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miglobal.c File Reference

#include "mi.h"

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PVOID MmHighestUserAddress
PVOID MmSystemRangeStart
ULONG_PTR MmUserProbeAddress
ULONG_PTR MmVirtualBias
ULONG MmSecondaryColors
ULONG MmProcessColorSeed = 0x12345678
PFN_COUNT MmNumberOfPhysicalPages
PFN_NUMBER MmLowestPhysicalPage = (PFN_NUMBER)-1
PFN_NUMBER MmHighestPhysicalPage
PFN_NUMBER MmHighestPossiblePhysicalPage
PFN_COUNT MmAvailablePages
PFN_NUMBER MmThrottleTop
PFN_NUMBER MmThrottleBottom
SPFN_NUMBER MmResidentAvailablePages
PFN_NUMBER MmPagesAboveWsMinimum
PFN_NUMBER MmPagesAboveWsMaximum
PFN_NUMBER MmPagesAboveWsThreshold = 37
PFN_NUMBER MmWorkingSetSizeIncrement = 6
PFN_NUMBER MmWorkingSetSizeExpansion = 20
PFN_NUMBER MmWsAdjustThreshold = 45
PFN_NUMBER MmWsExpandThreshold = 90
PFN_NUMBER MmWsTrimReductionGoal = 29
PFN_NUMBER MmHiberPages = 512
ULONG MmLargePageMinimum
PMMPFN MmPfnDatabase
MMPFNLIST MmZeroedPageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmFreePageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmStandbyPageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmModifiedPageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead
PMMPTE MiHighestUserPte
PMMPTE MiHighestUserPde
PMMPTE MiSessionBasePte
PMMPTE MiSessionLastPte
PMMPTE MmFirstReservedMappingPte
PMMPTE MmLastReservedMappingPte
PMMWSL MmWorkingSetList
KEVENT MmAvailablePagesEvent
KEVENT MmZeroingPageEvent
BOOLEAN MmZeroingPageThreadActive
PFN_NUMBER MmMinimumFreePagesToZero = 8
PVOID MmNonPagedSystemStart
LOGICAL MmProtectFreedNonPagedPool
LOGICAL MmTrackLockedPages
LOGICAL MmSnapUnloads = TRUE
SIZE_T MmSizeOfNonPagedPoolInBytes
SIZE_T MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes
SIZE_T MmMinimumNonPagedPoolSize = 256 * 1024
ULONG MmMinAdditionNonPagedPoolPerMb = 32 * 1024
SIZE_T MmDefaultMaximumNonPagedPool = 1024 * 1024
ULONG MmMaxAdditionNonPagedPoolPerMb = 400 * 1024
SIZE_T MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes = 32 * 1024 * 1024
PFN_NUMBER MmSizeOfNonPagedMustSucceed = 4 * PAGE_SIZE
ULONG MmNumberOfSystemPtes
ULONG MiRequestedSystemPtes
ULONG MmLockPagesPercentage
PFN_NUMBER MmLockPagesLimit
PMMPTE MmFirstPteForPagedPool
PMMPTE MmLastPteForPagedPool
PMMPTE MmPagedPoolBasePde
PVOID MmPageAlignedPoolBase [2]
PVOID MmNonPagedMustSucceed
ULONG MmExpandedPoolBitPosition
PFN_NUMBER MmNumberOfFreeNonPagedPool
ULONG MmMustSucceedPoolBitPosition
MMPTE MmFirstFreeSystemPte [MaximumPtePoolTypes]
PMMWSLE MmSystemCacheWsle
PVOID MmSystemCacheEnd
PRTL_BITMAP MmSystemCacheAllocationMap
PRTL_BITMAP MmSystemCacheEndingMap
PFN_COUNT MmSizeOfSystemCacheInPages = 64 * 256
PFN_NUMBER MmSystemCacheWsMinimum = 288
PFN_NUMBER MmSystemCacheWsMaximum = 350
ULONG MmNumberDeadKernelStacks
ULONG MmMaximumDeadKernelStacks = 5
PMMPFN MmFirstDeadKernelStack = (PMMPFN)NULL
PMMPTE MmSystemPteBase
PVOID MmHighSectionBase
