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ke.h File Reference

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struct  _KAPC_STATE
struct  _KWAIT_BLOCK
struct  _KEVENT
struct  _KEVENT_PAIR
struct  _KMUTANT
struct  _KQUEUE
struct  _KTIMER
struct  _KTHREAD
struct  _KPROCESS
struct  _KPROFILE
struct  _ECHANNEL


#define EVENT_WAIT_BLOCK   2
#define TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK   3
#define TIMER_TABLE_SIZE   128
#define KeGetCurrentApcEnvironment()   KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcStateIndex
#define SERVICE_NUMBER_MASK   ((1 << 12) - 1)
#define SERVICE_TABLE_SHIFT   (12 - 4)
#define SERVICE_TABLE_MASK   (((1 << 2) - 1) << 4)
#define LISTEN_CHANNEL   0x1
#define MESSAGE_CHANNEL   0x2
#define KeInitializeEvent(_Event, _Type, _State)
#define KeClearEvent(Event)   (Event)->Header.SignalState = 0
#define KeSetHighEventPair(EventPair, Increment, Wait)
#define KeSetLowEventPair(EventPair, Increment, Wait)
#define KeReadStateMutex(Mutex)   KeReadStateMutant(Mutex)
#define KeIsAttachedProcess()   (KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcStateIndex == AttachedApcEnvironment)
#define KeTerminateProcess(Process)   (Process)->StackCount += 1;
#define KiLeaveCriticalRegion()
#define KeEnterCriticalRegion()   KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable -= 1;
#define KeLeaveCriticalRegion()   KiLeaveCriticalRegion()
#define KeSetHighWaitLowEventPair(EventPair, WaitMode)
#define KeSetLowWaitHighEventPair(EventPair, WaitMode)
#define KeWaitForHighEventPair(EventPair, WaitMode, Alertable, TimeOut)
#define KeWaitForLowEventPair(EventPair, WaitMode, Alertable, TimeOut)
#define KeWaitForMutexObject   KeWaitForSingleObject
#define KiLockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql)   *(OldIrql) = KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch(&KiDispatcherLock)
#define KeAcquireSpinLock(SpinLock, OldIrql)   *(OldIrql) = KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToDpc(SpinLock)
#define KeInitializeCallbackRecord(CallbackRecord)   (CallbackRecord)->State = BufferEmpty
#define KeFindFirstSetRightMember(Set)
#define WIN32K_SERVICE_INDEX   1


typedef VOID(* PKSTART_ROUTINE )(IN PVOID StartContext)
typedef BOOLEAN(* PKSERVICE_ROUTINE )(IN struct _KINTERRUPT *Interrupt, IN PVOID ServiceContext)


enum  _KOBJECTS {
  EventNotificationObject = 0, EventSynchronizationObject = 1, MutantObject = 2, ProcessObject = 3,
  QueueObject = 4, SemaphoreObject = 5, ThreadObject = 6, Spare1Object = 7,
  TimerNotificationObject = 8, TimerSynchronizationObject = 9, Spare2Object = 10, Spare3Object = 11,
  Spare4Object = 12, Spare5Object = 13, Spare6Object = 14, Spare7Object = 15,
  Spare8Object = 16, Spare9Object = 17, ApcObject, DpcObject,
  DeviceQueueObject, EventPairObject, InterruptObject, ProfileObject
enum  _KAPC_ENVIRONMENT { OriginalApcEnvironment, AttachedApcEnvironment, CurrentApcEnvironment }
enum  _KINTERRUPT_MODE { LevelSensitive, Latched }
  ProcessInMemory, ProcessOutOfMemory, ProcessInTransition, ProcessInSwap,
  Initialized, Ready, Running, Standby,
  Terminated, Waiting, Transition
  Executive, FreePage, PageIn, PoolAllocation,
  DelayExecution, Suspended, UserRequest, WrExecutive,
  WrFreePage, WrPageIn, WrPoolAllocation, WrDelayExecution,
  WrSuspended, WrUserRequest, WrEventPair, WrQueue,
  WrLpcReceive, WrLpcReply, WrVirtualMemory, WrPageOut,
  WrRendezvous, Spare2, Spare3, Spare4,
  Spare5, Spare6, WrKernel, MaximumWaitReason
enum  KCONTINUE_STATUS { ContinueError = FALSE, ContinueSuccess = TRUE, ContinueProcessorReselected, ContinueNextProcessor }
  ClientIdle, ClientSendWaitReply, ClientShutdown, ServerIdle,
  ServerReceiveMessage, ServerShutdown
  BufferEmpty, BufferInserted, BufferStarted, BufferFinished,
  HalHaltRoutine, HalPowerDownRoutine, HalRestartRoutine, HalRebootRoutine,
  HalInteractiveModeRoutine, HalMaximumRoutine
enum  _MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG { MmFrameBufferCached = 2 }
  MmNonCached = FALSE, MmCached = TRUE, MmWriteCombined = MmFrameBufferCached, MmHardwareCoherentCached,
  MmNonCachedUnordered, MmUSWCCached, MmMaximumCacheType


NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN KeInsertQueueApc (IN PRKAPC Apc, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2, IN KPRIORITY Increment)
BOOLEAN KeRemoveQueueApc (IN PKAPC Apc)
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN KeInsertQueueDpc (IN PRKDPC Dpc, IN PVOID SystemArgument1, IN PVOID SystemArgument2)
NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeDeviceQueue (IN PKDEVICE_QUEUE DeviceQueue)
NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeInterrupt (IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt, IN PKSERVICE_ROUTINE ServiceRoutine, IN PVOID ServiceContext, IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock OPTIONAL, IN ULONG Vector, IN KIRQL Irql, IN KIRQL SynchronizeIrql, IN KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode, IN BOOLEAN ShareVector, IN CCHAR ProcessorNumber, IN BOOLEAN FloatingSave)
NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN KeSynchronizeExecution (IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt, IN PKSYNCHRONIZE_ROUTINE SynchronizeRoutine, IN PVOID SynchronizeContext)
VOID KeInitializeProfile (IN PKPROFILE Profile, IN PKPROCESS Process OPTIONAL, IN PVOID RangeBase, IN SIZE_T RangeSize, IN ULONG BucketSize, IN ULONG Segment, IN KPROFILE_SOURCE ProfileSource, IN KAFFINITY Affinity)
BOOLEAN KeStartProfile (IN PKPROFILE Profile, IN PULONG Buffer)
BOOLEAN KeStopProfile (IN PKPROFILE Profile)
VOID KeSetIntervalProfile (IN ULONG Interval, IN KPROFILE_SOURCE Source)
ULONG KeQueryIntervalProfile (IN KPROFILE_SOURCE Source)
VOID KeInitializeEventPair (IN PKEVENT_PAIR EventPair)
NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeMutant (IN PRKMUTANT Mutant, IN BOOLEAN InitialOwner)
NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeSemaphore (IN PRKSEMAPHORE Semaphore, IN LONG Count, IN LONG Limit)
NTKERNELAPI LONG KeReleaseSemaphore (IN PRKSEMAPHORE Semaphore, IN KPRIORITY Increment, IN LONG Adjustment, IN BOOLEAN Wait)
VOID KeInitializeProcess (IN PRKPROCESS Process, IN KPRIORITY Priority, IN KAFFINITY Affinity, IN ULONG_PTR DirectoryTableBase[2], IN BOOLEAN Enable)
LOGICAL KeForceAttachProcess (IN PKPROCESS Process)
LONG KeReadStateProcess (IN PRKPROCESS Process)
BOOLEAN KeSetAutoAlignmentProcess (IN PRKPROCESS Process, IN BOOLEAN Enable)
KPRIORITY KeSetPriorityProcess (IN PKPROCESS Process, IN KPRIORITY BasePriority)
LOGICAL KeSetDisableQuantumProcess (IN PKPROCESS Process, IN LOGICAL Disable)
ULONG KeAlertResumeThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
VOID KeBoostPriorityThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN KPRIORITY Increment)
KAFFINITY KeConfineThread (VOID)
BOOLEAN KeDisableApcQueuingThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
BOOLEAN KeEnableApcQueuingThread (IN PKTHREAD)
LOGICAL KeSetDisableBoostThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN LOGICAL Disable)
ULONG KeForceResumeThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
VOID KeFreezeAllThreads (VOID)
BOOLEAN KeQueryAutoAlignmentThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
LONG KeQueryBasePriorityThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
BOOLEAN KeReadStateThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
VOID KeReadyThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
ULONG KeResumeThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread)
VOID KeRevertToUserAffinityThread (VOID)
VOID KeRundownThread (VOID)
KAFFINITY KeSetAffinityThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN KAFFINITY Affinity)
VOID KeSetSystemAffinityThread (IN KAFFINITY Affinity)
BOOLEAN KeSetAutoAlignmentThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN BOOLEAN Enable)
NTKERNELAPI LONG KeSetBasePriorityThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN LONG Increment)
NTKERNELAPI CCHAR KeSetIdealProcessorThread (IN PKTHREAD Thread, IN CCHAR Processor)
VOID KeThawAllThreads (VOID)
PVOID KeCheckForTimer (IN PVOID p, IN ULONG Size)
VOID KeClearTimer (IN PKTIMER Timer)
ULONGLONG KeQueryTimerDueTime (IN PKTIMER Timer)
NTSTATUS KiSetServerWaitClientEvent (IN PKEVENT SeverEvent, IN PKEVENT ClientEvent, IN ULONG WaitMode)
NTKERNELAPI VOID KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel (IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock)
BOOLEAN KeTryToAcquireSpinLock (IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, OUT PKIRQL OldIrql)
BOOLEAN KeGetBugMessageText (IN ULONG MessageId, IN PANSI_STRING ReturnedString OPTIONAL)
KeBugCheck (IN ULONG BugCheckCode)
KeBugCheckEx (IN ULONG BugCheckCode, IN ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter1, IN ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter2, IN ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter3, IN ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameter4)
VOID KeDumpMachineState (IN PKPROCESSOR_STATE ProcessorState, IN PCHAR Buffer, IN PULONG_PTR BugCheckParameters, IN ULONG NumberOfParameters, IN PKE_BUGCHECK_UNICODE_TO_ANSI UnicodeToAnsiRoutine)
VOID KeContextFromKframes (IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame, IN OUT PCONTEXT ContextFrame)
VOID KeContextToKframes (IN OUT PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN OUT PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame, IN PCONTEXT ContextFrame, IN ULONG ContextFlags, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE PreviousMode)
VOID __cdecl KeSaveStateForHibernate (IN PKPROCESSOR_STATE ProcessorState)
VOID KeCopyTrapDispatcher (VOID)
BOOLEAN FASTCALL KeInvalidAccessAllowed (IN PVOID TrapInformation OPTIONAL)
VOID KeFlushMultipleTb (IN ULONG Number, IN PVOID *Virtual, IN BOOLEAN Invalid, IN BOOLEAN AllProcesors, IN PHARDWARE_PTE *PtePointer OPTIONAL, IN HARDWARE_PTE PteValue)
BOOLEAN KeFreezeExecution (IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame, IN PKEXCEPTION_FRAME ExceptionFrame)
KCONTINUE_STATUS KeSwitchFrozenProcessor (IN ULONG ProcessorNumber)
VOID KeGetNonVolatileContextPointers (IN PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS NonVolatileContext)
NTKERNELAPI VOID KeSetDmaIoCoherency (IN ULONG Attributes)
NTKERNELAPI VOID KeSetTimeIncrement (IN ULONG MaximumIncrement, IN ULONG MimimumIncrement)
VOID KeThawExecution (IN BOOLEAN Enable)
VOID KeReturnToFirmware (IN FIRMWARE_REENTRY Routine)
VOID KeStartAllProcessors (VOID)
VOID KeBalanceSetManager (IN PVOID Context)
VOID KeSwapProcessOrStack (IN PVOID Context)
NTKERNELAPI NTSTATUS KeUserModeCallback (IN ULONG ApiNumber, IN PVOID InputBuffer, IN ULONG InputLength, OUT PVOID *OutputBuffer, OUT PULONG OutputLength)
PVOID KeSwitchKernelStack (IN PVOID StackBase, IN PVOID StackLimit)
NTSTATUS KeRaiseUserException (IN NTSTATUS ExceptionCode)


KAFFINITY KeActiveProcessors
ULONGLONG KeInterruptTimeBias
LIST_ENTRY KeBugCheckCallbackListHead
KSPIN_LOCK KeBugCheckCallbackLock
ULONG KeMaximumIncrement
ULONG KeMinimumIncrement
CCHAR KeNumberProcessors
USHORT KeProcessorArchitecture
USHORT KeProcessorLevel
USHORT KeProcessorRevision
ULONG KeFeatureBits
CCHAR KiFindFirstSetRight [256]
PKPRCB KiProcessorBlock []
ULONG KiStackProtectTime
ULONG KeRegisteredProcessors
ULONG KeLicensedProcessors
PULONG KeServiceCountTable
volatile KSYSTEM_TIME KeTickCount
PVOID KeUserApcDispatcher
PVOID KeUserCallbackDispatcher
PVOID KeUserExceptionDispatcher
PVOID KeRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher
ULONG KeTimeAdjustment
ULONG KeTimeIncrement
BOOLEAN KeTimeSynchronization

Define Documentation


Definition at line 1793 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 76 of file ke.h.

Referenced by main().


Definition at line 28 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeUpdateRunTime(), KiDecrementQuantum(), and main().


Definition at line 120 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 2496 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeFlushIoBuffers(), and KiInitializeKernel().


Definition at line 2497 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeFlushIoBuffers().


Definition at line 2498 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeFlushIoBuffers(), and KiInitializeKernel().

#define EVENT_WAIT_BLOCK   2

Definition at line 82 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 2547 of file ke.h.

#define KeAcquireSpinLock SpinLock,
OldIrql   )     *(OldIrql) = KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToDpc(SpinLock)

Definition at line 2007 of file ke.h.

Referenced by ExFreePool(), ExLockPool(), ExNotifyCallback(), ExRegisterCallback(), ExUnregisterCallback(), KdDeregisterDebuggerDataBlock(), KdpTimeSlipWork(), KdRegisterDebuggerDataBlock(), KdUpdateTimeSlipEvent(), KeRestoreMtrr(), KeSetPhysicalCacheTypeRange(), KeSweepDcache(), KeSweepIcache(), KiAmdK6InitializeMTRR(), KiAmdK6MtrrSetMemoryType(), MemPrint(), MemPrintFlush(), MemPrintWriteCompleteApc(), MemPrintWriteThread(), PspDeleteVdmObjects(), RtlAcquireRemoveLockEx(), RtlReleaseRemoveLock(), UdfAddToWorkque(), UdfFspDispatch(), VdmpDelayIntApcRoutine(), VdmpDelayIntDpcRoutine(), VdmpDelayInterrupt(), and VerifierKeAcquireSpinLock().

#define KeClearEvent Event   )     (Event)->Header.SignalState = 0

Definition at line 1072 of file ke.h.

Referenced by BuildQueryDirectoryIrp(), ClearQueueServerEvent(), ExUnregisterCallback(), IoCancelFileOpen(), IopCloseFile(), IopDeleteFile(), IopGetSetSecurityObject(), IopInvalidateVolumesForDevice(), IopLockDeviceRemovalRelations(), IopMountVolume(), IopProcessRelation(), IopQueryXxxInformation(), IopRequestDeviceAction(), IopSetEaOrQuotaInformationFile(), IopWaitForBootDevicesStarted(), IopXxxControlFile(), IoSetInformation(), IoShutdownSystem(), LfsFlushLfcb(), MiCheckForCrashDump(), MiCleanSection(), MiCreateImageFileMap(), MiDereferenceSegmentThread(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSets(), MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiGetEventCounter(), MiGetInPageSupportBlock(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), MiMappedPageWriter(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MmShutdownSystem(), NtClearEvent(), NtFlushBuffersFile(), NtLockFile(), NtNotifyChangeDirectoryFile(), NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys(), NtQueryEaFile(), NtQueryInformationFile(), NtQueryQuotaInformationFile(), NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(), NtReadFile(), NtReadFileScatter(), NtSetEaFile(), NtSetInformationFile(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetVolumeInformationFile(), NtUnlockFile(), NtWriteFile(), NtWriteFileGather(), PsLockProcess(), UdfWaitSync(), VdmQueryDirectoryFile(), and xxxSleepTask().

#define KeEnterCriticalRegion  )     KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable -= 1;

Definition at line 1598 of file ke.h.

Referenced by CmpLockRegistry(), CmpLockRegistryExclusive(), EnterCrit(), EnterMediaCrit(), EnterPowerCrit(), EnterSharedCrit(), ExChangeHandle(), ExCreateHandle(), ExDestroyHandle(), ExDupHandleTable(), ExEnumHandleTable(), ExpAllocateHandleTable(), ExRemoveHandleTable(), ExSnapShotHandleTables(), ExUuidCreate(), FsRecLoadFileSystem(), IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias(), IoGetDeviceProperty(), IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey(), IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(), IopAllocateBootResources(), IopAllocateResources(), IopCreateMadeupNode(), IopDeleteLegacyKey(), IopDeleteLockedDeviceNode(), IopDeviceActionWorker(), IopDeviceInterfaceKeysFromSymbolicLink(), IopDoDeferredSetInterfaceState(), IopDriverLoadingFailed(), IopGetDeviceInterfaces(), IopGetDriverDeviceList(), IopGetRootDevices(), IopGetSetSecurityObject(), IopInvalidateVolumesForDevice(), IopIsFirmwareDisabled(), IopLegacyResourceAllocation(), IopMakeGloballyUniqueId(), IopParseDevice(), IopPrepareDriverLoading(), IopProcessNewDeviceNode(), IopQueryConflictList(), IopReallocateResources(), IopRebalance(), IopRegisterDeviceInterface(), IopReleaseDeviceResources(), IopSetDeviceSecurityDescriptors(), IopStartAndEnumerateDevice(), IopUnlockDeviceRemovalRelations(), IopUnregisterDeviceInterface(), IopWriteAllocatedResourcesToRegistry(), IoReportDetectedDevice(), IoSetDeviceInterfaceState(), KeFreezeAllThreads(), LeaveMouseCrit(), LpcRequestPort(), MiCheckControlAreaStatus(), MiCheckPurgeAndUpMapCount(), MiCleanSection(), MiDereferenceSession(), MiDispatchFault(), MiEnablePagingTheExecutive(), MiFindInitializationCode(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MiLookupDataTableEntry(), MiLookupPsLoadedModule(), MiMapImageHeaderInHyperSpace(), MiMapViewOfImageSection(), MiResolveTransitionFault(), MmAddVerifierThunks(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmExtendSection(), MmGetSectionRange(), MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(), MmGetVerifierInformation(), MmLockPagableDataSection(), MmLockPagableSectionByHandle(), MmPurgeSection(), MmSessionCreate(), MmSessionDelete(), MmSetVerifierInformation(), MmUnloadSystemImage(), NtAllocateUuids(), NtAssignProcessToJobObject(), NtClose(), NtDuplicateObject(), NtLoadKey2(), NtQueryInformationJobObject(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), NtReplaceKey(), NtRequestPort(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetInformationProcess(), NtTerminateJobObject(), NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess(), NtWaitForMultipleObjects(), ObFindHandleForObject(), ObInitProcess(), ObKillProcess(), ObpAcquireDescriptorCacheReadLock(), ObpAcquireDescriptorCacheWriteLock(), ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle(), ObReferenceObjectByHandle(), PsChangeJobMemoryUsage(), PsLockProcess(), PspAddProcessToJob(), PspExitProcessFromJob(), PspExitThread(), PspJobClose(), PspJobDelete(), PspRemoveProcessFromJob(), PspSetQuotaLimits(), PsReportProcessMemoryLimitViolation(), and xxxUserProcessCallout().

#define KeFindFirstSetRightMember Set   ) 


((Set & 0xFF) ? KiFindFirstSetRight[Set & 0xFF] : \ ((Set & 0xFF00) ? KiFindFirstSetRight[(Set >> 8) & 0xFF] + 8 : \ ((Set & 0xFF0000) ? KiFindFirstSetRight[(Set >> 16) & 0xFF] + 16 : \ KiFindFirstSetRight[Set >> 24] + 24 )))

Definition at line 2293 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeFreezeExecution(), KeI386SetGdtSelector(), KeThawExecution(), KiFlushForwardProgressTbBuffer(), and KiInvalidateForwardProgressTbBuffer().

#define KeGetCurrentApcEnvironment  )     KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcStateIndex

Definition at line 100 of file ke.h.

Referenced by IoInitializeIrp().

#define KeInitializeCallbackRecord CallbackRecord   )     (CallbackRecord)->State = BufferEmpty

Definition at line 2187 of file ke.h.

#define KeInitializeEvent _Event,
_State   ) 


(_Event)->Header.Type = (UCHAR)_Type; \ (_Event)->Header.Size = sizeof(KEVENT) / sizeof(LONG); \ (_Event)->Header.SignalState = _State; \ InitializeListHead(&(_Event)->Header.WaitListHead)

Definition at line 1066 of file ke.h.

Referenced by ArbInitializeArbiterInstance(), CcCanIWrite(), CcInitializeCacheMap(), CcSetValidData(), CcWaitForCurrentLazyWriterActivity(), CcWaitOnActiveCount(), CcZeroData(), CmpAllocatePostBlock(), CreateKernelEvent(), DriverEntry(), ExInitializeResource(), ExpAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(), ExpAllocateHandleTable(), ExpGetProcessInformation(), ExpInitializeCallbacks(), ExpWorkerInitialization(), ExReinitializeResourceLite(), FsRecGetDeviceSectors(), FsRecGetDeviceSectorSize(), FsRecReadBlock(), FsRtlBalanceReads(), FsRtlGetFileSize(), FsRtlSetFileSize(), FsRtlSyncVolumes(), FsRtlWaitOnIrp(), GetDeviceChangeInfo(), HalpEnableAutomaticDriveLetterAssignment(), HalpGetFullGeometry(), HalpIsOldStyleFloppy(), HalpNextMountLetter(), HalpQueryDriveLayout(), HalpQueryPartitionType(), HalpSetMountLetter(), IoCancelFileOpen(), IoCreateDevice(), IoCreateStreamFileObject(), IoCreateStreamFileObjectLite(), IoFreeDumpStack(), IoGetBootDiskInformation(), IoGetDmaAdapter(), IoInitializeRemoveLockEx(), IoInitSystem(), IopAllocateDeviceNode(), IopCloseFile(), IopCompleteUnloadOrDelete(), IopCreateArcNames(), IopDeleteFile(), IopFilterResourceRequirementsCall(), IopGetDumpStack(), IopGetFileName(), IopGetSetObjectId(), IopGetSetSecurityObject(), IopGetVolumeId(), IopInitializePlugPlayServices(), IopInvalidateVolumesForDevice(), IopLoadFileSystemDriver(), IopMountVolume(), IoPnPDeliverServicePowerNotification(), IopParseDevice(), IopQueryXxxInformation(), IopRequestHwProfileChangeNotification(), IopSetEaOrQuotaInformationFile(), IopSetRemoteLink(), IopSynchronousCall(), IoReportTargetDeviceChange(), IoSetInformation(), IoShutdownSystem(), IoSynchronousInvalidateDeviceRelations(), IoVerifyVolume(), IovpThrowBogusSynchronousIrp(), KeInitializeEventPair(), KeSetAutoAlignmentThread(), KiInitSystem(), LfsAllocateLfcb(), LfsInitializeLogFileService(), LpcpCreatePort(), LpcpInitializePortZone(), MemPrintInitialize(), MiAdjustWorkingSetManagerParameters(), MiChargeCommitment(), MiCheckForCrashDump(), MiCheckPageFilePath(), MiCleanSection(), MiCreateImageFileMap(), MiDereferenceSession(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiGetEventCounter(), MiGetInPageSupportBlock(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), MiMappedPageWriter(), MiModifiedPageWriter(), MiSectionInitialization(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmInitSystem(), MmShutdownSystem(), NtCreateChannel(), NtCreateEvent(), NtCreateJobObject(), NtCreatePagingFile(), NtFlushBuffersFile(), NtGetContextThread(), NtLoadDriver(), NtOpenChannel(), NtQueryEaFile(), NtQueryInformationFile(), NtQueryQuotaInformationFile(), NtQueryVolumeInformationFile(), NtSetContextThread(), NtSetEaFile(), NtSetInformationFile(), NtSetVolumeInformationFile(), NtUnloadDriver(), NtUnlockFile(), ObInitSystem(), obtest(), PspCreateProcess(), QueuePowerRequest(), RtlAllocateRemoveLock(), RtlVolumeDeviceToDosName(), SmbTraceCompleteRdr(), SmbTraceCompleteSrv(), SmbTraceInitialize(), UdfCommonRead(), UdfPerformDevIoCtrl(), UdfPnpQueryRemove(), UdfPnpRemove(), UdfPnpSurpriseRemove(), UdfReadSectors(), VdmQueryDirectoryFile(), xHalExamineMBR(), xHalGetPartialGeometry(), xHalIoClearPartitionTable(), xHalIoReadPartitionTable(), xHalIoSetPartitionInformation(), and xHalIoWritePartitionTable().

#define KeIsAttachedProcess  )     (KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcStateIndex == AttachedApcEnvironment)

Definition at line 1302 of file ke.h.

Referenced by MiAccessCheck(), NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys(), and PspExitThread().

#define KeLeaveCriticalRegion  )     KiLeaveCriticalRegion()

Definition at line 1628 of file ke.h.

Referenced by CmpUnlockRegistry(), ExChangeHandle(), ExCreateHandle(), ExDestroyHandle(), ExDupHandleTable(), ExEnumHandleTable(), ExpAllocateHandleTable(), ExRemoveHandleTable(), ExSnapShotHandleTables(), ExUuidCreate(), FsRecLoadFileSystem(), IoGetDeviceInterfaceAlias(), IoGetDeviceProperty(), IoOpenDeviceInterfaceRegistryKey(), IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(), IopAllocateBootResources(), IopAllocateResources(), IopCreateMadeupNode(), IopDeleteLegacyKey(), IopDeleteLockedDeviceNode(), IopDeviceActionWorker(), IopDeviceInterfaceKeysFromSymbolicLink(), IopDoDeferredSetInterfaceState(), IopDriverLoadingFailed(), IopGetDeviceInterfaces(), IopGetDriverDeviceList(), IopGetRootDevices(), IopGetSetSecurityObject(), IopInvalidateVolumesForDevice(), IopIsFirmwareDisabled(), IopLegacyResourceAllocation(), IopMakeGloballyUniqueId(), IopParseDevice(), IopPrepareDriverLoading(), IopProcessNewDeviceNode(), IopQueryConflictList(), IopReallocateResources(), IopRebalance(), IopRegisterDeviceInterface(), IopReleaseDeviceResources(), IopSetDeviceSecurityDescriptors(), IopStartAndEnumerateDevice(), IopUnlockDeviceRemovalRelations(), IopUnregisterDeviceInterface(), IopWriteAllocatedResourcesToRegistry(), IoReportDetectedDevice(), IoSetDeviceInterfaceState(), KeThawAllThreads(), LeaveCrit(), LeaveMediaCrit(), LeavePowerCrit(), LpcRequestPort(), MiCheckControlAreaStatus(), MiCheckPurgeAndUpMapCount(), MiCleanSection(), MiDereferenceSession(), MiDispatchFault(), MiEnablePagingTheExecutive(), MiFindInitializationCode(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MiLookupDataTableEntry(), MiLookupPsLoadedModule(), MiMapImageHeaderInHyperSpace(), MiMapViewOfImageSection(), MiResolveTransitionFault(), MmAddVerifierThunks(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmExtendSection(), MmGetSectionRange(), MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(), MmGetVerifierInformation(), MmLockPagableDataSection(), MmLockPagableSectionByHandle(), MmPurgeSection(), MmSessionCreate(), MmSessionDelete(), MmSetVerifierInformation(), MmUnloadSystemImage(), NtAllocateUuids(), NtAssignProcessToJobObject(), NtClose(), NtDuplicateObject(), NtLoadKey2(), NtQueryInformationJobObject(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), NtReplaceKey(), NtRequestPort(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetInformationProcess(), NtSystemDebugControl(), NtTerminateJobObject(), NtUserUserHandleGrantAccess(), NtWaitForMultipleObjects(), ObFindHandleForObject(), ObInitProcess(), ObKillProcess(), ObpReleaseDescriptorCacheLock(), ObQueryObjectAuditingByHandle(), ObReferenceObjectByHandle(), PsChangeJobMemoryUsage(), PsLockProcess(), PspAddProcessToJob(), PspExitProcessFromJob(), PspExitThread(), PspJobClose(), PspJobDelete(), PspRemoveProcessFromJob(), PspSetQuotaLimits(), PsReportProcessMemoryLimitViolation(), PsUnlockProcess(), and xxxUserProcessCallout().

#define KeReadStateMutex Mutex   )     KeReadStateMutant(Mutex)

Definition at line 1171 of file ke.h.

#define KeSetHighEventPair EventPair,
Wait   ) 


KeSetEvent(&((EventPair)->EventHigh), \ Increment, \ Wait)

Definition at line 1124 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtSetHighEventPair().

#define KeSetHighWaitLowEventPair EventPair,
WaitMode   ) 


KiSetServerWaitClientEvent(&((EventPair)->EventHigh), \ &((EventPair)->EventLow), \ WaitMode)

Definition at line 1720 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtSetHighWaitLowEventPair().

#define KeSetLowEventPair EventPair,
Wait   ) 


KeSetEvent(&((EventPair)->EventLow), \ Increment, \ Wait)

Definition at line 1129 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtSetLowEventPair().

#define KeSetLowWaitHighEventPair EventPair,
WaitMode   ) 


KiSetServerWaitClientEvent(&((EventPair)->EventLow), \ &((EventPair)->EventHigh), \ WaitMode)

Definition at line 1725 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtSetLowWaitHighEventPair().

#define KeTerminateProcess Process   )     (Process)->StackCount += 1;

Definition at line 1335 of file ke.h.

Referenced by PspProcessDelete().

#define KeWaitForHighEventPair EventPair,
TimeOut   ) 


KeWaitForSingleObject(&((EventPair)->EventHigh), \ WrEventPair, \ WaitMode, \ Alertable, \ TimeOut)

Definition at line 1730 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtWaitHighEventPair().

#define KeWaitForLowEventPair EventPair,
TimeOut   ) 


KeWaitForSingleObject(&((EventPair)->EventLow), \ WrEventPair, \ WaitMode, \ Alertable, \ TimeOut)

Definition at line 1737 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtWaitLowEventPair().

#define KeWaitForMutexObject   KeWaitForSingleObject

Definition at line 1746 of file ke.h.

#define KiLeaveCriticalRegion  ) 


{ \ PKTHREAD Thread; \ Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); \ if (((*((volatile ULONG *)&Thread->KernelApcDisable) += 1) == 0) && \ (((volatile LIST_ENTRY *)&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode])->Flink != \ &Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode])) { \ Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = TRUE; \ KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(APC_LEVEL); \ } \ }

Definition at line 1537 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeLeaveCriticalRegion().

#define KiLockDispatcherDatabase OldIrql   )     *(OldIrql) = KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToSynch(&KiDispatcherLock)

Definition at line 1907 of file ke.h.

Referenced by ExpCheckForWorker(), ExpFindCurrentThread(), ExpWaitForResource(), Ke386VdmClearApcObject(), Ke386VdmInsertQueueApc(), KeAlertResumeThread(), KeAlertThread(), KeAttachProcess(), KeAttachSessionSpace(), KeBalanceSetManager(), KeBoostCurrentThread(), KeBoostPriorityThread(), KeCancelTimer(), KeCheckForTimer(), KeConfineThread(), KeConnectInterrupt(), KeDelayExecutionThread(), KeDetachProcess(), KeDetachSessionSpace(), KeDisableApcQueuingThread(), KeDisableSessionSharing(), KeDisconnectInterrupt(), KeEnableApcQueuingThread(), KeEnableSessionSharing(), KeFlushQueueApc(), KeForceAttachProcess(), KeForceResumeThread(), KeFreezeAllThreads(), KeInitializeMutant(), KeInitializeThread(), KeInsertHeadQueue(), KeInsertQueue(), KeInsertQueueApc(), KePulseEvent(), KeQueryBasePriorityThread(), KeQueryTimerDueTime(), KeReadyThread(), KeReleaseMutant(), KeReleaseSemaphore(), KeRemoveQueue(), KeRemoveQueueApc(), KeResetEvent(), KeResumeThread(), KeRevertToUserAffinityThread(), KeRundownQueue(), KeRundownThread(), KeSetAffinityThread(), KeSetAutoAlignmentProcess(), KeSetAutoAlignmentThread(), KeSetBasePriorityThread(), KeSetDisableBoostThread(), KeSetEvent(), KeSetEventBoostPriority(), KeSetIdealProcessorThread(), KeSetPriorityProcess(), KeSetPriorityThread(), KeSetProcess(), KeSetSystemAffinityThread(), KeSetSystemTime(), KeSetTimerEx(), KeSetup80387OrEmulate(), KeStackAttachProcess(), KeSuspendThread(), KeSwapProcessOrStack(), KeTerminateThread(), KeTestAlertThread(), KeThawAllThreads(), KeUnstackDetachProcess(), KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), KeWaitForSingleObject(), KiInSwapKernelStacks(), KiInSwapProcesses(), KiOutSwapKernelStacks(), KiOutSwapProcesses(), KiQuantumEnd(), KiScanReadyQueues(), KiTimerExpiration(), KiTimerListExpire(), NtReplyWaitSendChannel(), NtSendWaitReplyChannel(), NtYieldExecution(), and PspReaper().

#define LISTEN_CHANNEL   0x1

Definition at line 802 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtCreateChannel().

#define MESSAGE_CHANNEL   0x2

Definition at line 803 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtOpenChannel().


Definition at line 301 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeAddSystemServiceTable(), KiInitSystem(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().


Definition at line 35 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiFindReadyThread(), and main().


Definition at line 42 of file ke.h.

Referenced by ExpBoostOwnerThread(), KeBoostCurrentThread(), KiScanReadyQueues(), and main().


Definition at line 83 of file ke.h.

#define SERVICE_NUMBER_MASK   ((1 << 12) - 1)

Definition at line 302 of file ke.h.

#define SERVICE_TABLE_MASK   (((1 << 2) - 1) << 4)

Definition at line 313 of file ke.h.

#define SERVICE_TABLE_SHIFT   (12 - 4)

Definition at line 312 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 314 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 2545 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 36 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeInitializeProcess(), main(), PsChangeQuantumTable(), and PsSetProcessPriorityByClass().


Definition at line 79 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeInitializeThread(), KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), NtWaitForMultipleObjects(), and SmbTraceThreadEntry().

#define TIMER_TABLE_SIZE   128

Definition at line 94 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeCheckForTimer(), KeSetSystemTime(), KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment(), KiChkTimerExpireSysDpc(), KiInitSystem(), and KiTimerExpiration().

#define TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK   3

Definition at line 84 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeDelayExecutionThread(), KeInitializeThread(), KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), and KeWaitForSingleObject().


Definition at line 29 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiAdjustQuantumThread(), KiUnwaitThread(), and main().

#define WIN32K_SERVICE_INDEX   1

Definition at line 2546 of file ke.h.

Typedef Documentation


typedef struct _ECHANNEL ECHANNEL

Referenced by NtCreateChannel().



Referenced by KeReturnToFirmware().


Referenced by KeInitializeApc().

typedef struct _KAPC_STATE KAPC_STATE



Referenced by KiScanBugCheckCallbackList().


Referenced by KeInitializeDeviceQueue().


Referenced by KeInsertByKeyDeviceQueue().

typedef struct _KEVENT KEVENT


Referenced by KeInitializeEventPair().



typedef struct _KMUTANT KMUTANT

typedef struct _KMUTANT KMUTEX



Definition at line 272 of file ke.h.

typedef struct _KPROCESS KPROCESS


typedef struct _KPROFILE KPROFILE

Referenced by KiProcessProfileList().

typedef struct _KQUEUE KQUEUE

Referenced by NtCreateIoCompletion().



typedef struct _KTHREAD KTHREAD

Referenced by KeStartAllProcessors().



typedef struct _KTIMER KTIMER

Referenced by RawInputThread().


Referenced by KeBalanceSetManager().


Referenced by KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), and KeWaitForSingleObject().


Referenced by MiSweepCacheMachineDependent().


typedef struct _ECHANNEL * PECHANNEL

Referenced by NtOpenChannel().



Definition at line 2275 of file ke.h.

Referenced by PsEstablishWin32Callouts().

typedef struct _KAPC_STATE * PKAPC_STATE

Referenced by KeRemoveQueueApc().


Referenced by KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback().


Definition at line 2149 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeRegisterBugCheckCallback().


Definition at line 336 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 347 of file ke.h.


Referenced by KeInitializeDeviceQueue().


Referenced by KeInsertDeviceQueue().


Definition at line 2216 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiDumpParameterImages().

typedef struct _KEVENT * PKEVENT

typedef struct _KEVENT_PAIR * PKEVENT_PAIR

Referenced by KeInitializeEventPair().


Definition at line 477 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeInitializeInterrupt().

typedef struct _KMUTANT * PKMUTANT

typedef struct _KMUTANT * PKMUTEX

Referenced by KeReleaseMutex().

typedef struct _KPROCESS * PKPROCESS

Referenced by KeStartAllProcessors().

typedef struct _KPROFILE * PKPROFILE

Referenced by KiProcessProfileList().

typedef struct _KQUEUE * PKQUEUE

Referenced by KiUnwaitThread().


typedef BOOLEAN(* PKSERVICE_ROUTINE)(IN struct _KINTERRUPT *Interrupt, IN PVOID ServiceContext)

Definition at line 440 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeInitializeInterrupt().


Referenced by NtQuerySystemInformation().

typedef VOID(* PKSTART_ROUTINE)(IN PVOID StartContext)

Definition at line 367 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiInitializeKernel(), PsCreateSystemThread(), PspCreateThread(), SmbTraceStart(), xxxInitInput(), and xxxInitTerminal().


Definition at line 379 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiInitializeContextThread(), and KiInitializeKernel().

typedef struct _KTHREAD * PKTHREAD

Referenced by KeStartAllProcessors().


typedef struct _KTIMER * PKTIMER

Referenced by KiChkTimerExpireSysDpc().

typedef struct _KWAIT_BLOCK * PKWAIT_BLOCK





typedef struct _KEVENT PRKEVENT

Referenced by KeInitializeEvent().



Definition at line 477 of file ke.h.

typedef struct _KMUTANT PRKMUTANT

typedef struct _KMUTANT PRKMUTEX



typedef struct _KQUEUE PRKQUEUE


typedef struct _KTHREAD PRKTHREAD

typedef struct _KTIMER PRKTIMER



Definition at line 2713 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 2731 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 2748 of file ke.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 805 of file ke.h.


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 2611 of file ke.h.


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 153 of file ke.h.


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 2139 of file ke.h.


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 165 of file ke.h.

00165 { 00166 LevelSensitive, 00167 Latched 00168 } KINTERRUPT_MODE;


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 122 of file ke.h.

00122 { 00123 EventNotificationObject = 0, 00124 EventSynchronizationObject = 1, 00125 MutantObject = 2, 00126 ProcessObject = 3, 00127 QueueObject = 4, 00128 SemaphoreObject = 5, 00129 ThreadObject = 6, 00130 Spare1Object = 7, 00131 TimerNotificationObject = 8, 00132 TimerSynchronizationObject = 9, 00133 Spare2Object = 10, 00134 Spare3Object = 11, 00135 Spare4Object = 12, 00136 Spare5Object = 13, 00137 Spare6Object = 14, 00138 Spare7Object = 15, 00139 Spare8Object = 16, 00140 Spare9Object = 17, 00141 ApcObject, 00142 DpcObject, 00143 DeviceQueueObject, 00144 EventPairObject, 00145 InterruptObject, 00146 ProfileObject 00147 } KOBJECTS;


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 176 of file ke.h.


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 188 of file ke.h.

00188 { 00189 Initialized, 00190 Ready, 00191 Running, 00192 Standby, 00193 Terminated, 00194 Waiting, 00195 Transition 00196 } KTHREAD_STATE;


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 203 of file ke.h.

00203 { 00204 Executive, 00205 FreePage, 00206 PageIn, 00207 PoolAllocation, 00208 DelayExecution, 00209 Suspended, 00210 UserRequest, 00211 WrExecutive, 00212 WrFreePage, 00213 WrPageIn, 00214 WrPoolAllocation, 00215 WrDelayExecution, 00216 WrSuspended, 00217 WrUserRequest, 00218 WrEventPair, 00219 WrQueue, 00220 WrLpcReceive, 00221 WrLpcReply, 00222 WrVirtualMemory, 00223 WrPageOut, 00224 WrRendezvous, 00225 Spare2, 00226 Spare3, 00227 Spare4, 00228 Spare5, 00229 Spare6, 00230 WrKernel, 00231 MaximumWaitReason 00232 } KWAIT_REASON;


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 2824 of file ke.h.


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 2820 of file ke.h.

02820 { 02821 MmFrameBufferCached = 2 02822 } MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE_ORIG;


Enumeration values:

Definition at line 353 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KdpReportExceptionStateChange(), KdpReportLoadSymbolsStateChange(), KdpSendWaitContinue(), and KiFreezeTargetExecution().

Function Documentation

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeAcquireSpinLockAtDpcLevel IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock  ) 

NTKERNELAPI KIRQL KeAcquireSpinLockRaiseToDpc IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock  ) 


IN ULONG  Limit,
IN PUCHAR  Number,

Definition at line 815 of file ke/miscc.c.


00825 : 00826 00827 This function allows the caller to add a system service table 00828 to the system 00829 00830 Arguments: 00831 00832 Base - Supplies the address of the system service table dispatch 00833 table. 00834 00835 Count - Supplies an optional pointer to a table of per system service 00836 counters. 00837 00838 Limit - Supplies the limit of the service table. Services greater 00839 than or equal to this limit will fail. 00840 00841 Arguments - Supplies the address of the argument count table. 00842 00843 Index - Supplies index of the service table. 00844 00845 Return Value: 00846 00847 TRUE - The operation was successful. 00848 00849 FALSE - the operation failed. A service table is already bound to 00850 the specified location, or the specified index is larger than 00851 the maximum allowed index. 00852 00853 --*/ 00854 00855 { 00856 00857 PAGED_CODE(); 00858 00859 // 00860 // If a system service table is already defined for the specified 00861 // index, then return FALSE. Otherwise, establish the new system 00862 // service table. 00863 // 00864 00865 if ((Index > NUMBER_SERVICE_TABLES - 1) || 00866 (KeServiceDescriptorTable[Index].Base != NULL) || 00867 (KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow[Index].Base != NULL)) { 00868 return FALSE; 00869 00870 } else { 00871 00872 // 00873 // If the service table index is equal to the Win32 table, then 00874 // only update the shadow system service table. Otherwise, both 00875 // the shadow and static system service tables are updated. 00876 // 00877 00878 KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow[Index].Base = Base; 00879 KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow[Index].Count = Count; 00880 KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow[Index].Limit = Limit; 00881 #if defined(_IA64_) 00882 00883 // 00884 // The global pointer associated with the table base is 00885 // placed just before the service table. 00886 // 00887 00888 KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow[Index].TableBaseGpOffset = 00889 (LONG)(*(Base-1) - (ULONG_PTR)Base); 00890 #endif 00891 KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow[Index].Number = Number; 00892 if (Index != 1) { 00893 KeServiceDescriptorTable[Index].Base = Base; 00894 KeServiceDescriptorTable[Index].Count = Count; 00895 KeServiceDescriptorTable[Index].Limit = Limit; 00896 #if defined(_IA64_) 00897 KeServiceDescriptorTable[Index].TableBaseGpOffset = 00898 (LONG)(*(Base-1) - (ULONG_PTR)Base); 00899 #endif 00900 KeServiceDescriptorTable[Index].Number = Number; 00901 } 00902 00903 return TRUE; 00904 } 00905 }

ULONG KeAlertResumeThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 365 of file thredobj.c.

References ALERT_INCREMENT, ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KernelMode, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiUnwaitThread(), KiWaitTest(), RESUME_INCREMENT, TRUE, and Waiting.

Referenced by NtAlertResumeThread().

00371 : 00372 00373 This function attempts to alert a thread in kernel mode and cause its 00374 execution to be continued if it is currently in an alertable Wait state. 00375 In addition, a resume operation is performed on the specified thread. 00376 00377 Arguments: 00378 00379 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00380 00381 Return Value: 00382 00383 The previous suspend count. 00384 00385 --*/ 00386 00387 { 00388 00389 ULONG OldCount; 00390 KIRQL OldIrql; 00391 00392 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00393 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00394 00395 // 00396 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock dispatcher database, and lock 00397 // APC queue. 00398 // 00399 00400 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00401 KiAcquireSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00402 00403 // 00404 // If the kernel mode alerted state is FALSE, then attempt to alert 00405 // the thread for kernel mode. 00406 // 00407 00408 if (Thread->Alerted[KernelMode] == FALSE) { 00409 00410 // 00411 // If the thread is currently in a Wait state and the Wait is alertable, 00412 // then the thread is unwaited with a status of "alerted". Else set the 00413 // kernel mode alerted variable. 00414 // 00415 00416 if ((Thread->State == Waiting) && (Thread->Alertable == TRUE)) { 00417 KiUnwaitThread(Thread, STATUS_ALERTED, ALERT_INCREMENT); 00418 00419 } else { 00420 Thread->Alerted[KernelMode] = TRUE; 00421 } 00422 } 00423 00424 // 00425 // Capture the current suspend count. 00426 // 00427 00428 OldCount = Thread->SuspendCount; 00429 00430 // 00431 // If the thread is currently suspended, then decrement its suspend count. 00432 // 00433 00434 if (OldCount != 0) { 00435 Thread->SuspendCount -= 1; 00436 00437 // 00438 // If the resultant suspend count is zero and the freeze count is 00439 // zero, then resume the thread by releasing its suspend semaphore. 00440 // 00441 00442 if ((Thread->SuspendCount == 0) && (Thread->FreezeCount == 0)) { 00443 Thread->SuspendSemaphore.Header.SignalState += 1; 00444 KiWaitTest(&Thread->SuspendSemaphore, RESUME_INCREMENT); 00445 } 00446 } 00447 00448 // 00449 // Unlock APC queue, unlock dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its 00450 // previous value, and return the previous suspend count. 00451 // 00452 00453 KiReleaseSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00454 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00455 return OldCount; 00456 }

BOOLEAN KeAlertThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread,

Definition at line 281 of file thredobj.c.

References ALERT_INCREMENT, ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiUnwaitThread(), TRUE, and Waiting.

Referenced by NtAlertThread().

00288 : 00289 00290 This function attempts to alert a thread and cause its execution to 00291 be continued if it is currently in an alertable Wait state. Otherwise 00292 it just sets the alerted variable for the specified processor mode. 00293 00294 Arguments: 00295 00296 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00297 00298 AlertMode - Supplies the processor mode for which the thread is 00299 to be alerted. 00300 00301 Return Value: 00302 00303 The previous state of the alerted variable for the specified processor 00304 mode. 00305 00306 --*/ 00307 00308 { 00309 00310 BOOLEAN Alerted; 00311 KIRQL OldIrql; 00312 00313 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00314 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00315 00316 // 00317 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock dispatcher database, and lock 00318 // APC queue. 00319 // 00320 00321 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00322 KiAcquireSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00323 00324 // 00325 // Capture the current state of the alerted variable for the specified 00326 // processor mode. 00327 // 00328 00329 Alerted = Thread->Alerted[AlertMode]; 00330 00331 // 00332 // If the alerted state for the specified processor mode is Not-Alerted, 00333 // then attempt to alert the thread. 00334 // 00335 00336 if (Alerted == FALSE) { 00337 00338 // 00339 // If the thread is currently in a Wait state, the Wait is alertable, 00340 // and the specified processor mode is less than or equal to the Wait 00341 // mode, then the thread is unwaited with a status of "alerted". 00342 // 00343 00344 if ((Thread->State == Waiting) && (Thread->Alertable == TRUE) && 00345 (AlertMode <= Thread->WaitMode)) { 00346 KiUnwaitThread(Thread, STATUS_ALERTED, ALERT_INCREMENT); 00347 00348 } else { 00349 Thread->Alerted[AlertMode] = TRUE; 00350 } 00351 } 00352 00353 // 00354 // Unlock APC queue, unlock dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its 00355 // previous value, and return the previous alerted state for the 00356 // specified mode. 00357 // 00358 00359 KiReleaseSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00360 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00361 return Alerted; 00362 }


Definition at line 166 of file procobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::ApcState, _KTHREAD::ApcStateIndex, ASSERT, ASSERT_PROCESS, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, KiAttachProcess(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), _KAPC_STATE::Process, and _KTHREAD::SavedApcState.

Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(), _GetListBoxInfo(), CheckWHFBits(), MiCloneProcessAddressSpace(), MiDoMappedCopy(), MiDoPoolCopy(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSetsWorker(), MiGetWorkingSetInfo(), MiLoadImageSection(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MmAssignProcessToJob(), MmCreatePeb(), MmCreateTeb(), MmDeleteTeb(), MmFlushVirtualMemory(), MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace(), MmMapViewOfSection(), MmProbeAndLockProcessPages(), MmSetBankedSection(), MmSetMemoryPriorityProcess(), MmUnmapViewOfSection(), NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages(), NtAllocateVirtualMemory(), NtDuplicateObject(), NtFlushInstructionCache(), NtFreeUserPhysicalPages(), NtFreeVirtualMemory(), NtLockVirtualMemory(), NtProtectVirtualMemory(), NtQueryVirtualMemory(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetInformationProcess(), NtUnlockVirtualMemory(), PsAssignImpersonationToken(), PspAddProcessToJob(), PspCreateProcess(), PspSetQuotaLimits(), SepRmCallLsa(), SetProcessFlags(), SmbTraceCompleteRdr(), SmbTraceDisconnect(), SmbTraceStop(), xxxCheckImeShowStatus(), xxxCreateDisconnectDesktop(), xxxCreateWindowStation(), xxxGetThreadDesktop(), xxxImmActivateAndUnloadThreadsLayout(), xxxMinMaximize(), xxxNotifyImeShowStatus(), xxxSendMessageToUI(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx().

