#include <ntos.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zwapi.h>
#include <lfs.h>
#include <fsrtl.h>
#include "nodetype.h"
#include "LfsDisk.h"
#include "LfsStruc.h"
#include "LfsData.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | FsRtlAllocatePool(a, b) FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag(a,b,' sfL') |
#define | FsRtlAllocatePoolWithQuota(a, b) FsRtlAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag(a,b,' sfL') |
#define | LfsAllocatePoolNoRaise(a, b) ExAllocatePoolWithTag((a),(b),MODULE_POOL_TAG) |
#define | LfsAllocatePool(a, b) ExAllocatePoolWithTag(((a) | POOL_RAISE_IF_ALLOCATION_FAILURE),(b),MODULE_POOL_TAG) |
#define | LfsFreePool(pv) ExFreePool(pv) |
#define | LfsPreparePinWriteData(L, FO, LEN, BUF, B) |
#define | LfsTruncateOffsetToLogPage(LFCB, LI, OUTLI) |
#define | LfsLogPageOffset(LFCB, INT) (INT & (LFCB)->LogPageMask) |
#define | LfsFileOffsetToLsn(LFCB, FO, SN) |
#define | LfsIsLsnInFile(LFCB, LSN) |
#define | LfsComputeLsnFromLbcb(LFCB, LBCB) |
#define | LfsTruncateLsnToLogPage(LFCB, LSN, FO) |
#define | LfsLsnToFileOffset(LFCB, LSN) /*xxShr*/( ((ULONGLONG)/*xxShl*/( (LSN).QuadPart << (LFCB)->SeqNumberBits )) >> ((LFCB)->SeqNumberBits - 3) ) |
#define | LfsLsnToSeqNumber(LFCB, LSN) /*xxShr*/Int64ShrlMod32( ((ULONGLONG)(LSN).QuadPart), (LFCB)->FileDataBits ) |
#define | LfsLsnToPageOffset(LFCB, LSN) LfsLogPageOffset( LFCB, (LSN).LowPart << 3 ) |
#define | LfsInitializeLcb(LCB, ID, MODE) |
#define | LfsAllocateLch(NEW) |
#define | LfsDeallocateLch(LCH) ExFreePool( LCH ) |
#define | LfsAllocateRestartArea(RS, SIZE) |
#define | LfsDeallocateRestartArea(RS) ExFreePool( RS ) |
#define | LfsLbcbIsRestart(LBCB) (FlagOn( (LBCB)->LbcbFlags, LBCB_RESTART_LBCB )) |
#define | LfsAcquireLfsData() ExAcquireFastMutex( &LfsData.LfsDataLock ) |
#define | LfsReleaseLfsData() ExReleaseFastMutex( &LfsData.LfsDataLock ) |
#define | LfsAcquireBufferLock() ExAcquireFastMutex( &LfsData.BufferLock ) |
#define | LfsReleaseBufferLock() ExReleaseFastMutex( &LfsData.BufferLock ) |
#define | LfsWaitForBufferNotification() |
#define | LfsNotifyBufferWaiters() KeSetEvent( &LfsData.BufferNotification, 0, FALSE ) |
#define | LfsBlockBufferWaiters() KeClearEvent( &LfsData.BufferNotification ) |
#define | LfsAcquireLfcb(LFCB) ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &(LFCB)->Sync->Resource, TRUE ) |
#define | LfsReleaseLfcb(LFCB) |
#define | LfsAcquireLch(LCH) ExAcquireResourceExclusive( &(LCH)->Sync->Resource, TRUE ) |
#define | LfsReleaseLch(LCH) |
#define | LfsValidateLch(LCH) |
#define | LfsValidateClientId(LFCB, LCH) |
#define | LfsVerifyClientLsnInRange(LFCB, CLIENT, LSN) |
#define | LfsClientIdMatch(CLIENT_A, CLIENT_B) |
#define | LfsValidateLcb(LCB, LCH) |
#define | FlagOn(F, SF) |
#define | BooleanFlagOn(F, SF) |
#define | SetFlag(Flags, SingleFlag) |
#define | ClearFlag(Flags, SingleFlag) |
#define | WordAlign(Ptr) |
#define | LongAlign(Ptr) |
#define | QuadAlign(Ptr) |
#define | LiQuadAlign(LI, OUT) |
#define | Add2Ptr(PTR, INC, CAST) ((CAST)((PUCHAR)(PTR) + (INC))) |
#define | PtrOffset(BASE, OFFSET) ((ULONG)((ULONG_PTR)(OFFSET) - (ULONG_PTR)(BASE))) |
#define | try_return(S) { S; goto try_exit; } |
Functions | |
NTSTATUS | LfsPinOrMapData (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN LONGLONG FileOffset, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN PinData, IN BOOLEAN AllowErrors, IN BOOLEAN IgnoreUsaErrors, OUT PBOOLEAN UsaError, OUT PVOID *Buffer, OUT PBCB *Bcb) |
VOID | LfsPinOrMapLogRecordHeader (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN LSN Lsn, IN BOOLEAN PinData, IN BOOLEAN IgnoreUsaErrors, OUT PBOOLEAN UsaError, OUT PLFS_RECORD_HEADER *RecordHeader, OUT PBCB *Bcb) |
VOID | LfsCopyReadLogRecord (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN PLFS_RECORD_HEADER RecordHeader, OUT PVOID Buffer) |
VOID | LfsFlushLfcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN PLBCB Lbcb) |
BOOLEAN | LfsReadRestart (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN LONGLONG FileSize, IN BOOLEAN FirstRestart, OUT PLONGLONG RestartPageOffset, OUT PLFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER *RestartPage, OUT PBCB *RestartPageBcb, OUT PBOOLEAN ChkdskWasRun, OUT PBOOLEAN ValidPage, OUT PBOOLEAN UninitializedFile, OUT PBOOLEAN LogPacked, OUT PLSN LastLsn) |
VOID | LfsFlushLbcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN PLBCB Lbcb) |
