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verifier.c File Reference

#include "mi.h"

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#define VI_BAD_MAPPERS_MAX   100
#define UNICODE_TAB   0x0009
#define UNICODE_LF   0x000A
#define UNICODE_CR   0x000D
#define UNICODE_SPACE   0x0020
#define UNICODE_CJK_SPACE   0x3000
#define MM_BOOT_IMAGE_SIZE   (16 * 1024 * 1024)
#define X86_HAL_ROUTINE   0
#define POOL_ROUTINE   2
#define VERIFIER_THUNK_IN_HAL(Flag)   (Flag & X86_HAL_ROUTINE)




THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePool (IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes)
THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithTag (IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag)
THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag (IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag)
THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag, IN EX_POOL_PRIORITY Priority)
PVOID VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag, IN EX_POOL_PRIORITY Priority, IN PVOID CallingAddress)
VOID VerifierFreePool (IN PVOID P)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeLowerIrql (IN KIRQL NewIrql)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeAcquireSpinLock (IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, OUT PKIRQL OldIrql)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeReleaseSpinLock (IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, IN KIRQL NewIrql)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeInitializeTimerEx (IN PKTIMER Timer, IN TIMER_TYPE Type)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeInitializeTimer (IN PKTIMER Timer)
THUNKED_API VOID FASTCALL VerifierExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe (IN PFAST_MUTEX FastMutex)
THUNKED_API VOID FASTCALL VerifierExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe (IN PFAST_MUTEX FastMutex)
THUNKED_API BOOLEAN VerifierExAcquireResourceExclusive (IN PERESOURCE Resource, IN BOOLEAN Wait)
THUNKED_API BOOLEAN VerifierSynchronizeExecution (IN PKINTERRUPT Interrupt, IN PKSYNCHRONIZE_ROUTINE SynchronizeRoutine, IN PVOID SynchronizeContext)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierProbeAndLockPages (IN OUT PMDL MemoryDescriptorList, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, IN LOCK_OPERATION Operation)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierProbeAndLockProcessPages (IN OUT PMDL MemoryDescriptorList, IN PEPROCESS Process, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, IN LOCK_OPERATION Operation)
THUNKED_API VOID VerifierProbeAndLockSelectedPages (IN OUT PMDL MemoryDescriptorList, IN PFILE_SEGMENT_ELEMENT SegmentArray, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, IN LOCK_OPERATION Operation)
VOID VerifierUnlockPages (IN OUT PMDL MemoryDescriptorList)
VOID VerifierUnmapLockedPages (IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN PMDL MemoryDescriptorList)
VOID VerifierUnmapIoSpace (IN PVOID BaseAddress, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes)
THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierMapLockedPages (IN PMDL MemoryDescriptorList, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode)
THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache (IN PMDL MemoryDescriptorList, IN KPROCESSOR_MODE AccessMode, IN MEMORY_CACHING_TYPE CacheType, IN PVOID RequestedAddress, IN ULONG BugCheckOnFailure, IN MM_PAGE_PRIORITY Priority)
VOID VerifierFreeTrackedPool (IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN SIZE_T ChargedBytes, IN LOGICAL CheckType, IN LOGICAL SpecialPool)
VOID ViPrintString (IN PUNICODE_STRING DriverName)
LOGICAL ViInjectResourceFailure (VOID)
VOID ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory (VOID)
ULONG_PTR ViInsertPoolAllocation (IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier, IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN PVOID CallingAddress, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN ULONG Tag)
VOID ViCancelPoolAllocation (IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier)
VOID ViReleasePoolAllocation (IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier, IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN ULONG_PTR ListIndex, IN SIZE_T ChargedBytes)
VOID KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql (IN KIRQL NewIrql)
VOID KfSanityCheckLowerIrql (IN KIRQL NewIrql)
LOGICAL MiEnableVerifier (IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry)
VOID ViInsertVerifierEntry (IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier)
PVOID ViPostPoolAllocation (IN PVOID VirtualAddress, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes, IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN ULONG Tag, IN PVOID CallingAddress)
PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY ViLocateVerifierEntry (IN PVOID SystemAddress)
VOID MiVerifierCheckThunks (IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry)
LOGICAL ViAddBadMapper (IN PVOID BadMapper)
THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuota (IN POOL_TYPE PoolType, IN SIZE_T NumberOfBytes)
LOGICAL MiInitializeDriverVerifierList (IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK LoaderBlock)
VOID MiVerifyingDriverUnloading (IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry)
NTSTATUS MmAddVerifierThunks (IN PVOID ThunkBuffer, IN ULONG ThunkBufferSize)
NTSTATUS MmGetVerifierInformation (OUT PVOID SystemInformation, IN ULONG SystemInformationLength, OUT PULONG Length)
NTSTATUS MmSetVerifierInformation (IN OUT PVOID SystemInformation, IN ULONG SystemInformationLength)
VOID KeRaiseIrql (IN KIRQL NewIrql, OUT PKIRQL OldIrql)
VOID KeLowerIrql (IN KIRQL NewIrql)
VOID KeAcquireSpinLock (IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, OUT PKIRQL OldIrql)
VOID KeReleaseSpinLock (IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock, IN KIRQL NewIrql)
BOOLEAN ExAcquireResourceExclusive (IN PERESOURCE Resource, IN BOOLEAN Wait)