00172 : 00173 00174 This function attaches a thread to a target process' address space 00175 if, and only if, there is not already a process attached. 00176 00177 Arguments: 00178 00179 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00180 00181 Return Value: 00182 00183 None. 00184 00185 --*/ 00186 00187 { 00188 00189 KIRQL OldIrql; 00190 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00191 00192 ASSERT_PROCESS(Process); 00193 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00194 00195 // 00196 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00197 // 00198 00199 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00200 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00201 00202 // 00203 // If the target process is the current process, then return immediately. 00204 // Otherwise, check whether there is a process address space attached or 00205 // the thread is executing a DPC. If either condition is true, then call 00206 // bug check. Otherwise, attach the target process. 00207 // 00208 00209 if (Thread->ApcState.Process == Process) { 00210 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00211 00212 } else if ((Thread->ApcStateIndex != 0) || 00213 (KeIsExecutingDpc() != FALSE)) { 00214 KeBugCheckEx(INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH_ATTEMPT, 00215 (ULONG_PTR)Process, 00216 (ULONG_PTR)Thread->ApcState.Process, 00217 (ULONG)Thread->ApcStateIndex, 00218 (ULONG)KeIsExecutingDpc()); 00219 00220 } else { 00221 KiAttachProcess(Thread, Process, OldIrql, &Thread->SavedApcState); 00222 } 00223 00224 return; 00225 }

VOID KeBalanceSetManager IN PVOID  Context  ) 

Definition at line 142 of file balmgr.c.

References ExAdjustLookasideDepth(), EXECUTION_TIME_LIMITS_PERIOD, Executive, FALSE, KeGetCurrentThread, KeInitializeTimer(), KernelMode, KeSetEvent(), KeSetPriorityThread(), KeSetTimer(), KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiScanReadyQueues(), KiStackOutSwapRequest, KiStackProtectTime, KiSwapEvent, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KWAIT_BLOCK, MaximumObject, MmQuerySystemSize(), MmSmallSystem, MmWorkingSetManager(), MmWorkingSetManagerEvent, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PERIODIC_INTERVAL, PsEnforceExecutionTimeLimits(), SMALL_SYSTEM_STACK_PROTECT_TIME, STACK_PROTECT_TIME, STACK_SCAN_PERIOD, Status, TimerExpiration, TRUE, and WorkingSetManagerEvent.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

00148 : 00149 00150 This function is the startup code for the balance set manager. The 00151 balance set manager thread is created during system initialization 00152 and begins execution in this function. 00153 00154 Arguments: 00155 00156 Context - Supplies a pointer to an arbitrary data structure (NULL). 00157 00158 Return Value: 00159 00160 None. 00161 00162 --*/ 00163 00164 { 00165 00166 LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; 00167 KTIMER PeriodTimer; 00168 KIRQL OldIrql; 00169 ULONG StackScanPeriod; 00170 ULONG ExecutionTimeLimitPeriod; 00171 NTSTATUS Status; 00172 KWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlockArray[MaximumObject]; 00173 PVOID WaitObjects[MaximumObject]; 00174 00175 // 00176 // Raise the thread priority to the lowest realtime level. 00177 // 00178 00179 KeSetPriorityThread(KeGetCurrentThread(), LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY); 00180 00181 // 00182 // Initialize the periodic timer, set it to expire one period from 00183 // now, and set the stack scan period. 00184 // 00185 00186 KeInitializeTimer(&PeriodTimer); 00187 DueTime.QuadPart = - PERIODIC_INTERVAL; 00188 KeSetTimer(&PeriodTimer, DueTime, NULL); 00189 StackScanPeriod = STACK_SCAN_PERIOD; 00190 ExecutionTimeLimitPeriod = EXECUTION_TIME_LIMITS_PERIOD; 00191 // 00192 // Compute the stack protect time based on the system size. 00193 // 00194 00195 if (MmQuerySystemSize() == MmSmallSystem) { 00196 KiStackProtectTime = SMALL_SYSTEM_STACK_PROTECT_TIME; 00197 00198 } else { 00199 KiStackProtectTime = STACK_PROTECT_TIME; 00200 } 00201 00202 // 00203 // Initialize the wait objects array. 00204 // 00205 00206 WaitObjects[TimerExpiration] = (PVOID)&PeriodTimer; 00207 WaitObjects[WorkingSetManagerEvent] = (PVOID)&MmWorkingSetManagerEvent; 00208 00209 // 00210 // Loop forever processing balance set manager events. 00211 // 00212 00213 do { 00214 00215 // 00216 // Wait for a memory management memory low event, a swap event, 00217 // or the expiration of the period timout rate that the balance 00218 // set manager runs at. 00219 // 00220 00221 Status = KeWaitForMultipleObjects(MaximumObject, 00222 &WaitObjects[0], 00223 WaitAny, 00224 Executive, 00225 KernelMode, 00226 FALSE, 00227 NULL, 00228 &WaitBlockArray[0]); 00229 00230 // 00231 // Switch on the wait status. 00232 // 00233 00234 switch (Status) { 00235 00236 // 00237 // Periodic timer expiration. 00238 // 00239 00240 case TimerExpiration: 00241 00242 // 00243 // Attempt to initiate outswaping of kernel stacks. 00244 // 00245 00246 StackScanPeriod -= 1; 00247 if (StackScanPeriod == 0) { 00248 StackScanPeriod = STACK_SCAN_PERIOD; 00249 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00250 if (KiStackOutSwapRequest == FALSE) { 00251 KiStackOutSwapRequest = TRUE; 00252 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00253 KeSetEvent(&KiSwapEvent, 0, FALSE); 00254 00255 } else { 00256 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00257 } 00258 } 00259 00260 // 00261 // Adjust the depth of lookaside lists. 00262 // 00263 00264 ExAdjustLookasideDepth(); 00265 00266 // 00267 // Scan ready queues and boost thread priorities as appropriate. 00268 // 00269 00270 KiScanReadyQueues(); 00271 00272 // 00273 // Execute the virtual memory working set manager. 00274 // 00275 00276 MmWorkingSetManager(); 00277 00278 // 00279 // Enforce execution time limits 00280 // 00281 00282 ExecutionTimeLimitPeriod -= 1; 00283 if (ExecutionTimeLimitPeriod == 0) { 00284 ExecutionTimeLimitPeriod = EXECUTION_TIME_LIMITS_PERIOD; 00285 PsEnforceExecutionTimeLimits(); 00286 } 00287 00288 // 00289 // Set the timer to expire at the next periodic interval. 00290 // 00291 00292 KeSetTimer(&PeriodTimer, DueTime, NULL); 00293 break; 00294 00295 // 00296 // Working set manager event. 00297 // 00298 00299 case WorkingSetManagerEvent: 00300 00301 // 00302 // Call the working set manager to trim working sets. 00303 // 00304 00305 MmWorkingSetManager(); 00306 break; 00307 00308 // 00309 // Illegal return status. 00310 // 00311 00312 default: 00313 KdPrint(("BALMGR: Illegal wait status, %lx =\n", Status)); 00314 break; 00315 } 00316 00317 } while (TRUE); 00318 return; 00319 }

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeBoostCurrentThread VOID   ) 

Definition at line 154 of file waitsup.c.

References _KTHREAD::ApcState, _KTHREAD::BasePriority, _KTHREAD::DecrementCount, KeGetCurrentThread, KeSetPriorityThread(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), _KTHREAD::Priority, _KTHREAD::PriorityDecrement, _KAPC_STATE::Process, _KTHREAD::Quantum, ROUND_TRIP_DECREMENT_COUNT, and _KPROCESS::ThreadQuantum.

00160 : 00161 00162 This function boosts the priority of the current thread for one quantum, 00163 then reduce the thread priority to the base priority of the thread. 00164 00165 Arguments: 00166 00167 None. 00168 00169 Return Value: 00170 00171 None. 00172 00173 --*/ 00174 00175 { 00176 00177 KIRQL OldIrql; 00178 PKTHREAD Thread; 00179 00180 // 00181 // Get current thread address, raise IRQL to synchronization level, and 00182 // lock the dispatcher database 00183 // 00184 00185 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00186 00187 redoboost: 00188 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00189 00190 // 00191 // If a priority boost is not already active for the current thread 00192 // and the thread priority is less than 14, then boost the thread 00193 // priority to 14 and give the thread a large quantum. Otherwise, 00194 // if a priority boost is active, then decrement the round trip 00195 // count. If the count goes to zero, then release the dispatcher 00196 // database lock, lower the thread priority to the base priority, 00197 // and then attempt to boost the priority again. This will give 00198 // other threads a chance to run. If the count does not reach zero, 00199 // then give the thread another large qunatum. 00200 // 00201 // If the thread priority is above 14, then no boost is applied. 00202 // 00203 00204 if ((Thread->PriorityDecrement == 0) && (Thread->Priority < 14)) { 00205 Thread->PriorityDecrement = 14 - Thread->BasePriority; 00206 Thread->DecrementCount = ROUND_TRIP_DECREMENT_COUNT; 00207 Thread->Priority = 14; 00208 Thread->Quantum = Thread->ApcState.Process->ThreadQuantum * 2; 00209 00210 } else if (Thread->PriorityDecrement != 0) { 00211 Thread->DecrementCount -= 1; 00212 if (Thread->DecrementCount == 0) { 00213 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00214 KeSetPriorityThread(Thread, Thread->BasePriority); 00215 goto redoboost; 00216 00217 } else { 00218 Thread->Quantum = Thread->ApcState.Process->ThreadQuantum * 2; 00219 } 00220 } 00221 00222 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00223 return; 00224 }

VOID KeBoostPriorityThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread,

Definition at line 459 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Increment, KiBoostPriorityThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by ExpWaitForResourceDdk(), NtReadFile(), NtSetInformationProcess(), and VdmDispatchInterrupts().

00466 : 00467 00468 This function boosts the priority of the specified thread using the 00469 same algorithm used when a thread gets a boost from a wait operation. 00470 00471 Arguments: 00472 00473 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00474 00475 Increment - Supplies the priority increment that is to be applied to 00476 the thread's priority. 00477 00478 Return Value: 00479 00480 None. 00481 00482 --*/ 00483 00484 { 00485 00486 KIRQL OldIrql; 00487 00488 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00489 00490 // 00491 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00492 // 00493 00494 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00495 00496 // 00497 // If the thread does not run at a realtime priority level, then boost 00498 // the thread priority. 00499 // 00500 00501 if (Thread->Priority < LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 00502 KiBoostPriorityThread(Thread, Increment); 00503 } 00504 00505 // 00506 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00507 // value. 00508 // 00509 00510 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00511 return; 00512 }


Definition at line 218 of file cmwraper.c.

References exit, and KeBugCheckEx().

Referenced by CheckPool(), ExAllocatePool(), ExAllocatePoolWithQuota(), ExAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag(), ExFreePool(), ExpFindCurrentThread(), InitializePool(), IoBuildPartialMdl(), IopAssignNetworkDriveLetter(), KeDetachProcess(), KePhase0DeleteIoMap(), KeSetAffinityThread(), KeUnstackDetachProcess(), KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), Ki386CheckDivideByZeroTrap(), KiDataBusError(), KiEspToTrapFrame(), KiGetVectorInfo(), KiInitializeGDT(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInstructionBusError(), KiMachineCheck(), KiMemoryFault(), KiSystemServiceHandler(), LfsGetLbcb(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiMapImageHeaderInHyperSpace(), MiMapPageInHyperSpace(), MiMapPageToZeroInHyperSpace(), PsInitSystem(), PspExitNormalApc(), PspExitThread(), PspProcessDelete(), PspSystemThreadStartup(), PspThreadDelete(), SeDefaultObjectMethod(), SeInitSystem(), SepAuditFailed(), SepDeReferenceLogonSession(), and xHalIoAssignDriveLetters().

00221 { 00222 printf("BugCheck: code = %08lx\n", BugCheckCode); 00223 exit(1); 00224 }

IN ULONG_PTR  BugCheckParameter1,
IN ULONG_PTR  BugCheckParameter2,
IN ULONG_PTR  BugCheckParameter3,
IN ULONG_PTR  BugCheckParameter4

Definition at line 428 of file bugcheck.c.

References Buffer, DATA_BUS_ERROR, DbgPrint, ExPoolCodeEnd, ExPoolCodeStart, FALSE, HalRebootRoutine, HalReturnToFirmware(), HIGH_LEVEL, INBV_DISPLAY_STRING_FILTER, InbvAcquireDisplayOwnership(), InbvDisplayString(), InbvEnableDisplayString(), InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter(), InbvIsBootDriverInstalled(), InbvResetDisplay(), InbvSetScrollRegion(), InbvSetTextColor(), InbvSolidColorFill(), IoWriteCrashDump(), IPI_FREEZE, IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, IS_SYSTEM_ADDRESS, KdDebuggerDataBlock, KdDebuggerEnabled, KdDebuggerNotPresent, KdInitSystem(), KdPitchDebugger, KeActiveProcessors, KeBugCheckCount, KeBugCheckUnicodeToAnsi(), KeGetBugMessageText(), KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeGetCurrentThread, KeRaiseIrql(), KeStallExecutionProcessor(), KiBugCheckData, KiBugCheckDebugBreak(), KiBugCheckDriver, KiDisableInterrupts(), KiDumpParameterImages(), KiHardwareTrigger, KiIpiSend(), KiPcToFileHeader(), KiSaveProcessorControlState(), KiScanBugCheckCallbackList(), KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, MmIsHydraAddress(), MmIsSpecialPoolAddressFree(), MmLocateUnloadedDriver(), MmPoolCodeEnd, MmPoolCodeStart, MmPteCodeEnd, MmPteCodeStart, MmSpecialPoolEnd, MmSpecialPoolStart, NULL, POWER_FAILURE_SIMULATE, sprintf(), _KTHREAD::Teb, TRUE, and UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP.

Referenced by CmBootLastKnownGood(), CmGetSystemControlValues(), CmGetSystemDriverList(), CmInitSystem1(), CmpCheckLockExceptionFilter(), CmpHiveRootSecurityDescriptor(), CmpInitializeCache(), CmpInitializeHiveList(), CmpInitializeSystemHive(), CmpReleaseGlobalQuota(), CmpSecurityMethod(), CmpWorker(), DrvDriverFailure(), ExAllocatePoolSanityChecks(), ExFreePoolSanityChecks(), ExFreePoolWithTag(), ExInitializeRegion(), ExInterlockedExtendRegion(), ExpCheckForWorker(), ExpSystemErrorHandler(), ExpWorkerThread(), ExReleaseResourceLite(), ExUnlockHandleTableEntry(), FsRtlWorkerThread(), HvRefreshHive(), InitializePool(), IoAssignResources(), IoBuildPoDeviceNotifyList(), IoCancelIrp(), IoInitSystem(), IopDestroyDeviceNode(), IopDriverCorrectnessThrowBugCheck(), IopEnumerateDevice(), IopfCallDriver(), IopFreeIrp(), IopInitializeBootDrivers(), IopMarkBootPartition(), IopMountVolume(), IopProcessNewDeviceNode(), IopProcessRelation(), IopStartAndEnumerateDevice(), IoReportResourceForDetection(), IoReportResourceUsage(), IovBuildAsynchronousFsdRequest(), IovBuildDeviceIoControlRequest(), IovCallDriver(), IovCompleteRequest(), IovFreeIrpPrivate(), IovInitializeTimer(), IovpCompleteRequest(), IovSpecialIrpCallDriver(), KdpCauseBugCheck(), KeAttachProcess(), KeBugCheck(), KeBusError(), KeCheckForTimer(), KeForceAttachProcess(), KeRemoveQueue(), KeRundownThread(), KeStackAttachProcess(), KfSanityCheckLowerIrql(), KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql(), KiDeliverApc(), KiDispatchException(), KiEmulateFloat(), KiGeneralExceptions(), KiIA32ExceptionNoDevice(), KiIA32ExceptionPanic(), KiIA32InterceptInstruction(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiMemoryFault(), KiNatExceptions(), KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(), MiAddMdlTracker(), MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiAllocateSpecialPool(), MiCheckSessionPoolAllocations(), MiCleanSection(), MiCloneProcessAddressSpace(), MiConvertToLoaderVirtual(), MiDecrementCloneBlockReference(), MiDecrementReferenceCount(), MiDecrementShareCount(), MiDeletePte(), MiDeleteSystemPagableVm(), MiEliminateWorkingSetEntry(), MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait(), MiEnsureAvailablePagesInFreeDescriptor(), MiFreeMdlTracker(), MiFreePoolPages(), MiFreeSessionSpaceMap(), MiGetNextPhysicalPage(), MiHandleForkTransitionPte(), MiInitializeCopyOnWritePfn(), MiInitializePfn(), MiInitializeReadInProgressPfn(), MiInitializeTransitionPfn(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiInsertPageInList(), MiInsertStandbyListAtFront(), MiLocateWsle(), MiLookupWsleHashIndex(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), MiMakeSystemAddressValid(), MiMakeSystemAddressValidPfn(), MiMakeSystemAddressValidPfnSystemWs(), MiMakeSystemAddressValidPfnWs(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), MiRemoveFromSystemSpace(), MiRemovePageByColor(), MiRemovePageFromList(), MiRemovePteTracker(), MiRemoveWsle(), MiReserveSystemPtes(), MiReserveSystemPtes2(), MiResolveMappedFileFault(), MiUnlinkPageFromList(), MiVerifyingDriverUnloading(), MiWaitForInPageComplete(), MmAccessFault(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmFreeLoaderBlock(), MmFreeSpecialPool(), MmInPageKernelStack(), MmLockPagableDataSection(), MmMapViewInSystemCache(), MmPurgeSection(), MmUnloadSystemImage(), MmUnlockCachedPage(), MmUnlockPages(), MmZeroPageThread(), MxGetNextPage(), NtClose(), NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys(), NtUserInitialize(), PsLocateSystemDll(), PspExitThread(), PspInitializeSystemDll(), PspInitPhase0(), PspUnhandledExceptionInSystemThread(), VerifierExAcquireFastMutex(), VerifierExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe(), VerifierExAcquireResourceExclusive(), VerifierExReleaseFastMutex(), VerifierExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe(), VerifierExReleaseResource(), VerifierExTryToAcquireFastMutex(), VerifierFreeTrackedPool(), VerifierKeReleaseSpinLock(), VerifierMapIoSpace(), VerifierMapLockedPages(), VerifierMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(), VerifierProbeAndLockPages(), VerifierProbeAndLockProcessPages(), VerifierProbeAndLockSelectedPages(), VerifierSetEvent(), VerifierUnlockPages(), VerifierUnmapIoSpace(), VerifierUnmapLockedPages(), ViReleasePoolAllocation(), xHalAssignSlotResources(), and xHalTranslateBusAddress().

00438 : 00439 00440 This function crashes the system in a controlled manner. 00441 00442 Arguments: 00443 00444 BugCheckCode - Supplies the reason for the bug check. 00445 00446 BugCheckParameter1-4 - Supplies additional bug check information 00447 00448 Return Value: 00449 00450 None. 00451 00452 --*/ 00453 00454 { 00455 UCHAR Buffer[100]; 00456 ULONG_PTR BugCheckParameters[4]; 00457 CONTEXT ContextSave; 00458 ULONG PssMessage; 00459 PCHAR HardErrorCaption; 00460 PCHAR HardErrorMessage; 00461 KIRQL OldIrql; 00462 PKTRAP_FRAME TrapInformation; 00463 PVOID ExecutionAddress; 00464 PVOID ImageBase; 00465 PVOID VirtualAddress; 00466 PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry; 00467 UCHAR AnsiBuffer[32]; 00468 PKTHREAD Thread; 00469 BOOLEAN InKernelOrHal; 00470 BOOLEAN DontCare; 00471 00472 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00473 00474 ULONG TargetSet; 00475 00476 #endif 00477 BOOLEAN hardErrorCalled; 00478 00479 // 00480 // Try to simulate a power failure for Cluster testing 00481 // 00482 00483 if (BugCheckCode == POWER_FAILURE_SIMULATE) { 00484 KiScanBugCheckCallbackList(); 00485 HalReturnToFirmware(HalRebootRoutine); 00486 } 00487 00488 // 00489 // Capture the callers context as closely as possible into the debugger's 00490 // processor state area of the Prcb. 00491 // 00492 // N.B. There may be some prologue code that shuffles registers such that 00493 // they get destroyed. 00494 // 00495 00496 #if defined(i386) 00497 KiSetHardwareTrigger(); 00498 #else 00499 KiHardwareTrigger = 1; 00500 #endif 00501 00502 RtlCaptureContext(&KeGetCurrentPrcb()->ProcessorState.ContextFrame); 00503 KiSaveProcessorControlState(&KeGetCurrentPrcb()->ProcessorState); 00504 00505 // 00506 // This is necessary on machines where the virtual unwind that happens 00507 // during KeDumpMachineState() destroys the context record. 00508 // 00509 00510 ContextSave = KeGetCurrentPrcb()->ProcessorState.ContextFrame; 00511 00512 // 00513 // If we are called by hard error then we don't want to dump the 00514 // processor state on the machine. 00515 // 00516 // We know that we are called by hard error because the bug check 00517 // code will be FATAL_UNHANDLED_HARD_ERROR. If this is so then the 00518 // error status passed to harderr is the first parameter, and a pointer 00519 // to the parameter array from hard error is passed as the second 00520 // argument. 00521 // 00522 // The third argument is the OemCaption to be printed. 00523 // The last argument is the OemMessage to be printed. 00524 // 00525 00526 if (BugCheckCode == FATAL_UNHANDLED_HARD_ERROR) { 00527 00528 PULONG_PTR parameterArray; 00529 00530 hardErrorCalled = TRUE; 00531 00532 HardErrorCaption = (PCHAR)BugCheckParameter3; 00533 HardErrorMessage = (PCHAR)BugCheckParameter4; 00534 parameterArray = (PULONG_PTR)BugCheckParameter2; 00535 BugCheckCode = (ULONG)BugCheckParameter1; 00536 BugCheckParameter1 = parameterArray[0]; 00537 BugCheckParameter2 = parameterArray[1]; 00538 BugCheckParameter3 = parameterArray[2]; 00539 BugCheckParameter4 = parameterArray[3]; 00540 00541 } else { 00542 00543 hardErrorCalled = FALSE; 00544 00545 switch (BugCheckCode) { 00546 00547 case IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 00548 00549 ExecutionAddress = (PVOID)BugCheckParameter4; 00550 00551 if (ExecutionAddress >= ExPoolCodeStart && ExecutionAddress < ExPoolCodeEnd) { 00552 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL; 00553 } 00554 else if (ExecutionAddress >= MmPoolCodeStart && ExecutionAddress < MmPoolCodeEnd) { 00555 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_CORRUPTED_MMPOOL; 00556 } 00557 else if (ExecutionAddress >= MmPteCodeStart && ExecutionAddress < MmPteCodeEnd) { 00558 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_CORRUPTED_SYSPTES; 00559 } 00560 else { 00561 ImageBase = KiPcToFileHeader (ExecutionAddress, 00562 &DataTableEntry, 00563 FALSE, 00564 &InKernelOrHal); 00565 if (InKernelOrHal == TRUE) { 00566 00567 // 00568 // The kernel faulted at raised IRQL. Quite often this 00569 // is a driver that has unloaded without deleting its 00570 // lookaside lists or other resources. Or its resources 00571 // are marked pagable and shouldn't be. Detect both 00572 // cases here and identify the offending driver 00573 // whenever possible. 00574 // 00575 00576 VirtualAddress = (PVOID)BugCheckParameter1; 00577 00578 ImageBase = KiPcToFileHeader (VirtualAddress, 00579 &DataTableEntry, 00580 TRUE, 00581 &InKernelOrHal); 00582 00583 if (ImageBase != NULL) { 00584 KiBugCheckDriver = &DataTableEntry->BaseDllName; 00585 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_PORTION_MUST_BE_NONPAGED; 00586 } 00587 else { 00588 KiBugCheckDriver = MmLocateUnloadedDriver (VirtualAddress); 00589 if (KiBugCheckDriver != NULL) { 00590 BugCheckCode = SYSTEM_SCAN_AT_RAISED_IRQL_CAUGHT_IMPROPER_DRIVER_UNLOAD; 00591 } 00592 } 00593 } 00594 else { 00595 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL; 00596 } 00597 } 00598 break; 00599 00600 case ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY: 00601 00602 KiBugCheckDriver = NULL; 00603 TrapInformation = (PKTRAP_FRAME)BugCheckParameter3; 00604 00605 // 00606 // Extract the execution address from the trap frame to 00607 // identify the component. 00608 // 00609 00610 if (TrapInformation != NULL) { 00611 ExecutionAddress = (PVOID)PROGRAM_COUNTER (TrapInformation); 00612 ImageBase = KiPcToFileHeader (ExecutionAddress, 00613 &DataTableEntry, 00614 TRUE, 00615 &InKernelOrHal); 00616 00617 if (ImageBase != NULL) { 00618 KiBugCheckDriver = &DataTableEntry->BaseDllName; 00619 } 00620 } 00621 00622 break; 00623 00624 case DRIVER_LEFT_LOCKED_PAGES_IN_PROCESS: 00625 00626 ExecutionAddress = (PVOID)BugCheckParameter1; 00627 00628 ImageBase = KiPcToFileHeader (ExecutionAddress, 00629 &DataTableEntry, 00630 TRUE, 00631 &InKernelOrHal); 00632 00633 if (ImageBase != NULL) { 00634 KiBugCheckDriver = &DataTableEntry->BaseDllName; 00635 } 00636 else { 00637 KiBugCheckDriver = MmLocateUnloadedDriver (ExecutionAddress); 00638 } 00639 00640 BugCheckParameter4 = (ULONG_PTR)KiBugCheckDriver; 00641 00642 break; 00643 00644 case DRIVER_USED_EXCESSIVE_PTES: 00645 00646 DataTableEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)BugCheckParameter1; 00647 KiBugCheckDriver = &DataTableEntry->BaseDllName; 00648 00649 break; 00650 00651 case PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA: 00652 00653 ExecutionAddress = NULL; 00654 KiBugCheckDriver = NULL; 00655 00656 VirtualAddress = (PVOID)BugCheckParameter1; 00657 00658 TrapInformation = (PKTRAP_FRAME)BugCheckParameter3; 00659 00660 // 00661 // Extract the execution address from the trap frame to 00662 // identify the component. 00663 // 00664 00665 if (TrapInformation != NULL) { 00666 00667 ExecutionAddress = (PVOID)PROGRAM_COUNTER (TrapInformation); 00668 BugCheckParameter3 = (ULONG_PTR)ExecutionAddress; 00669 00670 KiPcToFileHeader (ExecutionAddress, 00671 &DataTableEntry, 00672 FALSE, 00673 &InKernelOrHal); 00674 00675 ImageBase = KiPcToFileHeader (ExecutionAddress, 00676 &DataTableEntry, 00677 TRUE, 00678 &DontCare); 00679 00680 if (ImageBase != NULL) { 00681 KiBugCheckDriver = &DataTableEntry->BaseDllName; 00682 } 00683 } 00684 else { 00685 00686 // 00687 // No trap frame, so no execution address either. 00688 // 00689 00690 BugCheckParameter3 = 0; 00691 } 00692 00693 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00694 00695 if ((VirtualAddress >= MmSpecialPoolStart) && 00696 (VirtualAddress < MmSpecialPoolEnd)) { 00697 00698 // 00699 // Update the bugcheck number so the administrator gets 00700 // useful feedback that enabling special pool has enabled 00701 // the system to locate the corruptor. 00702 // 00703 00704 if (MmIsSpecialPoolAddressFree (VirtualAddress) == TRUE) { 00705 if (InKernelOrHal == TRUE) { 00706 BugCheckCode = PAGE_FAULT_IN_FREED_SPECIAL_POOL; 00707 } 00708 else { 00709 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_IN_FREED_SPECIAL_POOL; 00710 } 00711 } 00712 else { 00713 if (InKernelOrHal == TRUE) { 00714 BugCheckCode = PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION; 00715 } 00716 else { 00717 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_PAGE_FAULT_BEYOND_END_OF_ALLOCATION; 00718 } 00719 } 00720 } 00721 else if ((ExecutionAddress == VirtualAddress) && 00722 (MmIsHydraAddress (VirtualAddress) == TRUE) && 00723 ((Thread->Teb == NULL) || (IS_SYSTEM_ADDRESS(Thread->Teb)))) { 00724 // 00725 // This is a driver reference to session space from a 00726 // worker thread. Since the system process has no session 00727 // space this is illegal and the driver must be fixed. 00728 // 00729 00730 BugCheckCode = TERMINAL_SERVER_DRIVER_MADE_INCORRECT_MEMORY_REFERENCE; 00731 } 00732 else { 00733 KiBugCheckDriver = MmLocateUnloadedDriver (VirtualAddress); 00734 if (KiBugCheckDriver != NULL) { 00735 BugCheckCode = DRIVER_UNLOADED_WITHOUT_CANCELLING_PENDING_OPERATIONS; 00736 } 00737 } 00738 00739 break; 00740 00741 default: 00742 break; 00743 } 00744 } 00745 00746 if (KiBugCheckDriver != NULL) { 00747 KeBugCheckUnicodeToAnsi (KiBugCheckDriver, 00748 AnsiBuffer, 00749 sizeof (AnsiBuffer)); 00750 } 00751 00752 KiBugCheckData[0] = BugCheckCode; 00753 KiBugCheckData[1] = BugCheckParameter1; 00754 KiBugCheckData[2] = BugCheckParameter2; 00755 KiBugCheckData[3] = BugCheckParameter3; 00756 KiBugCheckData[4] = BugCheckParameter4; 00757 00758 BugCheckParameters[0] = BugCheckParameter1; 00759 BugCheckParameters[1] = BugCheckParameter2; 00760 BugCheckParameters[2] = BugCheckParameter3; 00761 BugCheckParameters[3] = BugCheckParameter4; 00762 00763 if (KdPitchDebugger == FALSE ) { 00764 KdDebuggerDataBlock.SavedContext = (ULONG_PTR) &ContextSave; 00765 } 00766 00767 // 00768 // If the user manually crashed the machine, skips the DbgPrints and 00769 // go to the crashdump. 00770 // Trying to do DbgPrint causes us to reeeter the debugger which causes 00771 // some problems. 00772 // 00773 // Otherwise, if the debugger is enabled, print out the information and 00774 // stop. 00775 // 00776 00777 if ((BugCheckCode != MANUALLY_INITIATED_CRASH) && 00778 (KdDebuggerEnabled)) { 00779 00780 DbgPrint("\n*** Fatal System Error: 0x%08lx\n" 00781 " (0x%p,0x%p,0x%p,0x%p)\n\n", 00782 BugCheckCode, 00783 BugCheckParameter1, 00784 BugCheckParameter2, 00785 BugCheckParameter3, 00786 BugCheckParameter4); 00787 00788 // 00789 // If the debugger is not actually connected, or the user manually 00790 // crashed the machine by typing .crash in the debugger, proceed to 00791 // "blue screen" the system. 00792 // 00793 // The call to DbgPrint above will have set the state of 00794 // KdDebuggerNotPresent if the debugger has become disconnected 00795 // since the system was booted. 00796 // 00797 00798 if (KdDebuggerNotPresent == FALSE) { 00799 00800 if (KiBugCheckDriver != NULL) { 00801 DbgPrint("The %s driver may be at fault.\n", AnsiBuffer); 00802 } 00803 00804 if (hardErrorCalled != FALSE) { 00805 if (HardErrorCaption) { 00806 DbgPrint(HardErrorCaption); 00807 } 00808 if (HardErrorMessage) { 00809 DbgPrint(HardErrorMessage); 00810 } 00811 } 00812 00813 KiBugCheckDebugBreak (DBG_STATUS_BUGCHECK_FIRST); 00814 } 00815 } 00816 00817 // 00818 // Freeze execution of the system by disabling interrupts and looping. 00819 // 00820 00821 KiDisableInterrupts(); 00822 KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 00823 00824 // 00825 // Don't attempt to display message more than once. 00826 // 00827 00828 if (InterlockedDecrement (&KeBugCheckCount) == 0) { 00829 00830 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00831 00832 // 00833 // Attempt to get the other processors frozen now, but don't wait 00834 // for them to freeze (in case someone is stuck). 00835 // 00836 00837 TargetSet = KeActiveProcessors & ~KeGetCurrentPrcb()->SetMember; 00838 if (TargetSet != 0) { 00839 KiIpiSend((KAFFINITY) TargetSet, IPI_FREEZE); 00840 00841 // 00842 // Give the other processors one second to flush their data caches. 00843 // 00844 // N.B. This cannot be synchronized since the reason for the bug 00845 // may be one of the other processors failed. 00846 // 00847 00848 KeStallExecutionProcessor(1000 * 1000); 00849 } 00850 00851 #endif 00852 00853 // 00854 // Enable InbvDisplayString calls to make it through to bootvid driver. 00855 // 00856 00857 if (InbvIsBootDriverInstalled()) { 00858 00859 InbvAcquireDisplayOwnership(); 00860 00861 InbvResetDisplay(); 00862 InbvSolidColorFill(0,0,639,479,4); // make the screen blue 00863 InbvSetTextColor(15); 00864 InbvInstallDisplayStringFilter((INBV_DISPLAY_STRING_FILTER)NULL); 00865 InbvEnableDisplayString(TRUE); // enable display string 00866 InbvSetScrollRegion(0,0,639,479); // set to use entire screen 00867 } 00868 00869 if (!hardErrorCalled) { 00870 sprintf((char *)Buffer, 00871 "\n*** STOP: 0x%08lX (0x%p,0x%p,0x%p,0x%p)\n", 00872 BugCheckCode, 00873 BugCheckParameter1, 00874 BugCheckParameter2, 00875 BugCheckParameter3, 00876 BugCheckParameter4 00877 ); 00878 InbvDisplayString((char *)Buffer); 00879 00880 KeGetBugMessageText(BugCheckCode, NULL); 00881 InbvDisplayString("\n"); 00882 00883 if (KiBugCheckDriver != NULL) { 00884 00885 // 00886 // Output the driver name. 00887 // 00888 00889 KeGetBugMessageText(BUGCODE_ID_DRIVER, NULL); 00890 InbvDisplayString(AnsiBuffer); 00891 InbvDisplayString("\n"); 00892 } 00893 00894 } else { 00895 if (HardErrorCaption) { 00896 InbvDisplayString(HardErrorCaption); 00897 } 00898 if (HardErrorMessage) { 00899 InbvDisplayString(HardErrorMessage); 00900 } 00901 } 00902 00903 // 00904 // Process the bug check callback list. 00905 // 00906 00907 KiScanBugCheckCallbackList(); 00908 00909 // 00910 // If the debugger is not enabled, then dump the machine state and 00911 // attempt to enable the debugger. 00912 // 00913 00914 if (!hardErrorCalled) { 00915 00916 KiDumpParameterImages( 00917 (char *)Buffer, 00918 BugCheckParameters, 00919 4, 00920 KeBugCheckUnicodeToAnsi); 00921 00922 } 00923 00924 if (KdDebuggerEnabled == FALSE && KdPitchDebugger == FALSE ) { 00925 KdInitSystem(NULL, FALSE); 00926 00927 } else { 00928 InbvDisplayString("\n"); 00929 } 00930 00931 // 00932 // Write a crash dump and optionally reboot if the system has been 00933 // so configured. 00934 // 00935 00936 KeGetCurrentPrcb()->ProcessorState.ContextFrame = ContextSave; 00937 00938 if (!IoWriteCrashDump(BugCheckCode, 00939 BugCheckParameter1, 00940 BugCheckParameter2, 00941 BugCheckParameter3, 00942 BugCheckParameter4, 00943 &ContextSave 00944 )) { 00945 // 00946 // If no crashdump take, display the PSS message. 00947 // 00948 00949 switch ( BugCheckCode ) { 00950 00951 case IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 00952 case DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL: 00953 case DRIVER_CORRUPTED_EXPOOL: 00954 case DRIVER_CORRUPTED_MMPOOL: 00955 case DRIVER_PORTION_MUST_BE_NONPAGED: 00956 case SYSTEM_SCAN_AT_RAISED_IRQL_CAUGHT_IMPROPER_DRIVER_UNLOAD: 00957 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_A; 00958 break; 00959 00960 case KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED: 00961 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_1E; 00962 break; 00963 00964 case FAT_FILE_SYSTEM: 00965 case NTFS_FILE_SYSTEM: 00966 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_23; 00967 break; 00968 00969 case DATA_BUS_ERROR: 00970 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_2E; 00971 break; 00972 00973 case NO_MORE_SYSTEM_PTES: 00974 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_3F; 00975 break; 00976 00977 case INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE: 00978 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_7B; 00979 break; 00980 00981 case UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP: 00982 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_7F; 00983 break; 00984 00985 case STATUS_SYSTEM_IMAGE_BAD_SIGNATURE: 00986 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_SIGNATURE; 00987 break; 00988 00989 case ACPI_BIOS_ERROR: 00990 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE_A5; 00991 break; 00992 00993 case ACPI_BIOS_FATAL_ERROR: 00994 PssMessage = ACPI_BIOS_FATAL_ERROR; 00995 break; 00996 00997 default: 00998 PssMessage = BUGCODE_PSS_MESSAGE; 00999 break; 01000 } 01001 01002 KeGetBugMessageText(PssMessage, NULL); 01003 } 01004 } 01005 01006 // 01007 // Attempt to enter the kernel debugger. 01008 // 01009 01010 KiBugCheckDebugBreak (DBG_STATUS_BUGCHECK_SECOND); 01011 return; 01012 }


Definition at line 157 of file timerobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_TIMER, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiRemoveTreeTimer, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by ExpDeleteTimer(), ExTimerRundown(), NtCancelTimer(), NtSetTimer(), and Win32kNtUserCleanup().

00163 : 00164 00165 This function cancels a timer that was previously set to expire at 00166 a specified time. If the timer is not currently set, then no operation 00167 is performed. Canceling a timer does not set the state of the timer to 00168 Signaled. 00169 00170 Arguments: 00171 00172 Timer - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type timer. 00173 00174 Return Value: 00175 00176 A boolean value of TRUE is returned if the the specified timer was 00177 currently set. Else a value of FALSE is returned. 00178 00179 --*/ 00180 00181 { 00182 00183 BOOLEAN Inserted; 00184 KIRQL OldIrql; 00185 00186 ASSERT_TIMER(Timer); 00187 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00188 00189 // 00190 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock the dispatcher database, and 00191 // capture the timer inserted status. If the timer is currently set, 00192 // then remove it from the timer list. 00193 // 00194 00195 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00196 Inserted = Timer->Header.Inserted; 00197 if (Inserted != FALSE) { 00198 KiRemoveTreeTimer(Timer); 00199 } 00200 00201 // 00202 // Unlock the dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and 00203 // return boolean value that signifies whether the timer was set of not. 00204 // 00205 00206 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00207 return Inserted; 00208 }

PVOID KeCheckForTimer IN PVOID  p,

Definition at line 467 of file timerobj.c.

References BlockSize, _KDPC::DeferredRoutine, _KTIMER::Dpc, End, Index, KeBugCheckEx(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiTimerTableListHead, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, Start, and TIMER_TABLE_SIZE.

Referenced by ExFreePoolSanityChecks(), MmUnloadSystemImage(), and VerifierKeInitializeTimerEx().

00473 : 00474 00475 This function is used for debugging by checking all timers 00476 to see if any is in the memory block passed. If so, the 00477 system stops at a debug breakpoint. 00478 00479 Arguments: 00480 00481 MemoryBlock - Base address to check for timer 00482 00483 BlockSize - Size (in bytes) to check in memory block 00484 00485 Return Value: 00486 00487 The address of the currently active timer. 00488 00489 --*/ 00490 { 00491 ULONG Index; 00492 PLIST_ENTRY ListHead; 00493 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00494 KIRQL OldIrql; 00495 PKTIMER Timer; 00496 PUCHAR Address; 00497 PUCHAR Start; 00498 PUCHAR End; 00499 00500 // 00501 // Compute the ending memory location. 00502 // 00503 00504 Start = (PUCHAR)BlockStart; 00505 End = Start + BlockSize; 00506 00507 // 00508 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00509 // 00510 00511 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00512 00513 // 00514 // Run the entire timer database and check for any timers in 00515 // the memory block 00516 // 00517 00518 Index = 0; 00519 do { 00520 ListHead = &KiTimerTableListHead[Index]; 00521 NextEntry = ListHead->Flink; 00522 while (NextEntry != ListHead) { 00523 Timer = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTIMER, TimerListEntry); 00524 Address = (PUCHAR)Timer; 00525 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00526 00527 // 00528 // Check this timer object is not in the range. 00529 // In each of the following, we check that the object 00530 // does not overlap the range, for example, if the timer 00531 // object (in this first check), starts one dword before 00532 // the range being checked, we have an overlap and should 00533 // stop. 00534 // 00535 00536 if ((Address > (Start - sizeof(KTIMER))) && 00537 (Address < End)) { 00538 KeBugCheckEx(TIMER_OR_DPC_INVALID, 00539 0x0, 00540 (ULONG_PTR)Address, 00541 (ULONG_PTR)Start, 00542 (ULONG_PTR)End); 00543 } 00544 00545 if (Timer->Dpc) { 00546 00547 // 00548 // Check the timer's DPC object isn't in the range. 00549 // 00550 00551 Address = (PUCHAR)Timer->Dpc; 00552 if ((Address > (Start - sizeof(KDPC))) && 00553 (Address < End)) { 00554 KeBugCheckEx(TIMER_OR_DPC_INVALID, 00555 0x1, 00556 (ULONG_PTR)Address, 00557 (ULONG_PTR)Start, 00558 (ULONG_PTR)End); 00559 } 00560 00561 // 00562 // Check the timer's DPC routine is not in the range. 00563 // 00564 00565 Address = (PUCHAR)Timer->Dpc->DeferredRoutine; 00566 if (Address >= Start && Address < End) { 00567 KeBugCheckEx(TIMER_OR_DPC_INVALID, 00568 0x2, 00569 (ULONG_PTR)Address, 00570 (ULONG_PTR)Start, 00571 (ULONG_PTR)End); 00572 } 00573 } 00574 } 00575 00576 Index += 1; 00577 } while(Index < TIMER_TABLE_SIZE); 00578 00579 00580 // 00581 // Unlock the dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous value 00582 // 00583 00584 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00585 return NULL; 00586 } }

VOID KeClearTimer IN PKTIMER  Timer  ) 

Definition at line 124 of file timerobj.c.

References ASSERT_TIMER.

00130 : 00131 00132 This function clears the signal state of an timer object. 00133 00134 Arguments: 00135 00136 Event - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type timer. 00137 00138 Return Value: 00139 00140 None. 00141 00142 --*/ 00143 00144 { 00145 00146 ASSERT_TIMER(Timer); 00147 00148 // 00149 // Clear signal state of timer object. 00150 // 00151 00152 Timer->Header.SignalState = 0; 00153 return; 00154 }

KAFFINITY KeConfineThread VOID   ) 

Definition at line 515 of file thredobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::Affinity, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), and _KTHREAD::NextProcessor.

00521 : 00522 00523 This function confines the execution of the current thread to the current 00524 processor. 00525 00526 Arguments: 00527 00528 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00529 00530 Return Value: 00531 00532 The previous affinity value. 00533 00534 --*/ 00535 00536 { 00537 00538 KAFFINITY Affinity; 00539 KIRQL OldIrql; 00540 PKTHREAD Thread; 00541 00542 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00543 00544 // 00545 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00546 // 00547 00548 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00549 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00550 00551 // 00552 // Capture the current affinity and compute new affinity value by 00553 // shifting a one bit left by the current processor number. 00554 // 00555 00556 Affinity = Thread->Affinity; 00557 Thread->Affinity = (KAFFINITY)(1 << Thread->NextProcessor); 00558 00559 // 00560 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00561 // value. 00562 // 00563 00564 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00565 00566 // 00567 // Return the previous affinity value. 00568 // 00569 00570 return Affinity; 00571 }


Definition at line 154 of file alpha/intobj.c.

References CHAR, _KINTERRUPT::DispatchAddress, _KINTERRUPT::DispatchCode, FALSE, HalEnableSystemInterrupt(), HIGH_LEVEL, _KINTERRUPT::InterruptListEntry, KeLowerIrql(), KeNumberProcessors, KeRaiseIrql(), KeRevertToUserAffinityThread(), KeSetSystemAffinityThread(), KiChainedDispatch(), KiFloatingDispatch(), KiInterruptDispatchRaise(), KiInterruptDispatchSame(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), max, _KINTERRUPT::Mode, _KINTERRUPT::ShareVector, SYNCH_LEVEL, and TRUE.

Referenced by IoConnectInterrupt().

00160 : 00161 00162 This function connects an interrupt object to the interrupt vector 00163 specified by the interrupt object. If the interrupt object is already 00164 connected, or an attempt is made to connect to an interrupt that cannot 00165 be connected, then a value of FALSE is returned. Else the specified 00166 interrupt object is connected to the interrupt vector, the connected 00167 state is set to TRUE, and TRUE is returned as the function value. 00168 00169 Arguments: 00170 00171 Interrupt - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type interrupt. 00172 00173 Return Value: 00174 00175 If the interrupt object is already connected or an attempt is made to 00176 connect to an interrupt vector that cannot be connected, then a value 00177 of FALSE is returned. Else a value of TRUE is returned. 00178 00179 --*/ 00180 00181 { 00182 00183 BOOLEAN Connected; 00184 PKINTERRUPT Interruptx; 00185 KIRQL Irql; 00186 CHAR Number; 00187 KIRQL OldIrql; 00188 ULONG Vector; 00189 00190 // 00191 // If the interrupt object is already connected, the interrupt vector 00192 // number is invalid, an attempt is being made to connect to a vector 00193 // that cannot be connected, the interrupt request level is invalid, 00194 // the processor number is invalid, of the interrupt vector is less 00195 // than or equal to the highest level and it not equal to the specified 00196 // IRQL, then do not connect the interrupt object. Else connect interrupt 00197 // object to the specified vector and establish the proper interrupt 00198 // dispatcher. 00199 // 00200 00201 Connected = FALSE; 00202 Irql = Interrupt->Irql; 00203 Number = Interrupt->Number; 00204 Vector = Interrupt->Vector; 00205 if (((Vector >= MAXIMUM_VECTOR) || (Irql > HIGH_LEVEL) || 00206 ((Vector <= HIGH_LEVEL) && 00207 (((1 << Vector & PCR->ReservedVectors) != 0))) || 00208 (Number >= KeNumberProcessors)) == FALSE) { 00209 00210 // 00211 // Set system affinity to the specified processor. 00212 // 00213 00214 KeSetSystemAffinityThread((KAFFINITY)(1 << Number)); 00215 00216 // 00217 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00218 // 00219 00220 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00221 00222 // 00223 // If the specified interrupt vector is not connected, then 00224 // connect the interrupt vector to the interrupt object dispatch 00225 // code, establish the dispatcher address, and set the new 00226 // interrupt mode and enable masks. Else if the interrupt is 00227 // already chained, then add the new interrupt object at the end 00228 // of the chain. If the interrupt vector is not chained, then 00229 // start a chain with the previous interrupt object at the front 00230 // of the chain. The interrupt mode of all interrupt objects in 00231 // a chain must be the same. 00232 // 00233 00234 if (Interrupt->Connected == FALSE) { 00235 if ( PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] == 00236 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)(&KxUnexpectedInterrupt.DispatchCode) ) { 00237 Connected = TRUE; 00238 Interrupt->Connected = TRUE; 00239 if (Interrupt->FloatingSave) { 00240 Interrupt->DispatchAddress = KiFloatingDispatch; 00241 00242 } else { 00243 if (Interrupt->Irql == Interrupt->SynchronizeIrql) { 00244 Interrupt->DispatchAddress = 00245 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)KiInterruptDispatchSame; 00246 } else { 00247 Interrupt->DispatchAddress = 00248 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)KiInterruptDispatchRaise; 00249 } 00250 } 00251 00252 PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] = 00253 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)(&Interrupt->DispatchCode); 00254 00255 HalEnableSystemInterrupt(Vector, Irql, Interrupt->Mode); 00256 00257 } else { 00258 Interruptx = CONTAINING_RECORD(PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector], 00259 KINTERRUPT, 00260 DispatchCode[0]); 00261 00262 if (Interrupt->Mode == Interruptx->Mode) { 00263 Connected = TRUE; 00264 Interrupt->Connected = TRUE; 00265 ASSERT (Irql <= KiSynchIrql); 00266 if (Interruptx->DispatchAddress != KiChainedDispatch) { 00267 InitializeListHead(&Interruptx->InterruptListEntry); 00268 Interruptx->DispatchAddress = KiChainedDispatch; 00269 } 00270 00271 InsertTailList(&Interruptx->InterruptListEntry, 00272 &Interrupt->InterruptListEntry); 00273 } 00274 } 00275 } 00276 00277 // 00278 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous value. 00279 // 00280 00281 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00282 00283 // 00284 // Set system affinity back to the original value. 00285 // 00286 00287 KeRevertToUserAffinityThread(); 00288 } 00289 00290 // 00291 // Return whether interrupt was connected to the specified vector. 00292 // 00293 00294 return Connected; 00295 }

VOID KeContextFromKframes IN PKTRAP_FRAME  TrapFrame,

Definition at line 104 of file alpha/exceptn.c.

References CONTEXT_CONTROL, CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT, CONTEXT_INTEGER, KeGetCurrentThread, KernelMode, and KiBreakPoints.

Referenced by Ke386SetIOPL(), KiDispatchException(), KiInitializeUserApc(), KiSaveProcessorState(), and PspGetContext().

