#include <windows.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <w32err.h>
#include <w32gdip.h>
#include "winuserp.h"
#include "winuserk.h"
#include "kbd.h"
#include <wowuserp.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <imm.h>
#include <immp.h>
#include <ime.h>
#include <imep.h>
#include <winnls32.h>
#include "immstruc.h"
#include "immuser.h"
#include "user.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | tagIMELAYOUT |
struct | tagFE_KEYBOARDS |
struct | ADVAPI_FN |
Defines | |
#define | OEMRESOURCE 1 |
#define | HEX_ASCII_SIZE 20 |
#define | ImmAssert UserAssert |
#define | bUser32Initialized (gpsi != NULL) |
#define | ValidateHwnd(hwnd) |
#define | ValidateHimc(himc) |
#define | RevalidateHimc(himc) |
#define | ImmLocalReAlloc(p, uBytes, uFlags) HeapReAlloc(pImmHeap, uFlags, (LPSTR)(p), (uBytes)) |
#define | ImmLocalFree(p) HeapFree(pImmHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p)) |
#define | ImmLocalSize(p) HeapSize(pImmHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p)) |
#define | ImmLocalLock(p) (LPSTR)(p) |
#define | ImmLocalUnlock(p) |
#define | ImmLocalFlags(p) 0 |
#define | ImmLocalHandle(p) (HLOCAL)(p) |
#define | GetInputContextProcess(himc) (DWORD)NtUserQueryInputContext(himc, InputContextProcess) |
#define | GetInputContextThread(himc) (DWORD)NtUserQueryInputContext(himc, InputContextThread) |
#define | GetWindowProcess(hwnd) (ULONG_PTR)NtUserQueryWindow(hwnd, WindowProcess) |
#define | GETPROCESSID() (ULONG_PTR)(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess) |
#define | DWORD_ALIGN(x) ((x+3)&~3) |
#define | SetICF(pClientImc, flag) ((pClientImc)->dwFlags |= flag) |
#define | ClrICF(pClientImc, flag) ((pClientImc)->dwFlags &= ~flag) |
#define | TestICF(pClientImc, flag) ((pClientImc)->dwFlags & flag) |
#define | IsWndEqual(hWnd1, hWnd2) |
#define | HKL_TO_LANGID(hkl) (LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hkl))) |
#define | IMECodePage(pImeDpi) (CP_ACP) |
#define | CImcCodePage(pClientImc) (CP_ACP) |
#define | TRACE(x) |
#define | BACK_T1 100 |
#define | TAB_T1 101 |
#define | CAPS_T1 102 |
#define | ENTER_T1 103 |
#define | SHIFT_T1 104 |
#define | CTRL_T1 105 |
#define | ESC_T1 106 |
#define | ALT_T1 107 |
#define | LABEL_T1 108 |
#define | BACKSP_C1 201 |
#define | TAB_C1 202 |
#define | CAPS_C1 203 |
#define | ENTER_C1 204 |
#define | SHIFT_C1 205 |
#define | INS_C1 206 |
#define | DEL_C1 207 |
#define | ESC_C1 208 |
#define | LABEL_C1 209 |
Typedefs | |
Functions | |
LPVOID | ImmLocalAlloc (DWORD uFlag, DWORD uBytes) |
BOOL | CreateInputContext (HIMC hImc, HKL hKL, BOOL fCanCallImeSelect) |
BOOL | DestroyInputContext (HIMC hImc, HKL hKL, BOOL bTerminate) |
VOID | SelectInputContext (HKL hSelKL, HKL hUnSelKL, HIMC hImc) |
DWORD | BuildHimcList (DWORD idThread, HIMC **pphimcFirst) |
HIMC | ImmGetSaveContext (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlag) |
BOOL | ImmSetCompositionStringWorker (HIMC hImc, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen, BOOL fAnsi) |
DWORD | ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker (HIMC hImc, LPDWORD lpdwListCount, BOOL fAnsi) |
DWORD | ImmGetCandidateListWorker (HIMC hImc, DWORD dwIndex, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsi) |
DWORD | ImmGetGuideLineWorker (HIMC hImc, DWORD dwIndex, LPBYTE lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsi) |
LONG | InternalGetCompositionStringA (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsiImc, DWORD dwCodePage) |
LONG | InternalGetCompositionStringW (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsiImc, DWORD dwCodePage) |
DWORD | InternalGetCandidateListAtoW (LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListA, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListW, DWORD dwBufLen, DWORD dwCodePage) |
DWORD | InternalGetCandidateListWtoA (LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListW, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListA, DWORD dwBufLen, DWORD dwCodePage) |
DWORD | CalcCharacterPositionAtoW (DWORD dwCharPosA, LPSTR lpszCharStr, DWORD dwCodePage) |
DWORD | CalcCharacterPositionWtoA (DWORD dwCharPosW, LPWSTR lpwszCharStr, DWORD dwCodePage) |
