#include "precomp.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | CONSOLE_WINDOW_CLASS (L"ConsoleWindowClass") |
#define | ALPHASTART 40 |
#define | ONEFRAME 10 |
#define | MINSCROLL 10 |
#define | MAXSCROLLTIME 200 |
Functions | |
WORD | GetWindowWord (HWND hwnd, int index) |
BOOL | FChildVisible (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL WINAPI | AdjustWindowRectEx (LPRECT lpRect, DWORD dwStyle, BOOL bMenu, DWORD dwExStyle) |
int WINAPI | GetClassNameW (HWND hwnd, LPWSTR lpClassName, int nMaxCount) |
HWND | GetFocus (VOID) |
HWND | GetCapture (VOID) |
BOOL | AnyPopup (VOID) |
BOOL | GetInputState (VOID) |
int | MapWindowPoints (HWND hwndFrom, HWND hwndTo, LPPOINT lppt, UINT cpt) |
HWND | GetLastActivePopup (HWND hwnd) |
PTHREADINFO | PtiWindow (HWND hwnd) |
DWORD | GetWindowThreadProcessId (HWND hwnd, LPDWORD lpdwProcessId) |
int | GetScrollPos (HWND hwnd, int code) |
BOOL | GetScrollRange (HWND hwnd, int code, LPINT lpposMin, LPINT lpposMax) |
BOOL | GetScrollInfo (HWND hwnd, int code, LPSCROLLINFO lpsi) |
HWND | GetActiveWindow (VOID) |
HCURSOR | GetCursor (VOID) |
BOOL | IsMenu (HMENU hMenu) |
DWORD | GetAppCompatFlags (PTHREADINFO pti) |
DWORD | GetAppCompatFlags2 (WORD wVer) |
BOOL | IsWindowUnicode (IN HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | TestWindowProcess (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | IsHungAppWindow (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | _AdjustWindowRectEx (LPRECT lprc, LONG style, BOOL fMenu, DWORD dwExStyle) |
void | ShowWindowNoRepaint (PWND pwnd) |
BOOL | AnimateBlend (PWND pwnd, HDC hdcScreen, HDC hdcImage, DWORD dwTime, BOOL fHide) |
__inline int | AnimInc (int x, int y, int z) |
__inline int | AnimDec (int x, int y, int z) |
BOOL WINAPI | AnimateWindow (HWND hwnd, DWORD dwTime, DWORD dwFlags) |
int | SmoothScrollWindowEx (HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwTime) |
int | ScrollWindowEx (HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT prcUpdate, UINT dwFlags) |
Definition at line 677 of file winmgrc.c. Referenced by AnimateBlend(), ShowFade(), and StartFade(). |
Definition at line 797 of file winmgrc.c. Referenced by AnimateWindow(). |
Definition at line 798 of file winmgrc.c. Referenced by AnimateWindow(). |
Definition at line 1208 of file winmgrc.c. Referenced by SmoothScrollWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 1207 of file winmgrc.c. Referenced by SmoothScrollWindowEx(). |
Definition at line 678 of file winmgrc.c. Referenced by AnimateBlend(). |
Definition at line 604 of file winmgrc.c. References BOOL, GETAPPVER, GetWindowBorders(), InflateRect(), NeedsWindowEdge(), SYSMET, TRUE, and VER40. Referenced by AdjustWindowRect(), AdjustWindowRectEx(), ChildMinMaxInfo(), InternalCreateDialog(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), and xxxSetStaticImage().
Definition at line 65 of file winmgrc.c. References _AdjustWindowRectEx(), BOOL, and ConnectIfNecessary. Referenced by InitializeSystemMetrics().
Definition at line 680 of file winmgrc.c. References ALPHASTART, BOOL, BYTE, DWORD, FALSE, HWq, NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserUpdateLayeredWindow(), NULL, ONEFRAME, tagWND::rcWindow, ShowWindowNoRepaint(), and TRUE. Referenced by AnimateWindow().
Definition at line 810 of file winmgrc.c. References AnimateBlend(), AnimDec(), AnimInc(), AW_HOR, AW_VER, BOOL, ClearWindowState(), CMS_QANIMATION, cy, dwFlags, DWORD, EqualRect, FALSE, GetDCEx, tagWND::hrgnClip, IsWindowVisible(), NtUserCallHwndParamLock(), NtUserSetWindowPos(), NtUserShowWindow(), NULL, PtiCurrent, tagWND::rcWindow, RedrawWindow, ReleaseDC(), SendMessage(), SetWindowRgn(), SetWindowState(), ShowWindowNoRepaint(), TestWF, TRUE, UINT, ValidateHwnd, and WFCLIPCHILDREN. Referenced by xxxCBShowListBoxWindow().
Definition at line 805 of file winmgrc.c. References AnimInc(). Referenced by AnimateWindow().
Definition at line 800 of file winmgrc.c. References MultDiv. Referenced by AnimateWindow(), and AnimDec().
Definition at line 116 of file winmgrc.c. References _GetDesktopWindow(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, REBASEPWND, tagWND::spwndOwner, TestWF, TRUE, and WFVISIBLE.
Definition at line 52 of file winmgrc.c. References _FChildVisible(), BOOL, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by SLUndo().
Definition at line 449 of file winmgrc.c. References NtUserGetThreadState(). Referenced by EndDialog(), and InternalDialogBox().
