOID) |
#define | GWLP_SHINST GWL_CONVSTATE + sizeof(LONG) |
#define | GWLP_CHINST GWLP_SHINST + sizeof(HANDLE) |
#define | CLST_CONNECTED 0 |
#define | GWLP_PSI 0 |
#define | GWLP_PSII 0 |
#define | DF_SHIFT0 0x0000 |
#define | DF_SHIFT1 0x0001 |
#define | DF_SHIFT2 0x0002 |
#define | DF_SHIFT3 0x0003 |
#define | DF_PATCOPY 0x0000 |
#define | DF_PATINVERT 0x0004 |
#define | DF_MENU (COLOR_MENU << 3) |
#define | DF_WINDOW (COLOR_WINDOW << 3) |
#define | DF_3DSHADOW (COLOR_3DSHADOW << 3) |
#define | DF_3DFACE (COLOR_3DFACE << 3) |
#define | DF_GRAY (COLOR_MAX << 3) |
#define | WS_EX_MDICHILD 0x00000040L |
#define | WS_EX_ANSICREATOR 0x80000000L |
#define | FIELD_SIZE(type, field) (sizeof(((type *)0)->field)) |
#define | FLASTKEY 0x80 |
#define | FNID_START 0x0000029A |
#define | FNID_WNDPROCSTART 0x0000029A |
#define | FNID_SCROLLBAR 0x0000029A |
#define | FNID_ICONTITLE 0x0000029B |
#define | FNID_MENU 0x0000029C |
#define | FNID_DESKTOP 0x0000029D |
#define | FNID_DEFWINDOWPROC 0x0000029E |
#define | FNID_WNDPROCEND 0x0000029E |
#define | FNID_CONTROLSTART 0x0000029F |
#define | FNID_BUTTON 0x0000029F |
#define | FNID_COMBOBOX 0x000002A0 |
#define | FNID_COMBOLISTBOX 0x000002A1 |
#define | FNID_DIALOG 0x000002A2 |
#define | FNID_EDIT 0x000002A3 |
#define | FNID_LISTBOX 0x000002A4 |
#define | FNID_MDICLIENT 0x000002A5 |
#define | FNID_STATIC 0x000002A6 |
#define | FNID_IME 0x000002A7 |
#define | FNID_CONTROLEND 0x000002A7 |
#define | FNID_HKINLPCWPEXSTRUCT 0x000002A8 |
#define | FNID_DEFFRAMEPROC 0x000002AA |
#define | FNID_DEFMDICHILDPROC 0x000002AB |
#define | FNID_MB_DLGPROC 0x000002AC |
#define | FNID_SENDMESSAGE 0x000002AE |
#define | FNID_SENDMESSAGEFF 0x000002AF |
#define | FNID_SENDMESSAGEEX 0x000002B0 |
#define | FNID_CALLWINDOWPROC 0x000002B1 |
#define | FNID_SENDMESSAGEBSM 0x000002B2 |
#define | FNID_SWITCH 0x000002B3 |
#define | FNID_TOOLTIP 0x000002B4 |
#define | FNID_END 0x000002B4 |
#define | FNID_ARRAY_SIZE 32 |
#define | FNID_DDE_BIT 0x00002000 |
#define | FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT 0x00004000 |
#define | FNID_DELETED_BIT 0x00008000 |
#define | FNID(s) (gpsi->mpFnidPfn[((DWORD)(s) - FNID_START) & (FNID_ARRAY_SIZE - 1)]) |
#define | STOCID(s) (gpsi->aStoCidPfn[(DWORD)((s) & ~FNID_STATUS_BITS) - FNID_START]) |
#define | CBFNID(s) (gpsi->mpFnid_serverCBWndProc[(DWORD)((s) & ~FNID_STATUS_BITS) - FNID_START]) |
#define | GETFNID(pwnd) ((pwnd)->fnid & ~FNID_STATUS_BITS) |
#define | FNID_TO_CLIENT_PFNA(s) (*(((ULONG_PTR *)&gpsi->apfnClientA) + (s - FNID_START))) |
#define | FNID_TO_CLIENT_PFNW(s) (*(((ULONG_PTR *)&gpsi->apfnClientW) + (s - FNID_START))) |
#define | FNID_TO_CLIENT_PFNWORKER(s) (*(((ULONG_PTR *)&gpsi->apfnClientWorker) + (s - FNID_CONTROLSTART))) |
#define | TYPE_FREE 0 |
#define | TYPE_WINDOW 1 |
#define | TYPE_MENU 2 |
#define | TYPE_CURSOR 3 |
#define | TYPE_HOOK 5 |
#define | TYPE_CLIPDATA 6 |
#define | TYPE_CALLPROC 7 |
#define | TYPE_ACCELTABLE 8 |
#define | TYPE_DDEACCESS 9 |
#define | TYPE_DDECONV 10 |
#define | TYPE_DDEXACT 11 |
#define | TYPE_MONITOR 12 |
#define | TYPE_KBDLAYOUT 13 |
#define | TYPE_KBDFILE 14 |
#define | TYPE_WINEVENTHOOK 15 |
#define | TYPE_TIMER 16 |
#define | TYPE_INPUTCONTEXT 17 |
#define | TYPE_CTYPES 18 |
#define | TYPE_GENERIC 255 |
#define | DOBI_NORMAL 0 |
#define | DOBI_PUSHED 1 |
#define | DOBI_HOT 2 |
#define | DOBI_INACTIVE 3 |
#define | DOBI_CHECK 1 |
#define | DOBI_DOWN 2 |
#define | DOBI_CHECKDOWN 3 |
#define | DOBI_CAPON 0 |
#define | DOBI_CAPOFF 1 |
#define | DOBI_3STATE 8 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE 0 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_D 1 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_H 2 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_I 3 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE 4 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_D 5 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_H 6 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_I 7 |
#define | OBI_RESTORE 8 |
#define | OBI_RESTORE_D 9 |
#define | OBI_RESTORE_H 10 |
#define | OBI_HELP 11 |
#define | OBI_HELP_D 12 |
#define | OBI_HELP_H 13 |
#define | OBI_ZOOM 14 |
#define | OBI_ZOOM_D 15 |
#define | OBI_ZOOM_H 16 |
#define | OBI_ZOOM_I 17 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_MBAR 18 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_MBAR_D 19 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_MBAR_H 20 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_MBAR_I 21 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_MBAR 22 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_MBAR_D 23 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_MBAR_H 24 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_MBAR_I 25 |
#define | OBI_RESTORE_MBAR 26 |
#define | OBI_RESTORE_MBAR_D 27 |
#define | OBI_RESTORE_MBAR_H 28 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE1 29 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE1_I 30 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE2 31 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE2_I 32 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE3 33 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE3_I 34 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE4 35 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE4_I 36 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE5 37 |
#define | OBI_CAPCACHE5_I 38 |
#define | OBI_CAPBTNS 39 |
#define | OBI_CAPBTNS_I 40 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_PAL 41 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_PAL_D 42 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_PAL_H 43 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_PAL_I 44 |
#define | OBI_NCGRIP 45 |
#define | OBI_UPARROW 46 |
#define | OBI_UPARROW_D 47 |
#define | OBI_UPARROW_H 48 |
#define | OBI_UPARROW_I 49 |
#define | OBI_DNARROW 50 |
#define | OBI_DNARROW_D 51 |
#define | OBI_DNARROW_H 52 |
#define | OBI_DNARROW_I 53 |
#define | OBI_RGARROW 54 |
#define | OBI_RGARROW_D 55 |
#define | OBI_RGARROW_H 56 |
#define | OBI_RGARROW_I 57 |
#define | OBI_LFARROW 58 |
#define | OBI_LFARROW_D 59 |
#define | OBI_LFARROW_H 60 |
#define | OBI_LFARROW_I 61 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROW 62 |
#define | OBI_MENUCHECK 63 |
#define | OBI_MENUBULLET 64 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROWUP 65 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROWUP_H 66 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROWUP_I 67 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROWDOWN 68 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROWDOWN_H 69 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROWDOWN_I 70 |
#define | OBI_RADIOMASK 71 |
#define | OBI_CHECK 72 |
#define | OBI_CHECK_C 73 |
#define | OBI_CHECK_D 74 |
#define | OBI_CHECK_CD 75 |
#define | OBI_CHECK_CDI 76 |
#define | OBI_RADIO 77 |
#define | OBI_RADIO_C 78 |
#define | OBI_RADIO_D 79 |
#define | OBI_RADIO_CD 80 |
#define | OBI_RADIO_CDI 81 |
#define | OBI_3STATE 82 |
#define | OBI_3STATE_C 83 |
#define | OBI_3STATE_D 84 |
#define | OBI_3STATE_CD 85 |
#define | OBI_3STATE_CDI 86 |
#define | OBI_POPUPFIRST 87 |
#define | OBI_CLOSE_POPUP 87 |
#define | OBI_RESTORE_POPUP 88 |
#define | OBI_ZOOM_POPUP 89 |
#define | OBI_REDUCE_POPUP 90 |
#define | OBI_NCGRIP_L 91 |
#define | OBI_MENUARROW_L 92 |
#define | OBI_COUNT 93 |
#define | NCHARS 256 |
#define | NCTRLS 0x20 |
#define | PUSIF_PALETTEDISPLAY 0x01 /* Is the display palettized? */ |
#define | PUSIF_SNAPTO 0x02 /* Is SnapTo enabled? */ |
#define | TEST_PUSIF(f) TEST_FLAG(gpsi->PUSIFlags, f) |
#define | TEST_BOOL_PUSIF(f) TEST_BOOL_FLAG(gpsi->PUSIFlags, f) |
#define | SET_PUSIF(f) SET_FLAG(gpsi->PUSIFlags, f) |
#define | CLEAR_PUSIF(f) CLEAR_FLAG(gpsi->PUSIFlags, f) |
#define | SET_OR_CLEAR_PUSIF(f, fSet) SET_OR_CLEAR_FLAG(gpsi->PUSIFlags, f, fSet) |
#define | TOGGLE_PUSIF(f) TOGGLE_FLAG(gpsi->PUSIFlags, f) |
#define | SRVIF_CHECKED 0x0001 |
#define | SRVIF_WINEVENTHOOKS 0x0002 |
#define | SRVIF_DBCS 0x0004 |
#define | SRVIF_IME 0x0008 |
#define | SRVIF_MIDEAST 0x0010 |
#define | TEST_SRVIF(f) TEST_FLAG(gpsi->wSRVIFlags, f) |
#define | TEST_BOOL_SRVIF(f) TEST_BOOL_FLAG(gpsi->wSRVIFlags, f) |
#define | SET_SRVIF(f) SET_FLAG(gpsi->wSRVIFlags, f) |
#define | CLEAR_SRVIF(f) CLEAR_FLAG(gpsi->wSRVIFlags, f) |
#define | SET_OR_CLEAR_SRVIF(f, fSet) SET_OR_CLEAR_FLAG(gpsi->wSRVIFlags, f, fSet) |
#define | TOGGLE_SRVIF(f) TOGGLE_FLAG(gpsi->wSRVIFlags, f) |
#define | RIPF_PROMPTONERROR 0x0001 |
#define | RIPF_PROMPTONWARNING 0x0002 |
#define | RIPF_PROMPTONVERBOSE 0x0004 |
#define | RIPF_PRINTONERROR 0x0010 |
#define | RIPF_PRINTONWARNING 0x0020 |
#define | RIPF_PRINTONVERBOSE 0x0040 |
#define | RIPF_PRINTFILELINE 0x0100 |
#define | RIPF_HIDEPID 0x0200 |
#define | RIPF_DEFAULT |
#define | RIPF_PROMPT_MASK 0x0007 |
#define | RIPF_PROMPT_SHIFT 0x00 |
#define | RIPF_PRINT_MASK 0x0070 |
#define | RIPF_PRINT_SHIFT 0x04 |
#define | RIPF_VALIDUSERFLAGS 0x0377 |
#define | TEST_RIPF(f) TEST_FLAG((gpsi) ? gpsi->wRIPFlags : RIPF_DEFAULT, f) |
#define | TEST_BOOL_RIPF(f) TEST_BOOL_FLAG((gpsi) ? gpsi->wRIPFlags : RIPF_DEFAULT, f) |
#define | SET_RIPF(f) do{UserAssert(gpsi); SET_FLAG(gpsi->wRIPFlags, f);}while (FALSE) |
#define | CLEAR_RIPF(f) do{UserAssert(gpsi); CLEAR_FLAG(gpsi->wRIPFlags, f);}while (FALSE) |
#define | SET_OR_CLEAR_RIPF(f, fSet) do{UserAssert(gpsi); SET_OR_CLEAR_FLAG(gpsi->wRIPFlags, f, fSet);}while (FALSE) |
#define | TOGGLE_RIPF(f) do{UserAssert(gpsi); TOGGLE_FLAG(gpsi->wRIPFlags, f);}while (FALSE) |
#define | GETGPSIMBPSTR(u) (LPWSTR) ((LPBYTE)gpsi->AllMBbtnStrings + *(gpsi->AllMBbtnStrings+(u))) |
#define | USER_MAJOR_VERSION 0x0005 |
#define | USER_MINOR_VERSION 0x0000 |
#define | SSCF_NOTIFY 0x00000001 |
#define | SSCF_FORCESOLIDCOLOR 0x00000002 |
#define | SSCF_SETMAGICCOLORS 0x00000004 |
#define | OCF_THREADOWNED 0x01 |
#define | OCF_PROCESSOWNED 0x02 |
#define | OCF_MARKPROCESS 0x04 |
#define | OCF_USEPOOLQUOTA 0x08 |
#define | OCF_DESKTOPHEAP 0x10 |
#define | OCF_SHAREDHEAP 0x40 |
#define | OCF_VARIABLESIZE 0 |
#define | HANDLEF_DESTROY 0x01 |
#define | HANDLEF_INDESTROY 0x02 |
#define | HANDLEF_MARKED_OK 0x10 |
#define | HANDLEF_GRANTED 0x20 |
#define | HANDLEF_VALID 0x3F |
#define | HMINDEXBITS 0x0000FFFF |
#define | HMUNIQSHIFT 16 |
#define | HMUNIQBITS 0xFFFF |
#define | HMHandleFromIndex(i) ((HANDLE)(i | (gSharedInfo.aheList[i].wUniq << HMUNIQSHIFT))) |
#define | HMIndexFromHandle(h) (((ULONG_PTR)h) & HMINDEXBITS) |
#define | _HMPheFromObject(p) (&gSharedInfo.aheList[HMIndexFromHandle((((PHEAD)p)->h))]) |
#define | _HMObjectFromHandle(h) ((PVOID)(gSharedInfo.aheList[HMIndexFromHandle(h)].phead)) |
#define | HMUniqFromHandle(h) ((WORD)((((ULONG_PTR)h) >> HMUNIQSHIFT) & HMUNIQBITS)) |
#define | HMObjectType(p) (HMPheFromObject(p)->bType) |
#define | HMObjectFlags(p) (gahti[HMObjectType(p)].bObjectCreateFlags) |
#define | HMIsMarkDestroy(p) (HMPheFromObject(p)->bFlags & HANDLEF_DESTROY) |
#define | HMRevalidateHandle(h) HMValidateHandleNoSecure(h, TYPE_GENERIC) |
#define | HMRevalidateHandleNoRip(h) HMValidateHandleNoRip(h, TYPE_GENERIC) |
#define | RevalidateHmenu(hmenuX) HMValidateHandleNoRip(hmenuX, TYPE_MENU) |
#define | _PtoHq(p) ((HANDLE)(((PHEAD)p)->h)) |
#define | _PtoH(p) ((HANDLE)((p) == NULL ? NULL : _PtoHq(p))) |
#define | _HW(pwnd) ((HWND)_PtoH(pwnd)) |
#define | _HWq(pwnd) ((HWND)_PtoHq(pwnd)) |
#define | HMPheFromObject(p) _HMPheFromObject(p) |
#define | HMObjectFromHandle(h) _HMObjectFromHandle(h) |
#define | PtoH(p) _PtoH(p) |
#define | PtoHq(p) _PtoHq(p) |
#define | HW(pwnd) _HW(pwnd) |
#define | HWq(pwnd) _HWq(pwnd) |
#define | _GETPTI(p) (((PTHROBJHEAD)p)->pti) |
#define | _GETPDESK(p) (((PDESKOBJHEAD)p)->rpdesk) |
#define | _GETPPI(p) (((PPROCMARKHEAD)p)->ppi) |
#define | GETPTI(p) _GETPTI(p) |
#define | GETPDESK(p) _GETPDESK(p) |
#define | GETPPI(p) _GETPPI(p) |
#define | GETPWNDPPI(p) (GETPTI(p)->ppi) |
#define | CPD_ANSI_TO_UNICODE 0x0001 /* CPD represents ansi to U transition */ |
#define | CPD_UNICODE_TO_ANSI 0x0002 |
#define | CPD_CLASS 0x0010 /* Get CPD for a class */ |
#define | CPD_WND 0x0020 |
#define | CPD_DIALOG 0x0040 |
#define | CPD_WNDTOCLS 0x0080 |
#define | CPDHANDLE_HI 0xFFFF |
#define | CFVREDRAW 0x0001 |
#define | CFHREDRAW 0x0002 |
#define | CFKANJIWINDOW 0x0004 |
#define | CFDBLCLKS 0x0008 |
#define | CFSERVERSIDEPROC 0x0010 |
#define | CFOWNDC 0x0020 |
#define | CFCLASSDC 0x0040 |
#define | CFPARENTDC 0x0080 |
#define | CFNOKEYCVT 0x0101 |
#define | CFNOCLOSE 0x0102 |
#define | CFLVB 0x0104 |
#define | CFSAVEBITS 0x0108 |
#define | CFOEMCHARS 0x0140 |
#define | CFIME 0x0201 |
#define | CFCACHEDSMICON 0x0304 |
#define | CFOFFSET (sizeof(CLS) - sizeof(COMMON_WNDCLASS)) |
#define | TestCF(hwnd, flag) (*((BYTE *)((PWND)(hwnd))->pcls + CFOFFSET + HIBYTE(flag)) & LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | SetCF(hwnd, flag) (*((BYTE *)((PWND)(hwnd))->pcls + CFOFFSET + HIBYTE(flag)) |= LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | ClrCF(pcls, flag) (*((BYTE *)((PWND)(hwnd))->pcls + CFOFFSET + HIBYTE(flag)) &= ~LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | TestCF2(pcls, flag) (*((BYTE *)(pcls) + CFOFFSET + (int)HIBYTE(flag)) & LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | SetCF2(pcls, flag) (*((BYTE *)(pcls) + CFOFFSET + (int)HIBYTE(flag)) |= LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | ClrCF2(pcls, flag) (*((BYTE *)(pcls) + CFOFFSET + (int)HIBYTE(flag)) &= ~LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | PWCFromPCLS(pcls) ((PWC)((PBYTE)(pcls) + sizeof(CLS) + (pcls)->cbclsExtra)) |
#define | CSF_SERVERSIDEPROC 0x0001 |
#define | CSF_ANSIPROC 0x0002 |
#define | CSF_WOWDEFERDESTROY 0x0004 |
#define | CSF_SYSTEMCLASS 0x0008 |
#define | CSF_WOWCLASS 0x0010 |
#define | CSF_WOWEXTRA 0x0020 |
#define | PROPF_INTERNAL 0x0001 |
#define | PROPF_STRING 0x0002 |
#define | PROPF_NOPOOL 0x0004 |
#define | NEEDSPAINT(pwnd) (pwnd->hrgnUpdate != NULL || TestWF(pwnd, WFINTERNALPAINT)) |
#define | HF_GLOBAL 0x0001 |
#define | HF_ANSI 0x0002 |
#define | HF_NEEDHC_SKIP 0x0004 |
#define | HF_HUNG 0x0008 |
#define | HF_HOOKFAULTED 0x0010 |
#define | HF_NOPLAYBACKDELAY 0x0020 |
#define | HF_WX86KNOWNDLL 0x0040 |
#define | HF_DESTROYED 0x0080 |
#define | WHF_FROM_WH(n) (1 << (n + 1)) |
#define | MONF_VISIBLE 0x01 |
#define | MONF_PALETTEDISPLAY 0x02 |
#define | HDCBITS() gpDispInfo->hdcBits |
#define | DTF_NEEDSPALETTECHANGED 0x00000001 |
#define | DTF_NEEDSREDRAW 0x00000002 |
#define | CWINHOOKS (WH_MAX - WH_MIN + 1) |
#define | CURSORF_FROMRESOURCE 0x0001 |
#define | CURSORF_GLOBAL 0x0002 |
#define | CURSORF_LRSHARED 0x0004 |
#define | CURSORF_ACON 0x0008 |
#define | CURSORF_WOWCLEANUP 0x0010 |
#define | CURSORF_ACONFRAME 0x0040 |
#define | CURSORF_SECRET 0x0080 |
#define | CURSORF_LINKED 0x0100 |
#define | CURSORF_VALID 0x01DF |
#define | MSGFLAG_MASK 0xFFFE0000 |
#define | MSGFLAG_WOW_RESERVED 0x00010000 |
#define | MSGFLAG_DDE_MID_THUNK 0x80000000 |
#define | MSGFLAG_DDE_SPECIAL_SEND 0x40000000 |
#define | MSGFLAG_SPECIAL_THUNK 0x10000000 |
#define | WIDTHBYTES(i) ((((i) + 31) & ~31) >> 3) |
#define | BITMAPWIDTHSIZE(cx, cy, planes, bpp) (WIDTHBYTES((cx * bpp)) * (cy) * (planes)) |
#define | WFMPRESENT 0x0001 |
#define | WFVPRESENT 0x0002 |
#define | WFHPRESENT 0x0004 |
#define | WFCPRESENT 0x0008 |
#define | WFSENDSIZEMOVE 0x0010 |
#define | WFMSGBOX 0x0020 |
#define | WFFRAMEON 0x0040 |
#define | WFHASSPB 0x0080 |
#define | WFNONCPAINT 0x0101 |
#define | WFSENDERASEBKGND 0x0102 |
#define | WFERASEBKGND 0x0104 |
#define | WFSENDNCPAINT 0x0108 |
#define | WFINTERNALPAINT 0x0110 |
#define | WFUPDATEDIRTY 0x0120 |
#define | WFHIDDENPOPUP 0x0140 |
#define | WFMENUDRAW 0x0180 |
#define | WFDIALOGWINDOW 0x0201 |
#define | WFTITLESET 0x0202 |
#define | WFSERVERSIDEPROC 0x0204 |
#define | WFANSIPROC 0x0208 |
#define | WFBEINGACTIVATED 0x0210 |
#define | WFHASPALETTE 0x0220 |
#define | WFPAINTNOTPROCESSED 0x0240 |
#define | WFSYNCPAINTPENDING 0x0280 |
#define | WFGOTSUSPENDMSG 0x0302 |
#define | WFTOGGLETOPMOST 0x0304 |
#define | WFREDRAWIFHUNG 0x0308 |
#define | WFREDRAWFRAMEIFHUNG 0x0310 |
#define | WFANYHUNGREDRAW 0x0318 |
#define | WFANSICREATOR 0x0320 |
#define | WFREALLYMAXIMIZABLE 0x0340 |
#define | WFDESTROYED 0x0380 |
#define | WFWMPAINTSENT 0x0401 |
#define | WFDONTVALIDATE 0x0402 |
#define | WFSTARTPAINT 0x0404 |
#define | WFOLDUI 0x0408 |
#define | WFCEPRESENT 0x0410 |
#define | WFBOTTOMMOST 0x0420 |
#define | WFFULLSCREEN 0x0440 |
#define | WFINDESTROY 0x0480 |
#define | WFWIN31COMPAT 0x0501 |
#define | WFWIN40COMPAT 0x0502 |
#define | WFWIN50COMPAT 0x0504 |
#define | WFWINCOMPATMASK 0x0507 |
#define | WFMAXFAKEREGIONAL 0x0508 |
#define | WFCLOSEBUTTONDOWN 0x0510 |
#define | WFZOOMBUTTONDOWN 0x0520 |
#define | WFREDUCEBUTTONDOWN 0x0540 |
#define | WFHELPBUTTONDOWN 0x0580 |
#define | WFLINEUPBUTTONDOWN 0x0601 |
#define | WFPAGEUPBUTTONDOWN 0x0602 |
#define | WFPAGEDNBUTTONDOWN 0x0604 |
#define | WFLINEDNBUTTONDOWN 0x0608 |
#define | WFSCROLLBUTTONDOWN 0x0610 |
#define | WFVERTSCROLLTRACK 0x0620 |
#define | WFALWAYSSENDNCPAINT 0x0640 |
#define | WFPIXIEHACK 0x0680 |
#define | WFFULLSCREENBASE 0x0700 |
#define | WFFULLSCREENMASK 0x0707 |
#define | WFSPRITE 0x0708 |
#define | WEFDLGMODALFRAME 0x0801 |
#define | WEFDRAGOBJECT 0x0802 |
#define | WEFNOPARENTNOTIFY 0x0804 |
#define | WEFTOPMOST 0x0808 |
#define | WEFACCEPTFILES 0x0810 |
#define | WEFTRANSPARENT 0x0820 |
#define | WEFMDICHILD 0x0840 |
#define | WEFTOOLWINDOW 0x0880 |
#define | WEFWINDOWEDGE 0x0901 |
#define | WEFCLIENTEDGE 0x0902 |
#define | WEFEDGEMASK 0x0903 |
#define | WEFCONTEXTHELP 0x0904 |
#define | WEFRIGHT 0x0910 |
#define | WEFRTLREADING 0x0920 |
#define | WEFLEFTSCROLL 0x0940 |
#define | WEFCONTROLPARENT 0x0A01 |
#define | WEFSTATICEDGE 0x0A02 |
#define | WEFAPPWINDOW 0x0A04 |
#define | WEFROUNDFRAME 0x0A08 |
#define | WFNOANIMATE 0x0A10 |
#define | WFSMQUERYDRAGICON 0x0A20 |
#define | WFSHELLHOOKWND 0x0A80 |
#define | WFMAXBOX 0x0E01 |
#define | WFTABSTOP 0x0E01 |
#define | WFMINBOX 0x0E02 |
#define | WFGROUP 0x0E02 |
#define | WFSIZEBOX 0x0E04 |
#define | WFSYSMENU 0x0E08 |
#define | WFHSCROLL 0x0E10 |
#define | WFVSCROLL 0x0E20 |
#define | WFDLGFRAME 0x0E40 |
#define | WFTOPLEVEL 0x0E40 |
#define | WFBORDER 0x0E80 |
#define | WFBORDERMASK 0x0EC0 |
#define | WFCAPTION 0x0EC0 |
#define | WFTILED 0x0F00 |
#define | WFMAXIMIZED 0x0F01 |
#define | WFCLIPCHILDREN 0x0F02 |
#define | WFCLIPSIBLINGS 0x0F04 |
#define | WFDISABLED 0x0F08 |
#define | WFVISIBLE 0x0F10 |
#define | WFMINIMIZED 0x0F20 |
#define | WFCHILD 0x0F40 |
#define | WFPOPUP 0x0F80 |
#define | WFTYPEMASK 0x0FC0 |
#define | WFICONICPOPUP 0x0FC0 |
#define | BFTYPEMASK 0x0C0F |
#define | BFRIGHTBUTTON 0x0C20 |
#define | BFICON 0x0C40 |
#define | BFBITMAP 0x0C80 |
#define | BFIMAGEMASK 0x0CC0 |
#define | BFLEFT 0x0D01 |
#define | BFRIGHT 0x0D02 |
#define | BFCENTER 0x0D03 |
#define | BFHORZMASK 0x0D03 |
#define | BFTOP 0x0D04 |
#define | BFBOTTOM 0x0D08 |
#define | BFVCENTER 0x0D0C |
#define | BFVERTMASK 0x0D0C |
#define | BFALIGNMASK 0x0D0F |
#define | BFPUSHLIKE 0x0D10 |
#define | BFMULTILINE 0x0D20 |
#define | BFNOTIFY 0x0D40 |
#define | BFFLAT 0x0D80 |
#define | CBFSIMPLE 0x0C01 |
#define | CBFDROPDOWN 0x0C02 |
#define | CBFDROPDOWNLIST 0x0C03 |
#define | CBFEDITABLE 0x0C01 |
#define | CBFDROPPABLE 0x0C02 |
#define | CBFDROPTYPE 0x0C03 |
#define | CBFOWNERDRAWFIXED 0x0C10 |
#define | CBFOWNERDRAWVAR 0x0C20 |
#define | CBFOWNERDRAW 0x0C30 |
#define | CBFAUTOHSCROLL 0x0C40 |
#define | CBFOEMCONVERT 0x0C80 |
#define | CBFSORT 0x0D01 |
#define | CBFHASSTRINGS 0x0D02 |
#define | CBFBUTTONUPTRACK 0x0D10 |
#define | CBFUPPERCASE 0x0D20 |
#define | CBFLOWERCASE 0x0D40 |
#define | DFSYSMODAL 0x0C02 |
#define | DF3DLOOK 0x0C04 |
#define | DFNOFAILCREATE 0x0C10 |
#define | DFLOCALEDIT 0x0C20 |
#define | WFNOIDLEMSG 0x0D01 |
#define | DFCONTROL 0x0D04 |
#define | EFMULTILINE 0x0C04 |
#define | EFUPPERCASE 0x0C08 |
#define | EFLOWERCASE 0x0C10 |
#define | EFPASSWORD 0x0C20 |
#define | EFAUTOVSCROLL 0x0C40 |
#define | EFAUTOHSCROLL 0x0C80 |
#define | EFNOHIDESEL 0x0D01 |
#define | EFCOMBOBOX 0x0D02 |
#define | EFOEMCONVERT 0x0D04 |
#define | EFREADONLY 0x0D08 |
#define | EFWANTRETURN 0x0D10 |
#define | EFNUMBER 0x0D20 |
#define | SBFSIZEBOXTOPLEFT 0x0C02 |
#define | SBFSIZEBOX 0x0C08 |
#define | SBFSIZEGRIP 0x0C10 |
#define | SFTYPEMASK 0x0C1F |
#define | SFNOPREFIX 0x0C80 |
#define | SFNOTIFY 0x0D01 |
#define | SFCENTERIMAGE 0x0D02 |
#define | SFRIGHTJUST 0x0D04 |
#define | SFREALSIZEIMAGE 0x0D08 |
#define | SFSUNKEN 0x0D10 |
#define | SFEDITCONTROL 0x0D20 |
#define | SFELLIPSISMASK 0x0DC0 |
#define | SFWIDELINESPACING 0x0C20 |
#define | SYS_ALTERNATE 0x2000 |
#define | SYS_PREVKEYSTATE 0x4000 |