BOOL | MakeIMENotify (HIMC hImc, HWND hWnd, DWORD dwAction, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwValue, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
VOID | ImmSendNotification (BOOL fForProcess) |
BOOL | InquireIme (PIMEDPI pImeDpi) |
VOID | UnloadIME (PIMEDPI pImeDpi, BOOL fTerminateIme) |
PIMEDPI | LoadImeDpi (HKL hKL, BOOL fLock) |
PIMEDPI | FindOrLoadImeDpi (HKL hKL) |
VOID | GetSystemPathName (PWSTRpwszPath, PWSTR pwszFileName, UINT maxChar) |
BOOL | LoadVersionInfo (PIMEINFOEX piiex) |
LPWSTR | MakeStringFromRegFullInfo (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION pKey, size_t limit) |
PINPUTCONTEXT | InternalImmLockIMC (HIMC hImc, BOOL fCanCallImeSelect) |
BOOL | ImmIsUIMessageWorker (HWND hIMEWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fAnsi) |
BOOL | TestInputContextProcess (PIMC pImc) |
PIMEDPI | ImmGetImeDpi (HKL hKL) |
DWORD | ImmGetAppCompatFlags (HIMC hImc) |
BOOL | ImmPtInRect (int left, int top, int width, int height, LPPOINT lppt) |
UINT | GetKeyboardLayoutCP (HKL hKL) |
UINT CALLBACK | EnumRegisterWordProcA (LPCSTR lpszReading, DWORD dwStyle, LPCSTR lpszString, PENUMREGWORDDATA pEnumRegWordData) |
UINT CALLBACK | EnumRegisterWordProcW (LPCWSTR lpwszReading, DWORD dwStyle, LPCWSTR lpwszString, PENUMREGWORDDATA pEnumRegWordData) |
VOID | ImmPostMessages (HWND hwnd, HIMC hImc, INT iNum, PTRANSMSG pTransMsg) |
BOOL | HotKeyIDDispatcher (HWND hWnd, HIMC hImc, HKL hKL, DWORD dwHotKeyID) |
BOOL | OpenRegApi (ADVAPI_FN *pfn) |
void | CloseRegApi (ADVAPI_FN *pfn) |
LRESULT | TranslateIMESubFunctions (HWND hWndApp, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme, BOOL fAnsi) |
LRESULT | TransGetLevel (HWND hWndApp) |
LRESULT | TransSetLevel (HWND hWndApp, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme) |
LRESULT | TransCodeConvert (HIMC hImc, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme) |
LRESULT | TransConvertList (HIMC hImc, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme) |
LRESULT | TransGetMNTable (HIMC hImc, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme) |
UINT | WINNLSTranslateMessage (INT iNum, PTRANSMSG pTransMsg, HIMC hImc, BOOL fAnsi, DWORD dwLangId) |
__inline int | IsAnsiIMC (HIMC hIMC) |
Variables | |
BOOLEAN | gfInitialized |
HINSTANCE | ghInst |
PVOID | pImmHeap |
SHAREDINFO | gSharedInfo |
PIMEDPI | gpImeDpi |
POINT | gptWorkArea |
POINT | gptRaiseEdge |
UINT | guScanCode [0XFF] |
CONST WCHAR | gszRegKbdLayout [] |
CONST WCHAR | gszRegKbdOrder [] |
CONST WCHAR | gszValLayoutText [] |
CONST WCHAR | gszValLayoutFile [] |
CONST WCHAR | gszValImeFile [] |
Definition at line 484 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 477 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 488 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 490 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 479 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 183 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), ImmGetCandidateListWorker(), ImmGetCompositionStringA(), ImmGetCompositionStringW(), ImmGetGuideLineWorker(), and ImmRequestMessageWorker(). |
Definition at line 164 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmEnableIME(), ImmSetActiveContext(), and SelectInputContext(). |
Definition at line 482 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 494 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 491 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 480 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 495 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 483 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 149 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker(), and TestInputContextProcess(). |
Definition at line 51 of file immcli.h. Referenced by GetImeLayout(), ImmInstallIMEW(), and WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 59 of file immcli.h. Referenced by EnumRegisterWordProcA(), EnumRegisterWordProcW(), HotKeyIDDispatcher(), ImmGetImeInfoEx(), ImmPenAuxInput(), ImmProcessKey(), ImmTranslateMessage(), RestorePrivateMode(), and SelectInputContext(). |
Definition at line 493 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 168 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmAssociateContext(), SKT1ButtonUp(), and TransSetConversionWindow(). |