VOID | LfsFlushToLsnPriv (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN LSN Lsn) |
PLBCB | LfsGetLbcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb) |
LONG | LfsExceptionFilter (IN PEXCEPTION_POINTERS ExceptionPointer) |
VOID | LfsNextLogPageOffset (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN LONGLONG CurrentLogPageOffset, OUT PLONGLONG NextLogPageOffset, OUT PBOOLEAN Wrapped) |
PVOID | LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN ULONG Length) |
VOID | LfsFreeSpanningBuffer (IN PVOID Buffer) |
BOOLEAN | LfsWriteLogRecordIntoLogPage (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN PLCH Lch, IN ULONG NumberOfWriteEntries, IN PLFS_WRITE_ENTRY WriteEntries, IN LFS_RECORD_TYPE RecordType, IN TRANSACTION_ID *TransactionId OPTIONAL, IN LSN ClientUndoNextLsn OPTIONAL, IN LSN ClientPreviousLsn OPTIONAL, IN LONG UndoRequirement, IN BOOLEAN ForceToDisk, OUT PLSN Lsn) |
VOID | LfsLsnFinalOffset (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN LSN Lsn, IN ULONG DataLength, OUT PLONGLONG FinalOffset) |
VOID | LfsWriteLfsRestart (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN ULONG ThisRestartSize, IN BOOLEAN WaitForIo) |
VOID | LfsFindOldestClientLsn (IN PLFS_RESTART_AREA RestartArea, IN PLFS_CLIENT_RECORD ClientArray, OUT PLSN OldestLsn) |
PLFCB | LfsAllocateLfcb () |
VOID | LfsDeallocateLfcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN BOOLEAN CompleteTeardown) |
VOID | LfsAllocateLbcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb, OUT PLBCB *Lbcb) |
VOID | LfsDeallocateLbcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN PLBCB Lbcb) |
VOID | LfsAllocateLcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb, OUT PLCB *NewLcb) |
VOID | LfsDeallocateLcb (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN PLCB Lcb) |
VOID | LfsCurrentAvailSpace (IN PLFCB Lfcb, OUT PLONGLONG CurrentAvailSpace, OUT PULONG CurrentPageBytes) |
BOOLEAN | LfsVerifyLogSpaceAvail (IN PLFCB Lfcb, IN PLCH Lch, IN ULONG RemainingLogBytes, IN LONG UndoRequirement, IN BOOLEAN ForceToDisk) |
VOID | LfsFindCurrentAvail (IN PLFCB Lfcb) |
Definition at line 721 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 658 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 666 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 654 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 43 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 44 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 490 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer(), and LfsFreeSpanningBuffer(). |
Definition at line 517 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsDeleteLogHandle(), LfsFlushToLsn(), LfsForceWrite(), LfsQueryLastLsn(), LfsReadLogFileInformation(), LfsReadLogRecord(), LfsReadNextLogRecord(), LfsReadRestartArea(), LfsResetUndoTotal(), LfsSetBaseLsn(), LfsTerminateLogQuery(), LfsVerifyLogFile(), LfsWrite(), and LfsWriteRestartArea(). |
Definition at line 509 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer(), LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsFlushLbcb(), LfsFlushLfcb(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), LfsRestartLogFile(), and LfsWriteLogRecordIntoLogPage(). |
Definition at line 484 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), and LfsOpenLogFile(). |
Definition at line 428 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsOpenLogFile(). |
Definition at line 47 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 46 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer(), and LfsInitializeLogFileService(). |
Definition at line 438 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsInitializeLogFile(), LfsRestartLogFile(), and LfsWriteLfsRestart(). |
Definition at line 506 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer(). |
Definition at line 607 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsSearchForwardByClient(). |
Definition at line 291 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsWriteLogRecordIntoLogPage(). |
Definition at line 435 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsDeleteLogHandle(), and LfsOpenLogFile(). |
Definition at line 442 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsDeallocateLbcb(), LfsDeallocateLfcb(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), and LfsRestartLogFile(). |
Definition at line 283 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFindNextLsn(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromNoRestart(). |
