#include "precomp.h"
#include "kbd.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | _HANDLENODE |
Defines | |
#define | NSZKLKEY (sizeof szKLKey + 16) |
#define | CCH_KL_LIBNAME 256 |
#define | CCH_KL_ID 16 |
#define | GETCCP_SIZE 8 |
#define | NSIZEPRELOAD (4) |
Typedefs | |
Functions | |
HBITMAP | WOWLoadBitmapA (HINSTANCE hmod, LPCSTR lpName, LPBYTE pResData, DWORD cbResData) |
HMENU | WowServerLoadCreateMenu (HANDLE hMod, LPTSTR lpName, CONST LPMENUTEMPLATE pmt, DWORD cb, BOOL fCallClient) |
DWORD | GetFullUserHandle (WORD wHandle) |
UINT | GetClipboardCodePage (LCID, LCTYPE) |
HANDLE | WOWFindResourceExWCover (HANDLE hmod, LPCWSTR rt, LPCWSTR lpUniName, WORD LangId) |
VOID | CheckValidLayoutName (LPWSTR lpszName) |
BOOL | WOWModuleUnload (HANDLE hModule) |
BOOL | WOWCleanup (HANDLE hInstance, DWORD hTaskWow) |
BOOL | BringWindowToTop (HWND hwnd) |
HWND | ChildWindowFromPoint (HWND hwndParent, POINT point) |
HICON | CopyIcon (HICON hicon) |
BOOL WINAPI | AdjustWindowRect (LPRECT lprc, DWORD style, BOOL fMenu) |
int WINAPI | TranslateAcceleratorW (HWND hwnd, HACCEL hAccel, LPMSG lpMsg) |
int WINAPI | TranslateAcceleratorA (HWND hwnd, HACCEL hAccel, LPMSG lpMsg) |
BOOL | DeleteClientClipboardHandle (PHANDLENODE phn) |
void | ClientEmptyClipboard (void) |
HANDLE WINAPI | GetClipboardData (UINT uFmt) |
HANDLE WINAPI | SetClipboardData (UINT wFmt, HANDLE hMem) |
BOOL | SetDeskWallpaper (IN LPCSTR pString OPTIONAL) |
BOOL WINAPI | ReleaseDC (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc) |
int WINAPI | ToAscii (UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, CONST BYTE *lpKeyState, LPWORD lpChar, UINT wFlags) |
int WINAPI | ToAsciiEx (UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, CONST BYTE *lpKeyState, LPWORD lpChar, UINT wFlags, HKL hkl) |
BOOL WINAPI | ScrollDC (HDC hDC, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *lprcScroll, CONST RECT *lprcClip, HRGN hrgnUpdate, LPRECT lprcUpdate) |
BOOL WINAPI | DrawIcon (HDC hdc, int x, int y, HICON hicon) |
BOOL | DrawIconEx (HDC hdc, int x, int y, HICON hIcon, int cx, int cy, UINT istepIfAniCur, HBRUSH hbrFlickerFreeDraw, UINT diFlags) |
BOOL WINAPI | ValidateRgn (HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn) |
int WINAPI | GetUpdateRgn (HWND hWnd, HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase) |
int WINAPI | GetUpdateRect (HWND hWnd, LPRECT lprc, BOOL bErase) |
BOOL WINAPI | ScrollWindow (HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy, CONST RECT *prcScroll, CONST RECT *prcClip) |
void WINAPI | SwitchToThisWindow (HWND hwnd, BOOL fAltTab) |
DWORD | WaitForInputIdle (HANDLE hProcess, DWORD dwMilliseconds) |
DWORD WINAPI | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects (DWORD nCount, CONST HANDLE *pHandles, BOOL fWaitAll, DWORD dwMilliseconds, DWORD dwWakeMask) |
DWORD WINAPI | MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx (DWORD nCount, CONST HANDLE *pHandles, DWORD dwMilliseconds, DWORD dwWakeMask, DWORD dwFlags) |
BOOL | InnerGrayStringAorW (HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, GRAYSTRINGPROC lpfnPrint, LPARAM lParam, int cch, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, BOOL bAnsi) |
BOOL | GrayStringA (HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, GRAYSTRINGPROC lpfnPrint, LPARAM lParam, int cch, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) |
BOOL | GrayStringW (HDC hdc, HBRUSH hbr, GRAYSTRINGPROC lpfnPrint, LPARAM lParam, int cch, int x, int y, int cx, int cy) |
BOOL | GetUserObjectSecurity (HANDLE hObject, PSECURITY_INFORMATION pRequestedInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor, DWORD nLength, LPDWORD lpnLengthRequired) |
BOOL | SetUserObjectSecurity (HANDLE hObject, PSECURITY_INFORMATION pRequestedInformation, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pSecurityDescriptor) |