Definition at line 496 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 485 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 176 of file immcli.h. Referenced by WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 126 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmEnumInputContext(). |
Definition at line 162 of file immcli.h. Referenced by CreateInputContext(), DestroyInputContext(), ImmEnableIME(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmSetActiveContext(), and SelectInputContext(). |
Definition at line 492 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 481 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 489 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap(). |
Definition at line 478 of file immcli.h. Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap(). |
Referenced by ImmEnumRegisterWordA(). |
Referenced by EnumRegisterWordProcA(). |
Definition at line 1259 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c. References DWORD, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NtUserBuildHimcList(), NULL, Status, and UINT.
Definition at line 3052 of file ctxtinfo.c. References DWORD. Referenced by CompStrAToStringExW(), CompStrAToUndetW(), ImmReconversionWorker(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), InternalGetCompositionStringW(), and InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE().
Definition at line 3089 of file ctxtinfo.c. References DWORD, and UnicodeToMultiByteSize(). Referenced by CompStrWToStringExA(), CompStrWToUndetA(), ImmReconversionWorker(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), and InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE().
Definition at line 486 of file immhotky.c. References ADVAPI_FN::hModule. Referenced by CliSaveImeHotKey().
Definition at line 563 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c. References BOOL, tagCLIENTIMC::dwCodePage, DWORD, FALSE, IMCF_UNICODE, IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSelect, ImmCreateIMCC(), ImmDestroyIMCC(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, SetICF, TRUE, and UINT.
Definition at line 718 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c. References BOOL, tagCLIENTIMC::cLockObj, DestroyImeModeSaver(), tagIMC::dwClientImcData, FALSE, GETPTI, tagCLIENTIMC::hInputContext, HMValidateHandle(), IMCF_DEFAULTIMC, IMCF_INDESTROY, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSelect, ImmDestroyIMCC(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), IS_IME_ENABLED, NtUserDestroyInputContext(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, tagIMEDPI::pfn, PtiCurrent, SetICF, TestICF, TRUE, and TYPE_INPUTCONTEXT.
Definition at line 749 of file regword.c. References CHAR, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::dwCodePage, DWORD, ImmAssert, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, INT, L, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpData, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpfn, NULL, PENUMREGWORDDATA, strlen(), and UINT. Referenced by ImmEnumRegisterWordW().
Definition at line 819 of file regword.c. References _ENUMREGWORDDATA::dwCodePage, DWORD, ImmAssert, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, INT, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpData, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpfn, NULL, and UINT. Referenced by ImmEnumRegisterWordA().
Definition at line 327 of file immime.c. References ImmLockImeDpi(), IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, LoadImeDpi(), NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by ImmConfigureIMEA(), ImmConfigureIMEW(), ImmEnumRegisterWordA(), ImmEnumRegisterWordW(), ImmEscapeA(), ImmEscapeW(), ImmGetConversionListA(), ImmGetConversionListW(), ImmGetProperty(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW(), ImmPenAuxInput(), ImmRegisterWordA(), ImmRegisterWordW(), ImmUnregisterWordA(), and ImmUnregisterWordW().
Definition at line 643 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c. References CachedCP, CachedLCID, LOCALE_CPDATA, NULL, and UINT. Referenced by GetThreadKeyboardLayoutCP(), and ImmPenAuxInput().