#define | STATEOFFSET (FIELD_OFFSET(WND, state)) |
#define | LOBYTE(w) ((BYTE)((w) & 0x00FF)) |
#define | TestWF(hwnd, flag) (*(((BYTE *)(hwnd)) + STATEOFFSET + (int)HIBYTE(flag)) & LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | SetWF(hwnd, flag) (*(((BYTE *)(hwnd)) + STATEOFFSET + (int)HIBYTE(flag)) |= LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | ClrWF(hwnd, flag) (*(((BYTE *)(hwnd)) + STATEOFFSET + (int)HIBYTE(flag)) &= ~LOBYTE(flag)) |
#define | MaskWF(flag) ((WORD)( (HIBYTE(flag) & 1) ? LOBYTE(flag) << 8 : LOBYTE(flag))) |
#define | TestwndChild(hwnd) (TestWF(hwnd, WFTYPEMASK) == LOBYTE(WFCHILD)) |
#define | TestwndIPopup(hwnd) (TestWF(hwnd, WFTYPEMASK) == LOBYTE(WFICONICPOPUP)) |
#define | TestwndTiled(hwnd) (TestWF(hwnd, WFTYPEMASK) == LOBYTE(WFTILED)) |
#define | TestwndNIPopup(hwnd) (TestWF(hwnd, WFTYPEMASK) == LOBYTE(WFPOPUP)) |
#define | TestwndPopup(hwnd) (TestwndNIPopup(hwnd) || TestwndIPopup(hwnd)) |
#define | TestwndHI(hwnd) (TestwndTiled(hwnd) || TestwndIPopup(hwnd)) |
#define | GetChildParent(pwnd) (TestwndChild(pwnd) ? pwnd->spwndParent : NULL) |
#define | GetWindowCreator(pwnd) (TestwndChild(pwnd) ? pwnd->spwndParent : pwnd->spwndOwner) |
#define | TestwndFrameOn(pwnd) (TestWF(pwnd, WFFRAMEON) && (GETPTI(pwnd)->pq == gpqForeground)) |
#define | GetFullScreen(pwnd) (TestWF(pwnd, WFFULLSCREENMASK)) |
#define | SetFullScreen(pwnd, state) |
#define | FTrueVis(pwnd) (_IsWindowVisible(pwnd)) |
#define | _IsWindowEnabled(pwnd) (TestWF(pwnd, WFDISABLED) == 0) |
#define | _IsIconic(pwnd) (TestWF(pwnd, WFMINIMIZED) != 0) |
#define | _IsZoomed(pwnd) (TestWF(pwnd, WFMAXIMIZED) != 0) |
#define | SV_UNSET 0x0000 |
#define | SV_SET 0x0001 |
#define | SV_CLRFTRUEVIS 0x0002 |
#define | ID_SYSMENU 0x10 |
#define | ID_CLOSEMENU 0x20 |
#define | ID_DIALOGSYSMENU 0x30 |
#define | ID_HSCROLLMENU 0x40 |
#define | ID_VSCROLLMENU 0x50 |
#define | MSA_OFF 0 |
#define | MSA_ON 1 |
#define | MSA_ATTOP 2 |
#define | MSA_ATBOTTOM 3 |
#define | ID_HELPMENU 4 |
#define | LTUPFLAG 0x0001 |
#define | RTDNFLAG 0x0002 |
#define | CSPINBACKGROUND 100 |
#define | CCHTITLEMAX 256 |
#define | SW_MDIRESTORE 0xCC /* special xxxMinMaximize() command for MDI */ |
#define | CW2_USEDEFAULT 0x8000 |
#define | CW_FLAGS_DIFFHMOD 0x80000000 |
#define | MENUSYSMENU TEXT(' ') /* Space character */ |
#define | MENUCHILDSYSMENU TEXT('-') /* Hyphen */ |
#define | MF_ALLSTATE 0x00FF |
#define | MF_MAINMENU 0xFFFF |
#define | MFMWFP_OFFMENU 0 |
#define | MFMWFP_MAINMENU 0x0000FFFF |
#define | MFMWFP_UPARROW 0xFFFFFFFD /* Warning: Also used to define IDSYS_MNUP */ |
#define | MFMWFP_DOWNARROW 0xFFFFFFFC /* Warning: Also used to define IDSYS_MNDOWN */ |
#define | MFMWFP_FIRSTITEM 0 |
#define | SetMF(pmenu, flag) ((pmenu)->fFlags |= (flag)) |
#define | ClearMF(pmenu, flag) ((pmenu)->fFlags &= ~(flag)) |
#define | TestMF(pmenu, flag) ((pmenu)->fFlags & (flag)) |
#define | SetMFS(pitem, flag) ((pitem)->fState |= (flag)) |
#define | TestMFS(pitem, flag) ((pitem)->fState & (flag)) |
#define | ClearMFS(pitem, flag) ((pitem)->fState &= ~(flag)) |
#define | SetMFT(pitem, flag) ((pitem)->fType |= (flag)) |
#define | TestMFT(pitem, flag) ((pitem)->fType & (flag)) |
#define | ClearMFT(pitem, flag) ((pitem)->fType &= ~(flag)) |
#define | PDLG(pwnd) (((PDIALOG)pwnd)->pdlg) |
#define | DLGF_ANSI 0x01 /* lpfnDlg is an ANSI proc */ |
#define | TIF_INCLEANUP (UINT)0x00000001 |
#define | TIF_16BIT (UINT)0x00000002 |
#define | TIF_SYSTEMTHREAD (UINT)0x00000004 |
#define | TIF_CSRSSTHREAD (UINT)0x00000008 |
#define | TIF_TRACKRECTVISIBLE (UINT)0x00000010 |
#define | TIF_DONTATTACHQUEUE (UINT)0x00000040 |
#define | TIF_DONTJOURNALATTACH (UINT)0x00000080 |
#define | TIF_INACTIVATEAPPMSG (UINT)0x00000200 |
#define | TIF_SPINNING (UINT)0x00000400 |
#define | TIF_PALETTEAWARE (UINT)0x00000800 |
#define | TIF_SHAREDWOW (UINT)0x00001000 |
#define | TIF_FIRSTIDLE (UINT)0x00002000 |
#define | TIF_WAITFORINPUTIDLE (UINT)0x00004000 |
#define | TIF_MOVESIZETRACKING (UINT)0x00008000 |
#define | TIF_VDMAPP (UINT)0x00010000 |
#define | TIF_DOSEMULATOR (UINT)0x00020000 |
#define | TIF_GLOBALHOOKER (UINT)0x00040000 |
#define | TIF_DELAYEDEVENT (UINT)0x00080000 |
#define | TIF_IGNOREPLAYBACKDELAY (UINT)0x00400000 |
#define | TIF_DISABLEIME (UINT)0x04000000 |
#define | TIF_INGETTEXTLENGTH (UINT)0x08000000 |
#define | TIF_ANSILENGTH (UINT)0x10000000 |
#define | TIF_DISABLEHOOKS (UINT)0x20000000 |
#define | TIF_RESTRICTED (UINT)0x40000000 |
#define | CTIF_SYSQUEUELOCKED (UINT)0x00000001 |
#define | CheckMsgFilter(wMsg, wMsgFilterMin, wMsgFilterMax) |
#define | CVKKEYSTATE 256 |
#define | TestKeyDownBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 2] & (1 << ((vk & 3) << 1))) |
#define | SetKeyDownBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 2] |= (1 << ((vk & 3) << 1))) |
#define | ClearKeyDownBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 2] &= ~(1 << ((vk & 3) << 1))) |
#define | TestKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 2] & (1 << (((vk & 3) << 1) + 1))) |
#define | SetKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 2] |= (1 << (((vk & 3) << 1) + 1))) |
#define | ClearKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 2] &= ~(1 << (((vk & 3) << 1) + 1))) |
#define | ToggleKeyToggleBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 2] ^= (1 << (((vk & 3) << 1) + 1))) |
#define | TestKeyRecentDownBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 3] & (1 << (vk & 7))) |
#define | SetKeyRecentDownBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 3] |= (1 << (vk & 7))) |
#define | ClearKeyRecentDownBit(pb, vk) (pb[vk >> 3] &= ~(1 << (vk & 7))) |
#define | TestKeyStateDown(pq, vk) TestKeyDownBit(pq->afKeyState, vk) |
#define | SetKeyStateDown(pq, vk) SetKeyDownBit(pq->afKeyState, vk) |
#define | ClearKeyStateDown(pq, vk) ClearKeyDownBit(pq->afKeyState, vk) |
#define | TestKeyStateToggle(pq, vk) TestKeyToggleBit(pq->afKeyState, vk) |
#define | SetKeyStateToggle(pq, vk) SetKeyToggleBit(pq->afKeyState, vk) |
#define | ClearKeyStateToggle(pq, vk) ClearKeyToggleBit(pq->afKeyState, vk) |
#define | TestAsyncKeyStateDown(vk) TestKeyDownBit(gafAsyncKeyState, vk) |
#define | SetAsyncKeyStateDown(vk) SetKeyDownBit(gafAsyncKeyState, vk) |
#define | ClearAsyncKeyStateDown(vk) ClearKeyDownBit(gafAsyncKeyState, vk) |
#define | TestAsyncKeyStateToggle(vk) TestKeyToggleBit(gafAsyncKeyState, vk) |
#define | SetAsyncKeyStateToggle(vk) SetKeyToggleBit(gafAsyncKeyState, vk) |
#define | ClearAsyncKeyStateToggle(vk) ClearKeyToggleBit(gafAsyncKeyState, vk) |
#define | TestAsyncKeyStateRecentDown(vk) TestKeyRecentDownBit(gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown, vk) |
#define | SetAsyncKeyStateRecentDown(vk) SetKeyRecentDownBit(gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown, vk) |
#define | ClearAsyncKeyStateRecentDown(vk) ClearKeyRecentDownBit(gafAsyncKeyStateRecentDown, vk) |
#define | XPixFromXDU(x, cxChar) MultDiv(x, cxChar, 4) |
#define | YPixFromYDU(y, cyChar) MultDiv(y, cyChar, 8) |
#define | XDUFromXPix(x, cxChar) MultDiv(x, 4, cxChar) |
#define | YDUFromYPix(y, cyChar) MultDiv(y, 8, cyChar) |
#define | QF_UPDATEKEYSTATE (UINT)0x00001 |
#define | QF_FMENUSTATUSBREAK (UINT)0x00004 |
#define | QF_FMENUSTATUS (UINT)0x00008 |
#define | QF_FF10STATUS (UINT)0x00010 |
#define | QF_MOUSEMOVED (UINT)0x00020 |
#define | QF_ACTIVATIONCHANGE (UINT)0x00040 |
#define | QF_TABSWITCHING (UINT)0x00080 |
#define | QF_KEYSTATERESET (UINT)0x00100 |
#define | QF_INDESTROY (UINT)0x00200 |
#define | QF_LOCKNOREMOVE (UINT)0x00400 |
#define | QF_DIALOGACTIVE (UINT)0x04000 |
#define | QF_CAPTURELOCKED 0x00100000 |
#define | QF_ACTIVEWNDTRACKING 0x00200000 |
#define | RNDFRM_CORNER 10 |
#define | RNDFRM_BORDER 3 |
#define | GRC_SCROLLS 0x0001 |
#define | GRC_MINWNDS 0x0002 |
#define | GRC_FULLSCREEN 0x0004 |
#define | HRGN_EMPTY ((HRGN)0) |
#define | HRGN_FULL ((HRGN)1) |
#define | HRGN_MONITOR ((HRGN)2) |
#define | MAX_SEB_STYLES 9 /* number of SEB_* values */ |
#define | SEB_OK 1 /* Button with "OK". */ |
#define | SEB_CANCEL 2 /* Button with "Cancel" */ |
#define | SEB_YES 3 /* Button with "&Yes" */ |
#define | SEB_NO 4 /* Button with "&No" */ |
#define | SEB_RETRY 5 /* Button with "&Retry" */ |
#define | SEB_ABORT 6 /* Button with "&Abort" */ |
#define | SEB_IGNORE 7 /* Button with "&Ignore" */ |
#define | SEB_CLOSE 8 /* Button with "&Close" */ |
#define | SEB_HELP 9 /* Button with "&Help" */ |
#define | SEB_DEFBUTTON 0x8000 /* Mask to make this button default */ |
#define | RTLMENU HMENU |
#define | xxxRtlSetMenuInfo NtUserThunkedMenuInfo |
#define | xxxRtlSetMenuItemInfo(rtlMenu, uId, pmii) NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo(rtlMenu, uId, FALSE, FALSE, pmii, NULL) |
#define | CH_PREFIX TEXT('&') |
#define | CH_ENGLISHPREFIX 0x1E |
#define | CH_KANJIPREFIX 0x1F |
#define | DT_CHARSETDRAW 1 |
#define | DT_CHARSETINIT 2 |
#define | DT_CHARSETDONE 3 |
#define | DT_GETNEXTWORD 4 |
#define | CCHELLIPSIS 3 |
#define | GRECT_CLIENT 0x0001 |
#define | GRECT_WINDOW 0x0002 |
#define | GRECT_RECTMASK 0x0003 |
#define | GRECT_CLIENTCOORDS 0x0010 |
#define | GRECT_WINDOWCOORDS 0x0020 |
#define | GRECT_PARENTCOORDS 0x0040 |
#define | GRECT_COORDMASK 0x0070 |
#define | TextPointer(h) ((LPWSTR)h) |
#define | DO_DROPFILE 0x454C4946L |
#define | CMSSLEEP 250 |
#define | CMSHUNGAPPTIMEOUT (5 * 1000) |
#define | CMSAPPSTARTINGTIMEOUT (3 * CMSHUNGAPPTIMEOUT) /* Must be less than WAITTOKILL. See CheckAppStarting */ |
#define | CMS_QANIMATION 165 |
#define | CMS_FLASHWND 500 |
#define | TESTSYNCONLYMESSAGE(msg, wParam) |
#define | USER_SOUND_DEFAULT 0 |
#define | USER_SOUND_OPEN 7 |
#define | USER_SOUND_CLOSE 8 |
#define | USER_SOUND_MINIMIZE 11 |
#define | USER_SOUND_MAXIMIZE 12 |
#define | USER_SOUND_MAX 13 |
Typedefs | |
typedef _LOCKRECORD * | PLR |
typedef _TL * | PTL |
typedef tagDESKTOP * | PDESKTOP |
typedef tagTDB * | PTDB |
typedef tagCURSOR * | PCURSOR |
typedef tagQMSG * | PQMSG |
typedef tagWND * | PWND |
typedef _ETHREAD * | PETHREAD |
typedef tagDCE * | PDCE |
typedef tagSPB * | PSPB |
typedef tagQ * | PQ |
typedef tagTERMINAL * | PTERMINAL |
typedef tagSIZERECT | SIZERECT |
typedef tagSIZERECT * | PSIZERECT |
typedef tagSIZERECT * | LPSIZERECT |
typedef const SIZERECT * | PCSIZERECT |
typedef const SIZERECT * | LPCSIZERECT |
typedef DWORD | ICH |
typedef ICH * | LPICH |
typedef _PROPSET | PROPSET |
typedef _PROPSET * | PPROPSET |
typedef * | LPPOINT5 |
typedef _WNDMSG | WNDMSG |
typedef _WNDMSG * | PWNDMSG |
typedef void(* | FnDestroyUserObject )(void *) |
typedef _HEAD | HEAD |
typedef _HEAD * | PHEAD |
typedef _HANDLEENTRY * | PHE |
typedef tagCLS | CLS |
typedef tagCLS * | PCLS |
typedef tagCLS * | LPCLS |
typedef tagCLS ** | PPCLS |
typedef tagSBDATA | SBDATA |
typedef tagSBDATA * | PSBDATA |
typedef tagSBINFO | SBINFO |
typedef tagSBINFO * | PSBINFO |
typedef tagPROP | PROP |
typedef tagPROP * | PPROP |
typedef tagPROPLIST | PROPLIST |
typedef tagPROPLIST * | PPROPLIST |
typedef tagWND | WND |
typedef tagCBox | CBOX |
typedef tagCBox * | PCBOX |
typedef tagCOMBOWND | COMBOWND |
typedef tagCOMBOWND * | PCOMBOWND |
typedef tagLBIV | LBIV |
typedef tagLBIV * | PLBIV |
typedef tagLBWND | LBWND |
typedef tagLBWND * | PLBWND |
typedef tagIMC | IMC |
typedef tagIMC * | PIMC |
typedef tagHOOK | HOOK |
typedef tagHOOK * | PHOOK |
typedef tagNAMELIST | NAMELIST |
typedef tagNAMELIST * | PNAMELIST |
typedef tagMONITOR | MONITOR |
typedef tagMONITOR * | PMONITOR |
typedef tagITEM | ITEM |
typedef tagITEM * | PITEM |
typedef tagITEM * | LPITEM |
typedef tagMENU | MENU |
typedef tagMENU * | PMENU |
typedef tagSBCALC | SBCALC |
typedef tagSBCALC * | PSBCALC |
typedef tagSBTRACK | SBTRACK |
typedef tagSBTRACK * | PSBTRACK |
typedef _DLG | DLG |
typedef _DLG * | PDLG |
typedef _DIALOG | DIALOG |
typedef _DIALOG * | PDIALOG |
typedef tagCARET | CARET |
typedef tagCARET * | PCARET |
typedef tagSBWND | SBWND |
typedef tagSBWND * | PSBWND |
typedef tagSBWND * | LPSBWND |
typedef tagBUTN | BUTN |
typedef tagBUTN * | PBUTN |
typedef tagBUTNWND | BUTNWND |
typedef tagBUTNWND * | PBUTNWND |
typedef tagIMEUI | IMEUI |
typedef tagIMEUI * | PIMEUI |
typedef tagIMEWND | IMEWND |
typedef tagIMEWND * | PIMEWND |
typedef void(FAR * | LPFNTEXTDRAW )(HDC, int, int, LPWSTR, int) |
typedef * | LPDRAWTEXTDATA |
typedef LONG(* | FPLPKTABBEDTEXTOUT )(HDC, int, int, LPCWSTR, int, int, LPINT, int, BOOL, int, int, int) |
typedef void(* | FPLPKPSMTEXTOUT )(HDC, int, int, LPWSTR, int) |
typedef int(* | FPLPKDRAWTEXTEX )(HDC, int, int, LPCWSTR, int, BOOL, UINT, LPDRAWTEXTDATA, UINT, int) |
typedef tagED * | PED |
typedef BOOL | LpkEditCreate (PED ped, HWND hWnd) |
typedef int | LpkEditIchToXY (PED ped, HDC hDC, PSTR pText, ICH cch, ICH ichPos) |
typedef ICH | LpkEditMouseToIch (PED ped, HDC hDC, PSTR pText, ICH cch, INT iX) |
typedef ICH | LpkEditCchInWidth (PED ped, HDC hdc, PSTR pText, ICH cch, int width) |
typedef INT | LpkEditGetLineWidth (PED ped, HDC hdc, PSTR pText, ICH cch) |
typedef void | LpkEditDrawText (PED ped, HDC hdc, PSTR pText, INT cch, INT iMinSel, INT iMaxSel, INT iY) |
typedef BOOL | LpkEditHScroll (PED ped, HDC hdc, PSTR pText) |
typedef ICH | LpkEditMoveSelection (PED ped, HDC hdc, PSTR pText, ICH ich, BOOL fLeft) |
typedef int | LpkEditVerifyText (PED ped, HDC hdc, PSTR pText, ICH ichInsert, PSTR pInsertText, ICH cchInsert) |
typedef void | LpkEditNextWord (PED ped, HDC hdc, PSTR pText, ICH ichStart, BOOL fLeft, ICH *pichMin, ICH *pichMax) |
typedef void | LpkEditSetMenu (PED ped, HMENU hMenu) |
typedef int | LpkEditProcessMenu (PED ped, UINT idMenuItem) |
typedef int | LpkEditCreateCaret (PED ped, HDC hdc, INT nWidth, INT nHeight, UINT hkl) |
Enumerations | |
Functions | |
__inline void | CopyRectInl (LPRECT prcDest, LPCRECT prcSrc) |
__inline DWORD | EqualRectInl (LPCRECT prc1, LPCRECT prc2) |
__inline void | SetRectEmptyInl (LPRECT prc) |
__inline BOOL | IsEmptyString (PVOID p, ULONG bAnsi) |
__inline void | NullTerminateString (PVOID p, ULONG bAnsi) |
__inline UINT | StringLength (PVOID p, ULONG bAnsi) |
VOID | User32InitializeImmEntryTable (DWORD dwMagic) |
PMONITOR | _MonitorFromPoint (POINT pt, DWORD dwFlags) |
PMONITOR | _MonitorFromRect (LPCRECT lprc, DWORD dwFlags) |
PMONITOR | _MonitorFromWindow (PWND pwnd, DWORD dwFlags) |
WORD | VersionFromWindowFlag (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL CALLBACK | EnumPwndDlgChildProc (PWND pwnd, LPARAM lParam) |
BOOL | FIsParentDude (PWND pwnd) |
UINT | CalcWakeMask (UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT fsWakeMaskFilter) |
__inline WORD | GetInputBits (PCLIENTTHREADINFO pcti, WORD fsWakeMask, BOOL fAvailable) |
LPWSTR | MB_GetString (UINT wBtn) |
int | SoftModalMessageBox (LPMSGBOXDATA lpmb) |
DWORD | GetContextHelpId (PWND pwnd) |
PITEM | MNLookUpItem (PMENU pMenu, UINT wCmd, BOOL fByPosition, PMENU *ppMenuItemIsOn) |
BOOL | _MNCanClose (PWND pwnd) |
PMENU | GetSysMenuHandle (PWND pwnd) |
PWND | GetPrevPwnd (PWND pwndList, PWND pwndFind) |
BOOL | _RegisterServicesProcess (DWORD dwProcessId) |
RTLMENU | xxxLoadSysMenu (UINT uMenuId) |
BOOL | _FChildVisible (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | RtlWCSMessageWParamCharToMB (DWORD msg, WPARAM *pWParam) |
BOOL | RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS (DWORD msg, WPARAM *pWParam) |
VOID | RtlInitLargeAnsiString (PLARGE_ANSI_STRING plstr, LPCSTR psz, UINT cchLimit) |
VOID | RtlInitLargeUnicodeString (PLARGE_UNICODE_STRING plstr, LPCWSTR psz, UINT cchLimit) |
DWORD | RtlGetExpWinVer (HANDLE hmod) |
int | DrawTextExWorker (HDC hdc, LPWSTR lpchText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT dwDTformat, LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS lpDTparams, int iCharset) |
DWORD | GetCPD (PVOID pWndOrCls, DWORD options, ULONG_PTR dwData) |
BOOL | TestWindowProcess (PWND pwnd) |
DWORD | GetAppCompatFlags (PTHREADINFO pti) |
PVOID FASTCALL | HMValidateHandle (HANDLE h, BYTE btype) |
PVOID FASTCALL | HMValidateHandleNoRip (HANDLE h, BYTE btype) |
PVOID FASTCALL | HMValidateHandleNoDesktop (HANDLE h, BYTE btype) |
PVOID FASTCALL | HMValidateSharedHandle (HANDLE h, BYTE bType) |
PVOID FASTCALL | HMValidateHandleNoSecure (HANDLE h, BYTE bType) |
ULONG_PTR | MapClientNeuterToClientPfn (PCLS pcls, ULONG_PTR dw, BOOL bAnsi) |
ULONG_PTR | MapServerToClientPfn (ULONG_PTR dw, BOOL bAnsi) |
BOOL | IsSysFontAndDefaultMode (HDC hdc) |
int | GetCharDimensions (HDC hDC, TEXTMETRICW *lpTextMetrics, LPINT lpcy) |
int | GetWindowBorders (LONG lStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, BOOL fWindow, BOOL fClient) |
PWND | SizeBoxHwnd (PWND pwnd) |
VOID | _GetClientRect (PWND pwnd, LPRECT prc) |
void | GetRealClientRect (PWND pwnd, LPRECT prc, UINT uFlags, PMONITOR pMonitor) |
VOID | _GetWindowRect (PWND pwnd, LPRECT prc) |
PWND | _GetLastActivePopup (PWND pwnd) |
PWND | GetTopLevelTiled (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | _IsChild (PWND pwndParent, PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | _AdjustWindowRectEx (LPRECT lprc, LONG style, BOOL fMenu, DWORD dwExStyle) |
BOOL | NeedsWindowEdge (DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle, BOOL fNewApp) |
VOID | _ClientToScreen (PWND pwnd, PPOINT ppt) |
VOID | _ScreenToClient (PWND pwnd, PPOINT ppt) |
int | _MapWindowPoints (PWND pwndFrom, PWND pwndTo, LPPOINT lppt, DWORD cpt) |
BOOL | _IsWindowVisible (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | _IsDescendant (PWND pwndParent, PWND pwndChild) |
BOOL | IsVisible (PWND pwnd) |
PWND | _GetWindow (PWND pwnd, UINT cmd) |
PWND | _GetParent (PWND pwnd) |
int | FindNCHit (PWND pwnd, LONG lPt) |
SHORT | _GetKeyState (int vk) |
PHOOK | PhkNextValid (PHOOK phk) |
void | GetRect (PWND pwnd, LPRECT lprc, UINT uCoords) |
PPROP | _FindProp (PWND pwnd, PCWSTR pszKey, BOOL fInternal) |
HANDLE | _GetProp (PWND pwnd, PCWSTR pszKey, BOOL fInternal) |
BOOL | _HasCaptionIcon (PWND pwnd) |
PWND | GetTopLevelWindow (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | _SBGetParms (PWND pwnd, int code, PSBDATA pw, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) |
BOOL | PSMGetTextExtent (HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpstr, int cch, PSIZE psize) |
LONG | GetPrefixCount (LPCWSTR lpstr, int cb, LPWSTR lpstrCopy, int cbCopy) |
PMENU | _GetSubMenu (PMENU pMenu, int nPos) |
DWORD | _GetMenuDefaultItem (PMENU pMenu, BOOL fByPosition, UINT uFlags) |
UINT | _GetMenuState (PMENU pMenu, UINT wID, UINT dwFlags) |
BOOL APIENTRY | CopyInflateRect (LPRECT prcDst, CONST RECT *prcSrc, int cx, int cy) |
BOOL APIENTRY | CopyOffsetRect (LPRECT prcDst, CONST RECT *prcSrc, int cx, int cy) |
DWORD | FindCharPosition (LPWSTR lpString, WCHAR ch) |
LPWSTR | TextAlloc (LPCWSTR lpsz) |
UINT | TextCopy (PLARGE_UNICODE_STRING pstr, LPWSTR lpstr, UINT size) |
DWORD | wcsncpycch (LPWSTR pwsDest, LPCWSTR pwszSrc, DWORD cch) |
DWORD | strncpycch (LPSTR pszDest, LPCSTR pszSrc, DWORD cch) |
BOOL | DrawFrame (HDC hdc, LPRECT prect, int clFrame, int cmd) |
void | DrawPushButton (HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT state, UINT flags) |
BOOL | ClientFrame (HDC hDC, CONST RECT *pRect, HBRUSH hBrush, DWORD patOp) |
HBITMAP | OwnerLoadBitmap (HANDLE hInstLoad, LPWSTR lpName, HANDLE hOwner) |
PCURSOR | ClassSetSmallIcon (PCLS pcls, PCURSOR pcursor, BOOL fServerCreated) |
void | KernelBP (void) |
Variables | |
PLPKEDITCALLOUT | fpLpkEditControl |
HBRUSH | ahbrSystem [] |
HBRUSH | ghbrWhite |
HBRUSH | ghbrBlack |
HBRUSH | ghbrGray |
PWND | _GetDesktopWindow (VOID) |
PWND | _GetMessageWindow (VOID) |
CONST MSG_TABLE_ENTRY | MessageTable [] |
Definition at line 1523 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMouseActivate(). |
Definition at line 1524 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1522 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1472 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1471 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1489 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1490 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2580 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsIconic(), and xxxMNKeyDown(). |
Definition at line 2579 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsWindowEnabled(). |
Definition at line 2581 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsZoomed(). |
Definition at line 1488 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1487 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2451 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2440 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2448 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), and xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2445 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), and GetAlignment(). |
