Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
Defines | |
#define | CALCRECT(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_CALCRECT) |
#define | EDITCONTROL(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_EDITCONTROL) |
#define | EXPANDTABS(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_EXPANDTABS) |
#define | MODIFYSTRING(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_MODIFYSTRING) |
#define | NOPREFIX(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_NOPREFIX) |
#define | PATHELLIPSIS(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_PATH_ELLIPSIS) |
#define | SINGLELINE(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_SINGLELINE) |
#define | TABSTOP(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_TABSTOP) |
#define | WORDBREAK(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_WORDBREAK) |
#define | WORDELLIPSIS(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS) |
#define | ENDELLIPSIS(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_END_ELLIPSIS) |
#define | NOCLIP(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_NOCLIP) |
#define | RTLREADING(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_RTLREADING) |
#define | HIDEPREFIX(wFormat) (wFormat & DT_HIDEPREFIX) |
#define | CR 13 |
#define | LF 10 |
#define | DT_HFMTMASK 0x03 |
#define | DT_VFMTMASK 0x0C |
#define | ETO_OPAQUEFGND 0x0A |
#define | MAXBUFFSIZE 128 |
#define | UserIsFELineBreak(wChar) UserIsFELineBreakEnd(wChar) |
Typedefs | |
Functions | |
BOOL | UserIsFELineBreakEnd (WCHAR wch) |
BOOL | UserIsFullWidth (DWORD dwCodePage, WCHAR wChar) |
BOOL | UserTextOutWInternal (HDC hdc, int x, int y, LPCWSTR lp, UINT cc, DWORD dwFlags) |
int | KKGetPrefixWidth (HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpStr, int cch) |
LPCWSTR | GetNextWordbreak (DWORD dwCodePage, LPCWSTR lpch, LPCWSTR lpchEnd, DWORD dwFormat, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo) |
LONG | GetPrefixCount (LPCWSTR lpstr, int cch, LPWSTR lpstrCopy, int charcopycount) |
int | DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes (HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpchStr, int cchCount, UINT wFormat, int iOverhang, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
int | DT_DrawStr (HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, LPCWSTR lpchStr, int cchCount, BOOL fDraw, UINT wFormat, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
void | DT_DrawJustifiedLine (HDC hdc, int yTop, LPCWSTR lpchLineSt, int cchCount, UINT wFormat, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
BOOL | DT_InitDrawTextInfo (HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, UINT wFormat, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS lpDTparams) |
LPCWSTR | DT_AdjustWhiteSpaces (LPCWSTR lpStNext, LPINT lpiCount, UINT wFormat) |
LPCWSTR | DT_BreakAWord (HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpchText, int iLength, int iWidth, UINT wFormat, int iOverhang, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
LPWSTR | DT_GetLineBreak (HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpchLineStart, int cchCount, DWORD dwFormat, LPINT lpiLineLength, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
BOOL | NeedsEndEllipsis (HDC hdc, LPCWSTR lpchText, LPINT lpCount, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDTdata, UINT wFormat, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
LPWSTR | PathFindFileName (LPCWSTR pPath, int cchText) |
int | AddPathEllipsis (HDC hDC, LPWSTR lpszPath, int cchText, UINT wFormat, int cxMaxWidth, int iOverhang, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
int | AddEllipsisAndDrawLine (HDC hdc, int yLine, LPCWSTR lpchText, int cchText, DWORD dwDTformat, LPDRAWTEXTDATA lpDrawInfo, int iCharSet) |
int | DrawTextExW (HDC hdc, LPWSTR lpchText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT dwDTformat, LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS lpDTparams) |
int | DrawTextExWorker (HDC hdc, LPWSTR lpchText, int cchText, LPRECT lprc, UINT dwDTformat, LPDRAWTEXTPARAMS lpDTparams, int iCharset) |
BOOL | IsSysFontAndDefaultMode (HDC hdc) |
Variables | |
CONST WCHAR | szEllipsis [CCHELLIPSIS+1] = TEXT("...") |
HDC | ghdcBits2 |
CONST BYTE | aASCII_Latin1_EndBreak [] |
CONST BYTE | aGeneralPunctuation_EndBreak [] |
CONST BYTE | aCJKSymbol_EndBreak [] |
CONST BYTE | aCNS11643_SmallVariants_EndBreak [] |
CONST BYTE | aFullWidthHalfWidthVariants_EndBreak [] |
CONST FULLWIDTH_UNICODE | FullWidthUnicodes [] |
Definition at line 31 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(), and DT_DrawStr(). |
Definition at line 55 of file rtl/drawtext.c. |