BOOL | GetUserObjectInformationA (HANDLE hObject, int nIndex, PVOID pvInfo, DWORD nLength, LPDWORD pnLengthNeeded) |
BOOL | GetWinStationInfo (WSINFO *pWsInfo) |
BOOLEAN | WinStaQueryInformationW (HANDLE hServer, ULONG ulLogonId, WINSTATIONINFOCLASS WinStationInformationClass, PVOID pWinStationInformation, ULONG ulWinStationInformationLength, PULONG pulReturnLength) |
ULONG | GetServerIMEKeyboardLayout (LPTSTR pszImeFileName) |
BOOL | GetRemoteKeyboardLayout (PWCHAR LayoutBuf) |
HWINSTA | CommonCreateWindowStation (PUNICODE_STRING pstrName, ACCESS_MASK amRequest, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) |
HWINSTA | CreateWindowStationA (LPCSTR pwinsta, DWORD dwReserved, ACCESS_MASK amRequest, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) |
HWINSTA | CreateWindowStationW (LPCWSTR pwinsta, DWORD dwReserved, ACCESS_MASK amRequest, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) |
HWINSTA | CommonOpenWindowStation (CONST UNICODE_STRING *pstrName, BOOL fInherit, ACCESS_MASK amRequest) |
HWINSTA | OpenWindowStationA (LPCSTR pwinsta, BOOL fInherit, ACCESS_MASK amRequest) |
HWINSTA | OpenWindowStationW (LPCWSTR pwinsta, BOOL fInherit, ACCESS_MASK amRequest) |
HDESK | CommonCreateDesktop (PUNICODE_STRING pstrDesktop, PUNICODE_STRING pstrDevice, LPDEVMODEW pDevmode, DWORD dwFlags, ACCESS_MASK amRequest, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) |
HDESK | CreateDesktopA (LPCSTR pDesktop, LPCSTR pDevice, LPDEVMODEA pDevmode, DWORD dwFlags, ACCESS_MASK amRequest, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) |
HDESK | CreateDesktopW (LPCWSTR pDesktop, LPCWSTR pDevice, LPDEVMODEW pDevmode, DWORD dwFlags, ACCESS_MASK amRequest, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpsa) |
HDESK | CommonOpenDesktop (PUNICODE_STRING pstrDesktop, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fInherit, ACCESS_MASK amRequest) |
HDESK | OpenDesktopA (LPCSTR pdesktop, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fInherit, ACCESS_MASK amRequest) |
HDESK | OpenDesktopW (LPCWSTR pdesktop, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fInherit, ACCESS_MASK amRequest) |
ATOM WINAPI | RegisterClassWOWA (WNDCLASSA *lpWndClass, LPDWORD pdwWOWstuff) |
WORD | WowGetDefWindowProcBits (PBYTE pDefWindowProcBits, WORD cbDefWindowProcBits) |
HANDLE | GetEditDS () |
VOID | ReleaseEditDS (HANDLE h) |
VOID | TellWOWThehDlg (HWND hDlg) |
LRESULT | DispatchClientMessage (PWND pwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, ULONG_PTR pfn) |
UINT | ArrangeIconicWindows (HWND hwnd) |
HANDLE | BeginDeferWindowPos (int nNumWindows) |
BOOL | EndDeferWindowPos (HDWP hWinPosInfo) |
BOOL | CascadeChildWindows (HWND hwndParent, UINT nCode) |
BOOL | CloseWindow (HWND hwnd) |
HMENU | CreateMenu () |
HMENU | CreatePopupMenu () |
BOOL | DestroyCaret () |
void | DirectedYield (DWORD dwThreadId) |
BOOL | DrawMenuBar (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | EnableWindow (HWND hwnd, BOOL bEnable) |
UINT | EnumClipboardFormats (UINT fmt) |
BOOL | FlashWindow (HWND hwnd, BOOL bInvert) |
long | GetDialogBaseUnits () |
HDESK | GetInputDesktop () |
BOOL | GetClientKeyboardType (PCLIENTKEYBOARDTYPE KeyboardType) |
int | GetKeyboardType (int nTypeFlags) |
DWORD | GetMessagePos () |
DWORD | GetQueueStatus (UINT flags) |
BOOL | KillSystemTimer (HWND hwnd, UINT nIDEvent) |
void | LoadRemoteFonts (void) |
void | LoadLocalFonts (void) |
BOOL | MessageBeep (UINT wType) |
BOOL | OpenIcon (HWND hwnd) |
HWND | GetShellWindow (void) |
BOOL | SetShellWindow (HWND hwnd) |
HWND | GetProgmanWindow (void) |
BOOL | SetProgmanWindow (HWND hwnd) |
HWND | GetTaskmanWindow (void) |
BOOL | SetTaskmanWindow (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | SetWindowContextHelpId (HWND hwnd, DWORD id) |
DWORD | GetWindowContextHelpId (HWND hwnd) |
void | SetWindowState (PWND pwnd, UINT flags) |
