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kddata.c File Reference

#include "kdp.h"
#include "ke.h"
#include "pool.h"
#include "stdio.h"

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ULONG KiBugCheckData []
LIST_ENTRY ExpSystemResourcesList
PPOOL_DESCRIPTOR ExpPagedPoolDescriptor
ULONG ExpNumberOfPagedPools
ULONG KeTimeIncrement
LIST_ENTRY KeBugCheckCallbackListHead
ULONG KiBugcheckData []
LIST_ENTRY IopErrorLogListHead
POBJECT_DIRECTORY ObpRootDirectoryObject
POBJECT_TYPE ObpTypeObjectType
PVOID MmSystemCacheStart
PVOID MmSystemCacheEnd
PVOID MmPfnDatabase
ULONG MmSystemPtesStart []
ULONG MmSystemPtesEnd []
ULONG MmSubsectionBase
ULONG MmNumberOfPagingFiles
ULONG MmLowestPhysicalPage
ULONG MmHighestPhysicalPage
PFN_COUNT MmNumberOfPhysicalPages
ULONG MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes
PVOID MmNonPagedSystemStart
PVOID MmNonPagedPoolStart
PVOID MmNonPagedPoolEnd
PVOID MmPagedPoolStart
PVOID MmPagedPoolEnd
ULONG MmPagedPoolInfo []
ULONG MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes
ULONG MmTotalCommitLimit
ULONG MmTotalCommittedPages
ULONG MmSharedCommit
ULONG MmDriverCommit
ULONG MmProcessCommit
ULONG MmPagedPoolCommit
ULONG MmExtendedCommit
MMPFNLIST MmZeroedPageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmFreePageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmStandbyPageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmModifiedPageListHead
MMPFNLIST MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead
ULONG MmAvailablePages
LONG MmResidentAvailablePages
LIST_ENTRY MmLoadedUserImageList
POOL_DESCRIPTOR NonPagedPoolDescriptor
UCHAR KdPrintCircularBuffer [KDPRINTBUFFERSIZE] = {0}
PUCHAR KdPrintWritePointer = KdPrintCircularBuffer
ULONG KdPrintRolloverCount = 0
KSPIN_LOCK KdpPrintSpinLock = 0
LARGE_INTEGER KdPerformanceCounterRate = {0,0}
LARGE_INTEGER KdTimerStart = {0,0}
LARGE_INTEGER KdTimerStop = {0,0}
LARGE_INTEGER KdTimerDifference = {0,0}
ULONG_PTR KdpCurrentSymbolStart = 0
ULONG_PTR KdpCurrentSymbolEnd = 0
LONG KdpNextCallLevelChange = 0
ULONG KdNumberOfSpecialCalls = 0
ULONG_PTR InitialSP = 0
ULONG KdpNumInternalBreakpoints = 0
KTIMER InternalBreakpointTimer = {0}
KDPC InternalBreakpointCheckDpc = {0}
ULONG TraceDataBufferPosition = 1
TRACE_DATA_SYM TraceDataSyms [256] = {0}
UCHAR NextTraceDataSym = 0
UCHAR NumTraceDataSyms = 0
ULONG IntBPsSkipping = 0
ULONG WatchStepOverHandle = 0
ULONG_PTR WatchStepOverBreakAddr = 0
BOOLEAN WatchStepOverSuspended = FALSE
ULONG InstructionsTraced = 0
BOOLEAN SymbolRecorded = FALSE
LONG CallLevelChange = 0
LONG oldpc = 0
BOOLEAN InstrCountInternal = FALSE
BOOLEAN BreakpointsSuspended = FALSE
ULONG KdpRetryCount = 5
ULONG KdpNumberRetries = 5
BOOLEAN KdpControlCPending = FALSE
BOOLEAN KdpControlCPressed = FALSE
KDP_BREAKPOINT_TYPE KdpBreakpointInstruction = {0}
ULONG KdpNextPacketIdToSend = 0
ULONG KdpPacketIdExpected = 0
PVOID KdpNtosImageBase = NULL
DEBUG_PARAMETERS KdDebugParameters = {0, 0}
KSPIN_LOCK KdpDataSpinLock = 0
LIST_ENTRY KdpDebuggerDataListHead = {NULL,NULL}
KSPIN_LOCK KdpTimeSlipEventLock = 0
PVOID KdpTimeSlipEvent = NULL
KDPC KdpTimeSlipDpc = {0}
WORK_QUEUE_ITEM KdpTimeSlipWorkItem = {NULL}
KTIMER KdpTimeSlipTimer = {0}
ULONG KdpTimeSlipPending = 1
BOOLEAN KdDebuggerNotPresent = FALSE
BOOLEAN KdDebuggerEnabled = FALSE
BOOLEAN KdPitchDebugger = TRUE
BOOLEAN KdpDebuggerStructuresInitialized = FALSE
ULONG KdpOweBreakpoint
ULONG KdEnteredDebugger = FALSE