Definition at line 57 of file rtl/drawtext.c. |
Definition at line 58 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 32 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(), DT_GetLineBreak(), and DT_InitDrawTextInfo(). |
Definition at line 46 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), and DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 59 of file rtl/drawtext.c. |
Definition at line 33 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DT_DrawStr(). |
Definition at line 34 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DT_InitDrawTextInfo(). |
Definition at line 49 of file rtl/drawtext.c. |
Definition at line 56 of file rtl/drawtext.c. |
Definition at line 71 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(). |
Definition at line 35 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), and DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 47 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 44 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by GetNextWordbreak(). |
Definition at line 36 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(), and DT_InitDrawTextInfo(). |
Definition at line 526 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by UserIsFullWidth(). |
Definition at line 37 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), and DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 48 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 38 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(). |
Definition at line 39 of file rtl/drawtext.c. |
Definition at line 512 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by GetNextWordbreak(). |
Definition at line 40 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker(), DT_GetLineBreak(), and GetNextWordbreak(). |
Definition at line 41 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), DrawTextExWorker(), and DT_GetLineBreak(). |
Definition at line 1604 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References AddPathEllipsis(), BOOL, CCHELLIPSIS, DT_DrawJustifiedLine(), DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(), ENDELLIPSIS, FALSE, lpDest, MAXBUFFSIZE, MODIFYSTRING, NeedsEndEllipsis(), NULL, PATHELLIPSIS, szEllipsis, TRUE, UserRtlAllocMem(), UserRtlFreeMem(), and WORDELLIPSIS. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker().
Definition at line 1533 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, CCHELLIPSIS, DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(), FALSE, PathFindFileName(), PBYTE, szEllipsis, TRUE, UINT, and UserGetTextExtentPointW. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine().
Definition at line 1692 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References DrawTextExWorker(). Referenced by BNMultiDraw(), BNMultiExtent(), DrawTextW(), SoftModalMessageBox(), and StaticCallback().
Definition at line 1708 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), BOOL, CALCRECT, CALL_LPK, CR, DT_CHARSETDONE, DT_CHARSETINIT, DT_DrawJustifiedLine(), DT_GetLineBreak(), DT_InitDrawTextInfo(), DT_VFMTMASK, EDITCONTROL, ENDELLIPSIS, FALSE, GETAPPVER, LF, LPDRAWTEXTDATA, MODIFYSTRING, NOCLIP, NULL, PATHELLIPSIS, PBYTE, PtiCurrentShared, RTLREADING, SINGLELINE, TRUE, UINT, UserCreateRectRgn, UserDeleteObject, UserExtSelectClipRgn, UserGetClipRgn, UserGetTextAlign, UserIntersectClipRect, UserSetTextAlign, VER40, WORDBREAK, and WORDELLIPSIS. Referenced by DrawTextExA(), and DrawTextExW().
Definition at line 1249 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References DT_HFMTMASK. Referenced by DT_GetLineBreak().
Definition at line 1288 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(). Referenced by DT_GetLineBreak().
Definition at line 1053 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References DT_DrawStr(), FALSE, and TRUE. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), and DrawTextExWorker().
Definition at line 965 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References CALCRECT, CALL_LPK, DT_CHARSETDRAW, DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(), EXPANDTABS, PtiCurrentShared, and UserGetLayout. Referenced by DT_DrawJustifiedLine(), and DT_GetLineBreak().
Definition at line 907 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References CALL_LPK, CH_PREFIX, DT_CHARSETDRAW, _CLIENTINFO::dwTIFlags, FALSE, GetClientInfo, GetPrefixCount(), IS_DBCS_ENABLED, KKGetPrefixWidth(), NOPREFIX, NULL, PtiCurrentShared, TIF_16BIT, UserGetTextExtentPointW, and xxxClientGetTextExtentPointW(). Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), AddPathEllipsis(), DT_BreakAWord(), DT_DrawStr(), and NeedsEndEllipsis().