void | ClearWindowState (PWND pwnd, UINT flags) |
VOID | PostQuitMessage (int nExitCode) |
BOOL | RegisterUserHungAppHandlers (PFNW32ET pfnW32EndTask, HANDLE hEventWowExec) |
BOOL | ReleaseCapture () |
BOOL | ReplyMessage (LRESULT pp1) |
VOID | RegisterSystemThread (DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwReserved) |
BOOL | SetCaretBlinkTime (UINT wMSeconds) |
BOOL | SetCaretPos (int X, int Y) |
BOOL | SetCursorPos (int X, int Y) |
BOOL | SetDoubleClickTime (UINT cms) |
BOOL | SetForegroundWindow (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | AllowSetForegroundWindow (DWORD dwProcessId) |
BOOL | LockSetForegroundWindow (UINT uLockCode) |
int | ShowCursor (BOOL bShow) |
BOOL | ShowOwnedPopups (HWND hwnd, BOOL fShow) |
void | ShowStartGlass (DWORD dwTimeout) |
BOOL | SwapMouseButton (BOOL fSwap) |
BOOL | TileChildWindows (HWND hwndParent, UINT flags) |
BOOL | UnhookWindowsHook (int nCode, HOOKPROC pfnFilterProc) |
BOOL | UpdateWindow (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | RegisterShellHookWindow (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | DeregisterShellHookWindow (HWND hwnd) |
UINT | UserRealizePalette (HDC hdc) |
HWND | WindowFromDC (HDC hdc) |
int | GetWindowRgn (HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn) |
VOID | GetActiveKeyboardName (LPWSTR lpszName) |
VOID | LoadPreloadKeyboardLayouts (void) |
HANDLE | OpenKeyboardLayoutFile (LPWSTR lpszKLName, PUINT puFlags, PUINT poffTable, PUINT pKbdInputLocale) |
HKL | LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker (HKL hkl, LPCWSTR lpszKLName, UINT uFlags, BOOL fFailSafe) |
HKL | LoadKeyboardLayoutEx (HKL hkl, LPCWSTR lpszKLName, UINT uFlags) |
HKL | LoadKeyboardLayoutW (LPCWSTR lpszKLName, UINT uFlags) |
HKL | LoadKeyboardLayoutA (LPCSTR lpszKLName, UINT uFlags) |
BOOL | UnloadKeyboardLayout (IN HKL hkl) |
HKL | GetKeyboardLayout (DWORD idThread) |
VOID | SetDebugErrorLevel (DWORD dwLevel) |
Variables | |
int | aiClassWow [] |
CONST WCHAR | szKLKey [] = L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Keyboard Layouts\\" |
CONST WCHAR | szKLFile [] = L"Layout File" |
CONST WCHAR | szKLAttributes [] = L"Attributes" |
CONST WCHAR | szKLId [] = L"Layout ID" |
CONST LPWSTR | pwszKLLibSafety = L"kbdus.dll" |
CONST UINT | wKbdLocaleSafety = 0x04090409 |
CONST LPWSTR | pwszKLLibSafetyJPN = L"kbdjpn.dll" |
CONST UINT | wKbdLocaleSafetyJPN = 0x04110411 |
CONST LPWSTR | pwszKLLibSafetyKOR = L"kbdkor.dll" |
CONST UINT | wKbdLocaleSafetyKOR = 0x04120412 |
BOOL | gfLogonProcess |
UNICODE_STRING | strRootDirectory |
UINT | uCachedCP = 0 |
HKL | hCachedHKL = 0 |
Definition at line 77 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 76 of file client.c. Referenced by GetServerIMEKeyboardLayout(), and OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 833 of file client.c. Referenced by GetClipboardCodePage(). |
Definition at line 3974 of file client.c. Referenced by LoadPreloadKeyboardLayouts(). |
Definition at line 66 of file client.c. Referenced by CheckValidLayoutName(), GetServerIMEKeyboardLayout(), and OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 1391 of file client.c. Referenced by ScrollWindow(). |
Definition at line 1390 of file client.c. Referenced by ScrollWindow(). |
Definition at line 275 of file client.c. Referenced by ClientEmptyClipboard(), GetClipboardData(), and SetClipboardData(). |
Definition at line 175 of file client.c. References _AdjustWindowRectEx(), BOOL, ConnectIfNecessary, and L.
Definition at line 3509 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam(). Referenced by SendWinHelpMessage().
Definition at line 2868 of file client.c. References NtUserCallHwndLock(), and UINT.
Definition at line 2880 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam(). Referenced by CScaleDlg::ResizeControls(), and CResizeDlg::ResizeControls().
