#include "precomp.h"
#include <dbt.h>
#include "ntsend.h"
#include "cfgmgr32.h"
#include "csrhlpr.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | CLIENTSIDE 1 |
Functions | |
BOOL | GetRemoteKeyboardLayout (PWCHAR) |
WINUSERAPI BOOL WINAPI | SetSysColors (int cElements, CONST INT *lpaElements, CONST COLORREF *lpaRgbValues) |
HWND | WOWFindWindow (LPCSTR pClassName, LPCSTR pWindowName) |
BOOL | UpdatePerUserSystemParameters (HANDLE hToken, BOOL bUserLoggedOn) |
LONG | GetClassWOWWords (HINSTANCE hInstance, LPCTSTR pString) |
BOOL | InitTask (UINT wVersion, DWORD dwAppCompatFlags, LPCSTR pszModName, LPCSTR pszBaseFileName, DWORD hTaskWow, DWORD dwHotkey, DWORD idTask, DWORD dwX, DWORD dwY, DWORD dwXSize, DWORD dwYSize) |
HANDLE | ConvertMemHandle (HANDLE hData, UINT cbNULL) |
HANDLE | CreateLocalMemHandle (HANDLE hMem) |
HHOOK | _SetWindowsHookEx (HANDLE hmod, LPTSTR pszLib, DWORD idThread, int nFilterType, PROC pfnFilterProc, DWORD dwFlags) |
WINUSERAPI HWINEVENTHOOK WINAPI | SetWinEventHook (DWORD eventMin, DWORD eventMax, HMODULE hmodWinEventProc, WINEVENTPROC lpfnWinEventProc, DWORD idProcess, DWORD idThread, DWORD dwFlags) |
WINUSERAPI VOID WINAPI | NotifyWinEvent (DWORD dwEvent, HWND hwnd, LONG idObject, LONG idChild) |
BOOL | ThunkedMenuItemInfo (HMENU hMenu, UINT nPosition, BOOL fByPosition, BOOL fInsert, LPMENUITEMINFOW lpmii, BOOL fAnsi) |
BOOL | DrawCaption (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, CONST RECT *lprc, UINT flags) |
SHORT | GetAsyncKeyState (int vKey) |
SHORT | GetKeyState (int vKey) |
BOOL | OpenClipboard (HWND hwnd) |
BOOL | _PeekMessage (LPMSG pmsg, HWND hwnd, UINT wMsgFilterMin, UINT wMsgFilterMax, UINT wRemoveMsg, BOOL bAnsi) |
LONG_PTR | _SetWindowLongPtr (HWND hwnd, int nIndex, LONG_PTR dwNewLong, BOOL bAnsi) |
BOOL | TranslateMessageEx (CONST MSG *pmsg, UINT flags) |
BOOL | TranslateMessage (CONST MSG *pmsg) |
BOOL | SetWindowRgn (HWND hwnd, HRGN hrgn, BOOL bRedraw) |
BOOL | InternalGetWindowText (HWND hwnd, LPWSTR pString, int cchMaxCount) |
int | ToUnicode (UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, CONST BYTE *pKeyState, LPWSTR pwszBuff, int cchBuff, UINT wFlags) |
int | ToUnicodeEx (UINT wVirtKey, UINT wScanCode, CONST BYTE *pKeyState, LPWSTR pwszBuff, int cchBuff, UINT wFlags, HKL hkl) |
BOOL | SetWindowStationUser (HWINSTA hwinsta, PLUID pluidUser, PSID psidUser, DWORD cbsidUser) |
BOOL | SetSystemCursor (HCURSOR hcur, DWORD id) |
HCURSOR | FindExistingCursorIcon (LPWSTR pszModName, LPCWSTR pszResName, PCURSORFIND pcfSearch) |
BOOL | _SetCursorIconData (HCURSOR hCursor, PCURSORDATA pcur) |
BOOL | _DefSetText (HWND hwnd, LPCWSTR lpszText, BOOL bAnsi) |
HWND | _CreateWindowEx (DWORD dwExStyle, LPCTSTR pClassName, LPCTSTR pWindowName, DWORD dwStyle, int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, HWND hwndParent, HMENU hmenu, HANDLE hModule, LPVOID pParam, DWORD dwFlags) |
HKL | _LoadKeyboardLayoutEx (HANDLE hFile, UINT offTable, HKL hkl, LPCTSTR pwszKL, UINT KbdInputLocale, UINT Flags) |
VOID | mouse_event (DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dx, DWORD dy, DWORD dwData, ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo) |
VOID | keybd_event (BYTE bVk, BYTE bScan, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo) |