Definition at line 1319 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, CR, DT_AdjustWhiteSpaces(), DT_BreakAWord(), DT_DrawStr(), DWORD, EDITCONTROL, FALSE, GetNextWordbreak(), INT, LF, PBYTE, TRUE, WORDBREAK, and WORDELLIPSIS. Referenced by DrawTextExWorker().
Definition at line 1090 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, BYTE, EDITCONTROL, EXTERNALLEADING, FALSE, FPLPKDRAWTEXTEX, fpLpkDrawTextEx, ghdcBits2, gpDispInfo, gpsi, tagDISPLAYINFO::hdcScreen, IsSysFontAndDefaultMode(), LPFNTEXTDRAW, LPK_DRAWTEXTEX, NOPREFIX, NULL, PpiCurrent, PSMTextOut(), TABSTOP, TRUE, UserGetCharDimensionsW, UserGetTextCharsetInfo, UserGetTextMetricsW, UserGetViewportExtEx, UserGetWindowExtEx, UserTextOutWInternal(), and xxxPSMTextOut(). Referenced by DrawTextExWorker().
Definition at line 662 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References CALL_LPK, CR, DT_GETNEXTWORD, LF, LPDRAWTEXTDATA, NOFULLWIDTHCHARBREAK, NULL, PtiCurrentShared, UserIsFELineBreak, UserIsFullWidth(), and WORDBREAK. Referenced by DT_GetLineBreak().
Definition at line 806 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References CH_ENGLISHPREFIX, CH_KANJIPREFIX, CH_PREFIX, and NULL. Referenced by DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(), PSMGetTextExtent(), UserLpkPSMTextOut(), xxxDrawMenuBarUnderlines(), xxxDrawMenuItemText(), and xxxPSMTextOut().
Definition at line 2027 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, ghFontSys, UserGetHFONT, and UserGetMapMode. Referenced by DT_InitDrawTextInfo(), and TabTextOut().
Definition at line 604 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References CH_ENGLISHPREFIX, CH_KANJIPREFIX, CH_PREFIX, L, and UserGetTextExtentPointW. Referenced by DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes().
Definition at line 1424 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, CCHELLIPSIS, DT_GetExtentMinusPrefixes(), FALSE, szEllipsis, TRUE, and UserGetTextExtentPointW. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine().
Definition at line 1515 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by AddPathEllipsis().
Definition at line 416 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References aASCII_Latin1_EndBreak, aCJKSymbol_EndBreak, aCNS11643_SmallVariants_EndBreak, aFullWidthHalfWidthVariants_EndBreak, aGeneralPunctuation_EndBreak, BOOL, FALSE, and TRUE.
Definition at line 535 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, CHAR, _FULLWIDTH_UNICODE::End, FALSE, FullWidthUnicodes, INT, NULL, NUM_FULLWIDTH_UNICODES, _FULLWIDTH_UNICODE::Start, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by ECWord(), GetNextWordbreak(), and MLBuildchLines().
Definition at line 580 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, dwFlags, and UserTextOutW. Referenced by DT_InitDrawTextInfo().
Initial value:
Definition at line 311 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by UserIsFELineBreakEnd(). |
Initial value:
Definition at line 332 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by UserIsFELineBreakEnd(). |
Initial value:
Definition at line 338 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by UserIsFELineBreakEnd(). |
Initial value:
Definition at line 345 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by UserIsFELineBreakEnd(). |
Initial value:
Definition at line 325 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by UserIsFELineBreakEnd(). |
Initial value:
Definition at line 528 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by UserIsFullWidth(). |
Definition at line 63 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by BitmapFromDIB(), ClientThreadSetup(), CopyBmp(), CreateIconIndirect(), CtxInitUser32(), DrawIconEx(), DrawStateW(), DT_InitDrawTextInfo(), LoadBmp(), and xxxStaticPaint(). |
Definition at line 61 of file rtl/drawtext.c. Referenced by AddEllipsisAndDrawLine(), AddPathEllipsis(), and NeedsEndEllipsis(). |