#include <windows.h>
#include <winnls32.h>
#include <w32gdip.h>
#include <w32err.h>
#include <ddeml.h>
#include "ddemlp.h"
#include "winuserp.h"
#include "w32wow64.h"
#include "winuserk.h"
#include <winnlsp.h>
#include <dde.h>
#include <ddetrack.h>
#include "kbd.h"
#include <wowuserp.h>
#include "immstruc.h"
#include "immuser.h"
#include <winbasep.h>
#include "user.h"
#include "callproc.h"
#include <ole2.h>
#include "ddemlcli.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "cscall.h"
#include "ntuser.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | _IN_STRING |
struct | _LARGE_IN_STRING |
struct | _LOOKASIDE |
struct | _TL |
struct | tagUNDO |
struct | tagED |
struct | tagEDITWND |
struct | tagBLOCK |
struct | STRIPINFO |
struct | tagLBItem |
struct | tagLBODItem |
struct | tagSTAT |
struct | tagSTATWND |
struct | tagCURSORRESOURCE |
struct | _FILEINFO |
struct | tagSHORTCREATE |
struct | tagMDIACTIVATEPOS |
struct | tagMNIDROPTARGET |
struct | tagGETPROCINFO |
struct | tagACCELCACHE |
struct | tagREADERMODE |
struct | tagREADERINFO |
struct | tagREADERWND |
struct | ImmApiEntries |
Defines | |
#define | OEMRESOURCE 1 |
#define | USERGLOBALUNLOCK(h) GlobalUnlock((HANDLE)(h)) |
#define | UserGlobalFree(h) GlobalFree((HANDLE)(h)) |
#define | UserGlobalAlloc(flags, size) GlobalAlloc(flags, size) |
#define | USERGLOBALLOCK(h, p) p = GlobalLock((HANDLE)(h)) |
#define | UserGlobalReAlloc(pmem, cnt, flags) GlobalReAlloc(pmem,cnt,flags) |
#define | UserGlobalSize(pmem) GlobalSize(pmem) |
#define | WOWGLOBALFREE(pmem) GlobalFree(pmem) |
#define | RESERVED_MSG_BITS (0xFFFE0000) |
#define | FDEFWINDOWMSG(msg, procname) |
#define | FWINDOWMSG(msg, fnid) |
#define | CsSendMessage(hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, xParam, pfn, bAnsi) |
#define | GetWindowProcess(hwnd) NtUserQueryWindow(hwnd, WindowProcess) |
#define | GETPROCESSID() (NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess) |
#define | GETTHREADID() (NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) |
#define | SAMEWOWHANDLE(h1, h2) ((BOOL)!(((ULONG_PTR)(h1) ^ (ULONG_PTR)(h2)) & 0xffff)) |
#define | DIFFWOWHANDLE(h1, h2) (!SAMEWOWHANDLE(h1, h2)) |
#define | CALLPROC(p) ((GENERICPROC)p) |
#define | CALLPROC_WOWCHECKPWW_DLG(pfn, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, pww) |
#define | CALLPROC_WOWCHECKPWW(pfn, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, pww) |
#define | CALLPROC_WOWCHECK(pfn, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam) CALLPROC_WOWCHECKPWW(pfn, hwnd, msg, wParam, lParam, NULL) |
#define | RevalidateHwnd(hwnd) ((PWND)HMValidateHandleNoSecure(hwnd, TYPE_WINDOW)) |
#define | VALIDATEHMENU(hmenu) ((PMENU)HMValidateHandle(hmenu, TYPE_MENU)) |
#define | VALIDATEHMONITOR(hmonitor) ((PMONITOR)HMValidateSharedHandle(hmonitor, TYPE_MONITOR)) |
#define | REBASEALWAYS(p, elem) ((PVOID)((KERNEL_ULONG_PTR)(p) + ((KERNEL_ULONG_PTR)(p)->elem - (KERNEL_ULONG_PTR)(p)->head.pSelf))) |
#define | REBASEPTR(obj, p) ((PVOID)((KERNEL_ULONG_PTR)(p) - ((KERNEL_ULONG_PTR)(obj)->head.pSelf - (KERNEL_ULONG_PTR)(obj)))) |
#define | REBASE(p, elem) |
#define | REBASEPWND(p, elem) ((PWND)REBASE(p, elem)) |
#define | INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE(plaType, type, pwnditem, count) |
#define | ISREMOTESESSION() (NtCurrentPeb()->SessionId != 0) |
#define | SetBestStretchMode(hdc, planes, bpp) SetStretchBltMode(hdc, (((planes) * (bpp)) == 1 ? BLACKONWHITE : COLORONCOLOR)) |
#define | BitmapSize(cx, cy, planes, bits) (BitmapWidth(cx, bits) * (cy) * (planes)) |
#define | BitmapWidth(cx, bpp) (((((cx)*(bpp)) + 31) & ~31) >> 3) |
#define | RGBX(rgb) RGB(GetBValue(rgb), GetGValue(rgb), GetRValue(rgb)) |
#define | CheckLock(pobj) |
#define | ThreadLock(pobj, ptl) DBG_UNREFERENCED_LOCAL_VARIABLE(*ptl) |
#define | ThreadLockAlways(pobj, ptl) DBG_UNREFERENCED_LOCAL_VARIABLE(*ptl) |
#define | ThreadLockWithPti(pti, pobj, ptl) DBG_UNREFERENCED_LOCAL_VARIABLE(*ptl) |
#define | ThreadLockAlwaysWithPti(pti, pobj, ptl) DBG_UNREFERENCED_LOCAL_VARIABLE(*ptl) |
#define | ThreadUnlock(ptl) (ptl) |
#define | Lock(ppobj, pobj) (*ppobj = pobj) |
#define | Unlock(ppobj) (*ppobj = NULL) |
#define | BUTTONSTATE(pbutn) (pbutn->buttonState) |
#define | BST_CHECKMASK 0x0003 |
#define | BST_INCLICK 0x0010 |
#define | BST_CAPTURED 0x0020 |
#define | BST_MOUSE 0x0040 |
#define | BST_DONTCLICK 0x0080 |
#define | BST_INBMCLICK 0x0100 |
#define | PBF_PUSHABLE 0x0001 |
#define | PBF_DEFAULT 0x0002 |
#define | DBT_TEXT 0x0001 |
#define | DBT_FOCUS 0x0002 |
#define | CBLISTBOXID 1000 |
#define | CBEDITID 1001 |
#define | CBBUTTONID 1002 |
#define | OWNERDRAWFIXED 1 |
#define | OWNERDRAWVAR 2 |
#define | UPPERCASE 1 |
#define | LOWERCASE 2 |
#define | CaretCreate(plb) ((plb)->fCaret = TRUE) |
#define | LBS_COMBOBOX 0x8000L |
#define | COMBOBOXSTYLE(style) ((LOBYTE(style)) & 3) |
#define | IsComboVisible(pcbox) (!pcbox->fNoRedraw && IsVisible(pcbox->spwnd)) |
#define | CBEDITEXTRA 6 |
#define | CCHALLOCEXTRA 0x20 |
#define | MAXPIXELWIDTH 30000 |
#define | MAXCLIPENDPOS 32764 |
#define | MAXLINELENGTH 1024 |
#define | MAXTEXT 30000 |
#define | NONEDOWN 0 /* Neither shift nor control down */ |
#define | CTRLDOWN 1 /* Control key only down */ |
#define | SHFTDOWN 2 /* Shift key only down */ |
#define | SHCTDOWN 3 /* Shift and control keys down = CTRLDOWN + SHFTDOWN */ |
#define | NOMODIFY 4 /* Neither shift nor control down */ |
#define | CALLWORDBREAKPROC(proc, pText, iStart, cch, iAction) |
#define | UNDO_NONE 0 /* We can't undo the last operation. */ |
#define | UNDO_INSERT 1 /* We can undo the user's insertion of characters */ |
#define | UNDO_DELETE 2 /* We can undo the user's deletion of characters */ |
#define | Pundo(ped) ((PUNDO)&(ped)->undoType) |
#define | ID_CNTX_RTL 0x00008000L |
#define | ID_CNTX_DISPLAYCTRL 0x00008001L |
#define | ID_CNTX_INSERTCTRL 0x00008013L |
#define | ID_CNTX_ZWJ 0x00008002L |
#define | ID_CNTX_ZWNJ 0x00008003L |
#define | ID_CNTX_LRM 0x00008004L |
#define | ID_CNTX_RLM 0x00008005L |
#define | ID_CNTX_LRE 0x00008006L |
#define | ID_CNTX_RLE 0x00008007L |
#define | ID_CNTX_LRO 0x00008008L |
#define | ID_CNTX_RLO 0x00008009L |
#define | ID_CNTX_PDF 0x0000800AL |
#define | ID_CNTX_NADS 0x0000800BL |
#define | ID_CNTX_NODS 0x0000800CL |
#define | ID_CNTX_ASS 0x0000800DL |
#define | ID_CNTX_ISS 0x0000800EL |
#define | ID_CNTX_AAFS 0x0000800FL |
#define | ID_CNTX_IAFS 0x00008010L |
#define | ID_CNTX_RS 0x00008011L |
#define | ID_CNTX_US 0x00008012L |
#define | IsLBoxVisible(plb) (plb->fRedraw && IsVisible(plb->spwnd)) |
#define | CITEMSALLOC 32 |
#define | EQ 0 |
#define | PREFIX 1 |
#define | LT 2 |
#define | GT 3 |
#define | SINGLESEL 0 |
#define | MULTIPLESEL 1 |
#define | EXTENDEDSEL 2 |
#define | LBI_ADD 0x0004 |
#define | LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE 0x0001 |
#define | LBUP_RESETSELECTION 0x0002 |
#define | LBUP_NOTIFY 0x0004 |
#define | LBUP_SUCCESS 0x0008 |
#define | LBUP_SELCHANGE 0x0010 |
#define | NextWordBoundary(p) ((PBYTE)(p) + ((ULONG_PTR)(p) & 1)) |
#define | NextDWordBoundary(p) ((PBYTE)(p) + ((ULONG_PTR)(-(LONG_PTR)(p)) & 3)) |
#define | FINDRESOURCEA(hModule, lpName, lpType) ((*(pfnFindResourceExA))(hModule, lpType, lpName, 0)) |
#define | FINDRESOURCEW(hModule, lpName, lpType) ((*(pfnFindResourceExW))(hModule, lpType, lpName, 0)) |
#define | FINDRESOURCEEXA(hModule, lpName, lpType, wLang) ((*(pfnFindResourceExA))(hModule, lpType, lpName, wLang)) |
#define | FINDRESOURCEEXW(hModule, lpName, lpType, wLang) ((*(pfnFindResourceExW))(hModule, lpType, lpName, wLang)) |
#define | LOADRESOURCE(hModule, hResInfo) ((*(pfnLoadResource))(hModule, hResInfo)) |
#define | LOCKRESOURCE(hResData, hModule) ((*(pfnLockResource))(hResData, hModule)) |
#define | UNLOCKRESOURCE(hResData, hModule) ((*(pfnUnlockResource))(hResData, hModule)) |
#define | FREERESOURCE(hResData, hModule) ((*(pfnFreeResource))(hResData, hModule)) |
#define | SIZEOFRESOURCE(hModule, hResInfo) ((*(pfnSizeofResource))(hModule, hResInfo)) |
#define | GETEXPWINVER(hModule) ((*(pfnGetExpWinVer))((hModule)?(hModule):GetModuleHandle(NULL))) |
#define | UserLocalAlloc(uFlag, uBytes) HeapAlloc(pUserHeap, uFlag, (uBytes)) |
#define | UserLocalReAlloc(p, uBytes, uFlags) HeapReAlloc(pUserHeap, uFlags, (LPSTR)(p), (uBytes)) |
#define | UserLocalFree(p) HeapFree(pUserHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p)) |
#define | UserLocalSize(p) HeapSize(pUserHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p)) |
#define | UserLocalLock(p) (LPSTR)(p) |
#define | UserLocalUnlock(p) |
#define | UserLocalFlags(p) 0 |
#define | UserLocalHandle(p) (HLOCAL)(p) |
#define | CrackCombinedDbcsLB(c) ((BYTE)(c)) |
#define | CrackCombinedDbcsTB(c) ((c) >> 8) |
#define | ECT_CALC 0 |
#define | ECT_NORMAL 1 |
#define | ECT_SELECTED 2 |
#define | ECGetCaretWidth() (gpsi->uCaretWidth) |
#define | GETAPPVER() GetClientInfo()->dwExpWinVer |
#define | THREAD_HKL() (GetClientInfo()->hKL) |
#define | ISDELIMETERA(ch) ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t')) |
#define | ISDELIMETERW(ch) ((ch == L' ') || (ch == L'\t')) |
#define | AWCOMPARECHAR(ped, pbyte, awchar) (ped->fAnsi ? (*(PUCHAR)(pbyte) == (UCHAR)(awchar)) : (*(LPWSTR)(pbyte) == (WCHAR)(awchar))) |
#define | ID_EC_PROPERTY_MENU 1 |
#define | IDD_MDI_ACTIVATE 9 |
#define | STR_ERROR 0x00000002L |
#define | STR_MOREWINDOWS 0x0000000DL |
#define | STR_NOMEMBITMAP 0x0000000EL |
#define | STR_IMEOPEN 700 |
#define | STR_IMECLOSE 701 |
#define | STR_SOFTKBDOPEN 702 |
#define | STR_SOFTKBDCLOSE 703 |
#define | _GetWindowLongPtr _GetWindowLong |
#define | fnCOPYDATA NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnDDEINIT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnDWORD NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnDWORDOPTINLPMSG NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnGETTEXTLENGTHS NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnGETDBCSTEXTLENGTHS NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPCREATESTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPCOMPAREITEMSTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPDELETEITEMSTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPDRAWITEMSTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPHELPINFOSTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPHLPSTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPWINDOWPOS NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTDRAG NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTLPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTLPPOINT5 NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTLPRECT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTLPSCROLLINFO NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTLPWINDOWPOS NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTNCCALCSIZE NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTNEXTMENU NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTSTYLECHANGE NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnOUTLPRECT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnPOPTINLPUINT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnPOUTLPINT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnSENTDDEMSG NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnOUTDWORDINDWORD NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINOUTMENUGETOBJECT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINCBOXSTRING NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINCNTOUTSTRING NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINCNTOUTSTRINGNULL NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLBOXSTRING NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINLPMDICREATESTRUCT NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINSTRING NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINSTRINGNULL NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnINWPARAMCHAR NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnOUTCBOXSTRING NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnOUTLBOXSTRING NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnOUTSTRING NtUserMessageCall |
#define | fnKERNELONLY NtUserMessageCall |
#define | MESSAGEPROTO(func) |
#define | IsHooked(pci, fsHook) ((fsHook & (pci->fsHooks | pci->pDeskInfo->fsHooks)) != 0) |
#define | _SetWindowLongPtr _SetWindowLong |
#define | _GetClassLongPtr _GetClassLong |
#define | NtUserReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc) NtUserCallOneParam((ULONG_PTR)(hdc), SFI__RELEASEDC) |
#define | NtUserArrangeIconicWindows(hwnd) (UINT)NtUserCallHwndLock((hwnd), SFI_XXXARRANGEICONICWINDOWS) |
#define | NtUserBeginDeferWindowPos(nNumWindows) (HANDLE)NtUserCallOneParam((nNumWindows),SFI__BEGINDEFERWINDOWPOS) |
#define | NtUserCreateMenu() (HMENU)NtUserCallNoParam(SFI__CREATEMENU) |
#define | NtUserDestroyCaret() (BOOL)NtUserCallNoParam(SFI_ZZZDESTROYCARET) |
#define | NtUserEnableWindow(hwnd, bEnable) (BOOL)NtUserCallHwndParamLock((hwnd), (bEnable),SFI_XXXENABLEWINDOW) |
#define | NtUserGetMessagePos() (DWORD)NtUserCallNoParam(SFI__GETMESSAGEPOS) |
#define | NtUserKillSystemTimer(hwnd, nIDEvent) (BOOL)NtUserCallHwndParam((hwnd), (nIDEvent), SFI__KILLSYSTEMTIMER) |
#define | NtUserMessageBeep(wType) (BOOL)NtUserCallOneParam((wType), SFI_XXXMESSAGEBEEP) |
#define | NtUserSetWindowContextHelpId(hwnd, id) (BOOL)NtUserCallHwndParam((hwnd), (id), SFI__SETWINDOWCONTEXTHELPID) |
#define | NtUserGetWindowContextHelpId(hwnd) (BOOL)NtUserCallHwnd((hwnd), SFI__GETWINDOWCONTEXTHELPID) |
#define | NtUserRedrawFrame(hwnd) NtUserCallHwndLock((hwnd), SFI_XXXREDRAWFRAME) |
#define | NtUserRedrawFrameAndHook(hwnd) NtUserCallHwndLock((hwnd), SFI_XXXREDRAWFRAMEANDHOOK) |
#define | NtUserRedrawTitle(hwnd, wFlags) NtUserCallHwndParamLock((hwnd), (wFlags), SFI_XXXREDRAWTITLE) |
#define | NtUserReleaseCapture() (BOOL)NtUserCallNoParam(SFI_XXXRELEASECAPTURE) |
#define | NtUserSetCaretPos(X, Y) (BOOL)NtUserCallTwoParam((DWORD)(X), (DWORD)(Y), SFI_ZZZSETCARETPOS) |
#define | NtUserSetCursorPos(X, Y) (BOOL)NtUserCallTwoParam((X), (Y), SFI_ZZZSETCURSORPOS) |
#define | NtUserSetForegroundWindow(hwnd) (BOOL)NtUserCallHwndLock((hwnd), SFI_XXXSTUBSETFOREGROUNDWINDOW) |
#define | NtUserSetSysMenu(hwnd) NtUserCallHwndLock((hwnd), SFI_XXXSETSYSMENU) |
#define | NtUserSetVisible(hwnd, fSet) NtUserCallHwndParam((hwnd), (fSet), SFI_SETVISIBLE) |
#define | NtUserShowCursor(bShow) (int)NtUserCallOneParam((bShow), SFI_ZZZSHOWCURSOR) |
#define | NtUserUpdateClientRect(hwnd) NtUserCallHwndLock((hwnd), SFI_XXXUPDATECLIENTRECT) |
#define | CreateCaret NtUserCreateCaret |
#define | FillWindow NtUserFillWindow |
#define | GetControlBrush NtUserGetControlBrush |
#define | GetControlColor NtUserGetControlColor |
#define | GetDCEx NtUserGetDCEx |
#define | GetWindowPlacement NtUserGetWindowPlacement |
#define | RedrawWindow NtUserRedrawWindow |
#define | BFT_ICON 0x4349 |
#define | BFT_BITMAP 0x4D42 |
#define | BFT_CURSOR 0x5450 |
#define | OFFSET_SCALE_DPI 000 |
#define | OFFSET_96_DPI 100 |
#define | OFFSET_120_DPI 200 |
#define | OFFSET_160_DPI 300 |
#define | MAX_RESOURCE_INDEX 32768 |
#define | HILITEONLY 0x0001 |
#define | SELONLY 0x0002 |
#define | HILITE 1 |
#define | VERKEY_SLASH 0xBF /* Vertual key for '/' character */ |
#define | VERKEY_BACKSLASH 0xDC /* Vertual key for '\' character */ |
#define | MENUAPI_INSERT 0 |
#define | MENUAPI_GET 1 |
#define | MENUAPI_SET 2 |
#define | UNICODE_RLM 0x200f |
#define | MAXITEMS 10 |
#define | HAS_SBVERT 0x0100 |
#define | HAS_SBHORZ 0x0200 |
#define | OTHERMAXING 0x0400 |
#define | CALCSCROLL 0x0800 |
#define | SCROLLSUPPRESS 0x0003 |
#define | SCROLLCOUNT 0x00FF |
#define | CKIDS(pmdi) (pmdi->cKids) |
#define | MAXED(pmdi) (pmdi->hwndMaxedChild) |
#define | ACTIVE(pmdi) (pmdi->hwndActiveChild) |
#define | WINDOW(pmdi) (pmdi->hmenuWindow) |
#define | FIRST(pmdi) (pmdi->idFirstChild) |
#define | SCROLL(pmdi) (pmdi->wScroll) |
#define | ITILELEVEL(pmdi) (pmdi->iChildTileLevel) |
#define | HTITLE(pmdi) (pmdi->pTitle) |
#define | COM_NO_WINDOWS_H |
#define | RPC_NO_WINDOWS_H |
#define | UserCallbackReturn NtCallbackReturn |
#define | RDRMODE_VERT 0x00000001 |
#define | RDRMODE_HORZ 0x00000002 |
#define | RDRMODE_DIAG 0x00000004 |
#define | RDRCODE_START 1 |
#define | RDRCODE_SCROLL 2 |
#define | RDRCODE_END 3 |
#define | GetDispatchDbcsInfo() (&(GetClientInfo()->achDbcsCF[0])) |
#define | GetForwardDbcsInfo() (&(GetClientInfo()->achDbcsCF[1])) |
#define | GetCallBackDbcsInfo() (&(GetClientInfo()->msgDbcsCB)) |
#define | GET_DBCS_MESSAGE_IF_EXIST(_apiName, _pmsg, _wMsgFilterMin, _wMsgFilterMax, bRemoveMsg) |
#define | BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_SERVER_FROM_CLIENTA(_msg, _wParam, _RetVal) |
#define | BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTW_FROM_CLIENTA(_msg, _wParam, _RetVal) |
#define | BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTA_FROM_SERVER(_pmsg, _dwAnsi, _bIrDbcsFormat, bSaveMsg) |
#define | BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTA_FROM_CLIENTW(_hwnd, _msg, _wParam, _lParam, _time, _pt, _bDbcs) |
#define | DISPATCH_DBCS_MESSAGE_IF_EXIST(_msg, _wParam, _bDbcs, _apiName) |
#define | CalcAnsiStringLengthW(_unicodestring, _unicodeLength, _ansiLength) |
#define | CalcAnsiStringLengthA(_ansistring, _unicodeLength, _ansiLength) |
#define | CalcUnicodeStringLengthA(_ansistring, _ansiLength, _unicodeLength) |
#define | CalcUnicodeStringLengthW(_unicodestring, _ansiLength, _unicodeLength) |
#define | fpImmAssociateContext gImmApiEntries.ImmAssociateContext |
#define | fpImmEscapeA gImmApiEntries.ImmEscapeA |
#define | fpImmEscapeW gImmApiEntries.ImmEscapeW |
#define | fpImmGetContext gImmApiEntries.ImmGetContext |
#define | fpImmGetCompositionStringA gImmApiEntries.ImmGetCompositionStringA |
#define | fpImmGetCompositionStringW gImmApiEntries.ImmGetCompositionStringW |
#define | fpImmGetCompositionWindow gImmApiEntries.ImmGetCompositionWindow |
#define | fpImmGetDefaultIMEWnd gImmApiEntries.ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd |
#define | fpImmIsIME gImmApiEntries.ImmIsIME |
#define | fpImmLockIMC gImmApiEntries.ImmLockIMC |
#define | fpImmReleaseContext gImmApiEntries.ImmReleaseContext |
#define | fpImmRegisterClient gImmApiEntries.ImmRegisterClient |
#define | fpImmGetCompositionFontW gImmApiEntries.ImmGetCompositionFontW |
#define | fpImmGetCompositionFontA gImmApiEntries.ImmGetCompositionFontA |
#define | fpImmSetCompositionFontW gImmApiEntries.ImmSetCompositionFontW |
#define | fpImmSetCompositionFontA gImmApiEntries.ImmSetCompositionFontA |
#define | fpImmSetCompositionFont gImmApiEntries.ImmSetCompositionFont |
#define | fpImmSetCompositionWindow gImmApiEntries.ImmSetCompositionWindow |
#define | fpImmNotifyIME gImmApiEntries.ImmNotifyIME |
#define | fpImmUnlockIMC gImmApiEntries.ImmUnlockIMC |
#define | fpImmLoadIME gImmApiEntries.ImmLoadIME |
#define | fpImmSetOpenStatus gImmApiEntries.ImmSetOpenStatus |
#define | fpImmFreeLayout gImmApiEntries.ImmFreeLayout |
#define | fpImmActivateLayout gImmApiEntries.ImmActivateLayout |
#define | fpImmSetCandidateWindow gImmApiEntries.ImmSetCandidateWindow |
#define | fpImmConfigureIMEW gImmApiEntries.ImmConfigureIMEW |
#define | fpImmGetConversionStatus gImmApiEntries.ImmGetConversionStatus |
#define | fpImmSetConversionStatus gImmApiEntries.ImmSetConversionStatus |
#define | fpImmSetStatusWindowPos gImmApiEntries.ImmSetStatusWindowPos |
#define | fpImmGetImeInfoEx gImmApiEntries.ImmGetImeInfoEx |
#define | fpImmLockImeDpi gImmApiEntries.ImmLockImeDpi |
#define | fpImmUnlockImeDpi gImmApiEntries.ImmUnlockImeDpi |
#define | fpImmGetOpenStatus gImmApiEntries.ImmGetOpenStatus |
#define | fpImmSetActiveContext gImmApiEntries.ImmSetActiveContext |
#define | fpImmTranslateMessage gImmApiEntries.ImmTranslateMessage |
#define | fpImmLoadLayout gImmApiEntries.ImmLoadLayout |
#define | fpImmProcessKey gImmApiEntries.ImmProcessKey |
#define | fpImmPutImeMenuItemsIntoMappedFile gImmApiEntries.ImmPutImeMenuItemsIntoMappedFile |
#define | fpImmGetProperty gImmApiEntries.ImmGetProperty |
#define | fpImmSetCompositionStringA gImmApiEntries.ImmSetCompositionStringA |
#define | fpImmSetCompositionStringW gImmApiEntries.ImmSetCompositionStringW |
#define | fpImmEnumInputContext gImmApiEntries.ImmEnumInputContext |
#define | fpImmSystemHandler gImmApiEntries.ImmSystemHandler |
Typedefs | |
typedef int(WINAPI * | GENERICPROC )() |
typedef _IN_STRING | IN_STRING |
typedef _IN_STRING * | PIN_STRING |
typedef _TL | TL |
typedef tagUNDO | UNDO |
typedef tagUNDO * | PUNDO |
typedef tagED | ED |
typedef tagED * | PED |
typedef tagED ** | PPED |
typedef tagEDITWND | EDITWND |
typedef tagEDITWND * | PEDITWND |
typedef tagBLOCK | BLOCK |
typedef tagBLOCK * | LPBLOCK |
typedef tagLBItem | LBItem |
typedef tagLBItem * | lpLBItem |
typedef tagLBODItem | LBODItem |
typedef tagLBODItem * | lpLBODItem |
typedef tagSTAT | STAT |
typedef tagSTAT * | PSTAT |
typedef tagSTATWND | STATWND |
typedef tagSTATWND * | PSTATWND |
typedef LONG(CALLBACK * | READERMODEPROC )(LPARAM lParam, int nCode, int dx, int dy) |
Functions | |
NTSTATUS | InitLookaside (PLOOKASIDE pla, DWORD cbEntry, DWORD cEntries) |
PVOID | AllocLookasideEntry (PLOOKASIDE pla) |
void | FreeLookasideEntry (PLOOKASIDE pla, PVOID pEntry) |
void | LBEvent (PLBIV, UINT, int) |
PVOID | CsValidateInstance (HANDLE hInst) |
BOOL APIENTRY | _FreeResource (HANDLE hResData, HINSTANCE hModule) |
LPSTR APIENTRY | _LockResource (HANDLE hResData, HINSTANCE hModule) |
BOOL APIENTRY | _UnlockResource (HANDLE hResData, HINSTANCE hModule) |
HANDLE | LocalReallocSafe (HANDLE hMem, DWORD dwBytes, DWORD dwFlags, PPED pped) |
HLOCAL WINAPI | DispatchLocalAlloc (UINT uFlags, UINT uBytes, HANDLE hInstance) |
HLOCAL WINAPI | DispatchLocalReAlloc (HLOCAL hMem, UINT uBytes, UINT uFlags, HANDLE hInstance, PVOID *ppv) |
LPVOID WINAPI | DispatchLocalLock (HLOCAL hMem, HANDLE hInstance) |
BOOL WINAPI | DispatchLocalUnlock (HLOCAL hMem, HANDLE hInstance) |
UINT WINAPI | DispatchLocalSize (HLOCAL hMem, HANDLE hInstance) |
HLOCAL WINAPI | DispatchLocalFree (HLOCAL hMem, HANDLE hInstance) |
LONG | TabTextOut (HDC hdc, int x, int y, LPCWSTR lpstring, int nCount, int nTabPositions, CONST INT *lpTabPositions, int iTabOrigin, BOOL fDrawTheText, int iCharset) |
LONG | UserLpkTabbedTextOut (HDC hdc, int x, int y, LPCWSTR lpstring, int nCount, int nTabPositions, CONST INT *lpTabPositions, int iTabOrigin, BOOL fDrawTheText, int cxCharWidth, int cyCharHeight, int iCharset) |
void | UserLpkPSMTextOut (HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, LPWSTR lpsz, int cch, DWORD dwFlags) |
void | PSMTextOut (HDC hdc, int xLeft, int yTop, LPWSTR lpsz, int cch, DWORD dwFlags) |
void | ECUpdateFormat (PED ped, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle) |
int | LoadStringOrError (HANDLE, UINT, LPTSTR, int, WORD) |
int | RtlGetIdFromDirectory (PBYTE, BOOL, int, int, DWORD, PDWORD) |
BOOL | RtlCaptureAnsiString (PIN_STRING, LPCSTR, BOOL) |
BOOL | RtlCaptureLargeAnsiString (PLARGE_IN_STRING, LPCSTR, BOOL) |
PWND FASTCALL | ValidateHwnd (HWND hwnd) |
PWND FASTCALL | ValidateHwndNoRip (HWND hwnd) |
PSTR | ECLock (PED ped) |
void | ECUnlock (PED ped) |
void | ECInvalidateClient (PED ped, BOOL fErase) |
BOOL | ECCreate (PED ped, LONG windowStyle) |
void | ECWord (PED, ICH, BOOL, ICH *, ICH *) |
ICH | ECFindTab (LPSTR, ICH) |
void | ECNcDestroyHandler (PWND, PED) |
void | ECSetPasswordChar (PED, UINT) |
ICH | ECCchInWidth (PED, HDC, LPSTR, ICH, int, BOOL) |
void | ECEmptyUndo (PUNDO) |
void | ECSaveUndo (PUNDO pundoFrom, PUNDO pundoTo, BOOL fClear) |
BOOL | ECInsertText (PED, LPSTR, ICH *) |
ICH | ECDeleteText (PED) |
void | ECResetTextInfo (PED ped) |
void | ECNotifyParent (PED, int) |
void | ECSetEditClip (PED, HDC, BOOL) |
void | ECReleaseEditDC (PED, HDC, BOOL) |
void | ECSetFont (PED, HFONT, BOOL) |
void | ECSetMargin (PED, UINT, long, BOOL) |
ICH | ECCopy (PED) |
BOOL | ECCalcChangeSelection (PED, ICH, ICH, LPBLOCK, LPBLOCK) |
BOOL | ECIsCharNumeric (PED ped, DWORD keyPress) |
WORD | DbcsCombine (HWND, WORD) |
ICH | ECAdjustIch (PED, LPSTR, ICH) |
ICH | ECAdjustIchNext (PED, LPSTR, ICH) |
int | ECGetDBCSVector (PED, HDC, BYTE) |
void | ECEnableDisableIME (PED ped) |
void | ECImmSetCompositionFont (PED ped) |
void | ECImmSetCompositionWindow (PED ped, LONG, LONG) |
void | ECSetCaretHandler (PED ped) |
void | ECInitInsert (PED ped, HKL hkl) |
LRESULT | ECImeComposition (PED ped, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT | EcImeRequestHandler (PED, WPARAM, LPARAM) |
BOOL | HanjaKeyHandler (PED ped) |
void | ECInOutReconversionMode (PED ped, BOOL fIn) |
UINT | ECTabTheTextOut (HDC, int, int, int, int, LPSTR, int, ICH, PED, int, BOOL, LPSTRIPINFO) |
HBRUSH | ECGetControlBrush (PED, HDC, LONG) |
HBRUSH | ECGetBrush (PED ped, HDC hdc) |
int | ECGetModKeys (int) |
void | ECSize (PED, LPRECT, BOOL) |
ICH | MLInsertText (PED, LPSTR, ICH, BOOL) |
ICH | MLDeleteText (PED) |
BOOL | MLEnsureCaretVisible (PED) |
void | MLDrawText (PED, HDC, ICH, ICH, BOOL) |
void | MLDrawLine (PED, HDC, int, ICH, int, BOOL) |
void | MLPaintABlock (PED, HDC, int, int) |
int | GetBlkEndLine (int, int, BOOL FAR *, int, int) |
void | MLBuildchLines (PED, ICH, int, BOOL, PLONG, PLONG) |
void | MLShiftchLines (PED, ICH, int) |
BOOL | MLInsertchLine (PED, ICH, ICH, BOOL) |
void | MLSetCaretPosition (PED, HDC) |
int | MLIchToLine (PED, ICH) |
void | MLRepaintChangedSelection (PED, HDC, ICH, ICH) |
void | MLMouseMotion (PED, UINT, UINT, LPPOINT) |
ICH | MLLine (PED, ICH) |
void | MLStripCrCrLf (PED) |
int | MLCalcXOffset (PED, HDC, int) |
BOOL | MLUndo (PED) |
void | MLChar (PED, DWORD, int) |
void | MLKeyDown (PED, UINT, int) |
ICH | MLPasteText (PED) |
void | MLSetSelection (PED, BOOL, ICH, ICH) |
BOOL | MLInsertCrCrLf (PED) |
void | MLSetHandle (PED, HANDLE) |
ICH | MLLineIndex (PED, ICH) |
void | MLSize (PED, BOOL) |