Definition at line 2456 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxBNPaint(), xxxButtonDrawCheck(), and xxxDrawButton(). |
Definition at line 2446 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), GetAlignment(), and xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2439 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2441 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2443 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), GetAlignment(), and xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2454 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2455 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2453 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), IsPushButton(), and xxxBNInitDC(). |
Definition at line 2444 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), and xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2438 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(). |
Definition at line 2447 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), and xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2436 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _RealChildWindowFromPoint(), ButtonWndProcWorker(), FIsParentDude(), IsDialogMessageW(), IsPushButton(), WinHelpA(), xxxBNDrawText(), xxxBNInitDC(), xxxBNPaint(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), xxxButtonDrawCheck(), and xxxButtonDrawNewState(). |
Definition at line 2449 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), and GetAlignment(). |
Definition at line 2450 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), GetAlignment(), and xxxBNDrawText(). |
Definition at line 229 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 227 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 228 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2226 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 324 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MB_AddPushButtons(). |
Definition at line 282 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 387 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AllocCallbackMessage(). |
Definition at line 496 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserGetAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2471 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2477 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2476 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2460 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SLEditWndProc(), and xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2461 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2464 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2465 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2463 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2474 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CBNcCreateHandler(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(). |
Definition at line 2480 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 842 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowLongPtr(), _GetWindowWord(), _SetWindowWord(), InitFunctionTables(), InternalRegisterClassEx(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 2475 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(). |
Definition at line 2472 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2469 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CBNcCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2467 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2468 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2459 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2473 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2479 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 493 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserGetKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2931 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AllocQueue(), PostUpdateKeyStateEvent(), xxxInternalActivateKeyboardLayout(), xxxProcessEventMessage(), and xxxToUnicodeEx(). |
Definition at line 2932 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by PostUpdateKeyStateEvent(), ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(), SetForegroundThread(), and xxxSwitchDesktop(). |
Definition at line 3236 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), AddPathEllipsis(), DrawTextExA(), and NeedsEndEllipsis(). |
Definition at line 2735 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawSwitchWndHilite(), xxxDrawCaptionTemp(), and xxxInitActivateDlg(). |
Definition at line 1602 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1593 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetDCEx(), CreateCacheDC(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxFreeWindow(), and xxxScrollWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 1590 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 1588 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCalcValidRects(). |
Definition at line 1600 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetLastTopMostWindowNoIME(), ImeCanDestroyDefIME(), ImeSetFutureOwner(), ImeSetTopmost(), IsChildSameThread(), LinkWindow(), NtUserSetImeOwnerWindow(), xxxButtonEvent(), xxxCreateDefaultImeWindow(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDestroyWindow(), and xxxFocusSetInputContext(). |
Definition at line 1589 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxShowOwnedWindows(). |
Definition at line 1597 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1596 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDWP_ProcessVirtKey(), and xxxMNCanClose(). |
Definition at line 1595 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1599 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1607 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1592 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetDCEx(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxGetUpdateRect(), and xxxScrollWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 1594 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetDCEx(), InvalidateDce(), UserGetHwnd(), UT_GetParentDCClipBox(), and xxxDWPPrint(). |
Definition at line 1598 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxShowWindow(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 1591 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1587 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCalcValidRects(). |
Definition at line 3178 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FindMnemChar(), GetPrefixCount(), and KKGetPrefixWidth(). |
Definition at line 3179 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetPrefixCount(), and KKGetPrefixWidth(). |
Definition at line 3172 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(), FindMnemChar(), GetPrefixCount(), and KKGetPrefixWidth(). |
Definition at line 283 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DlgDirSelectHelper(). |
Definition at line 2881 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AdjustForCoalescing(), CalcWakeMask(), FindQMsg(), SystoChar(), xxxReadPostMessage(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 2594 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateMDIChild(). |
Definition at line 549 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECCopy(), EditWndProc(), and MB_CopyToClipboard(). |
Definition at line 547 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DdeClientTransaction(). |
Definition at line 550 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Definition at line 551 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CallNextHookEx(), fnHkINLPCWPEXSTRUCT(), fnHkINLPCWPRETEXSTRUCT(), and xxxHkCallHook(). |
Definition at line 548 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CheckForQueuedMessages(), and SetEnableState(). |
Definition at line 552 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), InternalRegisterClassEx(), and xxxCreateThreadInfo(). |
Definition at line 156 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1079 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1179 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1153 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2972 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ResetPushState(), and UpdateAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2984 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2978 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetKeyboardState(), ChangeForegroundKeyboardTable(), NlsClearKeyStateToggle(), UpdateAsyncKeyState(), and UpdatePerUserKeyboardIndicators(). |
Definition at line 2938 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxToUnicodeEx(). |
Definition at line 2952 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2959 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetKeyboardState(), ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(), ResetPushState(), SetConvMode(), and UpdateKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2965 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetKeyboardState(), ChangeForegroundKeyboardTable(), NlsClearKeyStateToggle(), ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(), ResetPushState(), SetConvMode(), UpdateKeyState(), and UpdatePerUserKeyboardIndicators(). |
Definition at line 2944 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxToUnicodeEx(). |
Definition at line 2775 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MakeMenuRtoL(), UnlockDesktopMenu(), xxxDrawMenuBarUnderlines(), xxxMenuBarDraw(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxNextWindow(), and xxxSetLPITEMInfo(). |
Definition at line 2780 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetMenuDefaultItem(), MNDrawMenu3DHotTracking(), xxxHotTrackMenu(), xxxMNInvertItem(), xxxMNSetGapState(), and xxxSetLPITEMInfo(). |
Definition at line 2784 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MakeMenuRtoL(). |
Definition at line 1611 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1615 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 679 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConnectConv(), and DDEMLClientWndProc(). |
Definition at line 681 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DdeConnectList(), and InitiateEnumerationProc(). |
Definition at line 680 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DdeConnect(), DDEMLClientWndProc(), DdeReconnect(), InitiateEnumerationProc(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 3511 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3510 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AnimateWindow(), MNAnimate(), and xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(). |
Definition at line 3509 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CheckAppStarting(), and SetAppStarting(). |
Definition at line 3506 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetTimeouts(), IdleTimerProc(), KillProcess(), NtUserQueryWindow(), SetAppStarting(), xxxButtonEvent(), xxxCallHook2(), xxxDesktopThread(), xxxDesktopWndProc(), xxxHungAppDemon(), xxxImmUnloadLayout(), xxxInterSendMsgEx(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), xxxSetForegroundWindow2(), and xxxSimpleDoSyncPaint(). |
Definition at line 3507 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3505 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxLW_LoadFonts(). |
Definition at line 3508 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSendBSMtoDesktop(), xxxSendMessageTimeout(), and zzzCancelJournalling(). |
Definition at line 323 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(). |
Definition at line 329 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 331 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 173 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetDbgTag(), FindBestPos(), HardErrorHandler(), and xxxFlashWindow(). |
Definition at line 1561 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), _GetClassInfoEx(), _GetWindowLongPtr(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), GetCPD(), GetWindowData(), xxxSetClassData(), and xxxSetWindowData(). |
Definition at line 1565 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassInfoEx(), GetCPD(), and xxxSetClassData(). |
Definition at line 1567 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowLongPtr(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), GetCPD(), and NtUserGetCPD(). |
Definition at line 1563 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserGetCPD(). |
Definition at line 1562 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), _GetClassInfoEx(), _GetWindowLongPtr(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), GetCPD(), GetWindowData(), xxxSetClassData(), xxxSetWindowData(), and xxxWrapCallWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 1566 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetCPD(), GetWindowData(), NtUserGetCPD(), and xxxSetWindowData(). |
Definition at line 1568 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), GetCPD(), and NtUserGetCPD(). |
Definition at line 1570 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1686 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), _GetClassInfoEx(), GetCPD(), InternalRegisterClassEx(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxSetClassData(). |
Definition at line 1685 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), _GetClassInfoEx(), InternalRegisterClassEx(), LW_RegisterWindows(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxSetClassData(). |
Definition at line 1688 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalRegisterClassEx(), and LW_RegisterWindows(). |
Definition at line 1689 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), _WOWModuleUnload(), InternalRegisterClassEx(), ReferenceClass(), xxxRegisterClassEx(), and xxxSetClassData(). |
Definition at line 1687 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _InnerGetClassPtr(), _WOWCleanup(), and _WOWModuleUnload(). |
Definition at line 1690 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), and xxxSetClassData(). |
Definition at line 2733 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserYieldTask(), PeekMessage(), and xxxInternalGetMessage(). |
Definition at line 2875 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by PeekMessage(), xxxInternalGetMessage(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 2169 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), CopyIcoCur(), CreateAniIcon(), CreateIcoCur(), CreateIcoCurIndirect(), CreateIconIndirect(), DestroyAniIcon(), DestroyClassSmIcon(), DestroyWindowSmIcon(), LoadAniIcon(), and xxxDWP_SetIcon(). |
Definition at line 2170 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), DestroyCursor(), and StaticWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2171 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), _SetCursorContents(), DestroyUnlockedCursor(), and zzzSetSystemImage(). |
Definition at line 2176 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), _DrawIconEx(), _GetCursorFrameInfo(), _InternalGetIconInfo(), _SetCursorContents(), _SetCursorIconData(), CreateAniIcon(), FixupCursor(), NtUserDrawIconEx(), NtUserGetIconSize(), NtUserSetCursorIconData(), SearchIconCache(), zzzAnimateCursor(), zzzSetSystemImage(), and zzzUpdateCursorImage(). |
Definition at line 2178 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConvertDIBIcon(), DestroyAniIcon(), FixupCursor(), and LinkCursor(). |
Definition at line 2173 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), and ConvertDIBIcon(). |
Definition at line 2174 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConvertDIBIcon(), and CreateIcoCur(). |
Definition at line 2180 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DestroyEmptyCursorObject(), LinkCursor(), UnlinkCursor(), and ZombieCursor(). |
Definition at line 2175 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), _LoadCursorsAndIcons(), ConvertDIBIcon(), LinkCursor(), and SearchIconCache(). |
Definition at line 2179 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), _GetClassInfoEx(), DestroyWindowSmIcon(), DWP_GetIcon(), xxxCreateWindowSmIcon(), and xxxDWP_SetIcon(). |
Definition at line 2181 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2177 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 495 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetAsyncKeyState(), and UpdateAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 492 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetKeyState(), and UpdateKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2930 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetAsyncKeyState(), and _GetKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2743 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefShortToInt(), InternalCreateDialog(), MDICheckCascadeRect(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and zzzInitTask(). |
Definition at line 2744 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(), InternalDdeInitialize(), and xxxCsDdeInitialize(). |
Definition at line 2143 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 587 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by __declspec(), CaptureAnsiCallbackData(), DrawTextExA(), and ImmReconversionWorker(). |
Definition at line 88 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 289 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LW_RegisterWindows(), SetupClassAtoms(), xxxCreateDesktop(), and xxxCreateWindowStation(). |
Definition at line 220 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InnerGrayStringAorW(). |
Definition at line 2484 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), and InternalCreateDialog(). |
Definition at line 719 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNDrawFullNC(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 718 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 715 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 707 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 717 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 706 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 714 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 720 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawFrame(). |
Definition at line 703 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawFrame(). |
Definition at line 716 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 708 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 709 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 712 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 699 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawSwitchWndHilite(). |
Definition at line 700 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 702 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawFrame(). |
Definition at line 705 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 695 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 696 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 697 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 698 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 701 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 710 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 711 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MLPaint(), SLPaint(), and xxxDrawButton(). |
Definition at line 713 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2488 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetParentDialog(), and InternalCreateDialog(). |
Definition at line 2486 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2485 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(). |
Definition at line 2483 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 290 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _HasCaptionIcon(), InternalCreateDialog(), RW_RegisterControls(), SetupClassAtoms(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 2824 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowLongPtr(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), DefDlgProcWorker(), and InternalCreateDialog(). |
Definition at line 3470 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(), and xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 956 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetFrameControlMetrics(). |
Definition at line 953 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BltMe4Times(), DrawCaptionIcon(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 952 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 948 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 950 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 949 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 945 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 946 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 957 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetFrameControlMetrics(). |