Definition at line 95 of file layime.c. References L, UINT, and VOID(). Referenced by CopyImeFile(), ImmInstallIMEW(), LoadIME(), and LoadVersionInfo().
Definition at line 87 of file hotkey.c. References BOOL, CIMENonIMEToggle(), CSymbolToggle(), FALSE, GetInputContextThread, hWnd, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeEscape, ImmAssert, ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), JCloseOpen(), KEnglishHangul(), KHanjaConvert(), KShapeToggle(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, tagIMEDPI::pfn, and TShapeToggle(). Referenced by ImmProcessKey(), and ImmSimulateHotKey().
Definition at line 912 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c. References tagCLIENTIMC::dwImeCompatFlags, DWORD, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), and NULL. Referenced by ImmProcessKey(), MySetCandidateWindow(), MySetCompFont(), and MySetCompWindow().
Definition at line 879 of file ctxtinfo.c. References CImcCodePage, DWORD, DWORD_ALIGN, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), INT, InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(), InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(), NULL, and TestICF. Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountA(), and ImmGetCandidateListCountW().
Definition at line 1014 of file ctxtinfo.c. References CImcCodePage, DWORD, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(), InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(), NULL, and TestICF. Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListA(), and ImmGetCandidateListW().
Definition at line 1173 of file ctxtinfo.c. References BOOL, CImcCodePage, DWORD, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), INT, InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(), InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(), NULL, and TestICF. Referenced by ImmGetGuideLineA(), and ImmGetGuideLineW().
Definition at line 769 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c. References gcsImeDpi, gpImeDpi, tagIMEDPI::hKL, NULL, and tagIMEDPI::pNext. Referenced by ImmLoadIME(), and LoadImeDpi().
Definition at line 225 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c. References tagWND::hImc, hWnd, IGSC_DEFIMCFALLBACK, IGSC_WINNLSCHECK, IMCF_WINNLSDISABLE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), IS_IME_ENABLED, NtUserGetThreadState(), NtUserQueryWindow(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, TestICF, TestWindowProcess(), and ValidateHwnd. Referenced by ImmGetContext(), ImmSetActiveContext(), ImmWINNLSGetEnableStatus(), and TranslateIMESubFunctions().
Definition at line 115 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c. References BOOL, D, DbgPrint, FALSE, IsWindow(), and TRUE. Referenced by ImmIsUIMessageA(), and ImmIsUIMessageW().
Definition at line 408 of file ntuser/imm/input.c. References BOOL, DWORD, GetClientInfo, hWnd, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), INT, NULL, TestICF, TransGetLevel(), VER40, and WINNLSTranslateMessage(). Referenced by ImmTranslateMessage().
Definition at line 933 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c. References BOOL. Referenced by SKC1MousePosition(), and SKT1MousePosition().
Definition at line 1191 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c. References DWORD, ImmEnumInputContext(), SendNotificationProc(), and VOID(). Referenced by ImmSystemHandler().
Definition at line 610 of file ctxtinfo.c. References BOOL, CheckAttribute(), CheckClause(), CompositionString(), DWORD, FALSE, GetInputContextThread, GetKeyboardLayout(), IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSetCompositionString, ImmLocalFree, ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), InternalSCS_CHANGEATTR(), InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE(), InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING(), InternalSCS_SETSTR(), NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, and TRUE. Referenced by ImmSetCompositionStringA(), and ImmSetCompositionStringW().
Definition at line 40 of file immime.c. References BOOL, BYTE, tagIMEDPI::dwCodePage, DWORD, FALSE, GetClientInfo, tagIMEDPI::hInst, IM_UI_CLASS_SIZE, IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeInquire, INT, L, NtUserGetThreadState(), tagIMEDPI::pfn, TIF_16BIT, TRUE, UINT, and tagIMEDPI::wszUIClass. Referenced by LoadIME().
Definition at line 2885 of file ctxtinfo.c. References DWORD, DWORD_ALIGN, INT, and NULL. Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), ImmGetCandidateListWorker(), ImmGetConversionListW(), and ImmGetGuideLineWorker().
Definition at line 2962 of file ctxtinfo.c. References BOOL, CHAR, DWORD, DWORD_ALIGN, INT, and NULL. Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), ImmGetCandidateListWorker(), ImmGetConversionListA(), and ImmGetGuideLineWorker().
