#include "precomp.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Functions | |
PWND FASTCALL | ValidateHwnd (HWND hwnd) |
PWND FASTCALL | ValidateHwndNoRip (HWND hwnd) |
int WINAPI | GetClassNameA (HWND hwnd, LPSTR lpClassName, int nMaxCount) |
PWND | _GetDesktopWindow (void) |
HWND | GetDesktopWindow (void) |
PWND | _GetDlgItem (PWND pwnd, int id) |
HWND | GetDlgItem (HWND hwnd, int id) |
HMENU | GetMenu (HWND hwnd) |
int | GetMenuItemCount (HMENU hMenu) |
UINT | GetMenuItemID (HMENU hMenu, int nPos) |
UINT | GetMenuState (HMENU hMenu, UINT uId, UINT uFlags) |
BOOL | IsWindow (HWND hwnd) |
HWND | GetWindow (HWND hwnd, UINT wCmd) |
HWND | GetParent (HWND hwnd) |
HMENU | GetSubMenu (HMENU hMenu, int nPos) |
DWORD | GetSysColor (int nIndex) |
int | GetSystemMetrics (int index) |
HWND | GetTopWindow (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | IsChild (HWND hwndParent, HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | IsIconic (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | IsWindowEnabled (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | IsWindowVisible (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | IsZoomed (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | ClientToScreen (HWND hwnd, LPPOINT ppoint) |
BOOL | GetClientRect (HWND hwnd, LPRECT prect) |
BOOL | GetCursorPos (LPPOINT lpPoint) |
BOOL | GetWindowRect (HWND hwnd, LPRECT prect) |
BOOL | ScreenToClient (HWND hwnd, LPPOINT ppoint) |
BOOL | EnableMenuItem (HMENU hMenu, UINT uIDEnableItem, UINT uEnable) |
LRESULT WINAPI | CallNextHookEx (HHOOK hhk, int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
Definition at line 107 of file client/wow.c. References ConnectIfNecessary, GetClientInfo, _CLIENTINFO::pDeskInfo, tagDESKTOPINFO::spwnd, and _CLIENTINFO::ulClientDelta. Referenced by _FindWindowEx(), _SelectPalette(), AnyPopup(), ArrangeWindows(), DefWindowProcWorker(), GetDesktopWindow(), GetLastTopMostWindowNoIME(), GetTopWindow(), NtUserBuildHwndList(), NtUserSetParent(), PixieHack(), xxxActivateOnMinimize(), xxxCreateWindowEx(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxDesktopRecalc(), xxxDrawAnimatedRects(), xxxLBGetBrush(), xxxSetParent(), xxxSysCommand(), and xxxWindowFromPoint().
Definition at line 141 of file client/wow.c. References NULL, REBASEPWND, and tagWND::spmenu. Referenced by _FindDlgItem(), ChopText(), DefDlgProcWorker(), DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW(), GetDlgItem(), and xxxDlgDirListHelper().
Definition at line 724 of file client/wow.c. References BOOL, _CLIENTINFO::CI_flags, CI_INTERTHREAD_HOOK, ConnectIfNecessary, CsSendMessage, dwFlags, _CLIENTINFO::dwHookCurrent, _CLIENTINFO::dwHookData, DWORD, FNID_HKINLPCWPEXSTRUCT, FNID_HKINLPCWPRETEXSTRUCT, GetClientInfo, INT, NtUserCallNextHookEx(), NULL, _CLIENTINFO::phkCurrent, PhkNextValid(), SHORT, and _CLIENTINFO::ulClientDelta.
Definition at line 593 of file client/wow.c. References _ClientToScreen(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog(), PositionConsoleWindow(), SrvVDMConsoleOperation(), TransMoveImeWindow(), and TransSetConversionWindow().
Definition at line 685 of file client/wow.c. References BOOL, DWORD, tagITEM::fState, MNLookUpItem(), NtUserEnableMenuItem(), NULL, and VALIDATEHMENU. Referenced by ECMenu(), InitializeMenu(), and MainWndProc().
Definition at line 67 of file client/wow.c. References FALSE, min, NULL, REBASEALWAYS, REBASEPTR, and ValidateHwnd.
Definition at line 608 of file client/wow.c. References _GetClientRect(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by CResizeDlg::AddGripper(), ConsoleWindowProc(), CreateC1Window(), CParentInfo::DeterminSize(), InitializeInstance(), InitSKT1Bitmap(), MDIActivateDlgInit(), MDIChildWndProc(), MLSetCaretPosition(), msProfGetClientRect(), msProfMove(), msProfSize(), msProfUpdateWindow(), PositionConsoleWindow(), ReaderWndProc(), ResultsDlgProc(), ScrollIfNecessary(), SetEndTaskDlgStatus(), CResizeDlg::SetGripperPos(), ShowSKC1Window(), SrvVDMConsoleOperation(), and UpdateSKT1Window().
Definition at line 624 of file client/wow.c. References BOOL, FALSE, gamWinSta, GetClientInfo, gpsi, IsHooked, NtUserCallOneParam(), NULL, _CLIENTINFO::pDeskInfo, TRUE, and WHF_CBT. Referenced by ConsoleWindowProc(), ReaderWndProc(), ScrollIfNecessary(), SKC1MouseMove(), SKC1SetCursor(), SKT1MouseMove(), SKT1SetCursor(), and WinHelpA().
Definition at line 120 of file client/wow.c. References _GetDesktopWindow(), _CLIENTINFO::dwTIFlags, GetClientInfo, HW, NULL, TIF_RESTRICTED, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by BroadcastSystemMessageWorker(), DecompileBitmap(), InitializeInstance(), InternalDialogBox(), InternalImeMenuCreateBitmap(), MB_DlgProcWorker(), PaintRect(), SendMessage(), SendMessageDiffThreadFunc(), SendMessageTimeoutWorker(), SendRegisterMessageToClass(), and UnmaximizeChildWindows().