00112 : 00113 00114 This routine moves the selected contents of the specified trap and exception 00115 frames into the specified context frame according to the specified context 00116 flags. 00117 00118 Arguments: 00119 00120 TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame from which volatile context 00121 should be copied into the context record. 00122 00123 ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame from which context 00124 should be copied into the context record. 00125 00126 ContextFrame - Supplies a pointer to the context frame that receives the 00127 context copied from the trap and exception frames. 00128 00129 Return Value: 00130 00131 None. 00132 00133 --*/ 00134 00135 { 00136 00137 // 00138 // Set control information if specified. 00139 // 00140 00141 if ((ContextFrame->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) == CONTEXT_CONTROL) { 00142 00143 // 00144 // Set integer register gp, ra, sp, FIR, and PSR from trap frame. 00145 // 00146 00147 ContextFrame->IntGp = TrapFrame->IntGp; 00148 ContextFrame->IntSp = TrapFrame->IntSp; 00149 ContextFrame->IntRa = TrapFrame->IntRa; 00150 ContextFrame->Fir = TrapFrame->Fir; 00151 ContextFrame->Psr = TrapFrame->Psr; 00152 } 00153 00154 // 00155 // Set integer register contents if specified. 00156 // 00157 00158 if ((ContextFrame->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_INTEGER) == CONTEXT_INTEGER) { 00159 00160 // 00161 // Set volatile integer registers v0 and t0 - t7 from trap frame. 00162 // 00163 00164 ContextFrame->IntV0 = TrapFrame->IntV0; 00165 ContextFrame->IntT0 = TrapFrame->IntT0; 00166 ContextFrame->IntT1 = TrapFrame->IntT1; 00167 ContextFrame->IntT2 = TrapFrame->IntT2; 00168 ContextFrame->IntT3 = TrapFrame->IntT3; 00169 ContextFrame->IntT4 = TrapFrame->IntT4; 00170 ContextFrame->IntT5 = TrapFrame->IntT5; 00171 ContextFrame->IntT6 = TrapFrame->IntT6; 00172 ContextFrame->IntT7 = TrapFrame->IntT7; 00173 00174 // 00175 // Set nonvolatile integer registers s0 - s5 from exception frame. 00176 // 00177 00178 ContextFrame->IntS0 = ExceptionFrame->IntS0; 00179 ContextFrame->IntS1 = ExceptionFrame->IntS1; 00180 ContextFrame->IntS2 = ExceptionFrame->IntS2; 00181 ContextFrame->IntS3 = ExceptionFrame->IntS3; 00182 ContextFrame->IntS4 = ExceptionFrame->IntS4; 00183 ContextFrame->IntS5 = ExceptionFrame->IntS5; 00184 00185 // 00186 // Set volatile integer registers a0 - a5, and t8 - t11 from trap 00187 // frame. 00188 // 00189 00190 ContextFrame->IntA0 = TrapFrame->IntA0; 00191 ContextFrame->IntA1 = TrapFrame->IntA1; 00192 ContextFrame->IntA2 = TrapFrame->IntA2; 00193 ContextFrame->IntA3 = TrapFrame->IntA3; 00194 ContextFrame->IntA4 = TrapFrame->IntA4; 00195 ContextFrame->IntA5 = TrapFrame->IntA5; 00196 00197 ContextFrame->IntT8 = TrapFrame->IntT8; 00198 ContextFrame->IntT9 = TrapFrame->IntT9; 00199 ContextFrame->IntT10 = TrapFrame->IntT10; 00200 ContextFrame->IntT11 = TrapFrame->IntT11; 00201 00202 // 00203 // Set volatile integer registers fp, t12 and at from trap frame. 00204 // Set integer register zero. 00205 // 00206 00207 ContextFrame->IntFp = TrapFrame->IntFp; 00208 ContextFrame->IntT12 = TrapFrame->IntT12; 00209 ContextFrame->IntAt = TrapFrame->IntAt; 00210 ContextFrame->IntZero = 0; 00211 } 00212 00213 // 00214 // Set floating register contents if specified. 00215 // 00216 00217 if ((ContextFrame->ContextFlags & CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) == CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) { 00218 00219 // 00220 // Set volatile floating registers f0 - f1 from trap frame. 00221 // Set volatile floating registers f10 - f30 from trap frame. 00222 // Set floating zero register f31 to 0. 00223 // 00224 00225 ContextFrame->FltF0 = TrapFrame->FltF0; 00226 ContextFrame->FltF1 = TrapFrame->FltF1; 00227 RtlMoveMemory(&ContextFrame->FltF10, &TrapFrame->FltF10, 00228 sizeof(ULONGLONG) * 21); 00229 ContextFrame->FltF31 = 0; 00230 00231 // 00232 // Set nonvolatile floating registers f2 - f9 from exception frame. 00233 // 00234 00235 ContextFrame->FltF2 = ExceptionFrame->FltF2; 00236 ContextFrame->FltF3 = ExceptionFrame->FltF3; 00237 ContextFrame->FltF4 = ExceptionFrame->FltF4; 00238 ContextFrame->FltF5 = ExceptionFrame->FltF5; 00239 ContextFrame->FltF6 = ExceptionFrame->FltF6; 00240 ContextFrame->FltF7 = ExceptionFrame->FltF7; 00241 ContextFrame->FltF8 = ExceptionFrame->FltF8; 00242 ContextFrame->FltF9 = ExceptionFrame->FltF9; 00243 00244 // 00245 // Set floating point control register from trap frame. 00246 // Clear software floating point control register in context frame 00247 // (if necessary, it can be set to the proper value by the caller). 00248 // 00249 00250 ContextFrame->Fpcr = TrapFrame->Fpcr; 00251 ContextFrame->SoftFpcr = 0; 00252 } 00253 00254 return; 00255 }

VOID KeContextToKframes IN OUT PKTRAP_FRAME  TrapFrame,
IN PCONTEXT  ContextFrame,
IN ULONG  ContextFlags,

Definition at line 258 of file alpha/exceptn.c.


Referenced by Ke386SetIOPL(), KiContinue(), KiContinuePreviousModeUser(), KiDispatchException(), KiInitializeContextThread(), KiRaiseException(), KiRestoreProcessorState(), and PspSetContext().

00268 : 00269 00270 This routine moves the selected contents of the specified context frame into 00271 the specified trap and exception frames according to the specified context 00272 flags. 00273 00274 Arguments: 00275 00276 TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame that receives the volatile 00277 context from the context record. 00278 00279 ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame that receives 00280 the nonvolatile context from the context record. 00281 00282 ContextFrame - Supplies a pointer to a context frame that contains the 00283 context that is to be copied into the trap and exception frames. 00284 00285 ContextFlags - Supplies the set of flags that specify which parts of the 00286 context frame are to be copied into the trap and exception frames. 00287 00288 PreviousMode - Supplies the processor mode for which the trap and exception 00289 frames are being built. 00290 00291 Return Value: 00292 00293 None. 00294 00295 --*/ 00296 00297 { 00298 00299 // 00300 // Set control information if specified. 00301 // 00302 00303 if ((ContextFlags & CONTEXT_CONTROL) == CONTEXT_CONTROL) { 00304 00305 // 00306 // Set integer register gp, sp, ra, FIR, and PSR in trap frame. 00307 // 00308 00309 TrapFrame->IntGp = ContextFrame->IntGp; 00310 TrapFrame->IntSp = ContextFrame->IntSp; 00311 TrapFrame->IntRa = ContextFrame->IntRa; 00312 TrapFrame->Fir = ContextFrame->Fir; 00313 TrapFrame->Psr = SANITIZE_PSR(ContextFrame->Psr, PreviousMode); 00314 } 00315 00316 // 00317 // Set integer register contents if specified. 00318 // 00319 00320 if ((ContextFlags & CONTEXT_INTEGER) == CONTEXT_INTEGER) { 00321 00322 // 00323 // Set volatile integer registers v0 and t0 - t7 in trap frame. 00324 // 00325 00326 TrapFrame->IntV0 = ContextFrame->IntV0; 00327 TrapFrame->IntT0 = ContextFrame->IntT0; 00328 TrapFrame->IntT1 = ContextFrame->IntT1; 00329 TrapFrame->IntT2 = ContextFrame->IntT2; 00330 TrapFrame->IntT3 = ContextFrame->IntT3; 00331 TrapFrame->IntT4 = ContextFrame->IntT4; 00332 TrapFrame->IntT5 = ContextFrame->IntT5; 00333 TrapFrame->IntT6 = ContextFrame->IntT6; 00334 TrapFrame->IntT7 = ContextFrame->IntT7; 00335 00336 // 00337 // Set nonvolatile integer registers s0 - s5 in exception frame. 00338 // 00339 00340 ExceptionFrame->IntS0 = ContextFrame->IntS0; 00341 ExceptionFrame->IntS1 = ContextFrame->IntS1; 00342 ExceptionFrame->IntS2 = ContextFrame->IntS2; 00343 ExceptionFrame->IntS3 = ContextFrame->IntS3; 00344 ExceptionFrame->IntS4 = ContextFrame->IntS4; 00345 ExceptionFrame->IntS5 = ContextFrame->IntS5; 00346 00347 // 00348 // Set volatile integer registers a0 - a5, and t8 - t11 in trap frame. 00349 // 00350 00351 TrapFrame->IntA0 = ContextFrame->IntA0; 00352 TrapFrame->IntA1 = ContextFrame->IntA1; 00353 TrapFrame->IntA2 = ContextFrame->IntA2; 00354 TrapFrame->IntA3 = ContextFrame->IntA3; 00355 TrapFrame->IntA4 = ContextFrame->IntA4; 00356 TrapFrame->IntA5 = ContextFrame->IntA5; 00357 00358 TrapFrame->IntT8 = ContextFrame->IntT8; 00359 TrapFrame->IntT9 = ContextFrame->IntT9; 00360 TrapFrame->IntT10 = ContextFrame->IntT10; 00361 TrapFrame->IntT11 = ContextFrame->IntT11; 00362 00363 // 00364 // Set volatile integer registers fp, t12 and at in trap frame. 00365 // 00366 00367 TrapFrame->IntFp = ContextFrame->IntFp; 00368 TrapFrame->IntT12 = ContextFrame->IntT12; 00369 TrapFrame->IntAt = ContextFrame->IntAt; 00370 } 00371 00372 // 00373 // Set floating register contents if specified. 00374 // 00375 00376 if ((ContextFlags & CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) == CONTEXT_FLOATING_POINT) { 00377 00378 // 00379 // Set volatile floating registers f0 - f1 in trap frame. 00380 // Set volatile floating registers f10 - f30 in trap frame. 00381 // 00382 00383 TrapFrame->FltF0 = ContextFrame->FltF0; 00384 TrapFrame->FltF1 = ContextFrame->FltF1; 00385 RtlMoveMemory(&TrapFrame->FltF10, &ContextFrame->FltF10, 00386 sizeof(ULONGLONG) * 21); 00387 00388 // 00389 // Set nonvolatile floating registers f2 - f9 in exception frame. 00390 // 00391 00392 ExceptionFrame->FltF2 = ContextFrame->FltF2; 00393 ExceptionFrame->FltF3 = ContextFrame->FltF3; 00394 ExceptionFrame->FltF4 = ContextFrame->FltF4; 00395 ExceptionFrame->FltF5 = ContextFrame->FltF5; 00396 ExceptionFrame->FltF6 = ContextFrame->FltF6; 00397 ExceptionFrame->FltF7 = ContextFrame->FltF7; 00398 ExceptionFrame->FltF8 = ContextFrame->FltF8; 00399 ExceptionFrame->FltF9 = ContextFrame->FltF9; 00400 00401 // 00402 // Set floating point control register in trap frame. 00403 // 00404 00405 TrapFrame->Fpcr = ContextFrame->Fpcr; 00406 } 00407 00408 return; 00409 }

VOID KeCopyTrapDispatcher VOID   ) 

IN BOOLEAN  Alertable,

Definition at line 140 of file wait.c.

References _KTHREAD::Alertable, APC_LEVEL, _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, _KTHREAD::BasePriority, DelayExecution, DISPATCH_LEVEL, _KTIMER::DueTime, FALSE, _KTIMER::Header, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeGetCurrentThread, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KiActivateWaiterQueue(), KiComputeWaitInterval(), KiFindReadyThread(), KiInsertTreeTimer(), KiInsertWaitList, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiReadyThread(), KiSetPriorityThread(), KiSwapThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), _KTHREAD::NextProcessor, _KWAIT_BLOCK::NextWaitBlock, NTSTATUS(), NULL, _KTHREAD::Preempted, _KTHREAD::Priority, _KTHREAD::PriorityDecrement, _KAPC_STATE::Process, _KTHREAD::Quantum, _KTHREAD::Queue, _KTHREAD::State, TestForAlertPending, _KPROCESS::ThreadQuantum, _KTHREAD::Timer, TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK, TRUE, _KTHREAD::WaitBlock, _KTHREAD::WaitBlockList, Waiting, _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitListEntry, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead, _KTHREAD::WaitMode, _KTHREAD::WaitNext, _KTHREAD::WaitReason, _KTHREAD::WaitStatus, and _KTHREAD::WaitTime.

Referenced by CcPurgeCacheSection(), IoCancelThreadIo(), IopCancelAlertedRequest(), IopStartNetworkForRemoteBoot(), KiInitMachineDependent(), MemPrintFlush(), MemPrintWriteThread(), MiAllocateContiguousMemory(), MiCheckControlAreaStatus(), MiCheckSystemTrimEndCriteria(), MiCleanSection(), MiCloneProcessAddressSpace(), MiDispatchFault(), MiEmptyWorkingSet(), MiFlushAllPages(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), MiModifiedPageWriter(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiPurgeImageSection(), MiRemoveUnusedSegments(), MiResolveProtoPteFault(), MiWriteComplete(), MmAccessFault(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmFlushSection(), MmFlushVirtualMemory(), MmGatherMemoryForHibernate(), MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(), MmRemovePhysicalMemory(), MmShutdownSystem(), MmWorkingSetManager(), NtCancelIoFile(), NtCreateSection(), NtDelayExecution(), Reader(), ReaderTurnedWriter(), UserBeep(), UserSleep(), Writer(), and xxxLW_LoadFonts().

00148 : 00149 00150 This function delays the execution of the current thread for the specified 00151 interval of time. 00152 00153 Arguments: 00154 00155 WaitMode - Supplies the processor mode in which the delay is to occur. 00156 00157 Alertable - Supplies a boolean value that specifies whether the delay 00158 is alertable. 00159 00160 Interval - Supplies a pointer to the absolute or relative time over which 00161 the delay is to occur. 00162 00163 Return Value: 00164 00165 The wait completion status. A value of STATUS_SUCCESS is returned if 00166 the delay occurred. A value of STATUS_ALERTED is returned if the wait 00167 was aborted to deliver an alert to the current thread. A value of 00168 STATUS_USER_APC is returned if the wait was aborted to deliver a user 00169 APC to the current thread. 00170 00171 --*/ 00172 00173 { 00174 00175 LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; 00176 LARGE_INTEGER NewTime; 00177 PLARGE_INTEGER OriginalTime; 00178 PKPRCB Prcb; 00179 KPRIORITY Priority; 00180 PRKQUEUE Queue; 00181 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00182 PRKTIMER Timer; 00183 PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; 00184 NTSTATUS WaitStatus; 00185 00186 // 00187 // If the dispatcher database lock is not already held, then set the wait 00188 // IRQL and lock the dispatcher database. Else set boolean wait variable 00189 // to FALSE. 00190 // 00191 00192 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00193 if (Thread->WaitNext) { 00194 Thread->WaitNext = FALSE; 00195 00196 } else { 00197 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&Thread->WaitIrql); 00198 } 00199 00200 // 00201 // Start of delay loop. 00202 // 00203 // Note this loop is repeated if a kernel APC is delivered in the middle 00204 // of the delay or a kernel APC is pending on the first attempt through 00205 // the loop. 00206 // 00207 00208 OriginalTime = Interval; 00209 WaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK]; 00210 do { 00211 00212 // 00213 // Test to determine if a kernel APC is pending. 00214 // 00215 // If a kernel APC is pending and the previous IRQL was less than 00216 // APC_LEVEL, then a kernel APC was queued by another processor just 00217 // after IRQL was raised to DISPATCH_LEVEL, but before the dispatcher 00218 // database was locked. 00219 // 00220 // N.B. that this can only happen in a multiprocessor system. 00221 // 00222 00223 if (Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending && (Thread->WaitIrql < APC_LEVEL)) { 00224 00225 // 00226 // Unlock the dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00227 // value. An APC interrupt will immediately occur which will result 00228 // in the delivery of the kernel APC if possible. 00229 // 00230 00231 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00232 00233 } else { 00234 00235 // 00236 // Test for alert pending. 00237 // 00238 00239 TestForAlertPending(Alertable); 00240 00241 // 00242 // Initialize wait block, insert wait block in timer wait list, 00243 // insert timer in timer queue, put thread in wait state, select 00244 // next thread to execute, and context switch to next thread. 00245 // 00246 // N.B. The timer wait block is initialized when the respective 00247 // thread is initialized. Thus the constant fields are not 00248 // reinitialized. These include the wait object, wait key, 00249 // wait type, and the wait list entry link pointers. 00250 // 00251 00252 Thread->WaitBlockList = WaitBlock; 00253 Thread->WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)0; 00254 Timer = &Thread->Timer; 00255 WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock = WaitBlock; 00256 Timer->Header.WaitListHead.Flink = &WaitBlock->WaitListEntry; 00257 Timer->Header.WaitListHead.Blink = &WaitBlock->WaitListEntry; 00258 00259 // 00260 // If the timer is inserted in the timer tree, then place the 00261 // current thread in a wait state. Otherwise, attempt to force 00262 // the current thread to yield the processor to another thread. 00263 // 00264 00265 if (KiInsertTreeTimer(Timer, *Interval) == FALSE) { 00266 00267 // 00268 // If the thread is not a realtime thread, then drop the 00269 // thread priority to the base priority. 00270 // 00271 00272 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 00273 Priority = Thread->Priority; 00274 if (Priority < LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 00275 if (Priority != Thread->BasePriority) { 00276 Thread->PriorityDecrement = 0; 00277 KiSetPriorityThread(Thread, Thread->BasePriority); 00278 } 00279 } 00280 00281 // 00282 // If a new thread has not been selected, the attempt to round 00283 // robin the thread with other threads at the same priority. 00284 // 00285 00286 if (Prcb->NextThread == NULL) { 00287 Prcb->NextThread = KiFindReadyThread(Thread->NextProcessor, 00288 Thread->Priority); 00289 } 00290 00291 // 00292 // If a new thread has been selected for execution, then 00293 // switch immediately to the selected thread. 00294 // 00295 00296 if (Prcb->NextThread != NULL) { 00297 00298 // 00299 // Give the current thread a new qunatum and switch 00300 // context to selected thread. 00301 // 00302 // N.B. Control is returned at the original IRQL. 00303 // 00304 00305 Thread->Preempted = FALSE; 00306 Thread->Quantum = Thread->ApcState.Process->ThreadQuantum; 00307 00308 ASSERT(Thread->WaitIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00309 00310 KiReadyThread(Thread); 00311 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)KiSwapThread(); 00312 goto WaitComplete; 00313 00314 } else { 00315 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)STATUS_SUCCESS; 00316 break; 00317 } 00318 } 00319 00320 DueTime.QuadPart = Timer->DueTime.QuadPart; 00321 00322 // 00323 // If the current thread is processing a queue entry, then attempt 00324 // to activate another thread that is blocked on the queue object. 00325 // 00326 00327 Queue = Thread->Queue; 00328 if (Queue != NULL) { 00329 KiActivateWaiterQueue(Queue); 00330 } 00331 00332 // 00333 // Set the thread wait parameters, set the thread dispatcher state 00334 // to Waiting, and insert the thread in the wait list. 00335 // 00336 00337 Thread->Alertable = Alertable; 00338 Thread->WaitMode = WaitMode; 00339 Thread->WaitReason = DelayExecution; 00340 Thread->WaitTime= KiQueryLowTickCount(); 00341 Thread->State = Waiting; 00342 KiInsertWaitList(WaitMode, Thread); 00343 00344 // 00345 // Switch context to selected thread. 00346 // 00347 // N.B. Control is returned at the original IRQL. 00348 // 00349 00350 ASSERT(Thread->WaitIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00351 00352 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)KiSwapThread(); 00353 00354 // 00355 // If the thread was not awakened to deliver a kernel mode APC, 00356 // then return the wait status. 00357 // 00358 00359 WaitComplete: 00360 if (WaitStatus != STATUS_KERNEL_APC) { 00361 if (WaitStatus == STATUS_TIMEOUT) { 00362 WaitStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; 00363 } 00364 00365 return WaitStatus; 00366 } 00367 00368 // 00369 // Reduce the time remaining before the time delay expires. 00370 // 00371 00372 Interval = KiComputeWaitInterval(OriginalTime, 00373 &DueTime, 00374 &NewTime); 00375 } 00376 00377 // 00378 // Raise IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL and lock the dispatcher database. 00379 // 00380 00381 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&Thread->WaitIrql); 00382 } while (TRUE); 00383 00384 // 00385 // The thread is alerted or a user APC should be delivered. Unlock the 00386 // dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and return the 00387 // wait status. 00388 // 00389 00390 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00391 return WaitStatus; 00392 }


Definition at line 1064 of file bugcheck.c.

References BufferEmpty, BufferInserted, FALSE, HIGH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckCallbackLock, KeLowerIrql(), KeRaiseIrql(), PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_RECORD, and TRUE.

01070 : 01071 01072 This function deregisters a bug check callback record. 01073 01074 Arguments: 01075 01076 CallbackRecord - Supplies a pointer to a bug check callback record. 01077 01078 Return Value: 01079 01080 If the specified bug check callback record is successfully deregistered, 01081 then a value of TRUE is returned. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. 01082 01083 --*/ 01084 01085 { 01086 01087 BOOLEAN Deregister; 01088 KIRQL OldIrql; 01089 01090 // 01091 // Raise IRQL to HIGH_LEVEL and acquire the bug check callback list 01092 // spinlock. 01093 // 01094 01095 KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 01096 KiAcquireSpinLock(&KeBugCheckCallbackLock); 01097 01098 // 01099 // If the specified callback record is currently registered, then 01100 // deregister the callback record. 01101 // 01102 01103 Deregister = FALSE; 01104 if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferInserted) { 01105 CallbackRecord->State = BufferEmpty; 01106 RemoveEntryList(&CallbackRecord->Entry); 01107 Deregister = TRUE; 01108 } 01109 01110 // 01111 // Release the bug check callback spinlock, lower IRQL to its previous 01112 // value, and return whether the callback record was successfully 01113 // deregistered. 01114 // 01115 01116 KiReleaseSpinLock(&KeBugCheckCallbackLock); 01117 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 01118 return Deregister; 01119 }


Definition at line 405 of file procobj.c.

References APC_LEVEL, _KAPC_STATE::ApcListHead, _KTHREAD::ApcState, _KTHREAD::ApcStateIndex, _KTHREAD::ApcStatePointer, ASSERT, BALANCE_INCREMENT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, _KEVENT::Header, KeBugCheck(), KeGetCurrentThread, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcInProgress, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KernelMode, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiMoveApcState(), KiProcessOutSwapListHead, KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(), KiSwapEvent, KiSwapProcess(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), NULL, _KAPC_STATE::Process, ProcessInTransition, _KTHREAD::SavedApcState, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::SignalState, _KPROCESS::StackCount, _KPROCESS::State, _KPROCESS::SwapListEntry, _KPROCESS::ThreadListHead, TRUE, UserMode, and _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead.

Referenced by _GetComboBoxInfo(), _GetListBoxInfo(), CheckWHFBits(), MiCloneProcessAddressSpace(), MiCreatePebOrTeb(), MiDoMappedCopy(), MiDoPoolCopy(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSetsWorker(), MiGetWorkingSetInfo(), MiLoadImageSection(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MmAssignProcessToJob(), MmCreatePeb(), MmCreateTeb(), MmDeleteTeb(), MmFlushVirtualMemory(), MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace(), MmMapViewOfSection(), MmProbeAndLockProcessPages(), MmSetBankedSection(), MmSetMemoryPriorityProcess(), MmUnmapViewOfSection(), MmWorkingSetManager(), NtAllocateUserPhysicalPages(), NtAllocateVirtualMemory(), NtDuplicateObject(), NtFlushInstructionCache(), NtFreeUserPhysicalPages(), NtFreeVirtualMemory(), NtLockVirtualMemory(), NtProtectVirtualMemory(), NtQueryVirtualMemory(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetInformationProcess(), NtUnlockVirtualMemory(), ObReferenceObjectByHandle(), PsAssignImpersonationToken(), PspAddProcessToJob(), PspCreateProcess(), PspSetQuotaLimits(), SepRmCallLsa(), SetProcessFlags(), SmbTraceCompleteRdr(), SmbTraceDisconnect(), SmbTraceStop(), xxxCheckImeShowStatus(), xxxCreateDisconnectDesktop(), xxxCreateWindowStation(), xxxGetThreadDesktop(), xxxImmActivateAndUnloadThreadsLayout(), xxxMinMaximize(), xxxNotifyImeShowStatus(), xxxSendMessageToUI(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx().

00411 : 00412 00413 This function detaches a thread from another process' address space. 00414 00415 Arguments: 00416 00417 None. 00418 00419 Return Value: 00420 00421 None. 00422 00423 --*/ 00424 00425 { 00426 00427 KIRQL OldIrql; 00428 PKPROCESS Process; 00429 PKTHREAD Thread; 00430 00431 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00432 00433 // 00434 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00435 // 00436 00437 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00438 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00439 00440 // 00441 // If the current thread is attached to another process, then detach 00442 // it. 00443 // 00444 00445 if (Thread->ApcStateIndex != 0) { 00446 00447 // 00448 // Check if a kernel APC is in progress, the kernel APC queue is 00449 // not empty, or the user APC queue is not empty. If any of these 00450 // conditions are true, then call bug check. 00451 // 00452 00453 #if DBG 00454 00455 if ((Thread->ApcState.KernelApcInProgress) || 00456 (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]) == FALSE) || 00457 (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[UserMode]) == FALSE)) { 00458 KeBugCheck(INVALID_PROCESS_DETACH_ATTEMPT); 00459 } 00460 00461 #endif 00462 00463 // 00464 // Unbias current process stack count and check if the process should 00465 // be swapped out of memory. 00466 // 00467 00468 Process = Thread->ApcState.Process; 00469 Process->StackCount -= 1; 00470 if ((Process->StackCount == 0) && 00471 (IsListEmpty(&Process->ThreadListHead) == FALSE)) { 00472 Process->State = ProcessInTransition; 00473 InsertTailList(&KiProcessOutSwapListHead, &Process->SwapListEntry); 00474 KiSwapEvent.Header.SignalState = 1; 00475 if (IsListEmpty(&KiSwapEvent.Header.WaitListHead) == FALSE) { 00476 KiWaitTest(&KiSwapEvent, BALANCE_INCREMENT); 00477 } 00478 } 00479 00480 // 00481 // Restore APC state and check whether the kernel APC queue contains 00482 // an entry. If the kernel APC queue contains an entry then set kernel 00483 // APC pending and request a software interrupt at APC_LEVEL. 00484 // 00485 00486 KiMoveApcState(&Thread->SavedApcState, &Thread->ApcState); 00487 Thread->SavedApcState.Process = (PKPROCESS)NULL; 00488 Thread->ApcStatePointer[0] = &Thread->ApcState; 00489 Thread->ApcStatePointer[1] = &Thread->SavedApcState; 00490 Thread->ApcStateIndex = 0; 00491 if (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]) == FALSE) { 00492 Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = TRUE; 00493 KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(APC_LEVEL); 00494 } 00495 00496 // 00497 // Swap the address space back to the parent process. 00498 // 00499 00500 KiSwapProcess(Thread->ApcState.Process, Process); 00501 } 00502 00503 // 00504 // Lower IRQL to its previous value and return. 00505 // 00506 00507 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00508 return; 00509 }

BOOLEAN KeDisableApcQueuingThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 574 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by PspExitThread().

00580 : 00581 00582 This function disables the queuing of APC's to the specified thread. 00583 00584 Arguments: 00585 00586 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00587 00588 Return Value: 00589 00590 The previous value of the APC queuing state variable. 00591 00592 --*/ 00593 00594 { 00595 00596 BOOLEAN ApcQueueable; 00597 KIRQL OldIrql; 00598 00599 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00600 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00601 00602 // 00603 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00604 // 00605 00606 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00607 00608 // 00609 // Capture the current state of the APC queueable state variable and 00610 // set its state to FALSE. 00611 // 00612 00613 ApcQueueable = Thread->ApcQueueable; 00614 Thread->ApcQueueable = FALSE; 00615 00616 // 00617 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00618 // value. 00619 // 00620 00621 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00622 00623 // 00624 // Return the previous APC queueable state. 00625 // 00626 00627 return ApcQueueable; 00628 }

NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN KeDisconnectInterrupt IN PKINTERRUPT  Interrupt  ) 

Definition at line 298 of file alpha/intobj.c.

References _KINTERRUPT::DispatchAddress, _KINTERRUPT::DispatchCode, FALSE, HalDisableSystemInterrupt(), _KINTERRUPT::InterruptListEntry, KeLowerIrql(), KeRaiseIrql(), KeRevertToUserAffinityThread(), KeSetSystemAffinityThread(), KeSweepIcache(), KiChainedDispatch(), KiFloatingDispatch(), KiInterruptDispatchRaise(), KiInterruptDispatchSame(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), max, SYNCH_LEVEL, and TRUE.

Referenced by IoDisconnectInterrupt(), and KeConnectInterrupt().

00304 : 00305 00306 This function disconnects an interrupt object from the interrupt vector 00307 specified by the interrupt object. If the interrupt object is not 00308 connected, then a value of FALSE is returned. Else the specified interrupt 00309 object is disconnected from the interrupt vector, the connected state is 00310 set to FALSE, and TRUE is returned as the function value. 00311 00312 Arguments: 00313 00314 Interrupt - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type interrupt. 00315 00316 Return Value: 00317 00318 If the interrupt object is not connected, then a value of FALSE is 00319 returned. Else a value of TRUE is returned. 00320 00321 --*/ 00322 00323 { 00324 00325 BOOLEAN Connected; 00326 PKINTERRUPT Interruptx; 00327 PKINTERRUPT Interrupty; 00328 KIRQL Irql; 00329 KIRQL OldIrql; 00330 ULONG Vector; 00331 00332 // 00333 // Set system affinity to the specified processor. 00334 // 00335 00336 KeSetSystemAffinityThread((KAFFINITY)(1 << Interrupt->Number)); 00337 00338 // 00339 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00340 // 00341 00342 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00343 00344 // 00345 // If the interrupt object is connected, then disconnect it from the 00346 // specified vector. 00347 // 00348 00349 Connected = Interrupt->Connected; 00350 if (Connected != FALSE) { 00351 Irql = Interrupt->Irql; 00352 Vector = Interrupt->Vector; 00353 00354 // 00355 // If the specified interrupt vector is not connected to the chained 00356 // interrupt dispatcher, then disconnect it by setting its dispatch 00357 // address to the unexpected interrupt routine. Else remove the 00358 // interrupt object from the interrupt chain. If there is only 00359 // one entry remaining in the list, then reestablish the dispatch 00360 // address. 00361 // 00362 00363 Interruptx = CONTAINING_RECORD(PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector], 00364 KINTERRUPT, 00365 DispatchCode[0]); 00366 00367 if (Interruptx->DispatchAddress == KiChainedDispatch) { 00368 ASSERT (Irql <= KiSynchIrql); 00369 if (Interrupt == Interruptx) { 00370 Interruptx = CONTAINING_RECORD(Interruptx->InterruptListEntry.Flink, 00371 KINTERRUPT, InterruptListEntry); 00372 Interruptx->DispatchAddress = KiChainedDispatch; 00373 PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] = 00374 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)(&Interruptx->DispatchCode); 00375 00376 } 00377 00378 RemoveEntryList(&Interrupt->InterruptListEntry); 00379 Interrupty = CONTAINING_RECORD(Interruptx->InterruptListEntry.Flink, 00380 KINTERRUPT, 00381 InterruptListEntry); 00382 00383 if (Interruptx == Interrupty) { 00384 if (Interrupty->FloatingSave) { 00385 Interrupty->DispatchAddress = KiFloatingDispatch; 00386 00387 } else { 00388 if (Interrupty->Irql == Interrupty->SynchronizeIrql) { 00389 Interrupty->DispatchAddress = 00390 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)KiInterruptDispatchSame; 00391 00392 } else { 00393 Interrupty->DispatchAddress = 00394 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)KiInterruptDispatchRaise; 00395 } 00396 } 00397 00398 PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] = 00399 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)(&Interrupty->DispatchCode); 00400 00401 } 00402 00403 } else { 00404 HalDisableSystemInterrupt(Vector, Irql); 00405 PCR->InterruptRoutine[Vector] = 00406 (PKINTERRUPT_ROUTINE)(&KxUnexpectedInterrupt.DispatchCode); 00407 } 00408 00409 KeSweepIcache(TRUE); 00410 Interrupt->Connected = FALSE; 00411 } 00412 00413 // 00414 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous value. 00415 // 00416 00417 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00418 00419 // 00420 // Set system affinity back to the original value. 00421 // 00422 00423 KeRevertToUserAffinityThread(); 00424 00425 // 00426 // Return whether interrupt was disconnected from the specified vector. 00427 // 00428 00429 return Connected; 00430 }

VOID KeDumpMachineState IN PKPROCESSOR_STATE  ProcessorState,
IN PCHAR  Buffer,
IN PULONG_PTR  BugCheckParameters,
IN ULONG  NumberOfParameters,

BOOLEAN KeEnableApcQueuingThread IN  PKTHREAD  ) 

Definition at line 631 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), and TRUE.

Referenced by PspCreateThread().

00637 : 00638 00639 This function enables the queuing of APC's to the specified thread. 00640 00641 Arguments: 00642 00643 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00644 00645 Return Value: 00646 00647 The previous value of the APC queuing state variable. 00648 00649 --*/ 00650 00651 { 00652 00653 BOOLEAN ApcQueueable; 00654 KIRQL OldIrql; 00655 00656 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00657 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00658 00659 // 00660 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00661 // 00662 00663 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00664 00665 // 00666 // Capture the current state of the APC queueable state variable and 00667 // set its state to TRUE. 00668 // 00669 00670 ApcQueueable = Thread->ApcQueueable; 00671 Thread->ApcQueueable = TRUE; 00672 00673 // 00674 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00675 // value. 00676 // 00677 00678 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00679 00680 // 00681 // Return previous APC queueable state. 00682 // 00683 00684 return ApcQueueable; 00685 }

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeEnterKernelDebugger VOID   ) 

Definition at line 1015 of file bugcheck.c.

References FALSE, HIGH_LEVEL, KdDebuggerEnabled, KdInitSystem(), KdPitchDebugger, KeBugCheckCount, KeRaiseIrql(), KiBugCheckDebugBreak(), KiDisableInterrupts(), KiHardwareTrigger, and NULL.

01021 : 01022 01023 This function crashes the system in a controlled manner attempting 01024 to invoke the kernel debugger. 01025 01026 Arguments: 01027 01028 None. 01029 01030 Return Value: 01031 01032 None. 01033 01034 --*/ 01035 01036 { 01037 01038 #if !defined(i386) 01039 KIRQL OldIrql; 01040 #endif 01041 01042 // 01043 // Freeze execution of the system by disabling interrupts and looping. 01044 // 01045 01046 KiHardwareTrigger = 1; 01047 KiDisableInterrupts(); 01048 #if !defined(i386) 01049 KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 01050 #endif 01051 if (InterlockedDecrement (&KeBugCheckCount) == 0) { 01052 if (KdDebuggerEnabled == FALSE) { 01053 if ( KdPitchDebugger == FALSE ) { 01054 KdInitSystem(NULL, FALSE); 01055 } 01056 } 01057 } 01058 01059 KiBugCheckDebugBreak (DBG_STATUS_FATAL); 01060 }


Definition at line 34 of file config.c.

References KeFindConfigurationNextEntry(), Key, and NULL.

Referenced by CmpInitializeHardwareConfiguration().

00042 : 00043 00044 This function search the specified configuration tree and returns a 00045 pointer to an entry that matches the specified class, type, and key 00046 parameters. 00047 00048 This routine is the same as KeFindConfurationEntryNext expect 00049 that the search is performed from the first entry 00050 00051 N.B. This routine can only be called during system initialization. 00052 00053 --*/ 00054 { 00055 PCONFIGURATION_COMPONENT_DATA Resume; 00056 00057 Resume = NULL; 00058 return KeFindConfigurationNextEntry (Child, Class, Type, Key, &Resume); 00059 }


Definition at line 62 of file config.c.


Referenced by KeFindConfigurationEntry().

00072 : 00073 00074 This function search the specified configuration tree and returns a 00075 pointer to an entry that matches the specified class, type, and key 00076 parameters. 00077 00078 N.B. This routine can only be called during system initialization. 00079 00080 Arguments: 00081 00082 Child - Supplies an optional pointer to an NT configuration component. 00083 00084 Class - Supplies the configuration class of the entry to locate. 00085 00086 Type - Supplies the configuration type of the entry to locate. 00087 00088 Key - Supplies a pointer to an optional key value to use in locating 00089 the specified entry. 00090 00091 Resume - Supplies the last returned entry for which the search 00092 should resume from. 00093 00094 Return Value: 00095 00096 If the specified entry is located, then a pointer to the configuration 00097 entry is returned as the function value. Otherwise, NULL is returned. 00098 00099 --*/ 00100 00101 { 00102 00103 PCONFIGURATION_COMPONENT_DATA Entry; 00104 ULONG MatchKey; 00105 ULONG MatchMask; 00106 PCONFIGURATION_COMPONENT_DATA Sibling; 00107 00108 // 00109 // Initialize the match key and mask based on whether the optional key 00110 // value is specified. 00111 // 00112 00113 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Key)) { 00114 MatchMask = 0xffffffff; 00115 MatchKey = *Key; 00116 00117 } else { 00118 MatchMask = 0; 00119 MatchKey = 0; 00120 } 00121 00122 // 00123 // Search specified configuration tree for an entry that matches the 00124 // the specified class, type, and key. 00125 // 00126 00127 while (Child != NULL) { 00128 if (*Resume) { 00129 // 00130 // If resume location found, clear resume location and continue 00131 // search with next entry 00132 // 00133 00134 if (Child == *Resume) { 00135 *Resume = NULL; 00136 } 00137 } else { 00138 00139 // 00140 // If the class, type, and key match, then return a pointer to 00141 // the child entry. 00142 // 00143 00144 if ((Child->ComponentEntry.Class == Class) && 00145 (Child->ComponentEntry.Type == Type) && 00146 ((Child->ComponentEntry.Key & MatchMask) == MatchKey)) { 00147 return Child; 00148 } 00149 } 00150 00151 // 00152 // If the child has a sibling list, then search the sibling list 00153 // for an entry that matches the specified class, type, and key. 00154 // 00155 00156 Sibling = Child->Sibling; 00157 while (Sibling != NULL) { 00158 if (*Resume) { 00159 // 00160 // If resume location found, clear resume location and continue 00161 // search with next entry 00162 // 00163 00164 if (Sibling == *Resume) { 00165 *Resume = NULL; 00166 } 00167 } else { 00168 00169 // 00170 // If the class, type, and key match, then return a pointer to 00171 // the child entry. 00172 // 00173 00174 if ((Sibling->ComponentEntry.Class == Class) && 00175 (Sibling->ComponentEntry.Type == Type) && 00176 ((Sibling->ComponentEntry.Key & MatchMask) == MatchKey)) { 00177 return Sibling; 00178 } 00179 } 00180 00181 // 00182 // If the sibling has a child tree, then search the child tree 00183 // for an entry that matches the specified class, type, and key. 00184 // 00185 00186 if (Sibling->Child != NULL) { 00187 Entry = KeFindConfigurationNextEntry ( 00188 Sibling->Child, 00189 Class, 00190 Type, 00191 Key, 00192 Resume 00193 ); 00194 00195 if (Entry != NULL) { 00196 return Entry; 00197 } 00198 } 00199 00200 Sibling = Sibling->Sibling; 00201 } 00202 00203 Child = Child->Child; 00204 } 00205 00206 return NULL; 00207 } }


Referenced by KdpTrap(), KeFlushEntireTb(), KeThawExecution(), KiFlushEntireTbTarget(), KiFlushTargetEntireTb(), KiFreezeTargetExecution(), KiGetNewRid(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiSyncNewRegionId(), KiSyncNewRegionIdTarget(), KiSyncSessionTarget(), MiInitMachineDependent(), and MmMakeKernelResourceSectionWritable().

IN BOOLEAN  AllProcessors

Definition at line 86 of file alpha/flushtb.c.

References ASSERT, IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT, KeFlushCurrentTb(), KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeLowerIrql(), and SYNCH_LEVEL.

Referenced by MiCheckVirtualAddress(), MiDownShareCountFlushEntireTb(), MiFlushPteList(), MiFlushUserPhysicalPteList(), MiHandleBankedSection(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiMapBBTMemory(), MiMapLockedPagesInUserSpace(), MiMapPageInHyperSpace(), MiMapSinglePage(), MiMapViewOfPhysicalSection(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), MiRemoveMappedView(), MiReserveSystemPtes(), MiResolveMappedFileFault(), MmAllocateNonCachedMemory(), MmFreeLoaderBlock(), MmMapIoSpace(), MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(), MmMapUserAddressesToPage(), MmMapViewInSystemCache(), MmOutPageKernelStack(), MmSetAddressRangeModified(), and MmSetBankedSection().

00093 : 00094 00095 This function flushes the entire translation buffer (TB) on all 00096 processors that are currently running threads which are children 00097 of the current process or flushes the entire translation buffer 00098 on all processors in the host configuration. 00099 00100 Arguments: 00101 00102 Invalid - Supplies a boolean value that specifies the reason for 00103 flushing the translation buffer. 00104 00105 AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which 00106 translation buffers are to be flushed. 00107 00108 Return Value: 00109 00110 None. 00111 00112 --*/ 00113 00114 { 00115 00116 KIRQL OldIrql; 00117 PKPROCESS Process; 00118 PKTHREAD Thread; 00119 KAFFINITY TargetProcessors; 00120 00121 // 00122 // Compute the target set of processors, disable context switching, 00123 // and send the flush entire parameters to the target processors, 00124 // if any, for execution. 00125 // 00126 00127 #if defined(NT_UP) 00128 00129 __tbia(); 00130 00131 #else 00132 00133 if (AllProcessors != FALSE) { 00134 OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel(); 00135 TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors; 00136 00137 } else { 00138 KiLockContextSwap(&OldIrql); 00139 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00140 Process = Thread->ApcState.Process; 00141 TargetProcessors = Process->ActiveProcessors; 00142 if (TargetProcessors != Process->RunOnProcessors) { 00143 Process->ProcessSequence = KiMasterSequence - 1; 00144 } 00145 } 00146 00147 TargetProcessors &= PCR->NotMember; 00148 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00149 KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, 00150 KiFlushEntireTbTarget, 00151 NULL, 00152 NULL, 00153 NULL); 00154 } 00155 00156 IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, FlushEntireTb); 00157 00158 // 00159 // Flush TB on current processor. 00160 // 00161 00162 // KeFlushCurrentTb(); 00163 __tbia(); 00164 00165 // 00166 // Wait until all target processors have finished. 00167 // 00168 00169 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00170 KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); 00171 } 00172 00173 if (AllProcessors != FALSE) { 00174 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 00175 } else { 00176 KiUnlockContextSwap(OldIrql); 00177 } 00178 00179 #endif 00180 00181 return; 00182 }

VOID KeFlushMultipleTb IN ULONG  Number,
IN PVOID *  Virtual,
IN BOOLEAN  Invalid,
IN BOOLEAN  AllProcesors,

Definition at line 231 of file alpha/flushtb.c.

References ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Index, IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KiFlushSingleTb(), and Virtual.

Referenced by MiFlushPteList(), MiFlushUserPhysicalPteList(), MmOutPageKernelStack(), and MmSetAddressRangeModified().

00242 : 00243 00244 This function flushes multiple entries from the translation buffer 00245 on all processors that are currently running threads which are 00246 children of the current process or flushes a multiple entries from 00247 the translation buffer on all processors in the host configuration. 00248 00249 Arguments: 00250 00251 Number - Supplies the number of TB entries to flush. 00252 00253 Virtual - Supplies a pointer to an array of virtual addresses that 00254 are within the pages whose translation buffer entries are to be 00255 flushed. 00256 00257 Invalid - Supplies a boolean value that specifies the reason for 00258 flushing the translation buffer. 00259 00260 AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which 00261 translation buffers are to be flushed. 00262 00263 PtePointer - Supplies an optional pointer to an array of pointers to 00264 page table entries that receive the specified page table entry 00265 value. 00266 00267 PteValue - Supplies the the new page table entry value. 00268 00269 Return Value: 00270 00271 The previous contents of the specified page table entry is returned 00272 as the function value. 00273 00274 --*/ 00275 00276 { 00277 00278 ULONG Index; 00279 KIRQL OldIrql; 00280 PKPROCESS Process; 00281 KAFFINITY TargetProcessors; 00282 PKTHREAD Thread; 00283 00284 // 00285 // Compute the target set of processors and send the flush multiple 00286 // parameters to the target processors, if any, for execution. 00287 // 00288 00289 if (AllProcessors != FALSE) { 00290 OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel(); 00291 TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors; 00292 00293 } else { 00294 KiLockContextSwap(&OldIrql); 00295 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00296 Process = Thread->ApcState.Process; 00297 TargetProcessors = Process->ActiveProcessors; 00298 if (TargetProcessors != Process->RunOnProcessors) { 00299 Process->ProcessSequence = KiMasterSequence - 1; 00300 } 00301 } 00302 00303 // 00304 // If a page table entry address address is specified, then set the 00305 // specified page table entries to the specific value. 00306 // 00307 00308 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(PtePointer)) { 00309 for (Index = 0; Index < Number; Index += 1) { 00310 *PtePointer[Index] = PteValue; 00311 } 00312 } 00313 00314 TargetProcessors &= PCR->NotMember; 00315 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00316 KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, 00317 KiFlushMultipleTbTarget, 00318 ULongToPtr(Number), 00319 (PVOID)Virtual, 00320 NULL); 00321 } 00322 00323 IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, FlushMultipleTb); 00324 00325 // 00326 // Flush the specified entries from the TB on the current processor. 00327 // 00328 00329 KiFlushMultipleTb(Invalid, &Virtual[0], Number); 00330 00331 // 00332 // Wait until all target processors have finished. 00333 // 00334 00335 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00336 KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); 00337 } 00338 00339 // 00340 // If the context swap lock was acquired, release it. 00341 // 00342 if (AllProcessors != FALSE) { 00343 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 00344 00345 } else { 00346 KiUnlockContextSwap(OldIrql); 00347 } 00348 00349 return; 00350 }


Definition at line 138 of file apcobj.c.

References ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, _KAPC::Inserted, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, and PKAPC.

Referenced by PspExitThread().

00145 : 00146 00147 This function flushes the APC queue selected by the specified processor 00148 mode for the specified thread. An APC queue is flushed by removing the 00149 listhead from the list, scanning the APC entries in the list, setting 00150 their inserted variables to FALSE, and then returning the address of the 00151 doubly linked list as the function value. 00152 00153 Arguments: 00154 00155 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00156 00157 ApcMode - Supplies the processor mode of the APC queue that is to 00158 be flushed. 00159 00160 Return Value: 00161 00162 The address of the first entry in the list of APC objects that were flushed 00163 from the specified APC queue. 00164 00165 --*/ 00166 00167 { 00168 00169 PKAPC Apc; 00170 PLIST_ENTRY FirstEntry; 00171 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00172 KIRQL OldIrql; 00173 00174 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00175 00176 // 00177 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock dispatcher database, and 00178 // lock the APC queue. 00179 // 00180 00181 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00182 KiAcquireSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00183 00184 // 00185 // Get address of first APC in the list and check if the list is 00186 // empty or contains entries that should be flushed. If entries 00187 // should be flushed, then scan the list of APC objects and set their 00188 // inserted state to FALSE. 00189 // 00190 00191 FirstEntry = Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[ApcMode].Flink; 00192 if (FirstEntry == &Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[ApcMode]) { 00193 FirstEntry = (PLIST_ENTRY)NULL; 00194 00195 } else { 00196 RemoveEntryList(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[ApcMode]); 00197 NextEntry = FirstEntry; 00198 do { 00199 Apc = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KAPC, ApcListEntry); 00200 Apc->Inserted = FALSE; 00201 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00202 } while (NextEntry != FirstEntry); 00203 } 00204 00205 // 00206 // Unlock the APC queue, unlock the dispatcher database, lower IRQL to 00207 // its previous value, and return address of first entry in list of APC 00208 // objects that were flushed. 00209 // 00210 00211 KiReleaseSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00212 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00213 return FirstEntry; 00214 }

HARDWARE_PTE KeFlushSingleTb IN PVOID  Virtual,
IN BOOLEAN  Invalid,
IN BOOLEAN  AllProcesors,

Definition at line 420 of file alpha/flushtb.c.

References ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KiFlushSingleCallData, KiFlushSingleTb(), RECORD_CALL_DATA, and Virtual.

Referenced by Ki386UseSynchronousTbFlush(), MiCopyOnWrite(), MiDeletePte(), MiEliminateWorkingSetEntry(), MiEnablePagingOfDriverAtInit(), MiFlushDirtyBitsToPfn(), MiFlushPteList(), MiFlushTbAndCapture(), MiFlushUserPhysicalPteList(), MiFreeNonPagedPool(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiMapPageToZeroInHyperSpace(), MiMapSinglePage(), MiProtectFreeNonPagedPool(), MiProtectSpecialPool(), MiResetVirtualMemory(), MiSetPageModified(), MiSetPagingOfDriver(), MiSetSystemCodeProtection(), MiUnmapImageHeaderInHyperSpace(), MiUnmapLockedPagesInUserSpace(), MmFreeSpecialPool(), MmMapUserAddressesToPage(), MmRemovePhysicalMemory(), MmSetAddressRangeModified(), and MmSetPageProtection().

00430 : 00431 00432 This function flushes a single entry from the translation buffer 00433 on all processors that are currently running threads which are 00434 children of the current process or flushes a single entry from 00435 the translation buffer on all processors in the host configuration. 00436 00437 Arguments: 00438 00439 Virtual - Supplies a virtual address that is within the page whose 00440 translation buffer entry is to be flushed. 00441 00442 Invalid - Supplies a boolean value that specifies the reason for 00443 flushing the translation buffer. 00444 00445 AllProcessors - Supplies a boolean value that determines which 00446 translation buffers are to be flushed. 00447 00448 PtePointer - Supplies a pointer to the page table entry which 00449 receives the specified value. 00450 00451 PteValue - Supplies the the new page table entry value. 00452 00453 Return Value: 00454 00455 The previous contents of the specified page table entry is returned 00456 as the function value. 00457 00458 --*/ 00459 00460 { 00461 00462 KIRQL OldIrql; 00463 HARDWARE_PTE OldPte; 00464 PKPROCESS Process; 00465 KAFFINITY TargetProcessors; 00466 PKTHREAD Thread; 00467 00468 // 00469 // Compute the target set of processors and send the flush single 00470 // paramters to the target processors, if any, for execution. 00471 // 00472 00473 if (AllProcessors != FALSE) { 00474 OldIrql = KeRaiseIrqlToSynchLevel(); 00475 TargetProcessors = KeActiveProcessors; 00476 00477 } else { 00478 KiLockContextSwap(&OldIrql); 00479 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00480 Process = Thread->ApcState.Process; 00481 TargetProcessors = Process->ActiveProcessors; 00482 if (TargetProcessors != Process->RunOnProcessors) { 00483 Process->ProcessSequence = KiMasterSequence - 1; 00484 } 00485 } 00486 00487 // 00488 // Capture the previous contents of the page table entry and set the 00489 // page table entry to the new value. 00490 // 00491 00492 OldPte = *PtePointer; 00493 *PtePointer = PteValue; 00494 TargetProcessors &= PCR->NotMember; 00495 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00496 KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, 00497 KiFlushSingleTbTarget, 00498 (PVOID)Virtual, 00499 NULL, 00500 NULL); 00501 } 00502 00503 IPI_INSTRUMENT_COUNT(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number, FlushSingleTb); 00504 00505 // 00506 // Flush the specified entry from the TB on the current processor. 00507 // 00508 00509 // KiFlushSingleTb(Invalid, Virtual); 00510 __tbis(Virtual); 00511 00512 // 00513 // Wait until all target processors have finished. 00514 // 00515 00516 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00517 KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); 00518 } 00519 00520 if (AllProcessors != FALSE) { 00521 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 00522 00523 } else { 00524 KiUnlockContextSwap(OldIrql); 00525 } 00526 00527 // 00528 // return the previous page table entry value. 00529 // 00530 00531 return OldPte; 00532 }

LOGICAL KeForceAttachProcess IN PKPROCESS  Process  ) 

ULONG KeForceResumeThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 688 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), and RESUME_INCREMENT.