Definition at line 105 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserSetWindowPos().
Definition at line 2913 of file client.c. References BOOL, CascadeWindows(), and NULL.
Definition at line 4516 of file client.c. References IS_IME_ENABLED, IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, L, NSZKLKEY, NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtOpenKey(), NULL, RtlInitUnicodeString(), szKLKey, UINT, and VOID(). Referenced by GetActiveKeyboardName().
Definition at line 117 of file client.c. References FNID_COMBOBOX, GETFNID, HWq, NtUserChildWindowFromPointEx(), NULL, PCBOX, PCOMBOWND, TestWF, TestWindowProcess(), ValidateHwnd, and WFWIN40COMPAT.
Definition at line 3373 of file client.c.
Definition at line 353 of file client.c. References DeleteClientClipboardHandle(), gcsClipboard, gphn, _HANDLENODE::handleClient, NULL, pfnWowEmptyClipBoard, PHANDLENODE, and _HANDLENODE::pnext. Referenced by OpenClipboard().
Definition at line 2927 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NtUserShowWindow(), NULL, TestWF, TRUE, ValidateHwnd, and WFMINIMIZED.
Definition at line 2420 of file client.c. References dwFlags, NtUserCreateDesktop(), NtUserGetProcessWindowStation(), and NULL. Referenced by CreateDesktopA(), and CreateDesktopW().
Definition at line 2154 of file client.c. References BOOL, CtxInitUser32(), DWORD, GetActiveKeyboardName(), ISREMOTESESSION, ISTS, L, NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtOpenDirectoryObject(), NTSTATUS(), NtUserCreateWindowStation(), NULL, OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(), RtlInitUnicodeString(), Status, strRootDirectory, UINT, VOID(), WinStaQueryInformationW(), and wsprintfW(). Referenced by CreateWindowStationA(), and CreateWindowStationW().
Definition at line 2555 of file client.c. References dwFlags, NtUserGetProcessWindowStation(), NtUserOpenDesktop(), and NULL. Referenced by OpenDesktopA(), and OpenDesktopW().
Definition at line 2336 of file client.c. References NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtOpenDirectoryObject(), NTSTATUS(), NtUserOpenWindowStation(), NULL, RtlInitUnicodeString(), Status, strRootDirectory, and WINSTA_NAME. Referenced by OpenWindowStationA(), and OpenWindowStationW().
Definition at line 150 of file client.c. References CreateIconIndirect(), GetIconInfo(), and NULL. Referenced by SrvSetConsoleIcon().
Definition at line 2455 of file client.c. References CommonCreateDesktop(), dwFlags, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, RtlAnsiStringToUnicodeString(), RtlFreeUnicodeString(), RtlInitAnsiString(), Status, and TRUE.
Definition at line 2525 of file client.c. References CommonCreateDesktop(), dwFlags, NULL, and RtlInitUnicodeString().
Definition at line 2947 of file client.c. References NtUserCallNoParam().
Definition at line 2958 of file client.c. References NtUserCallNoParam().
Definition at line 2291 of file client.c. References CommonCreateWindowStation(), NULL, RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(), and RtlFreeUnicodeString().
Definition at line 2312 of file client.c. References CommonCreateWindowStation(), and RtlInitUnicodeString().
Definition at line 285 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, _HANDLENODE::fGlobalHandle, _HANDLENODE::fmt, _HANDLENODE::handleClient, TRUE, UserGlobalFree, USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK. Referenced by ClientEmptyClipboard(), and SetClipboardData().
Definition at line 3634 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwnd().
Definition at line 2981 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallNoParam(). Referenced by ECSetCaretHandler(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 2992 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam(). Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 2822 of file client.c. References CALLPROC_WOWCHECKPWW, GetClientInfo, and ValidateHwndNoRip(). Referenced by ClientThreadSetup().
Definition at line 1204 of file client.c. References BOOL, and DrawIconEx(). Referenced by ConsoleWindowProc(), and EndTaskDlgProc().
Definition at line 1210 of file client.c. References BOOL, _DRAWICONEXDATA::cx, _DRAWICONEXDATA::cy, cy, DRAWICONEXDATA, FALSE, gcsHdc, ghdcBits2, _DRAWICONEXDATA::hbmColor, _DRAWICONEXDATA::hbmMask, IsMetaFile(), NtUserDrawIconEx(), NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by DrawIcon(), DrawStateW(), LoadBmp(), and xxxStaticPaint().
Definition at line 3004 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwndLock(). Referenced by MainWndProc().