Definition at line 943 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxTrackCaptionButton(). |
Definition at line 944 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxRealDrawMenuItem(), xxxTrackCaptionButton(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 3200 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 3198 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DT_DrawStr(), and DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(). |
Definition at line 3199 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 3201 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetNextWordbreak(). |
Definition at line 2140 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDesktopWndProc(), and xxxRealizePalette(). |
Definition at line 2141 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 325 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2496 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2495 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2498 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2493 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2491 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECNcCreate(). |
Definition at line 2497 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2502 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2499 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2494 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECSetPasswordChar(), and xxxInterSendMsgEx(). |
Definition at line 2500 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECNcCreate(), EditWndProc(), and xxxCBPaint(). |
Definition at line 2492 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2501 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MLChar(), and MLKeyDown(). |
Definition at line 244 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _MonitorFromRect(), AnimateWindow(), CalcClientScrolling(), InternalScrollDC(), PreventInterMonitorBlts(), SetMonitorData(), SmartRectInRegion(), SmoothScrollWindowEx(), xxxDrawDragRect(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxMS_TrackMove(), and xxxSystemParametersInfo(). |
Definition at line 34 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAssignmentLock(), HMAssignmentUnlock(), HMValidateHandle(), HMValidateHandleNoRip(), HMValidateHandleNoSecure(), IovSpecialIrpCallDriver(), IovSpecialIrpCompleteRequest(), KiReadyThread(), MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait(), UserScreenAccessCheck(), ValidateHwnd(), and ValidateHwndNoRip(). |
Definition at line 733 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 735 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CreateAcceleratorTable(), LoadAcc(), NtUserCopyAcceleratorTable(), and xxxTranslateAccelerator(). |
Definition at line 840 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 829 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(). |
Definition at line 793 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowWord(), _RealChildWindowFromPoint(), _SetWindowWord(), ButtonWndProcA(), ButtonWndProcW(), ButtonWndProcWorker(), FIsParentDude(), InitMessageTables(), IsDialogMessageW(), MDIActivateDlgSize(), RW_RegisterControls(), WinHelpA(), xxxGotoNextMnem(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 815 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CallWindowProcAorW(), EditWndProcWorker(), InitFunctionTables(), and MESSAGECALL(). |
Definition at line 836 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ImeWndProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), NtUserSetWindowFNID(), SetDialogPointer(), StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxCBNcDestroyHandler(), xxxDestroyLBox(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 794 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(), ChildWindowFromPoint(), ComboBoxWndProcA(), ComboBoxWndProcW(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DefDlgProcWorker(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), InitMessageTables(), RW_RegisterControls(), xxxDestroyLBox(), xxxDlgDirListHelper(), xxxMoveSize(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 795 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(), InitMessageTables(), RW_RegisterControls(), xxxDlgDirListHelper(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 803 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MapClientNeuterToClientPfn(), NtUserSetWindowFNID(), SendMessageWorker(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 791 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MapClientNeuterToClientPfn(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 835 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by EnterReaderMode(), and RW_RegisterDDEML(). |
Definition at line 807 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 808 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 788 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(), and InitFunctionTables(). |
Definition at line 837 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsWindow(), xxxCapture(), xxxFreeWindow(), and xxxSetWindowData(). |
Definition at line 796 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowWord(), _SetWindowWord(), DefDlgProcWorker(), InitMessageTables(), RW_RegisterControls(), SendMessageWorker(), SetDialogPointer(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 797 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowLongPtr(), EditWndProcA(), EditWndProcW(), EditWndProcWorker(), GetWindowData(), InitMessageTables(), RW_RegisterControls(), xxxInterSendMsgEx(), xxxSetWindowData(), xxxSetWindowLongPtr(), and xxxSetWindowStyle(). |
Definition at line 819 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitMapSharedSection(), and NtUserGetClassName(). |
Definition at line 805 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CallNextHookEx(), and InitFunctionTables(). |
Definition at line 806 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CallNextHookEx(), and InitFunctionTables(). |
Definition at line 785 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), and LW_RegisterWindows(). |
Definition at line 802 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ImeWndProcWorker(), InitMessageTables(), NtUserSetImeOwnerWindow(), RW_RegisterControls(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 798 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetListBoxInfo(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), ComboListBoxWndProcA(), ComboListBoxWndProcW(), InitMessageTables(), ListBoxWndProcA(), ListBoxWndProcW(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), MDIActivateDlgSize(), RW_RegisterControls(), xxxDlgDirListHelper(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 809 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 810 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 799 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(), _GetWindowLongPtr(), _GetWindowWord(), _SetWindowWord(), DefMDIChildProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), RW_RegisterControls(), TranslateMDISysAccel(), xxxMetricsRecalc(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 786 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetMenuPwnd(), GetTopMostInsertAfter(), InitFunctionTables(), InitMessageTables(), LW_RegisterWindows(), MenuWindowProcA(), MenuWindowProcW(), MenuWndProcWorker(), MNFreePopup(), and xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 784 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), InitMessageTables(), LW_RegisterWindows(), ScrollBarWndProcWorker(), and xxxSBWndProc(). |
Definition at line 811 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 816 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BroadcastSystemMessageWorker(), and InitFunctionTables(). |
Definition at line 814 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), and SendMessageTimeoutWorker(). |
Definition at line 813 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), SendMessage(), and SendMessageTimeoutWorker(). |
Definition at line 781 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), InitMapSharedSection(), InitMessageTables(), NtUserGetClassName(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 800 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ChopText(), InitMessageTables(), RW_RegisterControls(), StaticWndProcWorker(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 838 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), DialogBox2(), and ValidateDialogPwnd(). |
Definition at line 817 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by Getpswi(), GetTopMostInsertAfter(), LW_RegisterWindows(), Setpswi(), and xxxSwitchWndProc(). |
Definition at line 895 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 896 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 897 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SendMessageWorker(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 818 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LW_RegisterWindows(), and xxxTooltipWndProc(). |
Definition at line 790 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), MapClientToServerPfn(), MapServerToClientPfn(), PatchThreadWindows(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 782 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MapClientToServerPfn(), MapServerToClientPfn(), PatchThreadWindows(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 2578 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2568 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(), xxxDefWindowProc(), and xxxDWP_SetCursor(). |
Definition at line 2573 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitSwitchWndInfo(), xxxActivateOnMinimize(), xxxbFullscreenSwitch(), xxxMakeWindowForegroundWithState(), xxxShowWindow(), and xxxSwitchDesktop(). |
Definition at line 1269 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsTooltipHittest(), MB_GetString(), and xxxMB_FindLongestString(). |
Definition at line 1548 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxFreeWindow(), xxxSendBSMtoDesktop(), xxxTooltipWndProc(), and zzzSetFMouseMoved(). |
Definition at line 1549 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DestroyCursor(), and DestroyAniIcon(). |
Definition at line 1553 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DdeGetQualityOfService(), DrawSwitchWndHilite(), NtUserImpersonateDdeClientWindow(), xxxDDETrackPostHook(), and xxxDDETrackSendHook(). |
Definition at line 2569 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by EndDialog(). |
Definition at line 3045 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetRealClientRect(). |
Definition at line 3044 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ArrangeWindows(), GetParentArrangeRect(), GetRealClientRect(), and SetTiledRect(). |
Definition at line 3043 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ArrangeWindows(), GetRealClientRect(), ParkIcon(), and xxxArrangeIconicWindows(). |
Definition at line 3420 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), CalcSBStuff(), GetRealClientRect(), MDICheckCascadeRect(), SBCtlSetup(), UT_GetParentDCClipBox(), xxxCalcValidRects(), and xxxScrollWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 3424 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), GetRealClientRect(), GetRect(), MDICheckCascadeRect(), SBCtlSetup(), UT_GetParentDCClipBox(), and xxxScrollWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 3427 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetRect(). |
Definition at line 3426 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetRect(), ParkIcon(), UpdateCheckpoint(), xxxCalcValidRects(), xxxMinMaximize(), and xxxSetStaticImage(). |
Definition at line 3422 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetRect(). |
Definition at line 3421 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetRect(), ParkIcon(), UpdateCheckpoint(), xxxCalcValidRects(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxMinMaximize(), and xxxSetStaticImage(). |
Definition at line 3425 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CalcSBStuff(), GetRect(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), and xxxDrawWindowFrame(). |
Definition at line 674 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetConvContext(), and SetConvContext(). |
Definition at line 675 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConnectConv(), DDEMLClientWndProc(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 677 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConnectConv(), and DDEMLClientWndProc(). |
Definition at line 668 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalDdeInitialize(), and ProcessRegistrationMessage(). |
Definition at line 673 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AbandonEnumerateProc(), ConnectConv(), DdeConnectList(), DdeDisconnectList(), DDEMLClientWndProc(), DDEMLMotherWndProc(), DdeQueryNextServer(), EnableEnumProc(), InitiateEnumerationProc(), and UnlinkConvFromOthers(). |
Definition at line 685 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DDEMLServerWndProc(), DdePostAdvise(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 689 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCsDdeInitialize(), and xxxEventWndProc(). |
Definition at line 676 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConnectConv(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 1432 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1434 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMFreeObject(), and NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess(). |
Definition at line 1430 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMDestroyUnlockedObject(), HMMarkObjectDestroy(), HMUnlockObjectInternal(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 1431 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1433 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMMarkObjectDestroy(), and xxxLoadKeyboardLayoutEx(). |
Definition at line 1435 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 196 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(), xxxInternalGetMessage(), xxxPollAndWaitForSingleObject(), and xxxSleepTask(). |
Definition at line 2008 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SetWindowsHookA(), SetWindowsHookExA(), xxxCallHook2(), xxxHkCallHook(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 2014 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FreeHook(), FreeThreadsWindowHooks(), PhkFirstGlobalValid(), PhkFirstValid(), PhkNextValid(), and zzzUnhookWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 2007 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CheckWHFBits(), FreeHook(), FreeThreadsWindowHooks(), HMChangeOwnerThread(), PhkNextValid(), UnlinkHook(), xxxCallHook2(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 2011 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCallHook2(). |
Definition at line 2010 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2009 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxHkCallHook(), and xxxSkipSysMsg(). |
Definition at line 2012 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2013 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SetWindowsHookExAW(), xxxCallHook2(), xxxHkCallHook(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 1469 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAllocObject(). |
Definition at line 1465 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAllocObject(), HMGrowHandleTable(), and HMInitHandleTable(). |
Definition at line 1470 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetFullUserHandle(), HMAllocObject(), NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess(), and PtiWindow(). |
Definition at line 1475 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _MapDesktopObject(), HMChangeOwnerPheProcess(), and HMChangeOwnerThread(). |
Definition at line 1511 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _HasCaptionIcon(). |
Definition at line 1474 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1510 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DestroyInputContext(), HMChangeOwnerThread(), HMFreeObject(), HMMarkObjectDestroy(), HMUnlockObjectInternal(), ValidateZorder(), xxxCreateWindowStation(), xxxDestroyWindow(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxLoadKeyboardLayoutEx(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), ZombieCursor(), and zzzSetSystemImage(). |
Definition at line 1482 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1484 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSetClassIcon(). |
Definition at line 1467 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMFreeObject(), and PtiWindow(). |
Definition at line 1473 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMValidateHandle(), HMValidateHandleNoSecure(), HMValidateSharedHandle(), and PtiWindow(). |
Definition at line 1466 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3063 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3065 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SelectWindowRgn(), and xxxMinMaximize(). |
Definition at line 3066 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetDCEx(), and DeleteMaybeSpecialRgn(). |
Definition at line 339 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _RealChildWindowFromPoint(), _WOWModuleUnload(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), SetupClassAtoms(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 344 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), InternalCreateDialog(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 354 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 346 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SetupClassAtoms(). |
Definition at line 357 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and RegisterService(). |
Definition at line 358 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConnectConv(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 359 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConnectConv(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 355 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and xxxCsDdeInitialize(). |
Definition at line 356 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), InternalDdeInitialize(), and RegisterService(). |
Definition at line 360 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DDEMLClientWndProc(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 361 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DDEMLClientWndProc(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and ProcessDDEMLInitiate(). |
Definition at line 348 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and SetupClassAtoms(). |
Definition at line 349 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), SetupClassAtoms(), StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 340 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), InternalCreateDialog(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 352 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMChangeOwnerThread(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), SetupClassAtoms(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 342 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetListBoxInfo(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 364 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _WOWModuleUnload(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and NtUserGetClassName(). |
Definition at line 353 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 350 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ImeSetFutureOwner(), InitializeClientPfnArrays(), IsChildSameThread(), and SetupClassAtoms(). |
Definition at line 343 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(). |
Definition at line 341 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 351 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and SetupClassAtoms(). |
Definition at line 363 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeClientPfnArrays(), and SetupClassAtoms(). |
Definition at line 80 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by EndTaskDlgProc(). |
Definition at line 292 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LW_RegisterWindows(), and SetupClassAtoms(). |
Definition at line 2593 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2595 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetSystemMenu(), xxxLoadSysMenu(), and xxxSetDialogSystemMenu(). |