Referenced by NtTerminateProcess(), NtTerminateThread(), PspExitNormalApc(), PspExitThread(), and PspTerminateProcess().

00694 : 00695 00696 This function forces resumption of thread execution if the thread is 00697 suspended. If the specified thread is not suspended, then no operation 00698 is performed. 00699 00700 Arguments: 00701 00702 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00703 00704 Return Value: 00705 00706 The sum of the previous suspend count and the freeze count. 00707 00708 --*/ 00709 00710 { 00711 00712 ULONG OldCount; 00713 KIRQL OldIrql; 00714 00715 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00716 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00717 00718 // 00719 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00720 // 00721 00722 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00723 00724 // 00725 // Capture the current suspend count. 00726 // 00727 00728 OldCount = Thread->SuspendCount + Thread->FreezeCount; 00729 00730 // 00731 // If the thread is currently suspended, then force resumption of 00732 // thread execution. 00733 // 00734 00735 if (OldCount != 0) { 00736 Thread->FreezeCount = 0; 00737 Thread->SuspendCount = 0; 00738 Thread->SuspendSemaphore.Header.SignalState += 1; 00739 KiWaitTest(&Thread->SuspendSemaphore, RESUME_INCREMENT); 00740 } 00741 00742 // 00743 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00744 // value. 00745 // 00746 00747 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00748 00749 // 00750 // Return the previous suspend count. 00751 // 00752 00753 return OldCount; 00754 }

VOID KeFreezeAllThreads VOID   ) 

Definition at line 757 of file thredobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, _KTHREAD::FreezeCount, _KSEMAPHORE::Header, KeEnterCriticalRegion, KeGetCurrentThread, KiInsertQueueApc(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, _KAPC_STATE::Process, RESUME_INCREMENT, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::SignalState, _KTHREAD::SuspendApc, _KTHREAD::SuspendCount, _KTHREAD::SuspendSemaphore, _ETHREAD::ThreadListEntry, and _KPROCESS::ThreadListHead.

Referenced by DbgkpSuspendProcess().

00763 : 00764 00765 This function suspends the execution of all thread in the current 00766 process except the current thread. If the freeze count overflows 00767 the maximum suspend count, then a condition is raised. 00768 00769 Arguments: 00770 00771 None. 00772 00773 Return Value: 00774 00775 None. 00776 00777 --*/ 00778 00779 { 00780 00781 PKTHREAD CurrentThread; 00782 PLIST_ENTRY ListHead; 00783 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00784 PKPROCESS Process; 00785 PKTHREAD Thread; 00786 PETHREAD EThread; 00787 ULONG OldCount; 00788 KIRQL OldIrql; 00789 00790 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00791 00792 // 00793 // Get the address of the current thread object, the current process 00794 // object, raise IRQL to dispatch level, lock dispatcher database, 00795 // and freeze the execution of all threads in the process except the 00796 // current thread. 00797 // 00798 00799 CurrentThread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00800 Process = CurrentThread->ApcState.Process; 00801 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00802 00803 // 00804 // If the freeze count of the current thread is not zero, then there 00805 // is another thread that is trying to freeze this thread. Unlock the 00806 // dispatcher, lower IRQL to its previous value, allow the suspend 00807 // APC to occur, then raise IRQL to dispatch level, lock the dispatcher 00808 // database, and try again. 00809 // 00810 00811 while (CurrentThread->FreezeCount != 0) { 00812 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00813 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00814 } 00815 00816 KeEnterCriticalRegion(); 00817 00818 // 00819 // Freeze all threads except the current thread. 00820 // 00821 00822 ListHead = &Process->ThreadListHead; 00823 NextEntry = ListHead->Flink; 00824 do { 00825 00826 // 00827 // Get the address of the next thread and suspend it if it is 00828 // not the current thread. 00829 // 00830 00831 Thread = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTHREAD, ThreadListEntry); 00832 if (Thread != CurrentThread) { 00833 00834 EThread = (PETHREAD) Thread; 00835 if ( EThread->ThreadListEntry.Flink == NULL ) { 00836 ; 00837 } else { 00838 00839 // 00840 // Increment the freeze count. If the thread was not previously 00841 // suspended, then queue the thread's suspend APC. 00842 // 00843 00844 OldCount = Thread->FreezeCount; 00845 00846 ASSERT(OldCount != MAXIMUM_SUSPEND_COUNT); 00847 00848 Thread->FreezeCount += 1; 00849 if ((OldCount == 0) && (Thread->SuspendCount == 0)) { 00850 if (KiInsertQueueApc(&Thread->SuspendApc, RESUME_INCREMENT) == FALSE) { 00851 Thread->SuspendSemaphore.Header.SignalState -= 1; 00852 } 00853 } 00854 } 00855 } 00856 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00857 } while (NextEntry != ListHead); 00858 00859 // 00860 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00861 // value. 00862 // 00863 00864 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00865 return; 00866 }

BOOLEAN KeFreezeExecution IN PKTRAP_FRAME  TrapFrame,

Definition at line 55 of file ke/debug.c.

References ClearMember, Count, FALSE, FREEZE_ACTIVE, FREEZE_BACKUP, FREEZE_FROZEN, FREEZE_OWNER, FREEZE_SKIPPED_PROCESSOR, FrozenState, HIGH_LEVEL, IPI_FREEZE, KeActiveProcessors, KeFindFirstSetRightMember, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeRaiseIrql(), KeStallExecutionProcessor(), KiDisableInterrupts(), KiFreezeExecutionLock, KiFreezeFlag, KiFreezeLockBackup, KiFreezeOwner, KiIpiSend(), KiIpiServiceRoutine(), KiOldIrql, KiProcessorBlock, KiRestoreInterrupts(), KiTryToAcquireSpinLock(), TARGET_FROZEN, and TRUE.

Referenced by KdEnterDebugger().

00062 : 00063 00064 This function freezes the execution of all other processors in the host 00065 configuration and then returns to the caller. 00066 00067 Arguments: 00068 00069 TrapFrame - Supplies a pointer to a trap frame that describes the 00070 trap. 00071 00072 ExceptionFrame - Supplies a pointer to an exception frame that 00073 describes the trap. 00074 00075 Return Value: 00076 00077 Previous interrupt enable. 00078 00079 --*/ 00080 00081 { 00082 00083 BOOLEAN Enable; 00084 00085 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00086 00087 BOOLEAN Flag; 00088 PKPRCB Prcb; 00089 ULONG TargetSet; 00090 ULONG BitNumber; 00091 KIRQL OldIrql; 00092 00093 #if IDBG 00094 00095 ULONG Count = 30000; 00096 00097 #endif 00098 #endif 00099 00100 // 00101 // Disable interrupts. 00102 // 00103 00104 Enable = KiDisableInterrupts(); 00105 KiFreezeFlag = FREEZE_FROZEN; 00106 00107 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00108 // 00109 // Raise IRQL to HIGH_LEVEL. 00110 // 00111 00112 KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 00113 00114 if (FrozenState(KeGetCurrentPrcb()->IpiFrozen) == FREEZE_OWNER) { 00115 // 00116 // This processor already owns the freeze lock. 00117 // Return without trying to re-acquire lock or without 00118 // trying to IPI the other processors again 00119 // 00120 00121 return Enable; 00122 } 00123 00124 00125 // 00126 // Try to acquire the KiFreezeExecutionLock before sending the request. 00127 // To prevent deadlock from occurring, we need to accept and process 00128 // incoming FreexeExecution requests while we are waiting to acquire 00129 // the FreezeExecutionFlag. 00130 // 00131 00132 while (KiTryToAcquireSpinLock (&KiFreezeExecutionLock) == FALSE) { 00133 00134 // 00135 // FreezeExecutionLock is busy. Another processor may be trying 00136 // to IPI us - go service any IPI. 00137 // 00138 00139 KiRestoreInterrupts(Enable); 00140 Flag = KiIpiServiceRoutine((PVOID)TrapFrame, (PVOID)ExceptionFrame); 00141 KiDisableInterrupts(); 00142 00143 #if IDBG 00144 00145 if (Flag != FALSE) { 00146 Count = 30000; 00147 continue; 00148 } 00149 00150 KeStallExecutionProcessor (100); 00151 if (!Count--) { 00152 Count = 30000; 00153 if (KiTryToAcquireSpinLock (&KiFreezeLockBackup) == TRUE) { 00154 KiFreezeFlag |= FREEZE_BACKUP; 00155 break; 00156 } 00157 } 00158 00159 #endif 00160 00161 } 00162 00163 // 00164 // After acquiring the lock flag, we send Freeze request to each processor 00165 // in the system (other than us) and wait for it to become frozen. 00166 // 00167 00168 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); // Do this after spinlock is acquired. 00169 TargetSet = KeActiveProcessors & ~(1 << Prcb->Number); 00170 if (TargetSet) { 00171 00172 #if IDBG 00173 Count = 400; 00174 #endif 00175 00176 KiFreezeOwner = Prcb; 00177 Prcb->IpiFrozen = FREEZE_OWNER | FREEZE_ACTIVE; 00178 Prcb->SkipTick = TRUE; 00179 KiIpiSend((KAFFINITY) TargetSet, IPI_FREEZE); 00180 00181 while (TargetSet != 0) { 00182 BitNumber = KeFindFirstSetRightMember(TargetSet); 00183 ClearMember(BitNumber, TargetSet); 00184 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[BitNumber]; 00185 00186 #if IDBG 00187 00188 while (Prcb->IpiFrozen != TARGET_FROZEN) { 00189 if (Count == 0) { 00190 KiFreezeFlag |= FREEZE_SKIPPED_PROCESSOR; 00191 break; 00192 } 00193 00194 KeStallExecutionProcessor (10000); 00195 Count--; 00196 } 00197 00198 #else 00199 00200 while (Prcb->IpiFrozen != TARGET_FROZEN) { 00201 KeYieldProcessor(); 00202 } 00203 #endif 00204 00205 } 00206 } 00207 00208 // 00209 // Save the old IRQL and return whether interrupts were previous enabled. 00210 // 00211 00212 KiOldIrql = OldIrql; 00213 00214 #endif // !defined(NT_UP) 00215 00216 return Enable; 00217 }

BOOLEAN KeGetBugMessageText IN ULONG  MessageId,

Definition at line 97 of file bugcheck.c.

References Buffer, EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, FALSE, InbvDisplayString(), MmMakeKernelResourceSectionWritable(), NULL, strlen(), TRUE, and USHORT.

Referenced by IopGetDumpStack(), and KeBugCheckEx().

00101 { 00102 ULONG i; 00103 PUCHAR s; 00104 PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_BLOCK MessageBlock; 00105 PUCHAR Buffer; 00106 BOOLEAN Result; 00107 00108 Result = FALSE; 00109 try { 00110 if (KiBugCodeMessages != NULL) { 00111 MmMakeKernelResourceSectionWritable (); 00112 MessageBlock = &KiBugCodeMessages->Blocks[0]; 00113 for (i = KiBugCodeMessages->NumberOfBlocks; i; i -= 1) { 00114 if (MessageId >= MessageBlock->LowId && 00115 MessageId <= MessageBlock->HighId) { 00116 00117 s = (PCHAR)KiBugCodeMessages + MessageBlock->OffsetToEntries; 00118 for (i = MessageId - MessageBlock->LowId; i; i -= 1) { 00119 s += ((PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY)s)->Length; 00120 } 00121 00122 Buffer = ((PMESSAGE_RESOURCE_ENTRY)s)->Text; 00123 00124 i = strlen(Buffer) - 1; 00125 while (i > 0 && (Buffer[i] == '\n' || 00126 Buffer[i] == '\r' || 00127 Buffer[i] == 0 00128 ) 00129 ) { 00130 if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedString )) { 00131 Buffer[i] = 0; 00132 } 00133 i -= 1; 00134 } 00135 00136 if (!ARGUMENT_PRESENT( ReturnedString )) { 00137 InbvDisplayString(Buffer); 00138 } 00139 else { 00140 ReturnedString->Buffer = Buffer; 00141 ReturnedString->Length = (USHORT)(i+1); 00142 ReturnedString->MaximumLength = (USHORT)(i+1); 00143 } 00144 Result = TRUE; 00145 break; 00146 } 00147 MessageBlock += 1; 00148 } 00149 } 00150 } except ( EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER ) { 00151 ; 00152 } 00153 00154 return Result; 00155 }

VOID KeGetNonVolatileContextPointers IN PKNONVOLATILE_CONTEXT_POINTERS  NonVolatileContext  ) 


NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeDeviceQueue IN PKDEVICE_QUEUE  DeviceQueue  ) 

Definition at line 40 of file devquobj.c.

References DeviceQueueObject, FALSE, KDEVICE_QUEUE, KeInitializeSpinLock(), and PKDEVICE_QUEUE.

Referenced by IoCreateController(), and IoCreateDevice().

00046 : 00047 00048 This function initializes a kernel device queue object. 00049 00050 Arguments: 00051 00052 DeviceQueue - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type device 00053 queue. 00054 00055 SpinLock - Supplies a pointer to an executive spin lock. 00056 00057 Return Value: 00058 00059 None. 00060 00061 --*/ 00062 00063 { 00064 00065 // 00066 // Initialize standard control object header. 00067 // 00068 00069 DeviceQueue->Type = DeviceQueueObject; 00070 DeviceQueue->Size = sizeof(KDEVICE_QUEUE); 00071 00072 // 00073 // Initialize the device queue list head, spin lock, and busy indicator. 00074 // 00075 00076 InitializeListHead(&DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead); 00077 KeInitializeSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00078 DeviceQueue->Busy = FALSE; 00079 return; 00080 }

IN PVOID  DeferredContext

Definition at line 39 of file dpcobj.c.

References DpcObject, MediumImportance, NULL, PKDEFERRED_ROUTINE, and PRKDPC.

Referenced by CcInitializeCacheManager(), CmpWorker(), IoInitSystem(), IopErrorLogQueueRequest(), IovpInternalDeferredCompletion(), KdInitSystem(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitSystem(), MiInitializeSpecialPoolCriteria(), MmInitSystem(), NtCreateTimer(), and VdmpDelayInterrupt().

00047 : 00048 00049 This function initializes a kernel DPC object. The deferred routine 00050 and context parameter are stored in the DPC object. 00051 00052 Arguments: 00053 00054 Dpc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type DPC. 00055 00056 DeferredRoutine - Supplies a pointer to a function that is called when 00057 the DPC object is removed from the current processor's DPC queue. 00058 00059 DeferredContext - Supplies a pointer to an arbitrary data structure which is 00060 to be passed to the function specified by the DeferredRoutine parameter. 00061 00062 Return Value: 00063 00064 None. 00065 00066 --*/ 00067 00068 { 00069 00070 // 00071 // Initialize standard control object header. 00072 // 00073 00074 Dpc->Type = DpcObject; 00075 Dpc->Number = 0; 00076 Dpc->Importance = MediumImportance; 00077 00078 // 00079 // Initialize deferred routine address and deferred context parameter. 00080 // 00081 00082 Dpc->DeferredRoutine = DeferredRoutine; 00083 Dpc->DeferredContext = DeferredContext; 00084 Dpc->Lock = NULL; 00085 return; 00086 }

VOID KeInitializeEventPair IN PKEVENT_PAIR  EventPair  ) 

Definition at line 96 of file eventobj.c.

References EventPairObject, FALSE, KeInitializeEvent, KEVENT_PAIR, PKEVENT_PAIR, and USHORT.

Referenced by NtCreateEventPair().

00102 : 00103 00104 This function initializes a kernel event pair object. A kernel event 00105 pair object contains two separate synchronization event objects that 00106 are used to provide a fast interprocess synchronization capability. 00107 00108 Arguments: 00109 00110 EventPair - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type event pair. 00111 00112 Return Value: 00113 00114 None. 00115 00116 --*/ 00117 00118 { 00119 00120 // 00121 // Initialize the type and size of the event pair object and initialize 00122 // the two event object as synchronization events with an initial state 00123 // of FALSE. 00124 // 00125 00126 EventPair->Type = (USHORT)EventPairObject; 00127 EventPair->Size = sizeof(KEVENT_PAIR); 00128 KeInitializeEvent(&EventPair->EventLow, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); 00129 KeInitializeEvent(&EventPair->EventHigh, SynchronizationEvent, FALSE); 00130 return; 00131 }

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeInterrupt IN PKINTERRUPT  Interrupt,
IN PVOID  ServiceContext,
IN ULONG  Vector,
IN KIRQL  SynchronizeIrql,
IN BOOLEAN  ShareVector,
IN CCHAR  ProcessorNumber,
IN BOOLEAN  FloatingSave

Definition at line 32 of file alpha/intobj.c.

References FALSE, and InterruptObject.

Referenced by IoConnectInterrupt().

00048 : 00049 00050 This function initializes a kernel interrupt object. The service routine, 00051 service context, spin lock, vector, IRQL, Synchronized IRQL, and floating 00052 context save flag are initialized. 00053 00054 Arguments: 00055 00056 Interrupt - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type interrupt. 00057 00058 ServiceRoutine - Supplies a pointer to a function that is to be 00059 executed when an interrupt occurs via the specified interrupt 00060 vector. 00061 00062 ServiceContext - Supplies a pointer to an arbitrary data structure which is 00063 to be passed to the function specified by the ServiceRoutine parameter. 00064 00065 SpinLock - Supplies an optional pointer to an executive spin lock. 00066 00067 Vector - Supplies the index of the entry in the Interrupt Dispatch Table 00068 that is to be associated with the ServiceRoutine function. 00069 00070 Irql - Supplies the request priority of the interrupting source. 00071 00072 SynchronizeIrql - The request priority that the interrupt should be 00073 synchronized with. 00074 00075 InterruptMode - Supplies the mode of the interrupt; LevelSensitive or 00076 Latched. 00077 00078 ShareVector - Supplies a boolean value that specifies whether the 00079 vector can be shared with other interrupt objects or not. If FALSE 00080 then the vector may not be shared, if TRUE it may be. 00081 Latched. 00082 00083 ProcessorNumber - Supplies the number of the processor to which the 00084 interrupt will be connected. 00085 00086 FloatingSave - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the 00087 floating point registers and pipe line are to be saved before calling 00088 the ServiceRoutine function. 00089 00090 Return Value: 00091 00092 None. 00093 00094 --*/ 00095 00096 { 00097 00098 LONG Index; 00099 00100 // 00101 // Initialize standard control object header. 00102 // 00103 00104 Interrupt->Type = InterruptObject; 00105 Interrupt->Size = sizeof(KINTERRUPT); 00106 00107 // 00108 // Initialize the address of the service routine, the service context, 00109 // the address of the spin lock, the address of the actual spin lock 00110 // that will be used, the vector number, the IRQL of the interrupting 00111 // source, the Synchronized IRQL of the interrupt object, the interrupt 00112 // mode, the processor number, and the floating context save flag. 00113 // 00114 00115 Interrupt->ServiceRoutine = ServiceRoutine; 00116 Interrupt->ServiceContext = ServiceContext; 00117 00118 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(SpinLock)) { 00119 Interrupt->ActualLock = SpinLock; 00120 } else { 00121 Interrupt->SpinLock = 0; 00122 Interrupt->ActualLock = &Interrupt->SpinLock; 00123 } 00124 00125 Interrupt->Vector = Vector; 00126 Interrupt->Irql = Irql; 00127 Interrupt->SynchronizeIrql = SynchronizeIrql; 00128 Interrupt->Mode = InterruptMode; 00129 Interrupt->ShareVector = ShareVector; 00130 Interrupt->Number = ProcessorNumber; 00131 Interrupt->FloatingSave = FloatingSave; 00132 00133 // 00134 // Copy the interrupt dispatch code template into the interrupt object 00135 // and flush the dcache on all processors that the current thread can 00136 // run on to ensure that the code is actually in memory. 00137 // 00138 00139 for (Index = 0; Index < DISPATCH_LENGTH; Index += 1) { 00140 Interrupt->DispatchCode[Index] = KiInterruptTemplate[Index]; 00141 } 00142 00143 KeSweepIcache(FALSE); 00144 00145 // 00146 // Set the connected state of the interrupt object to FALSE. 00147 // 00148 00149 Interrupt->Connected = FALSE; 00150 return; 00151 }

IN BOOLEAN  InitialOwner

Definition at line 40 of file mutntobj.c.

References FALSE, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), _KTHREAD::MutantListHead, MutantObject, NULL, and TRUE.

Referenced by MmInitSystem(), NtCreateMutant(), and ObInitSystem().

00047 : 00048 00049 This function initializes a kernel mutant object. 00050 00051 Arguments: 00052 00053 Mutant - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type mutant. 00054 00055 InitialOwner - Supplies a boolean value that determines whether the 00056 current thread is to be the initial owner of the mutant object. 00057 00058 Return Value: 00059 00060 None. 00061 00062 --*/ 00063 00064 { 00065 00066 PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; 00067 KIRQL OldIrql; 00068 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00069 00070 // 00071 // Initialize standard dispatcher object header, set the owner thread to 00072 // NULL, set the abandoned state to FALSE, and set the APC disable count 00073 // to zero (this is the only thing that distinguishes a mutex from a mutant). 00074 // 00075 00076 Mutant->Header.Type = MutantObject; 00077 Mutant->Header.Size = sizeof(KMUTANT) / sizeof(LONG); 00078 if (InitialOwner == TRUE) { 00079 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00080 Mutant->Header.SignalState = 0; 00081 Mutant->OwnerThread = Thread; 00082 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00083 ListEntry = Thread->MutantListHead.Blink; 00084 InsertHeadList(ListEntry, &Mutant->MutantListEntry); 00085 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00086 00087 } else { 00088 Mutant->Header.SignalState = 1; 00089 Mutant->OwnerThread = (PKTHREAD)NULL; 00090 } 00091 00092 InitializeListHead(&Mutant->Header.WaitListHead); 00093 Mutant->Abandoned = FALSE; 00094 Mutant->ApcDisable = 0; 00095 return; 00096 }


VOID KeInitializeProcess IN PRKPROCESS  Process,
IN ULONG_PTR  DirectoryTableBase[2],

Definition at line 63 of file procobj.c.

References ProcessInMemory, ProcessObject, and THREAD_QUANTUM.

Referenced by KiInitializeKernel(), and PspCreateProcess().

00073 : 00074 00075 This function initializes a kernel process object. The base priority, 00076 affinity, and page frame numbers for the process page table directory 00077 and hyper space are stored in the process object. 00078 00079 N.B. It is assumed that the process object is zeroed. 00080 00081 Arguments: 00082 00083 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00084 00085 BasePriority - Supplies the base priority of the process. 00086 00087 Affinity - Supplies the set of processors on which children threads 00088 of the process can execute. 00089 00090 DirectoryTableBase - Supplies a pointer to an array whose fist element 00091 is the value that is to be loaded into the Directory Table Base 00092 register when a child thread is dispatched for execution and whose 00093 second element contains the page table entry that maps hyper space. 00094 00095 Enable - Supplies a boolean value that determines the default 00096 handling of data alignment exceptions for child threads. A value 00097 of TRUE causes all data alignment exceptions to be automatically 00098 handled by the kernel. A value of FALSE causes all data alignment 00099 exceptions to be actually raised as exceptions. 00100 00101 Return Value: 00102 00103 None. 00104 00105 --*/ 00106 00107 { 00108 00109 // 00110 // Initialize the standard dispatcher object header and set the initial 00111 // signal state of the process object. 00112 // 00113 00114 Process->Header.Type = ProcessObject; 00115 Process->Header.Size = sizeof(KPROCESS) / sizeof(LONG); 00116 InitializeListHead(&Process->Header.WaitListHead); 00117 00118 // 00119 // Initialize the base priority, affinity, directory table base values, 00120 // autoalignment, and stack count. 00121 // 00122 // N.B. The distinguished value MAXSHORT is used to signify that no 00123 // threads have been created for the process. 00124 // 00125 00126 Process->BasePriority = (SCHAR)BasePriority; 00127 Process->Affinity = Affinity; 00128 Process->AutoAlignment = Enable; 00129 Process->DirectoryTableBase[0] = DirectoryTableBase[0]; 00130 Process->DirectoryTableBase[1] = DirectoryTableBase[1]; 00131 Process->StackCount = MAXSHORT; 00132 00133 // 00134 // Initialize the stack count, profile listhead, ready queue list head, 00135 // accumulated runtime, process quantum, thread quantum, and thread list 00136 // head. 00137 // 00138 00139 InitializeListHead(&Process->ProfileListHead); 00140 InitializeListHead(&Process->ReadyListHead); 00141 InitializeListHead(&Process->ThreadListHead); 00142 Process->ThreadQuantum = THREAD_QUANTUM; 00143 00144 // 00145 // Initialize the process state and set the thread processor selection 00146 // seed. 00147 // 00148 00149 Process->State = ProcessInMemory; 00150 Process->ThreadSeed = (UCHAR)KiQueryLowTickCount(); 00151 00152 // 00153 // Initialize IopmBase and Iopl flag for this process (i386 only) 00154 // 00155 00156 #ifdef i386 00157 00158 Process->IopmOffset = KiComputeIopmOffset(IO_ACCESS_MAP_NONE); 00159 00160 #endif 00161 00162 return; 00163 }

VOID KeInitializeProfile IN PKPROFILE  Profile,
IN PVOID  RangeBase,
IN SIZE_T  RangeSize,
IN ULONG  BucketSize,
IN ULONG  Segment,

Definition at line 69 of file profobj.c.

References ASSERT, FALSE, KeActiveProcessors, NULL, and ProfileObject.

Referenced by NtStartProfile().

00082 : 00083 00084 This function initializes a kernel profile object. The process, 00085 address range, bucket size, and buffer are set. The profile is 00086 set to the stopped state. 00087 00088 Arguments: 00089 00090 Profile - Supplies a pointer to control object of type profile. 00091 00092 Process - Supplies an optional pointer to a process object that 00093 describes the address space to profile. If not specified, 00094 then all address spaces are included in the profile. 00095 00096 RangeBase - Supplies the address of the first byte of the address 00097 range for which profiling information is to be collected. 00098 00099 RangeSize - Supplies the size of the address range for which profiling 00100 information is to be collected. The RangeBase and RangeSize 00101 parameters are interpreted such that RangeBase <= address < 00102 RangeBase + RangeSize generates a profile hit. 00103 00104 BucketSize - Supplies the log base 2 of the size of a profiling bucket. 00105 Thus, BucketSize = 2 yields 4-byte buckets, BucketSize = 7 yields 00106 128-byte buckets. 00107 00108 Segment - Supplies the non-Flat code segment to profile. If this 00109 is zero, then the flat profiling is done. This will only 00110 be non-zero on an x86 machine. 00111 00112 ProfileSource - Supplies the profile interrupt source. 00113 00114 ProfileAffinity - Supplies the set of processor to count hits for. 00115 00116 Return Value: 00117 00118 None. 00119 00120 --*/ 00121 00122 { 00123 00124 #if !defined(i386) 00125 00126 ASSERT(Segment == 0); 00127 00128 #endif 00129 00130 // 00131 // Initialize the standard control object header. 00132 // 00133 00134 Profile->Type = ProfileObject; 00135 Profile->Size = sizeof(KPROFILE); 00136 00137 // 00138 // Initialize the process address space, range base, range limit, 00139 // bucket shift count, and set started FALSE. 00140 // 00141 00142 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Process)) { 00143 Profile->Process = Process; 00144 00145 } else { 00146 Profile->Process = NULL; 00147 } 00148 00149 Profile->RangeBase = RangeBase; 00150 Profile->RangeLimit = (PUCHAR)RangeBase + RangeSize; 00151 Profile->BucketShift = BucketSize - 2; 00152 Profile->Started = FALSE; 00153 Profile->Segment = Segment; 00154 Profile->Source = (CSHORT)ProfileSource; 00155 Profile->Affinity = ProfileAffinity & KeActiveProcessors; 00156 if (Profile->Affinity == 0) { 00157 Profile->Affinity = KeActiveProcessors; 00158 } 00159 return; 00160 }


Definition at line 36 of file queueobj.c.

References Count, KeNumberProcessors, and QueueObject.

Referenced by ExpWorkerInitialization(), FsRtlInitializeWorkerThread(), and NtCreateIoCompletion().

00043 : 00044 00045 This function initializes a kernel queue object. 00046 00047 Arguments: 00048 00049 Queue - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 00050 00051 Count - Supplies the target maximum number of threads that should 00052 be concurrently active. If this parameter is not specified, 00053 then the number of processors is used. 00054 00055 Return Value: 00056 00057 None. 00058 00059 --*/ 00060 00061 { 00062 00063 // 00064 // Initialize standard dispatcher object header and set initial 00065 // state of queue object. 00066 // 00067 00068 Queue->Header.Type = QueueObject; 00069 Queue->Header.Size = sizeof(KQUEUE) / sizeof(LONG); 00070 Queue->Header.SignalState = 0; 00071 InitializeListHead(&Queue->Header.WaitListHead); 00072 00073 // 00074 // Initialize queue listhead, the thread list head, the current number 00075 // of threads, and the target maximum number of threads. 00076 // 00077 00078 InitializeListHead(&Queue->EntryListHead); 00079 InitializeListHead(&Queue->ThreadListHead); 00080 Queue->CurrentCount = 0; 00081 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT((PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)Count)) { 00082 Queue->MaximumCount = Count; 00083 00084 } else { 00085 Queue->MaximumCount = KeNumberProcessors; 00086 } 00087 00088 return; 00089 }

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeSemaphore IN PRKSEMAPHORE  Semaphore,
IN LONG  Count,
IN LONG  Limit

Definition at line 39 of file semphobj.c.

References Count, and SemaphoreObject.

Referenced by DoResourceTest(), ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(), ExAcquireSharedStarveExclusive(), ExAcquireSharedWaitForExclusive(), ExInitializeResource(), ExReinitializeResourceLite(), FsRtlInitSystem(), InitializePool(), IoInitSystem(), KeInitializeThread(), LpcpInitializePortQueue(), MiSectionInitialization(), NtCreateSemaphore(), obtest(), PspCreateThread(), and SmbTraceThreadEntry().

00047 : 00048 00049 This function initializes a kernel semaphore object. The initial 00050 count and limit of the object are set to the specified values. 00051 00052 Arguments: 00053 00054 Semaphore - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type 00055 semaphore. 00056 00057 Count - Supplies the initial count value to be assigned to the 00058 semaphore. 00059 00060 Limit - Supplies the maximum count value that the semaphore 00061 can attain. 00062 00063 Return Value: 00064 00065 None. 00066 00067 --*/ 00068 00069 { 00070 00071 // 00072 // Initialize standard dispatcher object header and set initial 00073 // count and maximum count values. 00074 // 00075 00076 Semaphore->Header.Type = SemaphoreObject; 00077 Semaphore->Header.Size = sizeof(KSEMAPHORE) / sizeof(LONG); 00078 Semaphore->Header.SignalState = Count; 00079 InitializeListHead(&Semaphore->Header.WaitListHead); 00080 Semaphore->Limit = Limit; 00081 return; 00082 }


Referenced by CcInitializeCacheManager(), CcInitializeCacheMap(), CcInitializeVacbs(), ExCreateCallback(), ExCreateDebugLog(), ExInitializeCallData(), ExInitializeNPagedLookasideList(), ExInitializeResource(), ExInitializeResourceLite(), ExLuidInitialization(), ExpResourceInitialization(), ExpTimerInitialization(), ExReinitializeResourceLite(), FsRtlPrivateInitializeFileLock(), InitializePool(), IoErrInitSystem(), IoInitializeRemoveLockEx(), IoInitSystem(), IopInitializePlugPlayServices(), IoVerifierInit(), IovpTrackingDataCreateAndLock(), IovpTrackingDataInit(), KeInitializeDeviceQueue(), KeInitializeInterrupt(), KeInitializeThread(), KiAmdK6InitializeMTRR(), KiInitializeAbios(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitializeMTRR(), KiInitSystem(), MemPrintInitialize(), MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), MiInitializeIoTrackers(), MiInitializeLoadedModuleList(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiSectionInitialization(), MiSessionCreateInternal(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace(), MmInitSystem(), NtCreateTimer(), NtSetInformationProcess(), ObInitSystem(), PspCreateProcess(), PspCreateThread(), PspSetQuotaLimits(), RtlAllocateRemoveLock(), SmbTraceInitialize(), SmbTraceThreadEntry(), UdfMountVolume(), VdmpInitialize(), and ViInitializeEntry().

VOID KeInitializeThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread,
IN PVOID  KernelStack,

Definition at line 43 of file thredobj.c.

References FALSE, _KTIMER::Header, Index, Initialized, KeInitializeApc(), KeInitializeSemaphore(), KeInitializeSpinLock(), KeInitializeTimer(), KeNumberProcessors, KernelMode, KeServiceDescriptorTable, KiInitializeContextThread(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSuspendNop(), KiSuspendThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), L, NULL, _KWAIT_BLOCK::Object, OriginalApcEnvironment, PKKERNEL_ROUTINE, PKRUNDOWN_ROUTINE, THREAD_WAIT_OBJECTS, ThreadObject, TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK, TRUE, UserMode, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitKey, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitListEntry, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead, and _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitType.

Referenced by KiInitializeKernel(), and PspCreateThread().

00056 : 00057 00058 This function initializes a thread object. The priority, affinity, 00059 and initial quantum are taken from the parent process object. The 00060 thread object is inserted at the end of the thread list for the 00061 parent process. 00062 00063 N.B. This routine is carefully written so that if an access violation 00064 occurs while reading the specified context frame, then no kernel 00065 data structures will have been modified. It is the responsibility 00066 of the caller to handle the exception and provide necessary clean 00067 up. 00068 00069 N.B. It is assumed that the thread object is zeroed. 00070 00071 Arguments: 00072 00073 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00074 00075 KernelStack - Supplies a pointer to the base of a kernel stack on which 00076 the context frame for the thread is to be constructed. 00077 00078 SystemRoutine - Supplies a pointer to the system function that is to be 00079 called when the thread is first scheduled for execution. 00080 00081 StartRoutine - Supplies an optional pointer to a function that is to be 00082 called after the system has finished initializing the thread. This 00083 parameter is specified if the thread is a system thread and will 00084 execute totally in kernel mode. 00085 00086 StartContext - Supplies an optional pointer to an arbitrary data structure 00087 which will be passed to the StartRoutine as a parameter. This 00088 parameter is specified if the thread is a system thread and will 00089 execute totally in kernel mode. 00090 00091 ContextFrame - Supplies an optional pointer a context frame which contains 00092 the initial user mode state of the thread. This parameter is specified 00093 if the thread is a user thread and will execute in user mode. If this 00094 parameter is not specified, then the Teb parameter is ignored. 00095 00096 Teb - Supplies an optional pointer to the user mode thread environment 00097 block. This parameter is specified if the thread is a user thread and 00098 will execute in user mode. This parameter is ignored if the ContextFrame 00099 parameter is not specified. 00100 00101 Process - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type process. 00102 00103 Return Value: 00104 00105 None. 00106 00107 --*/ 00108 00109 { 00110 00111 ULONG Index; 00112 KIRQL OldIrql; 00113 PKTIMER Timer; 00114 PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; 00115 00116 // 00117 // Initialize the standard dispatcher object header and set the initial 00118 // state of the thread object. 00119 // 00120 00121 Thread->Header.Type = ThreadObject; 00122 Thread->Header.Size = sizeof(KTHREAD) / sizeof(LONG); 00123 InitializeListHead(&Thread->Header.WaitListHead); 00124 00125 // 00126 // Initialize the owned mutant listhead. 00127 // 00128 00129 InitializeListHead(&Thread->MutantListHead); 00130 00131 // 00132 // Initialize the thread field of all builtin wait blocks. 00133 // 00134 00135 for (Index = 0; Index < (THREAD_WAIT_OBJECTS + 1); Index += 1) { 00136 Thread->WaitBlock[Index].Thread = Thread; 00137 } 00138 00139 // 00140 // Initialize the alerted, preempted, debugactive, autoalignment, 00141 // kernel stack resident, enable kernel stack swap, and process 00142 // ready queue boolean values. 00143 // 00144 // N.B. Only nonzero values are initialized. 00145 // 00146 00147 Thread->AutoAlignment = Process->AutoAlignment; 00148 Thread->EnableStackSwap = TRUE; 00149 Thread->KernelStackResident = TRUE; 00150 00151 // 00152 // Set the system service table pointer to the address of the static 00153 // system service descriptor table. If the thread is later converted 00154 // to a Win32 thread this pointer will be change to a pointer to the 00155 // shadow system service descriptor table. 00156 // 00157 00158 Thread->ServiceTable = (PVOID)&KeServiceDescriptorTable[0]; 00159 00160 // 00161 // Initialize the APC state pointers, the current APC state, the saved 00162 // APC state, and enable APC queuing. 00163 // 00164 00165 Thread->ApcStatePointer[0] = &Thread->ApcState; 00166 Thread->ApcStatePointer[1] = &Thread->SavedApcState; 00167 InitializeListHead(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]); 00168 InitializeListHead(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[UserMode]); 00169 Thread->ApcState.Process = Process; 00170 Thread->ApcQueueable = TRUE; 00171 00172 // 00173 // Initialize the kernel mode suspend APC and the suspend semaphore object. 00174 // and the builtin wait timeout timer object. 00175 // 00176 00177 KeInitializeApc(&Thread->SuspendApc, 00178 Thread, 00179 OriginalApcEnvironment, 00180 (PKKERNEL_ROUTINE)KiSuspendNop, 00181 (PKRUNDOWN_ROUTINE)NULL, 00182 KiSuspendThread, 00183 KernelMode, 00184 NULL); 00185 00186 KeInitializeSemaphore(&Thread->SuspendSemaphore, 0L, 2L); 00187 00188 // 00189 // Initialize the builtin timer trimer wait wait block. 00190 // 00191 // N.B. This is the only time the wait block is initialized sincs this 00192 // information is constant. 00193 // 00194 00195 Timer = &Thread->Timer; 00196 KeInitializeTimer(Timer); 00197 WaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK]; 00198 WaitBlock->Object = Timer; 00199 WaitBlock->WaitKey = (CSHORT)STATUS_TIMEOUT; 00200 WaitBlock->WaitType = WaitAny; 00201 WaitBlock->WaitListEntry.Flink = &Timer->Header.WaitListHead; 00202 WaitBlock->WaitListEntry.Blink = &Timer->Header.WaitListHead; 00203 00204 // 00205 // Initialize the APC queue spinlock. 00206 // 00207 00208 KeInitializeSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00209 00210 // 00211 // Initialize the Thread Environment Block (TEB) pointer (can be NULL). 00212 // 00213 00214 Thread->Teb = Teb; 00215 00216 // 00217 // Set the initial kernel stack and the initial thread context. 00218 // 00219 00220 Thread->InitialStack = KernelStack; 00221 Thread->StackBase = KernelStack; 00222 Thread->StackLimit = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)KernelStack - KERNEL_STACK_SIZE); 00223 KiInitializeContextThread(Thread, 00224 SystemRoutine, 00225 StartRoutine, 00226 StartContext, 00227 ContextFrame); 00228 00229 // 00230 // Set the base thread priority, the thread priority, the thread affinity, 00231 // the thread quantum, and the scheduling state. 00232 // 00233 00234 Thread->BasePriority = Process->BasePriority; 00235 Thread->Priority = Thread->BasePriority; 00236 Thread->Affinity = Process->Affinity; 00237 Thread->UserAffinity = Process->Affinity; 00238 Thread->SystemAffinityActive = FALSE; 00239 Thread->Quantum = Process->ThreadQuantum; 00240 Thread->State = Initialized; 00241 Thread->DisableBoost = Process->DisableBoost; 00242 00243 #ifdef i386 00244 00245 Thread->Iopl = Process->Iopl; 00246 00247 #endif 00248 00249 // 00250 // Lock the dispatcher database, insert the thread in the process 00251 // thread list, increment the kernel stack count, and unlock the 00252 // dispatcher database. 00253 // 00254 // N.B. The distinguished value MAXSHORT is used to signify that no 00255 // threads have been created for a process. 00256 // 00257 00258 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00259 InsertTailList(&Process->ThreadListHead, &Thread->ThreadListEntry); 00260 if (Process->StackCount == MAXSHORT) { 00261 Process->StackCount = 1; 00262 00263 } else { 00264 Process->StackCount += 1; 00265 } 00266 00267 // 00268 // Initialize the ideal processor number for the thread. 00269 // 00270 // N.B. This must be done under the dispatcher lock to prevent byte 00271 // granularity problems on Alpha. 00272 // 00273 00274 Process->ThreadSeed += 1; 00275 Thread->IdealProcessor = (UCHAR)(Process->ThreadSeed % KeNumberProcessors); 00276 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00277 return; 00278 }

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeInitializeTimer IN PKTIMER  Timer  ) 

Definition at line 43 of file timerobj.c.

References KeInitializeTimerEx().

Referenced by CcInitializeCacheManager(), CmpWorker(), ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager(), IopErrorLogQueueRequest(), KdInitSystem(), KeBalanceSetManager(), KeInitializeThread(), MiInitializeSpecialPoolCriteria(), RawInputThread(), and VdmpDelayInterrupt().

00049 : 00050 00051 This function initializes a kernel timer object. 00052 00053 Arguments: 00054 00055 Timer - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type timer. 00056 00057 Return Value: 00058 00059 None. 00060 00061 --*/ 00062 00063 { 00064 00065 // 00066 // Initialize extended timer object with a type of notification and a 00067 // period of zero. 00068 // 00069 00070 KeInitializeTimerEx(Timer, NotificationTimer); 00071 return; 00072 }


Definition at line 75 of file timerobj.c.

References FALSE, NULL, and TimerNotificationObject.

Referenced by IoInitSystem(), IovpInternalDeferredCompletion(), KeInitializeTimer(), MmInitSystem(), NtCreateTimer(), RawInputThread(), and VerifierKeInitializeTimerEx().

00082 : 00083 00084 This function initializes an extended kernel timer object. 00085 00086 Arguments: 00087 00088 Timer - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type timer. 00089 00090 Type - Supplies the type of timer object; NotificationTimer or 00091 SynchronizationTimer; 00092 00093 Return Value: 00094 00095 None. 00096 00097 --*/ 00098 00099 { 00100 // 00101 // Initialize standard dispatcher object header and set initial 00102 // state of timer. 00103 // 00104 00105 Timer->Header.Type = TimerNotificationObject + Type; 00106 Timer->Header.Inserted = FALSE; 00107 Timer->Header.Size = sizeof(KTIMER) / sizeof(LONG); 00108 Timer->Header.SignalState = FALSE; 00109 00110 #if DBG 00111 00112 Timer->TimerListEntry.Flink = NULL; 00113 Timer->TimerListEntry.Blink = NULL; 00114 00115 #endif 00116 00117 InitializeListHead(&Timer->Header.WaitListHead); 00118 Timer->DueTime.QuadPart = 0; 00119 Timer->Period = 0; 00120 return; 00121 }

BOOLEAN KeInitSystem VOID   ) 

Definition at line 41 of file kiinit.c.

References FALSE, Initialized, KiChannelInitialization(), KiInitMachineDependent(), and TRUE.

00047 : 00048 00049 This function initializes executive structures implemented by the 00050 kernel. 00051 00052 N.B. This function is only called during phase 1 initialization. 00053 00054 Arguments: 00055 00056 None. 00057 00058 Return Value: 00059 00060 A value of TRUE is returned if initialization is successful. Otherwise, 00061 a value of FALSE is returned. 00062 00063 --*/ 00064 00065 { 00066 00067 BOOLEAN Initialized = TRUE; 00068 00069 // 00070 // Initialize the executive objects. 00071 // 00072 00073 #if 0 00074 00075 if ((Initialized = KiChannelInitialization()) == FALSE) { 00076 KdPrint(("Kernel: Channel initialization failed\n")); 00077 } 00078 00079 #endif 00080 00081 #if defined(i386) 00082 00083 // 00084 // Perform platform dependent initialization. 00085 // 00086 00087 Initialized = KiInitMachineDependent(); 00088 00089 #endif 00090 00091 00092 return Initialized; 00093 }


Definition at line 145 of file devquobj.c.


Referenced by IoStartPacket().

00153 : 00154 00155 This function inserts a device queue entry into the specified device 00156 queue according to a sort key. If the device is not busy, then it is 00157 set busy and the entry is not placed in the device queue. Otherwise 00158 the specified entry is placed in the device queue at a position such 00159 that the specified sort key is greater than or equal to its predecessor 00160 and less than its successor. 00161 00162 N.B. This function can only be called from DISPATCH_LEVEL. 00163 00164 Arguments: 00165 00166 DeviceQueue - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type device queue. 00167 00168 DeviceQueueEntry - Supplies a pointer to a device queue entry. 00169 00170 SortKey - Supplies the sort key by which the position to insert the device 00171 queue entry is to be determined. 00172 00173 Return Value: 00174 00175 If the device is not busy, then a value of FALSE is returned. Otherwise a 00176 value of TRUE is returned. 00177 00178 --*/ 00179 00180 { 00181 00182 BOOLEAN Inserted; 00183 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00184 PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY QueueEntry; 00185 00186 ASSERT_DEVICE_QUEUE(DeviceQueue); 00187 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00188 00189 // 00190 // Lock specified device queue. 00191 // 00192 00193 KiAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00194 00195 // 00196 // Insert the specified device queue entry in the device queue at the 00197 // position specified by the sort key if the device queue is busy. 00198 // Otherwise set the device queue busy an don't insert the device queue 00199 // entry. 00200 // 00201 00202 DeviceQueueEntry->SortKey = SortKey; 00203 if (DeviceQueue->Busy == TRUE) { 00204 Inserted = TRUE; 00205 NextEntry = DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead.Flink; 00206 while (NextEntry != &DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead) { 00207 QueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY, 00208 DeviceListEntry); 00209 if (SortKey < QueueEntry->SortKey) { 00210 break; 00211 } 00212 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00213 } 00214 NextEntry = NextEntry->Blink; 00215 InsertHeadList(NextEntry, &DeviceQueueEntry->DeviceListEntry); 00216 } else { 00217 DeviceQueue->Busy = TRUE; 00218 Inserted = FALSE; 00219 } 00220 DeviceQueueEntry->Inserted = Inserted; 00221 KiReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00222 return Inserted; 00223 }


Definition at line 83 of file devquobj.c.


Referenced by IoAllocateController(), and IoStartPacket().

00090 : 00091 00092 This function inserts a device queue entry at the tail of the specified 00093 device queue. If the device is not busy, then it is set busy and the entry 00094 is not placed in the device queue. Otherwise the specified entry is placed 00095 at the end of the device queue. 00096 00097 N.B. This function can only be called from DISPATCH_LEVEL. 00098 00099 Arguments: 00100 00101 DeviceQueue - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type device queue. 00102 00103 DeviceQueueEntry - Supplies a pointer to a device queue entry. 00104 00105 Return Value: 00106 00107 If the device is not busy, then a value of FALSE is returned. Otherwise a 00108 value of TRUE is returned. 00109 00110 --*/ 00111 00112 { 00113 00114 BOOLEAN Inserted; 00115 00116 ASSERT_DEVICE_QUEUE(DeviceQueue); 00117 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00118 00119 // 00120 // Lock specified device queue. 00121 // 00122 00123 KiAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00124 00125 // 00126 // Insert the specified device queue entry at the end of the device queue 00127 // if the device queue is busy. Otherwise set the device queue busy and 00128 // don't insert the device queue entry. 00129 // 00130 00131 if (DeviceQueue->Busy == TRUE) { 00132 Inserted = TRUE; 00133 InsertTailList(&DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead, 00134 &DeviceQueueEntry->DeviceListEntry); 00135 } else { 00136 DeviceQueue->Busy = TRUE; 00137 Inserted = FALSE; 00138 } 00139 DeviceQueueEntry->Inserted = Inserted; 00140 KiReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00141 return Inserted; 00142 }


Definition at line 181 of file queueobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_QUEUE, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiInsertQueue(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), and TRUE.

00188 : 00189 00190 This function inserts the specified entry in the queue object entry 00191 list and attempts to satisfy the wait of a single waiter. 00192 00193 N.B. The wait discipline for Queue object is LIFO. 00194 00195 Arguments: 00196 00197 Queue - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type Queue. 00198 00199 Entry - Supplies a pointer to a list entry that is inserted in the 00200 queue object entry list. 00201 00202 Return Value: 00203 00204 The previous signal state of the Queue object. 00205 00206 --*/ 00207 00208 { 00209 00210 KIRQL OldIrql; 00211 LONG OldState; 00212 00213 ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); 00214 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00215 00216 // 00217 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00218 // 00219 00220 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00221 00222 // 00223 // Insert the specified entry in the queue object entry list. 00224 // 00225 00226 OldState = KiInsertQueue(Queue, Entry, TRUE); 00227 00228 // 00229 // Unlock the dispather database, lower IRQL to the previous level, and 00230 // return signal state of Queue object. 00231 // 00232 00233 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00234 return OldState; 00235 }


Definition at line 124 of file queueobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_QUEUE, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KiInsertQueue(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by ExQueueWorkItem(), FsRtlpPostStackOverflow(), IopCompleteRequest(), and IoSetIoCompletion().

00131 : 00132 00133 This function inserts the specified entry in the queue object entry 00134 list and attempts to satisfy the wait of a single waiter. 00135 00136 N.B. The wait discipline for Queue object is LIFO. 00137 00138 Arguments: 00139 00140 Queue - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type Queue. 00141 00142 Entry - Supplies a pointer to a list entry that is inserted in the 00143 queue object entry list. 00144 00145 Return Value: 00146 00147 The previous signal state of the Queue object. 00148 00149 --*/ 00150 00151 { 00152 00153 KIRQL OldIrql; 00154 LONG OldState; 00155 00156 ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); 00157 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00158 00159 // 00160 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00161 // 00162 00163 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00164 00165 // 00166 // Insert the specified entry in the queue object entry list. 00167 // 00168 00169 OldState = KiInsertQueue(Queue, Entry, FALSE); 00170 00171 // 00172 // Unlock the dispather database, lower IRQL to the previous level, and 00173 // return signal state of Queue object. 00174 // 00175 00176 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00177 return OldState; 00178 }

IN PVOID  SystemArgument1,
IN PVOID  SystemArgument2,

Definition at line 217 of file apcobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::ApcQueueable, ASSERT, ASSERT_APC, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, Increment, KiInsertQueueApc(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by CmpPostNotify(), ExpTimerDpcRoutine(), IopCompleteRequest(), IoRaiseHardError(), IoRaiseInformationalHardError(), KeSetAutoAlignmentThread(), NtGetContextThread(), NtQueueApcThread(), NtSetContextThread(), PspExitNormalApc(), PspTerminateThreadByPointer(), and PspUserThreadStartup().