Variable Documentation

BOOLEAN BreakpointsSuspended = FALSE

Definition at line 248 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdDeleteAllBreakpoints(), KdpRestoreAllBreakpoints(), and KdpSuspendAllBreakpoints().

LONG CallLevelChange = 0

Definition at line 244 of file kddata.c.

ULONG ExpNumberOfPagedPools

Definition at line 38 of file kddata.c.

PPOOL_DESCRIPTOR ExpPagedPoolDescriptor

Definition at line 37 of file kddata.c.

LIST_ENTRY ExpSystemResourcesList

Definition at line 36 of file kddata.c.

ULONG_PTR InitialSP = 0

Definition at line 217 of file kddata.c.

BOOLEAN InstrCountInternal = FALSE

Definition at line 246 of file kddata.c.

ULONG InstructionsTraced = 0

Definition at line 242 of file kddata.c.

ULONG IntBPsSkipping = 0

Definition at line 233 of file kddata.c.

KDPC InternalBreakpointCheckDpc = {0}

Definition at line 220 of file kddata.c.

KTIMER InternalBreakpointTimer = {0}

Definition at line 219 of file kddata.c.

LIST_ENTRY IopErrorLogListHead

Definition at line 44 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 106 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdGetDataBlock(), KdInitSystem(), KdUpdateDataBlock(), and KeBugCheckEx().

BOOLEAN KdDebuggerEnabled = FALSE

Definition at line 297 of file kddata.c.

BOOLEAN KdDebuggerNotPresent = FALSE

Definition at line 296 of file kddata.c.

DEBUG_PARAMETERS KdDebugParameters = {0, 0}

Definition at line 277 of file kddata.c.

ULONG KdEnteredDebugger = FALSE

Definition at line 301 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdEnterDebugger().

ULONG KdNumberOfSpecialCalls = 0

Definition at line 216 of file kddata.c.

KDP_BREAKPOINT_TYPE KdpBreakpointInstruction = {0}

Definition at line 263 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), KdpAddBreakpoint(), KdpLowRestoreBreakpoint(), KdpLowWriteContent(), and KdSetOwedBreakpoints().


Definition at line 201 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), KdpAddBreakpoint(), KdpDeleteBreakpoint(), KdpDeleteBreakpointRange(), KdpLowRestoreBreakpoint(), KdpLowWriteContent(), KdpRestoreAllBreakpoints(), KdpSuspendBreakpoint(), and KdSetOwedBreakpoints().

BOOLEAN KdpControlCPending = FALSE

Definition at line 260 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdPollBreakIn(), KdpPageInData(), KdpPollBreakInWithPortLock(), KdpReceivePacketLeader(), and KdpTrap().

BOOLEAN KdpControlCPressed = FALSE

Definition at line 261 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdPollBreakIn(), and KdpTrap().

ULONG_PTR KdpCurrentSymbolEnd = 0

Definition at line 212 of file kddata.c.

ULONG_PTR KdpCurrentSymbolStart = 0

Definition at line 211 of file kddata.c.

KSPIN_LOCK KdpDataSpinLock = 0

Definition at line 279 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdDeregisterDebuggerDataBlock(), and KdRegisterDebuggerDataBlock().