void | MLChangeSelection (PED, HDC, ICH, ICH) |
void | MLSetRectHandler (PED, LPRECT) |
BOOL | MLExpandTabs (PED) |
BOOL | MLSetTabStops (PED, int, LPINT) |
LONG | MLScroll (PED, BOOL, int, int, BOOL) |
int | MLThumbPosFromPed (PED, BOOL) |
void | MLUpdateiCaretLine (PED ped) |
ICH | MLLineLength (PED, ICH) |
void | MLReplaceSel (PED, LPSTR) |
void | SLReplaceSel (PED, LPSTR) |
BOOL | SLUndo (PED) |
void | SLSetCaretPosition (PED, HDC) |
int | SLIchToLeftXPos (PED, HDC, ICH) |
void | SLChangeSelection (PED, HDC, ICH, ICH) |
void | SLDrawText (PED, HDC, ICH) |
void | SLDrawLine (PED, HDC, int, int, ICH, int, BOOL) |
int | SLGetBlkEnd (PED, ICH, ICH, BOOL FAR *) |
BOOL | SLScrollText (PED, HDC) |
void | SLSetSelection (PED, ICH, ICH) |
ICH | SLInsertText (PED, LPSTR, ICH) |
ICH | SLPasteText (PED) |
void | SLChar (PED, DWORD) |
void | SLKeyDown (PED, DWORD, int) |
void | SLMouseMotion (PED, UINT, UINT, LPPOINT) |
!! CREATESTRUCT AorW and in other routines | |
void | SLPaint (PED, HDC) |
void | SLSetFocus (PED) |
void | SLKillFocus (PED, HWND) |
UINT | HelpMenu (HWND hwnd, PPOINT ppt) |
BOOL | InitClientDrawing () |
int | InternalScrollWindowEx (HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, UINT dwFlags, DWORD dwTime) |
BOOL | IsMetaFile (HDC hdc) |
BOOL | DrawDiagonal (HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, HBRUSH hbrTL, HBRUSH hbrBR, UINT flags) |
BOOL | FillTriangle (HDC hdc, LPRECT lprc, HBRUSH hbr, UINT flags) |
BOOL | _ClientFreeLibrary (HANDLE hmod) |
DWORD | _ClientGetListboxString (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPSTR lParam, ULONG_PTR xParam, PROC xpfn) |
LPHLP | HFill (LPCSTR lpszHelp, DWORD ulCommand, ULONG_PTR ulData) |
BOOL | SetVideoTimeout (DWORD dwVideoTimeout) |
DWORD | _GetWindowLong (PWND pwnd, int index, BOOL bAnsi) |
WORD | _GetWindowWord (PWND pwnd, int index) |
HWND | InternalFindWindowExA (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndChild, LPCSTR pClassName, LPCSTR pWindowName, DWORD dwFlag) |
HWND | InternalFindWindowExW (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwndChild, LPCTSTR pClassName, LPCTSTR pWindowName, DWORD dwFlag) |
LRESULT | DispatchHookW (int dw, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, HOOKPROC pfn) |
LRESULT | DispatchHookA (int dw, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, HOOKPROC pfn) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ButtonWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ButtonWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | MenuWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | MenuWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | DesktopWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | DesktopWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ScrollBarWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ScrollBarWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ListBoxWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ListBoxWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | StaticWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | StaticWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ComboBoxWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ComboBoxWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ComboListBoxWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ComboListBoxWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | MDIClientWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | MDIClientWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
INT_PTR APIENTRY | MB_DlgProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
INT_PTR APIENTRY | MB_DlgProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
INT_PTR APIENTRY | MDIActivateDlgProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
INT_PTR APIENTRY | MDIActivateDlgProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | EditWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | EditWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ImeWndProcA (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT APIENTRY | ImeWndProcW (HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
LRESULT | SendMessageWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fAnsi) |
LRESULT | SendMessageTimeoutWorker (HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, UINT fuFlags, UINT uTimeout, PULONG_PTR lpdwResult, BOOL fAnsi) |
void | ClientEmptyClipboard (void) |
VOID | GetActiveKeyboardName (LPWSTR lpszName) |
HANDLE | OpenKeyboardLayoutFile (LPWSTR lpszKLName, PUINT puFlags, PUINT poffTable, PUINT pKbdInputLocale) |
VOID | LoadPreloadKeyboardLayouts (void) |
void | SetWindowState (PWND pwnd, UINT flags) |
void | ClearWindowState (PWND pwnd, UINT flags) |
HKL | LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker (HKL hkl, LPCWSTR lpszKLName, UINT uFlags, BOOL fFailSafe) |
LRESULT | DispatchClientMessage (PWND pwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, ULONG_PTR pfn) |
LRESULT | DefWindowProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | ButtonWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | ListBoxWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | StaticWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | ComboBoxWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | ComboListBoxWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | MDIClientWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | EditWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | DefDlgProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LRESULT | ImeWndProcWorker (PWND pwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, DWORD fAnsi) |
LONG | _SetWindowLong (HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong, BOOL bAnsi) |
BOOL | _PeekMessage (LPMSG pmsg, HWND hwnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT wRemoveMsg, BOOL bAnsi) |
BOOL | _DefSetText (HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR pstr, BOOL bAnsi) |
HCURSOR | _GetCursorFrameInfo (HCURSOR hcur, LPWSTR id, int iFrame, LPDWORD pjifRate, LPINT pccur) |
HWND | _CreateWindowEx (DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR pClassName, LPCTSTR pWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hwndParent, HMENU hmenu, HANDLE hModule, LPVOID pParam, DWORD dwFlags) |
HKL | _LoadKeyboardLayoutEx (HANDLE hFile, UINT offTable, HKL hkl, LPCWSTR pwszKL, UINT KbdInputLocale, UINT Flags) |
BOOL | _SetCursorIconData (HCURSOR hCursor, PCURSORDATA pcur) |
HCURSOR | FindExistingCursorIcon (LPWSTR pszModName, LPCWSTR pszResName, PCURSORFIND pcfSearch) |
HANDLE | CreateLocalMemHandle (HANDLE hMem) |
HANDLE | ConvertMemHandle (HANDLE hMem, UINT cbNULL) |
HHOOK | _SetWindowsHookEx (HANDLE hmod, LPTSTR pszLib, DWORD idThread, int nFilterType, PROC pfnFilterProc, DWORD dwFlags) |
ULONG_PTR | _GetClassData (PCLS pcls, PWND pwnd, int index, BOOL bAnsi) |
DWORD | _GetClassLong (PWND pwnd, int index, BOOL bAnsi) |
BOOL | BitBltSysBmp (HDC hdc, int x, int y, UINT i) |
DWORD | BuildHwndList (HDESK hdesk, HWND hwndNext, BOOL fEnumChildren, DWORD idThread, HWND **phwndFirst) |
ATOM | RegisterClassExWOWA (PWNDCLASSEXA lpWndClass, LPDWORD pdwWOWstuff, WORD fnid) |
ATOM | RegisterClassExWOWW (PWNDCLASSEXW lpWndClass, LPDWORD pdwWOWstuff, WORD fnid) |
void | CopyLogFontAtoW (PLOGFONTW pdest, PLOGFONTA psrc) |
void | CopyLogFontWtoA (PLOGFONTA pdest, PLOGFONTW psrc) |
PWND | _NextControl (PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwnd, UINT uFlags) |
PWND | _PrevControl (PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwnd, UINT uFlags) |
PWND | _GetNextDlgGroupItem (PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwnd, BOOL fPrev) |
PWND | _GetNextDlgTabItem (PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwnd, BOOL fPrev) |
PWND | _GetChildControl (PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwndLevel) |
BOOL | FChildVisible (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | PaintRect (HWND hwndBrush, HWND hwndPaint, HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, LPRECT lprc) |
int | FindMnemChar (LPWSTR lpstr, WCHAR ch, BOOL fFirst, BOOL fPrefix) |
BOOL | WowGetModuleFileName (HMODULE hModule, LPWSTR pwsz, DWORD cchMax) |
HICON | WowServerLoadCreateCursorIcon (HANDLE hmod, LPTSTR lpModName, DWORD dwExpWinVer, LPCTSTR lpName, DWORD cb, PVOID pcr, LPTSTR lpType, BOOL fClient) |
HANDLE | InternalCopyImage (HANDLE hImage, UINT IMAGE_flag, int cxNew, int cyNew, UINT LR_flags) |
HMENU | CreateMenuFromResource (LPBYTE) |
HANDLE | LoadCursorIconFromFileMap (IN PFILEINFO pfi, IN OUT LPWSTR *prt, IN DWORD cxDesired, IN DWORD cyDesired, IN DWORD LR_flags, OUT LPBOOL pfAni) |
DWORD | GetIcoCurWidth (DWORD cxOrg, BOOL fIcon, UINT LR_flags, DWORD cxDesired) |
DWORD | GetIcoCurHeight (DWORD cyOrg, BOOL fIcon, UINT LR_flags, DWORD cyDesired) |
DWORD | GetIcoCurBpp (UINT LR_flags) |
HICON | LoadIcoCur (HINSTANCE hmod, LPCWSTR lpName, LPWSTR type, DWORD cxDesired, DWORD cyDesired, UINT LR_flags) |
HANDLE | ObjectFromDIBResource (HINSTANCE hmod, LPCWSTR lpName, LPWSTR type, DWORD cxDesired, DWORD cyDesired, UINT LR_flags) |
HANDLE | RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile (LPCWSTR lpszName, LPWSTR type, DWORD cxDesired, DWORD cyDesired, UINT LR_flags) |
HCURSOR | LoadCursorOrIconFromFile (LPCWSTR pszFilename, BOOL fIcon) |
HBITMAP | ConvertDIBBitmap (UPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbih, DWORD cxDesired, DWORD cyDesired, UINT flags, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER *lplpbih, LPSTR *lplpBits) |
HICON | ConvertDIBIcon (LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbih, HINSTANCE hmod, LPCWSTR lpName, BOOL fIcon, DWORD cxNew, DWORD cyNew, UINT LR_flags) |
int | SmartStretchDIBits (HDC hdc, int xD, int yD, int dxD, int dyD, int xS, int yS, int dxS, int dyS, LPVOID lpBits, LPBITMAPINFO lpbi, UINT wUsage, DWORD rop) |
LONG | xxxCBCommandHandler (PCBOX, DWORD, HWND) |
LRESULT | xxxCBMessageItemHandler (PCBOX, UINT, LPVOID) |
int | xxxCBDir (PCBOX, UINT, LPWSTR) |
VOID | xxxCBPaint (PCBOX, HDC) |
VOID | xxxCBCompleteEditWindow (PCBOX pcbox) |
BOOL | xxxCBHideListBoxWindow (PCBOX pcbox, BOOL fNotifyParent, BOOL fSelEndOK) |
VOID | xxxCBShowListBoxWindow (PCBOX pcbox, BOOL fTrack) |
void | xxxCBPosition (PCBOX pcbox) |
long | CBNcCreateHandler (PCBOX, PWND) |
LRESULT | xxxCBCreateHandler (PCBOX, PWND) |
void | xxxCBCalcControlRects (PCBOX pcbox, LPRECT lprcList) |
VOID | xxxCBNcDestroyHandler (PWND, PCBOX) |
VOID | xxxCBNotifyParent (PCBOX, SHORT) |
VOID | xxxCBUpdateListBoxWindow (PCBOX, BOOL) |
VOID | xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow (PCBOX, HDC) |
VOID | xxxCBGetFocusHelper (PCBOX) |
VOID | xxxCBKillFocusHelper (PCBOX) |
VOID | xxxCBInvertStaticWindow (PCBOX, BOOL, HDC) |
VOID | xxxCBSetFontHandler (PCBOX, HANDLE, BOOL) |
VOID | xxxCBSizeHandler (PCBOX) |
LONG | xxxCBSetEditItemHeight (PCBOX pcbox, int editHeight) |
INT | xxxFindString (PLBIV, LPWSTR, INT, INT, BOOL) |
VOID | InitHStrings (PLBIV) |
int | xxxLBInsertItem (PLBIV, LPWSTR, int, UINT) |
BOOL | IsSelected (PLBIV, INT, UINT) |
VOID | LBSetCItemFullMax (PLBIV plb) |
VOID | xxxLBSelRange (PLBIV, INT, INT, BOOL) |
INT | xxxLBSetCurSel (PLBIV, INT) |
VOID | xxxSetISelBase (PLBIV, INT) |
VOID | SetSelected (PLBIV, INT, BOOL, UINT) |
void | xxxLBSetCaret (PLBIV plb, BOOL fSetCaret) |
VOID | xxxCaretDestroy (PLBIV) |
VOID | xxxDestroyLBox (PLBIV, PWND) |
VOID | xxxLBoxDeleteItem (PLBIV, INT) |
VOID | xxxLBoxDoDeleteItems (PLBIV) |
INT | LBCalcVarITopScrollAmt (PLBIV, INT, INT) |
VOID | xxxLBoxCtlHScroll (PLBIV, INT, INT) |
VOID | xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn (PLBIV, INT, INT) |
VOID | xxxLBoxCtlScroll (PLBIV, INT, INT) |
VOID | xxxLBShowHideScrollBars (PLBIV) |
INT | xxxLBoxCtlDelete (PLBIV, INT) |
VOID | xxxLBoxCtlCharInput (PLBIV, UINT, BOOL) |
VOID | xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput (PLBIV, UINT, UINT) |
BOOL | xxxLBInvalidateRect (PLBIV plb, LPRECT lprc, BOOL fErase) |
VOID | xxxAlterHilite (PLBIV, INT, INT, BOOL, INT, BOOL) |
INT | CItemInWindow (PLBIV, BOOL) |
VOID | xxxCheckRedraw (PLBIV, BOOL, INT) |
LPWSTR | GetLpszItem (PLBIV, INT) |
VOID | xxxInsureVisible (PLBIV, INT, BOOL) |
VOID | xxxInvertLBItem (PLBIV, INT, BOOL) |
VOID | xxxLBBlockHilite (PLBIV, INT, BOOL) |
int | LBGetSetItemHeightHandler (PLBIV plb, UINT message, int item, UINT height) |
int | LBSetItemData (PLBIV, INT, LONG_PTR) |
VOID | xxxLBSize (PLBIV, INT, INT) |
INT | LastFullVisible (PLBIV) |
INT | xxxLbInsertFile (PLBIV, LPWSTR) |
VOID | xxxNewITop (PLBIV, INT) |
VOID | xxxNotifyOwner (PLBIV, INT) |
VOID | xxxResetWorld (PLBIV, INT, INT, BOOL) |
VOID | xxxTrackMouse (PLBIV, UINT, POINT) |
BOOL | xxxDlgDirListHelper (PWND, LPWSTR, LPBYTE, int, int, UINT, BOOL) |
BOOL | DlgDirSelectHelper (LPWSTR pFileName, int cbFileName, HWND hwndListBox) |
BOOL | xxxLBResetContent (PLBIV plb) |
VOID | xxxLBSetRedraw (PLBIV plb, BOOL fRedraw) |
int | xxxSetLBScrollParms (PLBIV plb, int nCtl) |
void | xxxLBButtonUp (PLBIV plb, UINT uFlags) |
INT | CItemInWindowVarOwnerDraw (PLBIV, BOOL) |
VOID | LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns (PLBIV) |
VOID | LBSetVariableHeightItemHeight (PLBIV, INT, INT) |
INT | LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight (PLBIV, INT) |
INT | xxxLBSetCount (PLBIV, INT) |
UINT | LBCalcAllocNeeded (PLBIV, INT) |
LONG | xxxLBInitStorage (PLBIV plb, BOOL fAnsi, INT cItems, INT cb) |
HWND | InternalCreateDialog (HANDLE hmod, LPDLGTEMPLATE lpDlgTemplate, DWORD cb, HWND hwndOwner, DLGPROC pfnWndProc, LPARAM dwInitParam, UINT fFlags) |
INT_PTR | InternalDialogBox (HANDLE hmod, LPDLGTEMPLATE lpDlgTemplate, HWND hwndOwner, DLGPROC pfnWndProc, LPARAM dwInitParam, UINT fFlags) |
PWND | _FindDlgItem (PWND pwndParent, DWORD id) |
PWND | _GetDlgItem (PWND, int) |
long | _GetDialogBaseUnits (VOID) |
PWND | GetParentDialog (PWND pwndDialog) |
VOID | xxxRemoveDefaultButton (PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwndStart) |
VOID | xxxCheckDefPushButton (PWND pwndDlg, HWND hwndOldFocus, HWND hwndNewFocus) |
PWND | xxxGotoNextMnem (PWND pwndDlg, PWND pwndStart, WCHAR ch) |
VOID | DlgSetFocus (HWND hwnd) |
void | RepositionRect (PMONITOR pMonitor, LPRECT lprc, DWORD dwStyle, DWORD dwExStyle) |
BOOL | ValidateDialogPwnd (PWND pwnd) |
PMONITOR | GetDialogMonitor (HWND hwndOwner, DWORD dwFlags) |
VOID | ReleaseEditDS (HANDLE h) |
VOID | TellWOWThehDlg (HWND hDlg) |
UINT | GetACPCharSet () |
BOOL | GetMenuItemInfoInternalW (HMENU hMenu, UINT uID, BOOL fByPosition, LPMENUITEMINFOW lpmii) |
BOOL | InternalInsertMenuItem (HMENU hMenu, UINT uID, BOOL fByPosition, LPCMENUITEMINFO lpmii) |
BOOL | ThunkedMenuItemInfo (HMENU hMenu, UINT nPosition, BOOL fByPosition, BOOL fInsert, LPMENUITEMINFOW lpmii, BOOL fAnsi) |
void | SetMenuItemInfoStruct (HMENU hMenu, UINT wFlags, UINT_PTR wIDNew, LPWSTR pwszNew, LPMENUITEMINFOW pmii) |
BOOL | CreateMDIChild (PSHORTCREATE pcs, LPMDICREATESTRUCT pmcs, DWORD dwExpWinVerAndFlags, HMENU *phSysMenu, PWND pwndParent) |
BOOL | MDICompleteChildCreation (HWND hwndChild, HMENU hSysMenu, BOOL fVisible, BOOL fDisabled) |
PWND | FindPwndChild (PWND pwndMDI, UINT wChildID) |
int | MakeMenuItem (LPWSTR lpOut, PWND pwnd) |
VOID | ModifyMenuItem (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | MDIAddSysMenu (HMENU hmenuFrame, HWND hwndChild) |
BOOL | MDIRemoveSysMenu (HMENU hMenuFrame, HWND hwndChild) |
VOID | ShiftMenuIDs (PWND pwnd, PWND pwndVictim) |
BOOL | EnterReaderModeHelper (HWND hwnd) |
DWORD | UserGetCodePage (HDC hdc) |
BOOL | UserIsFullWidth (DWORD dwCodePage, WCHAR wChar) |
BOOL | UserIsFELineBreak (DWORD dwCodePage, WCHAR wChar) |
VOID | InitializeImmEntryTable (VOID) |
VOID | GetImmFileName (PWSTR) |
VOID | CliImmInitializeHotKeys (DWORD dwAction, HKL hkl) |
BOOL | SyncSoftKbdState (HIMC hImc, LPARAM lParam) |
__inline PDISPLAYINFO | GetDispInfo (void) |
__inline PMONITOR | GetPrimaryMonitor (void) |
Variables | |
ImmApiEntries | gImmApiEntries |
HMODULE | ghImm32 |
Definition at line 1469 of file usercli.h. Referenced by GetClassLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 1191 of file usercli.h. Referenced by GetWindowLongPtr(), and xxxEventWndProc(). |
Definition at line 1366 of file usercli.h. Referenced by SetWindowLongPtr(). |
Definition at line 2069 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(), DefMDIChildProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDICompleteChildCreation(), MDISetMenu(), ModifyMenuItem(), TranslateMDISysAccel(), xxxMDIActivate(), and xxxMDIDestroy(). |
Definition at line 1132 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MLBuildchLines(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), and MLUpdateiCaretLine(). |
Definition at line 1629 of file usercli.h. Referenced by RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile(). |
Definition at line 302 of file usercli.h. Referenced by RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile(). |
Definition at line 305 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ConvertDIBBitmap(), CopyDibHdr(), and ScaleDIB(). |
Definition at line 392 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), and xxxBNSetCapture(). |
Definition at line 390 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), xxxBNDrawText(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), xxxButtonDrawCheck(), and xxxDrawButton(). |
Definition at line 394 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), IsDialogMessageW(), and xxxGotoNextMnem(). |
Definition at line 395 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 391 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), and xxxBNSetCapture(). |
Definition at line 393 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), and xxxBNReleaseCapture(). |
Definition at line 2366 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DispatchMessageWorker(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 2311 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _PeekMessage(), and GetMessage(). |
Definition at line 2282 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DispatchMessageWorker(), IsDialogMessageA(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 2359 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _PeekMessage(), and GetMessage(). |
Definition at line 2253 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CallMsgFilter(), DispatchMessageWorker(), MESSAGECALL(), PostMessage(), PostThreadMessage(), SendMessageCallback(), and SendNotifyMessage(). |
Definition at line 388 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), IsDialogMessageW(), xxxBNDrawText(), xxxBNOwnerDraw(), xxxBNPaint(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), xxxBNSetCapture(), xxxButtonDrawCheck(), xxxButtonDrawNewState(), xxxDrawButton(), and xxxGotoNextMnem(). |
Definition at line 2410 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MESSAGECALL(). |
Definition at line 2402 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MESSAGECALL(). |
Definition at line 2062 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(), and RecalculateScrollRanges(). |
Definition at line 2426 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MESSAGECALL(). |
Definition at line 2435 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MESSAGECALL(). |
Definition at line 176 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MESSAGECALL(), and NtUserMessageCall(). |
Definition at line 191 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CallWindowProcAorW(). |
Definition at line 187 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DispatchClientMessage(), DispatchMessageWorker(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 183 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 516 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MLBuildchLines(), and NextWordCallBack(). |
Definition at line 442 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 478 of file usercli.h. Referenced by RW_RegisterControls(). |
Definition at line 417 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 416 of file usercli.h. Referenced by SLCreate(), and xxxCBCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 484 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECInsertText(), ECNcCreate(), ECSetText(), and MLSetHandle(). |
Definition at line 926 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DlgDirSelectHelper(), xxxDlgDirListHelper(), xxxLbDir(), and xxxLbInsertFile(). |
Definition at line 549 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetFont(), ECTabTheTextOut(), GetActualNegA(), and GetNegABCwidthInfo(). |
Definition at line 785 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxLBInsertItem(), and xxxLBSetCount(). |
Definition at line 2067 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateMDIChild(), DefFrameProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDICompleteChildCreation(), MDISetMenu(), ShiftMenuIDs(), xxxInitActivateDlg(), and xxxMDIDestroy(). |
Definition at line 1023 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxDBCharHandler(). |
Definition at line 1579 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetCaretHandler(), and WndProc(). |
Definition at line 148 of file usercli.h. Referenced by BroadcastSystemMessageWorker(), CallNextHookEx(), CallWindowProcAorW(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DesktopWndProcWorker(), EditWndProcWorker(), MenuWindowProcA(), MenuWindowProcW(), MenuWndProcWorker(), ScrollBarWndProcWorker(), SendMessage(), SendMessageTimeoutWorker(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 510 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECGetModKeys(), MLChar(), MLKeyDown(), and SLKeyDown(). |
Definition at line 404 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), xxxBNDrawText(), xxxBNPaint(), and xxxDrawButton(). |
Definition at line 403 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxBNDrawText(), xxxBNPaint(), and xxxDrawButton(). |
Definition at line 161 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefMDIChildProcWorker(), and StartTaskModalDialog(). |
Definition at line 2390 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DispatchMessageWorker(), and SendMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 1051 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetFont(), MLEditWndProc(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetFocus(), SLEditWndProc(), and SLSetFocus(). |
Definition at line 1047 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), and MLGetLineWidth(). |
Definition at line 1048 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MLDrawText(). |
Definition at line 1049 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECTabTheTextOut(), and MLDrawText(). |
Definition at line 788 of file usercli.h. Referenced by Compare(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxFindString(). |
Definition at line 795 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 724 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECGetDBCSVector(). |
Definition at line 141 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1580 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), MLEditWndProc(), and UserRegisterWowHandlers(). |
Definition at line 907 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateDialogParamA(), DialogBoxParamA(), LoadAcceleratorsA(), and LoadMenuA(). |
Definition at line 909 of file usercli.h. Referenced by WOWFindResourceExWCover(). |
Definition at line 910 of file usercli.h. Referenced by LoadStringOrError(). |
Definition at line 908 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateDialogParamW(), DialogBoxParamW(), LoadAcceleratorsW(), LoadBmp(), LoadDIB(), LoadMenuW(), and SplFindResource(). |
Definition at line 2071 of file usercli.h. Referenced by AppendToWindowsMenu(), CreateMDIChild(), DefFrameProcWorker(), MakeMenuItem(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDISetMenu(), ModifyMenuItem(), ShiftMenuIDs(), xxxInitActivateDlg(), xxxMDIActivate(), and xxxMDIDestroy(). |
Definition at line 2552 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2529 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECEnableDisableIME(). |
Definition at line 2554 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2570 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2530 of file usercli.h. Referenced by HanjaKeyHandler(). |
Definition at line 2531 of file usercli.h. Referenced by HanjaKeyHandler(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2551 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2542 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeControlHandler(). |
Definition at line 2541 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeControlHandler(). |
Definition at line 2533 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2534 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2535 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECImmSetCompositionWindow(). |
Definition at line 2532 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(), ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECEnableDisableIME(), ECImeComposition(), ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetIMEMenu(), EditWndProc(), FocusSetIMCContext(), HanjaKeyHandler(), ImeSetContextHandler(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2555 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECSetIMEMenu(), ImeControlHandler(), ImeSystemHandler(), and SyncSoftKbdState(). |
Definition at line 2536 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2558 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateIMEUI(). |
Definition at line 2561 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECSetIMEMenu(), and ImeControlHandler(). |
Definition at line 2567 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetIMEMenu(). |