00226 : 00227 00228 This function inserts an APC object into the APC queue specifed by the 00229 thread and processor mode fields of the APC object. If the APC object 00230 is already in an APC queue or APC queuing is disabled, then no operation 00231 is performed. Otherwise the APC object is inserted in the specified queue 00232 and appropriate scheduling decisions are made. 00233 00234 Arguments: 00235 00236 Apc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type APC. 00237 00238 SystemArgument1, SystemArgument2 - Supply a set of two arguments that 00239 contain untyped data provided by the executive. 00240 00241 Increment - Supplies the priority increment that is to be applied if 00242 queuing the APC causes a thread wait to be satisfied. 00243 00244 Return Value: 00245 00246 If the APC object is already in an APC queue or APC queuing is disabled, 00247 then a value of FALSE is returned. Otherwise a value of TRUE is returned. 00248 00249 --*/ 00250 00251 { 00252 00253 BOOLEAN Inserted; 00254 KIRQL OldIrql; 00255 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00256 00257 ASSERT_APC(Apc); 00258 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00259 00260 // 00261 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00262 // 00263 00264 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00265 00266 // 00267 // If APC queuing is disabled, then set inserted to FALSE. Else save 00268 // system parameter values in APC object, and attempt to queue APC. 00269 // 00270 00271 Thread = Apc->Thread; 00272 if (Thread->ApcQueueable == FALSE) { 00273 Inserted = FALSE; 00274 00275 } else { 00276 Apc->SystemArgument1 = SystemArgument1; 00277 Apc->SystemArgument2 = SystemArgument2; 00278 Inserted = KiInsertQueueApc(Apc, Increment); 00279 } 00280 00281 // 00282 // Unlock the dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, 00283 // and return whether APC object was inserted in APC queue. 00284 // 00285 00286 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00287 return Inserted; 00288 }

IN PVOID  SystemArgument1,
IN PVOID  SystemArgument2

Definition at line 89 of file dpcobj.c.

References ASSERT_DPC, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, HIGH_LEVEL, HighImportance, Index, IPI_DPC, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeLowerIrql(), KeRaiseIrql(), KiIpiSend(), KiProcessorBlock, KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(), Lock, LowImportance, MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS, NULL, and TRUE.

Referenced by KdExitDebugger(), KeSetTimerEx(), KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment(), and KiTimerListExpire().

00097 : 00098 00099 This function inserts a DPC object into the DPC queue. If the DPC object 00100 is already in the DPC queue, then no operation is performed. Otherwise, 00101 the DPC object is inserted in the DPC queue and a dispatch interrupt is 00102 requested. 00103 00104 Arguments: 00105 00106 Dpc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type DPC. 00107 00108 SystemArgument1, SystemArgument2 - Supply a set of two arguments that 00109 contain untyped data provided by the executive. 00110 00111 Return Value: 00112 00113 If the DPC object is already in a DPC queue, then a value of FALSE is 00114 returned. Otherwise a value of TRUE is returned. 00115 00116 --*/ 00117 00118 { 00119 00120 ULONG Index; 00121 PKSPIN_LOCK Lock; 00122 KIRQL OldIrql; 00123 PKPRCB Prcb; 00124 ULONG Processor; 00125 00126 ASSERT_DPC(Dpc); 00127 00128 // 00129 // Disable interrupts. 00130 // 00131 00132 KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 00133 00134 // 00135 // Acquire the DPC queue lock for the specified target processor. 00136 // 00137 00138 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00139 00140 if (Dpc->Number >= MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS) { 00141 Processor = Dpc->Number - MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS; 00142 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[Processor]; 00143 00144 } else { 00145 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 00146 } 00147 00148 KiAcquireSpinLock(&Prcb->DpcLock); 00149 00150 #else 00151 00152 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 00153 00154 #endif 00155 00156 // 00157 // If the DPC object is not in a DPC queue, then store the system 00158 // arguments, insert the DPC object in the DPC queue, increment the 00159 // number of DPCs queued to the target processor, increment the DPC 00160 // queue depth, set the address of the DPC target DPC spinlock, and 00161 // request a dispatch interrupt if appropriate. 00162 // 00163 00164 if ((Lock = InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&Dpc->Lock, &Prcb->DpcLock, NULL)) == NULL) { 00165 Prcb->DpcCount += 1; 00166 Prcb->DpcQueueDepth += 1; 00167 Dpc->SystemArgument1 = SystemArgument1; 00168 Dpc->SystemArgument2 = SystemArgument2; 00169 00170 // 00171 // If the DPC is of high importance, then insert the DPC at the 00172 // head of the DPC queue. Otherwise, insert the DPC at the end 00173 // of the DPC queue. 00174 // 00175 00176 if (Dpc->Importance == HighImportance) { 00177 InsertHeadList(&Prcb->DpcListHead, &Dpc->DpcListEntry); 00178 00179 } else { 00180 InsertTailList(&Prcb->DpcListHead, &Dpc->DpcListEntry); 00181 } 00182 // 00183 // A memory barrier is required here to synchronize with retire DPC 00184 // list, which clears DpcRoutineActive and DpcInterruptRequested 00185 // without owning the dispatcher lock. 00186 // 00187 00188 #if defined(_ALPHA_) && !defined(NT_UP) 00189 00190 __MB(); 00191 00192 #endif 00193 00194 // 00195 // If a DPC routine is not active on the target processor, then 00196 // request a dispatch interrupt if appropriate. 00197 // 00198 00199 if ((Prcb->DpcRoutineActive == FALSE) && 00200 (Prcb->DpcInterruptRequested == FALSE)) { 00201 00202 // 00203 // Request a dispatch interrupt on the current processor if 00204 // the DPC is not of low importance, the length of the DPC 00205 // queue has exceeded the maximum threshold, or if the DPC 00206 // request rate is below the minimum threshold. 00207 // 00208 00209 #if defined(NT_UP) 00210 00211 if ((Dpc->Importance != LowImportance) || 00212 (Prcb->DpcQueueDepth >= Prcb->MaximumDpcQueueDepth) || 00213 (Prcb->DpcRequestRate < Prcb->MinimumDpcRate)) { 00214 Prcb->DpcInterruptRequested = TRUE; 00215 KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00216 } 00217 00218 // 00219 // If the DPC is being queued to another processor and the 00220 // DPC is of high importance, or the length of the other 00221 // processor's DPC queue has exceeded the maximum threshold, 00222 // then request a dispatch interrupt. 00223 // 00224 00225 #else 00226 00227 if (Prcb != KeGetCurrentPrcb()) { 00228 if (((Dpc->Importance == HighImportance) || 00229 (Prcb->DpcQueueDepth >= Prcb->MaximumDpcQueueDepth))) { 00230 Prcb->DpcInterruptRequested = TRUE; 00231 KiIpiSend((KAFFINITY)(1 << Processor), IPI_DPC); 00232 } 00233 00234 } else { 00235 00236 // 00237 // Request a dispatch interrupt on the current processor if 00238 // the DPC is not of low importance, the length of the DPC 00239 // queue has exceeded the maximum threshold, or if the DPC 00240 // request rate is below the minimum threshold. 00241 // 00242 00243 if ((Dpc->Importance != LowImportance) || 00244 (Prcb->DpcQueueDepth >= Prcb->MaximumDpcQueueDepth) || 00245 (Prcb->DpcRequestRate < Prcb->MinimumDpcRate)) { 00246 Prcb->DpcInterruptRequested = TRUE; 00247 KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00248 } 00249 } 00250 00251 #endif 00252 00253 } 00254 } 00255 00256 // 00257 // Release the DPC lock, enable interrupts, and return whether the 00258 // DPC was queued or not. 00259 // 00260 00261 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00262 00263 KiReleaseSpinLock(&Prcb->DpcLock); 00264 00265 #endif 00266 00267 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 00268 return (Lock == NULL); 00269 }

BOOLEAN FASTCALL KeInvalidAccessAllowed IN PVOID TrapInformation  OPTIONAL  ) 

Referenced by KiMemoryFault(), and MmAccessFault().

IN KPRIORITY  Increment,

Definition at line 167 of file eventobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_EVENT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Event(), FALSE, Increment, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, and _KTHREAD::WaitNext.

Referenced by ExUnlockHandleTableEntry(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiUnmapImageHeaderInHyperSpace(), MiWriteComplete(), MmLockPagableSectionByHandle(), MmUnlockPagableImageSection(), NtPulseEvent(), and xxxSwitchDesktop().

00175 : 00176 00177 This function atomically sets the signal state of an event object to 00178 Signaled, attempts to satisfy as many Waits as possible, and then resets 00179 the signal state of the event object to Not-Signaled. The previous signal 00180 state of the event object is returned as the function value. 00181 00182 Arguments: 00183 00184 Event - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 00185 00186 Increment - Supplies the priority increment that is to be applied 00187 if setting the event causes a Wait to be satisfied. 00188 00189 Wait - Supplies a boolean value that signifies whether the call to 00190 KePulseEvent will be immediately followed by a call to one of the 00191 kernel Wait functions. 00192 00193 Return Value: 00194 00195 The previous signal state of the event object. 00196 00197 --*/ 00198 00199 { 00200 00201 KIRQL OldIrql; 00202 LONG OldState; 00203 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00204 00205 ASSERT_EVENT(Event); 00206 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00207 00208 // 00209 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00210 // 00211 00212 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00213 00214 // 00215 // If the current state of the event object is Not-Signaled and 00216 // the wait queue is not empty, then set the state of the event 00217 // to Signaled, satisfy as many Waits as possible, and then reset 00218 // the state of the event to Not-Signaled. 00219 // 00220 00221 OldState = Event->Header.SignalState; 00222 if ((OldState == 0) && (IsListEmpty(&Event->Header.WaitListHead) == FALSE)) { 00223 Event->Header.SignalState = 1; 00224 KiWaitTest(Event, Increment); 00225 } 00226 00227 Event->Header.SignalState = 0; 00228 00229 // 00230 // If the value of the Wait argument is TRUE, then return to the 00231 // caller with IRQL raised and the dispatcher database locked. Else 00232 // release the dispatcher database lock and lower IRQL to the 00233 // previous value. 00234 // 00235 00236 if (Wait != FALSE) { 00237 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00238 Thread->WaitIrql = OldIrql; 00239 Thread->WaitNext = Wait; 00240 00241 } else { 00242 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00243 } 00244 00245 // 00246 // Return previous signal state of event object. 00247 // 00248 00249 return OldState; 00250 }


Definition at line 1004 of file ke/miscc.c.

References KeActiveProcessors, and PAGED_CODE.

01009 : 01010 01011 This function returns the current set of active processors 01012 in the system. 01013 01014 Arguments: 01015 01016 None. 01017 01018 Return Value: 01019 01020 KAFFINITY bitmask representing the set of active processors 01021 01022 --*/ 01023 01024 { 01025 PAGED_CODE(); 01026 01027 return(KeActiveProcessors); 01028 } }

BOOLEAN KeQueryAutoAlignmentThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 869 of file thredobj.c.


00875 : 00876 00877 This function returns the data alignment handling mode for the specified 00878 thread. 00879 00880 Arguments: 00881 00882 None. 00883 00884 Return Value: 00885 00886 A value of TRUE is returned if data alignment exceptions are being 00887 automatically handled by the kernel. Otherwise, a value of FALSE 00888 is returned. 00889 00890 --*/ 00891 00892 { 00893 00894 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00895 00896 // 00897 // Return the data alignment handling mode for the thread. 00898 // 00899 00900 return Thread->AutoAlignment; 00901 }

LONG KeQueryBasePriorityThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 904 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, _KPROCESS::BasePriority, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Increment, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by NtQueryInformationThread().

00910 : 00911 00912 This function returns the base priority increment of the specified 00913 thread. 00914 00915 Arguments: 00916 00917 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00918 00919 Return Value: 00920 00921 The base priority increment of the specified thread. 00922 00923 --*/ 00924 00925 { 00926 00927 LONG Increment; 00928 KIRQL OldIrql; 00929 PKPROCESS Process; 00930 00931 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00932 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00933 00934 // 00935 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00936 // 00937 00938 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00939 00940 // 00941 // If priority saturation occured the last time the thread base priority 00942 // was set, then return the saturation increment value. Otherwise, compute 00943 // the increment value as the difference between the thread base priority 00944 // and the process base priority. 00945 // 00946 00947 Process = Thread->ApcStatePointer[0]->Process; 00948 Increment = Thread->BasePriority - Process->BasePriority; 00949 if (Thread->Saturation != 0) { 00950 Increment = ((HIGH_PRIORITY + 1) / 2) * Thread->Saturation; 00951 } 00952 00953 // 00954 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00955 // value. 00956 // 00957 00958 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00959 00960 // 00961 // Return the previous thread base priority increment. 00962 // 00963 00964 return Increment; 00965 }


Definition at line 122 of file ke/miscc.c.

Referenced by ExGetNextWakeTime(), and KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment().

00128 : 00129 00130 This function returns the current interrupt time by determining when the 00131 time is stable and then returning its value. 00132 00133 Arguments: 00134 00135 CurrentTime - Supplies a pointer to a variable that will receive the 00136 current system time. 00137 00138 Return Value: 00139 00140 None. 00141 00142 --*/ 00143 00144 { 00145 00146 LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; 00147 00148 KiQueryInterruptTime(&CurrentTime); 00149 return CurrentTime.QuadPart; 00150 }

ULONG KeQueryIntervalProfile IN KPROFILE_SOURCE  Source  ) 

Definition at line 163 of file profobj.c.

References HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INFORMATION, HalProfileSourceInformation, HalQuerySystemInformation, _HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INFORMATION::Interval, KiProfileAlignmentFixupInterval, KiProfileInterval, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), _HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INFORMATION::Source, Status, and _HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INFORMATION::Supported.

Referenced by NtQueryIntervalProfile().

00169 : 00170 00171 This function returns the profile sample interval the system is 00172 currently using. 00173 00174 Arguments: 00175 00176 ProfileSource - Supplies the profile source to be queried. 00177 00178 Return Value: 00179 00180 Sample interval in units of 100ns. 00181 00182 --*/ 00183 00184 { 00185 00186 HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INFORMATION ProfileSourceInfo; 00187 ULONG ReturnedLength; 00188 NTSTATUS Status; 00189 00190 if (ProfileSource == ProfileTime) { 00191 00192 // 00193 // Return the current sampling interval in 100ns units. 00194 // 00195 00196 return KiProfileInterval; 00197 00198 } else if (ProfileSource == ProfileAlignmentFixup) { 00199 return KiProfileAlignmentFixupInterval; 00200 00201 } else { 00202 00203 // 00204 // The HAL is responsible for tracking this profile interval. 00205 // 00206 00207 ProfileSourceInfo.Source = ProfileSource; 00208 Status = HalQuerySystemInformation(HalProfileSourceInformation, 00209 sizeof(HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INFORMATION), 00210 &ProfileSourceInfo, 00211 &ReturnedLength); 00212 00213 if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && ProfileSourceInfo.Supported) { 00214 return ProfileSourceInfo.Interval; 00215 00216 } else { 00217 return 0; 00218 } 00219 } 00220 }


Definition at line 968 of file thredobj.c.

00974 : 00975 00976 This function returns the current priority of the specified thread. 00977 00978 Arguments: 00979 00980 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00981 00982 Return Value: 00983 00984 The current priority of the specified thread. 00985 00986 --*/ 00987 00988 { 00989 return Thread->Priority; 00990 }


Definition at line 242 of file cmwraper.c.

Referenced by CheckAppStarting(), CmDeleteValueKey(), CmpCreateLinkNode(), CmpCreateRootNode(), CmpDoCreateChild(), CmpSetSecurityDescriptorInfo(), CmSetValueKey(), DbgkExitProcess(), EhCreateChild(), ExDebugLogEvent(), ExGetNextWakeTime(), ExpAllocateUuids(), ExpRaiseHardError(), ExpUuidInitialization(), FsRtlAddToTunnelCache(), FsRtlPruneTunnelCache(), HvpWriteLog(), IoepFireWMIEvent(), IopAssign(), IopInitializeBuiltinDriver(), IopLoadDriver(), IovpCallDriver1(), IoWriteErrorLogEntry(), LfsInitializeLogFile(), LfsInitializeLogFileService(), LfsRestartLogFile(), MiDoReplacement(), MiInitializeSpecialPoolCriteria(), MiRearrangeWorkingSetExpansionList(), MiRememberUnloadedDriver(), MiSessionOutSwapProcess(), MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace(), MmWorkingSetManager(), NtCreateSymbolicLinkObject(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), NtTerminateProcess(), PspCreateProcess(), PspCreateThread(), PspExitThread(), and ViInjectResourceFailure().

00245 { 00246 NtQuerySystemTime(SystemTime); 00247 }

NTKERNELAPI ULONG KeQueryTimeIncrement VOID   ) 

Definition at line 211 of file ke/miscc.c.

References KeMaximumIncrement.

Referenced by CcInitializeCacheManager().

00217 : 00218 00219 This function returns the time increment value in 100ns units. This 00220 is the value that is added to the system time at each interval clock 00221 interrupt. 00222 00223 Arguments: 00224 00225 None. 00226 00227 Return Value: 00228 00229 The time increment value is returned as the function value. 00230 00231 --*/ 00232 00233 { 00234 00235 return KeMaximumIncrement; 00236 }

ULONGLONG KeQueryTimerDueTime IN PKTIMER  Timer  ) 

Definition at line 410 of file timerobj.c.

References ASSERT_TIMER, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by ExGetNextWakeTime().

00416 : 00417 00418 This function returns the InterruptTime at which the timer is 00419 pending. 0 is returned if the timer is not pending. 00420 00421 N.B. This function may only be called by the system sleep code. 00422 00423 Arguments: 00424 00425 Timer - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type timer. 00426 00427 Return Value: 00428 00429 Returns the amount of time remaining on the timer, or 0 if the 00430 timer is not pending. 00431 00432 --*/ 00433 00434 { 00435 00436 KIRQL OldIrql; 00437 LARGE_INTEGER InterruptTime; 00438 ULONGLONG DueTime; 00439 00440 ASSERT_TIMER(Timer); 00441 00442 // 00443 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00444 // 00445 00446 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00447 00448 // 00449 // If the timer is currently pending, compute its due time 00450 // 00451 00452 DueTime = 0; 00453 if (Timer->Header.Inserted) { 00454 DueTime = Timer->DueTime.QuadPart; 00455 } 00456 00457 // 00458 // Unlock the dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00459 // value, and return the due time 00460 // 00461 00462 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00463 return DueTime; 00464 }

NTSTATUS KeRaiseUserException IN NTSTATUS  ExceptionCode  ) 

Definition at line 1024 of file alpha/exceptn.c.

References ASSERT, KeGetCurrentThread, KeRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher, and UserMode.

Referenced by NtClose(), and NtSetEvent().

01030 : 01031 01032 This function causes an exception to be raised in the calling thread's user-mode 01033 context. It does this by editing the trap frame the kernel was entered with to 01034 point to trampoline code that raises the requested exception. 01035 01036 Arguments: 01037 01038 ExceptionCode - Supplies the status value to be used as the exception 01039 code for the exception that is to be raised. 01040 01041 Return Value: 01042 01043 The status value that should be returned by the caller. 01044 01045 --*/ 01046 01047 { 01048 01049 PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame; 01050 01051 ASSERT(KeGetPreviousMode() == UserMode); 01052 01053 TrapFrame = KeGetCurrentThread()->TrapFrame; 01054 01055 TrapFrame->Fir = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)KeRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher; 01056 return(ExceptionCode); 01057 }


Definition at line 253 of file eventobj.c.

References ASSERT_EVENT, and Event().

Referenced by IopCancelAlertedRequest(), IopConnectLinkTrackingPort(), IopSendMessageToTrackService(), NtQueryEvent(), and PspAddProcessToJob().

00259 : 00260 00261 This function reads the current signal state of an event object. 00262 00263 Arguments: 00264 00265 Event - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 00266 00267 Return Value: 00268 00269 The current signal state of the event object. 00270 00271 --*/ 00272 00273 { 00274 00275 ASSERT_EVENT(Event); 00276 00277 // 00278 // Return current signal state of event object. 00279 // 00280 00281 return Event->Header.SignalState; 00282 }

LONG KeReadStateMutant IN  PRKMUTANT  ) 

Definition at line 146 of file mutntobj.c.


Referenced by NtQueryMutant().

00152 : 00153 00154 This function reads the current signal state of a mutant object. 00155 00156 Arguments: 00157 00158 Mutant - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type mutant. 00159 00160 Return Value: 00161 00162 The current signal state of the mutant object. 00163 00164 --*/ 00165 00166 { 00167 00168 ASSERT_MUTANT(Mutant); 00169 00170 // 00171 // Return current signal state of mutant object. 00172 // 00173 00174 return Mutant->Header.SignalState; 00175 }

LONG KeReadStateProcess IN PRKPROCESS  Process  ) 

Definition at line 624 of file procobj.c.


Referenced by NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetInformationProcess(), and PsLockProcess().

00630 : 00631 00632 This function reads the current signal state of a process object. 00633 00634 Arguments: 00635 00636 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00637 00638 Return Value: 00639 00640 The current signal state of the process object. 00641 00642 --*/ 00643 00644 { 00645 00646 ASSERT_PROCESS(Process); 00647 00648 // 00649 // Return current signal state of process object. 00650 // 00651 00652 return Process->Header.SignalState; 00653 }


Definition at line 92 of file queueobj.c.

References ASSERT_QUEUE.

Referenced by ExpDetectWorkerThreadDeadlock(), and NtQueryIoCompletion().

00098 : 00099 00100 This function reads the current signal state of a Queue object. 00101 00102 Arguments: 00103 00104 Queue - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type Queue. 00105 00106 Return Value: 00107 00108 The current signal state of the Queue object. 00109 00110 --*/ 00111 00112 { 00113 00114 ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); 00115 00116 // 00117 // Return current signal state of Queue object. 00118 // 00119 00120 return Queue->Header.SignalState; 00121 }

NTKERNELAPI LONG KeReadStateSemaphore IN PRKSEMAPHORE  Semaphore  ) 

Definition at line 85 of file semphobj.c.


Referenced by IoRaiseInformationalHardError(), LpcpDestroyPortQueue(), LpcRequestWaitReplyPort(), NtQuerySemaphore(), NtReplyWaitReplyPort(), NtRequestWaitReplyPort(), and NtSecureConnectPort().

00091 : 00092 00093 This function reads the current signal state of a semaphore object. 00094 00095 Arguments: 00096 00097 Semaphore - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type 00098 semaphore. 00099 00100 Return Value: 00101 00102 The current signal state of the semaphore object. 00103 00104 --*/ 00105 00106 { 00107 00108 ASSERT_SEMAPHORE( Semaphore ); 00109 00110 // 00111 // Return current signal state of semaphore object. 00112 // 00113 00114 return Semaphore->Header.SignalState; 00115 }

BOOLEAN KeReadStateThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 993 of file thredobj.c.


Referenced by NtQueryInformationThread().

00999 : 01000 01001 This function reads the current signal state of a thread object. 01002 01003 Arguments: 01004 01005 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01006 01007 Return Value: 01008 01009 The current signal state of the thread object. 01010 01011 --*/ 01012 01013 { 01014 01015 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01016 01017 // 01018 // Return current signal state of thread object. 01019 // 01020 01021 return (BOOLEAN)Thread->Header.SignalState; 01022 }


VOID KeReadyThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 1025 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiReadyThread(), and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by PspCreateThread().

01031 : 01032 01033 This function readies a thread for execution. If the thread's process 01034 is currently not in the balance set, then the thread is inserted in the 01035 thread's process' ready queue. Else if the thread is higher priority than 01036 another thread that is currently running on a processor then the thread 01037 is selected for execution on that processor. Else the thread is inserted 01038 in the dispatcher ready queue selected by its priority. 01039 01040 Arguments: 01041 01042 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01043 01044 Return Value: 01045 01046 None. 01047 01048 --*/ 01049 01050 { 01051 01052 KIRQL OldIrql; 01053 01054 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01055 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01056 01057 // 01058 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01059 // 01060 01061 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01062 01063 // 01064 // Ready the specified thread for execution. 01065 // 01066 01067 KiReadyThread(Thread); 01068 01069 // 01070 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 01071 // value. 01072 // 01073 01074 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01075 return; 01076 }

IN PVOID  Buffer,
IN ULONG  Length,
IN PUCHAR  Component

Definition at line 1123 of file bugcheck.c.

References Buffer, BufferEmpty, BufferInserted, FALSE, HIGH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckCallbackListHead, KeBugCheckCallbackLock, KeLowerIrql(), KeRaiseIrql(), PKBUGCHECK_CALLBACK_ROUTINE, and TRUE.

01133 : 01134 01135 This function registers a bug check callback record. If the system 01136 crashes, then the specified function will be called during bug check 01137 processing so it may dump additional state in the specified bug check 01138 buffer. 01139 01140 N.B. Bug check callback routines are called in reverse order of 01141 registration, i.e., in LIFO order. 01142 01143 Arguments: 01144 01145 CallbackRecord - Supplies a pointer to a callback record. 01146 01147 CallbackRoutine - Supplies a pointer to the callback routine. 01148 01149 Buffer - Supplies a pointer to the bug check buffer. 01150 01151 Length - Supplies the length of the bug check buffer in bytes. 01152 01153 Component - Supplies a pointer to a zero terminated component 01154 identifier. 01155 01156 Return Value: 01157 01158 If the specified bug check callback record is successfully registered, 01159 then a value of TRUE is returned. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. 01160 01161 --*/ 01162 01163 { 01164 01165 BOOLEAN Inserted; 01166 KIRQL OldIrql; 01167 01168 // 01169 // Raise IRQL to HIGH_LEVEL and acquire the bug check callback list 01170 // spinlock. 01171 // 01172 01173 KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 01174 KiAcquireSpinLock(&KeBugCheckCallbackLock); 01175 01176 // 01177 // If the specified callback record is currently not registered, then 01178 // register the callback record. 01179 // 01180 01181 Inserted = FALSE; 01182 if (CallbackRecord->State == BufferEmpty) { 01183 CallbackRecord->CallbackRoutine = CallbackRoutine; 01184 CallbackRecord->Buffer = Buffer; 01185 CallbackRecord->Length = Length; 01186 CallbackRecord->Component = Component; 01187 CallbackRecord->Checksum = 01188 ((ULONG_PTR)CallbackRoutine + (ULONG_PTR)Buffer + Length + (ULONG_PTR)Component); 01189 01190 CallbackRecord->State = BufferInserted; 01191 InsertHeadList(&KeBugCheckCallbackListHead, &CallbackRecord->Entry); 01192 Inserted = TRUE; 01193 } 01194 01195 // 01196 // Release the bug check callback spinlock, lower IRQL to its previous 01197 // value, and return whether the callback record was successfully 01198 // registered. 01199 // 01200 01201 KiReleaseSpinLock(&KeBugCheckCallbackLock); 01202 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 01203 return Inserted; 01204 }

IN KPRIORITY  Increment,
IN BOOLEAN  Abandoned,

Definition at line 178 of file mutntobj.c.

References APC_LEVEL, _KAPC_STATE::ApcListHead, _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, ASSERT_MUTANT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, Increment, KeGetCurrentThread, _KTHREAD::KernelApcDisable, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KernelMode, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), NULL, TRUE, _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, and _KTHREAD::WaitNext.

Referenced by ExpDeleteMutant(), KeReleaseMutex(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MiLookupPsLoadedModule(), MmAddVerifierThunks(), MmGetVerifierInformation(), MmSetVerifierInformation(), MmUnloadSystemImage(), NtDuplicateObject(), NtQueryInformationProcess(), NtReleaseMutant(), NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject(), ObFindHandleForObject(), ObInitProcess(), and ObKillProcess().

00187 : 00188 00189 This function releases a mutant object by incrementing the mutant 00190 count. If the resultant value is one, then an attempt is made to 00191 satisfy as many Waits as possible. The previous signal state of 00192 the mutant is returned as the function value. If the Abandoned 00193 parameter is TRUE, then the mutant object is released by settings 00194 the signal state to one. 00195 00196 Arguments: 00197 00198 Mutant - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type mutant. 00199 00200 Increment - Supplies the priority increment that is to be applied 00201 if setting the event causes a Wait to be satisfied. 00202 00203 Abandoned - Supplies a boolean value that signifies whether the 00204 mutant object is being abandoned. 00205 00206 Wait - Supplies a boolean value that signifies whether the call to 00207 KeReleaseMutant will be immediately followed by a call to one 00208 of the kernel Wait functions. 00209 00210 Return Value: 00211 00212 The previous signal state of the mutant object. 00213 00214 --*/ 00215 00216 { 00217 00218 KIRQL OldIrql; 00219 LONG OldState; 00220 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00221 00222 00223 ASSERT_MUTANT(Mutant); 00224 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00225 00226 // 00227 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00228 // 00229 00230 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00231 00232 // 00233 // Capture the current signal state of the mutant object. 00234 // 00235 00236 OldState = Mutant->Header.SignalState; 00237 00238 // 00239 // If the Abandoned parameter is TRUE, then force the release of the 00240 // mutant object by setting its ownership count to one and setting its 00241 // abandoned state to TRUE. Otherwise increment mutant ownership count. 00242 // If the result count is one, then remove the mutant object from the 00243 // thread's owned mutant list, set the owner thread to NULL, and attempt 00244 // to satisfy a Wait for the mutant object if the mutant object wait 00245 // list is not empty. 00246 // 00247 00248 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00249 if (Abandoned != FALSE) { 00250 Mutant->Header.SignalState = 1; 00251 Mutant->Abandoned = TRUE; 00252 00253 } else { 00254 00255 // 00256 // If the Mutant object is not owned by the current thread, then 00257 // unlock the dispatcher data base and raise an exception. Otherwise 00258 // increment the ownership count. 00259 // 00260 00261 if (Mutant->OwnerThread != Thread) { 00262 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00263 ExRaiseStatus(Mutant->Abandoned ? 00264 STATUS_ABANDONED : STATUS_MUTANT_NOT_OWNED); 00265 } 00266 00267 Mutant->Header.SignalState += 1; 00268 } 00269 00270 if (Mutant->Header.SignalState == 1) { 00271 if (OldState <= 0) { 00272 RemoveEntryList(&Mutant->MutantListEntry); 00273 Thread->KernelApcDisable += Mutant->ApcDisable; 00274 if ((Thread->KernelApcDisable == 0) && 00275 (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]) == FALSE)) { 00276 Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = TRUE; 00277 KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(APC_LEVEL); 00278 } 00279 } 00280 00281 Mutant->OwnerThread = (PKTHREAD)NULL; 00282 if (IsListEmpty(&Mutant->Header.WaitListHead) == FALSE) { 00283 KiWaitTest(Mutant, Increment); 00284 } 00285 } 00286 00287 // 00288 // If the value of the Wait argument is TRUE, then return to 00289 // caller with IRQL raised and the dispatcher database locked. 00290 // Else release the dispatcher database lock and lower IRQL to 00291 // its previous value. 00292 // 00293 00294 if (Wait != FALSE) { 00295 Thread->WaitNext = Wait; 00296 Thread->WaitIrql = OldIrql; 00297 00298 } else { 00299 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00300 } 00301 00302 // 00303 // Return previous signal state of mutant object. 00304 // 00305 00306 return OldState; 00307 }


IN KPRIORITY  Increment,
IN LONG  Adjustment,

Definition at line 118 of file semphobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_SEMAPHORE, DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, Increment, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, and _KTHREAD::WaitNext.

Referenced by ExAllocatePool(), ExConvertExclusiveToSharedLite(), ExFreePool(), ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite(), ExReleaseResourceLite(), FsRtlDeregisterUncProvider(), FsRtlRegisterUncProvider(), IopAllocateBootResources(), IopAllocateResources(), IopHardwareProfileCancelRemovedDock(), IopHardwareProfileCancelTransition(), IopHardwareProfileCommitRemovedDock(), IopHardwareProfileCommitStartedDock(), IopLegacyResourceAllocation(), IopQueryConflictList(), IopReallocateResources(), IopRebalance(), IoRaiseInformationalHardError(), LpcpDestroyPortQueue(), LpcRequestPort(), LpcRequestWaitReplyPort(), MiChargeCommitmentCantExpand(), MiCheckForControlAreaDeletion(), MiContractPagingFiles(), MiIssuePageExtendRequest(), MiIssuePageExtendRequestNoWait(), NtAcceptConnectPort(), NtCompleteConnectPort(), NtReleaseSemaphore(), NtReplyPort(), NtReplyWaitReceivePort(), NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx(), NtReplyWaitReplyPort(), NtRequestPort(), NtRequestWaitReplyPort(), NtSecureConnectPort(), NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject(), Reader(), ReaderTurnedWriter(), SmbTraceCompleteRdr(), SmbTraceCompleteSrv(), and Writer().

00127 : 00128 00129 This function releases a semaphore by adding the specified adjustment 00130 value to the current semaphore count and attempts to satisfy as many 00131 Waits as possible. The previous signal state of the semaphore object 00132 is returned as the function value. 00133 00134 Arguments: 00135 00136 Semaphore - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type 00137 semaphore. 00138 00139 Increment - Supplies the priority increment that is to be applied 00140 if releasing the semaphore causes a Wait to be satisfied. 00141 00142 Adjustment - Supplies value that is to be added to the current 00143 semaphore count. 00144 00145 Wait - Supplies a boolean value that signifies whether the call to 00146 KeReleaseSemaphore will be immediately followed by a call to one 00147 of the kernel Wait functions. 00148 00149 Return Value: 00150 00151 The previous signal state of the semaphore object. 00152 00153 --*/ 00154 00155 { 00156 00157 LONG NewState; 00158 KIRQL OldIrql; 00159 LONG OldState; 00160 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00161 00162 ASSERT_SEMAPHORE( Semaphore ); 00163 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00164 00165 // 00166 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00167 // 00168 00169 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00170 00171 // 00172 // Capture the current signal state of the semaphore object and 00173 // compute the new count value. 00174 // 00175 00176 OldState = Semaphore->Header.SignalState; 00177 NewState = OldState + Adjustment; 00178 00179 // 00180 // If the new state value is greater than the limit or a carry occurs, 00181 // then unlock the dispatcher database, and raise an exception. 00182 // 00183 00184 if ((NewState > Semaphore->Limit) || (NewState < OldState)) { 00185 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00186 ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_SEMAPHORE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); 00187 } 00188 00189 // 00190 // Set the new signal state of the semaphore object and set the wait 00191 // next value. If the previous signal state was Not-Signaled (i.e. 00192 // the count was zero), and the wait queue is not empty, then attempt 00193 // to satisfy as many Waits as possible. 00194 // 00195 00196 Semaphore->Header.SignalState = NewState; 00197 if ((OldState == 0) && (IsListEmpty(&Semaphore->Header.WaitListHead) == FALSE)) { 00198 KiWaitTest(Semaphore, Increment); 00199 } 00200 00201 // 00202 // If the value of the Wait argument is TRUE, then return to the 00203 // caller with IRQL raised and the dispatcher database locked. Else 00204 // release the dispatcher database lock and lower IRQL to its 00205 // previous value. 00206 // 00207 00208 if (Wait != FALSE) { 00209 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00210 Thread->WaitNext = Wait; 00211 Thread->WaitIrql = OldIrql; 00212 00213 } else { 00214 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00215 } 00216 00217 // 00218 // Return previous signal state of sempahore object. 00219 // 00220 00221 return OldState; 00222 } }


NTKERNELAPI VOID KeReleaseSpinLockFromDpcLevel IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock  ) 


Definition at line 294 of file devquobj.c.


Referenced by IoStartNextPacketByKey().

00301 : 00302 00303 This function removes an entry from the specified device 00304 queue. If the device queue is empty, then the device is set Not-Busy 00305 and a NULL pointer is returned. Otherwise the an entry is removed 00306 from the device queue and the address of device queue entry 00307 is returned. The queue is search for the first entry which has a value 00308 greater than or equal to the SortKey. If no such entry is found then the 00309 first entry of the queue is returned. 00310 00311 N.B. This function can only be called from DISPATCH_LEVEL. 00312 00313 Arguments: 00314 00315 DeviceQueue - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type device queue. 00316 00317 SortKey - Supplies the sort key by which the position to remove the device 00318 queue entry is to be determined. 00319 00320 Return Value: 00321 00322 A NULL pointer is returned if the device queue is empty. Otherwise a 00323 pointer to a device queue entry is returned. 00324 00325 --*/ 00326 00327 { 00328 00329 PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY DeviceQueueEntry; 00330 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00331 00332 ASSERT_DEVICE_QUEUE(DeviceQueue); 00333 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00334 00335 // 00336 // Lock specified device queue. 00337 // 00338 00339 KiAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00340 00341 ASSERT(DeviceQueue->Busy == TRUE); 00342 00343 // 00344 // If the device queue is not empty, then remove the first entry from 00345 // the queue. Otherwise set the device queue not busy. 00346 // 00347 00348 if (IsListEmpty(&DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead) == TRUE) { 00349 DeviceQueue->Busy = FALSE; 00350 DeviceQueueEntry = (PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY)NULL; 00351 } else { 00352 NextEntry = DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead.Flink; 00353 while (NextEntry != &DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead) { 00354 DeviceQueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY, 00355 DeviceListEntry); 00356 if (SortKey <= DeviceQueueEntry->SortKey) { 00357 break; 00358 } 00359 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00360 } 00361 00362 if (NextEntry != &DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead) { 00363 RemoveEntryList(&DeviceQueueEntry->DeviceListEntry); 00364 00365 } else { 00366 NextEntry = RemoveHeadList(&DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead); 00367 DeviceQueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY, 00368 DeviceListEntry); 00369 } 00370 00371 DeviceQueueEntry->Inserted = FALSE; 00372 } 00373 00374 // 00375 // Release device queue spin lock and return address of device queue 00376 // entry. 00377 // 00378 00379 KiReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00380 return DeviceQueueEntry; 00381 }


Definition at line 226 of file devquobj.c.


Referenced by IoFreeController(), and IoStartNextPacket().

00232 : 00233 00234 This function removes an entry from the head of the specified device 00235 queue. If the device queue is empty, then the device is set Not-Busy 00236 and a NULL pointer is returned. Otherwise the next entry is removed 00237 from the head of the device queue and the address of device queue entry 00238 is returned. 00239 00240 N.B. This function can only be called from DISPATCH_LEVEL. 00241 00242 Arguments: 00243 00244 DeviceQueue - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type device queue. 00245 00246 Return Value: 00247 00248 A NULL pointer is returned if the device queue is empty. Otherwise a 00249 pointer to a device queue entry is returned. 00250 00251 --*/ 00252 00253 { 00254 00255 PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY DeviceQueueEntry; 00256 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00257 00258 ASSERT_DEVICE_QUEUE(DeviceQueue); 00259 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00260 00261 // 00262 // Lock specified device queue. 00263 // 00264 00265 KiAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00266 00267 ASSERT(DeviceQueue->Busy == TRUE); 00268 00269 // 00270 // If the device queue is not empty, then remove the first entry from 00271 // the queue. Otherwise set the device queue not busy. 00272 // 00273 00274 if (IsListEmpty(&DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead) == TRUE) { 00275 DeviceQueue->Busy = FALSE; 00276 DeviceQueueEntry = (PKDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY)NULL; 00277 } else { 00278 NextEntry = RemoveHeadList(&DeviceQueue->DeviceListHead); 00279 DeviceQueueEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KDEVICE_QUEUE_ENTRY, 00280 DeviceListEntry); 00281 DeviceQueueEntry->Inserted = FALSE; 00282 } 00283 00284 // 00285 // Release device queue spin lock and return address of device queue 00286 // entry. 00287 // 00288 00289 KiReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock); 00290 return DeviceQueueEntry; 00291 }


Definition at line 384 of file devquobj.c.


00391 : 00392 00393 This function removes a specified entry from the the specified device 00394 queue. If the device queue entry is not in the device queue, then no 00395 operation is performed. Otherwise the specified device queue entry is 00396 removed from the device queue and its inserted status is set to FALSE. 00397 00398 Arguments: 00399 00400 DeviceQueue - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type device queue. 00401 00402 DeviceQueueEntry - Supplies a pointer to a device queue entry which is to 00403 be removed from its device queue. 00404 00405 Return Value: 00406 00407 A value of TRUE is returned if the device queue entry is removed from its 00408 device queue. Otherwise a value of FALSE is returned. 00409 00410 --*/ 00411 00412 { 00413 00414 KIRQL OldIrql; 00415 BOOLEAN Removed; 00416 00417 ASSERT_DEVICE_QUEUE(DeviceQueue); 00418 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00419 00420 // 00421 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock specified device queue. 00422 // 00423 00424 ExAcquireSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock, &OldIrql); 00425 00426 // 00427 // If the device queue entry is not in a device queue, then no operation 00428 // is performed. Otherwise remove the specified device queue entry from its 00429 // device queue. 00430 // 00431 00432 Removed = DeviceQueueEntry->Inserted; 00433 if (Removed == TRUE) { 00434 DeviceQueueEntry->Inserted = FALSE; 00435 RemoveEntryList(&DeviceQueueEntry->DeviceListEntry); 00436 } 00437 00438 // 00439 // Unlock specified device queue, lower IRQL to its previous level, and 00440 // return whether the device queue entry was removed from its queue. 00441 // 00442 00443 ExReleaseSpinLock(&DeviceQueue->Lock, OldIrql); 00444 return Removed; 00445 } }


Definition at line 238 of file queueobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::Alertable, APC_LEVEL, _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, ASSERT_QUEUE, DISPATCH_LEVEL, _KTIMER::DueTime, ExWorkerQueue, FALSE, _KTIMER::Header, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KernelMode, KiActivateWaiterQueue(), KiComputeWaitInterval(), KiInsertTreeTimer(), KiInsertWaitList, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSwapThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), _KWAIT_BLOCK::NextWaitBlock, NTSTATUS(), NULL, _KWAIT_BLOCK::Object, _KTHREAD::Queue, _KTHREAD::QueueListEntry, _KTHREAD::State, _KWAIT_BLOCK::Thread, _KTHREAD::Timer, TRUE, _KAPC_STATE::UserApcPending, _KTHREAD::WaitBlock, _KTHREAD::WaitBlockList, Waiting, _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitKey, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitListEntry, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead, _KTHREAD::WaitMode, _KTHREAD::WaitNext, _KTHREAD::WaitReason, _KTHREAD::WaitStatus, _KTHREAD::WaitTime, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitType, and WrQueue.

Referenced by ExpWorkerThread(), FsRtlWorkerThread(), and NtRemoveIoCompletion().

00246 : 00247 00248 This function removes the next entry from the Queue object entry 00249 list. If no list entry is available, then the calling thread is 00250 put in a wait state. 00251 00252 N.B. The wait discipline for Queue object LIFO. 00253 00254 Arguments: 00255 00256 Queue - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type Queue. 00257 00258 WaitMode - Supplies the processor mode in which the wait is to occur. 00259 00260 Timeout - Supplies a pointer to an optional absolute of relative time over 00261 which the wait is to occur. 00262 00263 Return Value: 00264 00265 The address of the entry removed from the Queue object entry list or 00266 STATUS_TIMEOUT. 00267 00268 N.B. These values can easily be distinguished by the fact that all 00269 addresses in kernel mode have the high order bit set. 00270 00271 --*/ 00272 00273 { 00274 00275 LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; 00276 PLIST_ENTRY Entry; 00277 PRKTHREAD NextThread; 00278 LARGE_INTEGER NewTime; 00279 KIRQL OldIrql; 00280 PRKQUEUE OldQueue; 00281 PLARGE_INTEGER OriginalTime; 00282 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00283 PRKTIMER Timer; 00284 PRKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; 00285 LONG_PTR WaitStatus; 00286 00287 ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); 00288 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00289 00290 // 00291 // If the dispatcher database lock is not already held, then set the wait 00292 // IRQL and lock the dispatcher database. Else set boolean wait variable 00293 // to FALSE. 00294 // 00295 00296 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00297 if (Thread->WaitNext) { 00298 Thread->WaitNext = FALSE; 00299 00300 } else { 00301 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00302 Thread->WaitIrql = OldIrql; 00303 } 00304 00305 // 00306 // Check if the thread is currently processing a queue entry and whether 00307 // the new queue is the same as the old queue. 00308 // 00309 00310 OldQueue = Thread->Queue; 00311 Thread->Queue = Queue; 00312 if (Queue != OldQueue) { 00313 00314 // 00315 // If the thread was previously associated with a queue, then remove 00316 // the thread from the old queue object thread list and attempt to 00317 // activate another thread. 00318 // 00319 00320 Entry = &Thread->QueueListEntry; 00321 if (OldQueue != NULL) { 00322 RemoveEntryList(Entry); 00323 KiActivateWaiterQueue(OldQueue); 00324 } 00325 00326 // 00327 // Insert thread in the thread list of the new queue that the thread 00328 // will be associate with. 00329 // 00330 00331 InsertTailList(&Queue->ThreadListHead, Entry); 00332 00333 } else { 00334 00335 // 00336 // The previous and current queue are the same queue - decrement the 00337 // current number of threads. 00338 // 00339 00340 Queue->CurrentCount -= 1; 00341 } 00342 00343 // 00344 // 00345 // Start of wait loop. 00346 // 00347 // 00348 // Note this loop is repeated if a kernel APC is delivered in the 00349 // middle of the wait or a kernel APC is pending on the first attempt 00350 // through the loop. 00351 // 00352 // If the Queue object entry list is not empty, then remove the next 00353 // entry from the Queue object entry list. Otherwise, wait for an entry 00354 // to be inserted in the queue. 00355 // 00356 00357 OriginalTime = Timeout; 00358 do { 00359 00360 // 00361 // Check if there is a queue entry available and the current 00362 // number of active threads is less than target maximum number 00363 // of threads. 00364 // 00365 00366 Entry = Queue->EntryListHead.Flink; 00367 if ((Entry != &Queue->EntryListHead) && 00368 (Queue->CurrentCount < Queue->MaximumCount)) { 00369 00370 // 00371 // Decrement the number of entires in the Queue object entry list, 00372 // increment the number of active threads, remove the next entry 00373 // rom the list, and set the forward link to NULL. 00374 // 00375 00376 Queue->Header.SignalState -= 1; 00377 Queue->CurrentCount += 1; 00378 if ((Entry->Flink == NULL) || (Entry->Blink == NULL)) { 00379 KeBugCheckEx(INVALID_WORK_QUEUE_ITEM, 00380 (ULONG_PTR)Entry, 00381 (ULONG_PTR)Queue, 00382 (ULONG_PTR)&ExWorkerQueue[0], 00383 (ULONG_PTR)((PWORK_QUEUE_ITEM)Entry)->WorkerRoutine); 00384 } 00385 00386 RemoveEntryList(Entry); 00387 Entry->Flink = NULL; 00388 break; 00389 00390 } else { 00391 00392 // 00393 // Set address of wait block list in thread object. 00394 // 00395 00396 Thread->WaitBlockList = &Thread->WaitBlock[0]; 00397 00398 // 00399 // Test to determine if a kernel APC is pending. 00400 // 00401 // If a kernel APC is pending and the previous IRQL was less than 00402 // APC_LEVEL, then a kernel APC was queued by another processor 00403 // just after IRQL was raised to DISPATCH_LEVEL, but before the 00404 // dispatcher database was locked. 00405 // 00406 // N.B. that this can only happen in a multiprocessor system. 00407 // 00408 00409 if (Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending && (Thread->WaitIrql < APC_LEVEL)) { 00410 00411 // 00412 // Increment the current thread count, unlock the dispatcher 00413 // database, and lower IRQL to previous value. An APC interrupt 00414 // will immediately occur which will result in the delivery of 00415 // the kernel APC if possible. 00416 // 00417 00418 Queue->CurrentCount += 1; 00419 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00420 00421 } else { 00422 00423 // 00424 // Test if a user APC is pending. 00425 // 00426 00427 if ((WaitMode != KernelMode) && (Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending)) { 00428 Entry = (PLIST_ENTRY)ULongToPtr(STATUS_USER_APC); 00429 Queue->CurrentCount += 1; 00430 break; 00431 } 00432 00433 // 00434 // Construct a wait block and check to determine if the wait 00435 // is already satisfied. If the wait is satisfied, then perform 00436 // wait completion and return. Else put current thread in a 00437 // wait state if an explicit timeout value of zero is not 00438 // specified. 00439 // 00440 00441 Thread->WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)0; 00442 WaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[0]; 00443 WaitBlock->Object = (PVOID)Queue; 00444 WaitBlock->WaitKey = (CSHORT)(STATUS_SUCCESS); 00445 WaitBlock->WaitType = WaitAny; 00446 WaitBlock->Thread = Thread; 00447 00448 // 00449 // Check to determine if a timeout value is specified. 00450 // 00451 00452 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Timeout)) { 00453 00454 // 00455 // If the timeout value is zero, then return immediately 00456 // without waiting. 00457 // 00458 00459 if (!(Timeout->LowPart | Timeout->HighPart)) { 00460 Entry = (PLIST_ENTRY)ULongToPtr(STATUS_TIMEOUT); 00461 Queue->CurrentCount += 1; 00462 break; 00463 } 00464 00465 // 00466 // Initialize a wait block for the thread specific timer, 00467 // insert wait block in timer wait list, insert the timer 00468 // in the timer tree. 00469 // 00470 00471 Timer = &Thread->Timer; 00472 WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[1]; 00473 WaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[1]; 00474 WaitBlock->Object = (PVOID)Timer; 00475 WaitBlock->WaitKey = (CSHORT)(STATUS_TIMEOUT); 00476 WaitBlock->WaitType = WaitAny; 00477 WaitBlock->Thread = Thread; 00478 Timer->Header.WaitListHead.Flink = &WaitBlock->WaitListEntry; 00479 Timer->Header.WaitListHead.Blink = &WaitBlock->WaitListEntry; 00480 WaitBlock->WaitListEntry.Flink = &Timer->Header.WaitListHead; 00481 WaitBlock->WaitListEntry.Blink = &Timer->Header.WaitListHead; 00482 if (KiInsertTreeTimer(Timer, *Timeout) == FALSE) { 00483 Entry = (PLIST_ENTRY)ULongToPtr(STATUS_TIMEOUT); 00484 Queue->CurrentCount += 1; 00485 break; 00486 } 00487 00488 DueTime.QuadPart = Timer->DueTime.QuadPart; 00489 } 00490 00491 // 00492 // Close up the circular list of wait control blocks. 00493 // 00494 00495 WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[0]; 00496 00497 // 00498 // Insert wait block in object wait list. 00499 // 00500 00501 WaitBlock = &Thread->WaitBlock[0]; 00502 InsertTailList(&Queue->Header.WaitListHead, &WaitBlock->WaitListEntry); 00503 00504 // 00505 // Set the thread wait parameters, set the thread dispatcher 00506 // state to Waiting, and insert the thread in the wait list. 00507 // 00508 00509 Thread->Alertable = FALSE; 00510 Thread->WaitMode = WaitMode; 00511 Thread->WaitReason = WrQueue; 00512 Thread->WaitTime = KiQueryLowTickCount(); 00513 Thread->State = Waiting; 00514 KiInsertWaitList(WaitMode, Thread); 00515 00516 // 00517 // Switch context to selected thread. 00518 // 00519 // Control is returned at the original IRQL. 00520 // 00521 00522 ASSERT(Thread->WaitIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00523 00524 WaitStatus = KiSwapThread(); 00525 00526 // 00527 // If the thread was not awakened to deliver a kernel mode APC, 00528 // then return wait status. 00529 // 00530 00531 Thread->WaitReason = 0; 00532 if (WaitStatus != STATUS_KERNEL_APC) { 00533 return (PLIST_ENTRY)WaitStatus; 00534 } 00535 00536 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Timeout)) { 00537 00538 // 00539 // Reduce the amount of time remaining before timeout occurs. 00540 // 00541 00542 Timeout = KiComputeWaitInterval(OriginalTime, 00543 &DueTime, 00544 &NewTime); 00545 } 00546 } 00547 00548 // 00549 // Raise IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL, lock the dispatcher database, 00550 // and decrement the count of active threads. 00551 // 00552 00553 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00554 Thread->WaitIrql = OldIrql; 00555 Queue->CurrentCount -= 1; 00556 } 00557 00558 } while (TRUE); 00559 00560 // 00561 // Unlock the dispatcher database and return the list entry address or a 00562 // status of timeout. 00563 // 00564 00565 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00566 return Entry; 00567 }

BOOLEAN KeRemoveQueueApc IN PKAPC  Apc  ) 

Definition at line 291 of file apcobj.c.