POBJECT_TYPE MmSectionObjectType
FAST_MUTEX MmSectionCommitMutex
FAST_MUTEX MmSectionBasedMutex
ERESOURCE MmSectionExtendResource
ERESOURCE MmSectionExtendSetResource
FAST_MUTEX MmPageFileCreationLock
LIST_ENTRY MmUnusedSegmentList
KEVENT MmUnusedSegmentCleanup
ULONG MmUnusedSegmentCount
SIZE_T MmMaxUnusedSegmentPagedPoolUsage
SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentPagedPoolUsage
SIZE_T MiUnusedSegmentPagedPoolUsage
SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentPagedPoolReduction
SIZE_T MmMaxUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolUsage
SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolUsage
SIZE_T MiUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolUsage
SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolReduction
ULONG MmUnusedSegmentTrimLevel = 18
LIST_ENTRY MmFreePagingSpaceLow
ULONG MmNumberOfActiveMdlEntries
ULONG MmNumberOfPagingFiles
KEVENT MmModifiedPageWriterEvent
KEVENT MmWorkingSetManagerEvent
KEVENT MmCollidedFlushEvent
SIZE_T MmTotalCommittedPages
SIZE_T MmTotalCommitLimit
SIZE_T MmTotalCommitLimitMaximum
SIZE_T MmOverCommit
PFN_NUMBER MmMinimumFreePages = 26
PFN_NUMBER MmFreeGoal = 100
PFN_NUMBER MmModifiedPageMaximum
PFN_NUMBER MmModifiedPageMinimum
ULONG MmMinimumFreeDiskSpace = 1024 * 1024
ULONG MmPageFileExtension = 128
ULONG MmMinimumPageFileReduction = 256
ULONG MmReadClusterSize = 7
PETHREAD MmSystemLockOwner
KSPIN_LOCK MmExpansionLock
PFN_NUMBER MmSystemProcessWorkingSetMin = 50
PFN_NUMBER MmSystemProcessWorkingSetMax = 450
PFN_NUMBER MmMaximumWorkingSetSize
PFN_NUMBER MmMinimumWorkingSetSize = 20
ULONG MmSystemPageColor
LARGE_INTEGER MmSevenMinutes = {0, -1}
LARGE_INTEGER MmWorkingSetProtectionTime = {5 * 1000 * 1000 * 10, 0}
LARGE_INTEGER MmOneSecond = {(ULONG)(-1 * 1000 * 1000 * 10), -1}
LARGE_INTEGER MmTwentySeconds = {(ULONG)(-20 * 1000 * 1000 * 10), -1}
LARGE_INTEGER MmShortTime = {(ULONG)(-10 * 1000 * 10), -1}
LARGE_INTEGER MmHalfSecond = {(ULONG)(-5 * 100 * 1000 * 10), -1}
LARGE_INTEGER Mm30Milliseconds = {(ULONG)(-30 * 1000 * 10), -1}
ULONG MmCritsectTimeoutSeconds = 2592000
LARGE_INTEGER MmCriticalSectionTimeout
SIZE_T MmHeapSegmentReserve = 1024 * 1024
SIZE_T MmHeapSegmentCommit = PAGE_SIZE * 2
SIZE_T MmHeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold = 64 * 1024
SIZE_T MmHeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold = PAGE_SIZE
ULONG MmDisablePagingExecutive
BOOLEAN Mm64BitPhysicalAddress
ULONG MmProtectToValue [32]
ULONG MmProtectToPteMask [32]
ULONG MmMakeProtectNotWriteCopy [32]
ACCESS_MASK MmMakeSectionAccess [8]
ACCESS_MASK MmMakeFileAccess [8]
ULONG_PTR MmSessionBase
LIST_ENTRY MiSessionWsList
ULONG_PTR MiSystemViewStart
ULONG MiIoRetryLevel = 25
ULONG MiFaultRetries = 25
ULONG MiUserIoRetryLevel = 10
ULONG MiUserFaultRetries = 10
ULONG MmVerifyDriverBufferLength = sizeof(MmVerifyDriverBuffer)
ULONG MmVerifyDriverBufferType = REG_NONE
ULONG MmVerifyDriverLevel = (ULONG)-1