Definition at line 2537 of file usercli.h. Referenced by EcImeRequestHandler(), ECInitInsert(), ECMenu(), ECSetFont(), ECSetIMEMenu(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetCaretPosition(). |
Definition at line 2549 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeWndCreateHandler(). |
Definition at line 2538 of file usercli.h. Referenced by EditWndProc(), ImeNotifyHandler(), ImeSetContextHandler(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2559 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateIMEUI(). |
Definition at line 2547 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), EditWndProc(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2566 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2540 of file usercli.h. Referenced by User32InitializeImmEntryTable(), and UserClientDllInitialize(). |
Definition at line 2539 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker(), ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECEnableDisableIME(), ECImeComposition(), ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetIMEMenu(), EditWndProc(), FocusSetIMCContext(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2562 of file usercli.h. Referenced by FocusSetIMCContext(). |
Definition at line 2553 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeControlHandler(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2545 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2544 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeControlHandler(). |
Definition at line 2543 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECImmSetCompositionFont(), and ImeControlHandler(). |
Definition at line 2568 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(). |
Definition at line 2569 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(). |
Definition at line 2546 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ImeControlHandler(), ImeSetContextHandler(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2556 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeControlHandler(), and SyncSoftKbdState(). |
Definition at line 2550 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ImeControlHandler(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2557 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeControlHandler(). |
Definition at line 2571 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2563 of file usercli.h. Referenced by TranslateMessage(). |
Definition at line 2548 of file usercli.h. Referenced by EditWndProc(), ImeNotifyHandler(), ImeSetContextHandler(), and ImeSystemHandler(). |
Definition at line 2560 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateIMEUI(). |
Definition at line 914 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateDialogParamA(), CreateDialogParamW(), DialogBoxParamA(), LoadAcc(), LoadBmp(), and SplFreeResource(). |
Definition at line 144 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcA(), ButtonWndProcW(), ComboBoxWndProcA(), ComboBoxWndProcW(), ComboListBoxWndProcA(), ComboListBoxWndProcW(), DesktopWndProcWorker(), EditWndProcA(), EditWndProcW(), ImeWndProcWorker(), ListBoxWndProcA(), ListBoxWndProcW(), MenuWndProcWorker(), ScrollBarWndProcWorker(), and StaticWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2229 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _PeekMessage(), and GetMessage(). |
Definition at line 1123 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _AdjustWindowRectEx(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DrawTextExWorker(), ECGetBrush(), ECInsertText(), ECSetFont(), GetAppCompatFlags2(), InternalCreateDialog(), LoadBmp(), LoadIcoCur(), and MLKeyDown(). |
Definition at line 2217 of file usercli.h. Referenced by PeekMessage(). |
Definition at line 1581 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxBNInitDC(), xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(), xxxCBPaint(), xxxLBGetBrush(), and xxxStaticPaint(). |
Definition at line 1582 of file usercli.h. Referenced by PaintRect(), and xxxLBGetBrush(). |
Definition at line 1583 of file usercli.h. Referenced by AnimateWindow(), and SmoothScrollWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 916 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(), ECNcCreate(), GetSizeDialogTemplate(), InternalCreateDialog(), and LoadImageW(). |
Definition at line 154 of file usercli.h. Referenced by PostMessage(), TestInputContextProcess(), and TestWindowProcess(). |
Definition at line 1584 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(), and PropertiesUpdate(). |
Definition at line 153 of file usercli.h. Referenced by PostMessage(), and TestWindowProcess(). |
Definition at line 791 of file usercli.h. Referenced by Compare(), and xxxFindString(). |
Definition at line 2060 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 2059 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1748 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1746 of file usercli.h. Referenced by SetSelected(), xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSelRange(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1744 of file usercli.h. Referenced by IsSelected(), SetSelected(), xxxAlterHilite(), xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 2074 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(), and xxxSetFrameTitle(). |
Definition at line 730 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECMenu(). |
Definition at line 731 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECMenu(). |
Definition at line 729 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECMenu(). |
Definition at line 1137 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECMenu(). |
Definition at line 1139 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 270 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), EditWndProcWorker(), ImeWndProcWorker(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and StaticWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 460 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(). |
Definition at line 1129 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECWord(), and MLBuildchLines(). |
Definition at line 1130 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECWord(), and MLBuildchLines(). |
Definition at line 779 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxDlgDirListHelper(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLbDir(), xxxLBInvalidateRect(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBSize(), and xxxNewITopEx(). |
Definition at line 293 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CommonCreateWindowStation(), CtxInitUser32(), GetClientKeyboardType(), GetKeyboardType(), GetRemoteKeyboardLayout(), GetSystemMetrics(), LoadPreloadKeyboardLayouts(), OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(), and xxxLBoxCaretBlinker(). |
Definition at line 2073 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDICheckCascadeRect(), and MDICompleteChildCreation(). |
Definition at line 797 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLbDir(), xxxLbInsertFile(), and xxxLBInsertItem(). |
Definition at line 448 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxLBCreate(). |
Definition at line 813 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 811 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 812 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 815 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBButtonUp(). |
Definition at line 814 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 911 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CommonLoadMenu(), CreateDialogParamA(), CreateDialogParamW(), DialogBoxParamA(), LoadAcc(), LoadBmp(), LoadDIB(), and LoadStringOrError(). |
Definition at line 912 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CommonLoadMenu(), CreateDialogParamA(), CreateDialogParamW(), DialogBoxParamA(), GetIconIdEx(), LoadAcc(), LoadBmp(), LoadStringOrError(), and ObjectFromDIBResource(). |
Definition at line 440 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxLBInsertItem(). |
Definition at line 790 of file usercli.h. Referenced by Compare(), and xxxFindString(). |
Definition at line 1738 of file usercli.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 490 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECTabTheTextOut(), and MLDrawText(). |
Definition at line 2068 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateMDIChild(), DefFrameProcWorker(), DefMDIChildProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDISetMenu(), xxxChildResize(), xxxMDIActivate(), xxxMDIDestroy(), xxxMDINext(), and xxxSetFrameTitle(). |
Definition at line 2028 of file usercli.h. Referenced by AppendToWindowsMenu(), DefFrameProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDICompleteChildCreation(), MDISetMenu(), xxxInitActivateDlg(), and xxxMDIActivate(). |
Definition at line 496 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), ECTabTheTextOut(), and MLBuildchLines(). |
Definition at line 503 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECCreate(), and MLCreate(). |
Definition at line 2077 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIActivateDlgInit(). |
Definition at line 1991 of file usercli.h. Referenced by GetMenuInfo(), GetMenuItemInfo(), ValidateMENUINFO(), and ValidateMENUITEMINFO(). |
Definition at line 1992 of file usercli.h. Referenced by InsertMenuItem(), SetMenuInfo(), and SetMenuItemInfo(). |
Definition at line 2016 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MB_DlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 794 of file usercli.h. Referenced by LBEvent(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 887 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DWordSkipSz(), InternalCreateDialog(), MB_FindDlgTemplateSize(), MB_UpdateDlgHdr(), and MB_UpdateDlgItem(). |
Definition at line 886 of file usercli.h. Referenced by GetInxStr(), InternalCreateDialog(), MB_FindDlgTemplateSize(), MB_UpdateDlgHdr(), MB_UpdateDlgItem(), MenuLoadWinTemplates(), and WordSkipSz(). |
Definition at line 513 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECGetModKeys(). |
Definition at line 509 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MLKeyDown(), and SLKeyDown(). |
Definition at line 1557 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ArrangeWindows(), and MDIClientWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1558 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ArrangeWindows(), MDIActivateDlgSize(), and xxxMDINext(). |
Definition at line 1559 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MenuLoadChicagoTemplates(), and MenuLoadWinTemplates(). |
Definition at line 1560 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetFont(), MLEditWndProc(), MLKillFocus(), SLEditWndProc(), and SLKillFocus(). |
Definition at line 1561 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DialogBox2(), EndDialog(), EndTaskModalDialog(), InternalDialogBox(), and StartTaskModalDialog(). |
Definition at line 1562 of file usercli.h. Referenced by SendHelpMessage(). |
Definition at line 1566 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MB_DlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1563 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), and MLMouseMotion(). |
Definition at line 1564 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), ECCopy(), ECImeComposition(), HanjaKeyHandler(), IsDialogMessageW(), MLChar(), MLInsertText(), SLChar(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(). |
Definition at line 1567 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CalcClientScrolling(), MDIAddSysMenu(), MDICompleteChildCreation(), MDIRemoveSysMenu(), xxxMDIDestroy(), and xxxSetFrameTitle(). |
Definition at line 1568 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxSetFrameTitle(). |
Definition at line 1569 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxSetFrameTitle(). |
Definition at line 1570 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), MLMouseMotion(), SLMouseMotion(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1556 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CopyBitmap(), LBReleaseDC(), SoftModalMessageBox(), StaticRepaint(), xxxCBCalcControlRects(), xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(), xxxInitActivateDlg(), xxxLBCreate(), and xxxLBSetFont(). |
Definition at line 1571 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetCaretPosition(). |
Definition at line 1572 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1573 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DialogBox2(), InternalCreateDialog(), and SetForegroundWindow(). |
Definition at line 1574 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(), MDIAddSysMenu(), and xxxChildResize(). |
Definition at line 1575 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxMDINext(). |
Definition at line 1565 of file usercli.h. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(), and MB_DlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1576 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1577 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 1730 of file usercli.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 1729 of file usercli.h. Referenced by LoadBmp(). |
Definition at line 2126 of file usercli.h. Referenced by __ClientLoadOLE(), and LoadOLEOnce(). |
Definition at line 2061 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxChildResize(). |
Definition at line 436 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxLBCreate(). |
Definition at line 437 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CItemInWindow(), GrowMem(), ISelFromPt(), LastFullVisible(), LBCalcAllocNeeded(), LBGetItemRect(), LBGetSetItemHeightHandler(), LBSetCItemFullMax(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), xxxLBPaint(), and xxxNewITopEx(). |
Definition at line 398 of file usercli.h. Referenced by BNCalcRect(), IsPushButton(), and xxxDrawButton(). |
Definition at line 397 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), and IsPushButton(). |
Definition at line 789 of file usercli.h. Referenced by Compare(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxFindString(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(). |
Definition at line 540 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECInsertText(), ECResetTextInfo(), EditWndProc(), MLEditWndProc(), MLInsertText(), MLReplaceSel(), SLEditWndProc(), and SLReplaceSel(). |
Definition at line 2175 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ReaderWndProc(). |
Definition at line 2174 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ReaderFeedback(), and ReaderProcInternal(). |
Definition at line 2173 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ReaderWndProc(). |
Definition at line 2171 of file usercli.h. Referenced by FReaderDiag(). |
Definition at line 2170 of file usercli.h. Referenced by EnterReaderModeHelper(), FReader2Dim(), and FReaderHorz(). |
Definition at line 2169 of file usercli.h. Referenced by EnterReaderModeHelper(), FReader2Dim(), and FReaderVert(). |
Definition at line 213 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _FindProp(), BNCalcRect(), CheckRadioButton(), DefFrameProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), GetMenu(), GetScrollRange(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDICompleteChildCreation(), ShowWindowNoRepaint(), StaticCallback(), xxxBNDrawText(), xxxChildResize(), xxxMDIDestroy(), xxxSetFrameTitle(), and xxxStaticPaint(). |
Definition at line 211 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _GetMenuDefaultItem(), _GetMenuState(), _GetSubMenu(), _GetWindow(), DefWindowProcWorker(), ECGetControlBrush(), EndDialog(), GetClassNameA(), MLCreate(), MNLookUpItem(), SLCreate(), and xxxMNCanClose(). |
Definition at line 1585 of file usercli.h. Referenced by AnimateWindow(), MLEditWndProc(), SmoothScrollWindowEx(), UnmaximizeChildWindows(), and xxxLBSetRedraw(). |
Definition at line 133 of file usercli.h. Referenced by BroadcastSystemMessageWorker(), CallMsgFilter(), DispatchMessageWorker(), GetMessage(), SendMessage(), SendMessageTimeoutWorker(), and TranslateMessageEx(). |
Definition at line 307 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ChangeDibColors(), and MixRGBI(). |
Definition at line 160 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DefMDIChildProcWorker(), EndDialog(), InternalDialogBox(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCommandHandler(), xxxCheckDefPushButton(), and xxxMDIDestroy(). |
Definition at line 2072 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(), RecalculateScrollRanges(), and xxxChildResize(). |
Definition at line 2065 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(), RecalculateScrollRanges(), and xxxChildResize(). |
Definition at line 2064 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 430 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(). |
Definition at line 429 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxCBGetFocusHelper(), and xxxCBKillFocusHelper(). |
Definition at line 424 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCalcControlRects(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxCBSetEditItemHeight(), xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(), and xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(). |
Definition at line 425 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(). |
Definition at line 1745 of file usercli.h. Referenced by LBoxGetSelItems(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), SetSelected(), xxxAlterHilite(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSelRange(), and xxxLBSetSel(). |
Definition at line 299 of file usercli.h. Referenced by BitmapFromDIB(), BltIcon(), and ConvertToDDB(). |
Definition at line 511 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECGetModKeys(), MLKeyDown(), and SLKeyDown(). |
Definition at line 793 of file usercli.h. Referenced by GrowMem(), IsSelected(), LBCalcAllocNeeded(), LBEvent(), LBoxGetSelItems(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), SetSelected(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 428 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxCBSetEditItemHeight(). |
Definition at line 1145 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MessageBoxWorker(). |
Definition at line 1153 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetIMEMenu(). |
Definition at line 1152 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetIMEMenu(). |
Definition at line 1146 of file usercli.h. Referenced by AppendToWindowsMenu(). |
Definition at line 1156 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetIMEMenu(). |
Definition at line 1155 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetIMEMenu(). |
Definition at line 1154 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECSetIMEMenu(). |
Definition at line 1124 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECCreate(), ECEnableDisableIME(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECIsCharNumeric(), ECMenu(), ECSetFont(), ECSetIMEMenu(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), HanjaKeyHandler(), ImeWndCreateHandler(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetCaretPosition(). |
Definition at line 526 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECMergeUndoInsertInfo(), MLUndo(), and SLUndo(). |
Definition at line 525 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECMergeUndoInsertInfo(), MLUndo(), and SLUndo(). |
Definition at line 524 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECMenu(), ECMergeUndoInsertInfo(), EditWndProc(), MLUndo(), SLCreate(), and SLUndo(). |
Definition at line 2019 of file usercli.h. Referenced by SoftModalMessageBox(). |
Definition at line 913 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CommonLoadMenu(), CreateDialogParamA(), CreateDialogParamW(), DialogBoxParamA(), GetIconIdEx(), LoadAcc(), LoadBmp(), LoadStringOrError(), and ObjectFromDIBResource(). |
Definition at line 439 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxLBInsertItem(). |
Definition at line 2154 of file usercli.h. Referenced by __ClientLoadOLE(), __ClientRegisterDragDrop(), and __ClientRevokeDragDrop(). |
Definition at line 125 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _ClientCopyDDEOut1(), AllocAndSetDDEData(), CopyDDEData(), ECCopy(), ECDeleteText(), ECResultStrHandler(), InternalCreateDataHandle(), MaybeTranslateExecuteData(), MB_CopyToClipboard(), and PackDDElParam(). |
Definition at line 124 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _ClientCopyDDEIn1(), _ClientCopyDDEOut1(), CopyDDEData(), CreateLocalMemHandle(), DeleteClientClipboardHandle(), ECEmptyUndo(), ECMergeUndoInsertInfo(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ECResultStrHandler(), FreeDDElParam(), GetClipboardData(), LoadAppDlls(), MESSAGECALL(), MLUndo(), and SLUndo(). |
Definition at line 129 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DdeAddData(), and ECDeleteText(). |
Definition at line 130 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _ClientCopyDDEIn1(), _ClientGetDDEHookData(), CopyDDEData(), DdeAccessData(), DdeAddData(), and DdeGetData(). |
Definition at line 959 of file usercli.h. Referenced by DrawTextExA(), ECSetFont(), GrowMem(), MLInsertchLine(), MLSetTabStops(), xxxLBInitStorage(), xxxLBInsertItem(), and xxxLBSetCount(). |
Definition at line 961 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MLInsertchLine(). |
Definition at line 227 of file usercli.h. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DefDlgProcWorker(), EditWndProcWorker(), ImeWndProcWorker(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxDesktopWndProc(), xxxMenuWindowProc(), xxxSBWndProc(), xxxSwitchWndProc(), and xxxTooltipWndProc(). |
Definition at line 196 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CheckMenuItem(), CheckMenuRadioItem(), EnableMenuItem(), GetMenuContextHelpId(), GetMenuDefaultItem(), GetMenuInfo(), GetMenuItemCount(), GetMenuItemID(), GetMenuState(), GetSubMenu(), SetMenuItemInfoStruct(), and ValidateMENUITEMINFO(). |
Definition at line 197 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CascadeWindowsEnum(), GetMonitorInfo(), and TileWindowsEnum(). |
Definition at line 1753 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(). |
Definition at line 1752 of file usercli.h. Referenced by xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(). |
Definition at line 2070 of file usercli.h. Referenced by AppendToWindowsMenu(), ChangeDibColors(), DefMDIChildProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DrawBox(), DrawEdge(), DrawGrip(), LoadBmp(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDISetMenu(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxDrawCaptionTemp(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxMDIActivate(), and xxxRedrawHungWindow(). |
Definition at line 2015 of file usercli.h. Referenced by MB_DlgProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 131 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _ClientCopyDDEIn1(), _ClientCopyDDEIn2(), _ClientFreeDDEHandle(), AllocAndSetDDEData(), ClRespAdviseAck(), ClRespExecuteAck(), ClStartAdvise(), CopyDDEData(), DumpDDEMessage(), FreeDDEData(), InternalCreateDataHandle(), InternalFreeDataHandle(), MaybeTranslateExecuteData(), SvSpontAdvise(), and SvSpontExecute(). |
Definition at line 2057 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateMDIChild(). |
Definition at line 2055 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CreateMDIChild(). |
Referenced by AddAccResource(). |
Referenced by ECCalcChangeSelection(). |
Referenced by ReadIconGuts(). |
Referenced by EditWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by RW_RegisterControls(). |
Referenced by LoadCursorIconFromResource(), and RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile(). |
Definition at line 174 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _ClientGetListboxString(). |
Referenced by LoadOLEOnce(). |
Referenced by SystemParametersInfo(). |
Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(). |
Referenced by LBGetItemData(). |
Referenced by LBGetItemData(). |
Referenced by ECFindXORblks(). |
Referenced by GetLpszItem(). |
Referenced by LBGetItemData(). |
Definition at line 770 of file usercli.h. Referenced by GetActualNegA(). |
Referenced by MDIActivateDlgInit(). |
Referenced by __ClientRegisterDragDrop(). |
Definition at line 2097 of file usercli.h. Referenced by LoadOLEOnce(). |
Referenced by EditWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by InitClsMenuName(). |
Referenced by RtlCaptureLargeAnsiString(). |
Referenced by InitLookaside(). |
Referenced by MDIActivateDlgSize(). |
Referenced by __ClientRegisterDragDrop(). |
Referenced by FReader2Dim(). |
Referenced by ReaderWndProc(). |
Referenced by ReaderWndProc(). |
Referenced by CreateMDIChild(). |
Referenced by ChopText(). |
Referenced by ChopText(). |
Referenced by ECSaveUndo(). |
Referenced by ReaderWndProc(). |
Referenced by ReaderWndProc(). |
Definition at line 2099 of file usercli.h. Referenced by __ClientRegisterDragDrop(). |
Definition at line 2100 of file usercli.h. Referenced by __ClientRevokeDragDrop(). |
Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(). |
Referenced by StaticWndProcWorker(). |
Referenced by RW_RegisterControls(). |
Referenced by SoundSentryTimer(). |
Referenced by ECSaveUndo(). |
Definition at line 924 of file usercli.h. Referenced by RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile(). |
Definition at line 923 of file usercli.h. Referenced by CopyDibHdr(), ExtractIconFromEXE(), HowManyColors(), and RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile(). |
Definition at line 1513 of file clmsg.c. References DWORD, GENERICPROC, and msg.