References _KAPC_STATE::ApcListHead, _KTHREAD::ApcQueueLock, _KTHREAD::ApcStatePointer, ASSERT, ASSERT_APC, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KernelMode, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), PKAPC_STATE, and _KAPC_STATE::UserApcPending.

Referenced by CmNotifyRunDown(), ExTimerRundown(), NtCancelTimer(), and NtSetTimer().

00297 : 00298 00299 This function removes an APC object from an APC queue. If the APC object 00300 is not in an APC queue, then no operation is performed. Otherwise the 00301 APC object is removed from its current queue and its inserted state is 00302 set FALSE. 00303 00304 Arguments: 00305 00306 Apc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type APC. 00307 00308 Return Value: 00309 00310 If the APC object is not in an APC queue, then a value of FALSE is returned. 00311 Otherwise a value of TRUE is returned. 00312 00313 --*/ 00314 00315 { 00316 00317 PKAPC_STATE ApcState; 00318 BOOLEAN Inserted; 00319 KIRQL OldIrql; 00320 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00321 00322 ASSERT_APC(Apc); 00323 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00324 00325 // 00326 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock dispatcher database, and 00327 // lock the APC queue. 00328 // 00329 00330 Thread = Apc->Thread; 00331 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00332 KiAcquireSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00333 00334 // 00335 // If the APC object is in an APC queue, then remove it from the queue 00336 // and set its inserted state to FALSE. If the queue becomes empty, set 00337 // the APC pending state to FALSE. 00338 // 00339 00340 Inserted = Apc->Inserted; 00341 if (Inserted != FALSE) { 00342 Apc->Inserted = FALSE; 00343 ApcState = Thread->ApcStatePointer[Apc->ApcStateIndex]; 00344 RemoveEntryList(&Apc->ApcListEntry); 00345 if (IsListEmpty(&ApcState->ApcListHead[Apc->ApcMode]) != FALSE) { 00346 if (Apc->ApcMode == KernelMode) { 00347 ApcState->KernelApcPending = FALSE; 00348 00349 } else { 00350 ApcState->UserApcPending = FALSE; 00351 } 00352 } 00353 } 00354 00355 // 00356 // Unlock the APC queue, unlock the dispatcher database, lower IRQL to 00357 // its previous value, and return whether an APC object was removed from 00358 // the APC queue. 00359 // 00360 00361 KiReleaseSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 00362 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00363 return Inserted; 00364 } }


Definition at line 272 of file dpcobj.c.

References ASSERT_DPC, Lock, and NULL.

Referenced by ExTimerRundown(), KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment(), NtCancelTimer(), and NtSetTimer().

00278 : 00279 00280 This function removes a DPC object from the DPC queue. If the DPC object 00281 is not in the DPC queue, then no operation is performed. Otherwise, the 00282 DPC object is removed from the DPC queue and its inserted state is set 00283 FALSE. 00284 00285 Arguments: 00286 00287 Dpc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type DPC. 00288 00289 Return Value: 00290 00291 If the DPC object is not in the DPC queue, then a value of FALSE is 00292 returned. Otherwise a value of TRUE is returned. 00293 00294 --*/ 00295 00296 { 00297 00298 PKSPIN_LOCK Lock; 00299 PKPRCB Prcb; 00300 00301 ASSERT_DPC(Dpc); 00302 00303 // 00304 // If the DPC object is in the DPC queue, then remove it from the queue 00305 // and set its inserted state to FALSE. 00306 // 00307 00308 _disable(); 00309 Lock = Dpc->Lock; 00310 if (Lock != NULL) { 00311 00312 // 00313 // Acquire the DPC lock of the target processor. 00314 // 00315 00316 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00317 00318 KiAcquireSpinLock(Lock); 00319 00320 #endif 00321 00322 // 00323 // If the specified DPC is still in the DPC queue, then remove 00324 // it. 00325 // 00326 // N.B. It is possible for specified DPC to be removed from the 00327 // specified DPC queue before the DPC lock is obtained. 00328 // 00329 // 00330 00331 if (Lock == Dpc->Lock) { 00332 Prcb = CONTAINING_RECORD(Lock, KPRCB, DpcLock); 00333 Prcb->DpcQueueDepth -= 1; 00334 RemoveEntryList(&Dpc->DpcListEntry); 00335 00336 #if defined(_ALPHA_) && !defined(NT_UP) 00337 00338 __MB(); 00339 00340 #endif 00341 00342 Dpc->Lock = NULL; 00343 } 00344 00345 // 00346 // Release the DPC lock of the target processor. 00347 // 00348 00349 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00350 00351 KiReleaseSpinLock(Lock); 00352 00353 #endif 00354 00355 } 00356 00357 // 00358 // Enable interrupts and return whether the DPC was removed from a DPC 00359 // queue. 00360 // 00361 00362 _enable(); 00363 return (Lock != NULL); 00364 }


Definition at line 285 of file eventobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_EVENT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Event(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by IopSendMessageToTrackService(), NtReplyWaitReceivePort(), NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx(), NtResetEvent(), SmbTraceStart(), SmbTraceThreadEntry(), SmbTraceToClient(), and xHalIoSetPartitionInformation().

00291 : 00292 00293 This function resets the signal state of an event object to 00294 Not-Signaled. The previous state of the event object is returned 00295 as the function value. 00296 00297 Arguments: 00298 00299 Event - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 00300 00301 Return Value: 00302 00303 The previous signal state of the event object. 00304 00305 --*/ 00306 00307 { 00308 00309 KIRQL OldIrql; 00310 LONG OldState; 00311 00312 ASSERT_EVENT(Event); 00313 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00314 00315 // 00316 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00317 // 00318 00319 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00320 00321 // 00322 // Capture the current signal state of event object and then reset 00323 // the state of the event object to Not-Signaled. 00324 // 00325 00326 OldState = Event->Header.SignalState; 00327 Event->Header.SignalState = 0; 00328 00329 // 00330 // Unlock the dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00331 // value. 00332 00333 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00334 00335 // 00336 // Return previous signal state of event object. 00337 // 00338 00339 return OldState; 00340 }

ULONG KeResumeThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread  ) 

Definition at line 1079 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), and RESUME_INCREMENT.

Referenced by NtResumeThread(), and PspCreateThread().

01085 : 01086 01087 This function resumes the execution of a suspended thread. If the 01088 specified thread is not suspended, then no operation is performed. 01089 01090 Arguments: 01091 01092 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01093 01094 Return Value: 01095 01096 The previous suspend count. 01097 01098 --*/ 01099 01100 { 01101 01102 ULONG OldCount; 01103 KIRQL OldIrql; 01104 01105 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01106 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01107 01108 // 01109 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01110 // 01111 01112 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01113 01114 // 01115 // Capture the current suspend count. 01116 // 01117 01118 OldCount = Thread->SuspendCount; 01119 01120 // 01121 // If the thread is currently suspended, then decrement its suspend count. 01122 // 01123 01124 if (OldCount != 0) { 01125 Thread->SuspendCount -= 1; 01126 01127 // 01128 // If the resultant suspend count is zero and the freeze count is 01129 // zero, then resume the thread by releasing its suspend semaphore. 01130 // 01131 01132 if ((Thread->SuspendCount == 0) && (Thread->FreezeCount == 0)) { 01133 Thread->SuspendSemaphore.Header.SignalState += 1; 01134 KiWaitTest(&Thread->SuspendSemaphore, RESUME_INCREMENT); 01135 } 01136 } 01137 01138 // 01139 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 01140 // value. 01141 // 01142 01143 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01144 01145 // 01146 // Return the previous suspend count. 01147 // 01148 01149 return OldCount; 01150 }

VOID KeReturnToFirmware IN FIRMWARE_REENTRY  Routine  ) 

Definition at line 499 of file ke/debug.c.

References FIRMWARE_REENTRY, and HalReturnToFirmware().

Referenced by IoWriteCrashDump().

00505 : 00506 00507 This routine will thaw all other processors in an MP environment to cause 00508 them to return to do a return to firmware with the supplied parameter. 00509 00510 It will then call HalReturnToFirmware itself. 00511 00512 N.B. It is assumed that we are in the environment of the kernel debugger 00513 or a crash dump. 00514 00515 00516 Arguments: 00517 00518 Routine - What to invoke on return to firmware. 00519 00520 Return Value: 00521 00522 None. 00523 00524 --*/ 00525 00526 { 00527 00528 // 00529 // Just get the interface in now. When intel and kenr come up with the 00530 // right stuff we can fill this in. 00531 // 00532 00533 HalReturnToFirmware(Routine); 00534 00535 }

VOID KeRevertToUserAffinityThread VOID   ) 

Definition at line 1153 of file thredobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::Affinity, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSelectNextThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, Standby, _KTHREAD::State, _KTHREAD::SystemAffinityActive, and _KTHREAD::UserAffinity.

Referenced by CmpConfigureProcessors(), CmpInitializeMachineDependentConfiguration(), Ke386CallBios(), KeConnectInterrupt(), KeDisconnectInterrupt(), KeSetSystemTime(), KeSetup80387OrEmulate(), and KiInitMachineDependent().

01159 : 01160 01161 This function setss the affinity of the current thread to its user 01162 affinity. 01163 01164 Arguments: 01165 01166 None. 01167 01168 Return Value: 01169 01170 None. 01171 01172 --*/ 01173 01174 { 01175 01176 PRKTHREAD CurrentThread; 01177 PRKTHREAD NextThread; 01178 KIRQL OldIrql; 01179 PKPRCB Prcb; 01180 01181 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01182 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentThread()->SystemAffinityActive != FALSE); 01183 01184 // 01185 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01186 // 01187 01188 CurrentThread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 01189 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01190 01191 // 01192 // Set the current affinity to the user affinity. 01193 // 01194 // If the current processor is not in the new affinity set and another 01195 // thread has not already been selected for execution on the current 01196 // processor, then select a new thread for the current processor. 01197 // 01198 01199 CurrentThread->Affinity = CurrentThread->UserAffinity; 01200 CurrentThread->SystemAffinityActive = FALSE; 01201 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 01202 if (((Prcb->SetMember & CurrentThread->Affinity) == 0) && 01203 (Prcb->NextThread == NULL)) { 01204 NextThread = KiSelectNextThread(CurrentThread); 01205 NextThread->State = Standby; 01206 Prcb->NextThread = NextThread; 01207 } 01208 01209 // 01210 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous value. 01211 // 01212 01213 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01214 return; 01215 }

PLIST_ENTRY KeRundownQueue IN PRKQUEUE  Queue  ) 

Definition at line 570 of file queueobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_QUEUE, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, and _KTHREAD::Queue.

Referenced by IopDeleteIoCompletion().

00576 : 00577 00578 This function runs down the specified queue by removing the listhead 00579 from the queue list, removing any associated threads from the thread 00580 list, and returning the address of the first entry. 00581 00582 00583 Arguments: 00584 00585 Queue - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type Queue. 00586 00587 Return Value: 00588 00589 If the queue list is not empty, then the address of the first entry in 00590 the queue is returned as the function value. Otherwise, a value of NULL 00591 is returned. 00592 00593 --*/ 00594 00595 { 00596 00597 PLIST_ENTRY Entry; 00598 PLIST_ENTRY FirstEntry; 00599 KIRQL OldIrql; 00600 PKTHREAD Thread; 00601 00602 ASSERT_QUEUE(Queue); 00603 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00604 00605 // 00606 // Raise IRQL to dispatch level and lock the dispatcher database. 00607 // 00608 00609 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00610 00611 // 00612 // Get the address of the first entry in the queue and check if the 00613 // list is empty or contains entries that should be flushed. If there 00614 // are no entries in the list, then set the return value to NULL. 00615 // Otherwise, set the return value to the address of the first list 00616 // entry and remove the listhead from the list. 00617 // 00618 00619 FirstEntry = Queue->EntryListHead.Flink; 00620 if (FirstEntry == &Queue->EntryListHead) { 00621 FirstEntry = NULL; 00622 00623 } else { 00624 RemoveEntryList(&Queue->EntryListHead); 00625 } 00626 00627 // 00628 // Remove all associated threads from the thread list of the queue. 00629 // 00630 00631 while (Queue->ThreadListHead.Flink != &Queue->ThreadListHead) { 00632 Entry = Queue->ThreadListHead.Flink; 00633 Thread = CONTAINING_RECORD(Entry, KTHREAD, QueueListEntry); 00634 Thread->Queue = NULL; 00635 RemoveEntryList(Entry); 00636 } 00637 00638 // 00639 // Unlock the dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous level, 00640 // and return the function value. 00641 // 00642 00643 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00644 return FirstEntry; 00645 }

VOID KeRundownThread VOID   ) 

VOID __cdecl KeSaveStateForHibernate IN PKPROCESSOR_STATE  ProcessorState  ) 

Definition at line 542 of file ke/i386/misc.c.

00547 : 00548 00549 Saves all processor-specific state that must be preserved 00550 across an S4 state (hibernation). 00551 00552 N.B. #pragma surrounding this function is required in order 00553 to create the frame pointer than RtlCaptureContext relies 00554 on. 00555 N.B. _CRTAPI1 (__cdecl) decoration is also required so that 00556 RtlCaptureContext can compute the correct ESP. 00557 00558 Arguments: 00559 00560 ProcessorState - Supplies the KPROCESSOR_STATE where the 00561 current CPU's state is to be saved. 00562 00563 Return Value: 00564 00565 None. 00566 00567 --*/ 00568 00569 { 00570 RtlCaptureContext(&ProcessorState->ContextFrame); 00571 KiSaveProcessorControlState(ProcessorState); 00572 } #pragma optimize( "y", off ) // disable frame pointer omission (FPO)

KAFFINITY KeSetAffinityThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread,

Definition at line 1302 of file thredobj.c.

References _KPROCESS::Affinity, ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, ClearMember, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, INVALID_AFFINITY_SET, KeBugCheck(), KiDispatcherReadyListHead, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiProcessorBlock, KiReadySummary, KiReadyThread(), KiRequestDispatchInterrupt, KiSelectNextThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, Ready, Running, Standby, and _KTHREAD::State.

Referenced by NtSetInformationProcess(), NtSetInformationThread(), and PspApplyJobLimitsToProcess().

01309 : 01310 01311 This function sets the affinity of a specified thread to a new 01312 value. If the new affinity is not a proper subset of the parent 01313 process affinity, or is null, then an error condition is raised. 01314 If the specified thread is running on, or about to run on, a 01315 processor for which it is no longer able to run, then the target 01316 processor is rescheduled. If the specified thread is in a ready 01317 state and is not in the parent process ready queue, then it is 01318 rereadied to reevaluate any additional processors it may run on. 01319 01320 Arguments: 01321 01322 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01323 01324 Affinity - Supplies the new of set of processors on which the thread 01325 can run. 01326 01327 Return Value: 01328 01329 The previous affinity of the specified thread. 01330 01331 --*/ 01332 01333 { 01334 01335 KAFFINITY OldAffinity; 01336 KIRQL OldIrql; 01337 PKPRCB Prcb; 01338 PKPROCESS Process; 01339 ULONG Processor; 01340 KPRIORITY ThreadPriority; 01341 PRKTHREAD Thread1; 01342 01343 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01344 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01345 01346 // 01347 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01348 // 01349 01350 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01351 01352 // 01353 // Capture the current affinity of the specified thread and get address 01354 // of parent process object; 01355 // 01356 01357 OldAffinity = Thread->UserAffinity; 01358 Process = Thread->ApcStatePointer[0]->Process; 01359 01360 // 01361 // If new affinity is not a proper subset of the parent process affinity, 01362 // or the new affinity is null, then bugcheck. 01363 // 01364 01365 if (((Affinity & Process->Affinity) != (Affinity)) || (!Affinity)) { 01366 KeBugCheck(INVALID_AFFINITY_SET); 01367 } 01368 01369 // 01370 // Set the thread user affinity to the specified value. 01371 // 01372 // If the thread is not current executing with system affinity active, 01373 // then set the thread current affinity and switch on the thread state. 01374 // 01375 01376 Thread->UserAffinity = Affinity; 01377 if (Thread->SystemAffinityActive == FALSE) { 01378 Thread->Affinity = Affinity; 01379 switch (Thread->State) { 01380 01381 // 01382 // Ready State. 01383 // 01384 // If the thread is not in the process ready queue, then remove 01385 // it from its current dispatcher ready queue and reready it for 01386 // execution. 01387 // 01388 01389 case Ready: 01390 if (Thread->ProcessReadyQueue == FALSE) { 01391 RemoveEntryList(&Thread->WaitListEntry); 01392 ThreadPriority = Thread->Priority; 01393 if (IsListEmpty(&KiDispatcherReadyListHead[ThreadPriority]) != FALSE) { 01394 ClearMember(ThreadPriority, KiReadySummary); 01395 } 01396 01397 KiReadyThread(Thread); 01398 } 01399 01400 break; 01401 01402 // 01403 // Standby State. 01404 // 01405 // If the target processor is not in the new affinity set, then 01406 // set the next thread to null for the target processor, select 01407 // a new thread to run on the target processor, and reready the 01408 // thread for execution. 01409 // 01410 01411 case Standby: 01412 Processor = Thread->NextProcessor; 01413 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[Processor]; 01414 if ((Prcb->SetMember & Affinity) == 0) { 01415 Prcb->NextThread = NULL; 01416 Thread1 = KiSelectNextThread(Thread); 01417 Thread1->State = Standby; 01418 Prcb->NextThread = Thread1; 01419 KiReadyThread(Thread); 01420 } 01421 01422 break; 01423 01424 // 01425 // Running State. 01426 // 01427 // If the target processor is not in the new affinity set and 01428 // another thread has not already been selected for execution 01429 // on the target processor, then select a new thread for the 01430 // target processor, and cause the target processor to be 01431 // redispatched. 01432 // 01433 01434 case Running: 01435 Processor = Thread->NextProcessor; 01436 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[Processor]; 01437 if (((Prcb->SetMember & Affinity) == 0) && 01438 (Prcb->NextThread == NULL)) { 01439 Thread1 = KiSelectNextThread(Thread); 01440 Thread1->State = Standby; 01441 Prcb->NextThread = Thread1; 01442 KiRequestDispatchInterrupt(Processor); 01443 } 01444 01445 break; 01446 01447 // 01448 // Initialized, Terminated, Waiting, Transition case - For these 01449 // states it is sufficient to just set the new thread affinity. 01450 // 01451 01452 default: 01453 break; 01454 } 01455 } 01456 01457 // 01458 // Unlock dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and 01459 // return the previous user affinity. 01460 // 01461 01462 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01463 return OldAffinity; 01464 }

BOOLEAN KeSetAutoAlignmentProcess IN PRKPROCESS  Process,

Definition at line 224 of file ia64/thredini.c.

00231 : 00232 00233 This function sets the data alignment handling mode for the specified 00234 process and returns the previous data alignment handling mode. 00235 00236 Arguments: 00237 00238 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00239 00240 Enable - Supplies a boolean value that determines the handling of data 00241 alignment exceptions for the process. A value of TRUE causes all 00242 data alignment exceptions to be automatically handled by the kernel. 00243 A value of FALSE causes all data alignment exceptions to be actually 00244 raised as exceptions. 00245 00246 Return Value: 00247 00248 A value of TRUE is returned if data alignment exceptions were 00249 previously automatically handled by the kernel. Otherwise, a value 00250 of FALSE is returned. 00251 00252 --*/ 00253 00254 { 00255 00256 KIRQL OldIrql; 00257 BOOLEAN Previous; 00258 00259 ASSERT_PROCESS(Process); 00260 00261 // 00262 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00263 // 00264 00265 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00266 00267 // 00268 // Capture the previous data alignment handling mode and set the 00269 // specified data alignment mode. 00270 // 00271 00272 Previous = Process->AutoAlignment; 00273 Process->AutoAlignment = Enable; 00274 00275 // 00276 // Unlock dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and 00277 // return the previous data alignment mode. 00278 // 00279 00280 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00281 return Previous; 00282 }

BOOLEAN KeSetAutoAlignmentThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread,

Definition at line 269 of file alpha/thredini.c.

References ASSERT_THREAD, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by NtSetInformationThread().

00276 : 00277 00278 This function sets the data alignment handling mode for the specified 00279 thread and returns the previous data alignment handling mode. 00280 00281 Arguments: 00282 00283 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00284 00285 Enable - Supplies a boolean value that determines the handling of data 00286 alignment exceptions for the thread. A value of TRUE causes all 00287 data alignment exceptions to be automatically handled by the kernel. 00288 A value of FALSE causes all data alignment exceptions to be actually 00289 raised as exceptions. 00290 00291 Return Value: 00292 00293 A value of TRUE is returned if data alignment exceptions were 00294 previously automatically handled by the kernel. Otherwise, a value 00295 of FALSE is returned. 00296 00297 --*/ 00298 00299 { 00300 00301 KIRQL OldIrql; 00302 BOOLEAN Previous; 00303 00304 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 00305 00306 // 00307 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00308 // 00309 00310 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00311 00312 // 00313 // Capture the previous data alignment handling mode and set the 00314 // specified data alignment mode. 00315 // 00316 00317 Previous = Thread->AutoAlignment; 00318 Thread->AutoAlignment = Enable; 00319 00320 // 00321 // Unlock dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and 00322 // return the previous data alignment mode. 00323 // 00324 00325 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00326 return Previous; 00327 } }

IN LONG  Increment

Definition at line 1532 of file thredobj.c.

References abs, ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, _KPROCESS::BasePriority, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, Increment, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSetPriorityThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), and _KPROCESS::ThreadQuantum.

Referenced by ExpCreateWorkerThread(), ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager(), and NtSetInformationThread().

01539 : 01540 01541 This function sets the base priority of the specified thread to a 01542 new value. The new base priority for the thread is the process base 01543 priority plus the increment. 01544 01545 Arguments: 01546 01547 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01548 01549 Increment - Supplies the base priority increment of the subject thread. 01550 01551 N.B. If the absolute value of the increment is such that saturation 01552 of the base priority is forced, then subsequent changes to the 01553 parent process base priority will not change the base priority 01554 of the thread. 01555 01556 Return Value: 01557 01558 The previous base priority increment of the specified thread. 01559 01560 --*/ 01561 01562 { 01563 01564 KPRIORITY NewBase; 01565 KPRIORITY NewPriority; 01566 KPRIORITY OldBase; 01567 LONG OldIncrement; 01568 KIRQL OldIrql; 01569 PKPROCESS Process; 01570 01571 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01572 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01573 01574 // 01575 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01576 // 01577 01578 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01579 01580 // 01581 // Capture the base priority of the specified thread and determine 01582 // whether saturation if being forced. 01583 // 01584 01585 Process = Thread->ApcStatePointer[0]->Process; 01586 OldBase = Thread->BasePriority; 01587 OldIncrement = OldBase - Process->BasePriority; 01588 if (Thread->Saturation != 0) { 01589 OldIncrement = ((HIGH_PRIORITY + 1) / 2) * Thread->Saturation; 01590 } 01591 01592 Thread->Saturation = FALSE; 01593 if (abs(Increment) >= (HIGH_PRIORITY + 1) / 2) { 01594 Thread->Saturation = (Increment > 0) ? 1 : -1; 01595 } 01596 01597 // 01598 // Set the base priority of the specified thread. If the thread's process 01599 // is in the realtime class, then limit the change to the realtime class. 01600 // Otherwise, limit the change to the variable class. 01601 // 01602 01603 NewBase = Process->BasePriority + Increment; 01604 if (Process->BasePriority >= LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 01605 if (NewBase < LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 01606 NewBase = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY; 01607 01608 } else if (NewBase > HIGH_PRIORITY) { 01609 NewBase = HIGH_PRIORITY; 01610 } 01611 01612 // 01613 // Set the new priority of the thread to the new base priority. 01614 // 01615 01616 NewPriority = NewBase; 01617 01618 } else { 01619 if (NewBase >= LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 01620 NewBase = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY - 1; 01621 01622 } else if (NewBase <= LOW_PRIORITY) { 01623 NewBase = 1; 01624 } 01625 01626 // 01627 // Compute the new thread priority. If the new priority is outside 01628 // the variable class, then set the new priority to the highest 01629 // variable priority. 01630 // 01631 01632 if (Thread->Saturation != 0) { 01633 NewPriority = NewBase; 01634 01635 } else { 01636 NewPriority = Thread->Priority + 01637 (NewBase - OldBase) - Thread->PriorityDecrement; 01638 01639 if (NewPriority >= LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 01640 NewPriority = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY - 1; 01641 } 01642 } 01643 } 01644 01645 // 01646 // Set the new base priority and clear the priority decrement. If the 01647 // new priority is not equal to the old priority, then set the new thread 01648 // priority. 01649 // 01650 01651 Thread->BasePriority = (SCHAR)NewBase; 01652 Thread->DecrementCount = 0; 01653 Thread->PriorityDecrement = 0; 01654 if (NewPriority != Thread->Priority) { 01655 Thread->Quantum = Process->ThreadQuantum; 01656 KiSetPriorityThread(Thread, NewPriority); 01657 } 01658 01659 // 01660 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 01661 // value. 01662 // 01663 01664 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01665 01666 // 01667 // Return the previous thread base priority. 01668 // 01669 01670 return OldIncrement; 01671 }

LOGICAL KeSetDisableBoostThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread,

Definition at line 1674 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, and KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase().

Referenced by NtSetInformationProcess(), and NtSetInformationThread().

01681 : 01682 01683 This function disables priority boosts for the specified thread. 01684 01685 Arguments: 01686 01687 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01688 01689 Disable - Supplies a logical value that determines whether priority 01690 boosts for the thread are disabled or enabled. 01691 01692 Return Value: 01693 01694 The previous value of the disable boost state variable. 01695 01696 --*/ 01697 01698 { 01699 01700 LOGICAL DisableBoost; 01701 KIRQL OldIrql; 01702 01703 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01704 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01705 01706 // 01707 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01708 // 01709 01710 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01711 01712 // 01713 // Capture the current state of the disable boost variable and set its 01714 // state to TRUE. 01715 // 01716 01717 DisableBoost = Thread->DisableBoost; 01718 Thread->DisableBoost = (BOOLEAN)Disable; 01719 01720 // 01721 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 01722 // value. 01723 // 01724 01725 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01726 01727 // 01728 // Return the previous disable boost state. 01729 // 01730 01731 return DisableBoost; 01732 }

LOGICAL KeSetDisableQuantumProcess IN PKPROCESS  Process,

Definition at line 907 of file procobj.c.


Referenced by PspApplyJobLimitsToProcess().

00914 : 00915 00916 This function disables quantum runout for realtime threads in the 00917 specified process. 00918 00919 Arguments: 00920 00921 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00922 00923 Disable - Supplies a logical value that determines whether quantum 00924 runout for realtime threads in the specified process are disabled 00925 or enabled. 00926 00927 Return Value: 00928 00929 The previous value of the disable quantum state variable. 00930 00931 --*/ 00932 00933 { 00934 00935 LOGICAL DisableQuantum; 00936 00937 ASSERT_PROCESS(Process); 00938 00939 // 00940 // Capture the current state of the disable boost variable and set its 00941 // state to TRUE. 00942 // 00943 00944 DisableQuantum = Process->DisableQuantum; 00945 Process->DisableQuantum = (BOOLEAN)Disable; 00946 00947 // 00948 // Return the previous disable quantum state. 00949 // 00950 00951 return DisableQuantum; 00952 }

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeSetDmaIoCoherency IN ULONG  Attributes  ) 

Definition at line 239 of file ke/miscc.c.

References KiDmaIoCoherency.

00245 : 00246 00247 This function sets (enables/disables) DMA I/O coherency with data 00248 caches. 00249 00250 Arguments: 00251 00252 Attributes - Supplies the set of DMA I/O coherency attributes for 00253 the host system. 00254 00255 Return Value: 00256 00257 None. 00258 00259 --*/ 00260 00261 { 00262 00263 KiDmaIoCoherency = Attributes; 00264 }

IN KPRIORITY  Increment,

Definition at line 343 of file eventobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_EVENT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Event(), FALSE, Increment, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSetEventCallData, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiUnwaitThread(), KiWaitTest(), NTSTATUS(), RECORD_CALL_DATA, _KWAIT_BLOCK::Thread, _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitKey, _KTHREAD::WaitNext, and _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitType.

Referenced by CancelPowerRequest(), CcDeleteSharedCacheMap(), CcFreeVirtualAddress(), CcGetVacbMiss(), CcInitializeCacheMap(), CcPostDeferredWrites(), CcUninitializeCacheMap(), CcWorkerThread(), CmNotifyRunDown(), CmpPostApc(), CmpPostApcRunDown(), CmpPostNotify(), DestroyDesktop(), DestroyTask(), DeviceCDROMNotify(), ExNotifyCallback(), ExpGetProcessInformation(), ExQueueWorkItem(), FreeDeviceInfo(), FreeWindowStation(), FsRecLoadFileSystem(), FsRtlCompletionRoutinePriv(), IoAcquireRemoveLockEx(), IopAcquireFileObjectLock(), IopCompleteRequest(), IopConnectLinkTrackingPort(), IopDeleteLockedDeviceNode(), IopDeviceActionWorker(), IopInvalidateRelationsInList(), IopLoadUnloadDriver(), IopLockDeviceRemovalRelations(), IopLockMountedDeviceForRemove(), IopMountVolume(), IopProcessStartDevices(), IopProcessStartDevicesWorker(), IopQueryRebalanceWorker(), IopSendMessageToTrackService(), IopTrackLink(), IopUnlockDeviceRemovalRelations(), IopUnlockMountedDeviceForRemove(), IopWarmEjectDevice(), IopXxxControlFile(), IoReleaseRemoveLockEx(), IoVerifyVolume(), KdpTimeSlipWork(), KeBalanceSetManager(), KiSetServerWaitClientEvent(), LfsFlushLfcb(), LpcpExtendPortZone(), LpcpFreeToPortZone(), LpcRequestPort(), LpcRequestWaitReplyPort(), MemPrint(), MemPrintFlush(), MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiCheckAndSetSystemTrimCriteria(), MiCheckControlArea(), MiCrashDumpWorker(), MiDereferenceSegmentThread(), MiDispatchFault(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSets(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSetsWorker(), MiFlushAllPages(), MiGatherMappedPages(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiInsertPageFileInList(), MiInsertPageInList(), MiInsertStandbyListAtFront(), MiModifiedPageWriterTimerDispatch(), MiObtainFreePages(), MiSegmentDelete(), MiUpdateModifiedWriterMdls(), MiWriteComplete(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmCopyVirtualMemory(), MmCreateSection(), MmResourcesAvailable(), MmShutdownSystem(), MmWorkingSetManager(), NtLockFile(), NtReadFile(), NtRequestPort(), NtRequestWaitReplyPort(), NtSecureConnectPort(), NtSetEvent(), NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject(), NtWriteFile(), ProcessDeviceChanges(), PsEnforceExecutionTimeLimits(), PsLockProcess(), PspGetSetContextApc(), PspGetSetContextSpecialApc(), PspGetSetContextSpecialApcMain(), PsUnlockProcess(), QueueMouseEvent(), QueuePowerRequest(), RawInputThread(), RequestDeviceChange(), RtlAcquireRemoveLockEx(), RtlReleaseRemoveLock(), SetWakeBit(), SmbTraceCompleteRdr(), SmbTraceCompleteSrv(), SmbTraceEmptyQueue(), SmbTraceStop(), SmbTraceThreadEntry(), UdfMultiSyncCompletionRoutine(), UdfPnpCompletionRoutine(), UdfSingleSyncCompletionRoutine(), UserPowerStateCallout(), VdmpQueueIntNormalRoutine(), VerifierSetEvent(), WakeWowTask(), xxxButtonEvent(), xxxCreateDesktop(), xxxDesktopThread(), xxxGetInputEvent(), xxxSleepTask(), and xxxUserPowerCalloutWorker().

00351 : 00352 00353 This function sets the signal state of an event object to Signaled 00354 and attempts to satisfy as many Waits as possible. The previous 00355 signal state of the event object is returned as the function value. 00356 00357 Arguments: 00358 00359 Event - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 00360 00361 Increment - Supplies the priority increment that is to be applied 00362 if setting the event causes a Wait to be satisfied. 00363 00364 Wait - Supplies a boolean value that signifies whether the call to 00365 KePulseEvent will be immediately followed by a call to one of the 00366 kernel Wait functions. 00367 00368 Return Value: 00369 00370 The previous signal state of the event object. 00371 00372 --*/ 00373 00374 { 00375 00376 KIRQL OldIrql; 00377 LONG OldState; 00378 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00379 PRKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; 00380 00381 ASSERT_EVENT(Event); 00382 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00383 00384 // 00385 // Collect call data. 00386 // 00387 00388 #if defined(_COLLECT_SET_EVENT_CALLDATA_) 00389 00390 RECORD_CALL_DATA(&KiSetEventCallData); 00391 00392 #endif 00393 00394 // 00395 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00396 // 00397 00398 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00399 00400 // 00401 // If the wait list is empty, then set the state of the event to signaled. 00402 // Otherwise, check if the wait can be satisfied immediately. 00403 // 00404 00405 OldState = Event->Header.SignalState; 00406 if (IsListEmpty(&Event->Header.WaitListHead) != FALSE) { 00407 Event->Header.SignalState = 1; 00408 00409 } else { 00410 00411 // 00412 // If the event is a notification event or the wait is not a wait any, 00413 // then set the state of the event to signaled and attempt to satisfy 00414 // as many waits as possible. Otherwise, the wait can be satisfied by 00415 // directly unwaiting the thread. 00416 // 00417 00418 WaitBlock = CONTAINING_RECORD(Event->Header.WaitListHead.Flink, 00419 KWAIT_BLOCK, 00420 WaitListEntry); 00421 00422 if ((Event->Header.Type == NotificationEvent) || 00423 (WaitBlock->WaitType != WaitAny)) { 00424 if (OldState == 0) { 00425 Event->Header.SignalState = 1; 00426 KiWaitTest(Event, Increment); 00427 } 00428 00429 } else { 00430 KiUnwaitThread(WaitBlock->Thread, (NTSTATUS)WaitBlock->WaitKey, Increment); 00431 } 00432 } 00433 00434 // 00435 // If the value of the Wait argument is TRUE, then return to the 00436 // caller with IRQL raised and the dispatcher database locked. Else 00437 // release the dispatcher database lock and lower IRQL to its 00438 // previous value. 00439 // 00440 00441 if (Wait != FALSE) { 00442 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00443 Thread->WaitNext = Wait; 00444 Thread->WaitIrql = OldIrql; 00445 00446 } else { 00447 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00448 } 00449 00450 // 00451 // Return previous signal state of event object. 00452 // 00453 00454 return OldState; 00455 }

VOID KeSetEventBoostPriority IN PRKEVENT  Event,

Definition at line 458 of file eventobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Event(), EVENT_INCREMENT, FALSE, Increment, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiUnwaitThread(), MmProductType, _KAPC_STATE::Process, _KTHREAD::Quantum, and _KPROCESS::ThreadQuantum.

Referenced by ExReleaseResourceForThreadLite(), and ExReleaseResourceLite().

00465 : 00466 00467 This function conditionally sets the signal state of an event object 00468 to Signaled, and attempts to unwait the first waiter, and optionally 00469 returns the thread address of the unwatied thread. 00470 00471 N.B. This function can only be called with synchronization events 00472 and is primarily for the purpose of implementing fast mutexes. 00473 It is assumed that the waiter is NEVER waiting on multiple 00474 objects. 00475 00476 Arguments: 00477 00478 Event - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 00479 00480 Thread - Supplies an optional pointer to a variable that receives 00481 the address of the thread that is awakened. 00482 00483 Return Value: 00484 00485 None. 00486 00487 --*/ 00488 00489 { 00490 00491 KPRIORITY Increment; 00492 KIRQL OldIrql; 00493 PRKTHREAD WaitThread; 00494 00495 ASSERT(Event->Header.Type == SynchronizationEvent); 00496 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00497 00498 // 00499 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00500 // 00501 00502 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00503 00504 // 00505 // If the the wait list is not empty, then satisfy the wait of the 00506 // first thread in the wait list. Otherwise, set the signal state 00507 // of the event object. 00508 // 00509 // N.B. This function is only called for fast mutexes and exclusive 00510 // access to resources. All waits MUST be wait for single object. 00511 // 00512 00513 if (IsListEmpty(&Event->Header.WaitListHead) != FALSE) { 00514 Event->Header.SignalState = 1; 00515 00516 } else { 00517 00518 // 00519 // Get the address of the waiting thread. 00520 // 00521 00522 WaitThread = CONTAINING_RECORD(Event->Header.WaitListHead.Flink, 00523 KWAIT_BLOCK, 00524 WaitListEntry)->Thread; 00525 00526 // 00527 // If specified, return the address of the thread that is awakened. 00528 // 00529 00530 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Thread)) { 00531 *Thread = WaitThread; 00532 } 00533 00534 // 00535 // Give the new owner of the resource/fast mutex (the only callers) a 00536 // full quantum, and unwait the thread with a standard event increment 00537 // unless the system is a server system, in which case no boost if given. 00538 // 00539 00540 WaitThread->Quantum = WaitThread->ApcState.Process->ThreadQuantum; 00541 Increment = 0; 00542 if (MmProductType == 0) { 00543 Increment = EVENT_INCREMENT; 00544 } 00545 00546 KiUnwaitThread(WaitThread, STATUS_SUCCESS, Increment); 00547 } 00548 00549 // 00550 // Unlock dispatcher database lock and lower IRQL to its previous 00551 // value. 00552 // 00553 00554 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00555 return; 00556 } }

NTKERNELAPI CCHAR KeSetIdealProcessorThread IN PKTHREAD  Thread,
IN CCHAR  Processor

Definition at line 1735 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, KeNumberProcessors, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS, and _KPROCESS::ThreadSeed.

Referenced by NtSetInformationThread().

01742 : 01743 01744 This function sets the ideal processor for the specified thread execution. 01745 01746 Arguments: 01747 01748 Thread - Supplies a pointer to the thread whose ideal processor number is 01749 set to the specfied value. 01750 01751 Processor - Supplies the number of the ideal processor (the distinguished 01752 value MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS indicates that there is no ideal processor). 01753 01754 Return Value: 01755 01756 The previous ideal processor number. 01757 01758 --*/ 01759 01760 { 01761 01762 CCHAR OldProcessor; 01763 KIRQL OldIrql; 01764 PKPROCESS Process; 01765 01766 // 01767 // Capture the previous ideal processor value, set the new ideal 01768 // processor value, and return the old ideal processor value for the 01769 // current thread; 01770 // 01771 // Note that this is done under the dispatcher lock in order to 01772 // synchronize the updates with the other fields that share the 01773 // same DWORD. Otherwise there is a granularity problem on Alpha. 01774 // 01775 01776 ASSERT(Processor <= MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS); 01777 01778 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01779 OldProcessor = Thread->IdealProcessor; 01780 if (Processor < MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS) { 01781 Thread->IdealProcessor = Processor; 01782 01783 } else { 01784 Process = Thread->ApcState.Process; 01785 Process->ThreadSeed += 1; 01786 Thread->IdealProcessor = (UCHAR)(Process->ThreadSeed % KeNumberProcessors); 01787 } 01788 01789 // 01790 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 01791 // value. 01792 // 01793 01794 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01795 return OldProcessor; 01796 }


Definition at line 367 of file dpcobj.c.


00374 : 00375 00376 This function sets the importance of a DPC. 00377 00378 Arguments: 00379 00380 Dpc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type DPC. 00381 00382 Number - Supplies the importance of the DPC. 00383 00384 Return Value: 00385 00386 None. 00387 00388 --*/ 00389 00390 { 00391 00392 // 00393 // Set the importance of the DPC. 00394 // 00395 00396 Dpc->Importance = (UCHAR)Importance; 00397 return; 00398 }

VOID KeSetIntervalProfile IN ULONG  Interval,

Definition at line 223 of file profobj.c.

References HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INTERVAL, HalProfileSourceInterval, HalSetProfileInterval(), HalSetSystemInformation, _HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INTERVAL::Interval, KiIpiGenericCall(), KiProfileAlignmentFixupInterval, KiProfileInterval, and _HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INTERVAL::Source.

Referenced by NtSetIntervalProfile().

00230 : 00231 00232 This function sets the profile sampling interval. The interval is in 00233 100ns units. The interval will actually be set to some value in a set 00234 of preset values (at least on pc based hardware), using the one closest 00235 to what the user asked for. 00236 00237 Arguments: 00238 00239 Interval - Supplies the length of the sampling interval in 100ns units. 00240 00241 Return Value: 00242 00243 None. 00244 00245 --*/ 00246 00247 { 00248 00249 HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INTERVAL ProfileSourceInterval; 00250 00251 if (Source == ProfileTime) { 00252 00253 // 00254 // If the specified sampling interval is less than the minimum 00255 // sampling interval, then set the sampling interval to the minimum 00256 // sampling interval. 00257 // 00258 00259 if (Interval < MINIMUM_PROFILE_INTERVAL) { 00260 Interval = MINIMUM_PROFILE_INTERVAL; 00261 } 00262 00263 // 00264 // Set the sampling interval. 00265 // 00266 00267 KiProfileInterval = (ULONG)KiIpiGenericCall(HalSetProfileInterval, Interval); 00268 00269 } else if (Source == ProfileAlignmentFixup) { 00270 KiProfileAlignmentFixupInterval = Interval; 00271 00272 } else { 00273 00274 // 00275 // The HAL is responsible for setting this profile interval. 00276 // 00277 00278 ProfileSourceInterval.Source = Source; 00279 ProfileSourceInterval.Interval = Interval; 00280 HalSetSystemInformation(HalProfileSourceInterval, 00281 sizeof(HAL_PROFILE_SOURCE_INTERVAL), 00282 &ProfileSourceInterval); 00283 } 00284 00285 return; 00286 }

NTKERNELAPI BOOLEAN KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable IN BOOLEAN  Enable  ) 

Definition at line 1799 of file thredobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::EnableStackSwap, and KeGetCurrentThread.

Referenced by ExpWorkerThread(), xxxDestroyThreadInfo(), and xxxInterSendMsgEx().

01805 : 01806 01807 This function sets the kernel stack swap enable value for the current 01808 thread and returns the old swap enable value. 01809 01810 Arguments: 01811 01812 Enable - Supplies the new kernel stack swap enable value. 01813 01814 Return Value: 01815 01816 The previous kernel stack swap enable value. 01817 01818 --*/ 01819 01820 { 01821 01822 BOOLEAN OldState; 01823 PKTHREAD Thread; 01824 01825 // 01826 // Capture the previous kernel stack swap enable value, set the new 01827 // swap enable value, and return the old swap enable value for the 01828 // current thread; 01829 // 01830 01831 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 01832 OldState = Thread->EnableStackSwap; 01833 Thread->EnableStackSwap = Enable; 01834 return OldState; 01835 }

KPRIORITY KeSetPriorityProcess IN PKPROCESS  Process,
IN KPRIORITY  BasePriority

Definition at line 738 of file procobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_PROCESS, _KTHREAD::BasePriority, _KTHREAD::DecrementCount, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSetPriorityThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), _KTHREAD::PriorityDecrement, _KTHREAD::Quantum, and _KTHREAD::Saturation.

Referenced by NtSetInformationProcess(), and PsSetProcessPriorityByClass().

00745 : 00746 00747 This function set the base priority of a process to a new value 00748 and adjusts the priority and base priority of all child threads 00749 as appropriate. 00750 00751 Arguments: 00752 00753 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00754 00755 NewBase - Supplies the new base priority of the process. 00756 00757 Return Value: 00758 00759 The previous base priority of the process. 00760 00761 --*/ 00762 00763 { 00764 00765 KPRIORITY Adjustment; 00766 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00767 KPRIORITY NewPriority; 00768 KIRQL OldIrql; 00769 KPRIORITY OldBase; 00770 PKTHREAD Thread; 00771 00772 ASSERT_PROCESS(Process); 00773 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00774 00775 // 00776 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00777 // 00778 00779 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00780 00781 // 00782 // Save the current process base priority, set the new process base 00783 // priority, compute the adjustment value, and adjust the priority 00784 // and base priority of all child threads as appropriate. 00785 // 00786 00787 OldBase = Process->BasePriority; 00788 Process->BasePriority = (SCHAR)NewBase; 00789 Adjustment = NewBase - OldBase; 00790 NextEntry = Process->ThreadListHead.Flink; 00791 if (NewBase >= LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 00792 while (NextEntry != &Process->ThreadListHead) { 00793 Thread = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTHREAD, ThreadListEntry); 00794 00795 // 00796 // Compute the new base priority of the thread. 00797 // 00798 00799 NewPriority = Thread->BasePriority + Adjustment; 00800 00801 // 00802 // If the new base priority is outside the realtime class, 00803 // then limit the change to the realtime class. 00804 // 00805 00806 if (NewPriority < LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 00807 NewPriority = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY; 00808 00809 } else if (NewPriority > HIGH_PRIORITY) { 00810 NewPriority = HIGH_PRIORITY; 00811 } 00812 00813 // 00814 // Set the base priority and the current priority of the 00815 // thread to the appropriate value. 00816 // 00817 // N.B. If priority saturation occured the last time the thread 00818 // base priority was set and the new process base priority 00819 // is not crossing from variable to realtime, then it is not 00820 // necessary to change the thread priority. 00821 // 00822 00823 if ((Thread->Saturation == 0) || (OldBase < LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY)) { 00824 if (Thread->Saturation > 0) { 00825 NewPriority = HIGH_PRIORITY; 00826 00827 } else if (Thread->Saturation < 0) { 00828 NewPriority = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY; 00829 } 00830 00831 Thread->BasePriority = (SCHAR)NewPriority; 00832 Thread->Quantum = Process->ThreadQuantum; 00833 Thread->DecrementCount = 0; 00834 Thread->PriorityDecrement = 0; 00835 KiSetPriorityThread(Thread, NewPriority); 00836 } 00837 00838 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00839 } 00840 00841 } else { 00842 while (NextEntry != &Process->ThreadListHead) { 00843 Thread = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTHREAD, ThreadListEntry); 00844 00845 // 00846 // Compute the new base priority of the thread. 00847 // 00848 00849 NewPriority = Thread->BasePriority + Adjustment; 00850 00851 // 00852 // If the new base priority is outside the variable class, 00853 // then limit the change to the variable class. 00854 // 00855 00856 if (NewPriority >= LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY) { 00857 NewPriority = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY - 1; 00858 00859 } else if (NewPriority <= LOW_PRIORITY) { 00860 NewPriority = 1; 00861 } 00862 00863 // 00864 // Set the base priority and the current priority of the 00865 // thread to the computed value and reset the thread quantum. 00866 // 00867 // N.B. If priority saturation occured the last time the thread 00868 // base priority was set and the new process base priority 00869 // is not crossing from realtime to variable, then it is not 00870 // necessary to change the thread priority. 00871 // 00872 00873 if ((Thread->Saturation == 0) || (OldBase >= LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY)) { 00874 if (Thread->Saturation > 0) { 00875 NewPriority = LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY - 1; 00876 00877 } else if (Thread->Saturation < 0) { 00878 NewPriority = 1; 00879 } 00880 00881 Thread->BasePriority = (SCHAR)NewPriority; 00882 Thread->Quantum = Process->ThreadQuantum; 00883 Thread->DecrementCount = 0; 00884 Thread->PriorityDecrement = 0; 00885 KiSetPriorityThread(Thread, NewPriority); 00886 } 00887 00888 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00889 } 00890 } 00891 00892 // 00893 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00894 // value. 00895 // 00896 00897 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00898 00899 // 00900 // Return previous process base priority 00901 // 00902 00903 return OldBase; 00904 }


Definition at line 1838 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSetPriorityThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), and _KPROCESS::ThreadQuantum.

Referenced by FsRtlWorkerThread(), KeBalanceSetManager(), KeBoostCurrentThread(), KeSwapProcessOrStack(), KiInitializeKernel(), MiDereferenceSegmentThread(), MiMappedPageWriter(), MiModifiedPageWriter(), MmZeroPageThread(), NtSetInformationThread(), PspExitThread(), and zzzSetWindowsHookEx().

01845 : 01846 01847 This function sets the priority of the specified thread to a new value. 01848 If the new thread priority is lower than the old thread priority, then 01849 resecheduling may take place if the thread is currently running on, or 01850 about to run on, a processor. 01851 01852 Arguments: 01853 01854 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01855 01856 Priority - Supplies the new priority of the subject thread. 01857 01858 Return Value: 01859 01860 The previous priority of the specified thread. 01861 01862 --*/ 01863 01864 { 01865 01866 KIRQL OldIrql; 01867 KPRIORITY OldPriority; 01868 PKPROCESS Process; 01869 01870 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01871 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01872 ASSERT(((Priority != 0) || (Thread->BasePriority == 0)) && 01873 (Priority <= HIGH_PRIORITY)); 01874 01875 ASSERT(KeIsExecutingDpc() == FALSE); 01876 01877 // 01878 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01879 // 01880 01881 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01882 01883 // 01884 // Capture the current thread priority, set the thread priority to the 01885 // the new value, and replenish the thread quantum. It is assumed that 01886 // the priority would not be set unless the thread had already lost it 01887 // initial quantum. 01888 // 01889 01890 OldPriority = Thread->Priority; 01891 Process = Thread->ApcStatePointer[0]->Process; 01892 Thread->Quantum = Process->ThreadQuantum; 01893 Thread->DecrementCount = 0; 01894 Thread->PriorityDecrement = 0; 01895 KiSetPriorityThread(Thread, Priority); 01896 01897 // 01898 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 01899 // value. 01900 // 01901 01902 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01903 01904 // 01905 // Return the previous thread priority. 01906 // 01907 01908 return OldPriority; 01909 }

LONG KeSetProcess IN PRKPROCESS  Process,
IN KPRIORITY  Increment,

Definition at line 656 of file procobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_PROCESS, DISPATCH_LEVEL, Increment, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, and _KTHREAD::WaitNext.