LONG | BroadcastSystemMessageWorker (DWORD dwFlags, LPDWORD lpdwRecipients, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fAnsi) |
HDEVNOTIFY | RegisterDeviceNotificationWorker (IN HANDLE hRecipient, IN LPVOID NotificationFilter, IN DWORD Flags, IN BOOL IsAnsi) |
BOOL | UnregisterDeviceNotification (IN HDEVNOTIFY Handle) |
Definition at line 15 of file client/ntstubs.c. |
Definition at line 1197 of file client/ntstubs.c. References _LARGE_STRING::bAnsi, BEGINCALL, BOOL, _LARGE_STRING::Buffer, CLEANUPLPSTRW, CreateMDIChild(), CW_FLAGS_DIFFHMOD, tagSHORTCREATE::cx, tagSHORTCREATE::cy, dwFlags, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _LARGE_IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FNID_MDICLIENT, GETEXPWINVER, GETFNID, tagSHORTCREATE::hMenu, IS_PTR, L, LARGE_IN_STRING, _LARGE_STRING::Length, _LARGE_STRING::MaximumLength, MDICompleteChildCreation(), MSGERROR, NtUserCreateWindowEx(), NULL, PBYTE, _LARGE_IN_STRING::pstr, RtlCaptureLargeAnsiString(), RtlInitLargeAnsiString(), RtlInitLargeUnicodeString(), SHORTCREATE, _LARGE_IN_STRING::strCapture, tagSHORTCREATE::style, TRUE, UINT, ValidateHwnd, VER40, WS_EX_ANSICREATOR, WS_EX_MDICHILD, tagSHORTCREATE::x, and tagSHORTCREATE::y. Referenced by CreateWindowEx(), EnterReaderMode(), InternalDdeInitialize(), UserRegisterWowHandlers(), and xxxCBCreateHandler().
Definition at line 1171 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, NtUserDefSetText(), NULL, PLARGE_ANSI_STRING, RtlInitLargeAnsiString(), RtlInitLargeUnicodeString(), and UINT. Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), StaticWndProcWorker(), and xxxSetFrameTitle().
Definition at line 1363 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CLEANUPLPWSTR, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FIRSTCOPYLPWSTR, NtUserLoadKeyboardLayoutEx(), and _IN_STRING::pstr.
Definition at line 556 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTA_FROM_SERVER, BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_CLIENTW_FROM_SERVER, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, GET_DBCS_MESSAGE_IF_EXIST, NtUserPeekMessage(), PeekMessage(), RtlWCSMessageWParamCharToMB(), and TRUE. Referenced by PeekMessage().
Definition at line 1138 of file client/ntstubs.c.
Definition at line 612 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CPD_ANSI_TO_UNICODE, CPD_DIALOG, CPD_UNICODE_TO_ANSI, DLGF_ANSI, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, FNID_LISTBOX, GetCPD(), GETFNID, HMValidateHandleNoRip(), ISCPDTAG, NtUserSetWindowLongPtr, NULL, PDLG, _CALLPROCDATA::pfnClientPrevious, TestWF, TestWindowProcess(), TRUE, TYPE_CALLPROC, ValidateHwnd, WFDIALOGWINDOW, and _CALLPROCDATA::wType.
Definition at line 258 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CLEANUPLPWSTR, dwFlags, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FIRSTCOPYLPWSTROPT, NtUserSetWindowsHookEx(), and _IN_STRING::pstr. Referenced by SetWindowsHookExAW().
Definition at line 2439 of file client/ntstubs.c. References CsSendMessage, BROADCASTSYSTEMMSGPARAMS::dwFlags, dwFlags, DWORD, BROADCASTSYSTEMMSGPARAMS::dwRecipients, FNID_SENDMESSAGEBSM, GetDesktopWindow(), L, NULL, RESERVED_MSG_BITS, and TESTSYNCONLYMESSAGE. Referenced by BroadcastSystemMessage().
