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immcli.h File Reference

#include <windows.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <w32err.h>
#include <w32gdip.h>
#include "winuserp.h"
#include "winuserk.h"
#include "kbd.h"
#include <wowuserp.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <imm.h>
#include <immp.h>
#include <ime.h>
#include <imep.h>
#include <winnls32.h>
#include "immstruc.h"
#include "immuser.h"
#include "user.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  tagIMELAYOUT
struct  tagFE_KEYBOARDS
struct  ADVAPI_FN


#define OEMRESOURCE   1
#define HEX_ASCII_SIZE   20
#define ImmAssert   UserAssert
#define bUser32Initialized   (gpsi != NULL)
#define ValidateHwnd(hwnd)
#define ValidateHimc(himc)
#define RevalidateHimc(himc)
#define ImmLocalReAlloc(p, uBytes, uFlags)   HeapReAlloc(pImmHeap, uFlags, (LPSTR)(p), (uBytes))
#define ImmLocalFree(p)   HeapFree(pImmHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p))
#define ImmLocalSize(p)   HeapSize(pImmHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p))
#define ImmLocalLock(p)   (LPSTR)(p)
#define ImmLocalUnlock(p)
#define ImmLocalFlags(p)   0
#define ImmLocalHandle(p)   (HLOCAL)(p)
#define GetInputContextProcess(himc)   (DWORD)NtUserQueryInputContext(himc, InputContextProcess)
#define GetInputContextThread(himc)   (DWORD)NtUserQueryInputContext(himc, InputContextThread)
#define GetWindowProcess(hwnd)   (ULONG_PTR)NtUserQueryWindow(hwnd, WindowProcess)
#define GETPROCESSID()   (ULONG_PTR)(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)
#define DWORD_ALIGN(x)   ((x+3)&~3)
#define SetICF(pClientImc, flag)   ((pClientImc)->dwFlags |= flag)
#define ClrICF(pClientImc, flag)   ((pClientImc)->dwFlags &= ~flag)
#define TestICF(pClientImc, flag)   ((pClientImc)->dwFlags & flag)
#define IsWndEqual(hWnd1, hWnd2)
#define HKL_TO_LANGID(hkl)   (LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hkl)))
#define IMECodePage(pImeDpi)   (CP_ACP)
#define CImcCodePage(pClientImc)   (CP_ACP)
#define TRACE(x)
#define BACK_T1   100
#define TAB_T1   101
#define CAPS_T1   102
#define ENTER_T1   103
#define SHIFT_T1   104
#define CTRL_T1   105
#define ESC_T1   106
#define ALT_T1   107
#define LABEL_T1   108
#define BACKSP_C1   201
#define TAB_C1   202
#define CAPS_C1   203
#define ENTER_C1   204
#define SHIFT_C1   205
#define INS_C1   206
#define DEL_C1   207
#define ESC_C1   208
#define LABEL_C1   209




LPVOID ImmLocalAlloc (DWORD uFlag, DWORD uBytes)
BOOL CreateInputContext (HIMC hImc, HKL hKL, BOOL fCanCallImeSelect)
BOOL DestroyInputContext (HIMC hImc, HKL hKL, BOOL bTerminate)
VOID SelectInputContext (HKL hSelKL, HKL hUnSelKL, HIMC hImc)
DWORD BuildHimcList (DWORD idThread, HIMC **pphimcFirst)
HIMC ImmGetSaveContext (HWND hWnd, DWORD dwFlag)
BOOL ImmSetCompositionStringWorker (HIMC hImc, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpComp, DWORD dwCompLen, LPVOID lpRead, DWORD dwReadLen, BOOL fAnsi)
DWORD ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker (HIMC hImc, LPDWORD lpdwListCount, BOOL fAnsi)
DWORD ImmGetCandidateListWorker (HIMC hImc, DWORD dwIndex, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsi)
DWORD ImmGetGuideLineWorker (HIMC hImc, DWORD dwIndex, LPBYTE lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsi)
LONG InternalGetCompositionStringA (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsiImc, DWORD dwCodePage)
LONG InternalGetCompositionStringW (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING lpCompStr, DWORD dwIndex, LPVOID lpBuf, DWORD dwBufLen, BOOL fAnsiImc, DWORD dwCodePage)
DWORD InternalGetCandidateListAtoW (LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListA, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListW, DWORD dwBufLen, DWORD dwCodePage)
DWORD InternalGetCandidateListWtoA (LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListW, LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListA, DWORD dwBufLen, DWORD dwCodePage)
DWORD CalcCharacterPositionAtoW (DWORD dwCharPosA, LPSTR lpszCharStr, DWORD dwCodePage)
DWORD CalcCharacterPositionWtoA (DWORD dwCharPosW, LPWSTR lpwszCharStr, DWORD dwCodePage)
BOOL MakeIMENotify (HIMC hImc, HWND hWnd, DWORD dwAction, DWORD dwIndex, DWORD dwValue, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
VOID ImmSendNotification (BOOL fForProcess)
BOOL InquireIme (PIMEDPI pImeDpi)
VOID UnloadIME (PIMEDPI pImeDpi, BOOL fTerminateIme)
PIMEDPI LoadImeDpi (HKL hKL, BOOL fLock)
PIMEDPI FindOrLoadImeDpi (HKL hKL)
VOID GetSystemPathName (PWSTRpwszPath, PWSTR pwszFileName, UINT maxChar)
BOOL LoadVersionInfo (PIMEINFOEX piiex)
LPWSTR MakeStringFromRegFullInfo (PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION pKey, size_t limit)
PINPUTCONTEXT InternalImmLockIMC (HIMC hImc, BOOL fCanCallImeSelect)
BOOL ImmIsUIMessageWorker (HWND hIMEWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fAnsi)
BOOL TestInputContextProcess (PIMC pImc)
DWORD ImmGetAppCompatFlags (HIMC hImc)
BOOL ImmPtInRect (int left, int top, int width, int height, LPPOINT lppt)
UINT GetKeyboardLayoutCP (HKL hKL)
UINT CALLBACK EnumRegisterWordProcA (LPCSTR lpszReading, DWORD dwStyle, LPCSTR lpszString, PENUMREGWORDDATA pEnumRegWordData)
UINT CALLBACK EnumRegisterWordProcW (LPCWSTR lpwszReading, DWORD dwStyle, LPCWSTR lpwszString, PENUMREGWORDDATA pEnumRegWordData)
VOID ImmPostMessages (HWND hwnd, HIMC hImc, INT iNum, PTRANSMSG pTransMsg)
BOOL HotKeyIDDispatcher (HWND hWnd, HIMC hImc, HKL hKL, DWORD dwHotKeyID)
BOOL OpenRegApi (ADVAPI_FN *pfn)
void CloseRegApi (ADVAPI_FN *pfn)
LRESULT TranslateIMESubFunctions (HWND hWndApp, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme, BOOL fAnsi)
LRESULT TransGetLevel (HWND hWndApp)
LRESULT TransCodeConvert (HIMC hImc, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme)
LRESULT TransConvertList (HIMC hImc, LPIMESTRUCT lpIme)
UINT WINNLSTranslateMessage (INT iNum, PTRANSMSG pTransMsg, HIMC hImc, BOOL fAnsi, DWORD dwLangId)
__inline int IsAnsiIMC (HIMC hIMC)


BOOLEAN gfInitialized
PVOID pImmHeap
POINT gptWorkArea
POINT gptRaiseEdge
UINT guScanCode [0XFF]
CONST WCHAR gszRegKbdLayout []
CONST WCHAR gszRegKbdOrder []
CONST WCHAR gszValLayoutText []
CONST WCHAR gszValLayoutFile []
CONST WCHAR gszValImeFile []

Define Documentation

#define ALT_T1   107

Definition at line 484 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define BACK_T1   100

Definition at line 477 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define BACKSP_C1   201

Definition at line 488 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define bUser32Initialized   (gpsi != NULL)

Definition at line 118 of file immcli.h.

#define CAPS_C1   203

Definition at line 490 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define CAPS_T1   102

Definition at line 479 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define CImcCodePage pClientImc   )     (CP_ACP)

Definition at line 183 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), ImmGetCandidateListWorker(), ImmGetCompositionStringA(), ImmGetCompositionStringW(), ImmGetGuideLineWorker(), and ImmRequestMessageWorker().

#define ClrICF pClientImc,
flag   )     ((pClientImc)->dwFlags &= ~flag)

Definition at line 164 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmEnableIME(), ImmSetActiveContext(), and SelectInputContext().

#define CTRL_T1   105

Definition at line 482 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define DEL_C1   207

Definition at line 494 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define DWORD_ALIGN  )     ((x+3)&~3)

Definition at line 160 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by AddTaggedElement(), AddTagTableEntry(), ChangeTaggedElementSize(), CompStrAToStringExA(), CompStrAToStringExW(), CompStrAToUndetA(), CompStrAToUndetW(), CompStrWToStringExA(), CompStrWToStringExW(), CompStrWToUndetA(), CompStrWToUndetW(), DeleteTaggedElement(), ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(), InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(), SetColorProfileElementReference(), and SetColorProfileElementSize().

#define ENTER_C1   204

Definition at line 491 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define ENTER_T1   103

Definition at line 480 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define ESC_C1   208

Definition at line 495 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define ESC_T1   106

Definition at line 483 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define GetInputContextProcess himc   )     (DWORD)NtUserQueryInputContext(himc, InputContextProcess)

Definition at line 149 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker(), and TestInputContextProcess().

#define GetInputContextThread himc   )     (DWORD)NtUserQueryInputContext(himc, InputContextThread)

Definition at line 152 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by HotKeyIDDispatcher(), ImmAssociateContext(), ImmAssociateContextEx(), ImmDestroyContext(), ImmGenerateMessage(), ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker(), ImmNotifyIME(), ImmRequestMessageAorW(), ImmSetCandidateWindow(), ImmSetCompositionFontA(), ImmSetCompositionFontW(), ImmSetCompositionStringWorker(), ImmSetCompositionWindow(), ImmSetConversionStatus(), ImmSetOpenStatus(), ImmSetStatusWindowPos(), MakeIMENotify(), and TransHanjaMode().

#define GETPROCESSID  )     (ULONG_PTR)(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)

Definition at line 158 of file immcli.h.

#define GetWindowProcess hwnd   )     (ULONG_PTR)NtUserQueryWindow(hwnd, WindowProcess)

Definition at line 155 of file immcli.h.

#define HEX_ASCII_SIZE   20

Definition at line 51 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by GetImeLayout(), ImmInstallIMEW(), and WriteImeLayout().

#define HKL_TO_LANGID hkl   )     (LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hkl)))

Definition at line 171 of file immcli.h.

#define IMECodePage pImeDpi   )     (CP_ACP)

Definition at line 182 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by CreateInputContext(), ImmConfigureIMEA(), ImmConfigureIMEW(), ImmEnumRegisterWordA(), ImmEnumRegisterWordW(), ImmEscapeA(), ImmEscapeW(), ImmGetConversionListA(), ImmGetConversionListW(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW(), ImmRegisterWordA(), ImmRegisterWordW(), ImmSetCompositionStringWorker(), ImmUnregisterWordA(), ImmUnregisterWordW(), InquireIme(), and SelectInputContext().

#define ImmAssert   UserAssert

Definition at line 59 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by EnumRegisterWordProcA(), EnumRegisterWordProcW(), HotKeyIDDispatcher(), ImmGetImeInfoEx(), ImmPenAuxInput(), ImmProcessKey(), ImmTranslateMessage(), RestorePrivateMode(), and SelectInputContext().

#define ImmLocalFlags  )     0

Definition at line 141 of file immcli.h.

#define ImmLocalFree  )     HeapFree(pImmHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p))

Definition at line 137 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by BuildHimcList(), CopyImeFile(), DestroyImeModeSaver(), EnumRegisterWordProcA(), EnumRegisterWordProcW(), ImmConfigureIMEA(), ImmConfigureIMEW(), ImmCreateContext(), ImmDisableIME(), ImmEnumInputContext(), ImmEnumRegisterWordA(), ImmEnumRegisterWordW(), ImmFreeLayout(), ImmGenerateMessage(), ImmGetConversionListA(), ImmGetConversionListW(), ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW(), ImmIMPQueryIMEW(), ImmIMPSetIMEW(), ImmInstallIMEA(), ImmInstallIMEW(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmPenAuxInput(), ImmPostMessages(), ImmProcessKey(), ImmPutImeMenuItemsIntoMappedFile(), ImmRegisterWordA(), ImmRegisterWordW(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), ImmSetCompositionStringWorker(), ImmTranslateMessage(), ImmUnloadIME(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), ImmUnregisterWordA(), ImmUnregisterWordW(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), InternalGetCompositionStringW(), InternalSCS_CHANGEATTR(), InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE(), InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING(), LoadImeDpi(), LoadVersionInfo(), and WINNLSTranslateMessageJ().

#define ImmLocalHandle  )     (HLOCAL)(p)

Definition at line 142 of file immcli.h.

#define ImmLocalLock  )     (LPSTR)(p)

Definition at line 139 of file immcli.h.

#define ImmLocalReAlloc p,
uFlags   )     HeapReAlloc(pImmHeap, uFlags, (LPSTR)(p), (uBytes))

Definition at line 136 of file immcli.h.

#define ImmLocalSize  )     HeapSize(pImmHeap, 0, (LPSTR)(p))

Definition at line 138 of file immcli.h.

#define ImmLocalUnlock  ) 

Definition at line 140 of file immcli.h.

#define INS_C1   206

Definition at line 493 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define IsWndEqual hWnd1,
hWnd2   ) 


(LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hWnd1)) == LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hWnd2)) && \ ValidateHwnd(hWnd1) == ValidateHwnd(hWnd2))

Definition at line 168 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmAssociateContext(), SKT1ButtonUp(), and TransSetConversionWindow().

#define LABEL_C1   209

Definition at line 496 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define LABEL_T1   108

Definition at line 485 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define LANGIDFROMHKL hkl   )     (LOBYTE(LOWORD((ULONG_PTR)hkl)))

Definition at line 176 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by WriteImeLayout().

#define OEMRESOURCE   1

Definition at line 18 of file immcli.h.

#define RevalidateHimc himc   ) 


(((himc) == (HIMC)NULL || !bUser32Initialized) \ ? (PIMC)NULL : HMValidateHandleNoRip((HANDLE)himc, TYPE_INPUTCONTEXT))

Definition at line 126 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmEnumInputContext().

#define SetICF pClientImc,
flag   )     ((pClientImc)->dwFlags |= flag)

Definition at line 162 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by CreateInputContext(), DestroyInputContext(), ImmEnableIME(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmSetActiveContext(), and SelectInputContext().

#define SHIFT_C1   205

Definition at line 492 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define SHIFT_T1   104

Definition at line 481 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define TAB_C1   202

Definition at line 489 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKC1Bitmap().

#define TAB_T1   101

Definition at line 478 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by InitSKT1Bitmap().

#define TestICF pClientImc,
flag   )     ((pClientImc)->dwFlags & flag)

Definition at line 166 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by DestroyInputContext(), ImmEnableIME(), ImmGenerateMessage(), ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), ImmGetCandidateListWorker(), ImmGetCompositionFontA(), ImmGetCompositionFontW(), ImmGetCompositionStringA(), ImmGetCompositionStringW(), ImmGetGuideLineWorker(), ImmGetSaveContext(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmPostMessages(), ImmSetCompositionFontA(), ImmSetCompositionFontW(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), IsAnsiIMC(), MySetCompFont(), SelectInputContext(), and SetFontForMCWVERTICAL().

#define TRACE  ) 

Definition at line 470 of file immcli.h.

#define ValidateHimc himc   ) 


(((himc) == (HIMC)NULL || !bUser32Initialized) \ ? (PIMC)NULL : HMValidateHandle((HANDLE)himc, TYPE_INPUTCONTEXT))

Definition at line 123 of file immcli.h.

#define ValidateHwnd hwnd   ) 


(((hwnd) == (HWND)NULL || !bUser32Initialized) \ ? (PWND)NULL : HMValidateHandle(hwnd, TYPE_WINDOW))

Definition at line 120 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by _CreateWindowEx(), _SetWindowLongPtr(), AnimateWindow(), ArrangeWindows(), ButtonWndProcA(), ButtonWndProcW(), CalcClientScrolling(), CheckRadioButton(), ChildWindowFromPoint(), ClientToScreen(), CloseWindow(), ComboBoxWndProcA(), ComboBoxWndProcW(), ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), ComboListBoxWndProcA(), ComboListBoxWndProcW(), DDEMLClientWndProc(), DefDlgProcA(), DefDlgProcW(), DefDlgProcWorker(), DefFrameProcWorker(), DefMDIChildProcWorker(), DefWindowProc(), DesktopWndProcWorker(), DialogBox2(), DispatchMessageWorker(), DlgDirListA(), DlgDirListComboBoxA(), DlgDirListComboBoxW(), DlgDirListW(), DlgDirSelectComboBoxExW(), ECGetControlBrush(), ECIsAncestorActive(), EditWndProcA(), EditWndProcW(), EndDialog(), EnterReaderModeHelper(), EnumHwndDlgChildProc(), FChildVisible(), GetClassLongPtr(), GetClassNameA(), GetClassWord(), GetClientRect(), GetDesktopWindow(), GetDialogMonitor(), GetDlgCtrlID(), GetDlgItem(), GetLastActivePopup(), GetMenu(), GetNextDlgGroupItem(), GetNextDlgTabItem(), GetParent(), GetProp(), GetScrollInfo(), GetScrollPos(), GetScrollRange(), GetTopWindow(), GetUpdateRect(), GetUpdateRgn(), GetWindow(), GetWindowInfo(), GetWindowLongPtr(), GetWindowModuleFileName(), GetWindowRect(), GetWindowRgn(), GetWindowText(), GetWindowTextLength(), GetWindowWord(), ImeWndProcA(), ImeWndProcW(), ImmAssociateContext(), ImmAssociateContextEx(), ImmCallImeConsoleIME(), ImmConfigureIMEA(), ImmConfigureIMEW(), ImmGetSaveContext(), ImmRequestMessageAorW(), ImmSetActiveContext(), InternalCreateDialog(), InternalDialogBox(), InternalEnumWindows(), IsChild(), IsDialogMessageA(), IsDialogMessageW(), IsIconic(), IsWindowEnabled(), IsWindowUnicode(), IsWindowVisible(), IsZoomed(), ListBoxWndProcA(), ListBoxWndProcW(), MapDialogRect(), MapWindowPoints(), MB_DlgProcWorker(), MDIActivateDlgSize(), MDIAddSysMenu(), MDIClientWndProcA(), MDIClientWndProcW(), MDIClientWndProcWorker(), MDICompleteChildCreation(), MDIRemoveSysMenu(), MenuWndProcWorker(), MESSAGECALL(), MLScroll(), MonitorFromWindow(), NtUserFlashWindowEx(), NtUserGetDC(), NtUserGetDCEx(), NtUserPostMessage(), NtUserTranslateMessage(), OpenIcon(), PaintRect(), ProcessDDEMLInitiate(), ReaderWndProc(), ScreenToClient(), ScrollBarWndProcWorker(), SendMessage(), SetScrollRange(), SetWindowText(), SLEditWndProc(), SmoothScrollWindowEx(), StaticWndProcA(), StaticWndProcW(), TrackMouseEvent(), UnmaximizeChildWindows(), UpdateWindow(), UserAssociateHwnd(), UserGetClientRgn(), UserGetDesktopDC(), ValidatePositionableWindow(), WinHelpA(), xxxbFullscreenSwitch(), xxxCBCreateHandler(), xxxCheckDefPushButton(), xxxCsEvent(), xxxDDETrackGetMessageHook(), xxxDDETrackPostHook(), xxxDDETrackSendHook(), xxxDefWindowProc(), xxxDispatchMessage(), xxxDragObject(), xxxHelpLoop(), xxxInternalGetMessage(), xxxLBoxCaretBlinker(), xxxMDIActivate(), xxxMDIDestroy(), xxxSaveDlgFocus(), xxxSetConsoleCaretInfo(), xxxSetFrameTitle(), xxxSetWindowData(), xxxSysCommand(), and xxxTranslateMessage().