Definition at line 1197 of file client/ntstubs.c. References _LARGE_STRING::bAnsi, BEGINCALL, BOOL, _LARGE_STRING::Buffer, CLEANUPLPSTRW, CreateMDIChild(), CW_FLAGS_DIFFHMOD, tagSHORTCREATE::cx, tagSHORTCREATE::cy, dwFlags, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _LARGE_IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FNID_MDICLIENT, GETEXPWINVER, GETFNID, tagSHORTCREATE::hMenu, IS_PTR, L, LARGE_IN_STRING, _LARGE_STRING::Length, _LARGE_STRING::MaximumLength, MDICompleteChildCreation(), MSGERROR, NtUserCreateWindowEx(), NULL, PBYTE, _LARGE_IN_STRING::pstr, RtlCaptureLargeAnsiString(), RtlInitLargeAnsiString(), RtlInitLargeUnicodeString(), SHORTCREATE, _LARGE_IN_STRING::strCapture, tagSHORTCREATE::style, TRUE, UINT, ValidateHwnd, VER40, WS_EX_ANSICREATOR, WS_EX_MDICHILD, tagSHORTCREATE::x, and tagSHORTCREATE::y. Referenced by CreateWindowEx(), EnterReaderMode(), InternalDdeInitialize(), UserRegisterWowHandlers(), and xxxCBCreateHandler().
Definition at line 1171 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, NtUserDefSetText(), NULL, PLARGE_ANSI_STRING, RtlInitLargeAnsiString(), RtlInitLargeUnicodeString(), and UINT. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), StaticWndProcWorker(), and xxxSetFrameTitle().
Definition at line 749 of file dlgmgr2.c. References _GetDlgItem(), _NextControl(), NULL, tagWND::spmenu, TestWF, and WFWIN40COMPAT. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), IsDialogMessageW(), and xxxCheckDefPushButton().
Definition at line 1499 of file clres.c.
Definition at line 125 of file dlgmgrc.c. References NULL, REBASEPWND, TestWF, TestwndChild, and WEFCONTROLPARENT. Referenced by _GetNextDlgGroupItem(), _GetNextDlgTabItem(), _NextSibblingOrAncestor(), GetNextDlgHelpItem(), xxxGNM_FindNextMnem(), and xxxRemoveDefaultButton().
Definition at line 100 of file classc.c. References afClassDWord, aiClassOffset, BYTE, CPD_ANSI_TO_UNICODE, CPD_UNICODE_TO_ANSI, CPD_WNDTOCLS, CSF_ANSIPROC, tagCLS::CSF_flags, CSF_SERVERSIDEPROC, CSF_WOWCLASS, CSF_WOWEXTRA, DWORD, GetCPD(), INDEX_OFFSET, IS_PTR, tagCLS::lpszClientAnsiMenuName, tagCLS::lpszClientUnicodeMenuName, MapClientNeuterToClientPfn(), MapServerToClientPfn(), NtUserCallHwndParam(), PtoH, and PWCFromPCLS. Referenced by _GetClassLongPtr(), GetClassWord(), and GetClassWOWWords().
Definition at line 141 of file client/wow.c. References NULL, REBASEPWND, and tagWND::spmenu. Referenced by _FindDlgItem(), ChopText(), DefDlgProcWorker(), DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW(), GetDlgItem(), and xxxDlgDirListHelper().
Definition at line 439 of file dlgmgrc.c. References _GetChildControl(), BOOL, FALSE, TestWF, TRUE, UT_NextGroupItem(), UT_PrevGroupItem(), WFDISABLED, and WFVISIBLE. Referenced by GetNextDlgGroupItem(), IsDialogMessageW(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), and xxxGNM_FindNextMnem().
Definition at line 348 of file dlgmgrc.c. References _GetChildControl(), _IsDescendant(), _NextControl(), _PrevControl(), and NULL. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), GetNextDlgTabItem(), InternalCreateDialog(), IsDialogMessageW(), and xxxGotoNextMnem().
Definition at line 26 of file getsetc.c. References tagBUTN::buttonState, BYTE, CBFNID, tagWND::cbwndExtra, DWORD, tagWND::dwUserData, FNID_BUTTON, FNID_DIALOG, FNID_MDICLIENT, GETFNID, and UINT. Referenced by GetWindowWord().
Referenced by LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker(). |
Definition at line 1509 of file clres.c.
Definition at line 207 of file dlgmgrc.c. References _IsDescendant(), _NextSibblingOrAncestor(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, REBASEPWND, tagWND::spwndParent, TestWF, TRUE, WEFCONTROLPARENT, WFDISABLED, and WFVISIBLE. Referenced by _FindDlgItem(), _GetNextDlgTabItem(), _PrevControl(), GetNextDlgHelpItem(), UT_NextGroupItem(), UT_PrevGroupItem(), xxxGNM_FindNextMnem(), and xxxRemoveDefaultButton().
Definition at line 556 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTA_FROM_SERVER, BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTW_FROM_SERVER, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, GET_DBCS_MESSAGE_IF_EXIST, NtUserPeekMessage(), PeekMessage(), RtlWCSMessageWParamCharToMB(), and TRUE. Referenced by PeekMessage().
Definition at line 78 of file dlgmgrc.c. References _NextControl(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, TestWF, TRUE, and WEFCONTROLPARENT. Referenced by _GetNextDlgTabItem(), UT_NextGroupItem(), and UT_PrevGroupItem().
Definition at line 1138 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, CLEANUPLPWSTR, COPYLPWSTRIDOPT, COPYLPWSTROPT, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, tagCURSORDATA::lpModName, tagCURSORDATA::lpName, NtUserSetCursorIconData(), PCURSORDATA, and _IN_STRING::pstr.
Definition at line 258 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CLEANUPLPWSTR, dwFlags, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FIRSTCOPYLPWSTROPT, NtUserSetWindowsHookEx(), and _IN_STRING::pstr. Referenced by SetWindowsHookExAW().
Definition at line 1518 of file clres.c.
Definition at line 299 of file rtlinit.c. References AllocateFromZone, _LOOKASIDE::EntrySize, gcsLookaside, _LOOKASIDE::LookasideZone, NULL, and UserLocalAlloc. Referenced by ValidateDialogPwnd().
Definition at line 29 of file mngrayc.c.
Definition at line 37 of file clenum.c. References DWORD, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NtUserBuildHwndList(), NULL, phwndCache, Status, UINT, UserLocalAlloc, and UserLocalFree.
Definition at line 1907 of file btnctl.c. References ButtonWndProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), FNID_BUTTON, FWINDOWMSG, L, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 1929 of file btnctl.c. References ButtonWndProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), FALSE, FNID_BUTTON, FWINDOWMSG, L, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Definition at line 1338 of file btnctl.c. References _DefSetText(), _GetClientRect(), APIENTRY, tagCLS::atomClassName, tagSERVERINFO::atomSysClass, BFIMAGEMASK, BFNOTIFY, BFPUSHLIKE, BFTYPEMASK, BNCalcRect(), BNReleaseDC(), BNSetFont(), BOOL, BST_CAPTURED, BST_CHECKMASK, BST_DONTCLICK, BST_INBMCLICK, BST_INCLICK, BST_MOUSE, BUTN, ButtonLookaside, BUTTONSTATE, CBR_GROUPTEXT, CheckLock, ClearWindowState(), DBT_FOCUS, DefWindowProcWorker(), DWORD, FALSE, FNID_BUTTON, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, tagBUTN::fPaintKbdCuesOnly, FreeLookasideEntry(), FWINABLE, gpsi, tagBUTN::hFont, tagBUTN::hImage, HW, HWq, ICLS_DIALOG, IMAGE_BMMAX, INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE, ISBSTEXTOROD, IsValidImage, IsVisible(), L, LOBYTE, NotifyWinEvent(), NtUserAlterWindowStyle(), NtUserBeginPaint(), NtUserEndPaint(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, PaintRect(), PBF_PUSHABLE, PBUTNWND, PtInRect(), REBASEALWAYS, REBASEPWND, RepaintButton(), SendMessageWorker(), SetWindowState(), tagBUTN::spwnd, tagWND::spwndParent, TestWF, TestwndChild, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, Unlock, VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, WEFRIGHT, WFTABSTOP, WFVISIBLE, WFWIN31COMPAT, WFWIN40COMPAT, xxxBNDrawText(), xxxBNGetDC(), xxxBNOwnerDraw(), xxxBNPaint(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), xxxBNSetCapture(), xxxButtonDrawCheck(), xxxButtonDrawNewState(), xxxButtonNotifyParent(), and xxxDrawButton(). Referenced by ButtonWndProcA(), ButtonWndProcW(), and ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 31 of file comboini.c. References CBFHASSTRINGS, CBFOWNERDRAW, ClearWindowState(), tagCBox::f3DCombo, HIBYTE, SetWindowState(), tagCBox::styleSave, TestWF, TRUE, WEFCLIENTEDGE, WEFEDGEMASK, WFBORDER, WFHSCROLL, WFVSCROLL, and WFWIN40COMPAT. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 526 of file lboxctl2.c. References _GetClientRect(), CItemInWindowVarOwnerDraw(), tagLBIV::cyChar, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, INT, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, and tagLBIV::spwnd. Referenced by LastFullVisible(), LBGetItemRect(), LBSetCItemFullMax(), xxxAlterHilite(), xxxCheckRedraw(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBPaint(), and xxxResetWorld().
Definition at line 101 of file lboxvar.c. References _GetClientRect(), tagLBIV::cMac, INT, tagLBIV::iTop, LBGetItemRect(), and tagLBIV::spwnd. Referenced by CItemInWindow().
Definition at line 3373 of file client.c. References HWq, NtUserCallHwndParam(), and TestWF.
Definition at line 353 of file client.c. References DeleteClientClipboardHandle(), gcsClipboard, gphn, _HANDLENODE::handleClient, NULL, pfnWowEmptyClipBoard, PHANDLENODE, and _HANDLENODE::pnext. Referenced by OpenClipboard().
Definition at line 129 of file immhotky.c. References BOOL, CliGetImeHotKeysFromRegistry(), CliGetPreloadKeyboardLayouts(), CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(), CliSetDefaultImeHotKeys(), DefaultHotKeyNumC, DefaultHotKeyNumJ, DefaultHotKeyNumT, DefaultHotKeyTableC, DefaultHotKeyTableJ, DefaultHotKeyTableT, tagFE_KEYBOARDS::fCHS, tagFE_KEYBOARDS::fCHT, tagFE_KEYBOARDS::fJPN, tagFE_KEYBOARDS::fKOR, ISHK_INITIALIZE, NtUserGetKeyboardLayoutList(), NULL, SetFeKeyboardFlags(), UINT, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, and VOID(). Referenced by LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker(), UnloadKeyboardLayout(), and UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 1335 of file combo.c. References ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), FNID_COMBOBOX, FWINDOWMSG, L, NULL, SYSMET, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 1359 of file combo.c. References ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), FALSE, FNID_COMBOBOX, FWINDOWMSG, L, NULL, SYSMET, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Definition at line 207 of file combo.c. References _ClientToScreen(), _IsChild(), _ScreenToClient(), abs, APIENTRY, BOOL, tagCBox::buttonrc, BYTE, CBNcCreateHandler(), CBOX, tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, ComboBoxDBCharHandler(), ComboboxLookaside, ComboBoxMsgOKInInit(), tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cxDrop, tagCBox::cyCombo, tagCBox::cyDrop, DefWindowProcWorker(), DWORD, tagCBox::editrc, FALSE, tagCBox::fButtonPressed, tagCBox::fCase, tagCBox::fExtendedUI, tagCBox::fFocus, tagCBox::fLBoxVisible, tagCBox::fMouseDown, FNID_COMBOBOX, tagCBox::fNoEdit, tagCBox::fNoRedraw, tagCBox::fRightAlign, tagCBox::fRtoLReading, FWINABLE, GetContextHelpId(), GetKeyState(), tagCBox::hFont, HW, HWq, INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE, IS_DBCS_ENABLED, IsComboVisible, tagLBIV::iTypeSearch, L, LPVOID, max, NotifyWinEvent(), NtUserBeginPaint(), NtUserEnableWindow, NtUserEndPaint(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserReleaseCapture, NtUserSetCapture(), NtUserSetFocus(), NULL, PLBIV, PLBWND, tagLBIV::pszTypeSearch, PtInRect(), PTR_TO_ID, tagWND::rcClient, tagWND::rcWindow, REBASEPWND, SDROPDOWN, SDROPDOWNLIST, SDROPPABLE, SEDITABLE, SendMessage(), SendMessageWorker(), SHORT, tagWND::spmenu, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, SYSMET, TestWF, THREAD_CODEPAGE, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, UPPERCASE, UserLocalFree, VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, ValidateHwnd, WEFRIGHT, WEFRTLREADING, WFDISABLED, WFVISIBLE, WFWIN40COMPAT, xxxCBCommandHandler(), xxxCBCompleteEditWindow(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxCBDir(), xxxCBGetFocusHelper(), xxxCBGetTextHelper(), xxxCBGetTextLengthHelper(), xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(), xxxCBKillFocusHelper(), xxxCBMessageItemHandler(), xxxCBNcDestroyHandler(), xxxCBPaint(), xxxCBPosition(), xxxCBSetEditItemHeight(), xxxCBSetFontHandler(), xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(), xxxCBSizeHandler(), xxxCBUpdateListBoxWindow(), and xxxPressButton(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), ComboBoxWndProcA(), ComboBoxWndProcW(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), and xxxDestroyLBox().
Definition at line 788 of file lb1.c. References DefWindowProcWorker(), FNID_LISTBOX, FWINDOWMSG, L, ListBoxWndProcWorker(), NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 810 of file lb1.c. References DefWindowProcWorker(), FALSE, FNID_LISTBOX, FWINDOWMSG, L, ListBoxWndProcWorker(), NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Referenced by ConvertDIBIcon(), CopyBmp(), ObjectFromDIBResource(), RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile(), and WOWLoadBitmapA(). |
Definition at line 3344 of file clres.c. References BitmapFromDIB(), BOOL, ChangeDibColors(), ConvertDIBBitmap(), CreateIcoCur(), CURSORF_ACONFRAME, CURSORF_FROMRESOURCE, CURSORF_GLOBAL, CURSORF_LRSHARED, FALSE, hmodUser, INT, MAX_PATH, MultDiv, NULL, PTR_TO_ID, szUSER32, UserLocalFree, and WowGetModuleFileName(). Referenced by CreateIconFromResourceEx(), LoadCursorIconFromFileMap(), ObjectFromDIBResource(), ReadIconFromFileMap(), and WowServerLoadCreateCursorIcon().
Definition at line 189 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, MSGERROR, NtUserConvertMemHandle(), NULL, UINT, USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK. Referenced by GetClipboardData(), and SetClipboardData().
Referenced by MESSAGECALL(), and SystemParametersInfo(). |
Referenced by MESSAGECALL(), and SystemParametersInfo(). |
Definition at line 230 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, MSGERROR, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NtUserCreateLocalMemHandle(), NULL, Status, UINT, and UserGlobalFree. Referenced by GetClipboardData().
Definition at line 2794 of file mdiwin.c. References BOOL, CHILDSYSMENU, CKIDS, tagSHORTCREATE::cx, tagSHORTCREATE::cy, FALSE, FIRST, tagSHORTCREATE::hMenu, IsWindow(), L, MAXED, MDICheckCascadeRect(), NtUserMinMaximize(), NULL, PSHORTCREATE, SendMessage(), tagSHORTCREATE::style, TRUE, VER40, WS_MDIALLOWED, WS_MDISTYLE, tagSHORTCREATE::x, xxxLoadSysMenu(), and tagSHORTCREATE::y. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx().
Definition at line 319 of file clmenu.c. References MenuLoadChicagoTemplates(), MenuLoadWinTemplates(), NULL, and UINT. Referenced by CommonLoadMenu(), and WowServerLoadCreateMenu().
Definition at line 4109 of file editec.c. References msg. Referenced by ComboBoxDBCharHandler(), MLChar(), SLChar(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput().
Definition at line 460 of file dlgmgr.c. References _FindDlgItem(), _GetDlgItem(), _GetNextDlgTabItem(), _IsChild(), _MonitorFromRect(), BOOL, CALLPROC_WOWCHECKPWW_DLG, CheckLock, ClearWindowState(), CopyRect, DefWindowProcWorker(), DF3DLOOK, DialogLookaside, DLGF_ANSI, DlgSetFocus(), DWORD, FALSE, FillWindow, FNID_COMBOBOX, FNID_DESKTOP, FNID_DIALOG, FNID_STATUS_BITS, FreeLookasideEntry(), FWINABLE, GetDlgItem(), GETFNID, GetFocus(), GetParentDialog(), GetWindowRect(), HW, HWq, IS_IME_ENABLED, IS_MIDEAST_ENABLED, IsInForegroundQueue, MB_DlgProcA(), MB_DlgProcW(), NotifyWinEvent(), NtUserCallHwndParam(), NtUserMessageBeep, NtUserSetCursorPos, NtUserSetThreadState(), NtUserSetWindowLongPtr, NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserShowCursor, NULL, PDIALOG, PDLG, PostMessage(), PUSIF_SNAPTO, QF_DIALOGACTIVE, tagWND::rcWindow, REBASEPWND, ReleaseEditDS(), RepositionRect(), ResizeDlgMessage(), RevalidateHwnd, SendMessage(), SetWindowState(), TEST_PUSIF, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadLockAlways, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, ValidateDialogPwnd(), ValidateHwnd, ValidateHwndNoRip(), WEFCONTROLPARENT, WFDIALOGWINDOW, WFDISABLED, WFWIN40COMPAT, xxxCheckDefPushButton(), xxxRestoreDlgFocus(), and xxxSaveDlgFocus(). Referenced by DefDlgProcA(), and DefDlgProcW().
Definition at line 574 of file clmsg.c. References _GetClientRect(), _GetDesktopWindow(), BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, CsSendMessage, DO_DROPFILE, DWORD, FALSE, FDEFWINDOWMSG, FindNCHit(), FNID_DEFWINDOWPROC, fpImmGetCompositionStringA, fpImmGetCompositionStringW, fpImmGetContext, fpImmGetDefaultIMEWnd, fpImmReleaseContext, GET_X_LPARAM, GET_Y_LPARAM, GETAPPVER, GetChildParent, GetClientInfo, GetMouseKeyState(), GETPTI, gpsi, tagIMEUI::hIMC, HW, HWq, ImeWndProcWorker(), L, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Length, LoadIconW(), min, NULL, NULL_HIMC, PIMEUI, PIMEWND, ppos, tagWND::rcClient, REBASE, REBASEPTR, REBASEPWND, RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize(), SendMessageWorker(), SetTaskmanWindow(), SHORT, tagWND::spwndOwner, tagWND::spwndParent, tagWND::strName, SYS_ALTERNATE, SYSHBRUSH, SYSRGB, TEST_KbdCuesPUSIF, TestWF, TestwndChild, THREAD_CODEPAGE, TIF_DISABLEIME, TRUE, UINT, tagSERVERINFO::uiShellMsg, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, ValidateHwndNoRip(), VER40, WEFPUIACCELHIDDEN, WEFPUIFOCUSHIDDEN, WFANSICREATOR, WFMAXIMIZED, WFMINIMIZED, WFSERVERSIDEPROC, WFWIN40COMPAT, and WINDOW. Referenced by ButtonWndProcA(), ButtonWndProcW(), ButtonWndProcWorker(), ComboBoxWndProcA(), ComboBoxWndProcW(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), ComboListBoxWndProcA(), ComboListBoxWndProcW(), DefDlgProcWorker(), DefFrameProcWorker(), DefMDIChildProcWorker(), DefWindowProc(), DesktopWndProcWorker(), ECGetControlBrush(), ECImeComposition(), ECNcCreate(), EditWndProc(), EditWndProcA(), EditWndProcW(), GetWindowText(), GetWindowTextLength(), ImeWndProcWorker(), IsDialogMessageW(), ListBoxWndProcA(), ListBoxWndProcW(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), MB_DlgProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MenuWndProcWorker(), MLEditWndProc(), ScrollBarWndProcWorker(), SendMessageWorker(), SetWindowText(), SLEditWndProc(), and StaticWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 99 of file clmsg.c. References DesktopWndProcWorker(), and TRUE. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 108 of file clmsg.c. References DesktopWndProcWorker(), and FALSE. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 2822 of file client.c. References CALLPROC_WOWCHECKPWW, GetClientInfo, and ValidateHwndNoRip(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Definition at line 1549 of file clinit.c.
Definition at line 1599 of file clinit.c.
Definition at line 1572 of file clinit.c. References LPVOID.
Definition at line 1559 of file clinit.c.
Definition at line 1590 of file clinit.c. References UINT.
Definition at line 1581 of file clinit.c. References BOOL.
Definition at line 682 of file lboxctl3.c. References BOOL, CCHFILEMAX, CHARSTOBYTES, FALSE, INT, L, NULL, RtlInitLargeUnicodeString(), SendMessage(), TABCHAR, TextCopy(), and UINT. Referenced by DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW(), DlgDirSelectExA(), and DlgDirSelectExW().
Definition at line 152 of file dlgmgr.c. References NtUserSetFocus(), SendMessage(), and UINT. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), InternalCreateDialog(), IsDialogMessageW(), and xxxGotoNextMnem().
Definition at line 345 of file rtl/draw.c. References BOOL, DrawDiagonalLine(), DWORD, NULL, and UserSelectBrush. Referenced by DrawEdge().
Definition at line 4133 of file editec.c. References ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, and ICH. Referenced by ECAdjustIchNext(), ECCchInWidth(), ECInsertText(), MLBuildchLines(), MLDrawText(), MLInsertText(), MLMouseToIch(), MLSetSelection(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawText(), SLMouseToIch(), and SLScrollText().
Definition at line 4162 of file editec.c. References ECAdjustIch(), ECAnsiNext(), FAR, and ICH. Referenced by MLDrawText(), and SLScrollText().
Definition at line 3926 of file editec.c. References ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), and TRUE. Referenced by ECAdjustIchNext(), ECWord(), and SLDrawLine().
Definition at line 3938 of file editec.c. References ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), and tagED::fDBCS. Referenced by ECWord(), MLBuildchLines(), and SLDrawLine().
Definition at line 3692 of file editec.c. References BLOCK, BOOL, ECFindXORblks(), tagBLOCK::EndPos, FALSE, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, max, min, tagBLOCK::StPos, and TRUE. Referenced by MLChangeSelection(), and SLChangeSelection().
Definition at line 1281 of file editec.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, tagED::cbChar, tagED::charPasswordChar, tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, ECAdjustIch(), ECT_CALC, ECTabTheTextOut(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fNonPropFont, tagED::fSingle, ICH, MAXLINELENGTH, NULL, umax, and umin. Referenced by MLBuildchLines(), MLMouseToIch(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SLDrawText(), SLInsertText(), SLMouseToIch(), and SLScrollText().
Definition at line 2703 of file editec.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::charPasswordChar, CI_16BIT, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, FAR, GetClientInfo, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, LHND, NtUserCloseClipboard(), NtUserEmptyClipboard(), NtUserMessageBeep, OpenClipboard(), pfnWowEmptyClipBoard, SetClipboardData(), UserGlobalAlloc, USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 387 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, BYTE, tagED::cchTextMax, tagED::charSet, ECGetEditDC(), ECInitInsert(), ECReleaseEditDC(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCreate, tagED::fAutoHScroll, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::format, fpLpkEditControl, HW, ICH, MAXTEXT, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, TestWF, THREAD_HKL, TRUE, and WEFRIGHT. Referenced by MLCreate(), and SLCreate().
Definition at line 2293 of file editec.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::cchAlloc, CCHALLOCEXTRA, DWORD, ECEmptyUndo(), ECGetEditDC(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditAdjustCaret, tagED::fDirty, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, LHND, LOCALREALLOC, LOCALSIZE, NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, Pundo, TRUE, UNDO_DELETE, UNDO_INSERT, UNDO_NONE, UserGlobalAlloc, and UserGlobalReAlloc. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), EditWndProc(), MLDeleteText(), SLChar(), SLPaste(), SLReplaceSel(), and SLUndo().
Definition at line 1977 of file editec.c. References tagUNDO::hDeletedText, and UserGlobalFree. Referenced by ECDeleteText(), ECResetTextInfo(), EditWndProc(), MLEditWndProc(), MLInsertText(), MLPasteText(), MLReplaceSel(), SLEditWndProc(), and SLReplaceSel().
Definition at line 1037 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::charPasswordChar, ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInitInsert(), tagED::fFocus, fpImmAssociateContext, fpImmGetContext, fpImmReleaseContext, tagED::fReadOnly, tagED::hImcPrev, tagED::hwnd, NtUserGetCaretPos(), NULL_HIMC, THREAD_HKL, and VOID(). Referenced by ECSetPasswordChar(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 3652 of file editec.c. References tagBLOCK::EndPos, LPBLOCK, max, min, and tagBLOCK::StPos. Referenced by ECCalcChangeSelection().