Variable Documentation

ULONG MiFaultRetries = 25

Definition at line 905 of file miglobal.c.

PMMPTE MiHighestUserPde

Definition at line 248 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiDetermineUserGlobalPteMask(), and MmInitSystem().

PMMPTE MiHighestUserPte

Definition at line 247 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAccessCheck(), MiDeletePte(), MiDeleteSystemPagableVm(), MiDetermineUserGlobalPteMask(), and MmInitSystem().


Definition at line 890 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAttachSession(), MiCheckAndSetSystemTrimCriteria(), MiCheckControlArea(), MiCheckForControlAreaDeletion(), MiCheckPdeForPagedPool(), MiCheckPdeForSessionSpace(), MiCheckProcessTrimCriteria(), MiCleanSection(), MiCompleteProtoPteFault(), MiCreateImageFileMap(), MiDetachSession(), MiDispatchFault(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSets(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSetsWorker(), MiEmptyWorkingSet(), MiEnablePagingTheExecutive(), MiFreePoolPages(), MiInitializeSpecialPool(), MiInitializeSystemSpaceMap(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiLoadImageSection(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MiRearrangeWorkingSetExpansionList(), MiRemoveFromSystemSpace(), MiRemoveMappedPtes(), MiSessionInSwapProcess(), MiSessionOutSwapProcess(), MmAccessFault(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmCreateSection(), MmFlushImageSection(), MmForceSectionClosed(), MmInitSystem(), MmInSwapProcess(), MmMapViewInSessionSpace(), MmOutSwapProcess(), MmSessionCreate(), MmSessionDelete(), MmSessionSetUnloadAddress(), MmUnmapViewInSessionSpace(), MmWorkingSetManager(), and VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority().

ULONG MiIoRetryLevel = 25

Definition at line 904 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), and MiWaitForInPageComplete().

ULONG MiRequestedSystemPtes

Definition at line 358 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSpecialPool(), MiInitMachineDependent(), and MmInitSystem().

PMMPTE MiSessionBasePte

Definition at line 250 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

PMMPTE MiSessionLastPte

Definition at line 251 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

LIST_ENTRY MiSessionWsList

Definition at line 895 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSessionWsSupport(), and MiSessionInitializeWorkingSetList().

ULONG_PTR MiSystemViewStart

Definition at line 897 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSystemSpaceMap(), and MmInitSystem().

SIZE_T MiUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolUsage

Definition at line 519 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MiUnusedSegmentPagedPoolUsage

Definition at line 500 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MiUserFaultRetries = 10

Definition at line 907 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiWaitForInPageComplete().

ULONG MiUserIoRetryLevel = 10

Definition at line 906 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiWaitForInPageComplete().

LARGE_INTEGER Mm30Milliseconds = {(ULONG)(-30 * 1000 * 10), -1}

Definition at line 716 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiFlushAllPages(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiWriteComplete(), MmAccessFault(), and MmGatherMemoryForHibernate().

BOOLEAN Mm64BitPhysicalAddress

Definition at line 736 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().


Definition at line 537 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiChargeCommitmentCantExpand(), MiIssuePageExtendRequestNoWait(), and MmInitSystem().

PFN_COUNT MmAvailablePages

Definition at line 88 of file miglobal.c.

KEVENT MmAvailablePagesEvent

Definition at line 269 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait(), MiInsertPageInList(), MiInsertStandbyListAtFront(), and MmInitSystem().


Initial value:

Definition at line 214 of file miglobal.c.

KEVENT MmCollidedFlushEvent

Definition at line 561 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiFlushSectionInternal(), and MmInitSystem().

LARGE_INTEGER MmCriticalSectionTimeout

Definition at line 722 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmCreatePeb(), and MmInitSystem().

ULONG MmCritsectTimeoutSeconds = 2592000

Definition at line 721 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MmDefaultMaximumNonPagedPool = 1024 * 1024

Definition at line 348 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().


Definition at line 481 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiChargeCommitmentCantExpand(), MiCheckForControlAreaDeletion(), MiContractPagingFiles(), MiDereferenceSegmentThread(), MiIssuePageExtendRequest(), MiIssuePageExtendRequestNoWait(), MiSectionInitialization(), and MiSegmentDelete().

ULONG MmDisablePagingExecutive

Definition at line 734 of file miglobal.c.


Definition at line 302 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmExpandedPoolBitPosition

Definition at line 378 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiFreePoolPages(), and MiInitializeNonPagedPool().

KSPIN_LOCK MmExpansionLock

Definition at line 673 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem(), and MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

PMMPFN MmFirstDeadKernelStack = (PMMPFN)NULL

Definition at line 432 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmCreateKernelStack(), and MmDeleteKernelStack().

MMPTE MmFirstFreeSystemPte[MaximumPtePoolTypes]

Definition at line 390 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSystemPtes(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), and MiReserveSystemPtes2().

PMMPTE MmFirstPteForPagedPool

Definition at line 364 of file miglobal.c.

PMMPTE MmFirstReservedMappingPte

Definition at line 257 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent(), and MiMapPageInHyperSpace().