Typedef Documentation


Referenced by ImmEnumRegisterWordA().


typedef struct tagIMELAYOUT IMELAYOUT


Referenced by EnumRegisterWordProcA().

typedef struct tagIMELAYOUT * PIMELAYOUT

Function Documentation

DWORD BuildHimcList DWORD  idThread,
HIMC **  pphimcFirst

Definition at line 1259 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c.

References DWORD, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NtUserBuildHimcList(), NULL, Status, and UINT.

01262 { 01263 UINT cHimc; 01264 HIMC *phimcFirst; 01265 NTSTATUS Status; 01266 int cTries; 01267 01268 /* 01269 * Allocate a buffer to hold the names. 01270 */ 01271 cHimc = 64; 01272 phimcFirst = ImmLocalAlloc(0, cHimc * sizeof(HIMC)); 01273 if (phimcFirst == NULL) 01274 return 0; 01275 01276 Status = NtUserBuildHimcList(idThread, cHimc, phimcFirst, &cHimc); 01277 01278 /* 01279 * If the buffer wasn't big enough, reallocate 01280 * the buffer and try again. 01281 */ 01282 cTries = 0; 01283 while (Status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { 01284 ImmLocalFree(phimcFirst); 01285 01286 /* 01287 * If we can't seem to get it right, 01288 * call it quits 01289 */ 01290 if (cTries++ == 10) 01291 return 0; 01292 01293 phimcFirst = ImmLocalAlloc(0, cHimc * sizeof(HIMC)); 01294 if (phimcFirst == NULL) 01295 return 0; 01296 01297 Status = NtUserBuildHimcList(idThread, cHimc, phimcFirst, &cHimc); 01298 } 01299 01300 if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) || cHimc == 0) { 01301 ImmLocalFree(phimcFirst); 01302 return 0; 01303 } 01304 01305 *pphimcFirst = phimcFirst; 01306 01307 return cHimc; 01308 }

DWORD CalcCharacterPositionAtoW DWORD  dwCharPosA,
LPSTR  lpszCharStr,
DWORD  dwCodePage

Definition at line 3052 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References DWORD.

Referenced by CompStrAToStringExW(), CompStrAToUndetW(), ImmReconversionWorker(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), InternalGetCompositionStringW(), and InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE().

03056 { 03057 DWORD dwCharPosW = 0; 03058 03059 while (dwCharPosA != 0) { 03060 if (IsDBCSLeadByteEx(dwCodePage, *lpszCharStr)) { 03061 if (dwCharPosA >= 2) { 03062 dwCharPosA -= 2; 03063 } 03064 else { 03065 dwCharPosA--; 03066 } 03067 lpszCharStr += 2; 03068 } 03069 else { 03070 dwCharPosA--; 03071 lpszCharStr++; 03072 } 03073 dwCharPosW++; 03074 } 03075 03076 return dwCharPosW; 03077 }

DWORD CalcCharacterPositionWtoA DWORD  dwCharPosW,
LPWSTR  lpwszCharStr,
DWORD  dwCodePage

Definition at line 3089 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References DWORD, and UnicodeToMultiByteSize().

Referenced by CompStrWToStringExA(), CompStrWToUndetA(), ImmReconversionWorker(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), and InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE().

03093 { 03094 DWORD dwCharPosA = 0; 03095 ULONG MultiByteSize; 03096 03097 while (dwCharPosW != 0) { 03098 MultiByteSize = UnicodeToMultiByteSize(dwCodePage, lpwszCharStr); 03099 if (MultiByteSize == 2) { 03100 dwCharPosA += 2; 03101 } 03102 else { 03103 dwCharPosA++; 03104 } 03105 dwCharPosW--; 03106 lpwszCharStr++; 03107 } 03108 03109 return dwCharPosA; 03110 }

void CloseRegApi ADVAPI_FN pfn  ) 

Definition at line 486 of file immhotky.c.

References ADVAPI_FN::hModule.

Referenced by CliSaveImeHotKey().

00487 { 00488 UserAssert(pfn->hModule); 00489 if (pfn->hModule) { 00490 FreeLibrary(pfn->hModule); 00491 pfn->hModule; 00492 } 00493 }

BOOL CreateInputContext HIMC  hImc,
BOOL  fCanCallImeSelect

Definition at line 563 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c.

References BOOL, tagCLIENTIMC::dwCodePage, DWORD, FALSE, IMCF_UNICODE, IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSelect, ImmCreateIMCC(), ImmDestroyIMCC(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, SetICF, TRUE, and UINT.

00567 { 00568 PIMEDPI pImeDpi; 00569 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00570 DWORD dwPrivateDataSize; 00571 DWORD fdwInitConvMode = 0; // do it later 00572 BOOL fInitOpen = FALSE; // do it later 00573 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 00574 PCOMPOSITIONSTRING pCompStr; 00575 PCANDIDATEINFO pCandInfo; 00576 PGUIDELINE pGuideLine; 00577 int i; 00578 00579 pInputContext = ImmLockIMC(hImc); 00580 if (!pInputContext) { 00581 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "CreateContext: Lock hIMC %x failure", hImc); 00582 goto CrIMCLockErrOut; 00583 } 00584 00585 /* 00586 * Initialize the member of INPUTCONTEXT 00587 */ 00588 pInputContext->hCompStr = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING)); 00589 if (!pInputContext->hCompStr) { 00590 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "CreateContext: Create hCompStr failure"); 00591 goto CrIMCUnlockIMC; 00592 } 00593 00594 pCompStr = (PCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 00595 if (!pCompStr) { 00596 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00597 "CreateContext: Lock hCompStr %x failure", pInputContext->hCompStr); 00598 goto CrIMCFreeCompStr; 00599 } 00600 00601 pCompStr->dwSize = sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING); 00602 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 00603 00604 pInputContext->hCandInfo = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO)); 00605 if (!pInputContext->hCandInfo) { 00606 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "CreateContext: Create hCandInfo failure"); 00607 goto CrIMCFreeCompStr; 00608 } 00609 00610 pCandInfo = (PCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00611 if (!pCandInfo) { 00612 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00613 "CreateContext: Lock hCandInfo %x failure", pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00614 goto CrIMCFreeCandInfo; 00615 } 00616 00617 pCandInfo->dwSize = sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO); 00618 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00619 00620 pInputContext->hGuideLine = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(GUIDELINE)); 00621 if (!pInputContext->hGuideLine) { 00622 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "CreateContext: Create hGuideLine failure"); 00623 goto CrIMCFreeCandInfo; 00624 } 00625 00626 pGuideLine = (PGUIDELINE)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00627 if (!pGuideLine) { 00628 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00629 "CreateContext: Lock hGuideLine %x failure", pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00630 goto CrIMCFreeGuideLine; 00631 } 00632 00633 pGuideLine->dwSize = sizeof(GUIDELINE); 00634 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00635 00636 pInputContext->hMsgBuf = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(UINT)); 00637 if (!pInputContext->hMsgBuf) { 00638 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "CreateContext: Create hMsgBuf failure"); 00639 goto CrIMCFreeGuideLine; 00640 } 00641 00642 pInputContext->dwNumMsgBuf = 0; 00643 pInputContext->fOpen = fInitOpen; 00644 pInputContext->fdwConversion = fdwInitConvMode; 00645 pInputContext->fdwSentence = 0; 00646 00647 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { 00648 pInputContext->cfCandForm[i].dwIndex = (DWORD)(-1); 00649 } 00650 00651 pImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(hKL); 00652 if (pImeDpi != NULL) { 00653 if ((pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hImc)) == NULL) { 00654 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "CreateContext: ImmLockClientImc() failure"); 00655 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pImeDpi); 00656 goto CrIMCFreeMsgBuf; 00657 } 00658 00659 /* 00660 * Unicode based IME expects an Uncode based input context. 00661 */ 00662 if (pImeDpi->ImeInfo.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_UNICODE) 00663 SetICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE); 00664 00665 pClientImc->dwCodePage = IMECodePage(pImeDpi); 00666 00667 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00668 00669 dwPrivateDataSize = pImeDpi->ImeInfo.dwPrivateDataSize; 00670 } 00671 else { 00672 dwPrivateDataSize = sizeof(UINT); 00673 } 00674 00675 pInputContext->hPrivate = ImmCreateIMCC(dwPrivateDataSize); 00676 if (!pInputContext->hPrivate) { 00677 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "CreateContext: Create hPrivate failure"); 00678 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pImeDpi); 00679 goto CrIMCFreeMsgBuf; 00680 } 00681 00682 pInputContext->pImeModeSaver = NULL; 00683 00684 if (pImeDpi != NULL) { 00685 if (fCanCallImeSelect) { 00686 (*pImeDpi->pfn.ImeSelect)(hImc, TRUE); 00687 } 00688 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pImeDpi); 00689 } 00690 00691 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 00692 return TRUE; 00693 00694 /* 00695 * context failure case 00696 */ 00697 CrIMCFreeMsgBuf: 00698 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hMsgBuf); 00699 CrIMCFreeGuideLine: 00700 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00701 CrIMCFreeCandInfo: 00702 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00703 CrIMCFreeCompStr: 00704 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 00705 CrIMCUnlockIMC: 00706 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 00707 CrIMCLockErrOut: 00708 return FALSE; 00709 }

BOOL DestroyInputContext HIMC  hImc,
BOOL  bTerminate

Definition at line 718 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c.

References BOOL, tagCLIENTIMC::cLockObj, DestroyImeModeSaver(), tagIMC::dwClientImcData, FALSE, GETPTI, tagCLIENTIMC::hInputContext, HMValidateHandle(), IMCF_DEFAULTIMC, IMCF_INDESTROY, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSelect, ImmDestroyIMCC(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), IS_IME_ENABLED, NtUserDestroyInputContext(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, tagIMEDPI::pfn, PtiCurrent, SetICF, TestICF, TRUE, and TYPE_INPUTCONTEXT.

00722 { 00723 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 00724 PIMEDPI pImeDpi; 00725 PIMC pImc; 00726 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00727 00728 if (!IS_IME_ENABLED()) { 00729 return FALSE; 00730 00731 } 00732 if (hImc == NULL_HIMC) { 00733 RIPMSG0(RIP_VERBOSE, "DestroyInputContext: hImc is NULL."); 00734 return FALSE; 00735 } 00736 00737 pImc = HMValidateHandle((HANDLE)hImc, TYPE_INPUTCONTEXT); 00738 00739 /* 00740 * Cannot destroy input context from other thread. 00741 */ 00742 if (pImc == NULL || GETPTI(pImc) != PtiCurrent()) 00743 return FALSE; 00744 00745 /* 00746 * We are destroying this hImc so we don't bother calling 00747 * ImmLockClientImc() to get the pClientImc. Instead, we 00748 * reference the pImc->dwClientImcData directly and call 00749 * InterlockedIncrement(&pClientImc->cLockObj) right after 00750 * several quick checks. 00751 */ 00752 pClientImc = (PCLIENTIMC)pImc->dwClientImcData; 00753 00754 if (pClientImc == NULL) { 00755 /* 00756 * Client side Imc has not been initialzed yet. 00757 * We simply destroy this input context from kernel. 00758 */ 00759 if (bTerminate) { 00760 /* 00761 * If called from THREAD_DETACH, we don't 00762 * have to destroy kernel side Input Context. 00763 */ 00764 return TRUE; 00765 } 00766 return NtUserDestroyInputContext(hImc); 00767 } 00768 00769 if (TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_DEFAULTIMC) && !bTerminate) { 00770 /* 00771 * Cannot destroy default input context unless the 00772 * thread is terminating. 00773 */ 00774 return FALSE; 00775 } 00776 00777 if (TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_INDESTROY)) { 00778 /* 00779 * This hImc is being destroyed. Returns as success. 00780 */ 00781 return TRUE; 00782 } 00783 00784 /* 00785 * Time to lock up the pClientImc. 00786 */ 00787 InterlockedIncrement(&pClientImc->cLockObj); 00788 00789 if (pClientImc->hInputContext != NULL) { 00790 00791 pInputContext = ImmLockIMC(hImc); 00792 if (!pInputContext) { 00793 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "DestroyContext: Lock hImc %x failure", hImc); 00794 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00795 return FALSE; 00796 } 00797 00798 pImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(hKL); 00799 if (pImeDpi != NULL) { 00800 (*pImeDpi->pfn.ImeSelect)(hImc, FALSE); 00801 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pImeDpi); 00802 } 00803 00804 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hPrivate); 00805 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hMsgBuf); 00806 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00807 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00808 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 00809 00810 /* 00811 * Free all ImeModeSaver. 00812 */ 00813 DestroyImeModeSaver(pInputContext); 00814 00815 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 00816 } 00817 00818 SetICF(pClientImc, IMCF_INDESTROY); 00819 00820 /* 00821 * ImmUnlockClientImc() will free up the pClientImc 00822 * when InterlockedDecrement(&pClientImc->cLockObj) 00823 * reaches 0. 00824 */ 00825 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00826 00827 return (bTerminate) ? TRUE : NtUserDestroyInputContext(hImc); 00828 }

UINT CALLBACK EnumRegisterWordProcA LPCSTR  lpszReading,
DWORD  dwStyle,
LPCSTR  lpszString,

Definition at line 749 of file regword.c.

References CHAR, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::dwCodePage, DWORD, ImmAssert, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, INT, L, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpData, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpfn, NULL, PENUMREGWORDDATA, strlen(), and UINT.

Referenced by ImmEnumRegisterWordW().

00754 { 00755 LPWSTR lpwszReading; 00756 LPWSTR lpwszString; 00757 INT cchReading; 00758 INT cchString; 00759 INT i; 00760 UINT uRet; 00761 00762 ImmAssert(pEnumRegWordData != NULL); 00763 00764 if (lpszReading != NULL) { 00765 cchReading = strlen(lpszReading) + sizeof(CHAR); 00766 lpwszReading = ImmLocalAlloc(0, cchReading * sizeof(WCHAR)); 00767 if (lpwszReading == NULL) { 00768 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "EnumRegisterWordProcA: memory failure."); 00769 return 0; 00770 } 00771 00772 i = MultiByteToWideChar(pEnumRegWordData->dwCodePage, 00773 (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, 00774 (LPSTR)lpszReading, // src 00775 (INT)strlen(lpszReading), 00776 (LPWSTR)lpwszReading, // dest 00777 cchReading); 00778 lpwszReading[i] = L'\0'; 00779 } 00780 else { 00781 lpwszReading = NULL; 00782 } 00783 00784 if (lpszString != NULL) { 00785 cchString = strlen(lpszString) + sizeof(CHAR); 00786 lpwszString = ImmLocalAlloc(0, cchString * sizeof(WCHAR)); 00787 if (lpwszString == NULL) { 00788 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "EnumRegisterWordProcA: memory failure."); 00789 if (lpwszReading != NULL) 00790 ImmLocalFree(lpwszReading); 00791 return 0; 00792 } 00793 00794 i = MultiByteToWideChar(pEnumRegWordData->dwCodePage, 00795 (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, 00796 (LPSTR)lpszString, // src 00797 (INT)strlen(lpszString), 00798 (LPWSTR)lpwszString, // dest 00799 cchString); 00800 lpwszString[i] = L'\0'; 00801 } 00802 else { 00803 lpwszString = NULL; 00804 } 00805 00806 uRet = (*pEnumRegWordData->lpfn.w)(lpwszReading, dwStyle, 00807 lpwszString, pEnumRegWordData->lpData); 00808 00809 if (lpwszReading != NULL) 00810 ImmLocalFree(lpwszReading); 00811 00812 if (lpwszString != NULL) 00813 ImmLocalFree(lpwszString); 00814 00815 return uRet; 00816 }

UINT CALLBACK EnumRegisterWordProcW LPCWSTR  lpwszReading,
DWORD  dwStyle,
LPCWSTR  lpwszString,

Definition at line 819 of file regword.c.

References _ENUMREGWORDDATA::dwCodePage, DWORD, ImmAssert, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, INT, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpData, _ENUMREGWORDDATA::lpfn, NULL, and UINT.

Referenced by ImmEnumRegisterWordA().

00824 { 00825 LPSTR lpszReading; 00826 LPSTR lpszString; 00827 INT cchReading; 00828 INT cchString; 00829 INT i; 00830 UINT uRet; 00831 00832 ImmAssert(pEnumRegWordData != NULL); 00833 00834 if (lpwszReading != NULL) { 00835 cchReading = (wcslen(lpwszReading) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); 00836 lpszReading = ImmLocalAlloc(0, cchReading); 00837 if (lpszReading == NULL) { 00838 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmRegisterWordW: memory failure."); 00839 return 0; 00840 } 00841 00842 i = WideCharToMultiByte(pEnumRegWordData->dwCodePage, 00843 (DWORD)0, 00844 (LPWSTR)lpwszReading, // src 00845 (INT)wcslen(lpwszReading), 00846 (LPSTR)lpszReading, // dest 00847 cchReading, 00848 (LPSTR)NULL, 00849 (LPBOOL)NULL); 00850 lpszReading[i] = '\0'; 00851 } 00852 else { 00853 lpszReading = NULL; 00854 } 00855 00856 if (lpwszString != NULL) { 00857 cchString = (wcslen(lpwszString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); 00858 lpszString = ImmLocalAlloc(0, cchString); 00859 if (lpszString == NULL) { 00860 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmRegisterWordW: memory failure."); 00861 if (lpszReading != NULL) 00862 ImmLocalFree(lpszReading); 00863 return 0; 00864 } 00865 00866 i = WideCharToMultiByte(pEnumRegWordData->dwCodePage, 00867 (DWORD)0, 00868 (LPWSTR)lpwszString, // src 00869 (INT)wcslen(lpwszString), 00870 (LPSTR)lpszString, // dest 00871 cchString, 00872 (LPSTR)NULL, 00873 (LPBOOL)NULL); 00874 lpszString[i] = '\0'; 00875 } 00876 else { 00877 lpszString = NULL; 00878 } 00879 00880 uRet = (*pEnumRegWordData->lpfn.a)(lpszReading, dwStyle, 00881 lpszString, pEnumRegWordData->lpData); 00882 00883 if (lpszReading != NULL) 00884 ImmLocalFree(lpszReading); 00885 00886 if (lpszString != NULL) 00887 ImmLocalFree(lpszString); 00888 00889 return uRet; 00890 }

PIMEDPI FindOrLoadImeDpi HKL  hKL  ) 

Definition at line 327 of file immime.c.

References ImmLockImeDpi(), IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT, LoadImeDpi(), NULL, and TRUE.

Referenced by ImmConfigureIMEA(), ImmConfigureIMEW(), ImmEnumRegisterWordA(), ImmEnumRegisterWordW(), ImmEscapeA(), ImmEscapeW(), ImmGetConversionListA(), ImmGetConversionListW(), ImmGetProperty(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW(), ImmPenAuxInput(), ImmRegisterWordA(), ImmRegisterWordW(), ImmUnregisterWordA(), and ImmUnregisterWordW().