Referenced by LoadRemoteFonts(). |
Definition at line 3016 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwndParamLock(). Referenced by ClearDlg(), CColorMatchDialog::EnableApplyButton(), CMonitorProfileManagement::FillList(), CPrinterProfileManagement::FillList(), CDeviceProfileManagement::FillList(), CAdvancedPage::OnCommand(), CAddDeviceDialog::OnCommand(), CProfileAssociationPage::OnCommand(), CPrinterProfileManagement::OnCommand(), CDeviceProfileManagement::OnCommand(), CAddDeviceDialog::OnInit(), CMonitorProfileManagement::OnInit(), CScannerProfileManagement::OnInit(), CPrinterProfileManagement::OnInit(), CAdvancedPage::Update(), CColorMatchDialog::UpdateControls(), CProfileAssociationPage::UpdateDeviceListBox(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 2901 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, and NtUserEndDeferWindowPosEx(). Referenced by CScaleDlg::ResizeControls(), and CResizeDlg::ResizeControls().
Definition at line 3030 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam(), and UINT.
Definition at line 3050 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserFlashWindowEx().
Definition at line 3729 of file client.c. References CheckValidLayoutName(), DWORD, IS_IME_ENABLED, L, NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtCreateKey(), NtDeleteValueKey(), NtOpenKey(), NtQueryValueKey(), NtSetValueKey(), NTSTATUS(), NULL, RtlInitUnicodeString(), RtlOpenCurrentUser(), UINT, VOID(), and wcsncpycch(). Referenced by CommonCreateWindowStation(), and UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 3097 of file client.c. References FALSE, ISREMOTESESSION, TRUE, and WinStaQueryInformationW(). Referenced by GetKeyboardType(), and OpenKeyboardLayoutFile().
Definition at line 835 of file client.c. References DWORD, GETCCP_SIZE, NULL, and UINT. Referenced by GetClipboardData().
Definition at line 390 of file client.c. References ConvertMemHandle(), CreateLocalMemHandle(), DWORD, FALSE, _HANDLENODE::fGlobalHandle, tagGETCLIPBDATA::fGlobalHandle, tagSETCLIPBDATA::fGlobalHandle, tagSETCLIPBDATA::fIncSerialNumber, _HANDLENODE::fmt, gcsClipboard, GETCLIPBDATA, GetClipboardCodePage(), gphn, _HANDLENODE::handleClient, _HANDLENODE::handleServer, tagGETCLIPBDATA::hLocale, tagGETCLIPBDATA::hPalette, LMEM_MOVEABLE, NtUserGetClipboardData(), NtUserSetClipboardData(), NULL, PHANDLENODE, _HANDLENODE::pnext, SETCLIPBDATA, TRUE, tagGETCLIPBDATA::uFmtRet, UINT, and UserGlobalFree. Referenced by DoPaste(), MLPasteText(), msProfClipboardGroup(), and SLPasteText().
Definition at line 3070 of file client.c. References gpsi.
Definition at line 2766 of file client.c. References NULL, and pfn16GlobalAlloc. Referenced by InternalCreateDialog().
Definition at line 293 of file handles.c. References tagSHAREDINFO::aheList, _HANDLEENTRY::bType, tagSERVERINFO::cHandleEntries, DWORD, gpsi, gSharedInfo, HMIndexFromHandle, TYPE_WINDOW, and _HANDLEENTRY::wUniq. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 3081 of file client.c. References NtUserCallNoParam().
Definition at line 4502 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam(). Referenced by GetNonBiDiKeyboardLayout(), GetThreadKeyboardLayoutCP(), ImmActivateLayout(), ImmCallImeConsoleIME(), ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), ImmDestroyContext(), ImmDllInitialize(), ImmFreeLayout(), ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker(), ImmIMPGetIMEA(), ImmIMPGetIMEW(), ImmIMPSetIMEW(), ImmNotifyIME(), ImmPenAuxInput(), ImmSetActiveContext(), ImmSetCompositionStringWorker(), ImmSimulateHotKey(), ImmTranslateMessage(), InternalImmLockIMC(), MakeIMENotify(), SendIMEMessageAll(), TransConvertList(), TransEnterWordRegisterMode(), TransGetOpenK(), TransHanjaMode(), TranslateIMESubFunctions(), TransMoveImeWindow(), TransSendVKey(), and TransSetOpenK().
Definition at line 3143 of file client.c. References GetClientKeyboardType(), ISREMOTESESSION, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 3181 of file client.c. References DWORD, and NtUserCallNoParam().
Definition at line 3298 of file client.c. References ConnectIfNecessary, GetClientInfo, HWq, NULL, _CLIENTINFO::pDeskInfo, tagDESKTOPINFO::spwndProgman, and _CLIENTINFO::ulClientDelta.