PFN_NUMBER MmFreeGoal = 100

Definition at line 601 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckAndSetSystemTrimCriteria(), MiCheckProcessTrimCriteria(), MiGatherMappedPages(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiResolveMappedFileFault(), and MmShutdownSystem().

MMPFNLIST MmFreePageListHead

Initial value:

Definition at line 186 of file miglobal.c.

LIST_ENTRY MmFreePagingSpaceLow

Definition at line 549 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiExtendPagingFileMaximum(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiModifiedPageWriter(), MiUpdateModifiedWriterMdls(), and MiWriteComplete().

LARGE_INTEGER MmHalfSecond = {(ULONG)(-5 * 100 * 1000 * 10), -1}

Definition at line 715 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocateContiguousMemory(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), MmAccessFault(), MmRemovePhysicalMemory(), and NtCreateSection().

SIZE_T MmHeapDeCommitFreeBlockThreshold = PAGE_SIZE

Definition at line 726 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MmHeapDeCommitTotalFreeThreshold = 64 * 1024

Definition at line 725 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MmHeapSegmentCommit = PAGE_SIZE * 2

Definition at line 724 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MmHeapSegmentReserve = 1024 * 1024

Definition at line 723 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_NUMBER MmHiberPages = 512

Definition at line 169 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

PFN_NUMBER MmHighestPhysicalPage

Definition at line 75 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_NUMBER MmHighestPossiblePhysicalPage

Definition at line 81 of file miglobal.c.

PVOID MmHighestUserAddress

Definition at line 27 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by IopCreateSummaryDump(), MiMapViewOfImageSection(), and MmInitSystem().

PVOID MmHighSectionBase

Definition at line 448 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmCreateSection(), and MmInitSystem().


Definition at line 96 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckAndSetSystemTrimCriteria(), MiCopyOnWrite(), MiGatherMappedPages(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiLocateAndReserveWsle(), MiResolveDemandZeroFault(), MiResolveMappedFileFault(), MiResolvePageFileFault(), MiResolveProtoPteFault(), MiResolveTransitionFault(), MiSessionCopyOnWrite(), MmAccessFault(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().

ULONG MmLargePageMinimum

Definition at line 175 of file miglobal.c.

PMMPTE MmLastPteForPagedPool

Definition at line 366 of file miglobal.c.

PMMPTE MmLastReservedMappingPte

Definition at line 259 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

PFN_NUMBER MmLockPagesLimit

Definition at line 362 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem(), and MmProbeAndLockPages().

ULONG MmLockPagesPercentage

Definition at line 360 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_NUMBER MmLowestPhysicalPage = (PFN_NUMBER)-1

Definition at line 69 of file miglobal.c.

ACCESS_MASK MmMakeFileAccess[8]

Initial value:


Definition at line 875 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmCreateSection().

ULONG MmMakeProtectNotWriteCopy[32]

Definition at line 821 of file miglobal.c.

ACCESS_MASK MmMakeSectionAccess[8]

Initial value:


Definition at line 861 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by NtMapViewOfSection().


Definition at line 545 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiGatherMappedPages(), MiModifiedPageWriter(), and MiModifiedPageWriterWorker().


Definition at line 547 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiModifiedPageWriter().

ULONG MmMaxAdditionNonPagedPoolPerMb = 400 * 1024

Definition at line 350 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

ULONG MmMaximumDeadKernelStacks = 5

Definition at line 431 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmDeleteKernelStack(), and MmInitSystem().

SIZE_T MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes

Definition at line 342 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_NUMBER MmMaximumWorkingSetSize

Definition at line 687 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmAdjustWorkingSetSize(), and MmInitSystem().

SIZE_T MmMaxUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolUsage

Definition at line 512 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckControlArea(), MiRemoveUnusedSegments(), and MmInitSystem().

SIZE_T MmMaxUnusedSegmentPagedPoolUsage

Definition at line 493 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckControlArea(), MiRemoveUnusedSegments(), and MmInitSystem().

ULONG MmMinAdditionNonPagedPoolPerMb = 32 * 1024

Definition at line 346 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

ULONG MmMinimumFreeDiskSpace = 1024 * 1024

Definition at line 622 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAttemptPageFileExtension().

PFN_NUMBER MmMinimumFreePages = 26

Definition at line 595 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckAndSetSystemTrimCriteria(), MiCheckSystemTrimEndCriteria(), MiRemovePageByColor(), MiRemovePageFromList(), MiUnlinkFreeOrZeroedPage(), MiUnlinkPageFromList(), MmInitSystem(), and MmWorkingSetManager().