Definition at line 2663 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HelpMenu(). |
Definition at line 2596 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetScrollMenu(). |
Definition at line 2592 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetSysMenuHandle(), xxxGetSystemMenu(), and xxxTranslateAccelerator(). |
Definition at line 2597 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetScrollMenu(). |
Definition at line 312 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetCaretBlinkTime(), CaretBlinkProc(), xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxCreateCaret(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxTrackMouse(), zzzInternalDestroyCaret(), and zzzSetCaretPos(). |
Definition at line 301 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxFlashWindow(), and xxxSystemTimerProc(). |
Definition at line 306 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(). |
Definition at line 304 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNAnimate(), and xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 302 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNSetTimerToAutoDismiss(), and xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 305 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 311 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNSetTimerToCloseHierarchy(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), and xxxMNSelectItem(). |
Definition at line 309 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNSetTimerToOpenHierarchy(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNDestroyHandler(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxMNSelectItem(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 307 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 303 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ResetMouseHover(), TrackMouseEvent(), xxxCancelMouseMoveTracking(), and xxxSystemTimerProc(). |
Definition at line 310 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), MLMouseMotion(), xxxContScroll(), xxxEndScroll(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxTrackBox(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 308 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxNextAniIconStep(), and xxxSetStaticImage(). |
Definition at line 300 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSystemTimerProc(), and xxxTrackMouseMove(). |
Definition at line 594 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ImmDllInitialize(), and User32InitializeImmEntryTable(). |
Definition at line 293 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 482 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 481 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 480 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateDlgFont(), InternalCreateDialog(), NtUserSetWindowPlacement(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 479 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateDlgFont(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 570 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by RtlWCSMessageWParamCharToMB(). |
Definition at line 589 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 598 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), StaticWndProcWorker(), and Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 1572 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetWindowLongPtr(), CallWindowProcAorW(), GetCPD(), xxxRegisterClassEx(), xxxSetClassData(), and xxxSetWindowData(). |
Definition at line 327 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2553 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2690 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), DrawThumb2(), HitTestScrollBar(), xxxDrawSB2(), and xxxSBTrackInit(). |
Definition at line 1571 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetCPD(). |
Definition at line 575 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 581 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(). |
Definition at line 2558 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 237 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LW_LoadSomeStrings(). |
Definition at line 3120 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HardErrorHandler(), MB_GetString(), and xxxMB_FindLongestString(). |
Definition at line 372 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 330 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2757 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMNKeyFilter(). |
Definition at line 295 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LW_RegisterWindows(), SetupClassAtoms(), xxxCreateDesktop(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2756 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsDialogMessageW(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxMNKeyFilter(), and xxxSysCommand(). |
Definition at line 2759 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2760 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSendMenuSelect(). |
Definition at line 649 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LockDesktopMenu(), and UnlockDesktopMenu(). |
Definition at line 647 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawMenuItem(), xxxMenuBarDraw(), and xxxSendMenuDrawItemMessage(). |
Definition at line 651 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 644 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMNCompute(). |
Definition at line 2767 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsMFMWFPWindow(), xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint(), and xxxMNMouseMove(). |
Definition at line 2765 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsRecursedMenuState(), MNDrawFullNC(), MNItemHitTest(), xxxMNDoScroll(), xxxMNInvertItem(), and xxxMNSetTop(). |
Definition at line 2768 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2762 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2766 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 2761 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ChangeMenuA(), ChangeMenuW(), IsMFMWFPWindow(), UnlockMFMWFPWindow(), xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMNDragOver(), xxxMNFindWindowFromPoint(), xxxMNMouseMove(), and xxxMNUpdateDraggingInfo(). |
Definition at line 2764 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsRecursedMenuState(), MNDrawArrow(), MNDrawFullNC(), MNItemHitTest(), xxxMNDoScroll(), xxxMNInvertItem(), and xxxMNSetTop(). |
Definition at line 648 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetMenuFlagRtoL(), MakeMenuRtoL(), MBC_RightJustifyMenu(), xxxInsertMenuItem(), xxxMNPositionHierarchy(), xxxMNStartMenuState(), xxxSetMenuItemInfo(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 650 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetSystemMenu(), xxxLoadSysDesktopMenu(), xxxMNRecomputeBarIfNeeded(), xxxMNSwitchToAlternateMenu(), and xxxSetSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 645 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawMenuBarUnderlines(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxNextWindow(), xxxRealDrawMenuItem(), xxxSendMenuDrawItemMessage(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 646 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNEraseBackground(), and xxxMenuWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 2682 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNFindNextValidItem(), and xxxMNFindChar(). |
Definition at line 2055 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UpdateUserScreen(), xxxDrawWallpaper(), and xxxInternalPaintDesktop(). |
Definition at line 2054 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _MonitorFromPoint(), _MonitorFromRect(), PreventInterMonitorBlts(), SetMonitorData(), SnapshotMonitorRects(), UpdateUserScreen(), xxxLoadDesktopWallpaper(), and xxxMS_TrackMove(). |
Definition at line 2630 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNCheckScroll(), MNDrawArrow(), and xxxMNSetTop(). |
Definition at line 2629 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNCheckScroll(), MNDrawArrow(), and xxxMNSetTop(). |
Definition at line 2627 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNCheckScroll(), MNDrawArrow(), MNEraseBackground(), MNItemHitTest(), xxxMenuDraw(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNInvertItem(), xxxMNPositionHierarchy(), xxxMNUpdateShownMenu(), and xxxSetMenuInfo(). |
Definition at line 2628 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNCheckScroll(), and xxxMNSetTop(). |
Definition at line 2219 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FindQMsg(), SpontaneousTerminate(), xxxAdvise(), xxxAdviseData(), xxxCopyAckIn(), xxxExecute(), xxxExecuteAck(), xxxPoke(), xxxReadPostMessage(), and xxxRequestAck(). |
Definition at line 2220 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MESSAGECALL(). |
Definition at line 2217 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserMessageCall(), NtUserPostMessage(), NtUserPostThreadMessage(), NtUserSendMessageCallback(), and NtUserSendNotifyMessage(). |
Definition at line 2221 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxLbDir(), xxxLbInsertFile(), and xxxLBInsertItem(). |
Definition at line 2218 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DispatchMessageWorker(), IsDialogMessageW(), and xxxDispatchMessage(). |
Definition at line 624 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AnimInc(), ConvertDIBIcon(), CopyIcoCur(), CreateDlgFont(), CreateFontFromWinIni(), FastGetProfileIntFromID(), LBSetTabStops(), MLSetTabStops(), MNAnimate(), NormalizeRect(), SetTiledRect(), SetWindowMetricInt(), SoftModalMessageBox(), TooltipAnimate(), and xxxAnimateCaption(). |
Definition at line 1061 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitAnsiOem(), and InitOemXlateTables(). |
Definition at line 1062 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitOemXlateTables(). |
Definition at line 1774 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ClrFTrueVis(), InternalDoPaint(), InternalInvalidate3(), ParentNeedsPaint(), UpdateWindow(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxInternalUpdateWindow(), and xxxUpdateWindow2(). |
Definition at line 232 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 231 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 1041 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 1042 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1044 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1045 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1043 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 998 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 999 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 988 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawCaptionIcon(). |
Definition at line 989 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 990 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 991 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 992 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 993 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 994 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 995 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 996 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 997 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1031 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), LoadBmp(), and xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 1032 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1034 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1035 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1033 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 959 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawCaptionButtons(), xxxCalcCaptionButton(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 960 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 961 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 962 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 977 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 978 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 979 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 980 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 1000 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCalcCaptionButton(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 1001 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1002 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1003 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1047 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1053 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateBitmapStrip(), DrawStateW(), PackFrameControls(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 1009 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), xxxDrawSB2(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 1010 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 1011 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1012 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and xxxDrawSB2(). |
Definition at line 970 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BitBltSysBmp(), DrawCaptionButtons(), xxxCalcCaptionButton(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 971 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BitBltSysBmp(). |
Definition at line 972 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BitBltSysBmp(). |
Definition at line 1017 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), xxxDrawSB2(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 1018 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 1019 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1020 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and xxxDrawSB2(). |
Definition at line 1021 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), xxxDrawMenuItem(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 1052 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawMenuItem(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 1027 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNDrawArrow(). |
Definition at line 1028 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1029 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1024 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNDrawArrow(). |
Definition at line 1025 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1026 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1023 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawMenuItemCheckMark(). |
Definition at line 1022 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateBitmapStrip(), DrawMenuItemCheckMark(), LoadBmp(), MNDrawArrow(), MNRecalcTabStrings(), xxxDrawMenuBarUnderlines(), xxxMNCompute(), xxxMNItemSize(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 1004 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawSize(), and LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 1051 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawSize(). |
Definition at line 1046 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 1036 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 1037 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1039 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1040 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1038 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1030 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 963 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawCaptionButtons(), xxxCalcCaptionButton(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 964 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 965 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 966 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 981 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 982 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 983 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 984 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 1050 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 967 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCalcCaptionButton(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 968 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 969 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 985 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 986 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 987 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1048 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1013 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), xxxDrawSB2(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 1014 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 1015 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1016 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and xxxDrawSB2(). |
Definition at line 1005 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), xxxDrawSB2(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 1006 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 1007 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1008 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and xxxDrawSB2(). |
Definition at line 973 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawCaptionButtons(), LoadBmp(), xxxCalcCaptionButton(), and xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 974 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 975 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 976 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawCaptionBar(). |
Definition at line 1049 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1347 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _MapDesktopObject(), HMAllocObject(), HMFreeObject(), and HMInitHandleTable(). |
Definition at line 1345 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAllocObject(), HMChangeOwnerPheProcess(), and HMInitHandleTable(). |
Definition at line 1344 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _QueryUserHandles(), _WOWCleanup(), DestroyHandleTableObjects(), DestroyProcessesObjects(), DestroyProcessInfo(), DestroyThreadsObjects(), HMAllocObject(), HMChangeOwnerPheProcess(), HMFreeObject(), HMInitHandleTable(), IsHandleEntrySecure(), and MarkThreadsObjects(). |
Definition at line 1349 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAllocObject(), HMFreeObject(), and HMInitHandleTable(). |
Definition at line 1343 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _QueryUserHandles(), DestroyHandleTableObjects(), DestroyThreadsObjects(), HMAllocObject(), HMChangeOwnerThread(), HMFreeObject(), HMInitHandleTable(), and IsHandleEntrySecure(). |
Definition at line 1348 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAllocObject(), and HMInitHandleTable(). |
Definition at line 1346 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAllocObject(), and HMInitHandleTable(). |
Definition at line 1353 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HMAllocObject(). |
Definition at line 222 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2819 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowLongPtr(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), DefDlgProcWorker(), DialogBox2(), EndDialog(), InternalCreateDialog(), SendMessageWorker(), xxxRestoreDlgFocus(), and xxxSaveDlgFocus(). |
Definition at line 1724 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetWindowContextHelpId(), CreateRedirectionBitmap(), DeleteProperties(), NtUserSetAppImeLevel(), UserAssociateHwnd(), xxxCreateWindowSmIcon(), and xxxDWP_SetIcon(). |
Definition at line 1723 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserSetProp(). |
Definition at line 1073 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(). |
Definition at line 1074 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LBGetScrollFlags(). |
Definition at line 1071 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SelectPalette(), BitmapFromDIB(), GetIcoCurBpp(), MungeClipData(), PasteScreenPalette(), UpdateUserScreen(), xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxGetDummyBitmap(), xxxGetDummyDib(), xxxGetDummyDibV5(), and xxxSnapWindow(). |
Definition at line 1072 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), and xxxSystemParametersInfo(). |
Definition at line 1617 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClassData(), _WOWModuleUnload(), xxxRegisterClassEx(), and xxxSetClassData(). |
Definition at line 116 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _MapWindowPoints(), CalcVisRgn(), CalcWindowVisRgn(), CreateEmptyRgn(), SetEmptyRgn(), StartDeviceRead(), and UpdateUserScreen(). |