Definition at line 189 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, MSGERROR, NtUserConvertMemHandle(), NULL, UINT, USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK. Referenced by GetClipboardData(), and SetClipboardData().
Definition at line 230 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, MSGERROR, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NtUserCreateLocalMemHandle(), NULL, Status, UINT, and UserGlobalFree. Referenced by GetClipboardData().
Definition at line 446 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, IsMetaFile(), and NtUserDrawCaption().
Definition at line 1102 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CLEANUPLPWSTR, COPYLPWSTR, COPYLPWSTRID, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, NtUserFindExistingCursorIcon(), NULL, _IN_STRING::pstr, and szUSER32. Referenced by CopyImageFromRes(), and LoadIcoCur().
Definition at line 468 of file client/ntstubs.c. References _CLIENTINFO::afAsyncKeyState, _CLIENTINFO::afAsyncKeyStateRecentDown, BEGINCALLCONNECT, CVKASYNCKEYCACHE, _CLIENTINFO::dwAsyncKeyCache, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, GetClientInfo, gpsi, NtUserGetAsyncKeyState(), SHORT, SYSMET, TestKeyDownBit, TestKeyRecentDownBit, and UINT. Referenced by msProfGetAsyncKeyState().
Definition at line 100 of file client/ntstubs.c. References _GetClassData(), BEGINCALL, CLEANUPLPSTRW, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FIRSTCOPYLPSTRW, GetClientInfo, MSGERRORCODE, NtUserGetWOWClass(), NULL, PBYTE, _IN_STRING::pstr, and TRUE. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 506 of file client/ntstubs.c. References _CLIENTINFO::afKeyState, BEGINCALLCONNECT, CVKKEYCACHE, _CLIENTINFO::dwKeyCache, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, GetClientInfo, gpsi, NtUserGetKeyState(), SHORT, TestKeyDownBit, TestKeyToggleBit, and UINT. Referenced by ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), ConsoleWindowProc(), DialogBox2(), ECGetModKeys(), EditWndProc(), GetControlKeyState(), HandleKeyEvent(), HandleMouseEvent(), HandleSysKeyEvent(), IsDialogMessageW(), MakeInfoStringJapan(), msProfGetKeyState(), SLEditWndProc(), StoreSelection(), TranslateMDISysAccel(), xxxLBoxCtlCharInput(), xxxLBoxCtlKeyInput(), and xxxTrackMouse().
Definition at line 2091 of file client.c. References FALSE, GetServerIMEKeyboardLayout(), IS_IME_ENABLED, IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, ISREMOTESESSION, L, TRUE, WinStaQueryInformationW(), and wsprintfW(). Referenced by UpdatePerUserSystemParameters().
Definition at line 140 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, CLEANUPLPSTRW, COPYLPSTRW, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FIRSTCOPYLPSTRW, NTSTATUS(), NtUserInitTask(), _IN_STRING::pstr, and Status. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().
Definition at line 926 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, and NtUserInternalGetWindowText().
Definition at line 1419 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALLVOID, dwFlags, ENDCALLVOID, NtUserSendInput(), and VOID(). Referenced by SKC1ButtonUp(), SKT1ButtonUp(), and SKT1SetCursor().
Definition at line 2320 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CalcAnsiStringLengthA, CalcUnicodeStringLengthW, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, msg, MSGERROR, NtUserMessageCall(), NULL, TestWF, TRUE, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, ValidateHwnd, and WFANSIPROC.
Definition at line 2208 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CalcAnsiStringLengthW, CalcUnicodeStringLengthA, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, msg, MSGERROR, NtUserMessageCall(), NULL, TestWF, TRUE, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, ValidateHwnd, and WFANSIPROC.
Definition at line 2089 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CalcAnsiStringLengthA, CalcUnicodeStringLengthW, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, msg, MSGERROR, NtUserMessageCall(), NULL, TestWF, TRUE, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, ValidateHwnd, and WFANSIPROC.
Definition at line 1669 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, CHAR, CopyLogFontAtoW(), CopyLogFontWtoA(), DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, HIBYTE, LOBYTE, MBToWCSEx(), msg, MSGERROR, NtUserMessageCall(), NULL, THREAD_CODEPAGE, UINT, UserLocalAlloc, and UserLocalFree.
Definition at line 1554 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, msg, NtUserMessageCall(), NULL, strlen(), UserLocalAlloc, and UserLocalFree.