Definition at line 1412 of file editec.c. References BOOL, DWORD, ECGetControlBrush(), tagED::fDisabled, tagED::fReadOnly, tagED::fSingle, GETAPPVER, GetSysColor(), and VER40. Referenced by MLDrawText(), MLScroll(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawLine(), SLDrawText(), SLPaint(), and SLScrollText().
Definition at line 3776 of file editec.c. References DefWindowProcWorker(), tagED::fAnsi, GETPTI, tagED::hwnd, NULL, PtiCurrent, REBASEPTR, SendMessageWorker(), tagWND::spwndOwner, tagWND::spwndParent, TestwndPopup, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ECGetBrush().
Definition at line 3820 of file editec.c. References BOOL, BYTE, tagED::DBCSVector, DWORD, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, FAREAST_CHARSET_BITS, fFontAssocStatus, GetACPCharSet(), QueryFontAssocStatus(), and TRUE. Referenced by ECSetFont().
Definition at line 733 of file editec.c. References CTRLDOWN, GetKeyState(), NOMODIFY, and SHFTDOWN. Referenced by MLChar(), MLKeyDown(), and SLKeyDown().
Definition at line 246 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, ICH, and min. Referenced by EditWndProc(), and SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1337 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, BYTE, tagED::cch, tagED::cchTextMax, DefWindowProcWorker(), ECDeleteText(), ECGetEditDC(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetCaretHandler(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fInsertCompChr, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::fNoMoveCaret, fpImmGetContext, fpImmNotifyIME, fpImmReleaseContext, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fResultProcess, tagED::fSingle, HIBYTE, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, INT, L, LOBYTE, max, min, MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), NtUserMessageBeep, tagED::pwnd, SLDrawText(), SLInsertText(), SLScrollText(), TRUE, and tagED::wImeStatus. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1735 of file edecrare.c. References BYTE, tagED::cbChar, ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fFocus, fpImmIsIME, tagED::hText, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, INT, L, lpDest, LPVOID, NULL, THREAD_HKL, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1150 of file edecrare.c. References fpImmGetContext, fpImmReleaseContext, fpImmSetCompositionFontW, tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, lf, NULL_HIMC, and VOID(). Referenced by ECEnableDisableIME(), ECSetFont(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1085 of file edecrare.c. References DWORD, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fInReconversion, fpImmGetCompositionWindow, fpImmGetContext, fpImmReleaseContext, fpImmSetCompositionWindow, tagED::fSingle, GET_X_LPARAM, GET_Y_LPARAM, GetWindowRect(), tagED::hwnd, tagED::ichMinSel, MapWindowPoints(), NULL_HIMC, tagED::ptScreenBounding, tagED::rcFmt, SetRectEmpty, and VOID(). Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECEnableDisableIME(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetCaretPosition().
Definition at line 1183 of file edecrare.c. References ECSetCaretHandler(), FALSE, tagED::fInsertCompChr, tagED::fKorea, tagED::fNoMoveCaret, fpImmIsIME, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fResultProcess, TRUE, and VOID(). Referenced by ECCreate(), ECEnableDisableIME(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 402 of file editec.c. References FALSE, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fInReconversion, tagED::hwnd, NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), and TRUE. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECImeComposition(), EcImeRequestHandler(), EditWndProc(), MLChar(), MLEditWndProc(), and SLChar().
Definition at line 2059 of file editec.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::cchAlloc, CCHALLOCEXTRA, CharLowerBuffA(), CharLowerBuffW(), tagED::charSet, CharToOemBuffA(), CharToOemBuffW(), CharUpperBuffA(), CharUpperBuffW(), DWORD, ECAdjustIch(), ECGetEditDC(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECMergeUndoInsertInfo(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditAdjustCaret, tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditVerifyText, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDirty, GETAPPVER, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, INT, IS_DBCS_ENABLED, IsCharLowerA(), IsCharLowerW(), LHND, LOCALREALLOC, LOCALSIZE, OemToCharBuffA(), OemToCharBuffW(), tagED::pLpkEditCallout, Pundo, tagED::pwnd, strlen(), TRUE, UNICODE_CARRIAGERETURN, UNICODE_LINEFEED, UNICODE_TAB, and VER50. Referenced by ECSetText(), MLInsertText(), and SLInsertText().
Definition at line 2679 of file editec.c. References _GetClientRect(), tagED::fFlatBorder, tagED::hwnd, InflateRect(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, tagED::pwnd, and SYSMET. Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), ECSetMargin(), ECUpdateFormat(), EditWndProc(), and SLUndo().
Definition at line 1010 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, THREAD_HKL, and TRUE. Referenced by MLChar(), and SLChar().
Definition at line 4083 of file editec.c. References BOOL, tagED::DBCSVector, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, and TRUE. Referenced by ECAdjustIch(), ECAnsiNext(), ECAnsiPrev(), ECInsertText(), ECNextIch(), ECPrevIch(), ECTabTheTextOut(), ECWord(), MLBuildchLines(), MLChar(), MLMouseMotion(), SLChar(), SLMouseMotion(), and SLMouseToIch().
Definition at line 285 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cchAlloc, CCHALLOCEXTRA, CHAR, tagED::charWidthBuffer, tagED::chLines, ClearWindowState(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DWORD, EditLookaside, EFMULTILINE, EFREADONLY, tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fBorder, tagED::fDisabled, tagED::fEncoded, tagED::fFlatBorder, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, tagED::fReadOnly, FreeLookasideEntry(), tagED::fSingle, tagED::fWin31Compat, GETEXPWINVER, tagED::hImcPrev, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, HWq, tagED::iLockLevel, LHND, tagED::lineHeight, LOCALALLOC, NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, tagED::pTabStops, TestWF, TRUE, WEFEDGEMASK, WFANSICREATOR, WFBORDER, WFDISABLED, and tagED::wImeStatus. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 439 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::charWidthBuffer, tagED::chLines, ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), EditLookaside, FALSE, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, FNID_COMBOBOX, FreeLookasideEntry(), GETFNID, tagED::hCaretBitmap, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, HWq, LOCALFREE, NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pTabStops, PTR_TO_ID, REBASEPWND, tagWND::spmenu, UserGlobalFree, and UserLocalFree. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 3969 of file editec.c. References ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, and ICH. Referenced by MLBuildchLines(), MLDeleteText(), MLMoveSelection(), and SLKeyDown().
Definition at line 2429 of file editec.c. References DWORD, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, PTR_TO_ID, tagED::pwnd, SendMessage(), and tagWND::spmenu. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECResetTextInfo(), ECSetText(), EditWndProc(), MLDeleteText(), MLInsertchLine(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLInsertText(), MLKillFocus(), MLScroll(), MLSetFocus(), SLChar(), SLInsertText(), SLKeyDown(), SLKillFocus(), SLPaste(), SLReplaceSel(), SLSetFocus(), and SLUndo().
Definition at line 4001 of file editec.c. References ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, ICH, and tagED::pLpkEditCallout. Referenced by MLMoveSelection(), SLChar(), and SLKeyDown().
Definition at line 2524 of file editec.c. References tagED::hwnd, NtUserShowCaret(), and ReleaseDC(). Referenced by ECCreate(), ECDeleteText(), ECImeComposition(), ECInsertText(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetPasswordChar(), EditWndProc(), MLBuildchLines(), MLCalcXOffset(), MLDeleteText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLKillFocus(), MLMouseMotion(), MLMoveSelectionRestricted(), MLScroll(), MLSetFocus(), MLSetSelection(), NextWordLpkCallBack(), SLChar(), SLEditWndProc(), SLInsertText(), SLKeyDown(), SLMouseMotion(), SLMoveSelectionRestricted(), SLPaste(), SLReplaceSel(), SLSetFocus(), and SLSetSelection().
Definition at line 2547 of file editec.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), BOOL, tagED::cLines, ECEmptyUndo(), ECInvalidateClient(), ECNotifyParent(), FALSE, tagED::fDirty, tagED::fSingle, tagED::fWin31Compat, FWINABLE, HW, tagED::hwnd, tagED::iCaretLine, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, tagED::ichScreenStart, tagED::listboxHwnd, MLBuildchLines(), MLStripCrCrLf(), NotifyWinEvent(), NULL, Pundo, tagED::pwnd, UpdateWindow(), and tagED::xOffset. Referenced by ECSetText(), and MLSetHandle().
Definition at line 1955 of file editec.c. Referenced by MLInsertText(), MLReplaceSel(), and SLReplaceSel().
Definition at line 1225 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, CreateCaret, tagED::cxSysCharWidth, DestroyCaret(), ECGetEditDC(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fSingle, tagED::hwnd, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::lineHeight, MLSetCaretPosition(), NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, SLSetCaretPosition(), and TRUE. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECInitInsert(), ECResultStrHandler(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 2452 of file editec.c. References _GetClientRect(), CopyRect, tagED::fFlatBorder, tagED::fWrap, InflateRect(), IntersectRect(), tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, SYSMET, tagED::wLeftMargin, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by ECGetEditDC(), MLPaint(), MLScroll(), and SLDrawLine().
Definition at line 708 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, CHAR_WIDTH_BUFFER_LENGTH, tagED::charOverhang, tagED::charPasswordChar, tagED::charSet, tagED::charWidthBuffer, tagED::cxSysCharWidth, tagED::cySysCharHeight, DWORD, ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECGetCaretWidth, ECGetDBCSVector(), ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECSetMargin(), ECSetPasswordChar(), ECSize(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCreateCaret, tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fNonPropDBCS, tagED::fNonPropFont, fpImmIsIME, tagED::fSingle, tagED::fTrueType, tagED::fWrap, GETAPPVER, GetMaxOverlapChars(), GetNegABCwidthInfo(), gpsi, tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, tagED::lineHeight, MLBuildchLines(), NtUserCreateCaret(), NtUserDestroyCaret, NtUserGetDC(), NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, ReleaseDC(), THREAD_HKL, TRUE, UINT, UserGetCharDimensionsEx(), UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, UserLocalReAlloc, VER40, tagED::wMaxNegA, tagED::wMaxNegAcharPos, tagED::wMaxNegC, and tagED::wMaxNegCcharPos. Referenced by EditWndProc(), MLCreate(), and SLCreate().
Definition at line 49 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, ECInvalidateClient(), FALSE, min, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, UINT, tagED::wLeftMargin, tagED::wMaxNegA, tagED::wMaxNegC, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECSetFont(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 516 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::charPasswordChar, ClearWindowState(), tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, ECEnableDisableIME(), ECGetEditDC(), ECReleaseEditDC(), EFPASSWORD, tagED::fAnsi, max, tagED::pwnd, SetWindowState(), and TRUE. Referenced by ECSetFont(), EditWndProc(), and SLCreate().
Definition at line 2612 of file editec.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::cchAlloc, CCHALLOCEXTRA, ECInsertText(), ECNotifyParent(), ECResetTextInfo(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fSingle, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, IsWindow(), LHND, LOCALREALLOC, LOCALSIZE, min, NULL, StringLength(), and TRUE. Referenced by EditWndProc(), MLCreate(), and SLCreate().
Definition at line 597 of file edecrare.c. References _GetClientRect(), tagED::aveCharWidth, CopyRect, ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), FALSE, tagED::fBorder, tagED::fCaretHidden, tagED::fFlatBorder, tagED::fFocus, fpImmIsIME, tagED::fSingle, tagED::hwnd, InflateRect(), tagED::lineHeight, min, MLSize(), NtUserGetCaretPos(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, SYSMET, THREAD_HKL, TRUE, tagED::wLeftMargin, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by ECSetFont(), MLEditWndProc(), and SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 770 of file editec.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, tagED::cbChar, CHAR_WIDTH_BUFFER_LENGTH, tagED::charOverhang, tagED::charWidthBuffer, ECFindTabA(), ECFindTabW(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECT_SELECTED, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fTrueType, GetActualNegA(), STRIPINFO::ichString, INT, L, tagED::lineHeight, STRIPINFO::lpString, max, MAXCLIPENDPOS, MAXLINELENGTH, min, STRIPINFO::nCount, NULL, PINT, tagED::pTabStops, TRUE, UINT, tagED::wMaxNegA, tagED::wMaxNegC, and STRIPINFO::XStartPos. Referenced by ECCchInWidth(), MLDrawText(), and MLGetLineWidth().
Definition at line 4185 of file editec.c. References ECInvalidateClient(), FALSE, tagED::format, tagED::fRtoLReading, tagED::fWrap, MLBuildchLines(), MLScroll(), MLUpdateiCaretLine(), NULL, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), and SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1552 of file editec.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, CHAR, tagED::charPasswordChar, ECAnsiNext(), ECAnsiPrev(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, ICH, ISDELIMETERA, ISDELIMETERW, tagED::lpfnNextWord, min, NextWordCallBack(), NextWordLpkCallBack(), tagED::pLpkEditCallout, TRUE, and UserIsFullWidth(). Referenced by MLBuildchLines(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), SLKeyDown(), and SLMouseMotion().
Definition at line 2904 of file editec.c. References _GetClientRect(), BOOL, tagED::cch, tagED::cchTextMax, tagED::charPasswordChar, CI_16BIT, ClearWindowState(), tagED::cLines, CopyRect, DefWindowProcWorker(), DWORD, ECClearText(), ECCopy(), ECCutText(), ECDeleteText(), ECEmptyUndo(), ECEnableDisableIME(), ECGetEditDC(), ECGetText(), ECImeComposition(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInitInsert(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECInvalidateClient(), ECIsAncestorActive(), ECMenu(), ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECSetCaretHandler(), ECSetFont(), ECSetMargin(), ECSetPasswordChar(), ECSetText(), EFREADONLY, tagED::fAllowRTL, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDirty, tagED::fDisabled, tagED::fFocus, FindNCHit(), tagED::fInReconversion, tagED::fInsertCompChr, tagED::fKorea, tagED::fLShift, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::format, fpImmGetContext, fpImmIsIME, fpImmLockIMC, fpImmNotifyIME, fpImmReleaseContext, fpImmUnlockIMC, tagED::fReadOnly, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fRtoLReading, tagED::fSawRButtonDown, tagED::fSingle, tagED::fSwapRoOnUp, GetClientInfo, GetKeyState(), tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, HWq, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, L, tagED::lpfnNextWord, MapVirtualKey(), min, MLDeleteText(), MLEditWndProc(), NtUserGetCaretPos(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, PtInRect(), tagED::ptScreenBounding, Pundo, tagED::rcFmt, SetWindowState(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SYS_ALTERNATE, TestWF, THREAD_HKL, TRUE, UINT, UNDO_NONE, WFOLDUI, tagED::wImeStatus, tagED::wLeftMargin, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by EditWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 2787 of file editec.c. References DefWindowProcWorker(), EditWndProcWorker(), FNID_EDIT, FWINDOWMSG, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and EditWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 2808 of file editec.c. References DefWindowProcWorker(), EditWndProcWorker(), FALSE, FNID_EDIT, FWINDOWMSG, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), EditWndProcWorker(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Definition at line 2831 of file editec.c. References BOOL, tagMSG_TABLE_ENTRY::bThunkMessage, CsSendMessage, ED, EditLookaside, EditWndProc(), EditWndProcA(), EditWndProcW(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fInitialized, FNID_CALLWINDOWPROC, FNID_EDIT, HWq, INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE, MessageTable, PEDITWND, TestWF, TRUE, VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, and WFANSICREATOR. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), EditWndProcA(), and EditWndProcW().
Definition at line 415 of file reader.c. References BOOL, tagREADERMODE::cbSize, tagREADERMODE::dwFlags, EnterReaderMode(), FALSE, FScrollEnabled(), tagREADERMODE::lParam, tagREADERMODE::pfnReaderModeProc, RDRMODE_HORZ, RDRMODE_VERT, ReaderProcInternal(), TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 52 of file winmgrc.c. References _FChildVisible(), BOOL, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by SLUndo().
Definition at line 302 of file rtl/draw.c. References BOOL, DrawDiagonalLine(), NULL, and UserSelectBrush. Referenced by DrawEdge().
Definition at line 1102 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CLEANUPLPWSTR, COPYLPWSTR, COPYLPWSTRID, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon(), NULL, _IN_STRING::pstr, and szUSER32. Referenced by CopyImageFromRes(), and LoadIcoCur().
Definition at line 27 of file dmmnem.c. References CH_ENGLISHPREFIX, CH_PREFIX, CharLowerW(), DWORD, SHORT, UTCHAR, and VkKeyScanW. Referenced by xxxGNM_FindNextMnem().
Definition at line 24 of file mdimenu.c. References REBASEPWND, tagWND::spmenu, and tagWND::spwndOwner. Referenced by DefFrameProcWorker(), MDISetMenu(), xxxInitActivateDlg(), and xxxMDIActivate().
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(). |
Definition at line 344 of file rtlinit.c. References FreeToZone, gcsLookaside, _LOOKASIDE::LookasideBase, _LOOKASIDE::LookasideBounds, _LOOKASIDE::LookasideZone, and UserLocalFree. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), DefDlgProcWorker(), ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), ImeWndProcWorker(), StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxCBNcDestroyHandler(), and xxxDestroyLBox().
Definition at line 133 of file dlgbegin.c.
Definition at line 3729 of file client.c. References CheckValidLayoutName(), DWORD, IS_IME_ENABLED, L, NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtCreateKey(), NtDeleteValueKey(), NtOpenKey(), NtQueryValueKey(), NtSetValueKey(), NTSTATUS(), NULL, RtlInitUnicodeString(), RtlOpenCurrentUser(), UINT, VOID(), and wcsncpycch(). Referenced by CommonCreateWindowStation(), and UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 490 of file dlgbegin.c. References _MonitorFromWindow(), dwFlags, DWORD, FNID_DESKTOP, GETFNID, GetPrimaryMonitor(), GetWindowThreadProcessId(), NtUserGetForegroundWindow(), NULL, REBASEPWND, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(), and SoftModalMessageBox().
Definition at line 2598 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _MonitorFromPoint(), and _MonitorFromRect().
Definition at line 4096 of file clres.c. References DWORD, PUSIF_PALETTEDISPLAY, SYSMET, and TEST_PUSIF. Referenced by CopyBmp(), CopyIcoCur(), LoadIcoCur(), and RtlGetIdFromDirectory().
Definition at line 4074 of file clres.c. Referenced by CopyIcoCur(), CreateIconFromResourceEx(), LoadIcoCur(), RtlGetIdFromDirectory(), and WowServerLoadCreateCursorIcon().
Definition at line 4052 of file clres.c. Referenced by CopyIcoCur(), CreateIconFromResourceEx(), LoadIcoCur(), RtlGetIdFromDirectory(), and WowServerLoadCreateCursorIcon().
Definition at line 213 of file fareast.c. References IMMMODULENAME, IMMMODULENAMELEN, MAX_PATH, PATHDLM, UINT, and VOID(). Referenced by _InitializeImmEntryTable(), User32InitializeImmEntryTable(), and UserClientDllInitialize().
Definition at line 842 of file lb1.c. References tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::hStrings, lpLBItem, NULL, tagLBItem::offsz, PBYTE, and tagLBIV::rgpch. Referenced by LBGetText(), and xxxLBDrawLBItem().
Referenced by SwitchWindowsMenus(). |
Definition at line 43 of file dlgmgr.c. References DFCONTROL, REBASEPWND, TestWF, WEFCONTROLPARENT, WFCHILD, and WFDIALOGWINDOW. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), IsDialogMessageA(), and IsDialogMessageW().
Definition at line 2604 of file usercli.h. References BOOL, DWORD, IMEINFOEXCLASS, LPVOID, and UINT. Referenced by _MonitorFromPoint(), _MonitorFromRect(), FixBogusSWP(), GetDialogMonitor(), GetMonitorInfo(), GetParentArrangeRect(), GetRealClientRect(), InitLoadResources(), InitSwitchWndInfo(), InternalCreateDialog(), IsRectBogus(), NormalizeRect(), RawInputThread(), RepositionRect(), SetDesktopMetrics(), xxxCheckFullScreen(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxExpandBitmap(), xxxInitSendValidateMinMaxInfo(), xxxInternalPaintDesktop(), xxxMoveSize(), xxxMS_TrackMove(), xxxSetTrayWindow(), xxxShowSwitchWindow(), and xxxSystemParametersInfo().
Definition at line 1683 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fKorea, fpImmEscapeA, fpImmEscapeW, fpImmGetContext, tagED::fReadOnly, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, NtUserMessageBeep, THREAD_HKL, and TRUE. Referenced by MLKeyDown(), and SLKeyDown().
Definition at line 348 of file client/help.c. References GetSubMenu(), hmodUser, ID_HELPMENU, INT, NtUserDestroyMenu(), NULL, TrackPopupMenu(), and UINT. Referenced by WinHelpA().
Definition at line 60 of file client/help.c. References BYTE, DWORD, HIBYTE, NULL, and strlen(). Referenced by WinHelpA().
Definition at line 240 of file imectl.c. References ImeWndProcWorker(), L, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 256 of file imectl.c. References FALSE, ImeWndProcWorker(), L, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Definition at line 83 of file imectl.c. References APIENTRY, BOOL, CheckLock, DefWindowProcWorker(), FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, FNID_IME, FreeLookasideEntry(), FWINDOWMSG, HWq, ImeControlHandler(), ImeCopyDataHandler(), ImeNotifyHandler(), ImeSelectHandler(), ImeSetContextHandler(), ImeSystemHandler(), ImeUILookaside, ImeWndCreateHandler(), ImeWndDestroyHandler(), INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE, L, tagIMEUI::nCntInIMEProc, NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, SendMessageToUI(), tagIMEUI::spwnd, TestWF, TRUE, Unlock, VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, WFDESTROYED, and WFINDESTROY. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), DefWindowProcWorker(), ImeWndProcA(), and ImeWndProcW().
Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and CtxInitUser32(). |
Definition at line 713 of file lboxrare.c. References tagLBIV::cchStrings, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::hStrings, tagLBIV::ichAlloc, L, and UserLocalAlloc. Referenced by xxxLBCreate(), and xxxLBResetContent().
Definition at line 338 of file fareast.c. References _InitializeImmEntryTable(), bImmInitializing, TRUE, and VOID(). Referenced by UserClientDllInitialize().
Definition at line 221 of file rtlinit.c. References _ZONE_HEADER::BlockSize, BlockSize, _LOOKASIDE::EntrySize, _ZONE_HEADER::FreeList, gcsLookaside, _LOOKASIDE::LookasideBase, _LOOKASIDE::LookasideBounds, _LOOKASIDE::LookasideZone, NULL, PLOOKASIDE, PZONE_HEADER, _ZONE_HEADER::SegmentList, _ZONE_HEADER::TotalSegmentSize, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, and ZONE_SEGMENT_HEADER. Referenced by ValidateDialogPwnd().
Definition at line 4719 of file clres.c. References CopyBmp(), CopyIcoCur(), and NULL. Referenced by CopyImage().
Definition at line 553 of file dlgbegin.c. References _AdjustWindowRectEx(), _GetNextDlgTabItem(), _MonitorFromPoint(), _MonitorFromRect(), tagSERVERINFO::atomSysClass, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::bAnsi, BOOL, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Buffer, CD_GLOBALEDIT, CD_SETFOREGROUND, CD_USEDEFAULTCX, CD_USEDEFAULTX, CD_USERFONT, CD_VISIBLE, ClientToScreen(), CODEBIT, ConnectIfNecessary, CreateDlgFont(), CW2_USEDEFAULT, DefShortToInt(), DF3DLOOK, DFCONTROL, DFNOFAILCREATE, DIALOGCLASS, DLGF_ANSI, DLGRSC_VER_NT5COMPAT_RESERVE, DlgSetFocus(), dt(), DWORD, FALSE, GETAPPVER, GetDialogMonitor(), GetEditDS(), GETEXPWINVER, GetPrimaryMonitor(), ghFontSys, gpsi, HIBYTE, HW, ICLS_COMBOBOX, ICLS_EDIT, Is400Compat, IS_PTR, IsWindow(), L, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Length, LPVOID, MakeAResizeDlg(), MaskWF, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::MaximumLength, NextDWordBoundary, NextWordBoundary, NtUserCallHwndLock(), NtUserCreateWindowEx(), NtUserDestroyMenu(), NtUserDestroyWindow(), NtUserGetSystemMenu(), NtUserSetForegroundWindow, NtUserSetWindowContextHelpId, NtUserShowWindow(), NULL, OffsetRect(), PBYTE, PDLG, PTR_TO_ID, tagMONITOR::rcMonitor, tagMONITOR::rcWork, RepositionRect(), RevalidateHwnd, RtlInitLargeUnicodeString(), SendMessage(), SendMessageWorker(), SHORT, SkipSz(), SYSMET, szEDITCLASS, TellWOWThehDlg(), TEST_KbdCuesPUSIF, TestWF, TestwndChild, TRUE, UINT, UpdateWindow(), UTCHAR, ValidateDialogPwnd(), ValidateHwnd, VER40, WFCHILD, WFMAXBOX, WFMINBOX, WFSIZEBOX, WFSYSMENU, WFTYPEMASK, WFVISIBLE, WFWIN40COMPAT, WordSkipSz(), WS_EX_ANSICREATOR, WS_EX_MDICHILD, XPixFromXDU, xxxCheckDefPushButton(), and YPixFromYDU. Referenced by CreateDialogIndirectParamAorW(), and InternalDialogBox().
Definition at line 1246 of file dlgmgr.c. References BOOL, CheckLock, DialogBox2(), FALSE, GetActiveWindow(), GetDesktopWindow(), GetTopLevelWindow(), HWq, InternalCreateDialog(), L, NtUserEnableWindow, NtUserSetCursor(), NULL, PtoHq, SAMEWOWHANDLE, SYSMET, TestWF, TestwndChild, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, ValidateHwnd, and WFDISABLED. Referenced by DialogBoxIndirectParamAorW(), and SoftModalMessageBox().
Referenced by WOWFindWindow(). |
Referenced by FindWinHelpWindow(). |
Definition at line 439 of file clmenu.c. References BOOL, FALSE, ThunkedMenuItemInfo(), and TRUE. Referenced by AppendToWindowsMenu(), MDIAddSysMenu(), and SwitchWindowsMenus().