PFN_NUMBER MmMinimumFreePagesToZero = 8

Definition at line 290 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInsertPageInList().

SIZE_T MmMinimumNonPagedPoolSize = 256 * 1024

Definition at line 344 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

ULONG MmMinimumPageFileReduction = 256

Definition at line 634 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAttemptPageFileReduction(), and MiContractPagingFiles().

PFN_NUMBER MmMinimumWorkingSetSize = 20

Definition at line 689 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmAdjustWorkingSetSize().

MMPFNLIST MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead

Initial value:

Definition at line 207 of file miglobal.c.

MMPFNLIST MmModifiedPageListHead

Initial value:

Definition at line 200 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_NUMBER MmModifiedPageMaximum

Definition at line 608 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInsertPageInList(), MmAccessFault(), MmInitSystem(), and MmWorkingSetManager().

PFN_NUMBER MmModifiedPageMinimum

Definition at line 615 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

KEVENT MmModifiedPageWriterEvent

Definition at line 557 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiFlushAllPages(), MiInsertPageInList(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiObtainFreePages(), MmInitSystem(), MmShutdownSystem(), and MmWorkingSetManager().


Definition at line 640 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCleanSection(), MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiGatherMappedPages(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiModifiedPageWriter(), MiObtainFreePages(), MmShutdownSystem(), and NtCreatePagingFile().

ULONG MmMustSucceedPoolBitPosition

Definition at line 382 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiFreePoolPages(), and MiInitializeNonPagedPool().

PVOID MmNonPagedMustSucceed

Definition at line 376 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiFreePoolPages(), MiInitializeNonPagedPool(), and MiInitMachineDependent().

PVOID MmNonPagedSystemStart

Definition at line 298 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmNumberDeadKernelStacks

Definition at line 430 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmCreateKernelStack(), and MmDeleteKernelStack().

ULONG MmNumberOfActiveMdlEntries

Definition at line 551 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiInsertPageFileInList(), MiReleasePageFileSpace(), MiUpdateModifiedWriterMdls(), and MiWriteComplete().

PFN_NUMBER MmNumberOfFreeNonPagedPool

Definition at line 380 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiFindContiguousMemory(), MiFreePoolPages(), and MiInitializeNonPagedPool().

ULONG MmNumberOfPagingFiles

Definition at line 555 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_COUNT MmNumberOfPhysicalPages

Definition at line 63 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmNumberOfSystemPtes

Definition at line 356 of file miglobal.c.

LARGE_INTEGER MmOneSecond = {(ULONG)(-1 * 1000 * 1000 * 10), -1}

Definition at line 712 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiFlushSectionInternal(), MiIssuePageExtendRequest(), and MiMapImageHeaderInHyperSpace().

SIZE_T MmOverCommit

Definition at line 583 of file miglobal.c.

PVOID MmPageAlignedPoolBase[2]

Definition at line 374 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiBuildPagedPool(), MiFreePoolPages(), and MiInitMachineDependent().

PMMPTE MmPagedPoolBasePde

Definition at line 368 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiBuildPagedPool().


Definition at line 884 of file miglobal.c.

FAST_MUTEX MmPageFileCreationLock

Definition at line 479 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem(), and NtCreatePagingFile().

ULONG MmPageFileExtension = 128

Definition at line 628 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAttemptPageFileExtension().


Initial value:

Definition at line 221 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCleanSection(), MiDecommitPages(), MiDecrementCloneBlockReference(), MiDecrementReferenceCount(), MiDeletePte(), MiDeleteSystemPagableVm(), MiDispatchFault(), MiFreeInitializationCode(), MiGatherMappedPages(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiInsertPageInList(), MiPurgeImageSection(), MiRemovePageByColor(), MiRemovePhysicalPages(), MiResetVirtualMemory(), MiResolveTransitionFault(), MiSegmentDelete(), MiUnlinkFreeOrZeroedPage(), MiUnlinkPageFromList(), MmAddPhysicalMemory(), MmAllocatePagesForMdl(), MmDeleteProcessAddressSpace(), MmFreeLoaderBlock(), MmPurgeSection(), MmRemovePhysicalMemory(), and MmZeroPageThread().

PFN_NUMBER MmPagesAboveWsMaximum

Definition at line 123 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_NUMBER MmPagesAboveWsMinimum

Definition at line 116 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAddWorkingSetPage(), MiCheckAndSetSystemTrimCriteria(), MiFreeWsle(), MiLocateAndReserveWsle(), MiObtainFreePages(), MiReleaseWsle(), MmAdjustWorkingSetSize(), and MmCleanProcessAddressSpace().