Definition at line 3003 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxMNLoop(), and zzzAttachToQueue(). |
Definition at line 3032 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxActiveWindowTracking(), xxxSystemTimerProc(), and xxxTrackMouseMove(). |
Definition at line 3031 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CancelInputState(), xxxCapture(), xxxDestroyThreadInfo(), xxxHandleMenuMessages(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNKeyDown(), xxxMNLoop(), xxxMNReleaseCapture(), xxxMNSetCapture(), xxxReleaseCapture(), xxxSetCapture(), xxxSysCommand(), xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(), and zzzAttachToQueue(). |
Definition at line 3022 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), NtUserSetThreadState(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 3023 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxMouseActivate(), and xxxSetForegroundWindow2(). |
Definition at line 3001 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 3000 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 2999 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 3021 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxActivateThisWindow(), and xxxSendFocusMessages(). |
Definition at line 3019 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FreeQueue(), Win32kNtUserCleanup(), and zzzDestroyQueue(). |
Definition at line 3018 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSwitchDesktop(). |
Definition at line 3020 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxInternalGetMessage(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 3002 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ClearWakeBit(), PostMove(), xxxButtonEvent(), xxxGetNextSysMsg(), xxxKeyEvent(), xxxSystemTimerProc(), and zzzSetFMouseMoved(). |
Definition at line 3012 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(), and xxxKeyEvent(). |
Definition at line 2997 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserGetKeyState(), PostInputMessage(), PostUpdateKeyStateEvent(), UpdateAsyncKeyState(), and xxxSwitchDesktop(). |
Definition at line 1485 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(), and xxxMNKeyDown(). |
Value: Definition at line 1166 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetRipFlags(), UserServerDllInitialization(), and Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 1164 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1172 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1173 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1163 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1160 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1162 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1161 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1170 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1171 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1157 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1159 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1158 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1174 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetRipFlags(), and SetRipFlags(). |
Definition at line 3038 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3037 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2691 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), DrawThumb2(), HitTestScrollBar(), xxxDrawSB2(), and xxxSBTrackInit(). |
Definition at line 3162 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxLoadSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 2507 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2506 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2505 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2508 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawSize(). |
Definition at line 328 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3127 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3123 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HardErrorHandler(). |
Definition at line 3129 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3132 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HardErrorHandler(). |
Definition at line 3130 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by IsTooltipHittest(). |
Definition at line 3128 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3125 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3122 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3126 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3124 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 373 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 155 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by Win32UserInitialize(), and xxxReceiveMessage(). |
Definition at line 186 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConvertRedirectionDCs(), SetMonitorData(), UpdateUserScreen(), xxxFlashWindow(), xxxReceiveMessage(), and xxxUpdatePerUserAccessPackSettings(). |
Definition at line 1080 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UpdateUserScreen(), and xxxSystemParametersInfo(). |
Definition at line 1180 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1154 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DestroyEventHook(), and Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 1078 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1178 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1152 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetWinEventHook(), and Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 2970 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UpdateAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2982 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UpdateAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2976 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetKeyboardState(), ChangeForegroundKeyboardTable(), NlsSetKeyStateToggle(), UpdateAsyncKeyState(), and UpdatePerUserKeyboardIndicators(). |
Definition at line 1610 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1614 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Value: Definition at line 2574 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateDesktop(), xxxMakeWindowForegroundWithState(), xxxShowWindow(), and xxxSwitchDesktop(). |
Definition at line 2936 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxToUnicodeEx(). |
Definition at line 2950 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UpdateAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2957 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetKeyboardState(), ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(), SetConvMode(), and UpdateKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2963 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetKeyboardState(), ChangeForegroundKeyboardTable(), NlsSetKeyStateToggle(), ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(), SetConvMode(), UpdateKeyState(), and UpdatePerUserKeyboardIndicators(). |
Definition at line 2942 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxToUnicodeEx(). |
Definition at line 2774 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetMenuFlagRtoL(), LockDesktopMenu(), MakeMenuRtoL(), xxxDrawMenuBarUnderlines(), xxxGetSystemMenu(), xxxLoadSysDesktopMenu(), xxxMenuBarDraw(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), xxxNextWindow(), xxxSetLPITEMInfo(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2778 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetMenuDefaultItem(), MNDrawMenu3DHotTracking(), xxxHotTrackMenu(), xxxMNInvertItem(), xxxMNSetGapState(), and xxxSetLPITEMInfo(). |
Definition at line 2782 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MakeMenuRtoL(). |
Definition at line 2514 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticCallback(), xxxSetStaticImage(), and xxxStaticPaint(). |
Definition at line 2518 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticCallback(). |
Definition at line 2519 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticCallback(). |
Definition at line 2512 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticCallback(), and xxxStaticPaint(). |
Definition at line 2513 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2516 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxStaticLoadImage(). |
Definition at line 2515 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2517 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2511 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticCallback(), StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxSetStaticImage(), xxxStaticLoadImage(), and xxxStaticPaint(). |
Definition at line 2520 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 221 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InnerGrayStringAorW(). |
Definition at line 1144 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 1146 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetSystemMetrics(), and Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 1147 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetSystemMetrics(), and Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 1148 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetSystemMetrics(), and Win32UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 1145 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetWinEventHook(), and DestroyEventHook(). |
Definition at line 1311 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ResetSystemColors(), SetSysColor(), SetSysColors(), and xxxODI_ColorInit(). |
Definition at line 1310 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SetSysColors(), and xxxSetSysColors(). |
Definition at line 1312 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ResetSystemColors(), SetSysColor(), SetSysColors(), xxxODI_ColorInit(), and xxxSetSysColors(). |
Definition at line 2542 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 326 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MB_UpdateDlgItem(), and SoftModalMessageBox(). |
Definition at line 841 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), MapClientToServerPfn(), MapServerToClientPfn(), and PatchThreadWindows(). |
Definition at line 2587 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SetVisible(), xxxDWP_SetRedraw(), xxxMDINext(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2586 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SetVisible(), xxxCreateWindowStation(), xxxDWP_SetRedraw(), xxxDWPPrint(), xxxProcessHungThreadEvent(), xxxShowWindow(), zzzActiveCursorTracking(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2585 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDesktopThread(), xxxDestroyWindow(), xxxDWP_SetRedraw(), xxxDWPPrint(), xxxFW_DestroyAllChildren(), xxxMDINext(), xxxMinimizeHungWindow(), xxxMNCloseHierarchy(), xxxShowOwnedWindows(), xxxShowWindow(), zzzActiveCursorTracking(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2737 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxChildResize(), and xxxMinMaximize(). |
Definition at line 291 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LW_RegisterWindows(), SetupClassAtoms(), xxxNextWindow(), and xxxOldNextWindow(). |
Definition at line 2526 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2527 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 213 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 203 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetClientRect(), _GetWindowRect(), DrawDiagonalLine(), DrawEdge(), DrawFrame(), FindNCHit(), GetRealClientRect(), and SizeBoxHwnd(). |
Definition at line 205 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawBox(), DrawGrip(), DrawIt(), and DrawPushButton(). |
Definition at line 154 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetSystemMetrics(), and InSendMessage(). |
Definition at line 1077 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSystemParametersInfo(). |
Definition at line 1177 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1151 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 153 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InSendMessageEx(). |
Definition at line 1076 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SelectPalette(), BitmapFromDIB(), DefDlgProcWorker(), GetIcoCurBpp(), MungeClipData(), PasteScreenPalette(), xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxGetDummyBitmap(), xxxGetDummyDib(), xxxGetDummyDibV5(), and xxxSnapWindow(). |
Definition at line 1176 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1150 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2968 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetAsyncKeyState(), AdjustPushState(), IdleTimerProc(), ToggleKeys(), UpdateAsyncKeyState(), xxxButtonEvent(), and xxxKeyEvent(). |
Definition at line 2980 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetAsyncKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2974 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ChangeForegroundKeyboardTable(), NlsTestKeyStateToggle(), RegisterPerUserKeyboardIndicators(), ToggleKeys(), UpdateAsyncKeyState(), UpdateKeyLights(), xxxMKToggleMouseKeys(), xxxShiftLock(), xxxSystemParametersInfo(), and xxxUpdatePerUserAccessPackSettings(). |
Definition at line 1613 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxMNCanClose(). |
Definition at line 2934 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetAsyncKeyState(), GetKeyState(), GetModifierBits(), ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(), and xxxInternalToUnicode(). |
Definition at line 2948 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetAsyncKeyState(), and ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(). |
Definition at line 2955 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetKeyState(), AdjustPushState(), CheckImeHotKey(), GetMouseKeyFlags(), NtUserGetKeyboardState(), UpdateKeyState(), WakeSomeone(), xxxCallJournalPlaybackHook(), xxxScanSysQueue(), and xxxSkipSysMsg(). |
Definition at line 2961 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetKeyState(), NlsTestKeyStateToggle(), NtUserGetKeyboardState(), and UpdateKeyState(). |
Definition at line 2940 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetKeyState(), and ProcessUpdateKeyStateEvent(). |
Definition at line 3526 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _PostMessage(), _PostThreadMessage(), BroadcastSystemMessageWorker(), DispatchMessageWorker(), IsDialogMessageW(), xxxDispatchMessage(), and xxxSendMessageCallback(). |
Definition at line 2571 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxHungAppDemon(), xxxMenuBarDraw(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), and xxxRedrawTitle(). |
Definition at line 2566 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxShowOwnedWindows(). |
Definition at line 2562 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2564 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2565 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECGetControlBrush(), xxxActivateWindow(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDefWindowProc(), and xxxGetControlBrush(). |
Definition at line 2563 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetParent(), xxxAdjustSize(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 275 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FindWindow(), FindWindowEx(), GetMenuItemInfo(), and GetMenuString(). |
Definition at line 3454 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MNRecalcTabStrings(), xxxDrawMenuBarUnderlines(), xxxMNCompute(), xxxMNFindChar(), xxxMNItemSize(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 558 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ComboBoxDBCharHandler(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), MESSAGECALL(), RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(), RtlWCSMessageWParamCharToMB(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(). |
Definition at line 2849 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCallHook2(), xxxProcessNotifyWinEvent(), zzzSetDesktop(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 2853 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2845 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by PeekMessage(), xxxInternalGetMessage(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 2855 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCallHook2(), xxxCreateDesktop(), xxxCreateWindowStation(), xxxDestroyWindow(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxWindowEvent(). |
Definition at line 2851 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateInputContext(), DefWindowProcWorker(), NtUserDisableThreadIme(), WantImeWindow(), xxxCreateDefaultImeWindow(), xxxCreateThreadInfo(), and xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 2832 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _RegisterTasklist(), xxxConsoleControl(), xxxCreateThreadInfo(), xxxDestroyThreadInfo(), zzzAttachThreadInput(), and zzzRegisterSystemThread(). |
Definition at line 2833 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetJournallingQueue(), RawInputThread(), zzzJournalAttach(), and zzzRegisterSystemThread(). |
Definition at line 2843 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConnectToEmulator(), HandleFocusEvent(), UnregisterVDM(), and xxxCallHook2(). |
Definition at line 2839 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by PeekMessage(), zzzInitTask(), and zzzWakeInputIdle(). |
Definition at line 2844 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SetForegroundPriorityProcess(), zzzSetWindowsHookEx(), and zzzUnhookWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 2850 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _PostThreadMessage(), _SetWinEventHook(), PtiFromThreadId(), and xxxCreateThreadInfo(). |
Definition at line 2848 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCallJournalPlaybackHook(), and xxxMNLoop(). |
Definition at line 2835 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxActivateThisWindow(), and xxxDeactivate(). |
Definition at line 2852 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2841 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawDragRect(), xxxDWP_DoCancelMode(), xxxMoveSize(), xxxReleaseCapture(), xxxScanSysQueue(), and zzzInvalidateDCCache(). |
Definition at line 2837 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SelectPalette(), InitiateWin32kCleanup(), and xxxDestroyThreadInfo(). |
Definition at line 2857 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetDesktopWindow(), GetParent(), PrepareForLogoff(), SetProcessFlags(), and xxxCreateThreadInfo(). |
Definition at line 2838 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SleepInputIdle(), xxxSleepTask(), zzzInitTask(), and zzzWakeInputIdle(). |
Definition at line 2836 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CheckProcessForeground(), NtUserYieldTask(), PeekMessage(), xxxGetInputEvent(), xxxInternalGetMessage(), xxxMsgWaitForMultipleObjects(), xxxReadPostMessage(), xxxScanSysQueue(), and xxxSleepThread(). |
Definition at line 2830 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCancelTrackingForThread(), xxxMoveSize(), xxxMS_TrackMove(), xxxReleaseCapture(), and xxxTrackInitSize(). |
Definition at line 2842 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by HandleFocusEvent(), SrvRegisterConsoleVDM(), and UnregisterVDM(). |
Definition at line 2840 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by PeekMessage(), xxxCreateThreadInfo(), and xxxWaitForInputIdle(). |
Definition at line 157 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1081 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1181 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1155 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2946 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 294 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LW_RegisterWindows(), SetupClassAtoms(), and xxxCreateDesktop(). |
Definition at line 913 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CreateAcceleratorTable(), AddAccResource(), FindAccResource(), and HMValidateHandle(). |
Definition at line 912 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetWindowLongPtr(), _WOWCleanup(), CallWindowProcAorW(), FreeDesktop(), GetCPD(), xxxRegisterClassEx(), xxxSetClassData(), xxxSetWindowData(), and xxxWrapCallWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 911 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _ConvertMemHandle(), MungeClipData(), NtUserCreateLocalMemHandle(), UT_FreeCBFormat(), xxxGetDummyBitmap(), xxxGetDummyDib(), xxxGetDummyDibV5(), and xxxGetDummyPalette(). |