Definition at line 920 of file lboxctl2.c. References _GetClientRect(), BOOL, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::cxColumn, tagLBIV::cyChar, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, INT, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, LBGetItemRect(), tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, PtInRect(), tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by LBDropObjectHandler(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 27 of file client/drawtext.c. Referenced by DrawCaption(), DrawCaptionTemp(), DrawIconEx(), and DrawMenuBarTemp().
Definition at line 480 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, HILITEONLY, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::rgpch, SINGLESEL, and tagLBIV::wMultiple. Referenced by LBoxGetSelItems(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxAlterHilite(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBSelRange(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 1090 of file lboxctl2.c. References tagLBIV::cItemFullMax, CItemInWindow(), tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, INT, tagLBIV::iTop, max, min, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, and OWNERDRAWVAR. Referenced by xxxInsureVisible().
Definition at line 1220 of file lboxctl1.c. References tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, SINGLESEL, UINT, and tagLBIV::wMultiple. Referenced by xxxLBSetCount().
Definition at line 25 of file lboxmult.c. References _GetClientRect(), tagLBIV::cItemFullMax, tagLBIV::cxColumn, tagLBIV::cyChar, INT, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, max, tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, tagLBIV::spwnd, and xxxNewITop(). Referenced by LBGetSetItemHeightHandler(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBSetFont(), and xxxLBSize().
Definition at line 198 of file lboxvar.c. References _GetClientRect(), INT, LBGetItemRect(), and tagLBIV::spwnd. Referenced by xxxNewITopEx().
Definition at line 732 of file lboxrare.c. References DWORD, ISelFromPt(), and L. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 820 of file lboxrare.c. References FWINABLE, HW, MULTIPLESEL, NotifyWinEvent(), SINGLESEL, tagLBIV::spwnd, and tagLBIV::wMultiple. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSelRange(), xxxLBSetCurSel(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxSetISelBase(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 176 of file lboxctl1.c. References tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, L, LBItem, LBODItem, lpLBODItem, and tagLBIV::rgpch. Referenced by LBGetText(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBoxDeleteItem(), and xxxLBoxDrawItem().
Definition at line 179 of file lboxctl2.c. References _GetClientRect(), BOOL, CItemInWindow(), tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::cxColumn, tagLBIV::cyChar, FALSE, tagLBIV::fHorzBar, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, INT, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(), tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, SetRectEmpty, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, tagLBIV::xOrigin, and tagLBIV::xRightOrigin. Referenced by CItemInWindowVarOwnerDraw(), ISelFromPt(), LBCalcVarITopScrollAmt(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBSelRange(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBSetSel(), and xxxLBSize().
Definition at line 759 of file lboxrare.c. References tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::cyChar, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, INT, LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(), LBSetCItemFullMax(), LBSetVariableHeightItemHeight(), tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, and OWNERDRAWVAR. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 214 of file lboxctl1.c. References tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, GetLpszItem(), INT, LBGetItemData(), tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, and RtlUnicodeToMultiByteSize(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 25 of file lboxvar.c. References BYTE, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, gpsi, INT, tagLBIV::rgpch, UINT, and tagLBIV::wMultiple. Referenced by LBGetItemRect(), LBGetSetItemHeightHandler(), LBPage(), and LBSetCItemFullMax().
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 157 of file lboxvar.c. References _GetClientRect(), tagLBIV::cMac, INT, LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(), max, min, and tagLBIV::spwnd. Referenced by xxxInsureVisible(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxLBoxCtlScroll().
Definition at line 25 of file lboxrare.c. References _GetClientRect(), tagLBIV::cItemFullMax, CItemInWindow(), tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, LBGetVariableHeightItemHeight(), tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, and tagLBIV::spwnd. Referenced by LBGetSetItemHeightHandler(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBSetFont(), and xxxLBSize().
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 652 of file lboxrare.c. References BOOL, tagLBIV::cxChar, FALSE, tagLBIV::fUseTabStops, tagLBIV::iTabPixelPositions, MultDiv, NULL, PINT, TRUE, UserLocalAlloc, and UserLocalFree. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBCreate().
Definition at line 67 of file lboxvar.c. References BYTE, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::rgpch, UINT, and tagLBIV::wMultiple. Referenced by LBGetSetItemHeightHandler().
Definition at line 744 of file lb1.c. References DefWindowProcWorker(), FNID_LISTBOX, FWINDOWMSG, L, ListBoxWndProcWorker(), NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 766 of file lb1.c. References DefWindowProcWorker(), FALSE, FNID_LISTBOX, FWINDOWMSG, L, ListBoxWndProcWorker(), NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Definition at line 32 of file lb1.c. References _GetClientRect(), _IsWindowVisible(), _ScreenToClient(), APIENTRY, BOOL, CaretCreate, CheckLock, tagLBIV::cItemFullMax, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::cxChar, tagLBIV::cxColumn, DefWindowProcWorker(), tagLBIV::dwLocaleId, DWORD, EnterReaderModeHelper(), EQ, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaptured, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::fHorzBar, tagLBIV::fIgnoreSizeMsg, FillWindow, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, FNID_LISTBOX, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, tagLBIV::fRtoLReading, FWINABLE, gcWheelDelta, GET_X_LPARAM, GET_Y_LPARAM, gpsi, tagLBIV::hFont, HW, HWq, IDSYS_LBSEARCH, tagLBIV::iLastMouseMove, tagLBIV::iLastSelection, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE, INT, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::iSelBase, ISelFromPt(), IsLBoxVisible, IsSelected(), tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, tagLBIV::iTypeSearch, LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBDropObjectHandler(), LBEvent(), LBGetItemData(), LBGetItemRect(), LBGetSetItemHeightHandler(), LBGetText(), LBI_ADD, LBIV, LBoxGetSelItems(), LBSetItemData(), LBSetTabStops(), LBUP_NOTIFY, LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE, LBUP_RESETSELECTION, LBUP_SELCHANGE, ListboxLookaside, LOWERCASE, max, tagLBIV::maxWidth, min, NtUserAlterWindowStyle(), NtUserBeginPaint(), NtUserEndPaint(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserKillTimer(), NtUserSetCapture(), NULL, tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, tagLBIV::pcbox, PREFIX, tagLBIV::pszTypeSearch, tagLBIV::ptPrev, SELONLY, SendMessage(), SINGLESEL, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, UPPERCASE, UserLocalFree, VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, WEFRIGHT, WEFRTLREADING, WFWIN40COMPAT, tagLBIV::wMultiple, tagLBIV::xOrigin, xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxCheckRedraw(), xxxDestroyLBox(), xxxFindString(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBCreate(), xxxLbDir(), xxxLBInitStorage(), xxxLbInsertFile(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBInvalidateRect(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBResetContent(), xxxLBSelRange(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBSetCount(), xxxLBSetCurSel(), xxxLBSetFont(), xxxLBSetRedraw(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), xxxLBSize(), xxxNewITop(), xxxNotifyOwner(), xxxSetISelBase(), and xxxTrackMouse(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), ComboListBoxWndProcA(), ComboListBoxWndProcW(), ListBoxWndProcA(), and ListBoxWndProcW().
Definition at line 279 of file client/acons.c. References BOOL, ConvertDIBIcon(), DWORD, FALSE, LoadAniIcon(), NULL, ReadChunk(), ReadFilePtr(), ReadIconGuts(), ReadTag(), SkipChunk(), and TRUE. Referenced by LoadCursorIconFromResource(), and RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile().
Definition at line 2657 of file clres.c. References tagMAPRES::bFlags, tagCURSORFIND::bpp, ConnectIfNecessary, CURSORFIND, tagCURSORFIND::cx, tagCURSORFIND::cy, FindExistingCursorIcon(), GETAPPVER, GetIcoCurBpp(), GetIcoCurHeight(), GetIcoCurWidth(), tagCURSORFIND::hcur, hmodUser, tagMAPRES::idDisp, tagMAPRES::idUser, IS_PTR, LPMAPRES, MAX_PATH, MR_FAILFOR40, NULL, ObjectFromDIBResource(), PTR_TO_ID, tagCURSORFIND::rt, szUSER32, type, VER40, and WowGetModuleFileName(). Referenced by CopyImageFromRes(), GetCursorFrameInfo(), LoadCursorsAndIcons(), LoadCursorW(), LoadIconW(), LoadImageW(), SetSystemCursor(), and WowServerLoadCreateCursorIcon().
Definition at line 4385 of file client.c. References _LoadKeyboardLayoutEx(), CliImmInitializeHotKeys(), ISHK_ADD, L, NtClose(), NULL, OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(), and UINT. Referenced by LoadKeyboardLayoutEx(), LoadKeyboardLayoutW(), and UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 3976 of file client.c. References ISREMOTESESSION, L, LoadKeyboardLayoutW(), NSIZEPRELOAD, UINT, and VOID(). Referenced by UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Referenced by LoadStringA(), LoadStringW(), and MessageBoxWorker(). |
Definition at line 47 of file mdimenu.c. References DWORD, FIRST, L, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Length, PMDI, PMDIWND, REBASEALWAYS, REBASEPWND, tagWND::spmenu, tagWND::strName, and wsprintfW(). Referenced by AppendToWindowsMenu(), and ModifyMenuItem().
Definition at line 1866 of file msgbox.c. References MB_DlgProcWorker(), and TRUE. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and DefDlgProcWorker().
Definition at line 1875 of file msgbox.c. References FALSE, and MB_DlgProcWorker(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), DefDlgProcWorker(), and SoftModalMessageBox().
Definition at line 917 of file mdimenu.c. References MDIActivateDlgProcWorker(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and DefFrameProcWorker().
Definition at line 926 of file mdimenu.c. References MDIActivateDlgProcWorker(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and DefFrameProcWorker().
Definition at line 165 of file mdimenu.c. References _GetSubMenu(), BOOL, ClearWindowState(), FALSE, InternalInsertMenuItem(), IsWindow(), MFMWFP_NOITEM, NtUserRedrawFrame, NtUserRemoveMenu(), NtUserSetSysMenu, PtoH, REBASEALWAYS, tagWND::spmenuSys, TestWF, TRUE, ValidateHwnd, WFMINBOX, WFOLDUI, WFSYSMENU, and xxxMNCanClose(). Referenced by MDICompleteChildCreation(), MDISetMenu(), and xxxChildResize().
Definition at line 2063 of file mdiwin.c. References MDIClientWndProcWorker(), NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 2078 of file mdiwin.c. References FALSE, MDIClientWndProcWorker(), NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Definition at line 1657 of file mdiwin.c. References _AdjustWindowRectEx(), _DefSetText(), ACTIVE, BOOL, CalcClientScrolling(), CALCSCROLL, CascadeWindows(), CheckLock, CKIDS, ClearWindowState(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DWORD, FALSE, FIRST, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, FNID_MDICLIENT, GetMenuItemCount(), GWLP_MDIDATA, HAS_SBHORZ, HAS_SBVERT, HTITLE, HW, HWq, IsIconic(), IsMenu(), L, MAXED, MAXITEMS, MDI, MDIRemoveSysMenu(), MDISetMenu(), NtUserArrangeIconicWindows, NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx(), NtUserDeleteMenu(), NtUserGetSystemMenu(), NtUserMoveWindow(), NtUserSetFocus(), NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NtUserSetWindowLongPtr, NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserShowScrollBar(), NtUserShowWindow(), NtUserUpdateClientRect, NULL, PtoH, tagWND::rcClient, REBASE, REBASEPWND, RecalculateScrollRanges(), SAMEWOWHANDLE, SCROLL, SCROLLCOUNT, ScrollMDIChildren(), SCROLLSUPPRESS, SendMessage(), TestWF, TextAlloc(), ThreadLock, ThreadLockAlways, ThreadUnlock, TileWindows(), TRUE, UINT, Unlock, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, ValidateHwnd, WFHSCROLL, WFMAXBOX, WFMAXIMIZED, WFVSCROLL, WFWIN40COMPAT, WINDOW, WS_EX_MDICHILD, tagMDI::wScroll, xxxMDIDestroy(), xxxMDINext(), and xxxSetFrameTitle(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), MDIClientWndProcA(), and MDIClientWndProcW().
Definition at line 2735 of file mdiwin.c. References ACTIVE, BOOL, CKIDS, FALSE, HW, HWq, ITILELEVEL, L, MAXITEMS, MDIAddSysMenu(), NtUserDestroyMenu(), NtUserRedrawFrame, NtUserSetSystemMenu(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserShowWindow(), PtoH, REBASE, REBASEPWND, SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenuSys, TestWF, TRUE, ValidateHwnd, WFMAXIMIZED, and WFMINIMIZED. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx().
Definition at line 289 of file mdimenu.c. References BOOL, FALSE, GetMenuItemCount(), GetMenuItemID(), NtUserDeleteMenu(), NtUserRedrawFrame, NtUserRemoveMenu(), NULL, SetWindowState(), TestWF, TRUE, UINT, ValidateHwnd, WFOLDUI, and WFSYSMENU. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDISetMenu(), xxxChildResize(), and xxxMDIDestroy().
Definition at line 499 of file mdimenu.c. References ACTIVE, AppendToWindowsMenu(), CheckMenuItem(), CKIDS, FALSE, FindPwndChild(), FIRST, GetMenu(), GetMenuItemCount(), GetMenuItemID(), GetMenuState(), HW, Lock, MAXED, MAXITEMS, MDIAddSysMenu(), MDIRemoveSysMenu(), NtUserDeleteMenu(), NtUserSetMenu(), NULL, REBASEPWND, ShiftMenuIDs(), SwitchWindowsMenus(), TestWF, UINT, WFDISABLED, WFVISIBLE, and WINDOW. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 165 of file clmsg.c. References MenuWndProcWorker(), and TRUE. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 174 of file clmsg.c. References FALSE, and MenuWndProcWorker(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 1562 of file editml.c. References AWCOMPARECHAR, BOOL, CALLWORDBREAKPROC, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, DWORD, ECAdjustIch(), ECAnsiPrev(), ECCchInWidth(), ECGetEditDC(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECNextIch(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), ECWord(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCchInWidth, tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditGetLineWidth, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fCalcLines, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fWrap, ICH, tagED::ichScreenStart, ISDELIMETERA, ISDELIMETERW, tagED::lpfnNextWord, max, MAXLINELENGTH, tagED::maxPixelWidth, ML_REFRESH, MLGetLineWidth(), MLInsertchLine(), MLSanityCheck(), MLScroll(), MLShiftchLines(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, UINT, UserIsFullWidth(), and tagED::xOffset. Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), ECSetFont(), ECUpdateFormat(), MLDeleteText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLInsertText(), MLSetTabStops(), and MLSize().
Definition at line 85 of file editml.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::chLines, ECGetEditDC(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), tagED::format, ICH, max, MLGetLineWidth(), MLLine(), tagED::rcFmt, and TRUE. Referenced by MLDrawText(), MLIchToXYPos(), and MLMouseToIch().
Definition at line 919 of file editml.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), tagED::cch, ECCalcChangeSelection(), tagBLOCK::EndPos, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, min, MLDrawText(), MLSetCaretPosition(), NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), tagED::pwnd, tagBLOCK::StPos, and TRUE. Referenced by MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), and MLSetSelection().
Definition at line 2531 of file editml.c. References BOOL, BYTE, CTRLDOWN, DbcsCombine(), ECGetModKeys(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECIsCharNumeric(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), EFNUMBER, EFWANTRETURN, tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fInDialogBox, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::fReadOnly, HIBYTE, tagED::hwnd, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, L, LOBYTE, MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), MLMoveSelection(), msg, NtUserCallNoParam(), NtUserMessageBeep, tagED::pwnd, SendMessage(), TestWF, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), and MLKeyDown().
Definition at line 23 of file edmlonce.c. References tagED::cchTextMax, tagED::chLines, ClearWindowState(), tagED::cLines, ECCreate(), ECSetFont(), ECSetText(), FALSE, tagED::fAutoHScroll, tagED::fAutoVScroll, tagED::format, tagED::fWrap, gHighestUserAddress, LPICH, MAXTEXT, NULL, tagED::pwnd, REBASEPTR, TRUE, and WFHSCROLL. Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1367 of file editml.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), BOOL, tagED::cch, tagED::chLines, CopyRect, ECDeleteText(), ECGetEditDC(), ECNextIch(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fAutoVScroll, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fDirty, FWINABLE, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, INT, tagED::lineHeight, max, MLBuildchLines(), MLDrawText(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLIchToLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLShiftchLines(), MLUpdateiCaretLine(), NotifyWinEvent(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, tagED::wLeftMargin, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), EditWndProc(), MLChar(), MLPasteText(), and MLReplaceSel().
Definition at line 3991 of file editml.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, CopyRect, DWORD, ECAdjustIch(), ECAdjustIchNext(), ECGetBrush(), ECLock(), ECT_NORMAL, ECT_SELECTED, ECTabTheTextOut(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditDrawText, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fDisabled, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::format, GetSysColor(), tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, tagED::ichScreenStart, INT, tagED::lineHeight, max, MAXCLIPENDPOS, min, MLCalcXOffset(), MLIchToLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLLine(), MLSetCaretPosition(), STRIPINFO::nCount, NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserShowCaret(), tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, UINT, tagED::wLeftMargin, tagED::wMaxNegAcharPos, tagED::wMaxNegC, tagED::wMaxNegCcharPos, tagED::wRightMargin, tagED::xOffset, and STRIPINFO::XStartPos. Referenced by MLChangeSelection(), MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), MLKillFocus(), MLPaint(), and MLSetFocus().
Definition at line 3457 of file editml.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), abs, tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, tagED::cch, DefWindowProcWorker(), DWORD, ECEmptyUndo(), ECGetCaretWidth, ECGetEditDC(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECSize(), ECUnlock(), ECUpdateFormat(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCreateCaret, EnterReaderModeHelper(), tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDisabled, tagED::fFocus, FillWindow, tagED::fInDialogBox, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::fReadOnly, gcWheelDelta, gpsi, tagED::hText, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, ICH, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::ichScreenStart, IDSYS_SCROLL, INT, L, tagED::lineHeight, max, min, MLBuildchLines(), MLChar(), MLCreate(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLGetLine(), MLIchToLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLInsertCrCrLf(), MLKeyDown(), MLKillFocus(), MLLineIndex(), MLLineLength(), MLMouseMotion(), MLMouseToIch(), MLPaint(), MLPasteText(), MLReplaceSel(), MLScroll(), MLSetCaretPosition(), MLSetFocus(), MLSetHandle(), MLSetSelection(), MLSetTabStops(), MLStripCrCrLf(), MLUndo(), NtUserBeginPaint(), NtUserDestroyCaret, NtUserEndPaint(), NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserKillSystemTimer, NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::prevKeys, tagED::ptPrevMouse, Pundo, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, RedrawWindow, SendMessage(), SYS_ALTERNATE, TRUE, UINT, and WM_SYSTIMER. Referenced by ECClearText(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 3379 of file editml.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, ECGetEditDC(), ECReleaseEditDC(), FALSE, tagED::fAutoHScroll, tagED::fAutoVScroll, tagED::iCaretLine, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::ichScreenStart, tagED::maxPixelWidth, MLIchToXYPos(), MLScroll(), tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by MLDeleteText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), MLSetFocus(), MLSetSelection(), and MLSetTabStops().
Definition at line 266 of file edmlrare.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), ICH, L, min, and MLLine(). Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 443 of file editml.c. References tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, ICH, tagED::ichMinSel, and max. Referenced by MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), MLLineLength(), MLSetSelection(), and MLUpdateiCaretLine().
Definition at line 553 of file editml.c. References AWCOMPARECHAR, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::chLines, DWORD, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditIchToXY, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::format, ICH, tagED::ichScreenStart, tagED::lineHeight, MLCalcXOffset(), MLGetLineWidth(), MLIchToLine(), MLLine(), tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::rcFmt, and tagED::xOffset. Referenced by MLDeleteText(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLInsertText(), MLKeyDown(), and MLSetCaretPosition().
Definition at line 1487 of file editml.c. References BOOL, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, DWORD, ECNotifyParent(), FALSE, LINEBUMP, LPICH, TRUE, UserLocalReAlloc, and UserLocalSize. Referenced by MLBuildchLines().
fAnsi Definition at line 27 of file edmlrare.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::cchAlloc, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, dch(), ECLock(), ECNotifyParent(), ECUnlock(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fStripCRCRLF, tagED::fWrap, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, ICH, LOCALREALLOC, NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1040 of file editml.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::cchTextMax, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, CopyRect, DWORD, ECAdjustIch(), ECEmptyUndo(), ECGetEditDC(), ECInsertText(), ECLock(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECSaveUndo(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fAutoVScroll, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fDirty, tagED::format, tagED::fRtoLReading, FWINABLE, tagED::fWrap, tagED::hwnd, tagED::iCaretLine, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::ichScreenStart, IsWindow(), tagED::lineHeight, max, tagED::maxPixelWidth, min, MLBuildchLines(), MLDrawText(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLIchToLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLIchToYPos(), MLUndo(), MLUpdateiCaretLine(), NotifyWinEvent(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserMessageBeep, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, Pundo, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, tagED::wLeftMargin, tagED::wMaxNegAcharPos, tagED::wRightMargin, and tagED::xOffset. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), MLChar(), MLPasteText(), MLReplaceSel(), and MLUndo().
Definition at line 2028 of file editml.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, CTRLDOWN, DWORD, ECGetEditDC(), ECGetModKeys(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), ECWord(), EFWANTRETURN, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fInDialogBox, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::fReadOnly, tagED::fWrap, GETAPPVER, GetDlgItem(), HanjaKeyHandler(), tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, tagED::iCaretLine, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, L, tagED::lineHeight, MLChangeSelection(), MLChar(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLIchToLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLLine(), MLMouseMotion(), MLMoveSelection(), MLMoveSelectionRestricted(), MLSetCaretPosition(), NONEDOWN, NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, PostMessage(), tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, SendMessage(), SendMessageWorker(), SHFTDOWN, TestWF, TRUE, UINT, and VER40. Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 374 of file editml.c. References tagED::cch, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, DWORD, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, and ICH. Referenced by MLCalcXOffset(), MLDrawText(), MLGetLine(), MLIchToXYPos(), MLKeyDown(), MLLineLength(), and MLMouseToIch().
Definition at line 306 of file edmlrare.c. References tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, tagED::iCaretLine, and ICH. Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 334 of file edmlrare.c. References tagED::chLines, ICH, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, MLIchToLine(), and MLLine(). Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 2792 of file editml.c. References BOOL, tagED::chLines, ECGetEditDC(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), ECWord(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fMouseDown, gpsi, tagED::hwnd, tagED::iCaretLine, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, tagED::ichStartMaxSel, tagED::ichStartMinSel, IDSYS_SCROLL, MLChangeSelection(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLMouseToIch(), MLSetCaretPosition(), NtUserKillSystemTimer, NtUserReleaseCapture, NtUserSetCapture(), NtUserSetFocus(), NtUserSetSystemTimer(), NULL, tagED::prevKeys, tagED::ptPrevMouse, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), and MLKeyDown().
Definition at line 2720 of file editml.c. References ECEmptyUndo(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fAutoVScroll, GetClipboardData(), tagED::hwnd, ICH, MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), NtUserCloseClipboard(), NtUserSetCursor(), NULL, OpenClipboard(), strlen(), USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK. Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1309 of file editml.c. References BOOL, ECEmptyUndo(), ECSaveUndo(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::hwnd, ICH, IsWindow(), MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), MLUndo(), Pundo, and strlen(). Referenced by ECResultStrHandler(), and MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 2966 of file editml.c. References _GetClientRect(), _IsWindowVisible(), tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, tagED::cLines, CopyRect, DWORD, ECGetBrush(), ECGetEditDC(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECSetEditClip(), FALSE, tagED::format, tagED::fRtoLReading, GetScrollInfo(), tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::ichScreenStart, IntersectRect(), L, tagED::lineHeight, max, tagED::maxPixelWidth, min, ML_REFRESH, MLSetCaretPosition(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserScrollDC(), NtUserSetScrollInfo(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, ScrollWindowEx(), TestWF, TRUE, UINT, UnionRect(), UpdateWindow(), ValidateHwnd, WFHSCROLL, WFVSCROLL, WFWIN40COMPAT, tagED::wLeftMargin, tagED::wRightMargin, and tagED::xOffset. Referenced by ECUpdateFormat(), MLBuildchLines(), MLEditWndProc(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), and MLSize().
Definition at line 292 of file editml.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), BOOL, tagED::chLines, tagED::cLines, CopyRect, ECGetCaretWidth, ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fCaretHidden, tagED::fFocus, fpImmIsIME, tagED::fWrap, GetClientRect(), tagED::hwnd, tagED::iCaretLine, tagED::iCaretOffset, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::ichScreenStart, IntersectRect(), tagED::lineHeight, max, min, MLIchToXYPos(), NtUserSetCaretPos, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, THREAD_HKL, and TRUE. Referenced by ECSetCaretHandler(), MLChangeSelection(), MLDrawText(), MLEditWndProc(), MLKeyDown(), MLMouseMotion(), MLScroll(), MLSetFocus(), and MLSetSelection().
Definition at line 222 of file edmlrare.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::cchAlloc, CCHALLOCEXTRA, ECLock(), ECResetTextInfo(), ECUnlock(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fEncoded, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, ICH, LOCALREALLOC, LOCALSIZE, NULL, and strlen(). Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 368 of file edmlrare.c. References tagED::cch, ECAdjustIch(), ECGetEditDC(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::iCaretLine, tagED::ichCaret, min, MLChangeSelection(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLIchToLine(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and NULL. Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), and MLUndo().
Definition at line 458 of file edmlrare.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, FALSE, tagED::hwnd, MLBuildchLines(), MLEnsureCaretVisible(), MLUpdateiCaretLine(), MultDiv, NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, tagED::pTabStops, TRUE, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, and UserLocalReAlloc. Referenced by MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1538 of file editml.c. References tagED::chLines, and tagED::cLines. Referenced by MLBuildchLines(), and MLDeleteText().
Definition at line 56 of file editml.c. References FALSE, tagED::fWrap, tagED::ichLinesOnScreen, tagED::lineHeight, ML_REFRESH, MLBuildchLines(), MLScroll(), MLUpdateiCaretLine(), NULL, tagED::rcFmt, and TRUE. Referenced by ECSize().