Definition at line 3192 of file client.c. References DWORD, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 2091 of file client.c. References FALSE, GetServerIMEKeyboardLayout(), IS_IME_ENABLED, IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, ISREMOTESESSION, L, TRUE, WinStaQueryInformationW(), and wsprintfW(). Referenced by UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 1983 of file client.c. References BOOL, BYTE, CCH_KL_LIBNAME, DWORD, FALSE, Index, IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, L, NSZKLKEY, NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtEnumerateKey(), NtOpenKey(), NtQueryValueKey(), NTSTATUS(), NULL, RtlInitUnicodeString(), RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(), Status, szKLKey, TRUE, and USHORT. Referenced by GetRemoteKeyboardLayout().
Definition at line 3279 of file client.c. References ConnectIfNecessary, GetClientInfo, HWq, NULL, _CLIENTINFO::pDeskInfo, tagDESKTOPINFO::spwndShell, and _CLIENTINFO::ulClientDelta.
Definition at line 3319 of file client.c. References ConnectIfNecessary, GetClientInfo, HWq, NULL, _CLIENTINFO::pDeskInfo, tagDESKTOPINFO::spwndTaskman, and _CLIENTINFO::ulClientDelta.
Definition at line 1357 of file client.c. References FALSE, tagWND::hrgnUpdate, hWnd, NtUserGetUpdateRect(), NULL, SetRectEmpty, TestWF, ValidateHwnd, WFPAINTNOTPROCESSED, WFSENDERASEBKGND, WFSENDNCPAINT, and WFUPDATEDIRTY.
Definition at line 1328 of file client.c. References tagWND::hrgnUpdate, hWnd, NtUserGetUpdateRgn(), NULL, TestWF, ValidateHwnd, WFPAINTNOTPROCESSED, WFSENDERASEBKGND, WFSENDNCPAINT, and WFUPDATEDIRTY.
Definition at line 1894 of file client.c. References BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, NtUserGetObjectInformation(), and NULL.
Definition at line 1837 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NT_SUCCESS, NtQuerySecurityObject(), NTSTATUS(), Status, and TRUE.
Definition at line 3359 of file client.c. References BOOL, DWORD, and NtUserCallHwnd().
Definition at line 3680 of file client.c. References FNID_DESKTOP, GETFNID, tagWND::hrgnClip, HW, NULL, tagWND::rcWindow, TestWF, ValidateHwnd, and WFMAXFAKEREGIONAL.
Definition at line 1923 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 1781 of file client.c. References BOOL, cy, InnerGrayStringAorW(), and TRUE.
Definition at line 1804 of file client.c. References BOOL, cy, FALSE, and InnerGrayStringAorW().
Definition at line 1618 of file client.c. References BOOL, cy, DESTINATION, DWORD, FALSE, gcsHdc, gcxGray, gcyGray, ghbrWindowText, ghdcGray, ghFontSys, L, NULL, PATTERN, SOURCE, strlen(), and TRUE. Referenced by GrayStringA(), and GrayStringW().
Definition at line 3210 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwndParam().
Definition at line 4470 of file client.c. References FALSE, LoadKeyboardLayoutW(), MAX_PATH, and NULL.
Definition at line 4439 of file client.c. References FALSE, LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker(), and NULL.
Definition at line 4463 of file client.c. References FALSE, LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker(), and NULL. Referenced by ImmFreeLayout(), LoadKeyboardLayoutA(), and LoadPreloadKeyboardLayouts().
Definition at line 4385 of file client.c. References _LoadKeyboardLayoutEx(), CliImmInitializeHotKeys(), ISHK_ADD, L, NtClose(), NULL, OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(), and UINT. Referenced by LoadKeyboardLayoutEx(), LoadKeyboardLayoutW(), and UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 3240 of file client.c. References FALSE, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 3976 of file client.c. References ISREMOTESESSION, L, LoadKeyboardLayoutW(), NSIZEPRELOAD, UINT, and VOID(). Referenced by UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 3223 of file client.c. References EnableEUDC(), NtUserCallOneParam(), and TRUE.
Definition at line 3519 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 3252 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam(). Referenced by SKC1ButtonDown(), SKT1InvertButton(), and SKT1SetCursor().
Definition at line 1475 of file client.c. References DWORD, and MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx(). Referenced by HardErrorHandler(), SmoothScrollWindowEx(), and ThreadShutdownNotify().
Definition at line 1486 of file client.c. References BOOL, dwFlags, DWORD, _CLIENTINFO::dwTIFlags, FALSE, GetClientInfo, GetInputBits(), HEVENT_REMOVEME, NtUserCallNoParam(), NtUserCallOneParam(), NtUserWaitForMsgAndEvent(), NULL, PCLIENTTHREADINFO, TIF_16BIT, and TRUE. Referenced by ExitWindowsWorker(), MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(), and WaitForZombieTerminate().
Definition at line 2575 of file client.c. References CommonOpenDesktop(), dwFlags, NULL, RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(), and RtlFreeUnicodeString().
Definition at line 2594 of file client.c. References CommonOpenDesktop(), dwFlags, and RtlInitUnicodeString().