Definition at line 924 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _QueryUserHandles(), DumpConvInfo(), FixKernelPointer(), HMInitHandleTable(), and NtUserQueryUserCounters(). |
Definition at line 914 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CsDdeUninitialize(), _CsUpdateInstance(), xxxCsDdeInitialize(), and xxxEventWndProc(). |
Definition at line 915 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AnticipatePost(), FreeDdeXact(), and NewConversation(). |
Definition at line 916 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by AnticipatePost(), Createpxs(), FindQMsg(), FreeDdeXact(), PopState(), and xxxDDETrackGetMessageHook(). |
Definition at line 905 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _WOWCleanup(), DestroyHandleTableObjects(), DestroyProcessesObjects(), DestroyThreadsObjects(), HMDestroyUnlockedObject(), HMFreeObject(), HMGrowHandleTable(), HMInitHandleTable(), MarkThreadsObjects(), and xxxUserProcessCallout(). |
Definition at line 926 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _MapDesktopObject(), HMAssignmentLock(), NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess(), and ValidateHandleSecure(). |
Definition at line 910 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FreeDesktop(), HMChangeOwnerThread(), HMValidateHandle(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 922 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateInputContext(), DestroyInputContext(), ImeIsUsableContext(), ImeMarkUsedContext(), ImmCallImeConsoleIME(), and ImmLockClientImc(). |
Definition at line 919 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LoadKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 918 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxLoadKeyboardLayoutEx(). |
Definition at line 907 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DestroyThreadsObjects(), FreeDesktop(), HMValidateHandle(), Idhe(), InternalCreateMenu(), IsMenu(), MenuRecalc(), and ValidateHmenu(). |
Definition at line 917 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateMonitor(), HMValidateHandle(), HMValidateHandleNoRip(), HMValidateHandleNoSecure(), HMValidateSharedHandle(), and ValidateHmonitor(). |
Definition at line 909 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _BeginDeferWindowPos(), and HMValidateHandle(). |
Definition at line 921 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalSetTimer(). |
Definition at line 906 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _WOWCleanup(), _WOWModuleUnload(), FreeDesktop(), GetFullUserHandle(), HMAllocObject(), HMChangeOwnerThread(), HMValidateHandle(), PatchThreadWindows(), ProcessRegistrationMessage(), PtiWindow(), ValidateHwnd(), ValidateHwndNoRip(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxRealDrawMenuItem(). |
Definition at line 920 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SetWinEventHook(). |
Definition at line 1302 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 1303 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3565 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DestroyProcessInfo(). |
Definition at line 3557 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMessageBeep(). |
Definition at line 3570 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SoftModalMessageBox(). |
Definition at line 3569 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSysCommand(). |
Definition at line 3563 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMNCancel(). |
Definition at line 3562 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 3568 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSysCommand(). |
Definition at line 3564 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ConsolePlaySound(), and xxxCreateThreadInfo(). |
Definition at line 3567 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSysCommand(). |
Definition at line 3566 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxSysCommand(). |
Definition at line 3561 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMessageBeep(). |
Definition at line 3560 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMessageBeep(). |
Definition at line 3558 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMessageBeep(). |
Definition at line 3559 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMessageBeep(). |
Definition at line 1305 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), DrvDriverFailure(), NtUserInitialize(), NtUserProcessConnect(), UserClientDllInitialize(), and UserServerDllInitialization(). |
Definition at line 41 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _PrintInxClause(), FindMnemChar(), Idimc(), InternalCreateDialog(), LoadStringExW(), and LoadStringOrError(). |
Definition at line 477 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetWindowInfo(). |
Definition at line 476 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetWindowInfo(), SetAppImeCompatFlags(), SoftModalMessageBox(), xxxCreateDesktop(), xxxCreateWindowStation(), and xxxCsDdeInitialize(). |
Definition at line 474 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECInsertText(), and GetWindowInfo(). |
Definition at line 2361 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 2379 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _IsTaskWindow(), _RemoveNonTaskWindows(), IsTrayWindow(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 2366 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CBNcCreateHandler(), FindNCHit(), and xxxCalcClientRect(). |
Definition at line 2368 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FindNCHit(), xxxCalcCaptionButton(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), and xxxInitSendValidateMinMaxInfo(). |
Definition at line 2377 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetChildControl(), _NextControl(), _NextSibblingOrAncestor(), _PrevControl(), _RemoveNonTaskWindows(), DefDlgProcWorker(), FIsParentDude(), GetParentDialog(), IsDialogMessageA(), IsDialogMessageW(), xxxCheckDefPushButton(), and xxxRemoveDefaultButton(). |
Definition at line 2357 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _HasCaptionIcon(), FindNCHit(), SLEditWndProc(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), and xxxSetSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 2358 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2367 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CBNcCreateHandler(), ECNcCreate(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), and xxxMenuBarDraw(). |
Definition at line 2374 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CalcSBStuff(), DrawSize(), FindNCHit(), and xxxCalcClientRect(). |
Definition at line 2363 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetWindowSmIcon(). |
Definition at line 2359 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDestroyWindow(), and xxxMouseActivate(). |
Definition at line 2372 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), ECCreate(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxDrawCaptionTemp(), and xxxLBCreate(). |
Definition at line 2380 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2373 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BNReleaseDC(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), IsDialogMessageW(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxBNInitDC(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxDrawCaptionTemp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxMNStartMenuState(), and xxxStaticPaint(). |
Definition at line 2378 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), and xxxDrawWindowFrame(). |
Definition at line 2362 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _ChildWindowFromPointEx(), ExcludeWindowRects(), InternalDoPaint(), InternalInvalidate2(), InternalInvalidate3(), LayerHitTest(), xxxCalcValidRects(), xxxInternalUpdateWindow(), and xxxUpdateWindow2(). |
Definition at line 2365 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), and xxxSetWindowStyle(). |
Definition at line 2337 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalInvalidate2(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 2302 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(), ECNcCreate(), EditWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 2300 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ClearHungFlag(), and SetHungFlag(). |
Definition at line 2287 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxActivateThisWindow(). |
Definition at line 2410 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CBNcCreateHandler(), ECNcCreate(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 2411 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _HasCaptionIcon(), DefFrameProcWorker(), FindNCHit(), PixieHack(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxCheckFullScreen(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), xxxRedrawTitle(), xxxSetSysMenu(), xxxSetWindowPos(), and xxxShowWindow(). |
Definition at line 2310 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DeferWindowPos(), _GetNextQueueWindow(), CalcForegroundInsertAfter(), CalcMinZOrder(), GetLastNonBottomMostWindow(), ImeSetFutureOwner(), ImeSetTopmost(), LinkWindow(), ValidateZorder(), xxxActivateWindow(), xxxCalcValidRects(), xxxSetShellWindow(), xxxSwitchToThisWindow(), and ZOrderByOwner2(). |
Definition at line 2412 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(), FindNCHit(), PixieHack(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxCheckFullScreen(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), xxxInitSendValidateMinMaxInfo(), xxxRedrawTitle(), xxxSetWindowPos(), and xxxShowWindow(). |
Definition at line 2309 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCalcClientRect(), and xxxDrawWindowFrame(). |
Definition at line 2416 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetDCEx(), AnimateWindow(), DoPaint(), DoQueuedSyncPaint(), InternalInvalidate2(), InvalidateDce(), ParentNeedsPaint(), PixieHack(), UserGetHwnd(), ValidateParents(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxInternalDoSyncPaint(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), xxxScrollWindowEx(), xxxUpdateOtherThreadsWindows(), zzzBltValidBits(), and zzzInvalidateDCCache(). |
Definition at line 2417 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetDCEx(), CalcWindowVisRgn(), InternalInvalidate2(), InvalidateDce(), InvalidateGDIWindows(), SwpCalcVisRgn(), UserGetClientRgn(), UserGetHwnd(), UserVisrgnFromHwnd(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), xxxSetParent(), and zzzInvalidateDCCache(). |
Definition at line 2326 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), and xxxTrackCaptionButton(). |
Definition at line 2262 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECIsAncestorActive(), GetMonitorMaxArea(), SizeBoxHwnd(), ValidatePositionableWindow(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxGetMenuBarInfo(), xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), xxxInitSendValidateMinMaxInfo(), xxxMetricsRecalc(), and xxxSetWindowStyle(). |
Definition at line 2282 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowLongPtr(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), _SetWindowWord(), DefDlgProcWorker(), FIsParentDude(), GetParentDialog(), GetWindowWord(), SetDialogPointer(), ValidateDialogPwnd(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), and xxxSetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 2408 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _HasCaptionIcon(), FindNCHit(), and xxxSetSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 2306 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalInvalidate3(), xxxBeginPaint(), and xxxEndPaint(). |
Definition at line 2271 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxBeginPaint(), xxxSendEraseBkgnd(), and xxxSimpleDoSyncPaint(). |
Definition at line 2267 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ECIsAncestorActive(), GetWindowInfo(), xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxDeactivate(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxDWP_DoNCActivate(), xxxDWPPrint(), xxxEndMenuLoop(), xxxFlashWindow(), xxxMDIActivate(), xxxSendNCPaint(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2263 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCalcClientRect(). |
Definition at line 2311 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxAddFullScreen(), xxxCheckFullScreen(), xxxDesktopRecalc(), xxxRemoveFullScreen(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2343 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2344 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2291 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SfnPOWERBROADCAST(). |
Definition at line 2292 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SfnPOWERBROADCAST(). |
Definition at line 2403 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UT_NextGroupItem(), and UT_PrevGroupItem(). |
Definition at line 2288 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _SelectPalette(), xxxDestroyWindow(), xxxFreeWindow(), and xxxMinMaximize(). |
Definition at line 2268 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateSpb(), FreeSpb(), OffsetChildren(), xxxDrawDragRect(), xxxFreeWindow(), and zzzBltValidBits(). |
Definition at line 2329 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), xxxHelpLoop(), and xxxTrackCaptionButton(). |
Definition at line 2275 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(), and xxxShowOwnedWindows(). |
Definition at line 2261 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), CalcSBStuff(), FindNCHit(), FindNCHitEx(), FScrollEnabled(), GetRealClientRect(), SLEditWndProc(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxEnableWndSBArrows(), and xxxSetScrollBar(). |
Definition at line 2406 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), CalcClientScrolling(), CBNcCreateHandler(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MLCreate(), MLScroll(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxSetScrollBar(). |
Definition at line 2425 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxTranslateAccelerator(). |
Definition at line 2424 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2312 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ImeSetFutureOwner(), ImeWndProcWorker(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserShowWindow(), SendMessageToUI(), SetVisible(), xxxButtonEvent(), xxxCheckImeShowStatus(), xxxCheckImeShowStatusInThread(), xxxDestroyWindow(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxNotifyImeShowStatus(), xxxProcessEventMessage(), and xxxSetWindowStyle(). |
Definition at line 2273 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ClrFTrueVis(), DoPaint(), GetNCUpdateRgn(), InternalInvalidate3(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxFreeWindow(), and xxxUpdateWindow2(). |
Definition at line 2333 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 2330 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 2400 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FindNCHit(), GetMonitorMaxArea(), InternalCreateDialog(), IsTooltipHittest(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), xxxCalcCaptionButton(), xxxCheckFullScreen(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), xxxHandleNCMouseGuys(), xxxInitSendValidateMinMaxInfo(), xxxMDIActivate(), and xxxSetSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 2323 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetWindowRgn(), OffsetChildren(), SelectWindowRgn(), xxxDesktopRecalc(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxMinMaximize(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2276 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), and xxxDWPPrint(). |
Definition at line 2402 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(), FindNCHit(), InternalCreateDialog(), IsTooltipHittest(), MDIAddSysMenu(), xxxCalcCaptionButton(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), xxxInitSendValidateMinMaxInfo(), and xxxSetSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 2259 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by FindNCHit(), FindNCHitEx(), SLEditWndProc(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxDrawMenuBarUnderlines(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxDWP_DoNCActivate(), xxxHotTrackMenu(), xxxMetricsRecalc(), and xxxSetWindowStyle(). |
Definition at line 2266 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DialogBox2(), SetMsgBox(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 2381 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMDIActivate(), and xxxMinMaximize(). |
Definition at line 2487 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2269 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalInvalidate3(), xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxDWP_DoNCActivate(), xxxEndDeferWindowPosEx(), xxxSendNCPaint(), and xxxSwpActivate(). |
Definition at line 2308 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by EditWndProc(), MDIAddSysMenu(), MDIRemoveSysMenu(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxGetWindowSmIcon(), xxxMenuBarDraw(), xxxMNOpenHierarchy(), and xxxTrackPopupMenuEx(). |
Definition at line 2332 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 2331 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), and zzzDrawInvertScrollArea(). |
Definition at line 2289 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetUpdateRect(), GetUpdateRgn(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxDispatchMessage(), xxxSimpleDoSyncPaint(), and xxxUpdateWindow2(). |
Definition at line 2338 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalInvalidate3(), PixieHack(), xxxSendNCPaint(), and xxxSimpleDoSyncPaint(). |
Definition at line 2422 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ImeWndCreateHandler(), and xxxDestroyWindow(). |
Definition at line 2303 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetWindowPlacement(), CkptRestore(), SelectWindowRgn(), xxxCheckFullScreen(), xxxInitSendValidateMinMaxInfo(), and xxxSetWindowPlacement(). |
Definition at line 2299 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDrawCaptionBar(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxHungAppDemon(), and xxxSetForegroundWindow2(). |
Definition at line 2298 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalInvalidate3(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxHungAppDemon(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), and xxxSimpleDoSyncPaint(). |
Definition at line 2328 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), and xxxTrackCaptionButton(). |
Definition at line 2334 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), and xxxEndScroll(). |
Definition at line 2270 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DoQueuedSyncPaint(), GetUpdateRect(), GetUpdateRgn(), InternalInvalidate3(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), xxxSendEraseBkgnd(), and xxxSimpleDoSyncPaint(). |
Definition at line 2272 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DoQueuedSyncPaint(), GetUpdateRect(), GetUpdateRgn(), InternalInvalidate3(), PixieHack(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxDWP_SetRedraw(), xxxFreeWindow(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), xxxSendChildNCPaint(), xxxSendNCPaint(), xxxSimpleDoSyncPaint(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2265 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxShowWindow(). |
Definition at line 2383 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _DeregisterShellHookWindow(), _RegisterShellHookWindow(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 2382 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DestroyWindowSmIcon(), xxxCreateWindowSmIcon(), xxxRecreateSmallIcons(), and xxxSetClassIconEnum(). |
Definition at line 2346 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2307 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DoPaint(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxDWP_Paint(), xxxEndPaint(), and xxxRedrawHungWindow(). |
Definition at line 2290 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DoQueuedSyncPaint(), ValidateParents(), and xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 2401 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), and xxxSBWndProc(). |
Definition at line 2414 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 2284 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxDefWindowProc(). |
Definition at line 2293 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by LinkWindow(), SetTopmost(), ValidateZorder(), xxxCalcValidRects(), and zzzChangeStates(). |