PFN_NUMBER MmPagesAboveWsThreshold = 37

Definition at line 135 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiObtainFreePages().


Definition at line 553 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAttemptPageFileExtension(), MiAttemptPageFileReduction(), MiCheckForCrashDump(), MiContractPagingFiles(), MiExtendPagingFileMaximum(), MiExtendPagingFiles(), MiInsertPageFileInList(), MiMakeOutswappedPageResident(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiPageFileFull(), MiReleasePageFileSpace(), MiResolvePageFileFault(), MiUpdateModifiedWriterMdls(), MmGetPageFileInformation(), MmShutdownSystem(), and NtCreatePagingFile().


Definition at line 543 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiInsertPageFileInList(), MiModifiedPageWriter(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiUpdateModifiedWriterMdls(), MiWriteComplete(), and NtCreatePagingFile().

PMMPFN MmPfnDatabase

Definition at line 177 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmProcessColorSeed = 0x12345678

Definition at line 57 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmCreateProcessAddressSpace().

LOGICAL MmProtectFreedNonPagedPool

Definition at line 300 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmProtectToPteMask[32]

Definition at line 781 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

ULONG MmProtectToValue[32]

Definition at line 746 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmReadClusterSize = 7

Definition at line 646 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem(), and PspCreateThread().

SPFN_NUMBER MmResidentAvailablePages

Definition at line 109 of file miglobal.c.


Definition at line 312 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmSecondaryColors

Definition at line 51 of file miglobal.c.

FAST_MUTEX MmSectionBasedMutex

Definition at line 466 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiMapViewOfDataSection(), MiRemoveMappedView(), MiSectionDelete(), MmCreateSection(), MmExtendSection(), and MmInitSystem().


Definition at line 446 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiFindEmptySectionBaseDown(), MiInsertBasedSection(), MiRemoveBasedSection(), MiSectionInitialization(), and MmCreateSection().

FAST_MUTEX MmSectionCommitMutex

Definition at line 460 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCreateImageFileMap(), MiCreatePagingFileMap(), MiMapViewOfDataSection(), MiProtectVirtualMemory(), MiSegmentDelete(), MmInitSystem(), and NtAllocateVirtualMemory().

ERESOURCE MmSectionExtendResource

Definition at line 472 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmExtendSection(), and MmInitSystem().

ERESOURCE MmSectionExtendSetResource

Definition at line 473 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmExtendSection(), and MmInitSystem().

POBJECT_TYPE MmSectionObjectType

Definition at line 454 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiLoadSystemImage(), MiSectionInitialization(), MmCreateSection(), MmGetFileNameForSection(), NtAcceptConnectPort(), NtCreateSuperSection(), NtExtendSection(), NtMapViewOfSection(), NtOpenSection(), NtQuerySection(), NtSecureConnectPort(), PsLocateSystemDll(), and PspCreateProcess().

ULONG_PTR MmSessionBase

Definition at line 892 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiAttachSession(), MiDereferenceSession(), MiDetachSession(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiSessionCommitPageTables(), MiSessionCreateInternal(), MmInitSystem(), and MmSessionCreate().


Definition at line 893 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAddValidPageToWorkingSet(), MiAddWorkingSetPage(), MiAddWsleHash(), MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiCheckPdeForSessionSpace(), MiCheckSessionPoolAllocations(), MiCheckVirtualAddress(), MiDeleteSystemPagableVm(), MiDereferenceSession(), MiDetachSession(), MiFreePoolPages(), MiFreeSessionPoolBitMaps(), MiFreeSessionSpaceMap(), MiInitializeSessionPool(), MiInsertWsle(), MiLoadImageSection(), MiLoadSystemImage(), MiLockCode(), MiRemoveImageSessionWide(), MiResolveMappedFileFault(), MiResolvePageFileFault(), MiSessionAddProcess(), MiSessionCommitImagePages(), MiSessionCommitPageTables(), MiSessionCopyOnWrite(), MiSessionCreateInternal(), MiSessionInitializeWorkingSetList(), MiSessionInsertImage(), MiSessionInSwapProcess(), MiSessionLookupImage(), MiSessionOutSwapProcess(), MiSessionPoolAllocated(), MiSessionPoolFreed(), MiSessionPoolVector(), MiSessionRemoveImage(), MiSessionRemoveProcess(), MiSessionUnloadAllImages(), MiSessionWideReserveImageAddress(), MiSetPagingOfDriver(), MiShareSessionImage(), MiUnmapViewInSystemSpace(), MiUpdateWsle(), MmAccessFault(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmInitSystem(), MmMapViewInSessionSpace(), MmResourcesAvailable(), MmSessionCreate(), MmSessionDelete(), MmSessionSetUnloadAddress(), MmUnloadSystemImage(), MmUnmapViewInSessionSpace(), and MmWorkingSetManager().