LIST_ENTRY KdpDebuggerDataListHead = {NULL,NULL}

Definition at line 280 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdDeregisterDebuggerDataBlock(), KdInitSystem(), KdpGetVersion(), and KdRegisterDebuggerDataBlock().

BOOLEAN KdpDebuggerStructuresInitialized = FALSE

Definition at line 299 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem().

LARGE_INTEGER KdPerformanceCounterRate = {0,0}

Definition at line 206 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem().


Definition at line 204 of file kddata.c.

BOOLEAN KdPitchDebugger = TRUE

Definition at line 298 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 202 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdpPrintString(), KdpPromptString(), and KdpSendWaitContinue().

LONG KdpNextCallLevelChange = 0

Definition at line 213 of file kddata.c.

ULONG KdpNextPacketIdToSend = 0

Definition at line 264 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), KdpReceivePacket(), and KdpSendPacket().

PVOID KdpNtosImageBase = NULL

Definition at line 266 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), and KdpGetVersion().

ULONG KdpNumberRetries = 5

Definition at line 258 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdpReceivePacket(), and KdpSendPacket().

ULONG KdpNumInternalBreakpoints = 0

Definition at line 218 of file kddata.c.

ULONG KdpOweBreakpoint

Definition at line 300 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), KdpAddBreakpoint(), KdpLowRestoreBreakpoint(), KdpLowWriteContent(), and KdSetOwedBreakpoints().

ULONG KdpPacketIdExpected = 0

Definition at line 265 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), KdpReceivePacket(), and KdpSendPacket().


Definition at line 203 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdpReportLoadSymbolsStateChange().


Definition at line 222 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdEnterDebugger(), and KdExitDebugger().

KSPIN_LOCK KdpPrintSpinLock = 0

Definition at line 104 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdLogDbgPrint().

ULONG KdpRetryCount = 5

Definition at line 257 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdpReceivePacket(), and KdpSendPacket().

UCHAR KdPrintCircularBuffer[KDPRINTBUFFERSIZE] = {0}

Definition at line 101 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdLogDbgPrint().

ULONG KdPrintRolloverCount = 0

Definition at line 103 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdLogDbgPrint().

PUCHAR KdPrintWritePointer = KdPrintCircularBuffer

Definition at line 102 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdLogDbgPrint().

KDPC KdpTimeSlipDpc = {0}

Definition at line 290 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdExitDebugger(), KdInitSystem(), and KdpTimeSlipWork().

PVOID KdpTimeSlipEvent = NULL

Definition at line 289 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdpTimeSlipWork(), and KdUpdateTimeSlipEvent().

KSPIN_LOCK KdpTimeSlipEventLock = 0

Definition at line 288 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdpTimeSlipWork(), and KdUpdateTimeSlipEvent().

ULONG KdpTimeSlipPending = 1

Definition at line 293 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdExitDebugger(), and KdpTimeSlipDpcRoutine().

KTIMER KdpTimeSlipTimer = {0}

Definition at line 292 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), and KdpTimeSlipWork().

WORK_QUEUE_ITEM KdpTimeSlipWorkItem = {NULL}

Definition at line 291 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdInitSystem(), and KdpTimeSlipDpcRoutine().


Definition at line 215 of file kddata.c.

LARGE_INTEGER KdTimerDifference = {0,0}

Definition at line 209 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdEnterDebugger().

LARGE_INTEGER KdTimerStart = {0,0}

Definition at line 207 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdEnterDebugger(), KdExitDebugger(), and KdInitSystem().

LARGE_INTEGER KdTimerStop = {0,0}

Definition at line 208 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by KdEnterDebugger(), and KdExitDebugger().

LIST_ENTRY KeBugCheckCallbackListHead

Definition at line 41 of file kddata.c.

ULONG KeTimeIncrement

Definition at line 40 of file kddata.c.

ULONG KiBugcheckData[]

Definition at line 42 of file kddata.c.

ULONG KiBugCheckData[]

Definition at line 32 of file kddata.c.