00329 { 00330 PIMEDPI pImeDpi; 00331 00332 /* 00333 * Non IME based keyboard layout doesn't have IMEDPI. 00334 */ 00335 if (!IS_IME_KBDLAYOUT(hKL)) 00336 return (PIMEDPI)NULL; 00337 00338 pImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(hKL); 00339 if (pImeDpi == NULL) 00340 pImeDpi = LoadImeDpi(hKL, TRUE); 00341 00342 return pImeDpi; 00343 }

UINT GetKeyboardLayoutCP HKL  hKL  ) 

Definition at line 643 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References CachedCP, CachedLCID, LOCALE_CPDATA, NULL, and UINT.

Referenced by GetThreadKeyboardLayoutCP(), and ImmPenAuxInput().

00645 { 00646 #define LOCALE_CPDATA 7 00647 WCHAR wszCodePage[LOCALE_CPDATA]; 00648 LCID lcid; 00649 00650 lcid = MAKELCID(LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hKL)), SORT_DEFAULT); 00651 00652 if (lcid == CachedLCID) 00653 return CachedCP; 00654 00655 if (!GetLocaleInfoW(lcid, LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, 00656 wszCodePage, LOCALE_CPDATA)) 00657 return CP_ACP; 00658 00659 CachedLCID = lcid; 00660 CachedCP = (UINT)wcstol(wszCodePage, NULL, 10); 00661 00662 return CachedCP; 00663 }

VOID GetSystemPathName PWSTRpwszPath  ,
PWSTR  pwszFileName,
UINT  maxChar

Definition at line 95 of file layime.c.

References L, UINT, and VOID().

Referenced by CopyImeFile(), ImmInstallIMEW(), LoadIME(), and LoadVersionInfo().

00096 { 00097 UINT fnLen = wcslen(pwszFileName); 00098 UINT i = GetSystemDirectoryW(pwszPath, maxChar); 00099 00100 UserAssert(fnLen + 1 < maxChar); 00101 // avoid error condition 00102 if (fnLen + 1 >= maxChar) { 00103 *pwszPath = L'\0'; 00104 return; 00105 } 00106 if (i > 0 || i < maxChar - fnLen - 1) { 00107 pwszPath += i; 00108 if (pwszPath[-1] != L'\\') 00109 *pwszPath++ = L'\\'; 00110 } 00111 wcscpy(pwszPath, pwszFileName); 00112 }

BOOL HotKeyIDDispatcher HWND  hWnd,
HIMC  hImc,

Definition at line 87 of file hotkey.c.

References BOOL, CIMENonIMEToggle(), CSymbolToggle(), FALSE, GetInputContextThread, hWnd, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeEscape, ImmAssert, ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), JCloseOpen(), KEnglishHangul(), KHanjaConvert(), KShapeToggle(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, tagIMEDPI::pfn, and TShapeToggle().

Referenced by ImmProcessKey(), and ImmSimulateHotKey().

00088 { 00089 /* 00090 * Dispatch the IME hotkey event for the specified hImc 00091 * only if the calling thread owns the hImc. 00092 */ 00093 if (hImc != NULL_HIMC && 00094 GetInputContextThread(hImc) != GetCurrentThreadId()) { 00095 return FALSE; 00096 } 00097 00098 switch ( dwHotKeyID ) { 00099 case IME_CHOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE: 00100 return CIMENonIMEToggle(hImc, hKlCurrent, hWnd, MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_SIMPLIFIED)); 00101 00102 case IME_THOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE: 00103 return CIMENonIMEToggle(hImc, hKlCurrent, hWnd, MAKELANGID(LANG_CHINESE, SUBLANG_CHINESE_TRADITIONAL)); 00104 00105 case IME_CHOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE: 00106 case IME_THOTKEY_SYMBOL_TOGGLE: 00107 return CSymbolToggle( hImc, hKlCurrent, hWnd); 00108 00109 case IME_JHOTKEY_CLOSE_OPEN: 00110 return JCloseOpen( hImc, hKlCurrent, hWnd); 00111 00112 case IME_KHOTKEY_ENGLISH: // VK_HANGUL : English/Hangul mode 00113 return KEnglishHangul( hImc ); 00114 00115 case IME_KHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE: // VK_JUNJA : full/half width 00116 return KShapeToggle( hImc ); 00117 00118 case IME_KHOTKEY_HANJACONVERT: // VK_HANJA : convert hangul to hanja 00119 return KHanjaConvert( hImc ); 00120 00121 case IME_CHOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE: 00122 case IME_THOTKEY_SHAPE_TOGGLE: 00123 return TShapeToggle( hImc, hKlCurrent, hWnd); 00124 00125 default: 00126 /* 00127 * Direct swithing hotkey should have been handled in the kernel side. 00128 */ 00129 ImmAssert(dwHotKeyID < IME_HOTKEY_DSWITCH_FIRST || dwHotKeyID > IME_HOTKEY_DSWITCH_LAST); 00130 00131 if ( dwHotKeyID >= IME_HOTKEY_PRIVATE_FIRST && 00132 dwHotKeyID <= IME_HOTKEY_PRIVATE_LAST ) { 00133 00134 PIMEDPI pImeDpi; 00135 BOOL bRet = FALSE; 00136 00137 if ( (pImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(hKlCurrent)) != NULL ) { 00138 00139 bRet = (BOOL)(*pImeDpi->pfn.ImeEscape)( hImc, 00140 IME_ESC_PRIVATE_HOTKEY, 00141 (PVOID)&dwHotKeyID ); 00142 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pImeDpi); 00143 return bRet; 00144 } 00145 } 00146 } 00147 return (FALSE); 00148 }

DWORD ImmGetAppCompatFlags HIMC  hImc  ) 

Definition at line 912 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References tagCLIENTIMC::dwImeCompatFlags, DWORD, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), and NULL.

Referenced by ImmProcessKey(), MySetCandidateWindow(), MySetCompFont(), and MySetCompWindow().

00913 { 00914 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00915 DWORD dwImeCompat = 0; 00916 00917 pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc( hImc ); 00918 if ( pClientImc != NULL ) { 00919 dwImeCompat = pClientImc->dwImeCompatFlags; 00920 ImmUnlockClientImc( pClientImc ); 00921 } 00922 return dwImeCompat; 00923 }

DWORD ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker HIMC  hImc,
LPDWORD  lpdwListCount,
BOOL  fAnsi

Definition at line 879 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References CImcCodePage, DWORD, DWORD_ALIGN, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), INT, InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(), InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(), NULL, and TestICF.

Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountA(), and ImmGetCandidateListCountW().

00883 { 00884 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00885 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 00886 LPCANDIDATEINFO lpCandInfo; 00887 DWORD dwRet = 0; 00888 INT i; 00889 DWORD dwCodePage; 00890 00891 if (lpdwListCount) { 00892 *lpdwListCount = 0; 00893 } else { 00894 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateListCount: NULL lpdwListCount."); 00895 return dwRet; 00896 } 00897 00898 pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hImc); 00899 if (pClientImc == NULL) { 00900 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateListCount: Invalid hImc %lx.", hImc); 00901 goto GetCandListCntExit; 00902 } 00903 dwCodePage = CImcCodePage(pClientImc); 00904 00905 pInputContext = ImmLockIMC(hImc); 00906 if (pInputContext == NULL) { 00907 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateListCount: Lock hImc %lx failed.", hImc); 00908 goto GetCandListCntUnlockClientImc; 00909 } 00910 00911 lpCandInfo = (LPCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00912 if (!lpCandInfo) { 00913 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00914 "ImmGetCandidateListCount: Lock hCandInfo %x failed.", 00915 pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00916 goto GetCandListCntUnlockIMC; 00917 } 00918 00919 if (lpCandInfo->dwSize < sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO)) { 00920 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateListCount: no candidate list."); 00921 goto GetCandListCntUnlockIMC; 00922 } 00923 00924 *lpdwListCount = lpCandInfo->dwCount; 00925 00926 if (fAnsi && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 00927 LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListW; 00928 00929 dwRet = DWORD_ALIGN(sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO)) 00930 + DWORD_ALIGN(lpCandInfo->dwPrivateSize); 00931 00932 for (i = 0; i < (INT)lpCandInfo->dwCount; i++) { 00933 lpCandListW = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)lpCandInfo + lpCandInfo->dwOffset[i]); 00934 dwRet += InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(lpCandListW, NULL, 0, dwCodePage); 00935 } 00936 } 00937 else if (!fAnsi && !TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 00938 LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListA; 00939 00940 dwRet = DWORD_ALIGN(sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO)) 00941 + DWORD_ALIGN(lpCandInfo->dwPrivateSize); 00942 00943 for (i = 0; i < (INT)lpCandInfo->dwCount; i++) { 00944 lpCandListA = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)lpCandInfo + lpCandInfo->dwOffset[i]); 00945 dwRet += InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(lpCandListA, NULL, 0, dwCodePage); 00946 } 00947 } 00948 else { 00949 dwRet = lpCandInfo->dwSize; 00950 } 00951 00952 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00953 00954 GetCandListCntUnlockIMC: 00955 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 00956 00957 GetCandListCntUnlockClientImc: 00958 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00959 00960 GetCandListCntExit: 00961 return dwRet; 00962 }

DWORD ImmGetCandidateListWorker HIMC  hImc,
DWORD  dwIndex,
DWORD  dwBufLen,
BOOL  fAnsi

Definition at line 1014 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References CImcCodePage, DWORD, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(), InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(), NULL, and TestICF.

Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListA(), and ImmGetCandidateListW().

01020 { 01021 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 01022 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 01023 LPCANDIDATEINFO lpCandInfo; 01024 LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandListTemp; 01025 DWORD dwBufLenTemp; 01026 DWORD dwRet = 0; 01027 DWORD dwCodePage; 01028 01029 pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hImc); 01030 if (pClientImc == NULL) { 01031 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateList: Invalid hImc %lx.", hImc); 01032 goto GetCandListExit; 01033 01034 } 01035 01036 dwCodePage = CImcCodePage(pClientImc); 01037 01038 pInputContext = ImmLockIMC(hImc); 01039 if (pInputContext == NULL) { 01040 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateList: Lock hImc %lx failed.", hImc); 01041 goto GetCandListUnlockClientImc; 01042 } 01043 01044 lpCandInfo = (LPCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 01045 if (!lpCandInfo) { 01046 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateList: Lock hCandInfo %x failed", 01047 pInputContext->hCandInfo); 01048 goto GetCandListUnlockIMC; 01049 } 01050 01051 if (lpCandInfo->dwSize < sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO)) { 01052 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateList: no candidate list."); 01053 goto GetCandListUnlockIMCC; 01054 } 01055 01056 /* 01057 * invalid access 01058 */ 01059 if (dwIndex >= lpCandInfo->dwCount) { 01060 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateList: dwIndex >= lpCandInfo->dwCount."); 01061 goto GetCandListUnlockIMCC; 01062 } 01063 01064 lpCandListTemp = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)lpCandInfo + lpCandInfo->dwOffset[dwIndex]); 01065 01066 if (fAnsi && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01067 /* 01068 * ANSI Caller with an Unicode hImc. 01069 */ 01070 dwBufLenTemp = InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(lpCandListTemp, NULL, 0, dwCodePage); 01071 } 01072 else if (!fAnsi && !TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01073 /* 01074 * Unicode Caller with an ANSI hImc. 01075 */ 01076 dwBufLenTemp = InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(lpCandListTemp, NULL, 0, dwCodePage); 01077 } 01078 else { 01079 /* 01080 * No conversion required. 01081 */ 01082 dwBufLenTemp = lpCandListTemp->dwSize; 01083 } 01084 01085 /* 01086 * Query buffer size or early exit on error 01087 */ 01088 if (dwBufLen == 0 || dwBufLenTemp == 0) { 01089 dwRet = dwBufLenTemp; 01090 } 01091 else if (!lpCandList) { 01092 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateList: Null lpCandList."); 01093 } 01094 else if (dwBufLen < dwBufLenTemp) { 01095 RIPMSG2(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetCandidateList: dwBufLen = %d too small, require = %d.", 01096 dwBufLen, dwBufLenTemp); 01097 } else { 01098 if (fAnsi && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01099 dwRet = InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(lpCandListTemp, lpCandList, dwBufLenTemp, dwCodePage); 01100 } 01101 else if (!fAnsi && !TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01102 dwRet = InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(lpCandListTemp, lpCandList, dwBufLenTemp, dwCodePage); 01103 } 01104 else { 01105 RtlCopyMemory((LPBYTE)lpCandList, (LPBYTE)lpCandListTemp, dwBufLenTemp); 01106 dwRet = dwBufLenTemp; 01107 } 01108 } 01109 01110 GetCandListUnlockIMCC: 01111 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 01112 01113 GetCandListUnlockIMC: 01114 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 01115 01116 GetCandListUnlockClientImc: 01117 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 01118 01119 GetCandListExit: 01120 return dwRet; 01121 }

DWORD ImmGetGuideLineWorker HIMC  hImc,
DWORD  dwIndex,
LPBYTE  lpBuf,
DWORD  dwBufLen,
BOOL  fAnsi

Definition at line 1173 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References BOOL, CImcCodePage, DWORD, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), INT, InternalGetCandidateListAtoW(), InternalGetCandidateListWtoA(), NULL, and TestICF.

Referenced by ImmGetGuideLineA(), and ImmGetGuideLineW().

01179 { 01180 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 01181 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 01182 LPGUIDELINE lpGuideLine; 01183 LPBYTE lpBufTemp; 01184 DWORD dwRet = 0; 01185 DWORD dwBufLenNeeded; 01186 BOOL bUDC; 01187 DWORD dwCodePage; 01188 01189 pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hImc); 01190 if (pClientImc == NULL) { 01191 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetGuideLine: Invalid hImc %lx.", hImc); 01192 goto GetGuideLineExit; 01193 } 01194 dwCodePage = CImcCodePage(pClientImc); 01195 01196 pInputContext = ImmLockIMC(hImc); 01197 if (pInputContext == NULL) { 01198 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetGuideLine: Lock hImc %lx failed.", hImc); 01199 goto GetGuideLineUnlockClientImc; 01200 } 01201 01202 lpGuideLine = (LPGUIDELINE)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 01203 if (!lpGuideLine) { 01204 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "ImmGetGuideLine: Lock hGuideLine %lx failed.", 01205 pInputContext->hGuideLine); 01206 goto GetGuideLineUnlockIMC; 01207 } 01208 01209 switch (dwIndex) { 01210 case GGL_LEVEL: 01211 dwRet = lpGuideLine->dwLevel; 01212 break; 01213 01214 case GGL_INDEX: 01215 dwRet = lpGuideLine->dwIndex; 01216 break; 01217 01218 case GGL_STRING: 01219 01220 lpBufTemp = (LPBYTE)lpGuideLine + lpGuideLine->dwStrOffset; 01221 01222 /* 01223 * Calculate the required buffer length. 01224 */ 01225 if (fAnsi && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01226 dwBufLenNeeded = WideCharToMultiByte(dwCodePage, 01227 (DWORD)0, 01228 (LPWSTR)lpBufTemp, 01229 (INT)lpGuideLine->dwStrLen, 01230 (LPSTR)NULL, 01231 (INT)0, 01232 (LPSTR)NULL, 01233 (LPBOOL)&bUDC); 01234 } 01235 else if (!fAnsi && !TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01236 dwBufLenNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(dwCodePage, 01237 (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, 01238 (LPSTR)lpBufTemp, 01239 (INT)lpGuideLine->dwStrLen, 01240 (LPWSTR)NULL, 01241 (INT)0); 01242 dwBufLenNeeded *= sizeof(WCHAR); 01243 } 01244 else { 01245 dwBufLenNeeded = lpGuideLine->dwStrLen; 01246 /* 01247 * The dwStrLen records the strlen and not the byte count. 01248 */ 01249 if (TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) 01250 dwBufLenNeeded *= sizeof(WCHAR); 01251 } 01252 01253 /* 01254 * Query GuideLine string size only or early exit on error 01255 */ 01256 if (dwBufLen == 0 || dwBufLenNeeded == 0) { 01257 dwRet = dwBufLenNeeded; 01258 goto GetGuideLineUnlockIMCC; 01259 } 01260 01261 if (lpBuf == NULL || dwBufLen < dwBufLenNeeded) 01262 goto GetGuideLineUnlockIMCC; 01263 01264 if (fAnsi && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01265 dwRet = WideCharToMultiByte(dwCodePage, 01266 (DWORD)0, 01267 (LPWSTR)lpBufTemp, 01268 (INT)lpGuideLine->dwStrLen, 01269 (LPSTR)lpBuf, 01270 (INT)dwBufLen, 01271 (LPSTR)NULL, 01272 (LPBOOL)&bUDC); 01273 } 01274 else if (!fAnsi && !TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE)) { 01275 dwRet = MultiByteToWideChar(dwCodePage, 01276 (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, 01277 (LPSTR)lpBufTemp, 01278 (INT)lpGuideLine->dwStrLen, 01279 (LPWSTR)lpBuf, 01280 (INT)dwBufLen/sizeof(WCHAR)); 01281 dwRet *= sizeof(WCHAR); 01282 } 01283 else { 01284 RtlCopyMemory(lpBuf, lpBufTemp, dwBufLenNeeded); 01285 dwRet = dwBufLenNeeded; 01286 } 01287 01288 break; 01289 01290 case GGL_PRIVATE: 01291 01292 lpBufTemp = (LPBYTE)lpGuideLine + lpGuideLine->dwPrivateOffset; 01293 01294 /* 01295 * The dwPrivateOffset is an offset to a CANDIDATELIST when 01296 * lpGuideLine->dwIndex == GL_ID_REVERSECONVERSION. Do conversion 01297 * for this case only. 01298 */ 01299 if (fAnsi && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE) && 01300 lpGuideLine->dwIndex == GL_ID_REVERSECONVERSION) { 01301 dwBufLenNeeded = InternalGetCandidateListWtoA( 01302 (LPCANDIDATELIST)lpBufTemp, (LPCANDIDATELIST)NULL, 0, dwCodePage); 01303 } 01304 else if (!fAnsi && !TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE) && 01305 lpGuideLine->dwIndex == GL_ID_REVERSECONVERSION) { 01306 dwBufLenNeeded = InternalGetCandidateListAtoW( 01307 (LPCANDIDATELIST)lpBufTemp, (LPCANDIDATELIST)NULL, 0, dwCodePage); 01308 } 01309 else { 01310 dwBufLenNeeded = lpGuideLine->dwPrivateSize; 01311 } 01312 01313 /* 01314 * Query dwPrivateSize size only or early exit on error 01315 */ 01316 if (dwBufLen == 0 || dwBufLenNeeded == 0) { 01317 dwRet = dwBufLenNeeded; 01318 goto GetGuideLineUnlockIMCC; 01319 } 01320 01321 if (lpBuf == NULL || dwBufLen < dwBufLenNeeded) 01322 goto GetGuideLineUnlockIMCC; 01323 01324 if (fAnsi && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE) && 01325 lpGuideLine->dwIndex == GL_ID_REVERSECONVERSION) { 01326 dwRet = InternalGetCandidateListWtoA( 01327 (LPCANDIDATELIST)lpBufTemp, (LPCANDIDATELIST)lpBuf, dwBufLenNeeded, dwCodePage); 01328 } 01329 else if (!fAnsi && !TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE) && 01330 lpGuideLine->dwIndex == GL_ID_REVERSECONVERSION) { 01331 dwRet = InternalGetCandidateListAtoW( 01332 (LPCANDIDATELIST)lpBufTemp, (LPCANDIDATELIST)lpBuf, dwBufLenNeeded, dwCodePage); 01333 } 01334 else { 01335 RtlCopyMemory(lpBuf, lpBufTemp, dwBufLenNeeded); 01336 dwRet = dwBufLenNeeded; 01337 } 01338 01339 break; 01340 01341 default: 01342 break; 01343 } 01344 01345 GetGuideLineUnlockIMCC: 01346 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 01347 01348 GetGuideLineUnlockIMC: 01349 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 01350 01351 GetGuideLineUnlockClientImc: 01352 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 01353 01354 GetGuideLineExit: 01355 return dwRet; 01356 }

PIMEDPI ImmGetImeDpi HKL  hKL  ) 

Definition at line 769 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References gcsImeDpi, gpImeDpi, tagIMEDPI::hKL, NULL, and tagIMEDPI::pNext.