Definition at line 1530 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, msg, NtUserMessageCall(), USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK.
Definition at line 1505 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, msg, NtUserMessageCall(), USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK.
Definition at line 1478 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, msg, MSGERROR, NtUserMessageCall(), NULL, PBYTE, UserGlobalFree, USERGLOBALLOCK, and USERGLOBALUNLOCK.
Definition at line 1444 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BUILD_DBCS_MESSAGE_TO_SERVER_FROM_CLIENTA, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, msg, NtUserMessageCall(), RtlMBMessageWParamCharToWCS(), and TRUE.
Definition at line 1395 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALLVOID, dwFlags, ENDCALLVOID, NtUserSendInput(), and VOID().
Definition at line 354 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALLVOID, ENDCALLVOID, ERRORTRAPVOID, FWINABLE, and NtUserNotifyWinEvent(). Referenced by ButtonWndProcWorker(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), DefDlgProcWorker(), DialogBox2(), ECResetTextInfo(), LBEvent(), MB_DlgProcWorker(), MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), SLChar(), SLKeyDown(), SLPaste(), SLReplaceSel(), SLUndo(), and xxxPressButton().
Definition at line 540 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, ClientEmptyClipboard(), DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, and NtUserOpenClipboard(). Referenced by DoPaste(), ECCopy(), MB_CopyToClipboard(), MLPasteText(), msProfClipboardGroup(), SLPasteText(), and StoreSelection().
Definition at line 2543 of file client/ntstubs.c. References DWORD, FALSE, NULL, and Status. Referenced by RegisterDeviceNotification().
Definition at line 28 of file client/ntstubs.c. References NtUserSetSysColors(), SSCF_FORCESOLIDCOLOR, SSCF_NOTIFY, and SSCF_SETMAGICCOLORS.
Definition at line 1078 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, LoadIcoCur(), MSGERROR, NtUserSetSystemCursor(), and NULL.
Definition at line 906 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, and NtUserSetWindowRgn(). Referenced by AnimateWindow(), and ReaderWndProc().
Definition at line 1039 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, FALSE, Logon(), NtUserSetWindowStationUser(), RtlEqualLuid(), and TRUE.
Definition at line 299 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, dwFlags, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, MAX_PATH, NtUserSetWinEventHook(), NULL, and USHORT.
Definition at line 377 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, CLEANUPLPSTRW, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, _IN_STRING::fAllocated, FALSE, FIRSTCOPYLPSTROPTW, FIRSTCOPYLPWSTROPT, IS_PTR, NtUserThunkedMenuItemInfo(), NULL, and _IN_STRING::pstr. Referenced by AppendMenu(), InsertMenu(), InsertMenuItem(), InternalInsertMenuItem(), ModifyMenu(), ModifyMenuItem(), and SetMenuItemInfo().
Definition at line 946 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, L, NtUserToUnicodeEx(), and NULL. Referenced by ImmTranslateMessage(), and ToAscii().
Definition at line 973 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, L, and NtUserToUnicodeEx(). Referenced by HandleKeyEvent(), and ToAsciiEx().
Definition at line 885 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BOOL, fpImmTranslateMessage, and TranslateMessageEx(). Referenced by DialogBox2(), IsDialogMessageW(), msProfTranslateMessage(), ThreadShutdownNotify(), and WinMain().
Definition at line 851 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, MSGERROR, NtUserTranslateMessage(), and RESERVED_MSG_BITS. Referenced by ConsoleInputThread(), and TranslateMessage().
Definition at line 2628 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BOOL, FALSE, Handle, NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by DECLARE_INTERFACE_().
Definition at line 49 of file client/ntstubs.c. References BEGINCALL, BOOL, CliImmInitializeHotKeys(), DWORD, ENDCALL, ERRORTRAP, GetActiveKeyboardName(), GetRemoteKeyboardLayout(), ISHK_INITIALIZE, LoadKeyboardLayoutWorker(), LoadPreloadKeyboardLayouts(), NtUserUpdatePerUserSystemParameters(), NULL, SystemParametersInfo(), and TRUE.
Definition at line 41 of file client/ntstubs.c. References FW_16BIT, InternalFindWindowExA(), and NULL. Referenced by UserRegisterWowHandlers().