#include <imm.h>
#include <immp.h>
#include <ime.h>
#include <imep.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | _tagIMEHOTKEY |
struct | _tagIMEHOTKEYOBJ |
struct | tagIMEINFOEX |
Defines | |
#define | NULL_HIMC (HIMC) 0 |
#define | INVALID_HIMC (HIMC) -1 |
#define | NULL_HIMCC (HIMCC) 0 |
#define | INVALID_HIMCC (HIMCC)-1 |
#define | IMCF_UNICODE 0x0001 |
#define | IMCF_ACTIVE 0x0002 |
#define | IMCF_CHGMSG 0x0004 |
#define | IMCF_SAVECTRL 0x0008 |
#define | IMCF_PROCESSEVENT 0x0010 |
#define | IMCF_FIRSTSELECT 0x0020 |
#define | IMCF_INDESTROY 0x0040 |
#define | IMCF_WINNLSDISABLE 0x0080 |
#define | IMCF_DEFAULTIMC 0x0100 |
#define | IGSC_DEFIMCFALLBACK 0x0001 |
#define | IGSC_WINNLSCHECK 0x0002 |
#define | IFL_DEACTIVATEIME 0x0001 |
#define | IFL_UNLOADIME 0x0002 |
#define | IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT(hkl) ((HIWORD((ULONG_PTR)(hkl)) & 0xf000) == 0xe000) |
#define | IMEF_NONLOAD 0x0000 |
#define | IMEF_LOADERROR 0x0001 |
#define | IMEF_LOADED 0x0002 |
#define | IM_DESC_SIZE 50 |
#define | IM_FILE_SIZE 80 |
#define | IM_OPTIONS_SIZE 30 |
#define | IM_UI_CLASS_SIZE 16 |
#define | IM_USRFONT_SIZE 80 |
#define | ISHK_REMOVE 1 |
#define | ISHK_ADD 2 |
#define | ISHK_INITIALIZE 3 |
Typedefs | |
typedef enum _AIC_STATUS | AIC_STATUS |
Enumerations | |
enum | _UPDATEINPUTCONTEXTCLASS { UpdateClientInputContext, UpdateInUseImeWindow } |
enum | _INPUTCONTEXTINFOCLASS { InputContextProcess, InputContextThread, InputContextDefaultImeWindow, InputContextDefaultInputContext } |
enum | _IMEINFOEXCLASS { ImeInfoExKeyboardLayout, ImeInfoExImeWindow, ImeInfoExImeFileName } |
Functions | |
W32KAPI HIMC | NtUserCreateInputContext (IN ULONG_PTR dwClientImcData) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserDestroyInputContext (IN HIMC hImc) |
W32KAPI AIC_STATUS | NtUserAssociateInputContext (IN HWND hwnd, IN HIMC hImc, IN DWORD dwFlag) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserUpdateInputContext (IN HIMC hImc, IN UPDATEINPUTCONTEXTCLASS UpdateType, IN ULONG_PTR UpdateValue) |
W32KAPI ULONG_PTR | NtUserQueryInputContext (IN HIMC hImc, IN INPUTCONTEXTINFOCLASS InputContextInfo) |
W32KAPI NTSTATUS | NtUserBuildHimcList (IN DWORD idThread, IN UINT cHimcMax, OUT HIMC *phimcFirst, OUT PUINT pcHimcNeeded) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserSetImeInfoEx (IN PIMEINFOEX piiex) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserGetImeHotKey (IN DWORD dwID, OUT PUINT puModifiers, OUT PUINT puVKey, OUT HKL *phkl) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserSetImeHotKey (IN DWORD dwID, IN UINT uModifiers, IN UINT uVKey, IN HKL hkl, IN DWORD dwAction) |
W32KAPI DWORD | NtUserCheckImeHotKey (IN UINT uVKey, IN LPARAM lParam) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserSetAppImeLevel (IN HWND hWnd, IN DWORD dwLevel) |
W32KAPI DWORD | NtUserGetAppImeLevel (IN HWND hWnd) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserSetImeOwnerWindow (IN HWND hwndIme, IN HWND hwndFocus) |
W32KAPI VOID | NtUserSetThreadLayoutHandles (IN HKL hklNew, IN HKL hklOld) |
W32KAPI VOID | NtUserNotifyIMEStatus (IN HWND hwnd, IN DWORD dwOpenStatus, IN DWORD dwConversion) |
W32KAPI BOOL | NtUserDisableThreadIme (IN DWORD dwThreadId) |
Definition at line 52 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmFreeLayout(), xxxImmActivateAndUnloadThreadsLayout(), xxxImmUnloadLayout(), and xxxImmUnloadThreadsLayout(). |
Definition at line 53 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmFreeLayout(), xxxFreeImeKeyboardLayouts(), and xxxImmUnloadThreadsLayout(). |
Definition at line 46 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmGetSaveContext(), ImmSetActiveContext(), and TranslateIMESubFunctions(). |
Definition at line 47 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmGetContext(), ImmGetSaveContext(), and ImmWINNLSGetEnableStatus(). |