Referenced by ImmGetCompositionStringA(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), and InternalGetCompositionStringW(). |
Referenced by ImmGetCompositionStringW(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), and InternalGetCompositionStringW(). |
Definition at line 303 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c. References tagCLIENTIMC::cLockObj, CreateInputContext(), DWORD, EnterImcCrit, GetKeyboardLayout(), tagCLIENTIMC::hInputContext, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), InputContextDefaultImeWindow, InputContextThread, LeaveImcCrit, LHND, NtUserQueryInputContext(), and NULL. Referenced by ImmLockIMC(), and SelectInputContext().
Definition at line 456 of file immcli.h. References BOOL, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), NULL, and TestICF. Referenced by ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker().
Definition at line 3113 of file ctxtinfo.c. References INT, L, strlen(), and VOID(). Referenced by ImmGetCompositionFontW(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), ImmSetCompositionFontA(), MySetCompFont(), and SelectInputContext().
Definition at line 3134 of file ctxtinfo.c. References BOOL, INT, NULL, and VOID(). Referenced by ImmGetCompositionFontA(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), ImmSetCompositionFontW(), and SelectInputContext().
Definition at line 131 of file immime.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagIMEINFOEX::fLoadFlag, GET_IMEPROC, GET_IMEPROCT, GetSystemPathName(), tagIMEDPI::hInst, IMEF_LOADED, IMEF_LOADERROR, IMEF_NONLOAD, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeGetImeMenuItems, tagIMEINFOEX::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, InquireIme(), MAX_PATH, NtUserSetImeInfoEx(), NULL, PBYTE, tagIMEDPI::pfn, TRUE, tagIMEINFOEX::wszImeFile, tagIMEINFOEX::wszUIClass, and tagIMEDPI::wszUIClass. Referenced by LoadImeDpi().
Definition at line 234 of file immime.c. References tagIMEDPI::cLock, tagIMEDPI::dwCodePage, tagIMEDPI::dwFlag, DWORD, FALSE, tagIMEINFOEX::fLoadFlag, gcsImeDpi, gpImeDpi, tagIMEDPI::hKL, IMEDPI_UNLOCKUNLOAD, IMEF_LOADERROR, ImeInfoExKeyboardLayout, ImmGetImeDpi(), ImmGetImeInfoEx(), ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, LoadIME(), NULL, tagIMEDPI::pNext, and UnloadIME(). Referenced by FindOrLoadImeDpi(), and ImmLoadIME().
Definition at line 305 of file layime.c. References ARRAY_SIZE, BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, GET_PROC, GetSystemPathName(), ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, L, LoadFixVersionInfo(), LoadVarVersionInfo(), MAX_PATH, NULL, TRUE, VERSION_DLL, and tagIMEINFOEX::wszImeFile. Referenced by ImmInstallIMEW(), and ImmLoadLayout().
Definition at line 3158 of file ctxtinfo.c. References BOOL, DWORD, GetInputContextThread, GetKeyboardLayout(), hWnd, ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::NotifyIME, NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, SendMessage(), and TRUE. Referenced by ImmSetCandidateWindow(), ImmSetCompositionFontA(), ImmSetCompositionFontW(), ImmSetCompositionWindow(), ImmSetConversionStatus(), ImmSetOpenStatus(), and ImmSetStatusWindowPos().
Definition at line 461 of file immhotky.c. References BOOL, GET, ADVAPI_FN::hModule, L, NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by CliSaveImeHotKey().
Definition at line 837 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c. References BOOL, ClrICF, tagCLIENTIMC::dwCodePage, DWORD, FALSE, tagIMEMODESAVER::fdwConversion, tagIMEMODESAVER::fdwInit, tagIMEMODESAVER::fdwSentence, tagIMEMODESAVER::fOpen, GetImeModeSaver(), IMCC_ALLOC_TOOLARGE, IMCF_UNICODE, IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSelect, ImmAssert, ImmCreateIMCC(), ImmDestroyIMCC(), ImmGetIMCCLockCount(), ImmGetIMCCSize(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmReSizeIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), InternalImmLockIMC(), LFontAtoLFontW(), LFontWtoLFontA(), max, NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, RestorePrivateMode(), SavePrivateMode(), SetICF, TestICF, TRUE, UINT, and VOID(). Referenced by SelectContextProc().