Definition at line 3265 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NtUserShowWindow(), NULL, TestWF, TRUE, ValidateHwnd, and WFMINIMIZED.
Definition at line 4019 of file client.c. References BOOL(), CCH_KL_ID, CCH_KL_LIBNAME, DbgPrint, DWORD, FALSE, GetClientKeyboardType(), IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, ISREMOTESESSION, KeyAttributes, L, LPVOID, MAX_PATH, NSZKLKEY, NT_SUCCESS, NtClose(), NtOpenKey(), NtQueryValueKey(), NTSTATUS(), NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, PBYTE, PUINT, pwszKLLibSafety, pwszKLLibSafetyJPN, pwszKLLibSafetyKOR, RtlInitUnicodeString(), RtlUnicodeStringToInteger(), Status, szKLAttributes, szKLFile, szKLId, szKLKey, TRUE, UINT, wKbdLocaleSafety, wKbdLocaleSafetyJPN, and wKbdLocaleSafetyKOR. Referenced by CommonCreateWindowStation(), and LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker().
Definition at line 2382 of file client.c. References CommonOpenWindowStation(), NULL, RtlCreateUnicodeStringFromAsciiz(), and RtlFreeUnicodeString().
Definition at line 2400 of file client.c. References CommonOpenWindowStation(), and RtlInitUnicodeString().
Definition at line 3387 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam(), and VOID(). Referenced by DialogBox2(), MainWndProc(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 2615 of file client.c. References NULL, and RegisterClassExWOWA(). Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 3628 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwnd().
Definition at line 3437 of file client.c. References dwFlags, NtUserCallTwoParam(), and VOID().
Definition at line 3399 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallTwoParam(). Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 3414 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallNoParam(). Referenced by CancelMouseSelection(), ConsoleWindowProc(), HandleMouseEvent(), ReaderWndProc(), SKC1ButtonUp(), and SKT1ButtonUp().
Definition at line 1052 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NtUserCallOneParam(), and NULL. Referenced by AnimateWindow(), CResizeDlg::Annotate(), BNReleaseDC(), ChooseNewFont(), ChopText(), ClearDlg(), Create(), CreateC1Window(), DecompileBitmap(), DestroyWindowsWindow(), ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECSetFont(), EndTaskDlgProc(), GetSKT1TextMetric(), InitSKT1Bitmap(), InternalImeMenuCreateBitmap(), SetSKT1Data(), SKC1ButtonDown(), SKC1ButtonUp(), SKC1MouseMove(), SKT1InvertButton(), SKWndProcC1(), SmoothScrollWindowEx(), UpdateSKC1Window(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 2783 of file client.c. References NULL, pfn16GlobalFree, and VOID(). Referenced by DefDlgProcWorker().
Definition at line 1176 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NtUserScrollDC(), NULL, SetRectEmpty, and TRUE. Referenced by ScrollScreen(), SetWindowOrigin(), and StreamScrollRegion().
Definition at line 1394 of file client.c. References IS_PTR, NtUserScrollWindowEx(), NULL, SW_FLAG_NRC, and SW_FLAG_RC.
Definition at line 3449 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 3461 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallTwoParam(). Referenced by WndProc().
Definition at line 876 of file client.c. References BOOL, ConvertMemHandle(), DeleteClientClipboardHandle(), FALSE, _HANDLENODE::fGlobalHandle, tagSETCLIPBDATA::fGlobalHandle, tagSETCLIPBDATA::fIncSerialNumber, _HANDLENODE::fmt, gcsClipboard, gphn, _HANDLENODE::handleClient, _HANDLENODE::handleServer, NtUserSetClipboardData(), NULL, pfnWowCBStoreHandle, PHANDLENODE, _HANDLENODE::pnext, and TRUE. Referenced by ECCopy(), MB_CopyToClipboard(), msProfClipboardGroup(), and StoreSelection().
Definition at line 3474 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallTwoParam().
Definition at line 4509 of file client.c. References VOID().
Definition at line 1034 of file client.c.
Definition at line 3487 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 3499 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserSetForegroundWindow. Referenced by BoostHardError(), ConsoleWindowProc(), SetEndTaskDlgStatus(), ThreadShutdownNotify(), and WndProc().
Definition at line 3313 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwndOpt().
Definition at line 3294 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserSetShellWindowEx().
Definition at line 3334 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwndOpt(). Referenced by DefWindowProcWorker().
Definition at line 1868 of file client.c. References BOOL, FALSE, NT_SUCCESS, NtSetSecurityObject(), NTSTATUS(), Status, and TRUE.
Definition at line 3346 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwndParam().
Definition at line 3365 of file client.c.
Definition at line 3531 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam(). Referenced by WndProc().
Definition at line 3543 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallHwndParamLock().