Definition at line 48 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFreeSpanningBuffer(), and LfsInitializeLogFileService(). |
Value: Definition at line 423 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsReadLogRecord(). |
Value: Definition at line 287 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFindNextLsn(). |
Definition at line 445 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsFindFirstIo(), LfsFlushLbcb(), and LfsFlushToLsnPriv(). |
Definition at line 188 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 302 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFindNextLsn(), LfsSetBaseLsnPriv(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart(). |
Definition at line 308 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCopyReadLogRecord(), LfsFindLogRecord(), LfsLsnFinalOffset(), and LfsPinOrMapLogRecordHeader(). |
Definition at line 305 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCheckSubsequentLogPage(), LfsFindLastLsn(), LfsFindNextLsn(), LfsUpdateLfcbFromNoRestart(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart(). |
Definition at line 503 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFreeSpanningBuffer(). |
Definition at line 80 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFlushLfcb(), and LfsGetLbcb(). |
Definition at line 493 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer(), and LfsFreeSpanningBuffer(). |
Definition at line 520 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsDeleteLogHandle(), LfsFlushToLsn(), LfsForceWrite(), LfsQueryLastLsn(), LfsReadLogFileInformation(), LfsReadLogRecord(), LfsReadNextLogRecord(), LfsReadRestartArea(), LfsResetUndoTotal(), LfsSetBaseLsn(), LfsTerminateLogQuery(), LfsVerifyLogFile(), LfsWrite(), and LfsWriteRestartArea(). |
Definition at line 512 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer(), LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsFlushLbcb(), LfsFlushLfcb(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), LfsOpenLogFile(), LfsReadNextLogRecord(), LfsReadRestartArea(), LfsRestartLogFile(), LfsVerifyLogFile(), and LfsWriteLogRecordIntoLogPage(). |
Definition at line 487 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), and LfsOpenLogFile(). |
Value: Definition at line 297 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCheckSubsequentLogPage(), LfsCopyReadLogRecord(), LfsLsnFinalOffset(), and LfsPinOrMapLogRecordHeader(). |
Definition at line 184 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFindCurrentAvail(), LfsFindNextLsn(), LfsNextLogPageOffset(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart(). |
Definition at line 593 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsFlushToLsn(), LfsForceWrite(), LfsQueryLastLsn(), LfsReadLogFileInformation(), LfsReadLogRecord(), LfsReadNextLogRecord(), LfsReadRestartArea(), LfsResetUndoTotal(), LfsSetBaseLsn(), LfsTerminateLogQuery(), LfsWrite(), and LfsWriteRestartArea(). |
Definition at line 611 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsReadNextLogRecord(), and LfsTerminateLogQuery(). |
Definition at line 584 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsFlushToLsn(), LfsForceWrite(), LfsQueryLastLsn(), LfsReadLogFileInformation(), LfsReadLogRecord(), LfsReadNextLogRecord(), LfsReadRestartArea(), LfsResetUndoTotal(), LfsSetBaseLsn(), LfsTerminateLogQuery(), LfsWrite(), and LfsWriteRestartArea(). |
Value: Definition at line 602 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFindClientNextLsn(), and LfsReadLogRecord(). |
Value: Definition at line 496 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsAllocateSpanningBuffer(). |
Definition at line 701 of file lfsprocs.h. Referenced by LfsFindNextLsn(). |
Definition at line 684 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 723 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 693 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 662 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 754 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 675 of file lfsprocs.h. |
Definition at line 315 of file lfs/strucsup.c. References ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ExRaiseStatus(), LBCB, LFCB_RESERVE_LBCB_COUNT, LFS_NTC_LBCB, _LBCB::NodeByteSize, _LBCB::NodeTypeCode, NULL, PAGED_CODE, and PagedPool. Referenced by LfsGetLbcb(), LfsUpdateLfcbFromNoRestart(), LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart(), and LfsWriteLfsRestart().