Definition at line 64 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 65 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by GetImeInfoEx(), GetImeLayout(), ImmInstallIMEW(), ImmLoadLayout(), and WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 66 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 67 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by InquireIme(). |
Definition at line 68 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 34 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmSetActiveContext(). |
Definition at line 35 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 41 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by DestroyInputContext(), and ImmLockClientImc(). |
Definition at line 38 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 39 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by DestroyInputContext(), ImmLockClientImc(), and ImmUnlockClientImc(). |
Definition at line 37 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 36 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 40 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmEnableIME(), and ImmGetSaveContext(). |
Definition at line 62 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmGetProperty(), and LoadIME(). |
Definition at line 61 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by LoadIME(), and LoadImeDpi(). |
Definition at line 60 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by ImmLoadLayout(), LoadIME(), and SetImeInfoEx(). |
Definition at line 26 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 28 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 55 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 77 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by CliImmSetHotKey(), CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(), CliSetDefaultImeHotKeys(), CliSetSingleHotKey(), LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker(), and SetImeHotKey(). |
Definition at line 78 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by CliImmInitializeHotKeys(), SetImeHotKey(), and UpdatePerUserSystemParameters(). |
Definition at line 76 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by CliImmSetHotKey(), SetImeHotKey(), and UnloadKeyboardLayout(). |
Definition at line 75 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by CheckImeHotKey(), CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(), FindImeHotKeyByKey(), FindImeHotKeyByKeyWithLang(), and SetImeHotKey(). |
Definition at line 74 of file immstruc.h. Referenced by CheckImeHotKey(), CliImmSetHotKeyWorker(), FindImeHotKeyByKey(), FindImeHotKeyByKeyWithLang(), and SetImeHotKey(). |
Definition at line 27 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 113 of file immstruc.h. |
Referenced by AssociateInputContextEx(), ImmAssociateContext(), ImmAssociateContextEx(), and NtUserAssociateInputContext(). |
Referenced by SetImeHotKey(). |
Referenced by IMPGetIMEWorker(). |
Referenced by _InitializeImmEntryTable(), and GetPrimaryMonitor(). |
Definition at line 87 of file immstruc.h. |
Definition at line 86 of file immstruc.h. |
Referenced by _InitializeImmEntryTable(). |
Definition at line 129 of file immstruc.h.
Definition at line 175 of file immstruc.h.
Definition at line 154 of file immstruc.h.
Definition at line 142 of file immstruc.h.
Definition at line 12635 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References AIC_ERROR, AIC_STATUS, AssociateInputContextEx(), BEGINATOMICRECV_HWND, ENDATOMICRECV_HWND, TRACE, ValidateHIMCOPT, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by ImmAssociateContext(), and ImmAssociateContextEx().
Definition at line 12710 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINATOMICRECV, BuildHimcList(), DWORD, ENDATOMICRECV, FALSE, MSGERROR, NTSTATUS(), NULL, ProbeForWriteBuffer, ProbeForWriteUlong, PtiCurrent, PtiFromThreadId(), tagTHREADINFO::rpdesk, StubExceptionHandler, TRACE, UINT, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by BuildHimcList().
Definition at line 12596 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINRECV, CreateInputContext(), ENDRECV, MSGERROR, NULL, PtoH, TRACE, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by ImmCreateContext().