LARGE_INTEGER MmSevenMinutes = {0, -1}

Definition at line 702 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait().

LARGE_INTEGER MmShortTime = {(ULONG)(-10 * 1000 * 10), -1}

Definition at line 714 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckControlAreaStatus(), MiCheckSystemTrimEndCriteria(), MiCleanSection(), MiCloneProcessAddressSpace(), MiDispatchFault(), MiEmptyWorkingSet(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiPurgeImageSection(), MiRemoveUnusedSegments(), MiResolveProtoPteFault(), MmAccessFault(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmFlushSection(), MmFlushVirtualMemory(), MmGetSystemRoutineAddress(), and MmWorkingSetManager().

PFN_NUMBER MmSizeOfNonPagedMustSucceed = 4 * PAGE_SIZE

Definition at line 354 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeNonPagedPool(), and MiInitMachineDependent().

SIZE_T MmSizeOfNonPagedPoolInBytes

Definition at line 340 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes = 32 * 1024 * 1024

Definition at line 352 of file miglobal.c.

PFN_COUNT MmSizeOfSystemCacheInPages = 64 * 256

Definition at line 415 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by CcInitializeVacbs(), and MmInitSystem().

LOGICAL MmSnapUnloads = TRUE

Definition at line 330 of file miglobal.c.

MMPFNLIST MmStandbyPageListHead

Initial value:

Definition at line 193 of file miglobal.c.

PRTL_BITMAP MmSystemCacheAllocationMap

Definition at line 406 of file miglobal.c.

PVOID MmSystemCacheEnd

Definition at line 404 of file miglobal.c.

PRTL_BITMAP MmSystemCacheEndingMap

Definition at line 408 of file miglobal.c.


Definition at line 402 of file miglobal.c.


Definition at line 396 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiDeleteSystemPagableVm(), MiInitializeSystemCache(), MiInsertWsle(), MiLockCode(), MiRemoveWsle(), MiUpdateWsle(), MmCheckCachedPageState(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmInitSystem(), MmUnmapViewInSystemCache(), and MmWorkingSetManager().


Definition at line 398 of file miglobal.c.

PMMWSLE MmSystemCacheWsle

Definition at line 400 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAddValidPageToWorkingSet(), MiEliminateWorkingSetEntry(), MiInitializeSystemCache(), MiUpdateWsle(), MmCheckCachedPageState(), and MmCopyToCachedPage().

PFN_NUMBER MmSystemCacheWsMaximum = 350

Definition at line 423 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSystemCache(), and MmInitSystem().

PFN_NUMBER MmSystemCacheWsMinimum = 288

Definition at line 421 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSystemCache(), and MmInitSystem().

PETHREAD MmSystemLockOwner

Definition at line 667 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiEmptyWorkingSet(), MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait(), MmAccessFault(), MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory(), and MmWorkingSetManager().

ULONG MmSystemPageColor

Definition at line 696 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiResolveDemandZeroFault().

PFN_NUMBER MmSystemProcessWorkingSetMax = 450

Definition at line 685 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

PFN_NUMBER MmSystemProcessWorkingSetMin = 50

Definition at line 683 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInitMachineDependent().

PMMPTE MmSystemPteBase

Definition at line 440 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocateSpecialPool(), MiInitializeSpecialPool(), MiInitializeSystemPtes(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), MiReserveSystemPtes(), MiReserveSystemPtes2(), and MmFreeSpecialPool().

PVOID MmSystemRangeStart

Definition at line 33 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckPdeForPagedPool(), MmAccessFault(), MmInitSystem(), MmLockPagableSectionByHandle(), MmSetKernelDumpRange(), and NtQuerySystemInformation().


Definition at line 665 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiEmptyWorkingSet(), MmInitSystem(), MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory(), and MmWorkingSetManager().

PFN_NUMBER MmThrottleBottom

Definition at line 90 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

PFN_NUMBER MmThrottleTop

Definition at line 89 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

SIZE_T MmTotalCommitLimit

Definition at line 574 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MmTotalCommitLimitMaximum

Definition at line 576 of file miglobal.c.