Referenced by ImmLoadIME(), and LoadImeDpi().

00771 { 00772 PIMEDPI pImeDpi; 00773 00774 RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsImeDpi); 00775 00776 pImeDpi = gpImeDpi; 00777 00778 while (pImeDpi != NULL && pImeDpi->hKL != hKL) 00779 pImeDpi = pImeDpi->pNext; 00780 00781 RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsImeDpi); 00782 00783 return (PIMEDPI)pImeDpi; 00784 }

HIMC ImmGetSaveContext HWND  hWnd,
DWORD  dwFlag

Definition at line 225 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c.

References tagWND::hImc, hWnd, IGSC_DEFIMCFALLBACK, IGSC_WINNLSCHECK, IMCF_WINNLSDISABLE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), IS_IME_ENABLED, NtUserGetThreadState(), NtUserQueryWindow(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, TestICF, TestWindowProcess(), and ValidateHwnd.

Referenced by ImmGetContext(), ImmSetActiveContext(), ImmWINNLSGetEnableStatus(), and TranslateIMESubFunctions().

00228 { 00229 HIMC hRetImc; 00230 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00231 PWND pwnd; 00232 00233 if (!IS_IME_ENABLED()) { 00234 return NULL_HIMC; 00235 } 00236 00237 if (hWnd == NULL) { 00238 /* 00239 * Retrieves the default input context of current thread. 00240 */ 00241 hRetImc = (HIMC)NtUserGetThreadState(UserThreadStateDefaultInputContext); 00242 } 00243 else { 00244 /* 00245 * Retrieves the input context associated to the given window. 00246 */ 00247 if ((pwnd = ValidateHwnd(hWnd)) == (PWND)NULL) { 00248 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00249 "ImmGetSaveContext: invalid window handle %x", hWnd); 00250 return NULL_HIMC; 00251 } 00252 /* 00253 * Don't allow other process to access input context 00254 */ 00255 if (!TestWindowProcess(pwnd)) { 00256 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, 00257 "ImmGetSaveContext: can not get input context of other process"); 00258 return NULL_HIMC; 00259 } 00260 hRetImc = pwnd->hImc; 00261 00262 if (hRetImc == NULL_HIMC && (dwFlag & IGSC_DEFIMCFALLBACK)) { 00263 /* 00264 * hWnd associated with NULL input context, retrieves the 00265 * default input context of the hWnd's creator thread. 00266 */ 00267 hRetImc = (HIMC)NtUserQueryWindow(hWnd, WindowDefaultInputContext); 00268 } 00269 } 00270 00271 pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hRetImc); 00272 if (pClientImc == NULL) 00273 return NULL_HIMC; 00274 00275 if ((dwFlag & IGSC_WINNLSCHECK) && TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_WINNLSDISABLE)) 00276 hRetImc = NULL_HIMC; 00277 00278 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00279 00280 return hRetImc; 00281 }

BOOL ImmIsUIMessageWorker HWND  hIMEWnd,
UINT  message,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam,
BOOL  fAnsi

Definition at line 115 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References BOOL, D, DbgPrint, FALSE, IsWindow(), and TRUE.

Referenced by ImmIsUIMessageA(), and ImmIsUIMessageW().

00121 { 00122 D(DbgPrint("ImmIsUIMessageWorker(wnd[%08X], msg[%04X], wp[%08X], lp[%08X], Ansi[%d]\n", 00123 hIMEWnd, message, wParam, lParam, fAnsi)); 00124 00125 switch (message) { 00126 case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: 00127 case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION: 00128 case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: 00129 case WM_IME_SETCONTEXT: 00130 case WM_IME_COMPOSITIONFULL: 00131 case WM_IME_SELECT: 00132 case WM_IME_NOTIFY: 00133 case WM_IME_SYSTEM: 00134 00135 if (!hIMEWnd) 00136 return TRUE; 00137 00138 #if DBG 00139 if (!IsWindow(hIMEWnd)) { 00140 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00141 "ImmIsUIMessage: Invalid window handle %x", hIMEWnd); 00142 return FALSE; 00143 } 00144 #endif 00145 00146 if (fAnsi) { 00147 SendMessageA(hIMEWnd, message, wParam, lParam); 00148 } 00149 else { 00150 SendMessageW(hIMEWnd, message, wParam, lParam); 00151 } 00152 00153 return TRUE; 00154 00155 default: 00156 break; 00157 } 00158 00159 return FALSE; 00160 }

LPVOID ImmLocalAlloc DWORD  uFlag,
DWORD  uBytes

Definition at line 557 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References LPVOID, NULL, and pImmHeap.

Referenced by BuildHimcList(), CopyImeFile(), EnumRegisterWordProcA(), EnumRegisterWordProcW(), GetImeModeSaver(), GetImePrivateModeSaver(), ImmConfigureIMEA(), ImmConfigureIMEW(), ImmCreateContext(), ImmEnumRegisterWordA(), ImmEnumRegisterWordW(), ImmFreeLayout(), ImmGenerateMessage(), ImmGetConversionListA(), ImmGetConversionListW(), ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleA(), ImmGetRegisterWordStyleW(), ImmIMPQueryIMEW(), ImmIMPSetIMEW(), ImmInstallIMEA(), ImmInstallIMEW(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmPenAuxInput(), ImmPostMessages(), ImmProcessKey(), ImmPutImeMenuItemsIntoMappedFile(), ImmRegisterWordA(), ImmRegisterWordW(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), ImmTranslateMessage(), ImmUnregisterWordA(), ImmUnregisterWordW(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), InternalGetCompositionStringW(), InternalSCS_CHANGEATTR(), InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE(), InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING(), InternalSCS_SETSTR(), LoadImeDpi(), LoadVersionInfo(), and WINNLSTranslateMessageJ().

00560 { 00561 if (pImmHeap == NULL) { 00562 pImmHeap = RtlProcessHeap(); 00563 if (pImmHeap == NULL) { 00564 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmLocalAlloc: NULL pImmHeap!"); 00565 return NULL; 00566 } 00567 } 00568 00569 return HeapAlloc(pImmHeap, uFlag, uBytes); 00570 }

VOID ImmPostMessages HWND  hwnd,
HIMC  hImc,
INT  iNum,

Definition at line 408 of file ntuser/imm/input.c.

References BOOL, DWORD, GetClientInfo, hWnd, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), INT, NULL, TestICF, TransGetLevel(), VER40, and WINNLSTranslateMessage().

Referenced by ImmTranslateMessage().

00413 { 00414 INT i; 00415 BOOL fAnsiIME; 00416 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00417 PTRANSMSG pTransMsgTemp, pTransMsgBuf = NULL; 00418 00419 // 00420 // Check if the IME is unicode or not. 00421 // The message buffer contains unicode messages 00422 // if the IME is unicode. 00423 // 00424 pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hImc); 00425 if (pClientImc == NULL) { 00426 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00427 "ImmPostMessages: Invalid hImc %lx.", hImc); 00428 return; 00429 } 00430 00431 fAnsiIME = ! TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE); 00432 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00433 00434 // 00435 // translate messages to 3.x format if the App's version is 3.x. 00436 // 00437 pTransMsgTemp = pTransMsg; 00438 if (GetClientInfo()->dwExpWinVer < VER40) { 00439 DWORD dwLangId = PRIMARYLANGID( 00440 LANGIDFROMLCID( 00441 GetSystemDefaultLCID())); 00442 if ( (dwLangId == LANG_KOREAN && TransGetLevel(hWnd) == 3) || 00443 dwLangId == LANG_JAPANESE ) { 00444 00445 pTransMsgBuf = ImmLocalAlloc(0, iNum * sizeof(TRANSMSG)); 00446 if (pTransMsgBuf != NULL) { 00447 RtlCopyMemory(pTransMsgBuf, pTransMsg, iNum * sizeof(TRANSMSG)); 00448 iNum = WINNLSTranslateMessage(iNum, 00449 pTransMsgBuf, 00450 hImc, 00451 fAnsiIME, 00452 dwLangId ); 00453 pTransMsgTemp = pTransMsgBuf; 00454 } 00455 } 00456 } 00457 00458 for (i = 0; i < iNum; i++) { 00459 if (fAnsiIME) { 00460 PostMessageA(hWnd, 00461 pTransMsgTemp->message, 00462 pTransMsgTemp->wParam, 00463 pTransMsgTemp->lParam); 00464 } else { 00465 PostMessageW(hWnd, 00466 pTransMsgTemp->message, 00467 pTransMsgTemp->wParam, 00468 pTransMsgTemp->lParam); 00469 } 00470 pTransMsgTemp++; 00471 } 00472 00473 if (pTransMsgBuf != NULL) { 00474 ImmLocalFree(pTransMsgBuf); 00475 } 00476 }

BOOL ImmPtInRect int  left,
int  top,
int  width,
int  height,

Definition at line 933 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References BOOL.

Referenced by SKC1MousePosition(), and SKT1MousePosition().

00939 { 00940 return (lppt->x >= left && lppt->x < (left + width) && 00941 lppt->y >= top && lppt->y < (top + height)); 00942 }

VOID ImmSendNotification BOOL  fForProcess  ) 

Definition at line 1191 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c.

References DWORD, ImmEnumInputContext(), SendNotificationProc(), and VOID().

Referenced by ImmSystemHandler().

01193 { 01194 DWORD dwThreadId; 01195 01196 if (fForProcess) { 01197 dwThreadId = -1; 01198 } else { 01199 dwThreadId = 0; 01200 } 01201 01202 ImmEnumInputContext(dwThreadId, (IMCENUMPROC)SendNotificationProc, 0); 01203 }

BOOL ImmSetCompositionStringWorker HIMC  hImc,
DWORD  dwIndex,
LPVOID  lpComp,
DWORD  dwCompLen,
LPVOID  lpRead,
DWORD  dwReadLen,
BOOL  fAnsi

Definition at line 610 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References BOOL, CheckAttribute(), CheckClause(), CompositionString(), DWORD, FALSE, GetInputContextThread, GetKeyboardLayout(), IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSetCompositionString, ImmLocalFree, ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), InternalSCS_CHANGEATTR(), InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE(), InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING(), InternalSCS_SETSTR(), NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, and TRUE.

Referenced by ImmSetCompositionStringA(), and ImmSetCompositionStringW().

00618 { 00619 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 00620 PCOMPOSITIONSTRING pCompStr; 00621 DWORD dwThreadId; 00622 PIMEDPI pImeDpi; 00623 LPBYTE lpCompBuf, lpReadBuf; 00624 LPBYTE lpNewComp = NULL, lpNewRead = NULL; 00625 DWORD dwNewCompLen, dwNewReadLen; 00626 BOOL fRet = FALSE; 00627 BOOL fCheckSize = TRUE; 00628 BOOL fNeedAWConversion; 00629 LPBYTE lpOrgComp, lpOrgRead; 00630 DWORD dwOrgCompLen, dwOrgReadLen; 00631 00632 dwThreadId = GetInputContextThread(hImc); 00633 if (dwThreadId != GetCurrentThreadId()) { 00634 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00635 "ImmSetCompositionString: Invalid input context access %lx.", hImc); 00636 return FALSE; 00637 } 00638 00639 pImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(GetKeyboardLayout(dwThreadId)); 00640 if (pImeDpi == NULL) 00641 return FALSE; 00642 00643 lpCompBuf = lpReadBuf = NULL; 00644 00645 // Backup original pointers to copyback for QUERY. 00646 lpOrgComp = lpComp; 00647 lpOrgRead = lpRead; 00648 dwOrgCompLen = dwCompLen; 00649 dwOrgReadLen = dwReadLen; 00650 00651 /* 00652 * Check if we need ANSI/Unicode conversion 00653 */ 00654 if (( fAnsi && !(pImeDpi->ImeInfo.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_UNICODE)) || 00655 (!fAnsi && (pImeDpi->ImeInfo.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_UNICODE))) { 00656 /* 00657 * No A/W conversion needed. 00658 */ 00659 fNeedAWConversion = FALSE; 00660 goto start_scs; 00661 } 00662 fNeedAWConversion = TRUE; 00663 00664 switch (dwIndex) { 00665 case SCS_SETSTR: 00666 if ( lpComp && 00667 (lpCompBuf = InternalSCS_SETSTR(lpComp, dwCompLen, 00668 &lpNewComp, &dwNewCompLen, fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00669 goto callime_scs; 00670 if ( lpRead && 00671 (lpReadBuf = InternalSCS_SETSTR(lpRead, dwReadLen, 00672 &lpNewRead, &dwNewReadLen, fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00673 goto callime_scs; 00674 00675 fCheckSize = FALSE; 00676 break; 00677 00678 case SCS_CHANGEATTR: 00679 if ( lpComp && 00680 (lpCompBuf = InternalSCS_CHANGEATTR( 00681 hImc, lpComp, dwCompLen, GCS_COMPSTR, 00682 &lpNewComp, &dwNewCompLen, fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00683 goto callime_scs; 00684 if ( lpRead && 00685 (lpReadBuf = InternalSCS_CHANGEATTR( 00686 hImc, lpRead, dwReadLen, GCS_COMPREADSTR, 00687 &lpNewRead, &dwNewReadLen, fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00688 goto callime_scs; 00689 break; 00690 00691 case SCS_CHANGECLAUSE: 00692 if ( lpComp && 00693 (lpCompBuf = InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE( 00694 hImc, lpComp, dwCompLen, GCS_COMPSTR, 00695 (LPDWORD *)&lpNewComp, &dwNewCompLen, fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00696 goto callime_scs; 00697 if ( lpRead && 00698 (lpReadBuf = InternalSCS_CHANGECLAUSE( 00699 hImc, lpRead, dwReadLen, GCS_COMPREADSTR, 00700 (LPDWORD *)&lpNewRead, &dwNewReadLen, fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00701 goto callime_scs; 00702 break; 00703 00704 case SCS_SETRECONVERTSTRING: 00705 case SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING: 00706 if (lpComp && 00707 (lpCompBuf = InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING((LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpComp, dwCompLen, 00708 (LPRECONVERTSTRING *)&lpNewComp, &dwNewCompLen, 00709 fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00710 goto callime_scs; 00711 if (lpRead && 00712 (lpReadBuf = InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING((LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpRead, dwReadLen, 00713 (LPRECONVERTSTRING *)&lpNewRead, &dwNewReadLen, 00714 fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi))) == NULL) 00715 goto callime_scs; 00716 00717 fCheckSize = FALSE; 00718 break; 00719 00720 default: 00721 goto callime_scs; 00722 } 00723 00724 if (lpCompBuf != NULL) { 00725 lpComp = lpNewComp; 00726 dwCompLen = dwNewCompLen; 00727 } 00728 00729 if (lpReadBuf != NULL) { 00730 lpRead = lpNewRead; 00731 dwReadLen = dwNewReadLen; 00732 } 00733 00734 start_scs: 00735 00736 if (CompositionString(hImc, &pInputContext, &pCompStr, fCheckSize) <= 0) 00737 goto callime_scs; 00738 00739 switch (dwIndex) 00740 { 00741 case SCS_SETSTR: 00742 fRet = TRUE; 00743 break; 00744 00745 case SCS_CHANGEATTR: 00746 if ( lpComp && 00747 !CheckAttribute((LPBYTE)lpComp, dwCompLen, 00748 (LPBYTE)((LPBYTE)pCompStr + pCompStr->dwCompAttrOffset), 00749 pCompStr->dwCompAttrLen, 00750 (LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)pCompStr + pCompStr->dwCompClauseOffset), 00751 pCompStr->dwCompClauseLen)) break; 00752 00753 if ( lpRead && 00754 !CheckAttribute((LPBYTE)lpRead, dwReadLen, 00755 (LPBYTE)((LPBYTE)pCompStr + pCompStr->dwCompReadAttrOffset), 00756 pCompStr->dwCompReadAttrLen, 00757 (LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)pCompStr + pCompStr->dwCompReadClauseOffset), 00758 pCompStr->dwCompReadClauseLen)) break; 00759 fRet = TRUE; 00760 break; 00761 00762 case SCS_CHANGECLAUSE: 00763 if ( lpComp && 00764 !CheckClause((LPDWORD)lpComp, dwCompLen, 00765 (LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)pCompStr + pCompStr->dwCompClauseOffset), 00766 pCompStr->dwCompClauseLen)) break; 00767 if ( lpRead && 00768 !CheckClause((LPDWORD)lpRead, dwReadLen, 00769 (LPDWORD)((LPBYTE)pCompStr + pCompStr->dwCompReadClauseOffset), 00770 pCompStr->dwCompReadClauseLen)) break; 00771 fRet = TRUE; 00772 break; 00773 00774 case SCS_SETRECONVERTSTRING: 00775 case SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING: 00776 if (pImeDpi->ImeInfo.fdwSCSCaps & SCS_CAP_SETRECONVERTSTRING) { 00777 fRet = TRUE; 00778 } 00779 break; 00780 00781 default: 00782 break; 00783 } 00784 00785 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 00786 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 00787 00788 callime_scs: 00789 00790 if (fRet) { 00791 fRet = (*pImeDpi->pfn.ImeSetCompositionString)(hImc, dwIndex, 00792 lpComp, dwCompLen, lpRead, dwReadLen); 00793 } 00794 00795 /* 00796 * Check if we need ANSI/Unicode back conversion 00797 */ 00798 if (fNeedAWConversion) { 00799 LPBYTE lpCompBufBack = NULL, lpReadBufBack = NULL; 00800 /* 00801 * A/W back conversion needed. 00802 */ 00803 switch (dwIndex) { 00804 case SCS_QUERYRECONVERTSTRING: 00805 if (lpOrgComp && 00806 (lpCompBufBack = InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING((LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpComp, dwCompLen, 00807 (LPRECONVERTSTRING *)&lpNewComp, &dwNewCompLen, 00808 !fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi)))) { 00809 RtlCopyMemory(lpOrgComp, lpNewComp, dwNewCompLen); 00810 } 00811 if (lpOrgRead && 00812 (lpReadBufBack = InternalSCS_RECONVERTSTRING( 00813 (LPRECONVERTSTRING)lpRead, dwReadLen, 00814 (LPRECONVERTSTRING *)&lpNewRead, &dwNewReadLen, 00815 !fAnsi, IMECodePage(pImeDpi)))) { 00816 RtlCopyMemory(lpOrgRead, lpNewRead, dwNewReadLen); 00817 } 00818 } 00819 if (lpCompBufBack != NULL) 00820 LocalFree(lpCompBufBack); 00821 if (lpReadBufBack != NULL) 00822 LocalFree(lpReadBufBack); 00823 } 00824 00825 if (lpCompBuf != NULL) 00826 ImmLocalFree(lpCompBuf); 00827 if (lpReadBuf != NULL) 00828 ImmLocalFree(lpReadBuf); 00829 00830 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pImeDpi); 00831 00832 return fRet; 00833 }

BOOL InquireIme PIMEDPI  pImeDpi  ) 

Definition at line 40 of file immime.c.