Definition at line 463 of file lfs/strucsup.c. References ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ExRaiseStatus(), LCB, LFCB_RESERVE_LCB_COUNT, LFS_NTC_LCB, NULL, and PagedPool. Referenced by LfsReadLogRecord().
Definition at line 41 of file lfs/strucsup.c. References Count, Dbg, DebugTrace, DebugUnwind, _LFCB_SYNC::Event, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ExInitializeFastMutex, ExInitializeResource, FsRtlAllocatePool, KeInitializeEvent, _LFCB::LbcbActive, _LFCB::LbcbWorkque, _LFCB::LchLinks, LFCB, LFCB_RESERVE_LBCB_COUNT, LFCB_RESERVE_LCB_COUNT, LFS_NTC_LFCB, LfsDeallocateLfcb(), LfsLi1, _LFCB::NextRestartLsn, _LFCB::NodeByteSize, _LFCB::NodeTypeCode, NonPagedPool, NULL, PAGED_CODE, PagedPool, _LFCB_SYNC::Resource, _LFCB::SpareLbcbCount, _LFCB::SpareLbcbList, _LFCB::SpareLcbCount, _LFCB::SpareLcbList, _LFCB_SYNC::SpareListMutex, _LFCB::Sync, TRUE, and _LFCB_SYNC::UserCount. Referenced by LfsInitializeLogFile(), and LfsRestartLogFile().
Definition at line 113 of file logpgsup.c. References ASSERT, _LFS_DATA::Buffer1, _LFS_DATA::Buffer2, _LFS_DATA::BufferFlags, _LFS_DATA::BufferOwner, Dbg, DebugTrace, ERESOURCE_THREAD, ExGetCurrentResourceThread, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, FlagOn, LFS_BUFFER1_OWNED, LFS_BUFFER2_OWNED, LFS_BUFFER_SIZE, LfsAcquireBufferLock, LfsAcquireLfcb, LfsAllocatePoolNoRaise, LfsBlockBufferWaiters, LfsData, LfsReleaseBufferLock, LfsReleaseLfcb, LfsWaitForBufferNotification, NULL, PAGED_CODE, PagedPool, SetFlag, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsFindLogRecord().
Definition at line 339 of file lfs/cachesup.c. References Add2Ptr, Buffer, CcUnpinData(), Dbg, DebugTrace, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, FlagOn, LFCB_PACK_LOG, LfsLsnToPageOffset, LfsNextLogPageOffset(), LfsPinOrMapData(), LfsTruncateLsnToLogPage, LOG_PAGE_LOG_RECORD_END, NULL, PAGED_CODE, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsFindLogRecord(), and LfsReadRestartArea().
Definition at line 36 of file lfs/verfysup.c. References _LBCB::BufferOffset, Dbg, DebugTrace, FlagOn, LBCB_FLUSH_COPY, LBCB_NOT_EMPTY, _LBCB::LbcbFlags, and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by LfsFlushToLsnPriv(), LfsReadLogFileInformation(), and LfsVerifyLogSpaceAvail().
Definition at line 402 of file lfs/strucsup.c. References ExFreePool(), FlagOn, LBCB_RESTART_LBCB, LFCB_MAX_LBCB_COUNT, LfsDeallocateRestartArea, NULL, and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsDeallocateLfcb(), LfsFlushLfcb(), and LfsGetLbcb().