SIZE_T MmTotalCommittedPages

Definition at line 567 of file miglobal.c.

LOGICAL MmTrackLockedPages

Definition at line 323 of file miglobal.c.

LARGE_INTEGER MmTwentySeconds = {(ULONG)(-20 * 1000 * 1000 * 10), -1}

Definition at line 713 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiIssuePageExtendRequest(), and MmShutdownSystem().

KEVENT MmUnusedSegmentCleanup

Definition at line 485 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiCheckControlArea(), MiDereferenceSegmentThread(), MiSectionInitialization(), and MmResourcesAvailable().

ULONG MmUnusedSegmentCount

Definition at line 487 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiRemoveUnusedSegments().

LIST_ENTRY MmUnusedSegmentList

Definition at line 483 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiCheckControlArea(), MiRemoveUnusedSegments(), MiSectionInitialization(), and MmResourcesAvailable().

SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolReduction

Definition at line 525 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiRemoveUnusedSegments(), and MmInitSystem().

SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentNonPagedPoolUsage

Definition at line 518 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckControlArea(), and MiRemoveUnusedSegments().

SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentPagedPoolReduction

Definition at line 506 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiRemoveUnusedSegments(), and MmInitSystem().

SIZE_T MmUnusedSegmentPagedPoolUsage

Definition at line 499 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckControlArea(), and MiRemoveUnusedSegments().

ULONG MmUnusedSegmentTrimLevel = 18

Definition at line 533 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG_PTR MmUserProbeAddress

Definition at line 39 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MmInitSystem().


Definition at line 913 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmVerifyDriverBufferLength = sizeof(MmVerifyDriverBuffer)

Definition at line 914 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmVerifyDriverBufferType = REG_NONE

Definition at line 915 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG MmVerifyDriverLevel = (ULONG)-1

Definition at line 916 of file miglobal.c.

ULONG_PTR MmVirtualBias

Definition at line 45 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by IopCalculateRequiredDumpSpace(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiMapViewOfImageSection(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmFreeLoaderBlock(), MmInitializeProcessAddressSpace(), MmInitSystem(), and MmSetKernelDumpRange().


Definition at line 535 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiEmptyAllWorkingSetsWorker(), MiInitializeSystemCache(), MiRearrangeWorkingSetExpansionList(), MiSessionAddProcess(), MmAllowWorkingSetExpansion(), MmInitSystem(), MmInSwapProcess(), MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory(), and MmWorkingSetManager().

PMMWSL MmWorkingSetList

Definition at line 442 of file miglobal.c.

KEVENT MmWorkingSetManagerEvent

Definition at line 559 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by KeBalanceSetManager(), MiEmptyAllWorkingSets(), MiObtainFreePages(), and MmInitSystem().

LARGE_INTEGER MmWorkingSetProtectionTime = {5 * 1000 * 1000 * 10, 0}

Definition at line 710 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiCheckProcessTrimCriteria().

PFN_NUMBER MmWorkingSetSizeExpansion = 20

Definition at line 143 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiDoReplacement().

PFN_NUMBER MmWorkingSetSizeIncrement = 6

Definition at line 137 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiDoReplacement().

PFN_NUMBER MmWsAdjustThreshold = 45

Definition at line 150 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiDoReplacement().

PFN_NUMBER MmWsExpandThreshold = 90

Definition at line 157 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiDoReplacement().


Definition at line 444 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiAddValidPageToWorkingSet(), MiCloneProcessAddressSpace(), MiCopyOnWrite(), MiDecommitPages(), MiDeleteAddressesInWorkingSet(), MiDeletePte(), MiEliminateWorkingSetEntry(), MiGetPageProtection(), MiGetWorkingSetInfo(), MiInitializeCopyOnWritePfn(), MiInitializeWorkingSetList(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiSetProtectionOnSection(), MiUpdateWsle(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), NtLockVirtualMemory(), and NtUnlockVirtualMemory().

PFN_NUMBER MmWsTrimReductionGoal = 29

Definition at line 163 of file miglobal.c.

MMPFNLIST MmZeroedPageListHead

Initial value:

Definition at line 179 of file miglobal.c.

KEVENT MmZeroingPageEvent

Definition at line 275 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInsertPageInList(), MmInitSystem(), and MmZeroPageThread().

BOOLEAN MmZeroingPageThreadActive

Definition at line 284 of file miglobal.c.

Referenced by MiInsertPageInList(), MmInitSystem(), and MmZeroPageThread().

Generated on Sat May 15 19:44:42 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7