Referenced by PspExitProcess(), and PspExitThread().

00664 : 00665 00666 This function sets the signal state of a proces object to Signaled 00667 and attempts to satisfy as many Waits as possible. The previous 00668 signal state of the process object is returned as the function value. 00669 00670 Arguments: 00671 00672 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00673 00674 Increment - Supplies the priority increment that is to be applied 00675 if setting the process causes a Wait to be satisfied. 00676 00677 Wait - Supplies a boolean value that signifies whether the call to 00678 KeSetProcess will be immediately followed by a call to one of the 00679 kernel Wait functions. 00680 00681 Return Value: 00682 00683 The previous signal state of the process object. 00684 00685 --*/ 00686 00687 { 00688 00689 KIRQL OldIrql; 00690 LONG OldState; 00691 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00692 00693 ASSERT_PROCESS(Process); 00694 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00695 00696 // 00697 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00698 // 00699 00700 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00701 00702 // 00703 // If the previous state of the process object is Not-Signaled and 00704 // the wait queue is not empty, then satisfy as many Waits as 00705 // possible. 00706 // 00707 00708 OldState = Process->Header.SignalState; 00709 Process->Header.SignalState = 1; 00710 if ((OldState == 0) && (!IsListEmpty(&Process->Header.WaitListHead))) { 00711 KiWaitTest(Process, Increment); 00712 } 00713 00714 // 00715 // If the value of the Wait argument is TRUE, then return to the 00716 // caller with IRQL raised and the dispatcher database locked. Else 00717 // release the dispatcher database lock and lower IRQL to its 00718 // previous value. 00719 // 00720 00721 if (Wait) { 00722 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00723 Thread->WaitNext = Wait; 00724 Thread->WaitIrql = OldIrql; 00725 00726 } else { 00727 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00728 } 00729 00730 // 00731 // Return previous signal state of process object. 00732 // 00733 00734 return OldState; 00735 }


Definition at line 909 of file ke/miscc.c.

References KiSwapContextNotifyRoutine, and PAGED_CODE.

00914 : 00915 00916 This function sets the address of a callout routine which will be called 00917 at each context swtich. 00918 00919 Arguments: 00920 00921 NotifyRoutine - Supplies the address of the swap context notify callout 00922 routine. 00923 00924 Return Value: 00925 00926 None. 00927 00928 --*/ 00929 00930 { 00931 00932 PAGED_CODE(); 00933 00934 KiSwapContextNotifyRoutine = NotifyRoutine; 00935 return; 00936 }

VOID KeSetSystemAffinityThread IN KAFFINITY  Affinity  ) 

Definition at line 1467 of file thredobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::Affinity, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeActiveProcessors, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSelectNextThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, Standby, _KTHREAD::State, _KTHREAD::SystemAffinityActive, and TRUE.

Referenced by CmpConfigureProcessors(), CmpInitializeMachineDependentConfiguration(), Ke386CallBios(), KeConnectInterrupt(), KeDisconnectInterrupt(), KeSetSystemTime(), KeSetup80387OrEmulate(), and KiInitMachineDependent().

01473 : 01474 01475 This function set the system affinity of the current thread. 01476 01477 Arguments: 01478 01479 Affinity - Supplies the new of set of processors on which the thread 01480 can run. 01481 01482 Return Value: 01483 01484 None. 01485 01486 --*/ 01487 01488 { 01489 01490 PRKTHREAD CurrentThread; 01491 PRKTHREAD NextThread; 01492 KIRQL OldIrql; 01493 PKPRCB Prcb; 01494 01495 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01496 ASSERT((Affinity & KeActiveProcessors) != 0); 01497 01498 // 01499 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01500 // 01501 01502 CurrentThread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 01503 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01504 01505 // 01506 // Set the current affinity to the specified affinity. 01507 // 01508 // If the current processor is not in the new affinity set and another 01509 // thread has not already been selected for execution on the current 01510 // processor, then select a new thread for the current processor. 01511 // 01512 01513 CurrentThread->Affinity = Affinity; 01514 CurrentThread->SystemAffinityActive = TRUE; 01515 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 01516 if (((Prcb->SetMember & CurrentThread->Affinity) == 0) && 01517 (Prcb->NextThread == NULL)) { 01518 NextThread = KiSelectNextThread(CurrentThread); 01519 NextThread->State = Standby; 01520 Prcb->NextThread = NextThread; 01521 } 01522 01523 // 01524 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous value. 01525 // 01526 01527 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01528 return; 01529 }

IN BOOLEAN  AdjustInterruptTime,

Definition at line 335 of file ke/miscc.c.

References _DISPATCHER_HEADER::Absolute, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, _KTIMER::DueTime, FALSE, HalSetRealTimeClock(), _KTIMER::Header, HIGH_LEVEL, Index, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::Inserted, KeBootTime, KeBootTimeBias, KeLowerIrql(), KeRaiseIrql(), KeRevertToUserAffinityThread(), KeSetSystemAffinityThread(), KiAdjustInterruptTime(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiReinsertTreeTimer(), KiRemoveTreeTimer, KiTimerListExpire(), KiTimerTableListHead, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), PoNotifySystemTimeSet(), RtlTimeToTimeFields(), TimeFields, TIMER_TABLE_SIZE, _KTIMER::TimerListEntry, and TRUE.

00344 : 00345 00346 This function sets the system time to the specified value and updates 00347 timer queue entries to reflect the difference between the old system 00348 time and the new system time. 00349 00350 Arguments: 00351 00352 NewTime - Supplies a pointer to a variable that specifies the new system 00353 time. 00354 00355 OldTime - Supplies a pointer to a variable that will receive the previous 00356 system time. 00357 00358 AdjustInterruptTime - If TRUE the amount of time being adjusted is 00359 also applied to InterruptTime and TickCount. 00360 00361 HalTimeToSet - Supplies an optional time that if specified is to be used 00362 to set the time in the realtime clock. 00363 00364 Return Value: 00365 00366 None. 00367 00368 --*/ 00369 00370 { 00371 00372 LIST_ENTRY AbsoluteListHead; 00373 LIST_ENTRY ExpiredListHead; 00374 ULONG Index; 00375 PLIST_ENTRY ListHead; 00376 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 00377 KIRQL OldIrql1; 00378 KIRQL OldIrql2; 00379 LARGE_INTEGER TimeDelta; 00380 TIME_FIELDS TimeFields; 00381 PKTIMER Timer; 00382 00383 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() < DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00384 00385 // 00386 // If a realtime clock value is specified, then convert the time value 00387 // to time fields. 00388 // 00389 00390 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HalTimeToSet)) { 00391 RtlTimeToTimeFields(HalTimeToSet, &TimeFields); 00392 } 00393 00394 // 00395 // Set affinity to the processor that keeps the system time, raise IRQL 00396 // to dispatcher level and lock the dispatcher database, then raise IRQL 00397 // to HIGH_LEVEL to synchronize with the clock interrupt routine. 00398 // 00399 00400 KeSetSystemAffinityThread((KAFFINITY)1); 00401 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql1); 00402 KeRaiseIrql(HIGH_LEVEL, &OldIrql2); 00403 00404 // 00405 // Save the previous system time, set the new system time, and set 00406 // the realtime clock, if a time value is specified. 00407 // 00408 00409 KiQuerySystemTime(OldTime); 00410 00411 #if defined(_WIN64) 00412 00413 SharedUserData->SystemHigh2Time = NewTime->HighPart; 00414 SharedUserData->SystemLowTime = NewTime->LowPart; 00415 SharedUserData->SystemHigh1Time = NewTime->HighPart; 00416 00417 #elif defined(ALPHA) 00418 00419 SharedUserData->SystemTime = *(PULONGLONG)NewTime; 00420 00421 #else 00422 00423 SharedUserData->SystemTime.High2Time = NewTime->HighPart; 00424 SharedUserData->SystemTime.LowPart = NewTime->LowPart; 00425 SharedUserData->SystemTime.High1Time = NewTime->HighPart; 00426 00427 #endif // defined(ALPHA) || defined(_IA64_) 00428 00429 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(HalTimeToSet)) { 00430 HalSetRealTimeClock(&TimeFields); 00431 } 00432 00433 // 00434 // Compute the difference between the previous system time and the new 00435 // system time. 00436 // 00437 00438 TimeDelta.QuadPart = NewTime->QuadPart - OldTime->QuadPart; 00439 00440 // 00441 // Update the boot time to reflect the delta. This keeps time based 00442 // on boot time constant 00443 // 00444 00445 KeBootTime.QuadPart = KeBootTime.QuadPart + TimeDelta.QuadPart; 00446 00447 // 00448 // Track the overall bias applied to the boot time. 00449 // 00450 00451 KeBootTimeBias = KeBootTimeBias + TimeDelta.QuadPart; 00452 00453 // 00454 // Lower IRQL to dispatch level and if needed adjust the physical 00455 // system interrupt time. 00456 // 00457 00458 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql2); 00459 if (AdjustInterruptTime) { 00460 00461 // 00462 // Adjust the physical time of the system 00463 // 00464 00465 AdjustInterruptTime = KiAdjustInterruptTime (TimeDelta.QuadPart); 00466 } 00467 00468 // 00469 // If the physical interrupt time of the system was not adjusted, 00470 // recompute any absolute timers in the system for the new 00471 // system time. 00472 // 00473 00474 if (!AdjustInterruptTime) { 00475 00476 // 00477 // Remove all absolute timers from the timer queue so their due time 00478 // can be recomputed. 00479 // 00480 00481 InitializeListHead(&AbsoluteListHead); 00482 for (Index = 0; Index < TIMER_TABLE_SIZE; Index += 1) { 00483 ListHead = &KiTimerTableListHead[Index]; 00484 NextEntry = ListHead->Flink; 00485 while (NextEntry != ListHead) { 00486 Timer = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTIMER, TimerListEntry); 00487 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 00488 if (Timer->Header.Absolute != FALSE) { 00489 RemoveEntryList(&Timer->TimerListEntry); 00490 InsertTailList(&AbsoluteListHead, &Timer->TimerListEntry); 00491 } 00492 } 00493 } 00494 00495 // 00496 // Recompute the due time and reinsert all absolute timers in the timer 00497 // tree. If a timer has already expired, then insert the timer in the 00498 // expired timer list. 00499 // 00500 00501 InitializeListHead(&ExpiredListHead); 00502 while (AbsoluteListHead.Flink != &AbsoluteListHead) { 00503 Timer = CONTAINING_RECORD(AbsoluteListHead.Flink, KTIMER, TimerListEntry); 00504 KiRemoveTreeTimer(Timer); 00505 Timer->DueTime.QuadPart -= TimeDelta.QuadPart; 00506 if (KiReinsertTreeTimer(Timer, Timer->DueTime) == FALSE) { 00507 Timer->Header.Inserted = TRUE; 00508 InsertTailList(&ExpiredListHead, &Timer->TimerListEntry); 00509 } 00510 } 00511 00512 // 00513 // If any of the attempts to reinsert a timer failed, then timers have 00514 // already expired and must be processed. 00515 // 00516 // N.B. The following function returns with the dispatcher database 00517 // unlocked. 00518 // 00519 00520 KiTimerListExpire(&ExpiredListHead, OldIrql1); 00521 00522 } else { 00523 00524 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql1); 00525 00526 } 00527 00528 00529 // 00530 // Set affinity back to its original value. 00531 // 00532 00533 KeRevertToUserAffinityThread(); 00534 00535 // 00536 // Notify other components that the system time has been set 00537 // 00538 00539 PoNotifySystemTimeSet(); 00540 return; 00541 }

IN CCHAR  Number

Definition at line 401 of file dpcobj.c.


00408 : 00409 00410 This function sets the processor number to which the DPC is targeted. 00411 00412 Arguments: 00413 00414 Dpc - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type DPC. 00415 00416 Number - Supplies the target processor number. 00417 00418 Return Value: 00419 00420 None. 00421 00422 --*/ 00423 00424 { 00425 00426 // 00427 // Set target processor number. 00428 // 00429 // The target processor number if biased by the maximum number of 00430 // processors that are supported. 00431 // 00432 00433 Dpc->Number = MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS + Number; 00434 return; 00435 } }


Definition at line 940 of file ke/miscc.c.

References KiThreadSelectNotifyRoutine, and PAGED_CODE.

00946 : 00947 00948 This function sets the address of a callout routine which will be called 00949 when a thread is being selected for execution. 00950 00951 Arguments: 00952 00953 NotifyRoutine - Supplies the address of the thread select notify callout 00954 routine. 00955 00956 Return Value: 00957 00958 None. 00959 00960 --*/ 00961 00962 { 00963 00964 PAGED_CODE(); 00965 00966 KiThreadSelectNotifyRoutine = NotifyRoutine; 00967 return; 00968 }

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeSetTimeIncrement IN ULONG  MaximumIncrement,
IN ULONG  MimimumIncrement

Definition at line 779 of file ke/miscc.c.

References KeMaximumIncrement, KeMinimumIncrement, KeTimeAdjustment, KeTimeIncrement, KiTickOffset, and max.

00786 : 00787 00788 This function sets the time increment value in 100ns units. This 00789 value is added to the system time at each interval clock interrupt. 00790 00791 Arguments: 00792 00793 MaximumIncrement - Supplies the maximum time between clock interrupts 00794 in 100ns units supported by the host HAL. 00795 00796 MinimumIncrement - Supplies the minimum time between clock interrupts 00797 in 100ns units supported by the host HAL. 00798 00799 Return Value: 00800 00801 None. 00802 00803 --*/ 00804 00805 { 00806 00807 KeMaximumIncrement = MaximumIncrement; 00808 KeMinimumIncrement = max(MinimumIncrement, 10 * 1000); 00809 KeTimeAdjustment = MaximumIncrement; 00810 KeTimeIncrement = MaximumIncrement; 00811 KiTickOffset = MaximumIncrement; 00812 }


Definition at line 243 of file timerobj.c.

References KeSetTimerEx().

Referenced by CcCanIWrite(), CcScheduleLazyWriteScan(), CmpLazyFlush(), ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager(), InternalSetTimer(), IopErrorLogQueueRequest(), KdpTimeSlipWork(), KeBalanceSetManager(), TimersProc(), and VdmpDelayInterrupt().

00251 : 00252 00253 This function sets a timer to expire at a specified time. If the timer is 00254 already set, then it is implicitly canceled before it is set to expire at 00255 the specified time. Setting a timer causes its due time to be computed, 00256 its state to be set to Not-Signaled, and the timer object itself to be 00257 inserted in the timer list. 00258 00259 Arguments: 00260 00261 Timer - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type timer. 00262 00263 DueTime - Supplies an absolute or relative time at which the timer 00264 is to expire. 00265 00266 Dpc - Supplies an optional pointer to a control object of type DPC. 00267 00268 Return Value: 00269 00270 A boolean value of TRUE is returned if the the specified timer was 00271 currently set. Else a value of FALSE is returned. 00272 00273 --*/ 00274 00275 { 00276 00277 // 00278 // Set the timer with a period of zero. 00279 // 00280 00281 return KeSetTimerEx(Timer, DueTime, 0, Dpc); 00282 }


Definition at line 285 of file timerobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_TIMER, DISPATCH_LEVEL, _KTIMER::Dpc, FALSE, _KTIMER::Header, KeInsertQueueDpc(), KiInsertTreeTimer(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiRemoveTreeTimer, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), NULL, _KTIMER::Period, TIMER_EXPIRE_INCREMENT, and _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead.

Referenced by IoInitSystem(), IovpInternalDeferredCompletion(), KeSetTimer(), MiInitializeSpecialPoolCriteria(), MiInsertPageInList(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), and NtSetTimer().

00294 : 00295 00296 This function sets a timer to expire at a specified time. If the timer is 00297 already set, then it is implicitly canceled before it is set to expire at 00298 the specified time. Setting a timer causes its due time to be computed, 00299 its state to be set to Not-Signaled, and the timer object itself to be 00300 inserted in the timer list. 00301 00302 Arguments: 00303 00304 Timer - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type timer. 00305 00306 DueTime - Supplies an absolute or relative time at which the timer 00307 is to expire. 00308 00309 Period - Supplies an optional period for the timer in milliseconds. 00310 00311 Dpc - Supplies an optional pointer to a control object of type DPC. 00312 00313 Return Value: 00314 00315 A boolean value of TRUE is returned if the the specified timer was 00316 currently set. Else a value of FALSE is returned. 00317 00318 --*/ 00319 00320 { 00321 00322 BOOLEAN Inserted; 00323 LARGE_INTEGER Interval; 00324 KIRQL OldIrql; 00325 LARGE_INTEGER SystemTime; 00326 00327 ASSERT_TIMER(Timer); 00328 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00329 00330 // 00331 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00332 // 00333 00334 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00335 00336 // 00337 // Capture the timer inserted status and if the timer is currently 00338 // set, then remove it from the timer list. 00339 // 00340 00341 Inserted = Timer->Header.Inserted; 00342 if (Inserted != FALSE) { 00343 KiRemoveTreeTimer(Timer); 00344 } 00345 00346 // 00347 // Clear the signal state, set the period, set the DPC address, and 00348 // insert the timer in the timer tree. If the timer is not inserted 00349 // in the timer tree, then it has already expired and as many waiters 00350 // as possible should be continued, and a DPC, if specified should be 00351 // queued. 00352 // 00353 // N.B. The signal state must be cleared in case the period is not 00354 // zero. 00355 // 00356 00357 Timer->Header.SignalState = FALSE; 00358 Timer->Dpc = Dpc; 00359 Timer->Period = Period; 00360 if (KiInsertTreeTimer((PRKTIMER)Timer, DueTime) == FALSE) { 00361 if (IsListEmpty(&Timer->Header.WaitListHead) == FALSE) { 00362 KiWaitTest(Timer, TIMER_EXPIRE_INCREMENT); 00363 } 00364 00365 // 00366 // If a DPC is specfied, then call the DPC routine. 00367 // 00368 00369 if (Dpc != NULL) { 00370 KiQuerySystemTime(&SystemTime); 00371 KeInsertQueueDpc(Timer->Dpc, 00372 ULongToPtr(SystemTime.LowPart), 00373 ULongToPtr(SystemTime.HighPart)); 00374 } 00375 00376 // 00377 // If the timer is periodic, then compute the next interval time 00378 // and reinsert the timer in the timer tree. 00379 // 00380 // N.B. Even though the timer insertion is relative, it can still 00381 // fail if the period of the timer elapses in between computing 00382 // the time and inserting the timer in the table. If this happens, 00383 // try again. 00384 // 00385 00386 if (Period != 0) { 00387 Interval.QuadPart = Int32x32To64(Timer->Period, - 10 * 1000); 00388 while (!KiInsertTreeTimer(Timer, Interval)) { 00389 ; 00390 } 00391 } 00392 } 00393 00394 // 00395 // Unlock the dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00396 // value. 00397 // 00398 00399 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00400 00401 // 00402 // Return boolean value that signifies whether the timer was set of 00403 // not. 00404 // 00405 00406 return Inserted; 00407 }


Definition at line 972 of file ke/miscc.c.

References KiTimeUpdateNotifyRoutine, and PAGED_CODE.

00978 : 00979 00980 This function sets the address of a callout routine which will be called 00981 each time the runtime for a thread is updated. 00982 00983 Arguments: 00984 00985 RoutineNotify - Supplies the address of the time update notify callout 00986 routine. 00987 00988 Return Value: 00989 00990 None. 00991 00992 --*/ 00993 00994 { 00995 00996 PAGED_CODE(); 00997 00998 KiTimeUpdateNotifyRoutine = NotifyRoutine; 00999 return; 01000 }


Definition at line 324 of file procobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::ApcState, _KTHREAD::ApcStateIndex, ASSERT, ASSERT_PROCESS, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, KiAttachProcess(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NULL, _KAPC_STATE::Process, and _KTHREAD::SavedApcState.

Referenced by NtClose(), NtSetInformationObject(), NtWaitForMultipleObjects(), ObpCreateHandle(), ObpCreateUnnamedHandle(), and PspProcessDelete().

00331 : 00332 00333 This function attaches a thread to a target process' address space 00334 and returns information about a previous attached process. 00335 00336 Arguments: 00337 00338 Process - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type process. 00339 00340 Return Value: 00341 00342 None. 00343 00344 --*/ 00345 00346 { 00347 00348 KIRQL OldIrql; 00349 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00350 00351 ASSERT_PROCESS(Process); 00352 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00353 00354 // 00355 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00356 // 00357 00358 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00359 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00360 00361 // 00362 // If the current thread is executing a DPC, then bug check. 00363 // 00364 00365 if (KeIsExecutingDpc() != FALSE) { 00366 KeBugCheckEx(INVALID_PROCESS_ATTACH_ATTEMPT, 00367 (ULONG_PTR)Process, 00368 (ULONG_PTR)Thread->ApcState.Process, 00369 (ULONG)Thread->ApcStateIndex, 00370 (ULONG)KeIsExecutingDpc()); 00371 } 00372 00373 // 00374 // If the target process is not the current process, then attach the target 00375 // process. Otherwise, return a distinguished process value to indicate that 00376 // an attach was not performed. 00377 // 00378 00379 if (Thread->ApcState.Process == Process) { 00380 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00381 ApcState->Process = (PRKPROCESS)1; 00382 00383 } else { 00384 00385 // 00386 // If the current thread is attached to a process, then save the current 00387 // APC state in the callers APC state structure. Otherwise, save the 00388 // current APC state in the saved APC state structure, and return a NULL 00389 // process pointer. 00390 // 00391 00392 if (Thread->ApcStateIndex != 0) { 00393 KiAttachProcess(Thread, Process, OldIrql, ApcState); 00394 00395 } else { 00396 KiAttachProcess(Thread, Process, OldIrql, &Thread->SavedApcState); 00397 ApcState->Process = NULL; 00398 } 00399 } 00400 00401 return; 00402 }

VOID KeStartAllProcessors VOID   ) 

Definition at line 78 of file alpha/allproc.c.


00084 : 00085 00086 This function is called during phase 1 initialization on the master boot 00087 processor to start all of the other registered processors. 00088 00089 Arguments: 00090 00091 None. 00092 00093 Return Value: 00094 00095 None. 00096 00097 --*/ 00098 00099 { 00100 00101 ULONG_PTR MemoryBlock1; 00102 ULONG_PTR MemoryBlock2; 00103 ULONG Number; 00104 ULONG PcrPage; 00105 PKPRCB Prcb; 00106 KPROCESSOR_STATE ProcessorState; 00107 struct _RESTART_BLOCK *RestartBlock; 00108 BOOLEAN Started; 00109 LOGICAL SpecialPoolState; 00110 00111 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00112 00113 // 00114 // If the registered number of processors is greater than the maximum 00115 // number of processors supported, then only allow the maximum number 00116 // of supported processors. 00117 // 00118 00119 if (KeRegisteredProcessors > MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS) { 00120 KeRegisteredProcessors = MAXIMUM_PROCESSORS; 00121 } 00122 00123 // 00124 // Initialize the processor state that will be used to start each of 00125 // processors. Each processor starts in the system initialization code 00126 // with address of the loader parameter block as an argument. 00127 // 00128 00129 RtlZeroMemory(&ProcessorState, sizeof(KPROCESSOR_STATE)); 00130 ProcessorState.ContextFrame.IntA0 = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)KeLoaderBlock; 00131 ProcessorState.ContextFrame.Fir = (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)KiStartProcessor; 00132 Number = 1; 00133 while (Number < KeRegisteredProcessors) { 00134 00135 // 00136 // Allocate a DPC stack, an idle thread kernel stack, a panic 00137 // stack, a PCR page, a processor block, and an executive thread 00138 // object. If the allocation fails or the allocation cannot be 00139 // made from unmapped nonpaged pool, then stop starting processors. 00140 // 00141 // Disable any special pooling that the user may have set in the 00142 // registry as the next couple of allocations must come from KSEG0. 00143 // 00144 00145 SpecialPoolState = MmSetSpecialPool(FALSE); 00146 MemoryBlock1 = (ULONG_PTR)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, BLOCK1_SIZE); 00147 if (IS_KSEG_ADDRESS(MemoryBlock1) == FALSE) { 00148 MmSetSpecialPool(SpecialPoolState); 00149 if ((PVOID)MemoryBlock1 != NULL) { 00150 ExFreePool((PVOID)MemoryBlock1); 00151 } 00152 00153 break; 00154 } 00155 00156 MemoryBlock2 = (ULONG_PTR)ExAllocatePool(NonPagedPool, BLOCK2_SIZE); 00157 if (IS_KSEG_ADDRESS(MemoryBlock2) == FALSE) { 00158 MmSetSpecialPool(SpecialPoolState); 00159 ExFreePool((PVOID)MemoryBlock1); 00160 if ((PVOID)MemoryBlock2 != NULL) { 00161 ExFreePool((PVOID)MemoryBlock2); 00162 } 00163 00164 break; 00165 } 00166 00167 MmSetSpecialPool(SpecialPoolState); 00168 00169 // 00170 // Zero both blocks of allocated memory. 00171 // 00172 00173 RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)MemoryBlock1, BLOCK1_SIZE); 00174 RtlZeroMemory((PVOID)MemoryBlock2, BLOCK2_SIZE); 00175 00176 // 00177 // Set address of interrupt stack in loader parameter block. 00178 // 00179 00180 KeLoaderBlock->u.Alpha.PanicStack = 00181 KSEG0_ADDRESS(MemoryBlock1 + (1 * KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)); 00182 00183 // 00184 // Set address of idle thread kernel stack in loader parameter block. 00185 // 00186 00187 KeLoaderBlock->KernelStack = 00188 KSEG0_ADDRESS(MemoryBlock1 + (2 * KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)); 00189 00190 ProcessorState.ContextFrame.IntSp = 00191 (ULONGLONG)(LONG_PTR)KeLoaderBlock->KernelStack; 00192 00193 // 00194 // Set address of panic stack in loader parameter block. 00195 // 00196 00197 KeLoaderBlock->u.Alpha.DpcStack = 00198 KSEG0_ADDRESS(MemoryBlock1 + (3 * KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)); 00199 00200 // 00201 // Set the page frame of the PCR page in the loader parameter block. 00202 // 00203 00204 PcrPage = KSEG_PFN(MemoryBlock1 + (3 * KERNEL_STACK_SIZE)); 00205 KeLoaderBlock->u.Alpha.PcrPage = PcrPage; 00206 00207 // 00208 // Set the address of the processor block and executive thread in the 00209 // loader parameter block. 00210 // 00211 00212 KeLoaderBlock->Prcb = KSEG0_ADDRESS((MemoryBlock2 + 63) & ~63); 00213 KeLoaderBlock->Thread = KeLoaderBlock->Prcb + ROUND_UP(KPRCB); 00214 00215 // 00216 // Attempt to start the next processor. If attempt is successful, 00217 // then wait for the processor to get initialized. Otherwise, 00218 // deallocate the processor resources and terminate the loop. 00219 // 00220 00221 Started = HalStartNextProcessor(KeLoaderBlock, &ProcessorState); 00222 if (Started == FALSE) { 00223 ExFreePool((PVOID)MemoryBlock1); 00224 ExFreePool((PVOID)MemoryBlock2); 00225 break; 00226 00227 } else { 00228 00229 // 00230 // Wait until boot is finished on the target processor before 00231 // starting the next processor. Booting is considered to be 00232 // finished when a processor completes its initialization and 00233 // drops into the idle loop. 00234 // 00235 00236 Prcb = (PKPRCB)(KeLoaderBlock->Prcb); 00237 RestartBlock = Prcb->RestartBlock; 00238 while (RestartBlock->BootStatus.BootFinished == 0) { 00239 KiMb(); 00240 } 00241 } 00242 00243 Number += 1; 00244 } 00245 00246 #endif 00247 00248 // 00249 // Reset and synchronize the performance counters of all processors, by 00250 // applying a null adjustment to the interrupt time 00251 // 00252 00253 KiAdjustInterruptTime(0); 00254 return; 00255 } }

BOOLEAN KeStartProfile IN PKPROFILE  Profile,

Definition at line 289 of file profobj.c.

References _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::Affinity, ASSERT, ASSERT_PROFILE, Buffer, DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ExFreePool(), FALSE, HalStartProfileInterrupt(), KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeLowerIrql(), KeNumberProcessors, KeRaiseIrql(), KiEnableAlignmentExceptions, KiIpiSendPacket(), KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(), KiProfileAlignmentFixup, KiProfileIrql, KiProfileListHead, KiProfileLock, KiProfileSourceListHead, KiStartProfileInterrupt(), L, _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::ListEntry, NonPagedPool, NULL, PKACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE, _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::ProcessorCount, _KPROCESS::ProfileListHead, _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::Source, and TRUE.

Referenced by NtStartProfile().

00296 : 00297 00298 This function starts profile data gathering on the specified profile 00299 object. The profile object is marked started, and is registered with 00300 the profile interrupt procedure. 00301 00302 If the number of active profile objects was previously zero, then the 00303 profile interrupt is enabled. 00304 00305 N.B. For the current implementation, an arbitrary number of profile 00306 objects may be active at once. This can present a large system 00307 overhead. It is assumed that the caller appropriately limits the 00308 the number of active profiles. 00309 00310 Arguments: 00311 00312 Profile - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type profile. 00313 00314 Buffer - Supplies a pointer to an array of counters, which record 00315 the number of hits in the corresponding bucket. 00316 00317 Return Value: 00318 00319 A value of TRUE is returned if profiling was previously stopped for 00320 the specified profile object. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. 00321 00322 --*/ 00323 00324 { 00325 00326 KIRQL OldIrql, OldIrql2; 00327 PKPROCESS Process; 00328 BOOLEAN Started; 00329 KAFFINITY TargetProcessors; 00330 PKPRCB Prcb; 00331 PKACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE ActiveSource = NULL; 00332 PKACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE CurrentActiveSource; 00333 PKACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE AllocatedPool; 00334 PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; 00335 ULONG SourceSize; 00336 KAFFINITY AffinitySet; 00337 PULONG Reference; 00338 00339 ASSERT_PROFILE(Profile); 00340 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00341 00342 // 00343 // Allocate pool that may be required before raising to PROFILE_LEVEL. 00344 // 00345 00346 SourceSize = sizeof(KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE) + sizeof(ULONG) * 00347 (KeNumberProcessors - 1); 00348 AllocatedPool = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, SourceSize, 'forP'); 00349 if (AllocatedPool == NULL) { 00350 return(TRUE); 00351 } 00352 00353 // 00354 // Raise to dispatch level 00355 // 00356 00357 KeRaiseIrql (DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 00358 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 00359 00360 // 00361 // Raise IRQL to PROFILE_LEVEL and acquire the profile lock. 00362 // 00363 00364 KeRaiseIrql(KiProfileIrql, &OldIrql2); 00365 KiAcquireSpinLock(&KiProfileLock); 00366 00367 // 00368 // Assume object already started 00369 // 00370 00371 Started = FALSE; 00372 AffinitySet = 0L; 00373 TargetProcessors = 0L; 00374 00375 // 00376 // If the specified profile object is not started, set started to TRUE, 00377 // set the address of the profile buffer, set the profile object to started, 00378 // insert the profile object in the appropriate profile list, and start 00379 // profile interrupts if the number of active profile objects was previously zero. 00380 // 00381 00382 if (Profile->Started == FALSE) { 00383 00384 Started = TRUE; 00385 Profile->Buffer = Buffer; 00386 Profile->Started = TRUE; 00387 Process = Profile->Process; 00388 if (Process != NULL) { 00389 InsertTailList(&Process->ProfileListHead, &Profile->ProfileListEntry); 00390 00391 } else { 00392 InsertTailList(&KiProfileListHead, &Profile->ProfileListEntry); 00393 } 00394 00395 // 00396 // Check the profile source list to see if this profile source is 00397 // already started. If so, update the reference counts. If not, 00398 // allocate a profile source object, initialize the reference 00399 // counts, and add it to the list. 00400 // 00401 00402 ListEntry = KiProfileSourceListHead.Flink; 00403 while (ListEntry != &KiProfileSourceListHead) { 00404 CurrentActiveSource = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, 00405 KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE, 00406 ListEntry); 00407 00408 if (CurrentActiveSource->Source == Profile->Source) { 00409 ActiveSource = CurrentActiveSource; 00410 break; 00411 } 00412 ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; 00413 } 00414 00415 if (ActiveSource == NULL) { 00416 00417 // 00418 // This source was not found, allocate and initialize a new entry and add 00419 // it to the head of the list. 00420 // 00421 00422 ActiveSource = AllocatedPool; 00423 AllocatedPool = NULL; 00424 RtlZeroMemory(ActiveSource, SourceSize); 00425 ActiveSource->Source = Profile->Source; 00426 InsertHeadList(&KiProfileSourceListHead, &ActiveSource->ListEntry); 00427 if (Profile->Source == ProfileAlignmentFixup) { 00428 KiProfileAlignmentFixup = TRUE; 00429 } 00430 } 00431 00432 // 00433 // Increment the reference counts for each processor in the 00434 // affinity set. 00435 // 00436 00437 AffinitySet = Profile->Affinity; 00438 Reference = &ActiveSource->ProcessorCount[0]; 00439 while (AffinitySet != 0) { 00440 if (AffinitySet & 1) { 00441 *Reference = *Reference + 1; 00442 } 00443 00444 AffinitySet = AffinitySet >> 1; 00445 Reference = Reference + 1; 00446 } 00447 00448 // 00449 // Compute the processors which the profile interrupt is 00450 // required and not already started 00451 // 00452 00453 AffinitySet = Profile->Affinity & ~ActiveSource->Affinity; 00454 TargetProcessors = AffinitySet & ~Prcb->SetMember; 00455 00456 // 00457 // Update set of processors on which this source is active. 00458 // 00459 00460 ActiveSource->Affinity |= Profile->Affinity; 00461 } 00462 00463 // 00464 // Release the profile lock, lower IRQL to its previous value, and 00465 // return whether profiling was started. 00466 // 00467 00468 KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiProfileLock); 00469 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql2); 00470 00471 // 00472 // Start profile interrupt on pending processors 00473 // 00474 00475 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00476 00477 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00478 KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, 00479 KiStartProfileInterrupt, 00480 (PVOID)Profile->Source, 00481 NULL, 00482 NULL); 00483 } 00484 00485 #endif 00486 00487 if (AffinitySet & Prcb->SetMember) { 00488 if (Profile->Source == ProfileAlignmentFixup) { 00489 KiEnableAlignmentExceptions(); 00490 } 00491 HalStartProfileInterrupt(Profile->Source); 00492 } 00493 00494 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00495 00496 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00497 KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); 00498 } 00499 00500 #endif 00501 00502 // 00503 // Lower to original IRQL 00504 // 00505 00506 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 00507 00508 // 00509 // If the allocated pool was not used, free it now. 00510 // 00511 00512 if (AllocatedPool != NULL) { 00513 ExFreePool(AllocatedPool); 00514 } 00515 00516 return Started; 00517 }

BOOLEAN KeStopProfile IN PKPROFILE  Profile  ) 

Definition at line 520 of file profobj.c.

References _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::Affinity, ASSERT, ASSERT_PROFILE, DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExFreePool(), FALSE, HalStopProfileInterrupt(), KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeLowerIrql(), KeRaiseIrql(), KiDisableAlignmentExceptions, KiIpiSendPacket(), KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(), KiProfileAlignmentFixup, KiProfileIrql, KiProfileLock, KiProfileSourceListHead, KiStopProfileInterrupt(), L, _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::ListEntry, NULL, PKACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE, _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::ProcessorCount, _KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE::Source, and TRUE.

Referenced by ExpProfileDelete(), and NtStopProfile().

00526 : 00527 00528 This function stops profile data gathering on the specified profile 00529 object. The object is marked stopped, and is removed from the active 00530 profile list. 00531 00532 If the number of active profile objects goes to zero, then the profile 00533 interrupt is disabled. 00534 00535 Arguments: 00536 00537 Profile - Supplies a pointer to a control object of type profile. 00538 00539 Return Value: 00540 00541 A value of TRUE is returned if profiling was previously started for 00542 the specified profile object. Otherwise, a value of FALSE is returned. 00543 00544 --*/ 00545 00546 { 00547 00548 KIRQL OldIrql, OldIrql2; 00549 BOOLEAN Stopped; 00550 KAFFINITY TargetProcessors; 00551 PKPRCB Prcb; 00552 BOOLEAN StopInterrupt = TRUE; 00553 PLIST_ENTRY ListEntry; 00554 PKACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE ActiveSource; 00555 PKACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE PoolToFree=NULL; 00556 KAFFINITY AffinitySet = 0; 00557 KAFFINITY CurrentProcessor; 00558 PULONG Reference; 00559 00560 ASSERT_PROFILE(Profile); 00561 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00562 00563 // 00564 // Raise to disaptch level 00565 // 00566 00567 KeRaiseIrql (DISPATCH_LEVEL, &OldIrql); 00568 Prcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 00569 00570 // 00571 // Raise IRQL to PROFILE_LEVEL and acquire the profile lock. 00572 // 00573 00574 KeRaiseIrql(KiProfileIrql, &OldIrql2); 00575 KiAcquireSpinLock(&KiProfileLock); 00576 00577 // 00578 // Assume object already stopped 00579 // 00580 00581 Stopped = FALSE; 00582 AffinitySet = 0L; 00583 TargetProcessors = 0L; 00584 00585 // 00586 // If the specified profile object is not stopped, set stopped to TRUE, set 00587 // the profile object to stopped, remove the profile object object from the 00588 // appropriate profilelist, and stop profile interrupts if the number of 00589 // active profile objects is zero. 00590 // 00591 00592 if (Profile->Started != FALSE) { 00593 00594 Stopped = TRUE; 00595 Profile->Started = FALSE; 00596 RemoveEntryList(&Profile->ProfileListEntry); 00597 00598 // 00599 // Search the profile source list to find the entry for this 00600 // profile source. 00601 // 00602 00603 ListEntry = KiProfileSourceListHead.Flink; 00604 do { 00605 ASSERT(ListEntry != &KiProfileSourceListHead); 00606 ActiveSource = CONTAINING_RECORD(ListEntry, 00607 KACTIVE_PROFILE_SOURCE, 00608 ListEntry); 00609 ListEntry = ListEntry->Flink; 00610 } while ( ActiveSource->Source != Profile->Source ); 00611 00612 // 00613 // Decrement the reference counts for each processor in the 00614 // affinity set and build up a mask of the processors that 00615 // now have a reference count of zero. 00616 // 00617 00618 CurrentProcessor = 1; 00619 TargetProcessors = 0; 00620 AffinitySet = Profile->Affinity; 00621 Reference = &ActiveSource->ProcessorCount[0]; 00622 while (AffinitySet != 0) { 00623 if (AffinitySet & 1) { 00624 *Reference = *Reference - 1; 00625 if (*Reference == 0) { 00626 TargetProcessors = TargetProcessors | CurrentProcessor; 00627 } 00628 } 00629 00630 AffinitySet = AffinitySet >> 1; 00631 Reference = Reference + 1; 00632 CurrentProcessor = CurrentProcessor << 1; 00633 } 00634 00635 // 00636 // Compute the processors whose profile interrupt reference 00637 // count has dropped to zero. 00638 // 00639 00640 AffinitySet = TargetProcessors; 00641 TargetProcessors = AffinitySet & ~Prcb->SetMember; 00642 00643 // 00644 // Update set of processors on which this source is active. 00645 // 00646 00647 ActiveSource->Affinity &= ~AffinitySet; 00648 00649 // 00650 // Determine whether this profile source is stopped on all 00651 // processors. If so, remove it from the list and free it. 00652 // 00653 00654 if (ActiveSource->Affinity == 0) { 00655 RemoveEntryList(&ActiveSource->ListEntry); 00656 PoolToFree = ActiveSource; 00657 if (Profile->Source == ProfileAlignmentFixup) { 00658 KiProfileAlignmentFixup = FALSE; 00659 } 00660 } 00661 } 00662 00663 // 00664 // Release the profile lock, lower IRQL to its previous value, and 00665 // return whether profiling was stopped. 00666 // 00667 00668 KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiProfileLock); 00669 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql2); 00670 00671 // 00672 // Stop profile interrupt on pending processors 00673 // 00674 00675 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00676 00677 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00678 KiIpiSendPacket(TargetProcessors, 00679 KiStopProfileInterrupt, 00680 (PVOID)Profile->Source, 00681 NULL, 00682 NULL); 00683 } 00684 00685 #endif 00686 00687 if (AffinitySet & Prcb->SetMember) { 00688 if (Profile->Source == ProfileAlignmentFixup) { 00689 KiDisableAlignmentExceptions(); 00690 } 00691 HalStopProfileInterrupt(Profile->Source); 00692 } 00693 00694 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00695 00696 if (TargetProcessors != 0) { 00697 KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(TargetProcessors); 00698 } 00699 00700 #endif 00701 00702 // 00703 // Lower to original IRQL 00704 // 00705 00706 KeLowerIrql (OldIrql); 00707 00708 // 00709 // Now that IRQL has been lowered, free the profile source if 00710 // necessary. 00711 // 00712 00713 if (PoolToFree != NULL) { 00714 ExFreePool(PoolToFree); 00715 } 00716 00717 return Stopped; 00718 }

ULONG KeSuspendThread IN  PKTHREAD  ) 

Definition at line 1912 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, ASSERT_THREAD, DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, KiInsertQueueApc(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), and RESUME_INCREMENT.

Referenced by NtSuspendThread(), and PspCreateThread().

01918 : 01919 01920 This function suspends the execution of a thread. If the suspend count 01921 overflows the maximum suspend count, then a condition is raised. 01922 01923 Arguments: 01924 01925 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 01926 01927 Return Value: 01928 01929 The previous suspend count. 01930 01931 --*/ 01932 01933 { 01934 01935 ULONG OldCount; 01936 KIRQL OldIrql; 01937 01938 ASSERT_THREAD(Thread); 01939 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01940 01941 // 01942 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 01943 // 01944 01945 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 01946 01947 // 01948 // Capture the current suspend count. 01949 // 01950 01951 OldCount = Thread->SuspendCount; 01952 01953 // 01954 // If the suspend count is at its maximum value, then unlock dispatcher 01955 // database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and raise an error 01956 // condition. 01957 // 01958 01959 if (OldCount == MAXIMUM_SUSPEND_COUNT) { 01960 01961 // 01962 // Unlock the dispatcher database and raise an exception. 01963 // 01964 01965 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01966 ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_SUSPEND_COUNT_EXCEEDED); 01967 } 01968 01969 // 01970 // Increment the suspend count. If the thread was not previously suspended, 01971 // then queue the thread's suspend APC. 01972 // 01973 01974 Thread->SuspendCount += 1; 01975 if ((OldCount == 0) && (Thread->FreezeCount == 0)) { 01976 if (KiInsertQueueApc(&Thread->SuspendApc, RESUME_INCREMENT) == FALSE) { 01977 Thread->SuspendSemaphore.Header.SignalState -= 1; 01978 } 01979 } 01980 01981 // 01982 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 01983 // value. 01984 // 01985 01986 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 01987 01988 // 01989 // Return the previous suspend count. 01990 // 01991 01992 return OldCount; 01993 }

VOID KeSwapProcessOrStack IN PVOID  Context  ) 

Definition at line 322 of file balmgr.c.

References Executive, FALSE, KeGetCurrentThread, KernelMode, KeSetPriorityThread(), KeWaitForSingleObject(), KiInSwapKernelStacks(), KiInSwapProcesses(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiOutSwapKernelStacks(), KiOutSwapProcesses(), KiProcessInSwapListHead, KiProcessOutSwapListHead, KiStackInSwapListHead, KiStackOutSwapRequest, KiSwapEvent, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), NTSTATUS(), NULL, Status, and TRUE.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

00328 : 00329 00330 This thread controls the swapping of processes and kernel stacks. The 00331 order of evaluation is: 00332 00333 Outswap kernel stacks 00334 Outswap processes 00335 Inswap processes 00336 Inswap kernel stacks 00337 00338 Arguments: 00339 00340 Context - Supplies a pointer to the routine context - not used. 00341 00342 Return Value: 00343 00344 None. 00345 00346 --*/ 00347 00348 { 00349 00350 KIRQL OldIrql; 00351 NTSTATUS Status; 00352 00353 // 00354 // Raise the thread priority to the lowest realtime level + 7 (i.e., 00355 // priority 23). 00356 // 00357 00358 KeSetPriorityThread(KeGetCurrentThread(), LOW_REALTIME_PRIORITY + 7); 00359 00360 // 00361 // Loop for ever processing swap events. 00362 // 00363 00364 do { 00365 00366 // 00367 // Wait for a swap event to occur. 00368 // 00369 00370 Status = KeWaitForSingleObject(&KiSwapEvent, 00371 Executive, 00372 KernelMode, 00373 FALSE, 00374 NULL); 00375 00376 // 00377 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00378 // 00379 00380 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00381 00382 // 00383 // Loop until all of the four possible actions cannot be initiated. 00384 // 00385 00386 do { 00387 00388 // 00389 // If a request has been made to out swap kernel stacks, then 00390 // attempt to outswap kernel stacks. Otherwise, if the process 00391 // out swap list is not empty, then initiate process outswapping. 00392 // Otherwise, if the process inswap list is not empty, then start 00393 // process inswapping. Otherwise, if the kernal stack inswap list 00394 // is not active, then initiate kernel stack inswapping. Otherwise, 00395 // no work is available. 00396 // 00397 00398 if (KiStackOutSwapRequest != FALSE) { 00399 KiStackOutSwapRequest = FALSE; 00400 KiOutSwapKernelStacks(OldIrql); 00401 continue; 00402 00403 } else if (IsListEmpty(&KiProcessOutSwapListHead) == FALSE) { 00404 KiOutSwapProcesses(OldIrql); 00405 continue; 00406 00407 } else if (IsListEmpty(&KiProcessInSwapListHead) == FALSE) { 00408 KiInSwapProcesses(OldIrql); 00409 continue; 00410 00411 } else if (IsListEmpty(&KiStackInSwapListHead) == FALSE) { 00412 KiInSwapKernelStacks(OldIrql); 00413 continue; 00414 00415 } else { 00416 break; 00417 } 00418 } while (TRUE); 00419 00420 // 00421 // Unlock the dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00422 // value. 00423 // 00424 00425 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00426 } while (TRUE); 00427 return; 00428 }

KCONTINUE_STATUS KeSwitchFrozenProcessor IN ULONG  ProcessorNumber  ) 

Definition at line 334 of file ke/debug.c.

References ContinueError, ContinueNextProcessor, ContinueProcessorReselected, FREEZE_ACTIVE, FREEZE_OWNER, FrozenState, KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeNumberProcessors, KiProcessorBlock, and TARGET_FROZEN.

Referenced by KdpSendWaitContinue().

00337 { 00338 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00339 PKPRCB TargetPrcb, CurrentPrcb; 00340 00341 // 00342 // If Processor number is out of range, reselect current processor 00343 // 00344 00345 if (ProcessorNumber >= (ULONG) KeNumberProcessors) { 00346 return ContinueProcessorReselected; 00347 } 00348 00349 TargetPrcb = KiProcessorBlock[ProcessorNumber]; 00350 CurrentPrcb = KeGetCurrentPrcb(); 00351 00352 // 00353 // Move active flag to correct processor. 00354 // 00355 00356 CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen &= ~FREEZE_ACTIVE; 00357 TargetPrcb->IpiFrozen |= FREEZE_ACTIVE; 00358 00359 // 00360 // If this processor is frozen in KiFreezeTargetExecution, return to it 00361 // 00362 00363 if (FrozenState(CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen) == TARGET_FROZEN) { 00364 return ContinueNextProcessor; 00365 } 00366 00367 // 00368 // This processor must be FREEZE_OWNER, wait to be reselected as the 00369 // active processor 00370 // 00371 00372 if (FrozenState(CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen) != FREEZE_OWNER) { 00373 return ContinueError; 00374 } 00375 00376 while (!(CurrentPrcb->IpiFrozen & FREEZE_ACTIVE)) { 00377 KeYieldProcessor(); 00378 } 00379 00380 #endif // !defined(NT_UP) 00381 00382 // 00383 // Reselect this processor 00384 // 00385 00386 return ContinueProcessorReselected; 00387 }

PVOID KeSwitchKernelStack IN PVOID  StackBase,
IN PVOID  StackLimit

Referenced by PsConvertToGuiThread().

IN PVOID  SynchronizeContext

Referenced by VerifierSynchronizeExecution().

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeTerminateThread IN KPRIORITY  Increment  ) 

Definition at line 1996 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, BALANCE_INCREMENT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExWorkerQueue, FALSE, _KEVENT::Header, HyperCriticalWorkQueue, Increment, KeGetCurrentThread, KiActivateWaiterQueue(), KiInsertQueue(), KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiProcessOutSwapListHead, KiRundownThread, KiSwapEvent, KiSwapThread(), KiWaitTest(), _WORK_QUEUE_ITEM::List, NULL, ProcessInTransition, PsReaperActive, PsReaperListHead, PsReaperWorkItem, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::SignalState, _KPROCESS::StackCount, _KPROCESS::State, _KPROCESS::SwapListEntry, Terminated, _ETHREAD::ThreadListEntry, _KPROCESS::ThreadListHead, TRUE, and _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead.

Referenced by PspExitThread().