Definition at line 12617 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINATOMICRECV, BOOL, DestroyInputContext(), ENDATOMICRECV, FALSE, TRACE, ValidateHIMC, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by DestroyInputContext().
Definition at line 13087 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINRECV, BOOL, ENDRECV, FALSE, MSGERROR, NULL, tagTHREADINFO::ppi, PtiCurrent, PtiFromThreadId(), tagPROCESSINFO::ptiList, tagTHREADINFO::ptiSibling, tagTHREADINFO::spwndDefaultIme, TIF_DISABLEIME, tagTHREADINFO::TIF_flags, TRACE, TRUE, ValidateIMMEnabled, and xxxDestroyWindow(). Referenced by ImmDisableIME().
Definition at line 12915 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References _GetProp(), BEGINRECV_HWND_SHARED, DWORD, ENDRECV_HWND_SHARED, GETPTI, MSGERROR, PROP_IMELEVEL, PtiCurrentShared, TRACE, TRUE, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by TransGetLevel().
Definition at line 12769 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References _GetProcessWindowStation(), BEGINRECV_SHARED, BOOL, BYTE, ENDRECV_SHARED, FALSE, GetImeInfoEx(), MSGERROR, NULL, ProbeForWrite(), StubExceptionHandler, TRACE, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by ImmGetImeInfoEx().
Definition at line 13072 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINRECV_HWNDLOCK_VOID, ENDRECV_HWNDLOCK_VOID, TRACEVOID, ValidateIMMEnabledVOID, VOID(), and xxxNotifyIMEStatus(). Referenced by ImeNotifyHandler(), ImmSetActiveContext(), ImmSetConversionStatus(), ImmSetOpenStatus(), and SendNotificationProc().
Definition at line 12674 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINRECV_SHARED, ENDRECV_SHARED, GETPTI, HW, InputContextDefaultImeWindow, InputContextDefaultInputContext, InputContextProcess, InputContextThread, PtoH, tagTHREADINFO::spDefaultImc, tagTHREADINFO::spwndDefaultIme, ValidateHIMC, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by ImmGetImeMenuItemsInterProcess(), and InternalImmLockIMC().
Definition at line 12887 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINRECV_HWND, BOOL, ENDRECV_HWND, FALSE, GETPTI, InternalSetProp(), MSGERROR, PpiCurrent, PROP_IMELEVEL, PROPF_INTERNAL, PROPF_NOPOOL, TRACE, TRUE, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by TransSetLevel().
Definition at line 12863 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINRECV, BOOL, dwFlags, ENDRECV, FALSE, SetImeHotKey(), and TRACE. Referenced by CliImmSetHotKeyWorker().
Definition at line 12800 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References _GetProcessWindowStation(), BEGINRECV, BOOL, BYTE, ENDRECV, FALSE, MSGERROR, NULL, ProbeForRead, SetImeInfoEx(), StubExceptionHandler, TRACE, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by LoadIME().
Definition at line 12956 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References tagCLS::atomClassName, tagSERVERINFO::atomSysClass, BEGINATOMICRECV_HWND, BOOL, CFIME, ENDATOMICRECV_HWND, FALSE, FNID_IME, GETFNID, GETPTI, GetTopLevelWindow(), gpsi, ICLS_IME, ImeCheckTopmost(), ImeSetFutureOwner(), IsWndImeRelated, Lock, MSGERROR, NULL, tagWND::pcls, tagTHREADINFO::pq, tagQ::spwndActive, tagWND::spwndOwner, TestCF, TRACE, TRUE, ValidateHWNDOPT, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by ImeSetContextHandler().
Definition at line 13037 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINRECV_VOID, ENDRECV_VOID, tagKL::hkl, tagTHREADINFO::hklPrev, HKLtoPKL(), IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, Lock, MSGERROR_VOID, NULL, PtiCurrent, tagTHREADINFO::spklActive, TRACEVOID, and VOID(). Referenced by ImmActivateLayout().
Definition at line 12654 of file kernel/ntstubs.c. References BEGINATOMICRECV, BOOL, ENDATOMICRECV, FALSE, TRACE, UpdateInputContext(), ValidateHIMC, and ValidateIMMEnabled. Referenced by ImeMarkUsedContext(), and ImmLockClientImc().