Definition at line 494 of file winmgrc.c.
Definition at line 514 of file winmgrc.c.
Definition at line 96 of file winmgrc.c. References gpsi, NtUserGetThreadState(), and NULL. Referenced by ConsoleWindowProc(), DialogBox2(), EnterReaderMode(), and SKT1ButtonUp().
Definition at line 77 of file winmgrc.c. References FALSE, NtUserGetClassName(), and USHORT.
Definition at line 461 of file winmgrc.c. References NtUserGetThreadState().
Definition at line 90 of file winmgrc.c. References NtUserGetThreadState(). Referenced by ColorSpaceControl(), CreateCRDControl(), CreateINTENTControl(), CreateProfCRDControl(), DefDlgProcWorker(), EndDialog(), CDeviceProfileManagement::FillList(), ImmEnableIME(), ImmIMPSetIMEW(), ImmPenAuxInput(), IsDialogMessageW(), SendIMEMessageAll(), TransSetConversionWindow(), TransSetOpenJ(), CProfileAssociationPage::UpdateDeviceListBox(), WinHelpA(), xxxRestoreDlgFocus(), and xxxSaveDlgFocus().
Definition at line 137 of file winmgrc.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagCLIENTTHREADINFO::fsChangeBits, GetClientInfo, NtUserGetThreadState(), and NULL. Referenced by msProfGetInputState().
Definition at line 196 of file winmgrc.c. References _GetLastActivePopup(), HW, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ConsoleWindowProc().
Definition at line 383 of file winmgrc.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagSBINFO::Horz, NtUserSBGetParms(), NULL, tagWND::pSBInfo, REBASEALWAYS, SendMessageWorker(), TRUE, ValidateHwnd, and tagSBINFO::Vert. Referenced by MLScroll(), ScrollMDIChildren(), and xxxLBoxCtlScroll().
Definition at line 293 of file winmgrc.c. References FALSE, tagSBINFO::Horz, NULL, tagSBDATA::pos, tagWND::pSBInfo, REBASEALWAYS, SendMessageWorker(), ValidateHwnd, and tagSBINFO::Vert.
Definition at line 335 of file winmgrc.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagSBINFO::Horz, NULL, tagSBDATA::posMax, tagSBDATA::posMin, REBASE, SendMessageWorker(), TRUE, ValidateHwnd, and tagSBINFO::Vert.
Definition at line 251 of file winmgrc.c. References DWORD, NtUserQueryWindow(), NULL, PtiCurrent, and PtiWindow(). Referenced by _EndTask(), GetDialogMonitor(), ImmCallImeConsoleIME(), ImmSimulateHotKey(), ImmTranslateMessage(), IsForegroundThread(), SendWinHelpMessage(), and SetCommonStateFlags().
Definition at line 28 of file winmgrc.c. References _GetWindowLong, _GetWindowWord(), FALSE, NULL, TestWF, ValidateHwnd, and WFDIALOGWINDOW.
Definition at line 571 of file winmgrc.c. References BOOL, NtUserQueryWindow(), and NULL.
Definition at line 475 of file winmgrc.c. References BOOL, FALSE, HMValidateHandle(), TRUE, and TYPE_MENU. Referenced by MDIClientWndProcWorker().
Definition at line 533 of file winmgrc.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NULL, TestWF, ValidateHwnd, and WFANSIPROC. Referenced by JTransCompositionA(), JTransCompositionW(), SetCommonStateFlags(), WINNLSTranslateMessageJ(), and WINNLSTranslateMessageK().
Definition at line 155 of file winmgrc.c. References _MapWindowPoints(), NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by CResizeControlGeneric::DeterminLocation(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ScrollIfNecessary(), SetEndTaskDlgStatus(), and TransSetConversionWindow().
Definition at line 588 of file winmgrc.c. References ConnectIfNecessary.
Definition at line 217 of file winmgrc.c. References tagSHAREDINFO::aheList, _HANDLEENTRY::bFlags, _HANDLEENTRY::bType, tagSERVERINFO::cHandleEntries, DWORD, gpsi, gSharedInfo, HANDLEF_DESTROY, HMIndexFromHandle, HMUNIQBITS, HMUniqFromHandle, NULL, _HANDLEENTRY::pOwner, TYPE_WINDOW, and _HANDLEENTRY::wUniq. Referenced by GetWindowThreadProcessId().
Definition at line 1473 of file winmgrc.c. References dwFlags, NtUserScrollWindowEx(), and SmoothScrollWindowEx(). Referenced by MLScroll(), xxxLBoxCtlHScroll(), and xxxNewITopEx().
Definition at line 661 of file winmgrc.c. References HWq, NtUserSetWindowPos(), NULL, and REBASE. Referenced by AnimateBlend(), and AnimateWindow().
Definition at line 1210 of file winmgrc.c. References tagCLS::atomClassName, BOOL, DispatchMessage(), dwFlags, DWORD, EqualRect, FALSE, gatomReaderMode, GetDCEx, tagWND::hrgnUpdate, max, MAXSCROLLTIME, MINSCROLL, msg, MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(), NtUserScrollWindowEx(), NULL, PeekMessage(), tagWND::rcClient, REBASEALWAYS, RedrawWindow, ReleaseDC(), SendMessage(), SetRectEmpty, TRUE, UINT, UnionRect(), and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ScrollWindowEx().
Definition at line 551 of file winmgrc.c.