References BOOL, BYTE, tagIMEDPI::dwCodePage, DWORD, FALSE, GetClientInfo, tagIMEDPI::hInst, IM_UI_CLASS_SIZE, IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeInquire, INT, L, NtUserGetThreadState(), tagIMEDPI::pfn, TIF_16BIT, TRUE, UINT, and tagIMEDPI::wszUIClass.

Referenced by LoadIME().

00042 { 00043 WNDCLASS wc; 00044 BYTE ClassName[IM_UI_CLASS_SIZE * sizeof(WCHAR)]; 00045 DWORD dwSystemInfoFlags; 00046 PIMEINFO pImeInfo = &pImeDpi->ImeInfo; 00047 00048 dwSystemInfoFlags = (NtUserGetThreadState(UserThreadStateIsWinlogonThread)) 00049 ? IME_SYSINFO_WINLOGON : 0; 00050 00051 if (GetClientInfo()->dwTIFlags & TIF_16BIT) 00052 dwSystemInfoFlags |= IME_SYSINFO_WOW16; 00053 00054 (*pImeDpi->pfn.ImeInquire.w)(pImeInfo, (PVOID)ClassName, dwSystemInfoFlags); 00055 00056 /* 00057 * parameter checking for each fields. 00058 */ 00059 if (pImeInfo->dwPrivateDataSize == 0) 00060 pImeInfo->dwPrivateDataSize = sizeof(UINT); 00061 00062 if (pImeInfo->fdwProperty & ~(IME_PROP_ALL)) { 00063 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "wrong property"); 00064 return FALSE; 00065 } 00066 00067 if (pImeInfo->fdwConversionCaps & ~(IME_CMODE_ALL)) { 00068 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "wrong conversion capabilities"); 00069 return FALSE; 00070 } 00071 00072 if (pImeInfo->fdwSentenceCaps & ~(IME_SMODE_ALL)) { 00073 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "wrong sentence capabilities"); 00074 return FALSE; 00075 } 00076 00077 if (pImeInfo->fdwUICaps & ~(UI_CAP_ALL)) { 00078 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "wrong UI capabilities"); 00079 return FALSE; 00080 } 00081 00082 if (pImeInfo->fdwSCSCaps & ~(SCS_CAP_ALL)) { 00083 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "wrong set comp string capabilities"); 00084 return FALSE; 00085 } 00086 00087 if (pImeInfo->fdwSelectCaps & ~(SELECT_CAP_ALL)) { 00088 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "wrong select capabilities"); 00089 return FALSE; 00090 } 00091 00092 if (!(pImeInfo->fdwProperty & IME_PROP_UNICODE)) { 00093 00094 /* 00095 * This is ANSI IME. Ensure that it is usable under current system 00096 * codepage. 00097 */ 00098 if (pImeDpi->dwCodePage != GetACP() && pImeDpi->dwCodePage != CP_ACP) { 00099 // Note: in the future, if possible, these reference to dwCodepage 00100 // should be IMECodePage()... 00101 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "incompatible codepage(%d) for ANSI IME", pImeDpi->dwCodePage); 00102 return FALSE; 00103 } 00104 00105 /* 00106 * ANSI -> Unicode Class name. 00107 */ 00108 MultiByteToWideChar(IMECodePage(pImeDpi), 00109 (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, 00110 (LPSTR)ClassName, // src 00111 (INT)-1, 00112 pImeDpi->wszUIClass, // dest 00113 IM_UI_CLASS_SIZE); 00114 } else { 00115 RtlCopyMemory(pImeDpi->wszUIClass, ClassName, sizeof(ClassName)); 00116 } 00117 pImeDpi->wszUIClass[IM_UI_CLASS_SIZE-1] = L'\0'; 00118 00119 if (!GetClassInfoW((HINSTANCE)pImeDpi->hInst, pImeDpi->wszUIClass, &wc)) { 00120 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "UI class (%ws) not found in this IME", pImeDpi->wszUIClass); 00121 return FALSE; 00122 } else if (wc.cbWndExtra < sizeof(DWORD) * 2) { 00123 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "UI class cbWndExtra problem"); 00124 return FALSE; 00125 } 00126 00127 return TRUE; 00128 }

DWORD InternalGetCandidateListAtoW LPCANDIDATELIST  lpCandListA,
DWORD  dwBufLen,
DWORD  dwCodePage

Definition at line 2885 of file ctxtinfo.c.


Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), ImmGetCandidateListWorker(), ImmGetConversionListW(), and ImmGetGuideLineWorker().

02890 { 02891 LPWSTR lpCandStrW; 02892 LPSTR lpCandStrA; 02893 INT i, j; 02894 DWORD dwCandListLen; 02895 02896 dwCandListLen = sizeof(CANDIDATELIST); 02897 02898 /* 02899 * CANDIDATELIST has already contained the dwOffset[0] 02900 */ 02901 if (lpCandListA->dwCount > 0) 02902 dwCandListLen += sizeof(DWORD) * (lpCandListA->dwCount - 1); 02903 02904 for (i = 0; i < (INT)lpCandListA->dwCount; i++) { 02905 02906 lpCandStrA = (LPSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCandListA + lpCandListA->dwOffset[i]); 02907 02908 j = MultiByteToWideChar(dwCodePage, 02909 (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, 02910 lpCandStrA, 02911 -1, 02912 (LPWSTR)NULL, 02913 0); 02914 02915 dwCandListLen += (j * sizeof(WCHAR)); 02916 } 02917 02918 dwCandListLen = DWORD_ALIGN(dwCandListLen); 02919 02920 if (dwBufLen == 0) 02921 return dwCandListLen; 02922 02923 if (dwBufLen < dwCandListLen) { 02924 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "InternalGetCandidateListAtoW: dwBufLen too small."); 02925 return 0; 02926 } 02927 02928 lpCandListW->dwSize = dwBufLen; 02929 lpCandListW->dwStyle = lpCandListA->dwStyle; 02930 lpCandListW->dwCount = lpCandListA->dwCount; 02931 lpCandListW->dwSelection = lpCandListA->dwSelection; 02932 lpCandListW->dwPageStart = lpCandListA->dwPageStart; 02933 lpCandListW->dwPageSize = lpCandListA->dwPageSize; 02934 lpCandListW->dwOffset[0] = sizeof(CANDIDATELIST); 02935 if (lpCandListW->dwCount > 0) 02936 lpCandListW->dwOffset[0] += sizeof(DWORD) * (lpCandListW->dwCount - 1); 02937 02938 dwCandListLen = dwBufLen - lpCandListW->dwOffset[0]; 02939 02940 for (i = 0; i < (INT)lpCandListW->dwCount; i++) { 02941 02942 lpCandStrA = (LPSTR) ((LPBYTE)lpCandListA + lpCandListA->dwOffset[i]); 02943 lpCandStrW = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCandListW + lpCandListW->dwOffset[i]); 02944 02945 j = MultiByteToWideChar(dwCodePage, 02946 (DWORD)MB_PRECOMPOSED, 02947 lpCandStrA, 02948 -1, 02949 lpCandStrW, 02950 (INT)dwCandListLen/sizeof(WCHAR)); 02951 02952 dwCandListLen -= (j * sizeof(WCHAR)); 02953 02954 if (i < (INT)lpCandListW->dwCount - 1) 02955 lpCandListW->dwOffset[i+1] = lpCandListW->dwOffset[i] + j * sizeof(WCHAR); 02956 } 02957 02958 return dwBufLen; 02959 }

DWORD InternalGetCandidateListWtoA LPCANDIDATELIST  lpCandListW,
DWORD  dwBufLen,
DWORD  dwCodePage

Definition at line 2962 of file ctxtinfo.c.


Referenced by ImmGetCandidateListCountWorker(), ImmGetCandidateListWorker(), ImmGetConversionListA(), and ImmGetGuideLineWorker().

02967 { 02968 LPWSTR lpCandStrW; 02969 LPSTR lpCandStrA; 02970 INT i, j; 02971 DWORD dwCandListLen; 02972 BOOL bUDC; 02973 02974 dwCandListLen = sizeof(CANDIDATELIST); 02975 02976 /* 02977 * CANDIDATELIST has already contained the dwOffset[0] 02978 */ 02979 if (lpCandListW->dwCount > 0) 02980 dwCandListLen += sizeof(DWORD) * (lpCandListW->dwCount - 1); 02981 02982 for (i = 0; i < (INT)lpCandListW->dwCount; i++) { 02983 02984 lpCandStrW = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCandListW + lpCandListW->dwOffset[i]); 02985 02986 j = WideCharToMultiByte(dwCodePage, 02987 (DWORD)0, 02988 lpCandStrW, 02989 -1, 02990 (LPSTR)NULL, 02991 (INT)0, 02992 (LPSTR)NULL, 02993 (LPBOOL)&bUDC); 02994 02995 dwCandListLen += (j * sizeof(CHAR)); 02996 } 02997 02998 dwCandListLen = DWORD_ALIGN(dwCandListLen); 02999 03000 if (dwBufLen == 0) 03001 return dwCandListLen; 03002 03003 if (dwBufLen < dwCandListLen) { 03004 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "InternalGetCandidateListWtoA: dwBufLen too small."); 03005 return 0; 03006 } 03007 03008 lpCandListA->dwSize = dwBufLen; 03009 lpCandListA->dwStyle = lpCandListW->dwStyle; 03010 lpCandListA->dwCount = lpCandListW->dwCount; 03011 lpCandListA->dwSelection = lpCandListW->dwSelection; 03012 lpCandListA->dwPageStart = lpCandListW->dwPageStart; 03013 lpCandListA->dwPageSize = lpCandListW->dwPageSize; 03014 lpCandListA->dwOffset[0] = sizeof(CANDIDATELIST); 03015 if (lpCandListA->dwCount > 0) 03016 lpCandListA->dwOffset[0] += sizeof(DWORD) * (lpCandListA->dwCount - 1); 03017 03018 dwCandListLen = dwBufLen - lpCandListA->dwOffset[0]; 03019 03020 for (i = 0; i < (INT)lpCandListA->dwCount; i++) { 03021 03022 lpCandStrA = (LPSTR) ((LPBYTE)lpCandListA + lpCandListA->dwOffset[i]); 03023 lpCandStrW = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)lpCandListW + lpCandListW->dwOffset[i]); 03024 03025 j = WideCharToMultiByte(dwCodePage, 03026 (DWORD)0, 03027 lpCandStrW, 03028 -1, 03029 (LPSTR)lpCandStrA, 03030 (INT)dwCandListLen, 03031 (LPSTR)NULL, 03032 (LPBOOL)&bUDC); 03033 03034 dwCandListLen -= (j * sizeof(CHAR)); 03035 03036 if (i < (INT)lpCandListA->dwCount - 1) 03037 lpCandListA->dwOffset[i+1] = lpCandListA->dwOffset[i] + j * sizeof(CHAR); 03038 } 03039 03040 return dwBufLen; 03041 }

LONG InternalGetCompositionStringA LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING  lpCompStr,
DWORD  dwIndex,
LPVOID  lpBuf,
DWORD  dwBufLen,
BOOL  fAnsiImc,
DWORD  dwCodePage

Referenced by ImmGetCompositionStringA(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), and InternalGetCompositionStringW().

LONG InternalGetCompositionStringW LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING  lpCompStr,
DWORD  dwIndex,
LPVOID  lpBuf,
DWORD  dwBufLen,
BOOL  fAnsiImc,
DWORD  dwCodePage

Referenced by ImmGetCompositionStringW(), InternalGetCompositionStringA(), and InternalGetCompositionStringW().

BOOL  fCanCallImeSelect

Definition at line 303 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References tagCLIENTIMC::cLockObj, CreateInputContext(), DWORD, EnterImcCrit, GetKeyboardLayout(), tagCLIENTIMC::hInputContext, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), InputContextDefaultImeWindow, InputContextThread, LeaveImcCrit, LHND, NtUserQueryInputContext(), and NULL.

Referenced by ImmLockIMC(), and SelectInputContext().

00306 { 00307 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00308 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 00309 DWORD dwImcThreadId; 00310 00311 if ((pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hImc)) == NULL) 00312 return NULL; 00313 00314 EnterImcCrit(pClientImc); 00315 00316 if (pClientImc->hInputContext == NULL) { 00317 /* 00318 * If the owner thread of this hImc does not have 00319 * default IME window, don't bother to create the 00320 * INPUTCONTEXT. It could happen when some other 00321 * thread which call ImmGetContext() to retrieve 00322 * the associate hImc before the default IME window 00323 * is created. 00324 */ 00325 if ((HWND)NtUserQueryInputContext(hImc, 00326 InputContextDefaultImeWindow) == NULL) { 00327 LeaveImcCrit(pClientImc); 00328 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00329 return NULL; 00330 } 00331 00332 /* 00333 * This is a delay creation of INPUTCONTEXT structure. Create 00334 * it now for this hImc. 00335 */ 00336 pClientImc->hInputContext = LocalAlloc(LHND, sizeof(INPUTCONTEXT)); 00337 00338 if (pClientImc->hInputContext == NULL) { 00339 LeaveImcCrit(pClientImc); 00340 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00341 return NULL; 00342 } 00343 00344 dwImcThreadId = (DWORD)NtUserQueryInputContext(hImc, InputContextThread); 00345 00346 if (!CreateInputContext(hImc, GetKeyboardLayout(dwImcThreadId), fCanCallImeSelect)) { 00347 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "ImmLockIMC: CreateInputContext failed"); 00348 LocalFree(pClientImc->hInputContext); 00349 pClientImc->hInputContext = NULL; 00350 LeaveImcCrit(pClientImc); 00351 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00352 return NULL; 00353 } 00354 } 00355 00356 LeaveImcCrit(pClientImc); 00357 00358 pInputContext = (PINPUTCONTEXT)LocalLock(pClientImc->hInputContext); 00359 00360 /* 00361 * Increment lock count so that the ImmUnlockClientImc() won't 00362 * free up the pClientImc->hInputContext. 00363 */ 00364 InterlockedIncrement(&pClientImc->cLockObj); 00365 00366 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 00367 00368 return pInputContext; 00369 }

__inline int IsAnsiIMC HIMC  hIMC  ) 

Definition at line 456 of file immcli.h.

References BOOL, IMCF_UNICODE, ImmLockClientImc(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), NULL, and TestICF.

Referenced by ImmGetImeMenuItemsWorker().

00457 { 00458 BOOL bAnsi; 00459 00460 // get ansi mode of origin IMC 00461 PCLIENTIMC pClientIMC = ImmLockClientImc(hIMC); 00462 if (pClientIMC == NULL) { 00463 return -1; 00464 } 00465 bAnsi = !TestICF(pClientIMC, IMCF_UNICODE); 00466 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientIMC); 00467 return bAnsi; 00468 }


Definition at line 3113 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References INT, L, strlen(), and VOID().

Referenced by ImmGetCompositionFontW(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), ImmSetCompositionFontA(), MySetCompFont(), and SelectInputContext().

03116 { 03117 INT i; 03118 03119 RtlCopyMemory(lpLogFontW, lpLogFontA, sizeof(LOGFONTA)-LF_FACESIZE); 03120 03121 i = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, // Note: font face name should use ACP for A/W conversion. 03122 MB_PRECOMPOSED, 03123 lpLogFontA->lfFaceName, 03124 strlen(lpLogFontA->lfFaceName), 03125 lpLogFontW->lfFaceName, 03126 LF_FACESIZE); 03127 03128 lpLogFontW->lfFaceName[i] = L'\0'; 03129 03130 return; 03131 }


Definition at line 3134 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References BOOL, INT, NULL, and VOID().

Referenced by ImmGetCompositionFontA(), ImmRequestMessageWorker(), ImmSetCompositionFontW(), and SelectInputContext().

03137 { 03138 INT i; 03139 BOOL bUDC; 03140 03141 RtlCopyMemory(lpLogFontA, lpLogFontW, sizeof(LOGFONTA)-LF_FACESIZE); 03142 03143 i = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, // Note: font face name should use ACP for A/W conversion. 03144 0, 03145 lpLogFontW->lfFaceName, 03146 wcslen(lpLogFontW->lfFaceName), 03147 lpLogFontA->lfFaceName, 03148 LF_FACESIZE, 03149 (LPSTR)NULL, 03150 &bUDC); 03151 03152 lpLogFontA->lfFaceName[i] = '\0'; 03153 03154 return; 03155 }


Definition at line 131 of file immime.c.

References BOOL, FALSE, tagIMEINFOEX::fLoadFlag, GET_IMEPROC, GET_IMEPROCT, GetSystemPathName(), tagIMEDPI::hInst, IMEF_LOADED, IMEF_LOADERROR, IMEF_NONLOAD, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeGetImeMenuItems, tagIMEINFOEX::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, InquireIme(), MAX_PATH, NtUserSetImeInfoEx(), NULL, PBYTE, tagIMEDPI::pfn, TRUE, tagIMEINFOEX::wszImeFile, tagIMEINFOEX::wszUIClass, and tagIMEDPI::wszUIClass.

Referenced by LoadImeDpi().

00134 { 00135 WCHAR wszImeFile[MAX_PATH]; 00136 BOOL fSuccess; 00137 00138 GetSystemPathName(wszImeFile, piiex->wszImeFile, MAX_PATH); 00139 00140 pImeDpi->hInst = LoadLibraryW(wszImeFile); 00141 00142 if (!pImeDpi->hInst) { 00143 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "LoadIME: LoadLibraryW(%ws) failed", wszImeFile); 00144 goto LoadIME_ErrOut; 00145 } 00146 00147 #define GET_IMEPROCT(x) \ 00148 if (!(pImeDpi->pfn.##x.t = (PVOID) GetProcAddress(pImeDpi->hInst, #x))) { \ 00149 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "LoadIME: " #x " not supported in %ws", wszImeFile); \ 00150 goto LoadIME_ErrOut; } 00151 00152 #define GET_IMEPROC(x) \ 00153 if (!(pImeDpi->pfn.##x = (PVOID) GetProcAddress(pImeDpi->hInst, #x))) { \ 00154 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "LoadIME: " #x " not supported in %ws", wszImeFile); \ 00155 goto LoadIME_ErrOut; } 00156 00157 GET_IMEPROCT(ImeInquire); 00158 GET_IMEPROCT(ImeConversionList); 00159 GET_IMEPROCT(ImeRegisterWord); 00160 GET_IMEPROCT(ImeUnregisterWord); 00161 GET_IMEPROCT(ImeGetRegisterWordStyle); 00162 GET_IMEPROCT(ImeEnumRegisterWord); 00163 GET_IMEPROC (ImeConfigure); 00164 GET_IMEPROC (ImeDestroy); 00165 GET_IMEPROC (ImeEscape); 00166 GET_IMEPROC (ImeProcessKey); 00167 GET_IMEPROC (ImeSelect); 00168 GET_IMEPROC (ImeSetActiveContext); 00169 GET_IMEPROC (ImeToAsciiEx); 00170 GET_IMEPROC (NotifyIME); 00171 GET_IMEPROC (ImeSetCompositionString); 00172 00173 // 4.0 IMEs don't have this entry. could be NULL. 00174 pImeDpi->pfn.ImeGetImeMenuItems = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(pImeDpi->hInst, "ImeGetImeMenuItems"); 00175 00176 #undef GET_IMEPROCT 00177 #undef GET_IMEPROC 00178 00179 if (!InquireIme(pImeDpi)) { 00180 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "LoadIME: InquireIme failed"); 00181 LoadIME_ErrOut: 00182 FreeLibrary(pImeDpi->hInst); 00183 pImeDpi->hInst = NULL; 00184 fSuccess = FALSE; 00185 } 00186 else { 00187 fSuccess = TRUE; 00188 } 00189 00190 /* 00191 * Update kernel side IMEINFOEX for this keyboard layout if 00192 * this is its first loading. 00193 */ 00194 if (piiex->fLoadFlag == IMEF_NONLOAD) { 00195 if (fSuccess) { 00196 RtlCopyMemory((PBYTE)&piiex->ImeInfo, 00197 (PBYTE)&pImeDpi->ImeInfo, sizeof(IMEINFO)); 00198 RtlCopyMemory((PBYTE)piiex->wszUIClass, 00199 (PBYTE)pImeDpi->wszUIClass, sizeof(pImeDpi->wszUIClass)); 00200 piiex->fLoadFlag = IMEF_LOADED; 00201 } 00202 else { 00203 piiex->fLoadFlag = IMEF_LOADERROR; 00204 } 00205 NtUserSetImeInfoEx(piiex); 00206 } 00207 00208 return fSuccess; 00209 }

BOOL  fLock

Definition at line 234 of file immime.c.