Definition at line 518 of file lfs/strucsup.c. References CcUnpinData(), ExFreePool(), LFCB_MAX_LCB_COUNT, LfsFreeSpanningBuffer(), and NULL. Referenced by LfsReadLogRecord(), and LfsTerminateLogQuery().
Definition at line 188 of file lfs/strucsup.c. References ASSERT, Dbg, DebugTrace, ExDeleteResource, ExFreePool(), LfsDeallocateLbcb(), LfsDeallocateRestartArea, NULL, and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by LfsAllocateLfcb(), LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), LfsOpenLogFile(), and LfsRestartLogFile().
Definition at line 58 of file lfsdata.c. References ASSERT, EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH, EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, FsRtlIsNtstatusExpected(), and NTSTATUS(). Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsDeleteLogHandle(), LfsFlushToLsn(), LfsForceWrite(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), LfsOpenLogFile(), LfsPinOrMapData(), LfsReadLogRecord(), LfsReadNextLogRecord(), LfsReadRestartArea(), LfsSetBaseLsn(), LfsWrite(), and LfsWriteRestartArea().
Definition at line 412 of file lfs/verfysup.c. References Dbg, DebugTrace, FlagOn, LFCB_NO_LAST_LSN, LFCB_NO_OLDEST_LSN, LFCB_REUSE_TAIL, LfsTruncateOffsetToLogPage, and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by LfsRestartLogFile(), LfsSetBaseLsnPriv(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart().
Definition at line 148 of file lsnsup.c. References CcUnpinData(), Dbg, DebugTrace, DebugUnwind, FALSE, LfsFileOffsetToLsn, LfsFindNextLsn(), LfsIsLsnInFile, LfsLsnFinalOffset(), LfsLsnToFileOffset, LfsLsnToSeqNumber, LfsNextLogPageOffset(), LfsPinOrMapData(), LfsTruncateOffsetToLogPage, LiQuadAlign, NULL, PAGED_CODE, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsFindNextLsn(), and LfsSearchForwardByClient().
Definition at line 189 of file rstrtsup.c. References Dbg, DebugTrace, LFS_NO_CLIENT, _LFS_CLIENT_RECORD::NextClient, _LFS_CLIENT_RECORD::OldestLsn, PAGED_CODE, and USHORT. Referenced by LfsSetBaseLsnPriv(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart().
Definition at line 37 of file lbcbsup.c. References Dbg, DebugTrace, Executive, FALSE, KernelMode, KeWaitForSingleObject(), LfsAcquireLfcb, LfsFlushLfcb(), LfsLbcbIsRestart, LfsNoIoInProgress, LfsReleaseLfcb, LSN, NULL, PAGED_CODE, and PLSN. Referenced by LfsFlushToLsnPriv(), and LfsWriteLfsRestart().
Definition at line 551 of file lfs/cachesup.c. References Add2Ptr, ASSERT, CcFlushCache(), CcMapData(), CcSetDirtyPinnedData(), CcUnpinData(), CcUnpinDataForThread(), _LFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER::ChkDskLsn, ClearFlag, _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER::Copy, Count, Dbg, DebugTrace, DebugUnwind, ExGetCurrentResourceThread, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, _LBCB::FileOffset, FlagOn, _LBCB::Flags, KeClearEvent, KeSetEvent(), _LBCB::LastEndLsn, _LBCB::LastLsn, LBCB, _LBCB::Length, LFCB_FINAL_SHUTDOWN, LFCB_LOG_WRAPPED, LFCB_MULTIPLE_PAGE_IO, LFCB_READ_FIRST_RESTART, LFCB_READ_SECOND_RESTART, LFS_SIGNATURE_RECORD_PAGE_ULONG, LFS_SIGNATURE_RESTART_PAGE_ULONG, LfsAcquireLfcb, LfsClientThreadIo, LfsDeallocateLbcb(), LfsFindFirstIo(), LfsFlushLfcb(), LfsLi0, LfsNoIoInProgress, LfsPinOrMapData(), LfsPreparePinWriteData, LfsReleaseLfcb, LfsUsaSeqNumber, LOG_PAGE_LOG_RECORD_END, _LBCB::LogPageBcb, _LFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER::LogPageSize, LSN, _LFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER::MajorVersion, _LFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER::MinorVersion, _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER::MultiSectorHeader, _LFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER::MultiSectorHeader, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PAGE_SIZE, _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER::PageCount, PAGED_CODE, _LBCB::PageHeader, _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER::PagePosition, PLFS_RESTART_AREA, PUSHORT, _LBCB::ResourceThread, RESTART_SINGLE_PAGE_IO, _LFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER::RestartOffset, SetFlag, _MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER::Signature, Status, _LFS_RESTART_PAGE_HEADER::SystemPageSize, TRUE, try_return, _MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER::UpdateSequenceArrayOffset, _MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER::UpdateSequenceArraySize, USHORT, and _LBCB::WorkqueLinks. Referenced by LfsFlushLbcb(), and LfsFlushLfcb().