Definition at line 598 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c. References BOOL, GetInputContextProcess, GETPROCESSID, GETPTI, PtiCurrent, PtoH, and TRUE. Referenced by ImmLockClientImc().
Definition at line 647 of file kcodecnv.c. References BanjaToJunja(), JohabToKs(), JunjaToBanja(), KsToJohab(), lpDest, and lpSource. Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().
Definition at line 689 of file kcodecnv.c. References GetKeyboardLayout(), ImmGetConversionListA(), lpDest, lpSource, NULL, and UINT. Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().
Definition at line 1099 of file transsub.c. References NtUserGetAppImeLevel(), and UINT. Referenced by ImmGenerateMessage(), ImmPostMessages(), and TranslateIMESubFunctions().
Definition at line 723 of file kcodecnv.c. References HIBYTE, HMNTable, IDD_2BEOL, L, LOBYTE, and TRUE. Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().
Definition at line 54 of file transsub.c. References DestroyWindow, DWORD, FALSE, GetKeyboardLayout(), IGSC_DEFIMCFALLBACK, ImmGetSaveContext(), IsWindow(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, TransCodeConvert(), TransConvertList(), TransEnterWordRegisterMode(), TransGetConversionMode(), TransGetLevel(), TransGetMNTable(), TransGetMode(), TransGetOpenJ(), TransGetOpenK(), TransHanjaMode(), TransMoveImeWindow(), TransSendVKey(), TransSetConversionFontEx(), TransSetConversionMode(), TransSetConversionWindow(), TransSetLevel(), TransSetMode(), TransSetOpenJ(), TransSetOpenK(), and TRUE. Referenced by SendIMEMessageAll().
Definition at line 1116 of file transsub.c. References DWORD, FALSE, NtUserSetAppImeLevel(), and TRUE. Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().
Definition at line 212 of file immime.c. References tagIMEDPI::hInst, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeDestroy, NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, and VOID(). Referenced by ImmDisableIME(), ImmUnloadIME(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), and LoadImeDpi().
Definition at line 478 of file ntuser/imm/input.c. References ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), NULL, UINT, WINNLSTranslateMessageJ(), and WINNLSTranslateMessageK(). Referenced by ImmGenerateMessage(), and ImmPostMessages().
Definition at line 582 of file jtranmsg.c. References BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, hWnd, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(), ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, IsWindow(), IsWindowUnicode(), JTransCompositionA(), JTransCompositionW(), L, NULL, SendMessage(), TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by WINNLSTranslateMessage().
Definition at line 128 of file ktranmsg.c. References BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, FALSE, HIBYTE, hWnd, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(), IsWindowUnicode(), L, LOBYTE, NULL, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by WINNLSTranslateMessage().
Definition at line 96 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmDisableIME(), ImmDllInitialize(), ImmFreeLayout(), ImmGetImeDpi(), ImmGetImeMenuItemsInterProcess(), ImmInitializeGlobals(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnloadIME(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), and LoadImeDpi(). |
Definition at line 89 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmDllInitialize(), and ImmInitializeGlobals(). |
Definition at line 90 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), ImmDllInitialize(), ImmInitializeGlobals(), RegisterSoftKeyboard(), SKC1DrawBitmap(), SKC1DrawLabel(), SKT1DrawBitmap(), and SKT1DrawLabel(). |
Definition at line 95 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmDisableIME(), ImmFreeLayout(), ImmGetImeDpi(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnloadIME(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), and LoadImeDpi(). |
Definition at line 99 of file immcli.h. Referenced by GetSoftKeyboardDimension(), ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), and InitSKT1ButtonPos(). |
Definition at line 102 of file immcli.h. Referenced by GetImeLayout(), ImmLoadLayout(), and WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 106 of file immcli.h. Referenced by WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 109 of file immcli.h. Referenced by GetImeLayout(), ImmLoadLayout(), and WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 108 of file immcli.h. Referenced by WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 107 of file immcli.h. Referenced by WriteImeLayout(). |
Definition at line 100 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), SKC1ButtonUp(), SKT1ButtonUp(), and SKT1SetCursor(). |
Definition at line 91 of file immcli.h. Referenced by ImmLocalAlloc(). |