ULONG MmAvailablePages

Definition at line 85 of file kddata.c.

ULONG MmDriverCommit

Definition at line 75 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiLoadImageSection(), MmFreeDriverInitialization(), and MmUnloadSystemImage().

ULONG MmExtendedCommit

Definition at line 78 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiCauseOverCommitPopup(), MiCheckForUserStackOverflow(), and MiReturnCommitment().

MMPFNLIST MmFreePageListHead

Definition at line 81 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiInsertPageInList(), MiRemoveAnyPage(), MiRemoveZeroPage(), and MmZeroPageThread().

ULONG MmHighestPhysicalPage

Definition at line 59 of file kddata.c.

LIST_ENTRY MmLoadedUserImageList

Definition at line 87 of file kddata.c.

ULONG MmLowestPhysicalPage

Definition at line 58 of file kddata.c.

ULONG MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes

Definition at line 62 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiBuildPagedPool(), MiEnsureAvailablePageOrWait(), MiInitializeNonPagedPool(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MmInitSystem(), MmRaisePoolQuota(), and MmResourcesAvailable().

MMPFNLIST MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead

Definition at line 84 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiInsertFrontModifiedNoWrite(), MiInsertStandbyListAtFront(), and MiModifiedPageWriterWorker().

MMPFNLIST MmModifiedPageListHead

Definition at line 83 of file kddata.c.

PVOID MmNonPagedPoolEnd

Definition at line 65 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiFreePoolPages(), MiInitMachineDependent(), and MmAccessFault().

PVOID MmNonPagedPoolStart

Definition at line 64 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiFreePoolPages(), MiInitializeNonPagedPool(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MmAccessFault(), and MmSetKernelDumpRange().

PVOID MmNonPagedSystemStart

Definition at line 63 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiBuildPagedPool(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiRemoveWsle(), MiUpdateWsle(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmFreeContiguousMemorySpecifyCache(), and MmInitSystem().

ULONG MmNumberOfPagingFiles

Definition at line 56 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiAllocateSpecialPool(), MiAttemptPageFileReduction(), MiContractPagingFiles(), MiExtendPagingFiles(), MiInsertPageFileInList(), MiModifiedPageWriterWorker(), MiPageFileFull(), MmGetPageFileInformation(), MmShutdownSystem(), and NtCreatePagingFile().

PFN_COUNT MmNumberOfPhysicalPages

Definition at line 60 of file kddata.c.

ULONG MmPagedPoolCommit

Definition at line 77 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), and MiFreePoolPages().

PVOID MmPagedPoolEnd

Definition at line 68 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiBuildPagedPool(), MiFreePoolPages(), MiLockCode(), MiMakeSystemAddressValid(), MiResolveTransitionFault(), MmDeterminePoolType(), MmInitSystem(), and MmIsNonPagedSystemAddressValid().

ULONG MmPagedPoolInfo[]

Definition at line 69 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiBuildPagedPool(), MiCheckVirtualAddress(), MiFreePoolPages(), MmRaisePoolQuota(), and MmResourcesAvailable().

PVOID MmPagedPoolStart

Definition at line 67 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiBuildPagedPool(), MiFreePoolPages(), MiLockCode(), MiResolveTransitionFault(), MmDeterminePoolType(), MmInitSystem(), and MmIsNonPagedSystemAddressValid().

PVOID MmPfnDatabase

Definition at line 52 of file kddata.c.

ULONG MmProcessCommit

Definition at line 76 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MmCreateKernelStack(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmDeleteKernelStack(), and MmDeleteProcessAddressSpace().