References tagIMEDPI::cLock, tagIMEDPI::dwCodePage, tagIMEDPI::dwFlag, DWORD, FALSE, tagIMEINFOEX::fLoadFlag, gcsImeDpi, gpImeDpi, tagIMEDPI::hKL, IMEDPI_UNLOCKUNLOAD, IMEF_LOADERROR, ImeInfoExKeyboardLayout, ImmGetImeDpi(), ImmGetImeInfoEx(), ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, LoadIME(), NULL, tagIMEDPI::pNext, and UnloadIME().

Referenced by FindOrLoadImeDpi(), and ImmLoadIME().

00237 { 00238 PIMEDPI pImeDpi, pImeDpiT; 00239 IMEINFOEX iiex; 00240 00241 /* 00242 * Query the IME information. 00243 */ 00244 if (!ImmGetImeInfoEx(&iiex, ImeInfoExKeyboardLayout, &hKL)) { 00245 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, "LoadImeDpi: ImmGetImeInfoEx(%lx) failed", hKL); 00246 return NULL; 00247 } 00248 00249 /* 00250 * Win95 behaviour: If there was an IME load error for this layout, 00251 * further attempt to load the same IME layout will be rejected. 00252 */ 00253 if (iiex.fLoadFlag == IMEF_LOADERROR) 00254 return NULL; 00255 00256 /* 00257 * Allocate a new IMEDPI for this layout. 00258 */ 00259 pImeDpi = (PIMEDPI)ImmLocalAlloc(HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(IMEDPI)); 00260 if (pImeDpi == NULL) 00261 return NULL; 00262 00263 pImeDpi->hKL = hKL; 00264 00265 // get code page of IME 00266 { 00267 CHARSETINFO cs; 00268 if (TranslateCharsetInfo((DWORD*)LOWORD(HandleToUlong(hKL)), &cs, TCI_SRCLOCALE)) { 00269 pImeDpi->dwCodePage = cs.ciACP; 00270 } 00271 else { 00272 pImeDpi->dwCodePage = CP_ACP; 00273 } 00274 } 00275 00276 /* 00277 * Load up IME DLL. 00278 */ 00279 if (!LoadIME(&iiex, pImeDpi)) { 00280 ImmLocalFree(pImeDpi); 00281 return NULL; 00282 } 00283 00284 /* 00285 * Link in the newly allocated entry. 00286 */ 00287 RtlEnterCriticalSection(&gcsImeDpi); 00288 00289 pImeDpiT = ImmGetImeDpi(hKL); 00290 00291 if (pImeDpiT == NULL) { 00292 if (fLock) { 00293 /* 00294 * Newly loaded with lock, will unload upon unlock. 00295 */ 00296 pImeDpi->cLock = 1; 00297 pImeDpi->dwFlag |= IMEDPI_UNLOCKUNLOAD; 00298 } 00299 00300 /* 00301 * Update the global list for this new pImeDpi entry. 00302 */ 00303 pImeDpi->pNext = gpImeDpi; 00304 gpImeDpi = pImeDpi; 00305 00306 RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsImeDpi); 00307 } 00308 else { 00309 00310 if (!fLock) { 00311 pImeDpiT->dwFlag &= ~IMEDPI_UNLOCKUNLOAD; 00312 } 00313 00314 /* 00315 * The same IME has been loaded, discard this extra entry. 00316 */ 00317 RtlLeaveCriticalSection(&gcsImeDpi); 00318 UnloadIME(pImeDpi, FALSE); 00319 ImmLocalFree(pImeDpi); 00320 pImeDpi = pImeDpiT; 00321 } 00322 00323 return pImeDpi; 00324 }

BOOL LoadVersionInfo PIMEINFOEX  piiex  ) 

Definition at line 305 of file layime.c.

References ARRAY_SIZE, BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, GET_PROC, GetSystemPathName(), ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, L, LoadFixVersionInfo(), LoadVarVersionInfo(), MAX_PATH, NULL, TRUE, VERSION_DLL, and tagIMEINFOEX::wszImeFile.

Referenced by ImmInstallIMEW(), and ImmLoadLayout().

00307 { 00308 WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; 00309 PWSTR pszVersionBuffer; 00310 HANDLE hVersion; 00311 DWORD dwVersionSize; 00312 DWORD dwHandle = 0; 00313 BOOL fUnload, fReturn = FALSE; 00314 00315 hVersion = GetModuleHandle(VERSION_DLL); 00316 if (hVersion != NULL) { 00317 fUnload = FALSE; 00318 } 00319 else { 00320 hVersion = LoadLibrary(VERSION_DLL); 00321 if (hVersion == NULL) { 00322 return FALSE; 00323 } 00324 fUnload = TRUE; 00325 } 00326 00327 #define GET_PROC(x) \ 00328 if (!(pfn##x = (PVOID) GetProcAddress(hVersion, VERSION_##x))) { \ 00329 goto LoadVerInfoUnload; } 00330 00331 GET_PROC(GetFileVersionInfoW); 00332 GET_PROC(GetFileVersionInfoSizeW); 00333 GET_PROC(VerQueryValueW); 00334 00335 #undef GET_PROC 00336 00337 // szPath = fully qualified IME file name 00338 GetSystemPathName(szPath, piiex->wszImeFile, ARRAY_SIZE(szPath)); 00339 00340 dwVersionSize = (*pfnGetFileVersionInfoSizeW)(szPath, &dwHandle); 00341 00342 if (dwVersionSize == 0L) 00343 goto LoadVerInfoUnload; 00344 00345 pszVersionBuffer = (PWSTR)ImmLocalAlloc(0, dwVersionSize); 00346 00347 if (pszVersionBuffer == NULL) // can't get memory for version info, blow out 00348 goto LoadVerInfoUnload; 00349 00350 if (!(*pfnGetFileVersionInfoW)(szPath, dwHandle, dwVersionSize, pszVersionBuffer)) 00351 goto LoadVerInfoFree; 00352 00353 /* 00354 * Get the fixed block version information. 00355 */ 00356 if (LoadFixVersionInfo(piiex, pszVersionBuffer)) { 00357 /* 00358 * Get the variable block version information. 00359 */ 00360 fReturn = LoadVarVersionInfo(piiex, pszVersionBuffer); 00361 } 00362 00363 LoadVerInfoFree: 00364 ImmLocalFree((HLOCAL)pszVersionBuffer); 00365 00366 LoadVerInfoUnload: 00367 if (fUnload) 00368 FreeLibrary(hVersion); 00369 00370 return fReturn; 00371 }

BOOL MakeIMENotify HIMC  hImc,
HWND  hWnd,
DWORD  dwAction,
DWORD  dwIndex,
DWORD  dwValue,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam

Definition at line 3158 of file ctxtinfo.c.

References BOOL, DWORD, GetInputContextThread, GetKeyboardLayout(), hWnd, ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::NotifyIME, NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, SendMessage(), and TRUE.

Referenced by ImmSetCandidateWindow(), ImmSetCompositionFontA(), ImmSetCompositionFontW(), ImmSetCompositionWindow(), ImmSetConversionStatus(), ImmSetOpenStatus(), and ImmSetStatusWindowPos().

03166 { 03167 PIMEDPI pImeDpi; 03168 DWORD dwThreadId; 03169 03170 #ifdef LATER 03171 // implement MakeIMENotifyEvent() later 03172 #endif 03173 03174 if (dwAction != 0 && (dwThreadId = GetInputContextThread(hImc)) != 0) { 03175 03176 pImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(GetKeyboardLayout(dwThreadId)); 03177 03178 if (pImeDpi != NULL) { 03179 (*pImeDpi->pfn.NotifyIME)(hImc, dwAction, dwIndex, dwValue); 03180 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pImeDpi); 03181 } 03182 } 03183 03184 if (hWnd != NULL && wParam != 0) 03185 SendMessage(hWnd, WM_IME_NOTIFY, wParam, lParam); 03186 03187 return TRUE; 03188 }

size_t  limit

BOOL OpenRegApi ADVAPI_FN pfn  ) 

Definition at line 461 of file immhotky.c.

References BOOL, GET, ADVAPI_FN::hModule, L, NULL, and TRUE.

Referenced by CliSaveImeHotKey().

00462 { 00463 pfn->hModule = LoadLibraryW(L"ADVAPI32.DLL"); 00464 00465 if (pfn->hModule != NULL) { 00466 GET(RegCreateKeyW); 00467 GET(RegOpenKeyW); 00468 GET(RegCloseKey); 00469 GET(RegDeleteKeyW); 00470 GET(RegCreateKeyExW); 00471 GET(RegSetValueExW); 00472 GET(RegQueryValueExW); 00473 00474 // 00475 // Succeeded. 00476 // 00477 return TRUE; 00478 } 00479 00480 // 00481 // Failed to open registry APIs. 00482 // 00483 return TRUE; 00484 }

VOID SelectInputContext HKL  hSelKL,
HKL  hUnSelKL,
HIMC  hImc

Definition at line 837 of file w32/ntuser/imm/context.c.

References BOOL, ClrICF, tagCLIENTIMC::dwCodePage, DWORD, FALSE, tagIMEMODESAVER::fdwConversion, tagIMEMODESAVER::fdwInit, tagIMEMODESAVER::fdwSentence, tagIMEMODESAVER::fOpen, GetImeModeSaver(), IMCC_ALLOC_TOOLARGE, IMCF_UNICODE, IMECodePage, tagIMEDPI::ImeInfo, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeSelect, ImmAssert, ImmCreateIMCC(), ImmDestroyIMCC(), ImmGetIMCCLockCount(), ImmGetIMCCSize(), ImmLockClientImc(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmReSizeIMCC(), ImmUnlockClientImc(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), InternalImmLockIMC(), LFontAtoLFontW(), LFontWtoLFontA(), max, NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, RestorePrivateMode(), SavePrivateMode(), SetICF, TestICF, TRUE, UINT, and VOID().

Referenced by SelectContextProc().

00841 { 00842 PIMEDPI pSelImeDpi, pUnSelImeDpi; 00843 PCLIENTIMC pClientImc; 00844 PINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 00845 DWORD dwSelPriv = 0, dwUnSelPriv = 0, dwSize; 00846 HIMCC hImcc; 00847 PCOMPOSITIONSTRING pCompStr; 00848 PCANDIDATEINFO pCandInfo; 00849 PGUIDELINE pGuideLine; 00850 BOOLEAN fLogFontInited; 00851 00852 TAGMSG3(DBGTAG_IMM, "SelectInputContext: called for sel=%08p unsel=%08p hImc=%08p", 00853 hSelKL, hUnSelKL, hImc); 00854 00855 pClientImc = ImmLockClientImc(hImc); 00856 if (pClientImc == NULL) { 00857 RIPMSG0(RIP_VERBOSE, "SelectInputContext: cannot lock client Imc. Bailing out."); 00858 return; 00859 } 00860 00861 pSelImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(hSelKL); 00862 00863 if (hSelKL != hUnSelKL) { 00864 /* 00865 * If those new sel and unsel do no match but 00866 * somehow SelectInput is called, that means 00867 * we should initialize the input contex again 00868 * without dumping the old information. 00869 */ 00870 pUnSelImeDpi = ImmLockImeDpi(hUnSelKL); 00871 } else { 00872 pUnSelImeDpi = NULL; 00873 } 00874 00875 if (pSelImeDpi != NULL) { 00876 /* 00877 * According to private memory size of the two layout, we decide 00878 * whether we nee to reallocate this memory block 00879 */ 00880 dwSelPriv = pSelImeDpi->ImeInfo.dwPrivateDataSize; 00881 00882 /* 00883 * Setup the code page of the newly selected IME. 00884 */ 00885 pClientImc->dwCodePage = IMECodePage(pSelImeDpi); 00886 } 00887 else { 00888 pClientImc->dwCodePage = CP_ACP; 00889 } 00890 00891 if (pUnSelImeDpi != NULL) 00892 dwUnSelPriv = pUnSelImeDpi->ImeInfo.dwPrivateDataSize; 00893 00894 dwSelPriv = max(dwSelPriv, sizeof(UINT)); 00895 dwUnSelPriv = max(dwUnSelPriv, sizeof(UINT)); 00896 00897 /* 00898 * Unselect the input context. 00899 */ 00900 if (pUnSelImeDpi != NULL) 00901 (*pUnSelImeDpi->pfn.ImeSelect)(hImc, FALSE); 00902 00903 /* 00904 * Reinitialize the client side input context for the selected layout. 00905 */ 00906 if ((pInputContext = InternalImmLockIMC(hImc, FALSE)) != NULL) { 00907 DWORD fdwOldConversion = pInputContext->fdwConversion; 00908 DWORD fdwOldSentence = pInputContext->fdwSentence; 00909 BOOL fOldOpen = pInputContext->fOpen; 00910 PIMEMODESAVER pUnSelModeSaver, pSelModeSaver; 00911 const DWORD fdwConvPreserve = IME_CMODE_EUDC; 00912 00913 fLogFontInited = ((pInputContext->fdwInit & INIT_LOGFONT) == INIT_LOGFONT); 00914 00915 if (TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE) && pSelImeDpi != NULL && 00916 !(pSelImeDpi->ImeInfo.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_UNICODE)) { 00917 /* 00918 * Check if there is any LOGFONT to be converted. 00919 */ 00920 if (fLogFontInited) { 00921 LOGFONTA LogFontA; 00922 00923 LFontWtoLFontA(&pInputContext->lfFont.W, &LogFontA); 00924 RtlCopyMemory(&pInputContext->lfFont.A, &LogFontA, sizeof(LOGFONTA)); 00925 } 00926 00927 ClrICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE); 00928 } 00929 else if (!TestICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE) && pSelImeDpi != NULL && 00930 (pSelImeDpi->ImeInfo.fdwProperty & IME_PROP_UNICODE)) { 00931 /* 00932 * Check if there is any LOGFONT to be converted. 00933 */ 00934 if (fLogFontInited) { 00935 LOGFONTW LogFontW; 00936 00937 LFontAtoLFontW(&pInputContext->lfFont.A, &LogFontW); 00938 RtlCopyMemory(&pInputContext->lfFont.W, &LogFontW, sizeof(LOGFONTW)); 00939 } 00940 00941 SetICF(pClientImc, IMCF_UNICODE); 00942 } 00943 00944 /* 00945 * hPrivate 00946 */ 00947 if (dwUnSelPriv != dwSelPriv) { 00948 hImcc = ImmReSizeIMCC(pInputContext->hPrivate, dwSelPriv); 00949 if (hImcc) { 00950 pInputContext->hPrivate = hImcc; 00951 } 00952 else { 00953 RIPMSG1(RIP_WARNING, 00954 "SelectContext: resize hPrivate %lX failure", 00955 pInputContext->hPrivate); 00956 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hPrivate); 00957 pInputContext->hPrivate = ImmCreateIMCC(dwSelPriv); 00958 } 00959 } 00960 00961 /* 00962 * hMsgBuf 00963 */ 00964 dwSize = ImmGetIMCCSize(pInputContext->hMsgBuf); 00965 00966 if (ImmGetIMCCLockCount(pInputContext->hMsgBuf) != 0 || 00967 dwSize > IMCC_ALLOC_TOOLARGE) { 00968 00969 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "SelectContext: create new hMsgBuf"); 00970 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hMsgBuf); 00971 pInputContext->hMsgBuf = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(UINT)); 00972 pInputContext->dwNumMsgBuf = 0; 00973 } 00974 00975 /* 00976 * hGuideLine 00977 */ 00978 dwSize = ImmGetIMCCSize(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00979 00980 if (ImmGetIMCCLockCount(pInputContext->hGuideLine) != 0 || 00981 dwSize < sizeof(GUIDELINE) || dwSize > IMCC_ALLOC_TOOLARGE) { 00982 00983 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "SelectContext: create new hGuideLine"); 00984 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00985 pInputContext->hGuideLine = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(GUIDELINE)); 00986 pGuideLine = (PGUIDELINE)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00987 00988 if (pGuideLine != NULL) { 00989 pGuideLine->dwSize = sizeof(GUIDELINE); 00990 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hGuideLine); 00991 } 00992 } 00993 00994 /* 00995 * hCandInfo 00996 */ 00997 dwSize = ImmGetIMCCSize(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 00998 00999 if (ImmGetIMCCLockCount(pInputContext->hCandInfo) != 0 || 01000 dwSize < sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO) || dwSize > IMCC_ALLOC_TOOLARGE) { 01001 01002 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "SelectContext: create new hCandInfo"); 01003 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 01004 pInputContext->hCandInfo = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO)); 01005 pCandInfo = (PCANDIDATEINFO)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 01006 01007 if (pCandInfo != NULL) { 01008 pCandInfo->dwSize = sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO); 01009 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCandInfo); 01010 } 01011 } 01012 01013 /* 01014 * hCompStr 01015 */ 01016 dwSize = ImmGetIMCCSize(pInputContext->hCompStr); 01017 01018 if (ImmGetIMCCLockCount(pInputContext->hCompStr) != 0 || 01019 dwSize < sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING) || dwSize > IMCC_ALLOC_TOOLARGE) { 01020 01021 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "SelectContext: create new hCompStr"); 01022 ImmDestroyIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 01023 pInputContext->hCompStr = ImmCreateIMCC(sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING)); 01024 pCompStr = (PCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 01025 01026 if (pCompStr != NULL) { 01027 pCompStr->dwSize = sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING); 01028 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 01029 } 01030 } 01031 01032 // 01033 // Save and restore the IME modes when the primary 01034 // language changes. 01035 // 01036 01037 if (pUnSelImeDpi) { 01038 // 01039 // If UnSelKL is IME, get ModeSaver per language. 01040 // 01041 pUnSelModeSaver = GetImeModeSaver(pInputContext, hUnSelKL); 01042 TAGMSG1(DBGTAG_IMM, "pUnSelModeSaver=%p", pUnSelModeSaver); 01043 01044 // 01045 // Firstly save the private sentence mode per IME. 01046 // 01047 SavePrivateMode(pInputContext, pUnSelModeSaver, hUnSelKL); 01048 } 01049 else { 01050 pUnSelModeSaver = NULL; 01051 } 01052 01053 if (pSelImeDpi) { 01054 // 01055 // If SelKL is IME, get is ModeSaver per language. 01056 // 01057 pSelModeSaver = GetImeModeSaver(pInputContext, hSelKL); 01058 TAGMSG1(DBGTAG_IMM, "pSelImeDpi. pImeModeSaver=%p", pSelModeSaver); 01059 } 01060 else { 01061 pSelModeSaver = NULL; 01062 } 01063 01064 // 01065 // If the primary language of KL changes, save the current mode 01066 // and restore the previous modes of new language. 01067 // 01068 if (pUnSelModeSaver != pSelModeSaver) { 01069 // 01070 // If old KL is IME, save the current conversion, sentence and open mode. 01071 // 01072 if (pUnSelModeSaver) { 01073 pUnSelModeSaver->fOpen = (pInputContext->fOpen != FALSE); 01074 01075 // 01076 // Don't have to save the preserved bits for conversion mode. 01077 // 01078 pUnSelModeSaver->fdwConversion = pInputContext->fdwConversion & ~fdwConvPreserve; 01079 01080 pUnSelModeSaver->fdwSentence = LOWORD(pInputContext->fdwSentence); 01081 pUnSelModeSaver->fdwInit = pInputContext->fdwInit; 01082 } 01083 01084 // 01085 // If new KL is IME, restore the previous conversion, sentence and open mode. 01086 // 01087 if (pSelModeSaver) { 01088 if (pInputContext->fdwDirty & IMSS_INIT_OPEN) { 01089 // 01090 // HKL change may be kicked from private IME hotkey, and 01091 // a user wants it opened when switched. 01092 // 01093 pInputContext->fOpen = TRUE; 01094 pInputContext->fdwDirty &= ~IMSS_INIT_OPEN; 01095 } else { 01096 pInputContext->fOpen = pSelModeSaver->fOpen; 01097 } 01098 01099 // 01100 // Some bits are preserved across the languages. 01101 // 01102 pInputContext->fdwConversion &= fdwConvPreserve; 01103 ImmAssert((pSelModeSaver->fdwConversion & fdwConvPreserve) == 0); 01104 pInputContext->fdwConversion |= pSelModeSaver->fdwConversion & ~fdwConvPreserve; 01105 01106 ImmAssert(HIWORD(pSelModeSaver->fdwSentence) == 0); 01107 pInputContext->fdwSentence = pSelModeSaver->fdwSentence; 01108 pInputContext->fdwInit = pSelModeSaver->fdwInit; 01109 } 01110 } 01111 if (pSelModeSaver) { 01112 // 01113 // Restore the private sentence mode per IME. 01114 // 01115 RestorePrivateMode(pInputContext, pSelModeSaver, hSelKL); 01116 } 01117 01118 /* 01119 * Select the input context. 01120 */ 01121 if (pSelImeDpi != NULL) 01122 (*pSelImeDpi->pfn.ImeSelect)(hImc, TRUE); 01123 01124 // 01125 // Set the dirty bits so that IMM can send notifications later. 01126 // See SendNotificatonProc. 01127 // 01128 pInputContext->fdwDirty = 0; 01129 if (pInputContext->fOpen != fOldOpen) { 01130 pInputContext->fdwDirty |= IMSS_UPDATE_OPEN; 01131 } 01132 if (pInputContext->fdwConversion != fdwOldConversion) { 01133 pInputContext->fdwDirty |= IMSS_UPDATE_CONVERSION; 01134 } 01135 if (pInputContext->fdwSentence != fdwOldSentence) { 01136 pInputContext->fdwDirty |= IMSS_UPDATE_SENTENCE; 01137 } 01138 TAGMSG4(DBGTAG_IMM, "fOpen:%d fdwConv:%08x fdwSent:%08x dirty:%02x", 01139 pInputContext->fOpen, pInputContext->fdwConversion, pInputContext->fdwSentence, pInputContext->fdwDirty); 01140 01141 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 01142 } 01143 else { 01144 // 01145 // To keep the backward compatibility, 01146 // select the input context here. 01147 // 01148 if (pSelImeDpi != NULL) 01149 (*pSelImeDpi->pfn.ImeSelect)(hImc, TRUE); 01150 } 01151 01152 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pUnSelImeDpi); 01153 ImmUnlockImeDpi(pSelImeDpi); 01154 ImmUnlockClientImc(pClientImc); 01155 }