Definition at line 134 of file lbcbsup.c. References _LBCB::ActiveLinks, ClearFlag, Dbg, DebugTrace, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, FlagOn, _LBCB::Flags, LBCB_ON_ACTIVE_QUEUE, _LBCB::LbcbFlags, LFCB_PACK_LOG, LfsCurrentAvailSpace(), LfsFlushLbcb(), LfsLbcbIsRestart, LOG_PAGE_LOG_RECORD_END, NULL, PAGED_CODE, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsFlushToLsn(), and LfsForceWrite().
Definition at line 297 of file logpgsup.c. References ASSERT, Buffer, _LFS_DATA::Buffer1, _LFS_DATA::BufferFlags, _LFS_DATA::BufferOwner, ClearFlag, Dbg, DebugTrace, ERESOURCE_THREAD, ExGetCurrentResourceThread, FlagOn, LFS_BUFFER1_OWNED, LFS_BUFFER2_OWNED, LfsAcquireBufferLock, LfsData, LfsFreePool, LfsNotifyBufferWaiters, LfsReleaseBufferLock, NULL, and PAGED_CODE. Referenced by LfsDeallocateLcb(), LfsFindLogRecord(), and LfsReadNextLogRecord().
Definition at line 311 of file lbcbsup.c. References _LBCB::ActiveLinks, _LBCB::BufferOffset, CcSetBcbOwnerPointer(), CcUnpinData(), ClearFlag, Dbg, DebugTrace, DebugUnwind, ERESOURCE_THREAD, ExGetCurrentResourceThread, _LBCB::FileOffset, FlagOn, _LBCB::Flags, KeBugCheck(), _LBCB::LastEndLsn, _LBCB::LastLsn, LBCB_FLUSH_COPY, LBCB_LOG_WRAPPED, LBCB_ON_ACTIVE_QUEUE, _LBCB::LbcbFlags, _LBCB::Length, LFCB_LOG_WRAPPED, LFCB_NO_LAST_LSN, LFCB_REUSE_TAIL, LFS_SIGNATURE_RECORD_PAGE_ULONG, LfsAllocateLbcb(), LfsDeallocateLbcb(), LfsGetLbcb(), LfsNextLogPageOffset(), LfsPreparePinWriteData, _LBCB::LogPageBcb, NULL, PAGED_CODE, _LBCB::PageHeader, _LBCB::ResourceThread, _LBCB::SeqNumber, and SetFlag. Referenced by LfsGetLbcb(), and LfsPrepareLfcbForLogRecord().
Definition at line 36 of file lsnsup.c. References Dbg, DebugTrace, LfsLsnToPageOffset, LfsNextLogPageOffset(), LfsTruncateLsnToLogPage, PAGED_CODE, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsFindNextLsn(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart().
Definition at line 40 of file logpgsup.c. References Dbg, DebugTrace, FALSE, LfsTruncateOffsetToLogPage, PAGED_CODE, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsCopyReadLogRecord(), LfsFindLastLsn(), LfsFindNextLsn(), LfsGetLbcb(), LfsLsnFinalOffset(), and LfsUpdateLfcbFromRestart().
Definition at line 84 of file lfs/cachesup.c. References Buffer, CcMapData(), CcPinRead(), CcUnpinData(), Dbg, DebugTrace, DebugUnwind, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, LFS_SIGNATURE_BAD_USA_ULONG, LfsExceptionFilter(), LfsPinOrMapData(), NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PAGED_CODE, Status, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsCopyReadLogRecord(), LfsFindLastLsn(), LfsFindNextLsn(), LfsFlushLfcb(), LfsInitializeLogFilePriv(), LfsPinOrMapData(), LfsPinOrMapLogRecordHeader(), LfsReadRestart(), and LfsRestartLogFile().