Definition at line 180 of file client/wow.c. References NULL, PtoH, REBASE, tagWND::spmenu, TestwndChild, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by DefMDIChildProcWorker(), MainWndProc(), MDISetMenu(), SyncMenuChecks(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 213 of file client/wow.c. References tagMENU::cItems, NULL, and VALIDATEHMENU. Referenced by ECMenu(), ECSetIMEMenu(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDIRemoveSysMenu(), and MDISetMenu().
Definition at line 234 of file client/wow.c. References tagMENU::cItems, NULL, REBASEALWAYS, tagITEM::spSubMenu, UINT, VALIDATEHMENU, and tagITEM::wID. Referenced by MDIRemoveSysMenu(), and MDISetMenu().
Definition at line 260 of file client/wow.c. References _GetMenuState(), NULL, UINT, and VALIDATEHMENU. Referenced by ECMenu(), and MDISetMenu().
Definition at line 350 of file client/wow.c. References _GetSubMenu(), NULL, PtoH, and VALIDATEHMENU. Referenced by ECMenu(), ECSetIMEMenu(), HelpMenu(), SwitchWindowsMenus(), SyncMenuChecks(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 366 of file client/wow.c. References DWORD, gamWinSta, and gpsi. Referenced by BltColor(), ECGetBrush(), InitClientDrawing(), MLDrawText(), SetEndTaskDlgStatus(), and SLDrawLine().
Definition at line 401 of file client/wow.c. References ConnectIfNecessary, FALSE, GetClientInfo, gpsi, ISREMOTESESSION, SRVIF_DBCS, SRVIF_IME, SRVIF_MIDEAST, TEST_BOOL_FLAG, VER40, and tagSERVERINFO::wSRVIFlags. Referenced by CResizeDlg::AddGripper(), ConsoleWindowProc(), Create(), EndTaskDlgProc(), GetAllMonitorSize(), GetNearestMonitorSize(), GetSoftKeyboardDimension(), ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), InitConsoleIME(), InitializeMouseButtons(), InitializeScreenInfo(), InitializeSystemMetrics(), InitWindowClass(), PrivateExtractIconExW(), SetEndTaskDlgStatus(), CResizeDlg::SetGripperPos(), SKC1DrawDragBorder(), and SKT1DrawDragBorder().
Definition at line 487 of file client/wow.c. References _GetDesktopWindow(), HW, NULL, REBASEPWND, and ValidateHwnd.
Definition at line 305 of file client/wow.c. References _GetWindow(), HW, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by DestroyC1Window(), DestroyT1Window(), FindWindowFromThread(), GetInputWindow(), MB_DlgProcWorker(), msProfMove(), msProfSize(), SendRegisterMessageToClass(), SKC1ButtonUp(), SKT1ButtonUp(), ThreadShutdownNotify(), UnmaximizeChildWindows(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 655 of file client/wow.c. References _GetWindowRect(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by CResizeDlg::Annotate(), DefDlgProcWorker(), CResizeControlGeneric::DeterminLocation(), CParentInfo::DeterminSize(), CResizeDlg::DlgProc(), CResizeDlg::DoChangePos(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECMenu(), InitializeInstance(), MDIActivateDlgInit(), CProfilePropertySheet::OnInit(), CColorMatchDialog::OnInit(), PositionConsoleWindow(), SetEndTaskDlgStatus(), SKC1DrawDragBorder(), SKT1DrawDragBorder(), SKT1SetCursor(), SKWndProcC1(), SKWndProcT1(), TransGetOpenK(), and WinHelpA().
Definition at line 508 of file client/wow.c. References _IsChild(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by EndDialog(), NtSetInformationJobObject(), SeIsChildToken(), SeIsChildTokenByPointer(), SLKillFocus(), xxxChildResize(), and xxxSaveDlgFocus().
Definition at line 525 of file client/wow.c. References _IsIconic, BOOL, FALSE, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ConsoleWindowProc(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), and SrvVDMConsoleOperation().
Definition at line 538 of file client/wow.c. References _IsWindowEnabled, BOOL, FALSE, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by GetInputWindow(), ThreadShutdownNotify(), TranslateMDISysAccel(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 551 of file client/wow.c. References _IsWindowVisible(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by AnimateWindow().
Definition at line 580 of file client/wow.c. References _IsZoomed, BOOL, FALSE, NULL, and ValidateHwnd.
Definition at line 670 of file client/wow.c. References _ScreenToClient(), BOOL, FALSE, NULL, TRUE, and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by msProfScreenToClient(), CColorMatchDialog::OnInit(), ScrollIfNecessary(), SKC1MouseMove(), SKC1SetCursor(), SKT1SetCursor(), SrvVDMConsoleOperation(), and TransSetConversionWindow().
Definition at line 28 of file client/wow.c.
Definition at line 47 of file client/wow.c. References _CLIENTINFO::CallbackWnd, FASTCALL, GetClientInfo, HMValidateHandleNoRip(), _CALLBACKWND::hwnd, NULL, _CALLBACKWND::pwnd, and TYPE_WINDOW. Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DispatchClientMessage(), ImeIsUsableContext(), ImeMarkUsedContext(), ImeSetContextHandler(), ImeWndCreateHandler(), IsDialogMessageA(), IsDialogMessageW(), IsWindow(), SendMessageToUI(), SendRegisterMessageToClass(), and TranslateMDISysAccel().