BOOL TestInputContextProcess PIMC  pImc  ) 

Definition at line 598 of file w32/ntuser/imm/misc.c.

References BOOL, GetInputContextProcess, GETPROCESSID, GETPTI, PtiCurrent, PtoH, and TRUE.

Referenced by ImmLockClientImc().

00600 { 00601 /* 00602 * If the threads are the same, don't bother going to the kernel 00603 * to get the input context's process id. 00604 */ 00605 if (GETPTI(pImc) == PtiCurrent()) { 00606 return TRUE; 00607 } 00608 00609 return (GetInputContextProcess(PtoH(pImc)) == GETPROCESSID()); 00610 }

LRESULT TransCodeConvert HIMC  hImc,

Definition at line 647 of file kcodecnv.c.

References BanjaToJunja(), JohabToKs(), JunjaToBanja(), KsToJohab(), lpDest, and lpSource.

Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().

00654 : 00655 00656 Arguments: 00657 00658 Return Value: 00659 00660 --*/ 00661 00662 { 00663 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hIMC); 00664 00665 switch (lpIme->wParam) 00666 { 00667 case IME_JUNJAtoBANJA: 00668 lpIme->wCount = JunjaToBanja(lpSource(lpIme), lpDest(lpIme)); 00669 break; 00670 00671 case IME_BANJAtoJUNJA: 00672 lpIme->wCount = BanjaToJunja(lpSource(lpIme), lpDest(lpIme)); 00673 break; 00674 00675 case IME_JOHABtoKS: 00676 lpIme->wCount = JohabToKs(lpSource(lpIme), lpDest(lpIme)); 00677 break; 00678 00679 case IME_KStoJOHAB: 00680 lpIme->wCount = KsToJohab(lpSource(lpIme), lpDest(lpIme)); 00681 break; 00682 00683 default: 00684 lpIme->wCount = 0; 00685 } 00686 return (lpIme->wCount); 00687 }

LRESULT TransConvertList HIMC  hImc,

Definition at line 689 of file kcodecnv.c.

References GetKeyboardLayout(), ImmGetConversionListA(), lpDest, lpSource, NULL, and UINT.

Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().

00690 { 00691 LPSTR lpSrc; 00692 LPSTR lpDst; 00693 HGLOBAL hCandList; 00694 LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList; 00695 LPSTR lpCandStr; 00696 UINT i, uBufLen; 00697 LRESULT lRet = 0; 00698 00699 lpSrc = lpSource(lpIme); 00700 lpDst = lpDest(lpIme); 00701 uBufLen = ImmGetConversionListA(GetKeyboardLayout(0), hImc, (LPCSTR)lpSrc, 00702 NULL, 0, GCL_CONVERSION); 00703 if (uBufLen) 00704 { 00705 hCandList = GlobalAlloc(GHND, uBufLen); 00706 lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST)GlobalLock(hCandList); 00707 lRet = ImmGetConversionListA(GetKeyboardLayout(0), hImc, (LPCSTR)lpSrc, 00708 lpCandList, uBufLen, GCL_CONVERSION); 00709 for (i = 0; i < lpCandList->dwCount; i++) 00710 { 00711 lpCandStr = (LPSTR)lpCandList + lpCandList->dwOffset[i]; 00712 *lpDst++ = *lpCandStr++; 00713 *lpDst++ = *lpCandStr++; 00714 } 00715 *lpDst = '\0'; 00716 lpIme->wCount = (WORD)lpCandList->dwCount * 2; 00717 GlobalUnlock(hCandList); 00718 GlobalFree(hCandList); 00719 } 00720 return (lRet); 00721 }

LRESULT TransGetLevel HWND  hWndApp  ) 

Definition at line 1099 of file transsub.c.

References NtUserGetAppImeLevel(), and UINT.

Referenced by ImmGenerateMessage(), ImmPostMessages(), and TranslateIMESubFunctions().

01100 { 01101 UINT lRet; 01102 01103 if ( (lRet = NtUserGetAppImeLevel( hWndApp )) == 0 ) 01104 lRet = 1; // default level 01105 01106 return lRet; 01107 }

LRESULT TransGetMNTable HIMC  hImc,

Definition at line 723 of file kcodecnv.c.

References HIBYTE, HMNTable, IDD_2BEOL, L, LOBYTE, and TRUE.

Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().

00724 { 00725 LPSTR lpMnemonic; 00726 int iCount, iCIM; 00727 00728 UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(hImc); 00729 00730 lpMnemonic = (LPSTR)(lpIme->lParam1); 00731 // BUGBUG: Will be changed to use Registry instead of WIN.INI 00732 iCIM = GetProfileInt(L"WANSUNG", L"InputMethod", IDD_2BEOL) - IDD_2BEOL; 00733 for (iCount = 0; iCount < 96; iCount++, lpMnemonic += 2) 00734 { 00735 *lpMnemonic = LOBYTE(HMNTable[iCIM][iCount]); 00736 *(lpMnemonic+1) = HIBYTE(HMNTable[iCIM][iCount]); 00737 } 00738 return TRUE; 00739 }

LRESULT TranslateIMESubFunctions HWND  hWndApp,
BOOL  fAnsi

Definition at line 54 of file transsub.c.

References DestroyWindow, DWORD, FALSE, GetKeyboardLayout(), IGSC_DEFIMCFALLBACK, ImmGetSaveContext(), IsWindow(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, TransCodeConvert(), TransConvertList(), TransEnterWordRegisterMode(), TransGetConversionMode(), TransGetLevel(), TransGetMNTable(), TransGetMode(), TransGetOpenJ(), TransGetOpenK(), TransHanjaMode(), TransMoveImeWindow(), TransSendVKey(), TransSetConversionFontEx(), TransSetConversionMode(), TransSetConversionWindow(), TransSetLevel(), TransSetMode(), TransSetOpenJ(), TransSetOpenK(), and TRUE.

Referenced by SendIMEMessageAll().

00058 { 00059 HIMC hImc; 00060 LRESULT lRet; 00061 DWORD dwLangID; 00062 00063 hImc = ImmGetSaveContext( hWndApp, IGSC_DEFIMCFALLBACK ); 00064 if ( hImc == NULL_HIMC ) { 00065 return FALSE; 00066 } 00067 00068 dwLangID = PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(GetSystemDefaultLCID())); 00069 00070 switch (lpIme->fnc) { 00071 case 0x03: // IME_QUERY, IME_GETIMECAPS: KOREAN & JAPANESE 00072 lRet = TRUE; 00073 break; 00074 00075 case 0x04: // IME_SETOPEN: KOREAN & JAPANESE 00076 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) 00077 lRet = TransSetOpenK( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme ); 00078 else 00079 lRet = TransSetOpenJ( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme ); 00080 break; 00081 00082 case 0x05: // IME_GETOPEN: KOREAN & JAPANESE 00083 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) 00084 lRet = TransGetOpenK( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme, fAnsi ); 00085 else 00086 lRet = TransGetOpenJ( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme, fAnsi ); 00087 break; 00088 00089 case 0x06: // IME_ENABLEDOSIME, IME_ENABLE 00090 // internal functions are not supported 00091 lRet = FALSE; 00092 break; 00093 00094 case 0x07: // IME_GETVERSION: KOREAN & JAPANESE 00095 lRet = IMEVER_31; 00096 break; 00097 00098 case 0x08: // IME_MOVEIMEWINDOW, IME_SETCONVERSIONWINDOW: KOREAN & JAPANESE 00099 00100 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00101 // 00102 // IME_MOVEIMEWINDOW for KOREAN 00103 // 00104 lRet = TransMoveImeWindow(hWndApp, hImc, lpIme); 00105 } else { 00106 // 00107 // IME_MOVECONVERTWINDOW or IME_SETCONVERSIONWINDOW for JAPANESE 00108 // 00109 lRet = TransSetConversionWindow( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme ); 00110 } 00111 break; 00112 00113 // case 0x09: // undefined 00114 00115 case 0x10: // IME_SETCONVERSIONMODE: JAPANESE 00116 if ( dwLangID == LANG_JAPANESE ) { 00117 lRet = TransSetConversionMode( hImc, lpIme ); 00118 } else { 00119 lRet = FALSE; 00120 } 00121 break; 00122 00123 case 0x11: // IME_GETCONVERSIONMODE, IME_GETMODE: // KOREAN & JAPANESE 00124 // Use hSaveIMC, If WINNSEnableIME(FALSE). 00125 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00126 // 00127 // IME_GETMODE for KOREAN 00128 // 00129 lRet = TransGetMode( hImc ); 00130 } else { 00131 // 00132 // IME_GETCONVERSIONMODE for JAPANESE 00133 // 00134 lRet = TransGetConversionMode( hImc ); 00135 } 00136 break; 00137 00138 case 0x12: // IME_SET_MODE, IME_SETFONT, IME_SETCONVERSIONFONT: KOREAN & JAPANESE 00139 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00140 // 00141 // IME_SET_MODE for KOREAN 00142 // 00143 lRet = TransSetMode( hImc, lpIme ); 00144 } else { 00145 // 00146 // IME_SETCONVERSIONFONT for JAPANESE 00147 // 00148 lRet = FALSE; // should not be called. use SETCONVERSIONFONTEX instead 00149 } 00150 break; 00151 00152 case 0x13: // IME_SENDVKEY, IME_SENDKEY: JAPANESE only 00153 if ( dwLangID == LANG_JAPANESE ) { 00154 lRet = TransSendVKey( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme, fAnsi ); 00155 } else { 00156 lRet = FALSE; 00157 } 00158 break; 00159 00160 // 00161 // internal sub functions are not supported 00162 // 00163 // case 0x14: // IME_DESTROY, IME_DESTROYIME 00164 // case 0x15: // IME_PRIVATE 00165 // case 0x16: // IME_WINDOWUPDATE 00166 // case 0x17: // IME_SELECT 00167 00168 case 0x18: // IME_ENTERWORDREGISTERMODE: JAPANESE only 00169 if ( dwLangID == LANG_JAPANESE ) { 00170 lRet = TransEnterWordRegisterMode( hWndApp, lpIme, fAnsi); 00171 } else { 00172 lRet = FALSE; 00173 } 00174 break; 00175 00176 case 0x19: // IME_SETCONVERSIONFONTEX: JAPANESE only 00177 if ( dwLangID == LANG_JAPANESE ) { 00178 lRet = TransSetConversionFontEx( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme, fAnsi); 00179 } else { 00180 lRet = FALSE; 00181 } 00182 break; 00183 00184 // 00185 // internal sub functions are not supported 00186 // 00187 // case 0x1A: // IME_DBCSNAME 00188 // case 0x1B: // IME_MAXKEY 00189 // case 0x1C: // IME_WINNLS_SK 00190 00191 case 0x20: // IME_CODECONVERT: KOREAN only 00192 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00193 if (TransCodeConvert( hImc, lpIme)) 00194 lRet = lpIme->wParam; 00195 else 00196 lRet = 0; 00197 } else { 00198 lRet = 0; 00199 } 00200 break; 00201 00202 case 0x21: // IME_CONVERTLIST: KOREAN only 00203 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00204 lRet = TransConvertList( hImc, lpIme); 00205 } else { 00206 lRet = FALSE; 00207 } 00208 break; 00209 00210 // 00211 // internal sub functions and undefined sub functions are not supported 00212 // 00213 // case 0x22: // IME_INPUTKEYTOSEQUENCE 00214 // case 0x23: // IME_SEQUENCETOINTERNAL 00215 // case 0x24: // IME_QUERYIMEINFO 00216 // case 0x25: // IME_DIALOG 00217 // case 0x26 - 0x2f: // undefined 00218 00219 case 0x30: // IME_AUTOMATA: KOREAN only 00220 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00221 lRet = ImmEscape(GetKeyboardLayout(0), hImc, IME_AUTOMATA, lpIme); 00222 } else { 00223 lRet = FALSE; 00224 } 00225 break; 00226 00227 case 0x31: // IME_HANJAMODE: KOREAN only 00228 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00229 lRet = TransHanjaMode( hWndApp, hImc, lpIme); 00230 } else { 00231 lRet = FALSE; 00232 } 00233 break; 00234 // 00235 // case 0x32 - 0x3f: // undefined 00236 // 00237 case 0x40: // IME_GETLEVEL: KOREAN only 00238 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00239 lRet = TransGetLevel( hWndApp ); 00240 } else { 00241 lRet = FALSE; 00242 } 00243 break; 00244 00245 case 0x41: // IME_SETLEVEL: KOREAN only 00246 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00247 lRet = TransSetLevel( hWndApp, lpIme); 00248 } else { 00249 lRet = FALSE; 00250 } 00251 break; 00252 00253 case 0x42: // IME_GETMNTABLE: KOREAN only 00254 if ( dwLangID == LANG_KOREAN ) { 00255 lRet = TransGetMNTable( hImc, lpIme); 00256 } else { 00257 lRet = FALSE; 00258 } 00259 break; 00260 00261 #if defined(PENAPI) 00262 case IME_SETUNDETERMINESTRING: 00263 lRet = FSetUndetermine( hImc, (HGLOBAL)lpIME->lParam1); 00264 break; 00265 00266 case IME_SETCAPTURE: 00267 lRet = FEnablePenUi((HWND)lpIME->wParam, (lpIME->wParam != NULL)); 00268 break; 00269 #endif 00270 00271 #ifdef LATER // IME_NOTIFYWOWTASKEXIT 00272 case IME_NOTIFYWOWTASKEXIT: 00273 // 00274 // Destroy the default IME window of WOW 16bit 00275 // applications now. We should not wait for the 00276 // server wow thread clean up that will destroy the 00277 // IME window because usrsrv won't send WM_DESTROY 00278 // to non-server side window procedures. Some IMEs 00279 // must receive WM_DESTROY to free up 32 bit objects. 00280 // 00281 // kksuzuka #7982:IME memory leak on WOW16 applications. 00282 // 00283 PIMMTHREADINFO piti = PitiCurrent(); 00284 00285 if ( piti != NULL && IsWindow( piti->hwndDefaultIme ) ) { 00286 DestroyWindow( piti->hwndDefaultIme ); 00287 } 00288 return TRUE; 00289 #endif 00290 default: 00291 // 00292 // private/internal/undefined functions are not supported 00293 // 00294 lRet = FALSE; 00295 break; 00296 } 00297 00298 return (lRet); 00299 }

LRESULT TransSetLevel HWND  hWndApp,

Definition at line 1116 of file transsub.c.

References DWORD, FALSE, NtUserSetAppImeLevel(), and TRUE.

Referenced by TranslateIMESubFunctions().

01117 { 01118 DWORD dwLevel; 01119 01120 dwLevel = (DWORD)lpIme->wParam; 01121 if ( dwLevel >= 1 && dwLevel <= 5 ) { 01122 if ( NtUserSetAppImeLevel(hWndApp, dwLevel) ) { 01123 return TRUE; 01124 } 01125 } 01126 return FALSE; 01127 }

BOOL  fTerminateIme

Definition at line 212 of file immime.c.

References tagIMEDPI::hInst, tagIMEDPI::_tagImeFunctions::ImeDestroy, NULL, tagIMEDPI::pfn, and VOID().

Referenced by ImmDisableIME(), ImmUnloadIME(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), and LoadImeDpi().