Definition at line 2409 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxMinMaximize(). |
Definition at line 2423 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), and xxxFreeWindow(). |
Definition at line 2274 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DoPaint(), GetNCUpdateRgn(), GetUpdateRect(), GetUpdateRgn(), InternalInvalidate3(), xxxBeginPaint(), xxxGetUpdateRect(), xxxGetUpdateRgn(), xxxRedrawHungWindow(), and xxxUpdateWindow2(). |
Definition at line 2335 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), xxxEndScroll(), and xxxSBTrackLoop(). |
Definition at line 2260 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), CalcSBStuff(), FindNCHit(), FindNCHitEx(), FScrollEnabled(), GetRealClientRect(), SLEditWndProc(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxDrawWindowFrame(), xxxEnableWndSBArrows(), and xxxSetScrollBar(). |
Definition at line 2407 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), CalcClientScrolling(), CBNcCreateHandler(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MLScroll(), xxxCalcClientRect(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxLBSize(), and xxxSetScrollBar(). |
Definition at line 2320 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetWindowInfo(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxGetMenuItemRect(), and xxxSetWindowPos(). |
Definition at line 2321 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2305 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DoPaint(), InternalInvalidate3(), xxxDispatchMessage(), and xxxEndPaint(). |
Definition at line 2327 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetTitleBarInfo(), and xxxTrackCaptionButton(). |
Definition at line 2035 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SendMessageWorker(), xxxReceiveMessage(), xxxSendMessageCallback(), and xxxSendMessageTimeout(). |
Definition at line 2036 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by SendMessageWorker(), xxxReceiveMessage(), xxxSendMessageCallback(), and xxxSendMessageTimeout(). |
Definition at line 2037 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetCursorPos(), xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDestroyWindow(), xxxMinMaximize(), xxxScanSysQueue(), xxxSetFocus(), and xxxSysCommand(). |
Definition at line 2041 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxCallHook2(). |
Definition at line 2043 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxGetInputEvent(), xxxMsgWaitForMultipleObjects(), xxxSleepTask(), and xxxSleepThread(). |
Definition at line 2025 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CheckWHFBits(), GetJournallingQueue(), xxxCapture(), xxxMoveEventAbsolute(), zzzInvalidateDCCache(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx(). |
Definition at line 2034 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxInternalGetMessage(). |
Definition at line 2040 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2032 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2031 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2033 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 2039 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxScanSysQueue(). |
Definition at line 2030 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CallMsgFilter(). |
Definition at line 2042 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxInternalActivateKeyboardLayout(), xxxInternalUnloadKeyboardLayout(), xxxLoadKeyboardLayoutEx(), xxxNotifyIMEStatus(), xxxProcessEventMessage(), xxxSendMinRectMessages(), and xxxSetFocus(). |
Definition at line 2038 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CallMsgFilter(). |
Definition at line 2223 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by BMPtoDIB(), DIBFromBitmap(), DIBtoDIBV5(), and SizeOfDib(). |
Definition at line 369 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UserClientDllInitialize(), and UserInitialize(). |
Definition at line 371 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CommonOpenWindowStation(). |
Definition at line 370 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 566 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CompStrAToCharA(), CompStrWToCharA(), and RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(). |
Definition at line 608 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CreateCtrlThread(), EndTaskDlgProc(), SetEndTaskDlgStatus(), and ThreadShutdownNotify(). |
Definition at line 606 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), UserClientShutdown(), and xxxClientShutdown2(). |
Definition at line 607 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _EndTask(), and ThreadShutdownNotify(). |
Definition at line 603 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), UserClientShutdown(), and xxxClientShutdown2(). |
Definition at line 611 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by UserClientShutdown(). |
Definition at line 609 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), and UserClientShutdown(). |
Definition at line 610 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), UserClientShutdown(), and xxxQueryInformationThread(). |
Definition at line 604 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), UserClientShutdown(), and xxxClientShutdown(). |
Definition at line 605 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 616 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), xxxClientShutdown(), and xxxClientShutdown2(). |
Definition at line 618 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), and xxxClientShutdown2(). |
Definition at line 617 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by ThreadShutdownNotify(), and xxxClientShutdown(). |
Definition at line 728 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(), CreateWindowEx(), InternalCreateDialog(), and xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 727 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(), CreateMDIWindowA(), CreateMDIWindowW(), CreateWindowEx(), InternalCreateDialog(), and MDIClientWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2990 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MB_UpdateDlgHdr(), and MB_UpdateDlgItem(). |
Definition at line 2988 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(), MapDialogRect(), MB_AddPushButtons(), SoftModalMessageBox(), and xxxSetNCFonts(). |
Definition at line 3163 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxLoadSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 3164 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxLoadSysMenu(). |
Definition at line 2991 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MB_UpdateDlgHdr(), and MB_UpdateDlgItem(). |
Definition at line 2989 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(), MapDialogRect(), MB_AddPushButtons(), and SoftModalMessageBox(). |
Definition at line 115 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by RW_RegisterControls(). |
Referenced by GetCPD(). |
Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by xxxCreateThreadInfo(). |
Referenced by zzzSetDesktop(). |
Referenced by ReferenceClass(). |
Referenced by SetClassLongPtr(). |
Referenced by RW_RegisterControls(). |
Referenced by InternalRegisterClassEx(). |
Referenced by CreateAniIcon(), and NtUserSetCursorIconData(). |
Referenced by LoadIcoCur(), and NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon(). |
Referenced by HMInitHandleTable(). |
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Referenced by xxxCreateDesktop2(). |
Referenced by ValidateDialogPwnd(). |
Referenced by WinHelpA(). |
Referenced by NtUserRemoteConnect(), and W32WinStationDoConnect(). |
Referenced by W32WinStationDoReconnect(). |
Referenced by DrawIconEx(), and NtUserDrawIconEx(). |
Referenced by DoCallback(). |
Definition at line 1362 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3228 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DT_InitDrawTextInfo(), and InitializeLpkHooks(). |
Definition at line 3225 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeLpkHooks(). |
Definition at line 3222 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by InitializeLpkHooks(). |
Referenced by GetClipboardData(), and NtUserGetClipboardData(). |
Referenced by AnticipatePost(), and InitCreateSharedSection(). |
Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(). |
Referenced by RW_RegisterControls(). |
Referenced by MNIsPopupItem(), xxxInsertMenuItem(), and xxxRemoveDeleteMenuHelper(). |
Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by RW_RegisterControls(). |
Referenced by xxxSendBSMtoDesktop(), and xxxWrapSendMessageBSM(). |
Definition at line 133 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(), and GetNextWordbreak(). |
Definition at line 3203 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DT_InitDrawTextInfo(). |
Definition at line 627 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MLCreate(), and MLInsertchLine(). |
Referenced by xxxMNGetBitmapSize(). |
Definition at line 3267 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3261 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3285 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3271 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3269 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3273 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3263 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3265 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3275 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3279 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3283 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3281 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3277 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by MESSAGECALL(). |
Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Referenced by mndtDragOver(). |
Referenced by HardErrorHandler(). |
Referenced by NtUserBuildNameList(). |
Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by CopyOutputString(). |
Referenced by xxxRegisterClassEx(). |
Referenced by AllocCallbackMessage(), and FixupCallbackPointers(). |
Referenced by xxxScrollWindowEx(). |
Referenced by ChildWindowFromPoint(). |
Definition at line 71 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CtxBadAppDelay(). |
Definition at line 61 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(). |
Referenced by InitClsMenuName(), and xxxRegisterClassEx(). |
Referenced by ChildWindowFromPoint(). |
Definition at line 132 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by RECTFromSIZERECT(). |
Definition at line 54 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by _SetCursorIconData(). |
Referenced by CopyImageFromRes(). |
Definition at line 62 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by _MapDesktopObject(). |
Definition at line 50 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 59 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 60 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by ValidateDialogPwnd(). |
Referenced by EnumPwndDlgChildProc(). |
Referenced by RemoteConnect(). |
Referenced by xxxRemoteReconnect(). |
Definition at line 3259 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 58 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by DoCallback(). |
Referenced by NtUserGetClipboardData(), and xxxGetDummyBitmap(). |
Referenced by zzzSetSystemImage(). |
Referenced by HMAssignmentLock(). |
Referenced by HMChangeOwnerThread(). |
Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(). |
Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(). |
Referenced by _DefSetText(), and RtlInitLargeAnsiString(). |
Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Referenced by RtlInitLargeUnicodeString(). |
Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 48 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by xxxMNDragOver(). |
Definition at line 53 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by InternalEnumObjects(), and NtUserBuildNameList(). |
Referenced by xxxButtonDrawCheck(). |
Definition at line 68 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 69 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by xxxHkCallHook(). |
Definition at line 55 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 66 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by JobCalloutAddProcess(), and zzzSetSystemImage(). |
Referenced by HMAllocObject(). |
Referenced by _WOWCleanup(). |
Referenced by InternalEnumProps(), and NtUserBuildPropList(). |
Definition at line 64 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 56 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by HMInitHandleTable(). |
Referenced by HMInitHandleTable(). |
Referenced by CreateProp(). |
Referenced by CreateProp(). |
Referenced by InternalEnumProps(). |
Referenced by NtUserSBGetParms(), and ScrollBarWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by xxxDWP_DoCancelMode(). |
Referenced by _GetScrollBarInfo(), and ScrollBarWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by xxxSetLBScrollParms(). |
Referenced by NtUserSetClipboardData(). |
Referenced by SIZERECTFromRECT(). |
Definition at line 63 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 52 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 51 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 70 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by PostRitSound(). |
Definition at line 65 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by GetThreadsWithPKL(). |
Referenced by PatchThreadWindows(). |
Definition at line 49 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by xxxFreeWindow(). |
Referenced by InitMapSharedSection(). |
Definition at line 47 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 57 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by DrawCtlThumb(), ExpandWindowList(), ResizeVisExcludeMemory(), VWPLAdd(), and xxxSBWndProc(). |
Referenced by SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 67 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Referenced by HitTestScrollBar(). |
Referenced by _InitPwSB(). |
Referenced by InitFunctionTables(), and LW_RegisterWindows(). |
Referenced by Win32UserInitialize(). |
Referenced by GetClipboardData(), and NtUserSetClipboardData(). |
Referenced by xxxCreateWindowEx(). |
Referenced by SendMessageTimeoutWorker(), and xxxSendMessageEx(). |
Referenced by HMInitHandleTable(). |
Definition at line 848 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by NtUserSetTimer(), and UserSetTimer(). |
Referenced by NtUserProcessConnect(), UserClientConnect(), and UserClientDllInitialize(). |
Referenced by InternalRegisterClassEx(). |
Definition at line 847 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CancelInputState(), xxxActivateThisWindow(), xxxDeactivate(), and xxxInternalEnumWindow(). |
Definition at line 845 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by _WOWCleanup(), _WOWModuleUnload(), InitFunctionTables(), InternalRegisterClassEx(), MapServerToClientPfn(), PseudoDestroyClassWindows(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDispatchMessage(), xxxSetClassData(), and xxxSetWindowData(). |
Definition at line 846 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 2666 of file client/nt6/user.h.
Definition at line 604 of file winmgrc.c.
Definition at line 893 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 294 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 46 of file rtl/winprop.c.
Definition at line 924 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 27 of file keyboard.c. Referenced by xxxDWP_ProcessVirtKey().
Definition at line 490 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 26 of file ntuser/rtl/menu.c.
Definition at line 583 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 762 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 106 of file rtl/winprop.c.
Definition at line 796 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 668 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 967 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 763 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 826 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 513 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 860 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 316 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 56 of file mmrtl.c.
Definition at line 221 of file mmrtl.c.
Definition at line 426 of file mmrtl.c.
Definition at line 140 of file sbctl.c.
Definition at line 995 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 43 of file ntuser/rtl/input.c.
Definition at line 52 of file rect.c.
Definition at line 73 of file rect.c.
Definition at line 248 of file client/nt6/user.h.
Definition at line 1125 of file rtl/draw.c.
Definition at line 1708 of file rtl/drawtext.c.
Definition at line 54 of file rtl/help.c. Referenced by xxxHelpLoop().
Definition at line 254 of file client/nt6/user.h.
Definition at line 80 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c.
Definition at line 19 of file rtl/winmgr.c. Referenced by xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 12 of file rtl/help.c.
Definition at line 494 of file winmgrc.c.
Definition at line 28 of file rtl/help.c.
Definition at line 1789 of file clmsg.c.
Definition at line 2894 of file client/nt6/user.h. References tagCLIENTTHREADINFO::fsChangeBits, and tagCLIENTTHREADINFO::fsWakeBits.
Definition at line 806 of file rtl/drawtext.c.
Definition at line 631 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 417 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 856 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 817 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 582 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 150 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 353 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 242 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 419 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 441 of file client/nt6/user.h. References BOOL.
Definition at line 2027 of file rtl/drawtext.c.
Definition at line 537 of file rtl/winmgr.c. Referenced by CalcVisRgn().
Definition at line 1627 of file msgbox.c.
Definition at line 486 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 727 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 445 of file client/nt6/user.h. References CHAR.
Definition at line 20 of file rmcreate.c.
Definition at line 1031 of file rtl/wow.c.
Definition at line 72 of file rtl/text.c.
Definition at line 448 of file rect.c.
Definition at line 28 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c.
Definition at line 608 of file chartran.c.
Definition at line 636 of file chartran.c.
Definition at line 490 of file chartran.c.
Definition at line 361 of file chartran.c.
Definition at line 260 of file client/nt6/user.h.
Definition at line 636 of file rtl/winmgr.c.
Definition at line 467 of file rect.c.
Definition at line 730 of file msgbox.c.
Definition at line 449 of file client/nt6/user.h. References strlen(), and UINT. Referenced by AlGetString(), CookedRead(), FE_StreamWriteToScreenBuffer(), FindDialogProc(), IopRegMultiSzToUnicodeStrings(), MyInvert(), RtlLengthSidAsUnicodeString(), SearchForString(), StoreSelection(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 184 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c.
Definition at line 551 of file winmgrc.c.
Definition at line 164 of file w32/ntuser/client/random.c.
Definition at line 108 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c.
Definition at line 344 of file fareast.c.
Definition at line 146 of file w32/ntuser/rtl/random.c.
Definition at line 117 of file ntuser/rtl/menu.c.
Referenced by GetLastTopMostWindowNoIME(), xxxCleanupDesktopMenu(), and xxxLBCreate(). |
Definition at line 3359 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3232 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3304 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3231 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3230 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3362 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CleanupGDI(), ClientThreadSetup(), CtxInitUser32(), DrawBox(), LW_BrushInit(), xxxDesktopPaintCallback(), and xxxDrawState(). |
Definition at line 3363 of file client/nt6/user.h. |
Definition at line 3361 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CleanupGDI(), ClientThreadSetup(), CtxInitUser32(), DrawBox(), DrawMenuMark(), LW_BrushInit(), and UT_InvertCaret(). |
Definition at line 3524 of file client/nt6/user.h. Referenced by CallWindowProcAorW(), ClientThreadSetup(), EditWndProcWorker(), NtUserMessageCall(), SendMessageWorker(), and xxxDispatchMessage(). |