LONG MmResidentAvailablePages

Definition at line 86 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiAddWorkingSetPage(), MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiAllocateSpecialPool(), MiCreatePageTablesForPhysicalRange(), MiDeletePageTablesForPhysicalRange(), MiDereferenceSession(), MiEnablePagingOfDriverAtInit(), MiFindContiguousMemory(), MiFreeNonPagedPool(), MiInitializeSessionPool(), MiInitializeSpecialPool(), MiLoadImageSection(), MiLockCode(), MiSessionCommitImagePages(), MiSessionCommitPageTables(), MiSessionCreateInternal(), MiSessionInitializeWorkingSetList(), MiSetPagingOfDriver(), MmAddPhysicalMemory(), MmAdjustWorkingSetSize(), MmAllocateIndependentPages(), MmAllocateNonCachedMemory(), MmAllocatePagesForMdl(), MmCleanProcessAddressSpace(), MmCreateKernelStack(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmDeleteKernelStack(), MmDeleteProcessAddressSpace(), MmFreeDriverInitialization(), MmFreeNonCachedMemory(), MmFreePagesFromMdl(), MmFreeSpecialPool(), MmGrowKernelStack(), MmInitSystem(), MmOutPageKernelStack(), MmRemovePhysicalMemory(), and MmUnloadSystemImage().

ULONG MmSharedCommit

Definition at line 74 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiCreateImageFileMap(), MiCreatePagingFileMap(), MiMapViewOfDataSection(), MiSegmentDelete(), and NtAllocateVirtualMemory().

ULONG MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes

Definition at line 70 of file kddata.c.

MMPFNLIST MmStandbyPageListHead

Definition at line 82 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiInsertStandbyListAtFront(), MiRemoveAnyPage(), MiRemoveZeroPage(), and MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

ULONG MmSubsectionBase

Definition at line 55 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), and MiInitMachineDependent().

PVOID MmSystemCacheEnd

Definition at line 50 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSystemCache(), MmCreateProcessAddressSpace(), MmInitSystem(), MmMapViewInSystemCache(), and MmSetKernelDumpRange().

PVOID MmSystemCacheStart

Definition at line 49 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeSystemCache(), MiRemoveWsle(), MiUpdateWsle(), MmInitSystem(), and MmSetKernelDumpRange().

ULONG MmSystemPtesEnd[]

Definition at line 54 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiAddSystemPtes(), MiInitializeSystemPtes(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), and MiReserveSystemPtes().

ULONG MmSystemPtesStart[]

Definition at line 53 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiAddSystemPtes(), MiInitializeSystemPtes(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), and MiReserveSystemPtes().

ULONG MmTotalCommitLimit

Definition at line 72 of file kddata.c.

ULONG MmTotalCommittedPages

Definition at line 73 of file kddata.c.

MMPFNLIST MmZeroedPageListHead

Definition at line 80 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by MiInsertPageInList(), MiRemoveAnyPage(), and MiRemoveZeroPage().

UCHAR NextTraceDataSym = 0

Definition at line 230 of file kddata.c.

POOL_DESCRIPTOR NonPagedPoolDescriptor

Definition at line 90 of file kddata.c.

UCHAR NumTraceDataSyms = 0

Definition at line 231 of file kddata.c.

POBJECT_DIRECTORY ObpRootDirectoryObject

Definition at line 46 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by ObInitSystem(), ObpLookupObjectName(), ObpProcessDosDeviceSymbolicLink(), and ObQueryNameString().

POBJECT_TYPE ObpTypeObjectType

Definition at line 47 of file kddata.c.

Referenced by NtClose(), ObCreateObjectType(), ObGetObjectInformation(), and ObInitSystem().

LONG oldpc = 0

Definition at line 245 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 89 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 34 of file kddata.c.

BOOLEAN SymbolRecorded = FALSE

Definition at line 243 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 225 of file kddata.c.

ULONG TraceDataBufferPosition = 1

Definition at line 226 of file kddata.c.

TRACE_DATA_SYM TraceDataSyms[256] = {0}

Definition at line 229 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 236 of file kddata.c.

ULONG_PTR WatchStepOverBreakAddr = 0

Definition at line 240 of file kddata.c.

ULONG WatchStepOverHandle = 0

Definition at line 239 of file kddata.c.

BOOLEAN WatchStepOverSuspended = FALSE

Definition at line 241 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 238 of file kddata.c.


Definition at line 237 of file kddata.c.

Generated on Sat May 15 19:44:25 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7