00215 { 00216 if (pImeDpi->hInst == NULL) { 00217 RIPMSG0(RIP_WARNING, "UnloadIME: No IME's hInst."); 00218 return; 00219 } 00220 00221 if (fTerminateIme) { 00222 /* 00223 * Destroy IME first. 00224 */ 00225 (*pImeDpi->pfn.ImeDestroy)(0); 00226 } 00227 00228 FreeLibrary(pImeDpi->hInst); 00229 pImeDpi->hInst = NULL; 00230 00231 return; 00232 }

UINT WINNLSTranslateMessage INT  iNum,
HIMC  hImc,
BOOL  fAnsi,
DWORD  dwLangId

Definition at line 478 of file ntuser/imm/input.c.

References ImmLockIMC(), ImmLockIMCC(), ImmUnlockIMC(), ImmUnlockIMCC(), NULL, UINT, WINNLSTranslateMessageJ(), and WINNLSTranslateMessageK().

Referenced by ImmGenerateMessage(), and ImmPostMessages().

00484 { 00485 LPINPUTCONTEXT pInputContext; 00486 LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING pCompStr; 00487 UINT uiRet = 0; 00488 00489 pInputContext = ImmLockIMC(hImc); 00490 if (pInputContext == NULL) { 00491 return uiRet; 00492 } 00493 00494 pCompStr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)ImmLockIMCC( pInputContext->hCompStr ); 00495 00496 if (dwLangId == LANG_KOREAN) { 00497 uiRet = WINNLSTranslateMessageK((UINT)iNum, 00498 pTransMsg, 00499 pInputContext, 00500 pCompStr, 00501 fAnsi ); 00502 } else if ( dwLangId == LANG_JAPANESE ) { 00503 uiRet = WINNLSTranslateMessageJ((UINT)iNum, 00504 pTransMsg, 00505 pInputContext, 00506 pCompStr, 00507 fAnsi ); 00508 } 00509 00510 if (pCompStr != NULL) { 00511 ImmUnlockIMCC(pInputContext->hCompStr); 00512 } 00513 ImmUnlockIMC(hImc); 00514 00515 return uiRet; 00516 }

UINT WINNLSTranslateMessageJ UINT  uiNumMsg,

Definition at line 582 of file jtranmsg.c.

References BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, hWnd, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(), ImmLocalAlloc(), ImmLocalFree, IsWindow(), IsWindowUnicode(), JTransCompositionA(), JTransCompositionW(), L, NULL, SendMessage(), TRUE, and UINT.

Referenced by WINNLSTranslateMessage().

00592 : 00593 00594 Arguments: 00595 00596 Return Value: 00597 00598 --*/ 00599 00600 { 00601 PTRANSMSG pTransMsgBuf, pTransMsgTemp; 00602 UINT uiNewNum = 0; 00603 UINT uiTempNum; 00604 DWORD dwTempSize; 00605 HWND hDefIMEWnd; 00606 UINT i; 00607 BOOL bAnsiWnd; 00608 00609 hDefIMEWnd = ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd((HWND)lpIMC->hWnd); 00610 00611 bAnsiWnd = (! IsWindowUnicode(lpIMC->hWnd)) ? TRUE : FALSE; 00612 00613 dwTempSize = uiNumMsg * sizeof(TRANSMSG); 00614 00615 // 00616 // Allocate one more TRANSMSG and ZEROINIT the whole thing! 00617 // 00618 00619 pTransMsgBuf = (PTRANSMSG)ImmLocalAlloc( HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, 00620 dwTempSize + sizeof(TRANSMSG) 00621 ); 00622 if ( pTransMsgBuf == NULL ) 00623 goto wtmsg2_j_10; 00624 00625 RtlCopyMemory(pTransMsgBuf, pTransMsg, dwTempSize); 00626 pTransMsgTemp = pTransMsgBuf; 00627 00628 // 00629 // When MCW_HIDDEN mode, WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION will be translated to 00630 // IR_UNDETERMINE with 0 string. So that, this message have to be 00631 // generated after all messages. 00632 // 00633 00634 if (lpIMC->fdw31Compat & F31COMPAT_MCWHIDDEN) { 00635 00636 for (i = 0; i < uiNumMsg; i++, pTransMsgTemp++) { 00637 if (pTransMsgTemp->message == WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION) { 00638 break; 00639 } 00640 } 00641 00642 if (pTransMsgTemp->message == WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION) { 00643 00644 PTRANSMSG pTransMsgSrc = pTransMsgTemp + 1; 00645 00646 while (pTransMsgSrc->message != 0) { 00647 *pTransMsgTemp++ = *pTransMsgSrc++; 00648 } 00649 00650 pTransMsgTemp->message = WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION; 00651 pTransMsgTemp->wParam = 0L; 00652 pTransMsgTemp->lParam = 0L; 00653 00654 } 00655 00656 pTransMsgTemp = pTransMsgBuf; 00657 } 00658 00659 while (pTransMsgTemp->message != 0) { 00660 00661 switch (pTransMsgTemp->message) 00662 { 00663 case WM_IME_COMPOSITION: 00664 00665 if (bAnsiIMC) 00666 uiTempNum = JTransCompositionA(lpIMC,lpCompStr,pTransMsgTemp,pTransMsg); 00667 else 00668 uiTempNum = JTransCompositionW(lpIMC,lpCompStr,pTransMsgTemp,pTransMsg); 00669 00670 uiNewNum += uiTempNum; 00671 pTransMsg += uiTempNum; 00672 00673 if ( !(lpIMC->fdw31Compat & F31COMPAT_MCWHIDDEN) ) 00674 { 00675 if ( lpIMC->cfCompForm.dwStyle != CFS_DEFAULT ) { 00676 SendMessage((HWND)lpIMC->hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_CHANGECONVERT, 0L); 00677 } 00678 } 00679 00680 break; 00681 00682 case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION: 00683 00684 if ( !(lpIMC->fdw31Compat & F31COMPAT_MCWHIDDEN) ) 00685 { 00686 if ( lpIMC->cfCompForm.dwStyle != CFS_DEFAULT ) { 00687 SendMessage((HWND)lpIMC->hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_OPENCONVERT, 0L); 00688 } 00689 00690 *pTransMsg++ = *pTransMsgTemp; 00691 uiNewNum++; 00692 } 00693 00694 break; 00695 00696 case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION: 00697 00698 if ( !(lpIMC->fdw31Compat & F31COMPAT_MCWHIDDEN) ) 00699 { 00700 if ( lpIMC->cfCompForm.dwStyle != CFS_DEFAULT ) { 00701 SendMessage((HWND)lpIMC->hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_CLOSECONVERT, 0L); 00702 } 00703 00704 *pTransMsg++ = *pTransMsgTemp; 00705 uiNewNum++; 00706 00707 } 00708 else { 00709 00710 HWND hWnd = (HWND)lpIMC->hWnd; 00711 HGLOBAL hUndet = 0L; 00712 00713 if (hUndet = GlobalAlloc(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, sizeof(UNDETERMINESTRUCT))) 00714 { 00715 if (! IsWindowUnicode(lpIMC->hWnd)) 00716 SendMessageA(hWnd,WM_IME_REPORT, IR_UNDETERMINE, (LPARAM)hUndet); 00717 else 00718 SendMessageW(hWnd,WM_IME_REPORT, IR_UNDETERMINE, (LPARAM)hUndet); 00719 00720 GlobalFree(hUndet); 00721 } 00722 } 00723 00724 break; 00725 00726 case WM_IME_NOTIFY: 00727 00728 switch (pTransMsgTemp->wParam) 00729 { 00730 case IMN_OPENCANDIDATE: 00731 00732 // 00733 // When 3.1 Application want to set MCW_HIDDEN, 00734 // the candidate window of Chicago IME go way 00735 // from the restangle of the composition string 00736 // that will be drawn by the application. 00737 // 00738 00739 if (IsWindow((HWND)lpIMC->hWnd) && 00740 (lpIMC->fdw31Compat & F31COMPAT_MCWHIDDEN)) { 00741 CANDIDATEFORM cfCandForm; 00742 DWORD i; 00743 DWORD dwNumCand = 0; 00744 00745 for (i = 0; i < 32; i++) 00746 { 00747 // 00748 // Only the opened candidate should be updated. 00749 // 00750 if (!(pTransMsgTemp->lParam & (01L << i))) 00751 continue; 00752 00753 cfCandForm.dwIndex = i; 00754 cfCandForm.dwStyle = CFS_EXCLUDE; 00755 cfCandForm.ptCurrentPos = lpIMC->cfCompForm.ptCurrentPos; 00756 cfCandForm.rcArea = lpIMC->cfCompForm.rcArea; 00757 SendMessage(hDefIMEWnd, WM_IME_CONTROL, IMC_SETCANDIDATEPOS, 00758 (LPARAM)(LPCANDIDATEFORM)&cfCandForm); 00759 } 00760 } 00761 00762 break; 00763 00764 default : 00765 break; 00766 } 00767 00768 if (!(lpIMC->fdw31Compat & F31COMPAT_MCWHIDDEN)) { 00769 *pTransMsg++ = *pTransMsgTemp; 00770 uiNewNum++; 00771 } 00772 else { 00773 // 00774 // For win31 apps who set MCW_HIDDEN, we won't give them 00775 // IMN_OPENCANDIDATE here. Instead, send it directly to the 00776 // default IME window. 00777 // 00778 SendMessage( hDefIMEWnd, 00779 pTransMsgTemp->message, 00780 pTransMsgTemp->wParam, 00781 pTransMsgTemp->lParam 00782 ); 00783 } 00784 00785 break; 00786 00787 default : 00788 *pTransMsg++ = *pTransMsgTemp; 00789 uiNewNum++; 00790 break; 00791 } 00792 00793 pTransMsgTemp++; 00794 } 00795 00796 ImmLocalFree(pTransMsgBuf); 00797 00798 wtmsg2_j_10: 00799 return (uiNewNum); 00800 }

UINT WINNLSTranslateMessageK int  iNumMsg,

Definition at line 128 of file ktranmsg.c.

References BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, FALSE, HIBYTE, hWnd, ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(), IsWindowUnicode(), L, LOBYTE, NULL, TRUE, and UINT.

Referenced by WINNLSTranslateMessage().

00133 { 00134 HWND hDefIMEWnd; 00135 int i, j; 00136 static BYTE bp1stInterim = 0; 00137 static BYTE bp2ndInterim = 0; 00138 BOOL bAnsiWnd; 00139 HWND hWnd; 00140 WCHAR wchUni; 00141 CHAR chAnsi[2]; 00142 BYTE bchLow, bchHi, bCh; 00143 BOOL (WINAPI* fpPostMessage)(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); 00144 LRESULT (WINAPI* fpSendMessage)(HWND hWnd, UINT Msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); 00145 00146 hWnd = (HWND)lpIMC->hWnd; 00147 00148 hDefIMEWnd = ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd(hWnd); 00149 00150 bAnsiWnd = !IsWindowUnicode(hWnd) ? TRUE : FALSE; 00151 if (bAnsiWnd) { 00152 fpPostMessage = PostMessageA; 00153 fpSendMessage = SendMessageA; 00154 } else { 00155 fpPostMessage = PostMessageW; 00156 fpSendMessage = SendMessageW; 00157 } 00158 00159 for (i = 0; i < iNumMsg; i++) { 00160 00161 switch (pTransMsg[i].message) { 00162 00163 case WM_IME_COMPOSITION : 00164 00165 if (pTransMsg[i].lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR) { 00166 00167 fpPostMessage(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGSTART, 0L); 00168 00169 for (j = 0; j < (int)lpCompStr->dwResultStrLen; j++) { 00170 LPARAM lParam; 00171 bCh = 0; 00172 if (bAnsiIMC) { 00173 bCh = *((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultStrOffset + j); 00174 if (bAnsiWnd) { 00175 if (IsDBCSLeadByte(bCh)) { 00176 lParam = (bCh >= 0xB0 && bCh <= 0xC8)? 0xFFF10001L: 0xFFF20001L; 00177 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bCh, lParam); 00178 bCh = *((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultStrOffset + ++j); 00179 } else 00180 lParam = 1L; 00181 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bCh, lParam); 00182 } else { 00183 chAnsi[0] = bCh; 00184 chAnsi[1] = *((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultStrOffset + ++j); 00185 00186 MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, chAnsi, 2, &wchUni, 1); 00187 00188 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_CHAR, wchUni, lParam); 00189 } 00190 } else { // !bAnsiIMC 00191 bCh = *((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultStrOffset + j * sizeof(WCHAR)); 00192 wchUni = bCh | ( *((LPSTR)lpCompStr + lpCompStr->dwResultStrOffset + 00193 (j * sizeof(WCHAR) + 1)) << 8); 00194 00195 if (bAnsiWnd) { 00196 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wchUni, 1, chAnsi, 2, NULL, NULL); 00197 00198 bchLow = chAnsi[0]; 00199 bchHi = chAnsi[0]; //(BYTE)chAnsi; 00200 00201 if (IsDBCSLeadByte(bchLow)) { 00202 lParam = (bchLow >= 0xB0 && bchLow <= 0xC8) ? 0xFFF10001L: 0xFFF20001L; 00203 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bchLow, lParam); 00204 bchHi = chAnsi[1]; 00205 } else 00206 lParam = 1L; 00207 00208 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bchHi, lParam); 00209 } else { 00210 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_CHAR, wchUni, lParam); 00211 } 00212 } 00213 } 00214 00215 fpPostMessage(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00216 00217 } else { // !(pTransMsg[i].lParam & GCS_RESULTSTR) 00218 00219 if (pTransMsg[i].wParam) { 00220 00221 fpPostMessage(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGSTART, 0L); 00222 00223 bp1stInterim = HIBYTE(LOWORD(pTransMsg[i].wParam)); 00224 bp2ndInterim = LOBYTE(LOWORD(pTransMsg[i].wParam)); 00225 00226 if (bAnsiIMC) { 00227 if (bAnsiWnd) { 00228 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_INTERIM, bp1stInterim, 0x00F00001L); 00229 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_INTERIM, bp2ndInterim, 0x00F00001L); 00230 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00231 } else { 00232 chAnsi[0] = bp1stInterim; 00233 chAnsi[1] = bp2ndInterim; 00234 00235 if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, chAnsi, 2, &wchUni, 1)) 00236 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_INTERIM, wchUni, 0x00F00001L); 00237 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00238 } 00239 00240 } else { 00241 if (bAnsiWnd) { 00242 wchUni = (bp1stInterim << 8) | bp2ndInterim; //(WORD)lpdwTransKey[i*3 + 1]; 00243 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wchUni, 1, chAnsi, 2, NULL, NULL); 00244 00245 bchLow = chAnsi[0]; 00246 bchHi = chAnsi[1]; 00247 00248 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_INTERIM, bchLow, 0x00F00001L); 00249 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_INTERIM, bchHi, 0x00F00001L); 00250 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00251 } else { 00252 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_INTERIM, pTransMsg[i].wParam, 0x00F00001L); 00253 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00254 } 00255 } 00256 fpSendMessage(hDefIMEWnd, WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION, 0, 0L); 00257 00258 } else { // !pTransMsg[i].wParam 00259 00260 fpPostMessage(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGSTART, 0L); 00261 00262 if (bAnsiIMC) { 00263 if (bAnsiWnd) { 00264 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bp1stInterim, 0xFFF10001L); 00265 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bp2ndInterim, 0xFFF10001L); 00266 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00267 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_BACK, 0x000E0001L); 00268 } else { 00269 chAnsi[0] = bp1stInterim; 00270 chAnsi[1] = bp2ndInterim; 00271 00272 if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, chAnsi, 2, &wchUni, 1)) 00273 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_CHAR, wchUni, 0xFFF10001L); 00274 00275 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00276 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_BACK, 0x000E0001L); 00277 } 00278 } else { // !bAnsiIMC 00279 if (bAnsiWnd) { 00280 wchUni = (bp1stInterim << 8 ) | bp2ndInterim; 00281 00282 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &wchUni, 1, chAnsi, 2, NULL, NULL); 00283 00284 bchLow = chAnsi[0]; 00285 bchHi = chAnsi[1]; 00286 00287 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bchLow, 0xFFF10001L); 00288 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_CHAR, bchHi, 0xFFF10001L); 00289 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00290 PostMessageA(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_BACK, 0x000E0001L); 00291 } else { 00292 wchUni = bp1stInterim | (bp2ndInterim << 8); 00293 00294 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_CHAR, wchUni, 0xFFF10001L); 00295 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_IME_REPORT, IR_STRINGEND, 0L); 00296 PostMessageW(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_BACK, 0x000E0001L); 00297 } 00298 } 00299 } 00300 } 00301 break; 00302 00303 case WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION : 00304 case WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION : 00305 break; 00306 00307 case WM_IME_KEYDOWN: 00308 fpPostMessage(hWnd, WM_KEYDOWN, LOWORD(pTransMsg[i].wParam), 00309 pTransMsg[i].lParam); 00310 break; 00311 00312 case WM_IME_KEYUP: 00313 fpPostMessage(hWnd, WM_KEYUP, LOWORD(pTransMsg[i].wParam), 00314 pTransMsg[i].lParam); 00315 break; 00316 00317 default : 00318 fpSendMessage(hDefIMEWnd, pTransMsg[i].message, 00319 pTransMsg[i].wParam, pTransMsg[i].lParam); 00320 break; 00321 } 00322 } 00323 00324 return 0; // indicates all messages are post/sent within this function. 00325 }

Variable Documentation


Definition at line 96 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmDisableIME(), ImmDllInitialize(), ImmFreeLayout(), ImmGetImeDpi(), ImmGetImeMenuItemsInterProcess(), ImmInitializeGlobals(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnloadIME(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), and LoadImeDpi().

BOOLEAN gfInitialized

Definition at line 89 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmDllInitialize(), and ImmInitializeGlobals().


Definition at line 90 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), ImmDllInitialize(), ImmInitializeGlobals(), RegisterSoftKeyboard(), SKC1DrawBitmap(), SKC1DrawLabel(), SKT1DrawBitmap(), and SKT1DrawLabel().


Definition at line 95 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmDisableIME(), ImmFreeLayout(), ImmGetImeDpi(), ImmLockImeDpi(), ImmUnloadIME(), ImmUnlockImeDpi(), and LoadImeDpi().


Definition at line 92 of file immcli.h.

POINT gptRaiseEdge

Definition at line 99 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by GetSoftKeyboardDimension(), ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), and InitSKT1ButtonPos().

POINT gptWorkArea

Definition at line 98 of file immcli.h.


Definition at line 93 of file immcli.h.

CONST WCHAR gszRegKbdLayout[]

Definition at line 102 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by GetImeLayout(), ImmLoadLayout(), and WriteImeLayout().

CONST WCHAR gszRegKbdOrder[]

Definition at line 106 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by WriteImeLayout().

CONST WCHAR gszValImeFile[]

Definition at line 109 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by GetImeLayout(), ImmLoadLayout(), and WriteImeLayout().

CONST WCHAR gszValLayoutFile[]

Definition at line 108 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by WriteImeLayout().

CONST WCHAR gszValLayoutText[]

Definition at line 107 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by WriteImeLayout().

UINT guScanCode[0XFF]

Definition at line 100 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmCreateSoftKeyboard(), SKC1ButtonUp(), SKT1ButtonUp(), and SKT1SetCursor().

PVOID pImmHeap

Definition at line 91 of file immcli.h.

Referenced by ImmLocalAlloc().


Generated on Sat May 15 19:44:10 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7