02002 : 02003 02004 This function terminates the execution of the current thread, sets the 02005 signal state of the thread to Signaled, and attempts to satisfy as many 02006 Waits as possible. The scheduling state of the thread is set to terminated, 02007 and a new thread is selected to run on the current processor. There is no 02008 return from this function. 02009 02010 Arguments: 02011 02012 None. 02013 02014 Return Value: 02015 02016 None. 02017 02018 --*/ 02019 02020 { 02021 02022 PRKTHREAD NextThread; 02023 KIRQL OldIrql; 02024 PKPROCESS Process; 02025 PRKQUEUE Queue; 02026 PRKTHREAD Thread; 02027 02028 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 02029 02030 // 02031 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 02032 // 02033 02034 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 02035 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 02036 02037 // 02038 // Insert the thread in the reaper list. 02039 // 02040 // If a reaper thread is not currently active, then insert a work item in 02041 // the hyper critical work queue. 02042 // 02043 // N.B. This code has knowledge of the reaper data structures and how 02044 // worker threads are implemented. 02045 // 02046 // N.B. The dispatcher database lock is used to synchronize access to the 02047 // reaper list. 02048 // 02049 02050 InsertTailList(&PsReaperListHead, &((PETHREAD)Thread)->TerminationPortList); 02051 if (PsReaperActive == FALSE) { 02052 PsReaperActive = TRUE; 02053 KiInsertQueue(&ExWorkerQueue[HyperCriticalWorkQueue].WorkerQueue, 02054 &PsReaperWorkItem.List, 02055 FALSE); 02056 } 02057 02058 // 02059 // If the current thread is processing a queue entry, then remove 02060 // the thrread from the queue object thread list and attempt to 02061 // activate another thread that is blocked on the queue object. 02062 // 02063 02064 Queue = Thread->Queue; 02065 if (Queue != NULL) { 02066 RemoveEntryList(&Thread->QueueListEntry); 02067 KiActivateWaiterQueue(Queue); 02068 } 02069 02070 // 02071 // Set the state of the current thread object to Signaled, and attempt 02072 // to satisfy as many Waits as possible. 02073 // 02074 02075 Thread->Header.SignalState = TRUE; 02076 if (IsListEmpty(&Thread->Header.WaitListHead) != TRUE) { 02077 KiWaitTest((PVOID)Thread, Increment); 02078 } 02079 02080 // 02081 // Remove thread from its parent process' thread list. 02082 // 02083 02084 RemoveEntryList(&Thread->ThreadListEntry); 02085 02086 // 02087 // Set thread scheduling state to terminated, decrement the process' 02088 // stack count, select a new thread to run on the current processor, 02089 // and swap context to the new thread. 02090 // 02091 02092 Thread->State = Terminated; 02093 Process = Thread->ApcState.Process; 02094 Process->StackCount -= 1; 02095 if (Process->StackCount == 0) { 02096 if (Process->ThreadListHead.Flink != &Process->ThreadListHead) { 02097 Process->State = ProcessInTransition; 02098 InsertTailList(&KiProcessOutSwapListHead, &Process->SwapListEntry); 02099 KiSwapEvent.Header.SignalState = 1; 02100 if (IsListEmpty(&KiSwapEvent.Header.WaitListHead) == FALSE) { 02101 KiWaitTest(&KiSwapEvent, BALANCE_INCREMENT); 02102 } 02103 } 02104 } 02105 02106 // 02107 // Rundown any architectural specific structures 02108 // 02109 02110 KiRundownThread(Thread); 02111 02112 // 02113 // Get off the processor for the last time. 02114 // 02115 02116 KiSwapThread(); 02117 return; 02118 }


Definition at line 2121 of file thredobj.c.

References _KTHREAD::Alerted, _KAPC_STATE::ApcListHead, _KTHREAD::ApcQueueLock, _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, KeGetCurrentThread, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), TRUE, _KAPC_STATE::UserApcPending, and UserMode.

Referenced by KiDeliverApc(), and NtTestAlert().

02127 : 02128 02129 This function tests to determine if the alerted variable for the 02130 specified processor mode has a value of TRUE or whether a user mode 02131 APC should be delivered to the current thread. 02132 02133 Arguments: 02134 02135 AlertMode - Supplies the processor mode which is to be tested 02136 for an alerted condition. 02137 02138 Return Value: 02139 02140 The previous state of the alerted variable for the specified processor 02141 mode. 02142 02143 --*/ 02144 02145 { 02146 02147 BOOLEAN Alerted; 02148 KIRQL OldIrql; 02149 PKTHREAD Thread; 02150 02151 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 02152 02153 // 02154 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level, lock dispatcher database, and lock 02155 // APC queue. 02156 // 02157 02158 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 02159 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 02160 KiAcquireSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 02161 02162 // 02163 // If the current thread is alerted for the specified processor mode, 02164 // then clear the alerted state. Else if the specified processor mode 02165 // is user and the current thread's user mode APC queue contains an entry, 02166 // then set user APC pending. 02167 // 02168 02169 Alerted = Thread->Alerted[AlertMode]; 02170 if (Alerted == TRUE) { 02171 Thread->Alerted[AlertMode] = FALSE; 02172 02173 } else if ((AlertMode == UserMode) && 02174 (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[UserMode]) != TRUE)) { 02175 Thread->ApcState.UserApcPending = TRUE; 02176 } 02177 02178 // 02179 // Unlock APC queue, unlock dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its 02180 // previous value, and return the previous alerted state for the 02181 // specified mode. 02182 // 02183 02184 KiReleaseSpinLock(&Thread->ApcQueueLock); 02185 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 02186 return Alerted; 02187 }

VOID KeThawAllThreads VOID   ) 

Definition at line 2190 of file thredobj.c.

References ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, _KTHREAD::FreezeCount, _KSEMAPHORE::Header, KeGetCurrentThread, KeLeaveCriticalRegion, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), RESUME_INCREMENT, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::SignalState, _KTHREAD::SuspendCount, _KTHREAD::SuspendSemaphore, and _KPROCESS::ThreadListHead.

Referenced by DbgkpResumeProcess().

02196 : 02197 02198 This function resumes the execution of all suspended froozen threads 02199 in the current process. 02200 02201 Arguments: 02202 02203 None. 02204 02205 Return Value: 02206 02207 None. 02208 02209 --*/ 02210 02211 { 02212 02213 PLIST_ENTRY ListHead; 02214 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 02215 PKPROCESS Process; 02216 PKTHREAD Thread; 02217 ULONG OldCount; 02218 KIRQL OldIrql; 02219 02220 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 02221 02222 // 02223 // Get the address of the current current process object, raise IRQL 02224 // to dispatch level, lock dispatcher database, and thaw the execution 02225 // of all threads in the current process that have been frozzen. 02226 // 02227 02228 Process = KeGetCurrentThread()->ApcState.Process; 02229 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 02230 ListHead = &Process->ThreadListHead; 02231 NextEntry = ListHead->Flink; 02232 do { 02233 02234 // 02235 // Get the address of the next thread and thaw its execution if 02236 // if was previously froozen. 02237 // 02238 02239 Thread = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, KTHREAD, ThreadListEntry); 02240 OldCount = Thread->FreezeCount; 02241 if (OldCount != 0) { 02242 Thread->FreezeCount -= 1; 02243 02244 // 02245 // If the resultant suspend count is zero and the freeze count is 02246 // zero, then resume the thread by releasing its suspend semaphore. 02247 // 02248 02249 if ((Thread->SuspendCount == 0) && (Thread->FreezeCount == 0)) { 02250 Thread->SuspendSemaphore.Header.SignalState += 1; 02251 KiWaitTest(&Thread->SuspendSemaphore, RESUME_INCREMENT); 02252 } 02253 } 02254 02255 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 02256 } while (NextEntry != ListHead); 02257 02258 // 02259 // Unlock dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 02260 // value. 02261 // 02262 02263 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 02264 KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); 02265 return; 02266 } }

VOID KeThawExecution IN BOOLEAN  Enable  ) 

Definition at line 391 of file ke/debug.c.

References ClearMember, FREEZE_BACKUP, FrozenState, KeActiveProcessors, KeFindFirstSetRightMember, KeFlushCurrentTb(), KeGetCurrentPrcb, KeLowerIrql(), KiFreezeExecutionLock, KiFreezeFlag, KiFreezeLockBackup, KiOldIrql, KiProcessorBlock, KiRestoreInterrupts(), RUNNING, TARGET_FROZEN, and TARGET_THAW.

Referenced by KdExitDebugger().

00397 : 00398 00399 This function thaws the execution of all other processors in the host 00400 configuration and then returns to the caller. It is intended for use by 00401 the kernel debugger. 00402 00403 Arguments: 00404 00405 Enable - Supplies the previous interrupt enable that is to be restored 00406 after having thawed the execution of all other processors. 00407 00408 Return Value: 00409 00410 None. 00411 00412 --*/ 00413 00414 { 00415 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00416 00417 KIRQL OldIrql; 00418 ULONG TargetSet; 00419 ULONG BitNumber; 00420 ULONG Flag; 00421 PKPRCB Prcb; 00422 00423 // 00424 // Before releasing FreezeExecutionLock clear any all targets IpiFrozen 00425 // flag. 00426 // 00427 00428 KeGetCurrentPrcb()->IpiFrozen = RUNNING; 00429 00430 TargetSet = KeActiveProcessors & ~(1 << KeGetCurrentPrcb()->Number); 00431 while (TargetSet != 0) { 00432 BitNumber = KeFindFirstSetRightMember(TargetSet); 00433 ClearMember(BitNumber, TargetSet); 00434 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[BitNumber]; 00435 #if IDBG 00436 // 00437 // If the target processor was not forzen, then don't wait 00438 // for target to unfreeze. 00439 // 00440 00441 if (FrozenState(Prcb->IpiFrozen) != TARGET_FROZEN) { 00442 Prcb->IpiFrozen = RUNNING; 00443 continue; 00444 } 00445 #endif 00446 00447 Prcb->IpiFrozen = TARGET_THAW; 00448 while (Prcb->IpiFrozen == TARGET_THAW) { 00449 KeYieldProcessor(); 00450 } 00451 } 00452 00453 // 00454 // Capture the previous IRQL before releasing the freeze lock. 00455 // 00456 00457 OldIrql = KiOldIrql; 00458 00459 #if IDBG 00460 00461 Flag = KiFreezeFlag; 00462 KiFreezeFlag = 0; 00463 00464 if ((Flag & FREEZE_BACKUP) != 0) { 00465 KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiFreezeLockBackup); 00466 } else { 00467 KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiFreezeExecutionLock); 00468 } 00469 00470 #else 00471 00472 KiFreezeFlag = 0; 00473 KiReleaseSpinLock(&KiFreezeExecutionLock); 00474 00475 #endif 00476 #endif // !defined (NT_UP) 00477 00478 00479 // 00480 // Flush the current TB, instruction cache, and data cache. 00481 // 00482 00483 KeFlushCurrentTb(); 00484 KeSweepCurrentIcache(); 00485 KeSweepCurrentDcache(); 00486 00487 // 00488 // Lower IRQL and restore interrupt enable 00489 // 00490 00491 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00492 KeLowerIrql(OldIrql); 00493 #endif 00494 KiRestoreInterrupts(Enable); 00495 return; 00496 }

BOOLEAN KeTryToAcquireSpinLock IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock,

Referenced by MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

NTKERNELAPI VOID KeUnstackDetachProcess IN PRKAPC_STATE  ApcState  ) 

Definition at line 512 of file procobj.c.

References APC_LEVEL, _KAPC_STATE::ApcListHead, _KTHREAD::ApcState, _KTHREAD::ApcStateIndex, _KTHREAD::ApcStatePointer, ASSERT, BALANCE_INCREMENT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, FALSE, _KEVENT::Header, KeBugCheck(), KeGetCurrentThread, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcInProgress, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KernelMode, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiMoveApcState(), KiProcessOutSwapListHead, KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(), KiSwapEvent, KiSwapProcess(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitTest(), NULL, _KAPC_STATE::Process, ProcessInTransition, _KTHREAD::SavedApcState, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::SignalState, _KPROCESS::StackCount, _KPROCESS::State, _KPROCESS::SwapListEntry, _KPROCESS::ThreadListHead, TRUE, UserMode, and _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead.

Referenced by NtClose(), NtSetInformationObject(), NtWaitForMultipleObjects(), ObpCreateHandle(), ObpCreateUnnamedHandle(), and PspProcessDelete().

00518 : 00519 00520 This function detaches a thread from another process' address space 00521 and restores previous attach state. 00522 00523 Arguments: 00524 00525 ApcState - Supplies a pointer to an APC state structure that was returned 00526 from a previous call to stack attach process. 00527 00528 Return Value: 00529 00530 None. 00531 00532 --*/ 00533 00534 { 00535 00536 KIRQL OldIrql; 00537 PKPROCESS Process; 00538 PKTHREAD Thread; 00539 00540 ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00541 00542 // 00543 // Raise IRQL to dispatcher level and lock dispatcher database. 00544 // 00545 00546 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00547 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&OldIrql); 00548 00549 // 00550 // If the APC state has a distinguished process pointer value, then no 00551 // attach was performed on the paired call to stack attach process. 00552 // 00553 00554 if (ApcState->Process != (PRKPROCESS)1) { 00555 00556 // 00557 // If the current thread is not attached to another process, a kernel 00558 // APC is in progress, or either the kernel or user mode APC queues 00559 // are not empty, then call bug check. 00560 // 00561 00562 if ((Thread->ApcStateIndex == 0) || 00563 (Thread->ApcState.KernelApcInProgress) || 00564 (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]) == FALSE) || 00565 (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[UserMode]) == FALSE)) { 00566 KeBugCheck(INVALID_PROCESS_DETACH_ATTEMPT); 00567 } 00568 00569 // 00570 // Unbias current process stack count and check if the process should 00571 // be swapped out of memory. 00572 // 00573 00574 Process = Thread->ApcState.Process; 00575 Process->StackCount -= 1; 00576 if ((Process->StackCount == 0) && 00577 (IsListEmpty(&Process->ThreadListHead) == FALSE)) { 00578 Process->State = ProcessInTransition; 00579 InsertTailList(&KiProcessOutSwapListHead, &Process->SwapListEntry); 00580 KiSwapEvent.Header.SignalState = 1; 00581 if (IsListEmpty(&KiSwapEvent.Header.WaitListHead) == FALSE) { 00582 KiWaitTest(&KiSwapEvent, BALANCE_INCREMENT); 00583 } 00584 } 00585 00586 // 00587 // Restore APC state and check whether the kernel APC queue contains 00588 // an entry. If the kernel APC queue contains an entry then set kernel 00589 // APC pending and request a software interrupt at APC_LEVEL. 00590 // 00591 00592 if (ApcState->Process != NULL) { 00593 KiMoveApcState(ApcState, &Thread->ApcState); 00594 00595 } else { 00596 KiMoveApcState(&Thread->SavedApcState, &Thread->ApcState); 00597 Thread->SavedApcState.Process = (PKPROCESS)NULL; 00598 Thread->ApcStatePointer[0] = &Thread->ApcState; 00599 Thread->ApcStatePointer[1] = &Thread->SavedApcState; 00600 Thread->ApcStateIndex = 0; 00601 } 00602 00603 if (IsListEmpty(&Thread->ApcState.ApcListHead[KernelMode]) == FALSE) { 00604 Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending = TRUE; 00605 KiRequestSoftwareInterrupt(APC_LEVEL); 00606 } 00607 00608 // 00609 // Swap the address space back to the parent process. 00610 // 00611 00612 KiSwapProcess(Thread->ApcState.Process, Process); 00613 } 00614 00615 // 00616 // Lower IRQL to its previous value and return. 00617 // 00618 00619 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(OldIrql); 00620 return; 00621 }

IN PVOID  InputBuffer,
IN ULONG  InputLength,
OUT PVOID *  OutputBuffer,
OUT PULONG  OutputLength

IN PVOID  Object[],
IN BOOLEAN  Alertable,

Definition at line 395 of file wait.c.

References _KTHREAD::Alertable, APC_LEVEL, _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, Count, DISPATCH_LEVEL, _KTIMER::DueTime, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, _KMUTANT::Header, _KTIMER::Header, Index, KeBugCheck(), KeGetCurrentThread, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KiActivateWaiterQueue(), KiAdjustQuantumThread(), KiComputeWaitInterval(), KiInsertTreeTimer(), KiInsertWaitList, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSwapThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitSatisfyAll(), KiWaitSatisfyMutant, KiWaitSatisfyOther, KWAIT_REASON, MutantObject, _KWAIT_BLOCK::NextWaitBlock, NTSTATUS(), NULL, _KWAIT_BLOCK::Object, _KMUTANT::OwnerThread, _KTHREAD::Queue, QueueObject, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::SignalState, _KTHREAD::State, TestForAlertPending, _KWAIT_BLOCK::Thread, THREAD_WAIT_OBJECTS, _KTHREAD::Timer, TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK, TRUE, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::Type, USHORT, _KTHREAD::WaitBlock, _KTHREAD::WaitBlockList, Waiting, _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitKey, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitListEntry, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead, _KTHREAD::WaitMode, _KTHREAD::WaitNext, _KTHREAD::WaitReason, _KTHREAD::WaitStatus, _KTHREAD::WaitTime, and _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitType.

Referenced by CmpFileWrite(), ExpWorkerThreadBalanceManager(), InitiateWin32kCleanup(), KeBalanceSetManager(), MemPrintWriteThread(), MiDereferenceSegmentThread(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MmZeroPageThread(), NtWaitForMultipleObjects(), RawInputThread(), SmbTraceThreadEntry(), xxxMsgWaitForMultipleObjects(), xxxPollAndWaitForSingleObject(), and xxxSleepTask().

00408 : 00409 00410 This function waits until the specified objects attain a state of 00411 Signaled. The wait can be specified to wait until all of the objects 00412 attain a state of Signaled or until one of the objects attains a state 00413 of Signaled. An optional timeout can also be specified. If a timeout 00414 is not specified, then the wait will not be satisfied until the objects 00415 attain a state of Signaled. If a timeout is specified, and the objects 00416 have not attained a state of Signaled when the timeout expires, then 00417 the wait is automatically satisfied. If an explicit timeout value of 00418 zero is specified, then no wait will occur if the wait cannot be satisfied 00419 immediately. The wait can also be specified as alertable. 00420 00421 Arguments: 00422 00423 Count - Supplies a count of the number of objects that are to be waited 00424 on. 00425 00426 Object[] - Supplies an array of pointers to dispatcher objects. 00427 00428 WaitType - Supplies the type of wait to perform (WaitAll, WaitAny). 00429 00430 WaitReason - Supplies the reason for the wait. 00431 00432 WaitMode - Supplies the processor mode in which the wait is to occur. 00433 00434 Alertable - Supplies a boolean value that specifies whether the wait is 00435 alertable. 00436 00437 Timeout - Supplies a pointer to an optional absolute of relative time over 00438 which the wait is to occur. 00439 00440 WaitBlockArray - Supplies an optional pointer to an array of wait blocks 00441 that are to used to describe the wait operation. 00442 00443 Return Value: 00444 00445 The wait completion status. A value of STATUS_TIMEOUT is returned if a 00446 timeout occurred. The index of the object (zero based) in the object 00447 pointer array is returned if an object satisfied the wait. A value of 00448 STATUS_ALERTED is returned if the wait was aborted to deliver an alert 00449 to the current thread. A value of STATUS_USER_APC is returned if the 00450 wait was aborted to deliver a user APC to the current thread. 00451 00452 --*/ 00453 00454 { 00455 00456 LARGE_INTEGER DueTime; 00457 ULONG Index; 00458 LARGE_INTEGER NewTime; 00459 PRKTHREAD NextThread; 00460 PKMUTANT Objectx; 00461 PLARGE_INTEGER OriginalTime; 00462 PRKQUEUE Queue; 00463 PRKTHREAD Thread; 00464 PRKTIMER Timer; 00465 PRKWAIT_BLOCK WaitBlock; 00466 BOOLEAN WaitSatisfied; 00467 NTSTATUS WaitStatus; 00468 PKWAIT_BLOCK WaitTimer; 00469 00470 // 00471 // If the dispatcher database lock is not already held, then set the wait 00472 // IRQL and lock the dispatcher database. Else set boolean wait variable 00473 // to FALSE. 00474 // 00475 00476 Thread = KeGetCurrentThread(); 00477 if (Thread->WaitNext) { 00478 Thread->WaitNext = FALSE; 00479 00480 } else { 00481 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&Thread->WaitIrql); 00482 } 00483 00484 // 00485 // If a wait block array has been specified, then the maximum number of 00486 // objects that can be waited on is specified by MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS. 00487 // Otherwise the builtin wait blocks in the thread object are used and 00488 // the maximum number of objects that can be waited on is specified by 00489 // THREAD_WAIT_OBJECTS. If the specified number of objects is not within 00490 // limits, then bug check. 00491 // 00492 00493 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(WaitBlockArray)) { 00494 if (Count > MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS) { 00495 KeBugCheck(MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS_EXCEEDED); 00496 } 00497 00498 } else { 00499 if (Count > THREAD_WAIT_OBJECTS) { 00500 KeBugCheck(MAXIMUM_WAIT_OBJECTS_EXCEEDED); 00501 } 00502 00503 WaitBlockArray = &Thread->WaitBlock[0]; 00504 } 00505 00506 // 00507 // Start of wait loop. 00508 // 00509 // Note this loop is repeated if a kernel APC is delivered in the middle 00510 // of the wait or a kernel APC is pending on the first attempt through 00511 // the loop. 00512 // 00513 00514 OriginalTime = Timeout; 00515 do { 00516 00517 // 00518 // Set address of wait block list in thread object. 00519 // 00520 00521 Thread->WaitBlockList = WaitBlockArray; 00522 00523 // 00524 // Test to determine if a kernel APC is pending. 00525 // 00526 // If a kernel APC is pending and the previous IRQL was less than 00527 // APC_LEVEL, then a kernel APC was queued by another processor just 00528 // after IRQL was raised to DISPATCH_LEVEL, but before the dispatcher 00529 // database was locked. 00530 // 00531 // N.B. that this can only happen in a multiprocessor system. 00532 // 00533 00534 if (Thread->ApcState.KernelApcPending && (Thread->WaitIrql < APC_LEVEL)) { 00535 00536 // 00537 // Unlock the dispatcher database and lower IRQL to its previous 00538 // value. An APC interrupt will immediately occur which will result 00539 // in the delivery of the kernel APC if possible. 00540 // 00541 00542 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00543 00544 } else { 00545 00546 // 00547 // Construct wait blocks and check to determine if the wait is 00548 // already satisfied. If the wait is satisfied, then perform 00549 // wait completion and return. Else put current thread in a wait 00550 // state if an explicit timeout value of zero is not specified. 00551 // 00552 00553 Thread->WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)0; 00554 WaitSatisfied = TRUE; 00555 for (Index = 0; Index < Count; Index += 1) { 00556 00557 // 00558 // Test if wait can be satisfied immediately. 00559 // 00560 00561 Objectx = (PKMUTANT)Object[Index]; 00562 00563 ASSERT(Objectx->Header.Type != QueueObject); 00564 00565 if (WaitType == WaitAny) { 00566 00567 // 00568 // If the object is a mutant object and the mutant object 00569 // has been recursively acquired MINLONG times, then raise 00570 // an exception. Otherwise if the signal state of the mutant 00571 // object is greater than zero, or the current thread is 00572 // the owner of the mutant object, then satisfy the wait. 00573 // 00574 00575 if (Objectx->Header.Type == MutantObject) { 00576 if ((Objectx->Header.SignalState > 0) || 00577 (Thread == Objectx->OwnerThread)) { 00578 if (Objectx->Header.SignalState != MINLONG) { 00579 KiWaitSatisfyMutant(Objectx, Thread); 00580 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)(Index | Thread->WaitStatus); 00581 goto NoWait; 00582 00583 } else { 00584 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00585 ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_MUTANT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); 00586 } 00587 } 00588 00589 // 00590 // If the signal state is greater than zero, then satisfy 00591 // the wait. 00592 // 00593 00594 } else if (Objectx->Header.SignalState > 0) { 00595 KiWaitSatisfyOther(Objectx); 00596 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)(Index); 00597 goto NoWait; 00598 } 00599 00600 } else { 00601 00602 // 00603 // If the object is a mutant object and the mutant object 00604 // has been recursively acquired MAXLONG times, then raise 00605 // an exception. Otherwise if the signal state of the mutant 00606 // object is less than or equal to zero and the current 00607 // thread is not the owner of the mutant object, then the 00608 // wait cannot be satisfied. 00609 // 00610 00611 if (Objectx->Header.Type == MutantObject) { 00612 if ((Thread == Objectx->OwnerThread) && 00613 (Objectx->Header.SignalState == MINLONG)) { 00614 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00615 ExRaiseStatus(STATUS_MUTANT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED); 00616 00617 } else if ((Objectx->Header.SignalState <= 0) && 00618 (Thread != Objectx->OwnerThread)) { 00619 WaitSatisfied = FALSE; 00620 } 00621 00622 // 00623 // If the signal state is less than or equal to zero, then 00624 // the wait cannot be satisfied. 00625 // 00626 00627 } else if (Objectx->Header.SignalState <= 0) { 00628 WaitSatisfied = FALSE; 00629 } 00630 } 00631 00632 // 00633 // Construct wait block for the current object. 00634 // 00635 00636 WaitBlock = &WaitBlockArray[Index]; 00637 WaitBlock->Object = (PVOID)Objectx; 00638 WaitBlock->WaitKey = (CSHORT)(Index); 00639 WaitBlock->WaitType = (USHORT)WaitType; 00640 WaitBlock->Thread = Thread; 00641 WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock = &WaitBlockArray[Index + 1]; 00642 } 00643 00644 // 00645 // If the wait type is wait all, then check to determine if the 00646 // wait can be satisfied immediately. 00647 // 00648 00649 if ((WaitType == WaitAll) && (WaitSatisfied)) { 00650 WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock = &WaitBlockArray[0]; 00651 KiWaitSatisfyAll(WaitBlock); 00652 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)Thread->WaitStatus; 00653 goto NoWait; 00654 } 00655 00656 // 00657 // Test for alert pending. 00658 // 00659 00660 TestForAlertPending(Alertable); 00661 00662 // 00663 // The wait cannot be satisifed immediately. Check to determine if 00664 // a timeout value is specified. 00665 // 00666 00667 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Timeout)) { 00668 00669 // 00670 // If the timeout value is zero, then return immediately without 00671 // waiting. 00672 // 00673 00674 if (!(Timeout->LowPart | Timeout->HighPart)) { 00675 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)(STATUS_TIMEOUT); 00676 goto NoWait; 00677 } 00678 00679 // 00680 // Initialize a wait block for the thread specific timer, 00681 // initialize timer wait list head, insert the timer in the 00682 // timer tree, and increment the number of wait objects. 00683 // 00684 // N.B. The timer wait block is initialized when the respective 00685 // thread is initialized. Thus the constant fields are not 00686 // reinitialized. These include the wait object, wait key, 00687 // wait type, and the wait list entry link pointers. 00688 // 00689 00690 WaitTimer = &Thread->WaitBlock[TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK]; 00691 WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock = WaitTimer; 00692 WaitBlock = WaitTimer; 00693 Timer = &Thread->Timer; 00694 InitializeListHead(&Timer->Header.WaitListHead); 00695 if (KiInsertTreeTimer(Timer, *Timeout) == FALSE) { 00696 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)STATUS_TIMEOUT; 00697 goto NoWait; 00698 } 00699 00700 DueTime.QuadPart = Timer->DueTime.QuadPart; 00701 } 00702 00703 // 00704 // Close up the circular list of wait control blocks. 00705 // 00706 00707 WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock = &WaitBlockArray[0]; 00708 00709 // 00710 // Insert wait blocks in object wait lists. 00711 // 00712 00713 WaitBlock = &WaitBlockArray[0]; 00714 do { 00715 Objectx = (PKMUTANT)WaitBlock->Object; 00716 InsertTailList(&Objectx->Header.WaitListHead, &WaitBlock->WaitListEntry); 00717 WaitBlock = WaitBlock->NextWaitBlock; 00718 } while (WaitBlock != &WaitBlockArray[0]); 00719 00720 // 00721 // If the current thread is processing a queue entry, then attempt 00722 // to activate another thread that is blocked on the queue object. 00723 // 00724 00725 Queue = Thread->Queue; 00726 if (Queue != NULL) { 00727 KiActivateWaiterQueue(Queue); 00728 } 00729 00730 // 00731 // Set the thread wait parameters, set the thread dispatcher state 00732 // to Waiting, and insert the thread in the wait list. 00733 // 00734 00735 Thread->Alertable = Alertable; 00736 Thread->WaitMode = WaitMode; 00737 Thread->WaitReason = (UCHAR)WaitReason; 00738 Thread->WaitTime= KiQueryLowTickCount(); 00739 Thread->State = Waiting; 00740 KiInsertWaitList(WaitMode, Thread); 00741 00742 // 00743 // Switch context to selected thread. 00744 // 00745 // Control is returned at the original IRQL. 00746 // 00747 00748 ASSERT(Thread->WaitIrql <= DISPATCH_LEVEL); 00749 00750 WaitStatus = (NTSTATUS)KiSwapThread(); 00751 00752 // 00753 // If the thread was not awakened to deliver a kernel mode APC, 00754 // then the wait status. 00755 // 00756 00757 if (WaitStatus != STATUS_KERNEL_APC) { 00758 return WaitStatus; 00759 } 00760 00761 if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Timeout)) { 00762 00763 // 00764 // Reduce the amount of time remaining before timeout occurs. 00765 // 00766 00767 Timeout = KiComputeWaitInterval(OriginalTime, 00768 &DueTime, 00769 &NewTime); 00770 } 00771 } 00772 00773 // 00774 // Raise IRQL to DISPATCH_LEVEL and lock the dispatcher database. 00775 // 00776 00777 KiLockDispatcherDatabase(&Thread->WaitIrql); 00778 } while (TRUE); 00779 00780 // 00781 // The thread is alerted or a user APC should be delivered. Unlock the 00782 // dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and return 00783 // the wait status. 00784 // 00785 00786 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00787 return WaitStatus; 00788 00789 // 00790 // The wait has been satisfied without actually waiting. 00791 // 00792 // If the thread priority that is less than time critical, then reduce 00793 // the thread quantum. If a quantum end occurs, then reduce the thread 00794 // priority. 00795 // 00796 00797 NoWait: 00798 KiAdjustQuantumThread(Thread); 00799 00800 // 00801 // Unlock the dispatcher database, lower IRQL to its previous value, and 00802 // return the wait status. 00803 // 00804 00805 KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(Thread->WaitIrql); 00806 return WaitStatus; 00807 }

IN BOOLEAN  Alertable,

Definition at line 163 of file cmwraper.c.

References _KTHREAD::Alertable, APC_LEVEL, _KTHREAD::ApcState, ASSERT, DISPATCH_LEVEL, _KTIMER::DueTime, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, _KMUTANT::Header, _KTIMER::Header, KeGetCurrentThread, _KAPC_STATE::KernelApcPending, KiActivateWaiterQueue(), KiAdjustQuantumThread(), KiComputeWaitInterval(), KiInsertTreeTimer(), KiInsertWaitList, KiLockDispatcherDatabase, KiSwapThread(), KiUnlockDispatcherDatabase(), KiWaitSatisfyMutant, KiWaitSatisfyOther, KiWaitSingleCallData, KWAIT_REASON, MutantObject, _KWAIT_BLOCK::NextWaitBlock, NTSTATUS(), NULL, _KWAIT_BLOCK::Object, _KMUTANT::OwnerThread, _KTHREAD::Queue, QueueObject, RECORD_CALL_DATA, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::SignalState, _KTHREAD::State, TestForAlertPending, _KTHREAD::Timer, TIMER_WAIT_BLOCK, TRUE, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::Type, _KTHREAD::WaitBlock, _KTHREAD::WaitBlockList, Waiting, _KTHREAD::WaitIrql, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitKey, _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitListEntry, _DISPATCHER_HEADER::WaitListHead, _KTHREAD::WaitMode, _KTHREAD::WaitNext, _KTHREAD::WaitReason, _KTHREAD::WaitStatus, _KTHREAD::WaitTime, and _KWAIT_BLOCK::WaitType.

Referenced by CcCanIWrite(), CcInitializeCacheMap(), CcSetValidData(), CcWaitForCurrentLazyWriterActivity(), CcWaitOnActiveCount(), CcZeroData(), CmpFileRead(), CmpOpenHiveFiles(), DoResourceTest(), ExAllocatePool(), ExFreePool(), ExLockHandleTableEntry(), ExLockPool(), ExpGetProcessInformation(), ExpWaitForResource(), ExpWaitForResourceDdk(), ExUnregisterCallback(), FsRecGetDeviceSectors(), FsRecGetDeviceSectorSize(), FsRecLoadFileSystem(), FsRecReadBlock(), FsRtlBalanceReads(), FsRtlDeregisterUncProvider(), FsRtlGetFileSize(), FsRtlRegisterUncProvider(), FsRtlSetFileSize(), FsRtlSyncVolumes(), FsRtlWaitOnIrp(), GetDeviceChangeInfo(), HalpEnableAutomaticDriveLetterAssignment(), HalpGetFullGeometry(), HalpIsOldStyleFloppy(), HalpNextMountLetter(), HalpQueryDriveLayout(), HalpQueryPartitionType(), HalpSetMountLetter(), InitiateWin32kCleanup(), IoCancelFileOpen(), IoFreeDumpStack(), IoGetBootDiskInformation(), IoGetDmaAdapter(), IopAcquireFileObjectLock(), IopAllocateBootResources(), IopAllocateResources(), IopCancelAlertedRequest(), IopCloseFile(), IopCompleteDumpInitialization(), IopCompleteUnloadOrDelete(), IopCreateArcNames(), IopDeleteFile(), IopFilterResourceRequirementsCall(), IopGetDumpStack(), IopGetFileName(), IopGetSetObjectId(), IopGetSetSecurityObject(), IopGetVolumeId(), IopHardErrorThread(), IopHardwareProfileBeginTransition(), IopInvalidateVolumesForDevice(), IopLegacyResourceAllocation(), IopLoadFileSystemDriver(), IopLockMountedDeviceForRemove(), IopMountVolume(), IoPnPDeliverServicePowerNotification(), IopParseDevice(), IopProcessStartDevices(), IopProcessStartDevicesWorker(), IopQueryConflictList(), IopQueryRebalanceWorker(), IopQueryXxxInformation(), IopReallocateResources(), IopRebalance(), IopRequestHwProfileChangeNotification(), IopSendMessageToTrackService(), IopSetRemoteLink(), IopSynchronousApiServiceTail(), IopSynchronousCall(), IopSynchronousServiceTail(), IopUnlockMountedDeviceForRemove(), IopWaitForBootDevicesDeleted(), IopWaitForBootDevicesStarted(), IopWarmEjectDevice(), IoReleaseRemoveLockAndWaitEx(), IoReportTargetDeviceChange(), IoSetInformation(), IoShutdownSystem(), IoSynchronousInvalidateDeviceRelations(), IoVerifyVolume(), IovpInternalCompleteAfterWait(), IovpThrowBogusSynchronousIrp(), KeSetAutoAlignmentThread(), KeSwapProcessOrStack(), KiSetServerWaitClientEvent(), KiSuspendThread(), LfsCloseLogFile(), LfsFlushLbcb(), LfsWriteLogRecordIntoLogPage(), LpcpExtendPortZone(), LpcRequestWaitReplyPort(), MiCheckControlAreaStatus(), MiCheckForCrashDump(), MiCheckPageFilePath(), MiCheckPurgeAndUpMapCount(), MiCleanSection(), MiCreateImageFileMap(), MiDereferenceSession(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSets(), MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiIssuePageExtendRequest(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MiLookupPsLoadedModule(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), MiMapImageHeaderInHyperSpace(), MiMappedPageWriter(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiWaitForInPageComplete(), MmAddVerifierThunks(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmCreateSection(), MmGetVerifierInformation(), MmLockPagableSectionByHandle(), MmPurgeSection(), MmSetVerifierInformation(), MmShutdownSystem(), MmUnloadSystemImage(), NtDuplicateObject(), NtGetContextThread(), NtLoadDriver(), NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys(), NtQueryInformationFile(), NtQueryInformationProcess(), NtReplyWaitReceivePort(), NtReplyWaitReceivePortEx(), NtReplyWaitReplyPort(), NtRequestWaitReplyPort(), NtSecureConnectPort(), NtSetContextThread(), NtSetInformationFile(), NtSetLdtEntries(), NtSignalAndWaitForSingleObject(), NtStartProfile(), NtStopProfile(), NtUnloadDriver(), NtWaitForSingleObject(), ObFindHandleForObject(), ObInitProcess(), ObKillProcess(), ObWaitForSingleObject(), PsLockProcess(), PspQueryDescriptorThread(), PspQueryLdtInformation(), PspSetLdtInformation(), PspSetLdtSize(), QueuePowerRequest(), RawInputThread(), RequestDeviceChange(), RtlReleaseRemoveLockAndWait(), RtlVolumeDeviceToDosName(), SmbTraceCompleteRdr(), SmbTraceCompleteSrv(), SmbTraceStart(), SmbTraceStop(), UdfAddVmcbMapping(), UdfPerformDevIoCtrl(), UdfPnpQueryRemove(), UdfPnpRemove(), UdfPnpSurpriseRemove(), UdfReadSectors(), UdfRemoveVmcbMapping(), UdfVmcbLbnToVbn(), UdfVmcbVbnToLbn(), UdfWaitSync(), VdmDispatchStringIoToHandler(), VdmQueryDirectoryFile(), xHalExamineMBR(), xHalGetPartialGeometry(), xHalIoClearPartitionTable(), xHalIoReadPartitionTable(), xHalIoSetPartitionInformation(), xHalIoWritePartitionTable(), xxxDesktopThread(), xxxInitInput(), xxxInitTerminal(), xxxRemoteDisconnect(), and xxxSleepThread().

00170 { 00171 return(STATUS_SUCCESS); 00172 }


Definition at line 576 of file thredsup.c.

References ASSERT, ClearMember, FALSE, KiDispatcherReadyListHead, KiFindReadyThread(), KiProcessorBlock, KiReadySummary, KiReadyThread(), KiRequestDispatchInterrupt, NULL, Ready, Running, SetMember, Standby, and _KTHREAD::State.

Referenced by ExpBoostOwnerThread(), KeDelayExecutionThread(), KeSetBasePriorityThread(), KeSetPriorityProcess(), KeSetPriorityThread(), KiAdjustQuantumThread(), and KiQuantumEnd().

00583 : 00584 00585 This function set the priority of the specified thread to the specified 00586 value. If the thread is in the standby or running state, then the processor 00587 may be redispatched. If the thread is in the ready state, then some other 00588 thread may be preempted. 00589 00590 Arguments: 00591 00592 Thread - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type thread. 00593 00594 Priority - Supplies the new thread priority value. 00595 00596 Return Value: 00597 00598 None. 00599 00600 --*/ 00601 00602 { 00603 00604 PRKPRCB Prcb; 00605 ULONG Processor; 00606 KPRIORITY ThreadPriority; 00607 PRKTHREAD Thread1; 00608 00609 ASSERT(Priority <= HIGH_PRIORITY); 00610 00611 // 00612 // Capture the current priority of the specified thread. 00613 // 00614 00615 ThreadPriority = Thread->Priority; 00616 00617 // 00618 // If the new priority is not equal to the old priority, then set the 00619 // new priority of the thread and redispatch a processor if necessary. 00620 // 00621 00622 if (Priority != ThreadPriority) { 00623 Thread->Priority = (SCHAR)Priority; 00624 00625 // 00626 // Case on the thread state. 00627 // 00628 00629 switch (Thread->State) { 00630 00631 // 00632 // Ready case - If the thread is not in the process ready queue, 00633 // then remove it from its current dispatcher ready queue. If the 00634 // new priority is less than the old priority, then insert the 00635 // thread at the tail of the dispatcher ready queue selected by 00636 // the new priority. Else reready the thread for execution. 00637 // 00638 00639 case Ready: 00640 if (Thread->ProcessReadyQueue == FALSE) { 00641 RemoveEntryList(&Thread->WaitListEntry); 00642 if (IsListEmpty(&KiDispatcherReadyListHead[ThreadPriority])) { 00643 ClearMember(ThreadPriority, KiReadySummary); 00644 } 00645 00646 if (Priority < ThreadPriority) { 00647 InsertTailList(&KiDispatcherReadyListHead[Priority], 00648 &Thread->WaitListEntry); 00649 SetMember(Priority, KiReadySummary); 00650 00651 } else { 00652 KiReadyThread(Thread); 00653 } 00654 } 00655 00656 break; 00657 00658 // 00659 // Standby case - If the thread's priority is being lowered, then 00660 // attempt to find another thread to execute. If a new thread is 00661 // found, then put the new thread in the standby state, and reready 00662 // the old thread. 00663 // 00664 00665 case Standby: 00666 00667 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00668 00669 Processor = Thread->NextProcessor; 00670 00671 #endif 00672 00673 if (Priority < ThreadPriority) { 00674 00675 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00676 00677 Thread1 = KiFindReadyThread(Processor, Priority); 00678 00679 #else 00680 00681 Thread1 = KiFindReadyThread(0, Priority); 00682 00683 #endif 00684 00685 if (Thread1 != NULL) { 00686 00687 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00688 00689 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[Processor]; 00690 00691 #else 00692 00693 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[0]; 00694 00695 #endif 00696 00697 Thread1->State = Standby; 00698 Prcb->NextThread = Thread1; 00699 KiReadyThread(Thread); 00700 } 00701 } 00702 00703 break; 00704 00705 // 00706 // Running case - If there is not a thread in the standby state 00707 // on the thread's processor and the thread's priority is being 00708 // lowered, then attempt to find another thread to execute. If 00709 // a new thread is found, then put the new thread in the standby 00710 // state, and request a redispatch on the thread's processor. 00711 // 00712 00713 case Running: 00714 00715 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00716 00717 Processor = Thread->NextProcessor; 00718 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[Processor]; 00719 00720 #else 00721 00722 Prcb = KiProcessorBlock[0]; 00723 00724 #endif 00725 00726 if (Prcb->NextThread == NULL) { 00727 if (Priority < ThreadPriority) { 00728 00729 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00730 00731 Thread1 = KiFindReadyThread(Processor, Priority); 00732 00733 #else 00734 00735 Thread1 = KiFindReadyThread(0, Priority); 00736 00737 #endif 00738 00739 if (Thread1 != NULL) { 00740 Thread1->State = Standby; 00741 Prcb->NextThread = Thread1; 00742 00743 #if !defined(NT_UP) 00744 00745 KiRequestDispatchInterrupt(Processor); 00746 00747 #endif 00748 00749 } 00750 } 00751 } 00752 00753 break; 00754 00755 // 00756 // Initialized, Terminated, Waiting, Transition case - For 00757 // these states it is sufficient to just set the new thread 00758 // priority. 00759 // 00760 00761 default: 00762 break; 00763 } 00764 } 00765 00766 return; 00767 }

NTSTATUS KiSetServerWaitClientEvent IN PKEVENT  SeverEvent,
IN PKEVENT  ClientEvent,
IN ULONG  WaitMode

Definition at line 1126 of file wait.c.

References EVENT_INCREMENT, FALSE, KeSetEvent(), KeWaitForSingleObject(), KPROCESSOR_MODE, NULL, TRUE, and WrEventPair.

01134 : 01135 01136 This function sets the specified server event and waits on specified 01137 client event. The wait is performed such that an optimal switch to 01138 the waiting thread occurs if possible. No timeout is associated with 01139 the wait, and thus, the issuing thread will wait until the client event 01140 is signaled or an APC is delivered. 01141 01142 Arguments: 01143 01144 ServerEvent - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 01145 01146 ClientEvent - Supplies a pointer to a dispatcher object of type event. 01147 01148 WaitMode - Supplies the processor mode in which the wait is to occur. 01149 01150 Return Value: 01151 01152 The wait completion status. A value of STATUS_SUCCESS is returned if 01153 the specified object satisfied the wait. A value of STATUS_USER_APC is 01154 returned if the wait was aborted to deliver a user APC to the current 01155 thread. 01156 01157 --*/ 01158 01159 { 01160 01161 // 01162 // Set sever event and wait on client event atomically. 01163 // 01164 01165 KeSetEvent(ServerEvent, EVENT_INCREMENT, TRUE); 01166 return KeWaitForSingleObject(ClientEvent, 01167 WrEventPair, 01168 (KPROCESSOR_MODE)WaitMode, 01169 FALSE, 01170 NULL); 01171 }

Variable Documentation

KAFFINITY KeActiveProcessors

Definition at line 2766 of file ke.h.

Referenced by IoConnectInterrupt(), Ke386SetIoAccessMap(), KeBugCheckEx(), KeChangeColorPage(), KeDetachSessionSpace(), KeFlushEntireTb(), KeFlushIoBuffers(), KeFlushMultipleTb(), KeFlushMultipleTb64(), KeFlushSingleTb(), KeFlushSingleTb64(), KeFreezeExecution(), KeI386SetGdtSelector(), KeInitializeProfile(), KeInvalidateAllCaches(), KeQueryActiveProcessors(), KeSetSystemAffinityThread(), KeSetup80387OrEmulate(), KeSweepCacheRange(), KeSweepDcache(), KeSweepDcacheRange(), KeSweepIcache(), KeSweepIcacheRange(), KeSynchronizeMemoryAccess(), KeThawExecution(), KiCompleteEffectiveRangeChange(), KiFlushSingleTbSynchronous(), KiGetNewRid(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitializePAT(), KiInitMachineDependent(), KiIpiGenericCall(), KiIpiStallOnPacketTargets(), KiSyncNewRegionId(), MmCreatePeb(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetInformationProcess(), and PspCreateProcess().


Definition at line 2767 of file ke.h.

Referenced by IopCopyBootLogRegistryToFile(), KeSetSystemTime(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), and ViInjectResourceFailure().


Definition at line 2768 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeSetSystemTime(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().

LIST_ENTRY KeBugCheckCallbackListHead

Definition at line 2770 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeRegisterBugCheckCallback(), KiInitSystem(), and KiScanBugCheckCallbackList().

KSPIN_LOCK KeBugCheckCallbackLock

Definition at line 2771 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback(), KeRegisterBugCheckCallback(), and KiInitSystem().

ULONG KeFeatureBits

Definition at line 2780 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeI386VdmInitialize(), KeRestoreMtrr(), KeRestorePAT(), KeSetPhysicalCacheTypeRange(), KeSetup80387OrEmulate(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitializeMTRR(), KiInitializePAT(), KiInitMachineDependent(), KiLoadMTRR(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MmMapIoSpace(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().


Definition at line 2772 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeUserModeCallback(), and PsEstablishWin32Callouts().

ULONGLONG KeInterruptTimeBias

Definition at line 2769 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().

ULONG KeLicensedProcessors

Definition at line 2789 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 2773 of file ke.h.

Referenced by CmpCreateHwProfileFriendlyName(), KeDumpMachineState(), KeStartAllProcessors(), KiInitializeAbios(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitializeMachineType(), and KiPcToFileHeader().

ULONG KeMaximumIncrement

Definition at line 2774 of file ke.h.

Referenced by ExpCopyProcessInfo(), ExpCopyThreadInfo(), KeQueryTimeIncrement(), KeSetTimeIncrement(), KeUpdateSystemTime(), KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment(), KiInitializeKernel(), NtQueryInformationJobObject(), NtQueryInformationProcess(), NtQueryInformationThread(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), NtSetSystemInformation(), PsEnforceExecutionTimeLimits(), PspExitProcess(), PspFoldProcessAccountingIntoJob(), and VdmpDelayInterrupt().

ULONG KeMinimumIncrement

Definition at line 2775 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeSetTimeIncrement(), and VdmpDelayInterrupt().

CCHAR KeNumberProcessors

Definition at line 2776 of file ke.h.

Referenced by CcInitializeCacheManager(), CmpConfigureProcessors(), CmpInitializeMachineDependentConfiguration(), ExpCheckForResource(), IoInitSystem(), IopInitializeDCB(), KdpGetContext(), KdpGetStateChange(), KdpReadControlSpace(), KdpReportLoadSymbolsStateChange(), KdpSetContext(), KdpSetStateChange(), KdpWriteControlSpace(), Ke386ConfigureCyrixProcessor(), KeConnectInterrupt(), KeFlushIoBuffers(), KeI386FlatToGdtSelector(), KeInitializeQueue(), KeInitializeThread(), KeSetIdealProcessorThread(), KeStartAllProcessors(), KeStartProfile(), KeSwitchFrozenProcessor(), KiAdjustInterruptTime(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitMachineDependent(), KiSynchronizeMTRRLoad(), KiSynchronizePATLoad(), KiTimerExpiration(), MmCreatePeb(), MmSetKernelDumpRange(), MmVerifyImageIsOkForMpUse(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), and ObInitSystem().

USHORT KeProcessorArchitecture

Definition at line 2777 of file ke.h.

Referenced by IopInitializeDCB(), KiInitializeKernel(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().

USHORT KeProcessorLevel

Definition at line 2778 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KdpPrintString(), KdpPromptString(), KdpReportLoadSymbolsStateChange(), KdpSetStateChange(), KiDisableAlignmentExceptions(), KiEnableAlignmentExceptions(), KiInitializeKernel(), MmDbgTranslatePhysicalAddress64(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().

USHORT KeProcessorRevision

Definition at line 2779 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiInitializeKernel(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().

PVOID KeRaiseUserExceptionDispatcher

Definition at line 2811 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeRaiseUserException(), and PspLookupKernelUserEntryPoints().

ULONG KeRegisteredProcessors

Definition at line 2788 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeStartAllProcessors().

PULONG KeServiceCountTable

Definition at line 2793 of file ke.h.


Definition at line 2794 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeAddSystemServiceTable(), KeInitializeThread(), KiInitSystem(), NtW32Call(), and PsConvertToGuiThread().


Definition at line 2795 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeAddSystemServiceTable(), KiInitSystem(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), and PsConvertToGuiThread().


Definition at line 2784 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtQuerySystemInformation().

volatile KSYSTEM_TIME KeTickCount

Definition at line 2797 of file ke.h.

Referenced by IoCreateDriver(), KeUpdateSystemTime(), KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment(), and NtGetTickCount().

ULONG KeTimeAdjustment

Definition at line 2812 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeSetTimeIncrement(), KeUpdateSystemTime(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), and NtSetSystemInformation().

ULONG KeTimeIncrement

Definition at line 2813 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeSetTimeIncrement(), KiCalibrateTimeAdjustment(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), and VdmpDelayInterrupt().

BOOLEAN KeTimeSynchronization

Definition at line 2814 of file ke.h.

Referenced by NtQuerySystemInformation(), and NtSetSystemInformation().

PVOID KeUserApcDispatcher

Definition at line 2808 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiInitializeUserApc(), and PspLookupKernelUserEntryPoints().

PVOID KeUserCallbackDispatcher

Definition at line 2809 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), KdpGetVersion(), KdUpdateDataBlock(), and PspLookupKernelUserEntryPoints().

PVOID KeUserExceptionDispatcher

Definition at line 2810 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KiDispatchException(), and PspLookupKernelUserEntryPoints().

CCHAR KiFindFirstSetRight[256]

Definition at line 2781 of file ke.h.

PKPRCB KiProcessorBlock[]

Definition at line 2782 of file ke.h.

Referenced by CcInitializeCacheManager(), CmpInitializeMachineDependentConfiguration(), IoInitSystem(), KdpGetContext(), KdpGetStateChange(), KdpReadControlSpace(), KdpSetContext(), KdpWriteControlSpace(), KeFreezeExecution(), KeI386SetGdtSelector(), KeInsertQueueDpc(), KeSetAffinityThread(), KeStartAllProcessors(), KeSwitchFrozenProcessor(), KeThawExecution(), KiFlushForwardProgressTbBuffer(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitializePcr(), KiInvalidateForwardProgressTbBuffer(), KiIpiSend(), KiIpiSendPacket(), KiReadyThread(), KiSelectNextThread(), KiSetPriorityThread(), MmSetKernelDumpRange(), NtQuerySystemInformation(), and ObInitSystem().

ULONG KiStackProtectTime

Definition at line 2783 of file ke.h.

Referenced by KeBalanceSetManager(), KiOutSwapKernelStacks(), MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiVerifyingDriverUnloading().

Generated on Sat May 15 19:44:28 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7