Definition at line 159 of file edmlrare.c. References tagED::cch, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, and tagED::ichMinSel. Referenced by ECResetTextInfo(), and MLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 556 of file edmlrare.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagED::hwnd, ICH, L, MLInsertText(), MLSetSelection(), NULL, SendMessage(), TRUE, UNDO_DELETE, UNDO_INSERT, UNDO_NONE, and UserGlobalFree. Referenced by MLEditWndProc(), MLInsertText(), and MLReplaceSel().
Definition at line 1003 of file editml.c. References AWCOMPARECHAR, tagED::cbChar, tagED::chLines, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::iCaretLine, tagED::ichCaret, and MLIchToLine(). Referenced by ECUpdateFormat(), MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), MLSetTabStops(), and MLSize().
Definition at line 104 of file mdimenu.c. References ACTIVE, FALSE, FIRST, HWq, MakeMenuItem(), PtoH, REBASEALWAYS, REBASEPWND, tagWND::spmenu, ThunkedMenuItemInfo(), and UINT. Referenced by DefMDIChildProcWorker(), and xxxMDIActivate().
Definition at line 2847 of file clres.c. References ConvertDIBBitmap(), ConvertDIBIcon(), ISRIFFFORMAT, LoadCursorIconFromResource(), LoadDIB(), LOCKRESOURCE, NULL, PBYTE, PTR_TO_ID, RtlLoadObjectFromDIBFile(), SplFreeResource(), type, and UNLOCKRESOURCE. Referenced by LoadBmp(), and LoadIcoCur().
Definition at line 4019 of file client.c. References BOOL(), CCH_KL_ID, CCH_KL_LIBNAME, DbgPrint, DWORD, FALSE, GetClientKeyboardType(), IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, ISREMOTESESSION, KeyAttributes, L, LPVOID, MAX_PATH, NSZKLKEY, NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtOpenKey(), NtQueryValueKey(), NTSTATUS(), NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, PBYTE, PUINT, pwszKLLibSafety, pwszKLLibSafetyJPN, pwszKLLibSafetyKOR, RtlInitUnicodeString(), RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(), Status, szKLAttributes, szKLFile, szKLId, szKLKey, TRUE, UINT, wKbdLocaleSafety, wKbdLocaleSafetyJPN, and wKbdLocaleSafetyKOR. Referenced by CommonCreateWindowStation(), and LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker().
Definition at line 25 of file client/draw.c. References BOOL, FALSE, FillRect(), GetControlColor, GetDesktopWindow(), NULL, tagWND::rcClient, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), ConsoleWindowProc(), xxxBNPaint(), xxxButtonDrawCheck(), and xxxStaticPaint().
Definition at line 555 of file client/drawtext.c. References dwFlags. Referenced by DrawStateW(), DT_InitDrawTextInfo(), and xxxStaticPaint().
Definition at line 2588 of file usercli.h.
Definition at line 2582 of file usercli.h.
Referenced by RegisterClassWOWA(), and RW_RegisterDDEML(). |
Referenced by EnterReaderMode(), RW_RegisterControls(), and RW_RegisterDDEML(). |
Definition at line 2783 of file client.c. References NULL, pfn16GlobalFree, and VOID(). Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker().
Definition at line 1363 of file dlgmgr.c. References GetPrimaryMonitor(), OffsetRect(), tagMONITOR::rcMonitor, tagMONITOR::rcWork, and SYSMET. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), and InternalCreateDialog().
Definition at line 30 of file rtlinit.c. References BOOL, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, NULL, _IN_STRING::pstr, pUserHeap, RtlAllocateHeap, RtlFreeHeap, RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN(), _IN_STRING::strCapture, strlen(), TRUE, and USHORT.
Definition at line 95 of file rtlinit.c. References BOOL, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Buffer, _LARGE_IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::Length, _LARGE_UNICODE_STRING::MaximumLength, NULL, PLARGE_IN_STRING, _LARGE_IN_STRING::pstr, pUserHeap, RtlAllocateHeap, RtlFreeHeap, RtlMultiByteToUnicodeN(), _LARGE_IN_STRING::strCapture, strlen(), TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by _CreateWindowEx().
Definition at line 4759 of file clres.c. References GetBestImage(), GetIcoCurBpp(), GetIcoCurHeight(), GetIcoCurWidth(), NULL, and UINT. Referenced by LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx(), and ReadIconGuts().
Definition at line 142 of file rtlres.c. References BFT_BITMAP, BITMAPFILEHEADER_SIZE, BitmapSize, BOOL, ConvertDIBBitmap(), cy, DWORD, FALSE, FILEINFO, IconFromBestImage(), INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, LoadCursorIconFromFileMap(), MAX_PATH, MINHEADERS_SIZE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, _FILEINFO::pFileEnd, _FILEINFO::pFileMap, _FILEINFO::pFilePtr, _FILEINFO::pszName, PTR_TO_ID, szFile, type, UPBITMAPCOREHEADER, and UPBITMAPINFOHEADER. Referenced by ObjectFromDIBResource().
Definition at line 242 of file clmsg.c. References ScrollBarWndProcWorker(), and TRUE. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 251 of file clmsg.c. References FALSE, and ScrollBarWndProcWorker(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 498 of file clmsg.c. References CsSendMessage, FNID_SENDMESSAGEEX, FNID_SENDMESSAGEFF, tagSNDMSGTIMEOUT::fuFlags, GetDesktopWindow(), L, tagSNDMSGTIMEOUT::lSMTOResult, tagSNDMSGTIMEOUT::lSMTOReturn, NULL, RESERVED_MSG_BITS, SNDMSGTIMEOUT, and tagSNDMSGTIMEOUT::uTimeout. Referenced by SendMessageTimeout().
Definition at line 270 of file clmsg.c. References _WNDMSG::abMsgs, tagSHAREDINFO::awmControl, tagMSG_TABLE_ENTRY::bThunkMessage, BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTA_FROM_CLIENTW, BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTW_FROM_CLIENTA, CALLPROC_WOWCHECKPWW, CsSendMessage, DefWindowProcWorker(), DISPATCH_DBCS_MESSAGE_IF_EXIST, FALSE, tagCLS::fnid, FNID_CONTROLEND, FNID_CONTROLSTART, FNID_DIALOG, FNID_SENDMESSAGE, FNID_START, FNID_TO_CLIENT_PFNA_KERNEL, FNID_TO_CLIENT_PFNW_KERNEL, FNID_TO_CLIENT_PFNWORKER, GetClientInfo, GETPTI, gSharedInfo, HWq, IS_DBCS_ENABLED, IsHooked, L, tagWND::lpfnWndProc, MapKernelClientFnToClientFn, _WNDMSG::maxMsgs, MessageTable, NULL, PDLG, PtiCurrent, PWNDMSG, REBASEALWAYS, RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(), RtlWCSMessageWParamCharToMB(), TestWF, TRUE, WFANSIPROC, WFSERVERSIDEPROC, WHF_CALLWNDPROC, and WHF_CALLWNDPROCRET. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), ComboBoxDBCharHandler(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), ECGetControlBrush(), GetScrollInfo(), GetScrollPos(), GetScrollRange(), GetWindowText(), GetWindowTextLength(), InternalCreateDialog(), IsDialogMessageW(), MLKeyDown(), SendMessage(), SendMessageToUI(), SetWindowText(), StaticWndProcWorker(), xxxBNReleaseCapture(), xxxCBCompleteEditWindow(), xxxCBGetFocusHelper(), xxxCBGetTextHelper(), xxxCBGetTextLengthHelper(), xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(), xxxCBKillFocusHelper(), xxxCBNotifyParent(), xxxCBSetFontHandler(), xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(), xxxCBUpdateListBoxWindow(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBSetCount(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Referenced by AppendMenu(), InsertMenu(), and ModifyMenu(). |
Definition at line 1028 of file lboxctl2.c. References BYTE, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, HILITEANDSEL, HILITEONLY, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::rgpch, SELONLY, SINGLESEL, and tagLBIV::wMultiple. Referenced by xxxAlterHilite(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSelRange(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 918 of file cltxt.h. References BOOL, FALSE, NULL, PFNGETACTIVEPWRSCHEME, PFNREADPWRSCHEME, PFNSETACTIVEPWRSCHEME, and UINT. Referenced by SystemParametersInfo().
Definition at line 3365 of file client.c. References HWq, LOBYTE, NtUserCallHwndParam(), and TestWF.
Definition at line 467 of file mdimenu.c. References CKIDS, FIRST, HWq, REBASEPWND, SetWindowLongPtr(), tagWND::spmenu, and tagWND::spwndOwner. Referenced by MDISetMenu(), and xxxMDIDestroy().
Definition at line 395 of file editsl.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), tagED::cch, ECAdjustIch(), ECCalcChangeSelection(), ECGetBrush(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditDrawText, tagBLOCK::EndPos, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, min, NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, SLDrawLine(), SLGetClipRect(), SLSetCaretPosition(), and tagBLOCK::StPos. Referenced by SLKeyDown(), SLMouseMotion(), and SLSetSelection().
Definition at line 1304 of file editsl.c. References BOOL, BYTE, DbcsCombine(), ECDeleteText(), ECGetEditDC(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECIsCharNumeric(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECNotifyParent(), ECPrevIch(), ECReleaseEditDC(), EFNUMBER, tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::format, tagED::fReadOnly, FWINABLE, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, IS_DBCS_ENABLED, IS_IME_ENABLED, IsWindow(), L, tagED::listboxHwnd, LOBYTE, max, NotifyWinEvent(), NtUserCallNoParam(), NtUserMessageBeep, NULL, tagED::pwnd, SendMessage(), SLDrawText(), SLInsertText(), SLScrollText(), TestWF, TRUE, and tagED::wMaxNegCcharPos. Referenced by SLEditWndProc(), and SLKeyDown().
!! CREATESTRUCT AorW and in other routines
Definition at line 27 of file edslrare.c. References CBLISTBOXID, tagED::cLines, ECCreate(), ECSetFont(), ECSetPasswordChar(), ECSetText(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, GetDlgItem(), gHighestUserAddress, IsEmptyString(), tagED::listboxHwnd, NULL, tagED::pwnd, REBASEPTR, TRUE, UINT, and UNDO_NONE. Referenced by SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 507 of file editsl.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), tagED::cch, tagED::charPasswordChar, CopyRect, tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, DWORD, ECAnsiNext(), ECAnsiPrev(), ECGetBrush(), ECLock(), ECSetEditClip(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, FillRect(), tagED::format, GetSysColor(), ICH, tagED::ichScreenStart, InflateRect(), max, min, NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, SLCalcXOffsetLeft(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SYSHBR, TRUE, tagED::wMaxNegAcharPos, and tagED::wMaxNegCcharPos. Referenced by SLChangeSelection(), and SLDrawText().
Definition at line 737 of file editsl.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::charOverhang, tagED::charPasswordChar, CopyRect, tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, ECAdjustIch(), ECCchInWidth(), ECGetBrush(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditDrawText, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fFocus, FillRect(), tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::format, tagED::fTrueType, ICH, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, tagED::ichScreenStart, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, SLCalcXOffsetLeft(), SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), SLDrawLine(), SLGetBlkEnd(), SLSetCaretPosition(), TRUE, tagED::wLeftMargin, tagED::wMaxNegA, tagED::wMaxNegC, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), EditWndProc(), SLChar(), SLKeyDown(), SLPaint(), SLPaste(), SLReplaceSel(), SLScrollText(), and SLSetFocus().
Definition at line 2520 of file editsl.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), CBFDROPDOWN, tagED::cch, DefWindowProcWorker(), ECEmptyUndo(), ECGetCaretWidth, ECGetEditDC(), ECGetText(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECSize(), ECUpdateFormat(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCreateCaret, tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fBorder, tagED::fEatNextChar, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fMouseDown, foo(), tagED::fReadOnly, GetKeyState(), HtoP, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, ICH, tagED::ichScreenStart, L, tagED::lineHeight, tagED::listboxHwnd, NtUserBeginPaint(), NtUserDestroyCaret, NtUserEndPaint(), NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, Pundo, tagED::pwnd, SendMessage(), SLChar(), SLCreate(), SLIchToLeftXPos(), SLKeyDown(), SLKillFocus(), SLMouseMotion(), SLMouseToIch(), SLPaint(), SLPaste(), SLReplaceSel(), SLSetCaretPosition(), SLSetFocus(), SLSetSelection(), SLUndo(), SYS_ALTERNATE, TestWF, TRUE, UINT, ValidateHwnd, WEFDLGMODALFRAME, WFHPRESENT, WFMPRESENT, WFSIZEBOX, and WFVPRESENT. Referenced by ECClearText(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 706 of file editsl.c. References FALSE, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, min, and TRUE. Referenced by SLDrawText().
fAnsi Definition at line 182 of file editsl.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, tagED::cch, tagED::charOverhang, tagED::charPasswordChar, tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditIchToXY, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fNonPropFont, tagED::format, tagED::ichScreenStart, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::rcFmt, and SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(). Referenced by SLEditWndProc(), and SLSetCaretPosition().
Definition at line 1074 of file editsl.c. References tagED::cch, tagED::cchTextMax, tagED::charPasswordChar, tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, ECCchInWidth(), ECGetEditDC(), ECInsertText(), ECLock(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fAutoHScroll, tagED::fDirty, ICH, min, tagED::rcFmt, and TRUE. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), SLChar(), SLPasteText(), SLReplaceSel(), and SLUndo().
Definition at line 1529 of file editsl.c. References BOOL, tagED::cch, CTRLDOWN, ECGetEditDC(), ECGetModKeys(), ECNextIch(), ECNotifyParent(), ECPrevIch(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECWord(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fEatNextChar, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::fReadOnly, FWINABLE, HanjaKeyHandler(), tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, L, tagED::listboxHwnd, NONEDOWN, NotifyWinEvent(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, SendMessage(), SHFTDOWN, SLChangeSelection(), SLChar(), SLDrawText(), SLMoveSelectionRestricted(), SLScrollText(), TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 2394 of file editsl.c. References ECNotifyParent(), FALSE, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, IsChild(), L, tagED::listboxHwnd, NtUserDestroyCaret, NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, SendMessage(), and SLSetSelection(). Referenced by SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 2098 of file editsl.c. References BOOL, tagED::cch, DWORD, ECGetEditDC(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), ECWord(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, tagED::ichStartMaxSel, tagED::ichStartMinSel, tagED::listboxHwnd, min, NtUserReleaseCapture, NtUserSetCapture(), NtUserSetFocus(), SLChangeSelection(), SLMouseToIch(), SLScrollText(), and TRUE. Referenced by SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1934 of file editsl.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, tagED::charPasswordChar, tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, DWORD, ECAdjustIch(), ECCchInWidth(), ECIsDBCSLeadByte(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditMouseToIch, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fDBCS, FnGetTextExtentPoint, tagED::format, ICH, tagED::ichScreenStart, min, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::rcFmt, SLCalcXOffsetSpecial(), and TRUE. Referenced by SLEditWndProc(), and SLMouseMotion().
Definition at line 2280 of file editsl.c. References _GetClientRect(), _IsWindowVisible(), DF_WINDOWFRAME, DrawFrame(), ECGetBrush(), tagED::fFlatBorder, FillRect(), tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, tagED::pwnd, and SLDrawText(). Referenced by SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1157 of file editsl.c. References tagED::fAnsi, GetClipboardData(), tagED::hwnd, ICH, NtUserCloseClipboard(), NULL, OpenClipboard(), SLInsertText(), strlen(), UINT, USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK. Referenced by SLPaste().
Definition at line 1225 of file editsl.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), BOOL, ECDeleteText(), ECEmptyUndo(), ECGetEditDC(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECSaveUndo(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, FWINABLE, tagED::hwnd, IsWindow(), NotifyWinEvent(), Pundo, tagED::pwnd, SLDrawText(), SLInsertText(), SLScrollText(), SLUndo(), strlen(), and UINT. Referenced by ECResultStrHandler(), and SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 932 of file editsl.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, CopyInflateRect(), ECAdjustIch(), ECAdjustIchNext(), ECCchInWidth(), ECGetBrush(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditHScroll, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fAutoHScroll, tagED::fDBCS, FillRect(), tagED::format, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichScreenStart, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::rcFmt, SLDrawText(), TRUE, and tagED::wLeftMargin. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), SLChar(), SLKeyDown(), SLMouseMotion(), SLPaste(), SLReplaceSel(), and SLSetSelection().
Definition at line 126 of file editsl.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, tagED::cxSysCharWidth, ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), tagED::fCaretHidden, tagED::fFocus, fpImmIsIME, tagED::iCaretOffset, tagED::ichCaret, max, min, NtUserSetCaretPos, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::rcFmt, SLIchToLeftXPos(), and THREAD_HKL. Referenced by ECSetCaretHandler(), SLChangeSelection(), SLDrawText(), SLEditWndProc(), SLSetFocus(), and SLSetSelection().
Definition at line 2341 of file editsl.c. References ECGetCaretWidth, ECGetEditDC(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCreateCaret, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::hwnd, tagED::lineHeight, NtUserCreateCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, SLDrawText(), SLSetCaretPosition(), and TRUE. Referenced by SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 283 of file editsl.c. References ECGetEditDC(), ECReleaseEditDC(), FALSE, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, SLChangeSelection(), SLScrollText(), and SLSetCaretPosition(). Referenced by SLEditWndProc(), SLKillFocus(), and SLUndo().
Definition at line 87 of file edslrare.c. References BOOL, ECDeleteText(), ECInvalidateClient(), ECNotifyParent(), FALSE, FChildVisible(), FWINABLE, tagED::hwnd, ICH, IsWindow(), NotifyWinEvent(), NULL, PBYTE, SLInsertText(), SLSetSelection(), TRUE, UNDO_DELETE, UNDO_INSERT, UNDO_NONE, and UserGlobalFree. Referenced by SLEditWndProc(), and SLReplaceSel().
Definition at line 84 of file cldib.c. References LPVOID, NULL, ScaleDIB(), UINT, UserLocalAlloc, and UserLocalFree. Referenced by BitmapFromDIB().
Definition at line 1173 of file statctl.c. References L, NULL, StaticWndProcWorker(), TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 1188 of file statctl.c. References FALSE, L, NULL, StaticWndProcWorker(), and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), and RW_RegisterControls().
Definition at line 840 of file statctl.c. References _DefSetText(), _GetClientRect(), APIENTRY, tagCLS::atomClassName, tagSERVERINFO::atomSysClass, BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, CheckLock, tagSTAT::cicur, CURSOR_CALLFROMCLIENT, DefWindowProcWorker(), FALSE, tagSTAT::fDeleteIt, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, FNID_STATIC, tagSTAT::fPaintKbdCuesOnly, FreeLookasideEntry(), FWINDOWMSG, gpsi, tagSTAT::hFont, tagSTAT::hImage, HWq, ICLS_DIALOG, IDSYS_STANIMATE, IMAGE_STMMAX, INITCONTROLLOOKASIDE, IS_IME_ENABLED, IS_MIDEAST_ENABLED, IsValidImage, IsVisible(), L, LOBYTE, MBToWCSEx(), NtUserAlterWindowStyle(), NtUserBeginPaint(), NtUserDestroyCursor(), NtUserEndPaint(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserKillTimer(), NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NULL, REBASEALWAYS, rgstk, SendMessageWorker(), SetWindowState(), SFNOTIFY, SFSUNKEN, SFTYPEMASK, tagSTAT::spwnd, tagWND::spwndParent, STAT, StaticLookaside, StaticNotifyParent(), StaticRepaint(), STK_IMAGE, STK_TYPE, STK_USEFONT, STK_USETEXT, SYSMET, TestWF, TestwndChild, TRUE, Unlock, UpdateWindow(), VALIDATECLASSANDSIZE, WEFRIGHT, WEFSTATICEDGE, WFVISIBLE, xxxNextAniIconStep(), xxxSetStaticImage(), xxxStaticLoadImage(), and xxxStaticPaint(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup(), StaticWndProcA(), and StaticWndProcW().
Definition at line 1448 of file imectl.c. References BOOL, DWORD, fpImmGetConversionStatus, fpImmSetConversionStatus, and TRUE. Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), and ImeSystemHandler().
Definition at line 212 of file client/drawtext.c. References gpsi, IsSysFontAndDefaultMode(), and NULL. Referenced by GetTabbedTextExtentA(), GetTabbedTextExtentW(), LBPrintCallback(), TabbedTextOutA(), and TabbedTextOutW().
Definition at line 2801 of file client.c. References NULL, pfnWOWTellWOWThehDlg, and VOID(). Referenced by InternalCreateDialog().
Definition at line 377 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, CLEANUPLPSTRW, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FIRSTCOPYLPSTROPTW, FIRSTCOPYLPWSTROPT, IS_PTR, NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo(), NULL, and _IN_STRING::pstr. Referenced by AppendMenu(), InsertMenu(), InsertMenuItem(), InternalInsertMenuItem(), ModifyMenu(), ModifyMenuItem(), and SetMenuItemInfo().
Definition at line 535 of file rtl/drawtext.c. References BOOL, CHAR, _FULLWIDTH_UNICODE::End, FALSE, FullWidthUnicodes, INT, NULL, NUM_FULLWIDTH_UNICODES, _FULLWIDTH_UNICODE::Start, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by ECWord(), GetNextWordbreak(), and MLBuildchLines().
Definition at line 580 of file client/drawtext.c. References dwFlags, GetPrefixCount(), NULL, SetRect(), UserLocalAlloc, and UserLocalFree.
Definition at line 253 of file client/drawtext.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, and UINT.
Definition at line 192 of file dlgmgr.c. References AllocLookasideEntry(), BOOL, tagWND::cbwndExtra, DialogLookaside, DLG, FALSE, FNID_STATUS_BITS, HWq, InitLookaside(), NT_SUCCESS, NtUserCallHwndParam(), NULL, PDLG, TestWF, TRUE, and WFDIALOGWINDOW. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), EndDialog(), InternalCreateDialog(), MapDialogRect(), and xxxRestoreDlgFocus().
Definition at line 28 of file client/wow.c.
Definition at line 47 of file client/wow.c. References _CLIENTINFO::CallbackWnd, FASTCALL, GetClientInfo, HMValidateHandleNoRip(), _CALLBACKWND::hwnd, NULL, _CALLBACKWND::pwnd, and TYPE_WINDOW. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DispatchClientMessage(), ImeIsUsableContext(), ImeMarkUsedContext(), ImeSetContextHandler(), ImeWndCreateHandler(), IsDialogMessageA(), IsDialogMessageW(), IsWindow(), SendMessageToUI(), SendRegisterMessageToClass(), and TranslateMDISysAccel().
Definition at line 607 of file clmenu.c. References BOOL, FALSE, MENUAPI_GET, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateMENUINFO(). Referenced by GetMenuInfo(), SetMenuInfo(), and ValidateMENUINFO().
Referenced by GetMenuItemInfo(), InsertMenuItem(), and SetMenuItemInfo(). |
Definition at line 128 of file clres.c. References BOOL, FALSE, and TRUE. Referenced by ConvertDIBIcon(), and LoadIcoCur().
Definition at line 3754 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, CheckLock, CItemInWindow(), tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaretOn, high, HILITEONLY, INT, IsSelected(), tagLBIV::iTop, low, max, min, SELONLY, SetSelected(), tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, xxxInvertLBItem(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). Referenced by xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 3411 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::fAddSelMode, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaptured, tagLBIV::fCaret, tagLBIV::fMouseDown, HWq, IDSYS_CARET, LBUP_NOTIFY, LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE, LBUP_SUCCESS, NtUserKillTimer(), tagLBIV::spwnd, xxxLBButtonUp(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 253 of file comboini.c. References tagCBox::buttonrc, tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cxDrop, tagCBox::cyCombo, tagCBox::cyDrop, tagCBox::editrc, tagCBox::fRightAlign, tagCBox::hFont, HW, HWq, max, NtUserGetDC(), NtUserReleaseDC, NULL, tagCBox::OwnerDraw, tagWND::rcWindow, RECALC_CYDROP, SDROPPABLE, SendMessage(), SetRectEmpty, tagWND::spmenu, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndParent, SYSMET, szOneChar, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, UINT, and WFWIN40COMPAT. Referenced by xxxCBCreateHandler(), and xxxCBPosition().
Definition at line 1494 of file combo.c. References CheckLock, FALSE, tagCBox::fFocus, tagCBox::fKeyboardSelInListBox, tagCBox::fNoEdit, HWq, L, NULL, SAMEWOWHANDLE, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, TRUE, xxxCBGetFocusHelper(), xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(), xxxCBNotifyParent(), and xxxCBUpdateListBoxWindow(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 1624 of file combo.c. References CheckLock, FALSE, NULL, SendMessageWorker(), tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, Unlock, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, and WFANSIPROC. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), and xxxCBShowListBoxWindow().
Definition at line 70 of file comboini.c. References _CreateWindowEx(), tagSERVERINFO::atomSysClass, CBEDITID, CBFAUTOHSCROLL, CBFDISABLENOSCROLL, CBFDROPDOWN, CBFDROPDOWNLIST, CBFHASSTRINGS, CBFLOWERCASE, CBFNOINTEGRALHEIGHT, CBFOEMCONVERT, CBFOWNERDRAWFIXED, CBFOWNERDRAWVAR, CBFSORT, CBFUPPERCASE, CBLISTBOXID, tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cxDrop, tagCBox::cyDrop, DWORD, tagCBox::editrc, tagCBox::fCase, tagCBox::fNoEdit, tagCBox::fRightAlign, tagCBox::fRtoLReading, gpsi, HW, ICLS_COMBOLISTBOX, ICLS_EDIT, InflateRect(), L, LBS_COMBOBOX, LOBYTE, Lock, LOWERCASE, NtUserSetParent(), NtUserShowWindow(), NULL, tagCBox::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWFIXED, OWNERDRAWVAR, tagWND::rcWindow, REBASEPWND, RECALC_CYDROP, SDROPDOWN, SDROPDOWNLIST, SDROPPABLE, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, tagCBox::spwndParent, SSIMPLE, tagCBox::styleSave, SYSMET, TestWF, TRUE, UPPERCASE, ValidateHwnd, WEFRIGHT, WEFRTLREADING, WFANSICREATOR, WFDISABLED, WFWIN40COMPAT, xxxCBCalcControlRects(), and xxxCBSetDroppedSize(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 28 of file combodir.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndList, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, and xxxLbDir(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 2343 of file combo.c. References tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, FALSE, tagCBox::fFocus, tagCBox::fNoEdit, NULL, SDROPDOWNLIST, SendMessageWorker(), tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, WFANSIPROC, xxxCBInvertStaticWindow(), and xxxCBNotifyParent(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxCBCommandHandler().