Definition at line 248 of file lfs/cachesup.c. References Add2Ptr, Dbg, DebugTrace, FALSE, LfsLsnToPageOffset, LfsPinOrMapData(), LfsTruncateLsnToLogPage, PAGED_CODE, PLFS_RECORD_HEADER, and PLFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER. Referenced by LfsFindClientNextLsn(), LfsFindLogRecord(), LfsReadRestartArea(), and LfsSearchForwardByClient().
Definition at line 1402 of file lfs/cachesup.c. References Add2Ptr, CcUnpinData(), _LFS_RESTART_AREA::ClientInUseList, _LFS_RESTART_AREA::CurrentLsn, Dbg, DebugTrace, DebugUnwind, FALSE, LFS_NO_CLIENT, LFS_SIGNATURE_MODIFIED_ULONG, LFS_SIGNATURE_RECORD_PAGE_ULONG, LFS_SIGNATURE_RESTART_PAGE_ULONG, LFS_SIGNATURE_UNINITIALIZED_ULONG, LfsIsClientAreaValid(), LfsIsRestartAreaValid(), LfsIsRestartPageHeaderValid(), LfsPinOrMapData(), LfsReadRestart(), NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PAGED_CODE, PLSN, SEQUENCE_NUMBER_STRIDE, Status, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsReadRestart(), and LfsRestartLogFile().
Definition at line 114 of file lfs/verfysup.c. References Dbg, DebugTrace, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, FlagOn, LFCB_PACK_LOG, LfsCurrentAvailSpace(), PAGED_CODE, and TRUE. Referenced by LfsWriteLogRecordIntoLogPage().
Definition at line 36 of file rstrtsup.c. References _LBCB::ActiveLinks, Add2Ptr, ClearFlag, _LFS_RESTART_AREA::ClientArrayOffset, Dbg, DebugTrace, DebugUnwind, ExFreePool(), _LBCB::FileOffset, FlagOn, _LBCB::LastEndLsn, _LBCB::LastLsn, LBCB_NOT_EMPTY, LBCB_ON_ACTIVE_QUEUE, LBCB_RESTART_LBCB, _LBCB::LbcbFlags, _LBCB::Length, LFCB_PACK_LOG, LfsAllocateLbcb(), LfsAllocateRestartArea, LfsFlushLbcb(), LfsWriteLfsRestart(), NULL, PAGED_CODE, _LBCB::PageHeader, SetFlag, and _LBCB::WorkqueLinks. Referenced by LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsInitializeLogFilePriv(), LfsSetBaseLsn(), LfsWriteLfsRestart(), and LfsWriteRestartArea().
Definition at line 55 of file logrcsup.c. References Add2Ptr, _LFS_WRITE_ENTRY::Buffer, _LBCB::BufferOffset, _LFS_WRITE_ENTRY::ByteLength, ClearFlag, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::ClientDataLength, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::ClientId, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::ClientPreviousLsn, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::ClientUndoNextLsn, _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER::Copy, Dbg, DebugTrace, Executive, FALSE, FlagOn, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::Flags, _LBCB::Flags, _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER::Flags, _LFS_RECORD_PAGE_HEADER::Header, KernelMode, KeWaitForSingleObject(), _LBCB::LastEndLsn, _LBCB::LastLsn, LBCB_NOT_EMPTY, LBCB_ON_ACTIVE_QUEUE, _LBCB::LbcbFlags, LFCB_NO_LAST_LSN, LFCB_PACK_LOG, LfsAcquireLfcb, LfsComputeLsnFromLbcb, LfsPrepareLfcbForLogRecord(), LfsReleaseLfcb, LfsTransferLogBytes(), LfsVerifyLogSpaceAvail(), LOG_PAGE_LOG_RECORD_END, LOG_RECORD_MULTI_PAGE, _LBCB::LogPageBcb, LSN, NULL, PAGED_CODE, _LBCB::PageHeader, QuadAlign, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::RecordType, SetFlag, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::ThisLsn, _LFS_RECORD_HEADER::TransactionId, TRUE, USHORT, and _LBCB::WorkqueLinks. Referenced by LfsForceWrite(), LfsWrite(), and LfsWriteRestartArea().