Definition at line 3557 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 3569 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 1418 of file client.c. References NtUserCallHwndParamLock(), and VOID().
Definition at line 2801 of file client.c. References NULL, pfnWOWTellWOWThehDlg, and VOID(). Referenced by InternalCreateDialog().
Definition at line 3581 of file client.c. References BOOL, NULL, and TileWindows().
Definition at line 1082 of file client.c. References NT_SUCCESS, RtlUnicodeToMultiByteN(), and ToUnicode().
Definition at line 1112 of file client.c. References BOOL, DWORD, hCachedHKL, NULL, ToUnicodeEx(), and uCachedCP. Referenced by ImmTranslateMessage().
Definition at line 225 of file client.c. References FALSE, NtUserTranslateAccelerator(), NULL, and RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS().
Definition at line 195 of file client.c. References FALSE, NtUserTranslateAccelerator(), and NULL.
Definition at line 3594 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallTwoParam().
Definition at line 4483 of file client.c. References BOOL, CliImmInitializeHotKeys(), FALSE, ISHK_REMOVE, NtUserUnloadKeyboardLayout(), and TRUE. Referenced by ImmInstallIMEW().
Definition at line 3646 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam(), and UINT.
Definition at line 2696 of file client.c. References _CreateWindowEx(), aiClassWow, DirectedYield(), FillWindow, FreeDDEData(), GetClassWOWWords(), GetFullUserHandle(), gSharedInfo, InitTask(), InternalCreateDialog(), NtUserGetMenuIndex(), NtUserWaitForMsgAndEvent(), NtUserYieldTask(), pfn16GlobalAlloc, pfn16GlobalFree, pfnFindResourceExA, pfnFindResourceExW, pfnFreeResource, pfnGetExpWinVer, pfnLoadResource, pfnLocalAlloc, pfnLocalFree, pfnLocalLock, pfnLocalReAlloc, pfnLocalSize, pfnLocalUnlock, pfnLockResource, pfnSizeofResource, pfnUnlockResource, pfnWowCBStoreHandle, pfnWowDlgProcEx, pfnWowEditNextWord, pfnWowEmptyClipBoard, pfnWowGetProcModule, pfnWowIlstrcmp, pfnWowMsgBoxIndirectCallback, pfnWOWTellWOWThehDlg, pfnWowWndProcEx, RegisterClassWOWA(), RegisterUserHungAppHandlers(), WOWCleanup(), WOWFindResourceExWCover(), WOWFindWindow(), WowGetDefWindowProcBits(), WOWLoadBitmapA(), WOWModuleUnload(), WowServerLoadCreateCursorIcon(), and WowServerLoadCreateMenu().
Definition at line 1322 of file client.c. References BOOL, hWnd, and NtUserCallHwndParamLock().
Definition at line 1434 of file client.c. References DWORD, FALSE, NT_SUCCESS, NtQueryInformationProcess(), NTSTATUS(), NtUserWaitForInputIdle(), NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by ImeRunHelp(), LaunchHelper(), and UserClientDllInitialize().
Definition at line 3658 of file client.c. References NtUserCallOneParam().
Definition at line 1931 of file client.c. Referenced by CommonCreateWindowStation(), GetClientKeyboardType(), and GetRemoteKeyboardLayout().
Definition at line 90 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallTwoParam(). Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 4127 of file clres.c. References FINDRESOURCEEXA, ID, NULL, TRUE, and UserLocalFree. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 2641 of file client.c. References _WNDMSG::abMsgs, tagSHAREDINFO::DefWindowMsgs, tagSHAREDINFO::DefWindowSpecMsgs, gSharedInfo, max, _WNDMSG::maxMsgs, and PBYTE. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 4158 of file clres.c. References ConvertDIBBitmap(), ID, LoadBmp(), NULL, TRUE, and UserLocalFree. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 85 of file client.c. References BOOL, and NtUserCallOneParam(). Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers(). |
Initial value:
Definition at line 21 of file client.c. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers(). |
Definition at line 79 of file client.c. Referenced by ImeWndCreateHandler(), LoadAppDlls(), and RegisterLogonProcess(). |
Definition at line 277 of file client.c. Referenced by ClientEmptyClipboard(), GetClipboardData(), and SetClipboardData(). |
Definition at line 1109 of file client.c. Referenced by ToAsciiEx(). |
Definition at line 69 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 71 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 73 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 81 of file client.c. Referenced by CommonCreateWindowStation(), CommonOpenWindowStation(), and UserClientDllInitialize(). |
Definition at line 64 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 63 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 65 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 62 of file client.c. Referenced by CheckValidLayoutName(), GetServerIMEKeyboardLayout(), and OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 1108 of file client.c. Referenced by ToAsciiEx(). |
Definition at line 70 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 72 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |
Definition at line 74 of file client.c. Referenced by OpenKeyboardLayoutFile(). |