Definition at line 1719 of file combo.c. References BOOL, tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cyCombo, tagCBox::editrc, FALSE, tagCBox::fLBoxVisible, HWq, IsWindow(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserShowWindow(), SDROPPABLE, SEDITABLE, SendMessageWorker(), tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndList, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UpdateWindow(), WFWIN31COMPAT, xxxCBCompleteEditWindow(), and xxxCBNotifyParent(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCommandHandler(), xxxCBKillFocusHelper(), xxxCBSetDroppedSize(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 2028 of file combo.c. References CBFHASSTRINGS, CheckLock, CopyInflateRect(), CopyRect, DrawFocusRect(), DWORD, tagCBox::editrc, FALSE, tagCBox::fFocus, FillRect(), tagCBox::fLBoxVisible, tagCBox::fNoEdit, tagCBox::fRightAlign, tagCBox::fRtoLReading, GetControlBrush, tagCBox::hFont, HW, HWq, InflateRect(), IsComboVisible, msg, NtUserGetDC(), NtUserReleaseDC, NULL, tagCBox::OwnerDraw, SendMessage(), SendMessageWorker(), SetWindowText(), tagWND::spmenu, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, tagCBox::spwndParent, SYSHBR, SYSMET, SYSRGB, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, UINT, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, WEFPUIACCELHIDDEN, WEFPUIFOCUSHIDDEN, WFANSIPROC, WFDISABLED, and WFWIN40COMPAT. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCommandHandler(), xxxCBInvertStaticWindow(), xxxCBPaint(), and xxxLBoxCtlDelete().
Definition at line 2230 of file combo.c. References BOOL, CheckLock, tagCBox::fFocus, tagCBox::spwnd, UINT, and xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(). Referenced by xxxCBGetFocusHelper(), and xxxCBKillFocusHelper().
Definition at line 2402 of file combo.c. References tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, FALSE, tagCBox::fFocus, tagCBox::fNoEdit, L, NULL, SDROPDOWNLIST, SendMessageWorker(), tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, WFANSIPROC, xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxCBInvertStaticWindow(), and xxxCBNotifyParent(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 1393 of file combo.c. References CheckLock, HW, HWq, SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenu, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndParent, ThreadLock, and ThreadUnlock. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 394 of file comboini.c. References CheckLock, ComboboxLookaside, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, FreeLookasideEntry(), HWq, NtUserDestroyWindow(), NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, tagCBox::spwndParent, and Unlock. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Referenced by xxxCBCommandHandler(), xxxCBGetFocusHelper(), xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxCBKillFocusHelper(), and xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(). |
Definition at line 1431 of file combo.c. References tagCBox::buttonrc, CheckLock, tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cyCombo, DrawEdge(), DrawFrameControl(), EFREADONLY, tagCBox::f3DCombo, tagCBox::fButtonPressed, FillRect(), tagCBox::fNoEdit, tagCBox::fRightAlign, GetControlBrush, HWq, msg, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, TestWF, UINT, WFDISABLED, WFWIN40COMPAT, and xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 589 of file comboini.c. References tagCBox::editrc, tagCBox::fNoEdit, HWq, NtUserMoveWindow(), tagCBox::spwndEdit, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, xxxCBCalcControlRects(), and xxxCBSetDroppedSize(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBSetFontHandler(), and xxxCBSizeHandler().
Definition at line 485 of file comboini.c. References tagCBox::buttonrc, tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cxDrop, tagCBox::cyCombo, tagCBox::cyDrop, tagCBox::editrc, FALSE, tagCBox::fNoEdit, HWq, max, NtUserMoveWindow(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NULL, tagWND::rcWindow, SDROPPABLE, tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, SSIMPLE, SYSMET, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, and TRUE. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 443 of file comboini.c. References CheckLock, FALSE, tagCBox::fNoEdit, tagCBox::hFont, HWq, NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, SendMessageWorker(), tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, and xxxCBPosition(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 1819 of file combo.c. References _MonitorFromWindow(), AnimateWindow(), BOOL, tagCBox::buttonrc, CBFNOINTEGRALHEIGHT, tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, CMS_QANIMATION, tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cxDrop, tagCBox::cyCombo, tagCBox::cyDrop, DWORD, tagCBox::editrc, tagCBox::f3DCombo, FALSE, tagCBox::fLBoxVisible, tagCBox::fMouseDown, GetAppCompatFlags2(), gpsi, HWq, tagLBIV::iTypeSearch, max, min, NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserShowWindow(), NULL, PUSIF_COMBOBOXANIMATION, tagMONITOR::rcMonitor, tagWND::rcWindow, SDROPDOWN, SDROPPABLE, SendMessageWorker(), tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndList, SYSMET, TEST_EffectPUSIF, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UpdateWindow(), VER40, WFWIN40COMPAT, xxxCBCompleteEditWindow(), xxxCBNotifyParent(), and xxxCBUpdateListBoxWindow(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput().
Definition at line 563 of file comboini.c. References CheckLock, tagCBox::cxCombo, tagCBox::cyCombo, tagCBox::cyDrop, tagWND::rcWindow, RECALC_CYDROP, tagCBox::spwnd, and xxxCBPosition(). Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 2255 of file combo.c. References CheckLock, DWORD, FALSE, L, NULL, SendMessageWorker(), tagCBox::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagCBox::spwndList, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, and WFWIN40COMPAT. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCBCommandHandler(), and xxxCBShowListBoxWindow().
Definition at line 84 of file dlgmgr2.c. References _FindDlgItem(), CheckLock, HW, HWq, L, NULL, SAMEWOWHANDLE, SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenu, TestWF, ThreadLockAlways, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, ValidateHwnd, WEFCONTROLPARENT, WFDISABLED, WFWIN40COMPAT, and xxxRemoveDefaultButton(). Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), InternalCreateDialog(), IsDialogMessageW(), and xxxRestoreDlgFocus().
Definition at line 3387 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, CItemInWindow(), tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::iTop, NULL, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, and xxxLBInvalidateRect(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLbDir(), xxxLbInsertFile(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBResetContent(), and xxxLBSetFont().
Definition at line 375 of file lboxrare.c. References CheckLock, ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), FALSE, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, FNID_COMBOBOX, FreeLookasideEntry(), GETFNID, tagLBIV::hStrings, HWq, tagLBIV::iTabPixelPositions, ListboxLookaside, NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, tagLBIV::pszTypeSearch, PTR_TO_ID, REBASEPWND, tagLBIV::rgpch, tagWND::spmenu, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, Unlock, UserLocalFree, and xxxLBoxDoDeleteItems(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 190 of file lboxctl3.c. References _GetDlgItem(), achSlashStar, awchSlashStar, BOOL, CCH_CHOPTEXT_EXTRA, CCHFILEMAX, CheckLock, ChopText(), DDL_PRIVILEGES, DDL_TYPE, FALSE, FindCharPosition(), FNID_COMBOBOX, FNID_COMBOLISTBOX, FNID_LISTBOX, GETFNID, HWq, INT, IsLBoxVisible, L, MAX_PATH, NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, PostMessage(), SendMessage(), SetDlgItemText(), tagCBox::spwndList, szSLASHSTARDOTSTAR, TestWF, ThreadLockAlways, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, and WFWIN40COMPAT. Referenced by DlgDirListA(), DlgDirListComboBoxA(), DlgDirListComboBoxW(), and DlgDirListW().
Definition at line 2802 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, Compare(), tagLBIV::dwLocaleId, EQ, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::fSort, GT, tagLBIV::hStrings, HW, HWq, INT, LT, tagLBItem::offsz, pODRg, PREFIX, tagLBIV::rgpch, SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenu, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, and UINT. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput().
Definition at line 219 of file dmmnem.c. References _GetNextDlgTabItem(), BOOL, BST_DONTCLICK, BUTTONSTATE, CheckLock, DlgSetFocus(), FALSE, FNID_BUTTON, HW, HWq, L, NULL, PTR_TO_ID, REBASEPWND, SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenu, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, WFDISABLED, and xxxGNM_FindNextMnem(). Referenced by IsDialogMessageW().
Definition at line 2092 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, CItemInWindow(), FALSE, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, INT, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, LastFullVisible(), LBPage(), max, tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, and xxxNewITop(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSetCurSel(), xxxLBSetSel(), and xxxSetISelBase().
Definition at line 1111 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, CheckLock, CItemInWindow(), FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaretOn, FillRect(), tagLBIV::fNoSel, tagLBIV::hdc, IsLBoxVisible, tagLBIV::iTop, LBGetDC(), LBGetItemRect(), LBReleaseDC(), NULL, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, xxxLBDrawLBItem(), xxxLBGetBrush(), xxxLBoxDrawItem(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxAlterHilite(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBSetCurSel(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 3651 of file lboxctl2.c. References abs, BOOL, CheckLock, FALSE, tagLBIV::fNewItemState, HILITEANDSEL, HILITEONLY, tagLBIV::iLastMouseMove, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, INT, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, and xxxAlterHilite(). Referenced by xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 1875 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, CItemInWindow(), EXTENDEDSEL, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaptured, tagLBIV::fDoubleClick, tagLBIV::fMouseDown, tagLBIV::fNewItemState, tagLBIV::fNotify, FWINABLE, HWq, IDSYS_SCROLL, tagLBIV::iLastMouseMove, tagLBIV::iLastSelection, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::iSelBase, tagLBIV::iTop, LBEvent(), LBUP_NOTIFY, LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE, LBUP_RESETSELECTION, LBUP_SELCHANGE, LBUP_SUCCESS, NtUserKillTimer(), NtUserReleaseCapture, tagLBIV::pcbox, SELONLY, tagLBIV::spwnd, TestWF, TRUE, WFWIN31COMPAT, WFWIN40COMPAT, tagLBIV::wMultiple, xxxAlterHilite(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxInvertLBItem(), and xxxNotifyOwner(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCaretDestroy(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 62 of file lboxrare.c. References _GetDesktopWindow, tagWND::cbwndExtra, tagLBIV::cxChar, tagLBIV::cxColumn, tagLBIV::cyChar, tagLBIV::dwLocaleId, EXTENDEDSEL, FALSE, tagLBIV::fDeferUpdate, tagLBIV::fDisableNoScroll, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::fHorzBar, tagLBIV::fIgnoreSizeMsg, tagLBIV::fInitialized, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fNewItemState, tagLBIV::fNoIntegralHeight, tagLBIV::fNoSel, tagLBIV::fNotify, tagLBIV::fRedraw, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, tagLBIV::fRtoLReading, tagLBIV::fSmoothScroll, tagLBIV::fSort, tagLBIV::fUseTabStops, tagLBIV::fVertBar, tagLBIV::fWantKeyboardInput, gpsi, tagLBIV::hdc, tagLBIV::hStrings, HW, HWq, tagLBIV::iLastMouseMove, tagLBIV::iLastSelection, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, InitHStrings(), tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, L, LBS_COMBOBOX, LBSetCItemFullMax(), LBSetTabStops(), Lock, MULTIPLESEL, NtUserGetDC(), NtUserMoveWindow(), NtUserReleaseDC, NULL, tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWFIXED, OWNERDRAWVAR, tagLBIV::pcbox, PostMessage(), REBASEPWND, SendMessage(), SINGLESEL, tagWND::spmenu, tagLBIV::spwndParent, tagWND::spwndParent, SYSMET, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, WEFRIGHT, WEFRTLREADING, WFWIN40COMPAT, and tagLBIV::wMultiple. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 839 of file lboxctl3.c. References BOOL, Buffer, Buffer2, CCHFILEMAX, CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, DWORD, EXCLUDE_ATTR, FALSE, FIND_ATTR, HWq, INT, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, IsLBoxVisible, LB_CreateLBLine(), LBI_ADD, MSGFLAG_SPECIAL_THUNK, SendMessage(), tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, xxxCheckRedraw(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxNotifyOwner(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxCBDir().
Definition at line 342 of file lboxctl1.c. References tagLBIV::cchStrings, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::cMax, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, GrowMem(), tagLBIV::hStrings, tagLBIV::ichAlloc, INT, UserLocalReAlloc, and xxxNotifyOwner(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 1036 of file lboxctl3.c. References CCHFILEMAX, CheckLock, FALSE, INT, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, LB_CreateLBLine(), LBI_ADD, MSGFLAG_SPECIAL_THUNK, tagLBIV::spwnd, xxxCheckRedraw(), xxxLBInsertItem(), and xxxNotifyOwner(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLbDir(), and xxxLbInsertFile(). |
Definition at line 38 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, CheckLock, FALSE, tagLBIV::fDeferUpdate, tagLBIV::fRedraw, HWq, IsLBoxVisible, NtUserInvalidateRect(), tagLBIV::spwnd, and TRUE. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxCheckRedraw(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBSelRange(), xxxLBSetCount(), and xxxLBSetSel().
Definition at line 2948 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, BYTE, CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, DbcsCombine(), tagLBIV::fAddSelMode, FALSE, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::fMouseDown, tagLBIV::fSort, GetKeyState(), gpsi, HWq, IDSYS_LBSEARCH, INT, IS_DBCS_ENABLED, tagLBIV::iSelBase, tagLBIV::iTypeSearch, LB_KEYDOWN, MAX_TYPESEARCH, MBToWCSEx(), MULTIPLESEL, NtUserMessageBeep, NtUserSetTimer(), NULL, PREFIX, tagLBIV::pszTypeSearch, SendMessageWorker(), tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, THREAD_CODEPAGE, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UserLocalAlloc, tagLBIV::wMultiple, xxxFindString(), and xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 842 of file lboxctl1.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, EXTENDEDSEL, FALSE, tagLBIV::fFromInsert, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, FWINABLE, tagLBIV::hStrings, tagLBIV::ichAlloc, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, INT, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::iSelBase, tagLBIV::iTop, LBEvent(), LBGetItemRect(), LBSetCItemFullMax(), min, NULL, tagLBItem::offsz, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, PBYTE, tagLBIV::pcbox, tagLBIV::rgpch, SendMessageWorker(), SINGLESEL, tagCBox::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwnd, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, WFWIN40COMPAT, tagLBIV::wMultiple, xxxCBInternalUpdateEditWindow(), xxxCheckRedraw(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxLBInvalidateRect(), xxxLBoxDeleteItem(), and xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxLBSize(). |
Definition at line 71 of file lboxmult.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, tagLBIV::fSmoothScroll, INT, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxNewITop(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 2183 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, tagCBox::CBoxStyle, CheckLock, tagLBIV::cItemFullMax, tagLBIV::cMac, CTLDOWN, EXTENDEDSEL, tagLBIV::fAddSelMode, FALSE, tagCBox::fExtendedUI, tagCBox::fKeyboardSelInListBox, tagCBox::fLBoxVisible, tagLBIV::fMouseDown, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fNewItemState, tagLBIV::fNotify, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, tagLBIV::fWantKeyboardInput, FWINABLE, GetKeyState(), gpsi, HILITEANDSEL, HILITEONLY, HW, HWq, IDSYS_CARET, tagLBIV::iLastMouseMove, tagLBIV::iLastSelection, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, IncrementISel(), INT, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::iSelBase, IsSelected(), tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTypeSearch, L, LB_KEYDOWN, LBEvent(), LBPage(), msg, MULTIPLESEL, NtUserKillTimer(), NtUserSetTimer(), tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, tagLBIV::pcbox, PostMessage(), SDROPPABLE, SELONLY, SendMessage(), SetSelected(), SHIFTDOWN, SINGLESEL, tagCBox::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, VERKEY_BACKSLASH, VERKEY_SLASH, WFHSCROLL, tagLBIV::wMultiple, xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxCBShowListBoxWindow(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBoxCaretBlinker(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), xxxNotifyOwner(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxSetISelBase(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBoxCtlCharInput().
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBSize(), and xxxTrackMouse(). |
Definition at line 1053 of file lboxctl1.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::fHasData, HWq, LBGetItemData(), NULL, SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenu, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, ThreadLock, and ThreadUnlock. Referenced by xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), and xxxLBoxDoDeleteItems().
Definition at line 350 of file lboxrare.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::fHasData, INT, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, tagLBIV::spwnd, and xxxLBoxDeleteItem(). Referenced by xxxDestroyLBox(), and xxxLBResetContent().
Definition at line 3558 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, CopyRect, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::hdc, HW, HWq, L, LBGetItemData(), SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenu, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, UINT, WEFPUIACCELHIDDEN, WEFPUIFOCUSHIDDEN, WFDISABLED, and WFWIN31COMPAT. Referenced by xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBPaint(), and xxxLBSetCaret().
Definition at line 798 of file lboxctl2.c. References _GetClientRect(), BOOL, CheckLock, CItemInWindow(), tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::cyChar, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaretOn, tagLBIV::fHorzBar, FillRect(), tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fNoSel, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, tagLBIV::hdc, HILITEONLY, INT, IntersectRect(), IsSelected(), tagLBIV::iTop, LBGetItemRect(), LBInitDC(), LBTermDC(), min, NULL, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, tagLBIV::xOrigin, tagLBIV::xRightOrigin, xxxLBDrawLBItem(), xxxLBGetBrush(), xxxLBoxDrawItem(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 430 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, DrawFocusRect(), tagLBIV::fCaret, tagLBIV::fCaretOn, tagLBIV::hdc, HILITEONLY, tagLBIV::iSelBase, IsLBoxVisible, IsSelected(), LBGetDC(), LBGetItemRect(), LBReleaseDC(), tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, tagLBIV::spwnd, SYSRGB, TestWF, UINT, WEFPUIFOCUSHIDDEN, WINDOW, and xxxLBoxDrawItem(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxAlterHilite(), xxxCaretDestroy(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBoxCaretBlinker(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), xxxLBPaint(), xxxLBSetCurSel(), xxxLBSetRedraw(), xxxLBSetSel(), xxxNewITopEx(), xxxResetWorld(), xxxSetISelBase(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 1107 of file lboxctl1.c. References BOOL, CheckLock, CITEMSALLOC, tagLBIV::cMac, tagLBIV::cMax, FALSE, tagLBIV::fHasData, tagLBIV::fHasStrings, tagLBIV::fRedraw, tagLBIV::iLastSelection, INT, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::iSelBase, tagLBIV::iTop, L, LBCalcAllocNeeded(), NULL, tagLBIV::rgpch, SendMessageWorker(), tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalReAlloc, tagLBIV::xOrigin, xxxLBInvalidateRect(), xxxLBSetRedraw(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxNotifyOwner(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(). |
Definition at line 438 of file lboxrare.c. References CheckLock, tagLBIV::cxChar, tagLBIV::cyChar, FALSE, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fNoIntegralHeight, gpsi, tagLBIV::hFont, HWq, LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBSetCItemFullMax(), NtUserGetDC(), NtUserReleaseDC, NULL, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, tagLBIV::pcbox, tagWND::rcClient, tagLBIV::spwnd, TestWF, WFWIN40COMPAT, xxxCheckRedraw(), and xxxLBSize(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 3172 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, FALSE, tagLBIV::fDeferUpdate, tagLBIV::fRedraw, HWq, NULL, RedrawWindow, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, xxxLBSetCaret(), and xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBSetCount().
Definition at line 3455 of file lboxctl2.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaret, tagLBIV::fCaretOn, FWINABLE, HILITEANDSEL, tagLBIV::iLastMouseMove, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, INT, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::iSelBase, IsSelected(), LBEvent(), LBGetItemRect(), SELONLY, SetSelected(), SINGLESEL, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, tagLBIV::wMultiple, xxxInsureVisible(), xxxLBInvalidateRect(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 125 of file lboxctl1.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagLBIV::fFromInsert, tagLBIV::fHorzBar, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fRedraw, tagLBIV::fVertBar, tagLBIV::iTop, TRUE, tagLBIV::xOrigin, xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxNewITop(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLbDir(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlDelete(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), xxxLBResetContent(), xxxLBSetCount(), xxxLBSetRedraw(), and xxxLBSize().
Definition at line 514 of file lboxrare.c. References _GetClientRect(), BOOL, CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, CopyInflateRect(), cy, tagLBIV::cyChar, FALSE, tagLBIV::fDeferUpdate, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fNoIntegralHeight, tagLBIV::fRedraw, tagLBIV::fSized, GetWindowBorders(), HWq, tagLBIV::iSelBase, IsLBoxVisible, tagLBIV::iTop, LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), LBGetItemRect(), LBSetCItemFullMax(), max, tagLBIV::maxWidth, NtUserInvalidateRect(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NULL, tagWND::rcWindow, tagLBIV::spwnd, SYSMET, TestWF, TRUE, WFVSCROLL, WFWIN40COMPAT, tagLBIV::xOrigin, xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxNewITop(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), and xxxLBSetFont().
Definition at line 2000 of file lboxctl2.c. References xxxNewITopEx(). Referenced by LBCalcItemRowsAndColumns(), ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxInsureVisible(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxLBSize().
Definition at line 2012 of file lboxctl2.c. References _GetClientRect(), abs, BOOL, CheckLock, tagLBIV::cItemFullMax, tagLBIV::cxColumn, tagLBIV::cyChar, dwFlags, DWORD, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaretOn, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, HWq, IsLBoxVisible, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, LBCalcVarITopScrollAmt(), LBGetScrollFlags(), NULL, tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, tagLBIV::OwnerDraw, OWNERDRAWVAR, ScrollWindowEx(), tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UpdateWindow(), xxxLBSetCaret(), and xxxSetLBScrollParms(). Referenced by xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), and xxxNewITop().
Definition at line 1244 of file lboxctl2.c. References CheckLock, HW, HWq, PTR_TO_ID, SendMessage(), tagWND::spmenu, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagLBIV::spwndParent, ThreadLock, and ThreadUnlock. Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLbDir(), xxxLBInitStorage(), xxxLbInsertFile(), xxxLBInsertItem(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxLBSetCount().
Definition at line 31 of file dlgmgr2.c. References _GetChildControl(), _NextControl(), CheckLock, HWq, L, NULL, SendMessage(), TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, and WEFCONTROLPARENT. Referenced by xxxCheckDefPushButton(), and xxxSaveDlgFocus().
Definition at line 1181 of file lboxctl2.c. References BOOL, CheckLock, CItemInWindow(), tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaretOn, HILITEANDSEL, HILITEONLY, INT, tagLBIV::iSel, IsSelected(), tagLBIV::iTop, SetSelected(), SINGLESEL, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, tagLBIV::wMultiple, xxxInvertLBItem(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). Referenced by xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 1265 of file lboxctl2.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), CheckLock, FALSE, FWINABLE, tagLBIV::iSelBase, LBEvent(), tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, xxxInsureVisible(), and xxxLBSetCaret(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 26 of file lboxctl1.c. References BOOL, tagLBIV::cItemFullMax, _SCROLLPOS::cItems, tagLBIV::cMac, FALSE, tagLBIV::fDisableNoScroll, tagLBIV::fHorzBar, tagLBIV::fHorzInitialized, _SCROLLPOS::fMask, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fRedraw, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, tagLBIV::fVertBar, tagLBIV::fVertInitialized, tagLBIV::HPos, HWq, _SCROLLPOS::iPage, _SCROLLPOS::iPos, _SCROLLPOS::iReturn, tagLBIV::itemsPerColumn, tagLBIV::iTop, max, tagLBIV::maxWidth, min, NtUserSetScrollInfo(), tagLBIV::numberOfColumns, PSCROLLPOS, tagWND::rcClient, tagLBIV::spwnd, TRUE, UINT, tagLBIV::VPos, and tagLBIV::xOrigin. Referenced by xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), xxxLBShowHideScrollBars(), and xxxNewITopEx().
Definition at line 1290 of file lboxctl2.c. References _ClientToScreen(), _GetClientRect(), BOOL, CheckLock, tagLBIV::cMac, CTLDOWN, DWORD, EXTENDEDSEL, tagLBIV::fAddSelMode, FALSE, tagLBIV::fCaptured, tagLBIV::fCaret, tagLBIV::fDoubleClick, FindNCHit(), tagLBIV::fMouseDown, tagLBIV::fMultiColumn, tagLBIV::fNewItemState, tagLBIV::fRightAlign, FWINABLE, GetKeyState(), gpsi, HILITE, HILITEANDSEL, HILITEONLY, HW, HWq, IDSYS_CARET, IDSYS_SCROLL, tagLBIV::iLastMouseMove, tagLBIV::iLastSelection, tagLBIV::iMouseDown, INT, tagLBIV::iSel, tagLBIV::iSelBase, ISelFromPt(), IsSelected(), LBEvent(), LBUP_NOTIFY, LBUP_RELEASECAPTURE, LBUP_RESETSELECTION, LBUP_SUCCESS, max, MULTIPLESEL, NOMODIFIER, NtUserCallNoParam(), NtUserDragDetect(), NtUserKillTimer(), NtUserReleaseCapture, NtUserSetCapture(), NtUserSetFocus(), NtUserSetTimer(), NULL, tagLBIV::pcbox, PtInRect(), tagLBIV::ptPrev, tagWND::rcClient, tagWND::rcWindow, SendMessage(), SendMessageWorker(), SetSelected(), SHCTLDOWN, SHIFTDOWN, SINGLESEL, tagLBIV::spwnd, tagCBox::spwndEdit, tagLBIV::spwndParent, TestWF, ThreadLock, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, WEFDRAGOBJECT, tagLBIV::wMultiple, tagLBIV::xOrigin, xxxAlterHilite(), xxxCBHideListBoxWindow(), xxxInvertLBItem(), xxxLBBlockHilite(), xxxLBButtonUp(), xxxLBoxCtlHScrollMultiColumn(), xxxLBoxCtlScroll(), xxxLBSetCaret(), xxxResetWorld(), and xxxSetISelBase(). Referenced by ListBoxWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 2524 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _InitializeImmEntryTable(), User32InitializeImmEntryTable(), and UserClientDllInitialize(). |
Definition at line 2523 of file usercli.h. Referenced by _InitializeImmEntryTable(), IMPGetIMEA(), IMPGetIMEW(), IMPQueryIMEA(), IMPQueryIMEW(), IMPSetIMEA(), IMPSetIMEW(), SendIMEMessageExA(), SendIMEMessageExW(), User32InitializeImmEntryTable(), WINNLSEnableIME(), and WINNLSGetEnableStatus(). |