ULONG VerifierModifyableOptions
ULONG VerifierOptionChanges
LIST_ENTRY MiSuspectDriverList
LOGICAL MiVerifyAllDrivers
WCHAR MiVerifyRandomDrivers
ULONG MiActiveVerifies
ULONG MiActiveVerifierThunks
ULONG MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql
ULONG MiVerifierStackProtectTime
LOGICAL MmDontVerifyRandomDrivers = TRUE
LOGICAL VerifierSystemSufficientlyBooted
LARGE_INTEGER VerifierRequiredTimeSinceBoot = {(ULONG)(40 * 1000 * 1000 * 10), 1}
LOGICAL VerifierIsTrackingPool = FALSE
KSPIN_LOCK VerifierListLock
KSPIN_LOCK VerifierPoolLock
FAST_MUTEX VerifierPoolMutex
PRTL_BITMAP VerifierLargePagedPoolMap
LIST_ENTRY MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead
LOGICAL MmSpecialPoolCatchOverruns
LOGICAL KernelVerifier = FALSE
ULONG KernelVerifierTickPage = 0x7
KSPIN_LOCK ViBadMapperLock
int VerifierIrqlData [0x10]
WCHAR Printable [] = L"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
ULONG PrintableChars = sizeof (Printable) / sizeof (Printable[0]) - 1
VERIFIER_THUNKS MiVerifierThunks []

Define Documentation

#define MM_BOOT_IMAGE_SIZE   (16 * 1024 * 1024)

Definition at line 3843 of file verifier.c.

#define POOL_ROUTINE   2

Definition at line 4511 of file verifier.c.

ROUND   ) 


((ULONG)(((ULONG)VALUE + \ ((ULONG)ROUND - 1L)) & (~((ULONG)ROUND - 1L))))

Definition at line 4042 of file verifier.c.


Definition at line 22 of file verifier.c.

#define UNICODE_CJK_SPACE   0x3000

Definition at line 3112 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by RtlIsTextUnicode().

#define UNICODE_CR   0x000D

Definition at line 3110 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by RtlIsTextUnicode().

#define UNICODE_LF   0x000A

Definition at line 3109 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by RtlIsTextUnicode().

#define UNICODE_SPACE   0x0020

Definition at line 3111 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by CharHandlerToConsole(), FastStreamWrite(), FE_StreamWriteToScreenBuffer(), FE_TranslateOutputToAnsiUnicodeInternal(), GetSystemLineJ(), GetSystemLineP(), GetSystemLineT(), ImeUIComposition(), ImeUIEndComposition(), ImeUIStartComposition(), IncludeCandidateP(), InitConsoleIME(), MakeInfoStringKorea(), MakeStatusStrPRC1(), MakeStatusStrPRC2(), MakeStatusStrTaiwan1(), MakeStatusStrTaiwan2(), NumString(), ReadOutputString(), ReadRectFromScreenBuffer(), RtlIsTextUnicode(), StoreSelection(), WWSB_DoWriteConsole(), WWSB_FillOutput(), WWSB_FillRectangle(), WWSB_WriteChars(), WWSB_WriteOutputString(), WWSB_WriteRectToScreenBuffer(), and WWSB_WriteRegionToScreen().

#define UNICODE_TAB   0x0009

Definition at line 3108 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ECInsertText(), RetrieveNumberOfSpaces(), RetrieveTotalNumberOfSpaces(), RtlIsTextUnicode(), and WWSB_WriteChars().

#define UNICODE_WHITESPACE _ch   ) 


(((_ch) == UNICODE_TAB) || \ ((_ch) == UNICODE_LF) || \ ((_ch) == UNICODE_CR) || \ ((_ch) == UNICODE_SPACE) || \ ((_ch) == UNICODE_CJK_SPACE))

Definition at line 3114 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeDriverVerifierList().

#define VERIFIER_POOL_ROUTINE Flag   )     (Flag & POOL_ROUTINE)

Definition at line 4514 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiEnableVerifier().

#define VERIFIER_THUNK_IN_HAL Flag   )     (Flag & X86_HAL_ROUTINE)

Definition at line 4513 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiEnableVerifier().

#define VI_BAD_MAPPERS_MAX   100

Definition at line 626 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ViAddBadMapper().


Referenced by ViReservePoolAllocation().

#define X86_HAL_ROUTINE   0

Definition at line 4508 of file verifier.c.

Typedef Documentation



Referenced by MiEnableVerifier(), MiVerifierCheckThunks(), and MmAddVerifierThunks().


Definition at line 2358 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by VerifierKeAcquireSpinLock().


Definition at line 2966 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by VerifierKeLowerIrql().


Definition at line 2927 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by VerifierKeRaiseIrql().


Definition at line 2399 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by VerifierKeReleaseSpinLock().



Referenced by MiEnableVerifier().



Function Documentation

BOOLEAN ExAcquireResourceExclusive IN PERESOURCE  Resource,

VOID KeAcquireSpinLock IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock,

VOID KeLowerIrql IN KIRQL  NewIrql  ) 

Referenced by CmNotifyRunDown(), CmpNotifyChangeKey(), CmpPostApcRunDown(), CmpPostNotify(), CmpReportNotifyHelper(), ExAllocatePool(), ExFreePool(), ExUnlockPool(), IoCancelFileOpen(), IoCancelThreadIo(), IopCancelAlertedRequest(), IopCloseFile(), IopDeleteFile(), IopDisassociateThreadIrp(), IopParseDevice(), IopSynchronousServiceTail(), IoStartPacket(), IovpCompleteRequest5(), KdDisableDebugger(), KdEnableDebugger(), KdLogDbgPrint(), KdPollBreakIn(), KeChangeColorPage(), KeConnectInterrupt(), KeContextToKframes(), KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback(), KeDisconnectInterrupt(), KeFlushEntireTb(), KeFlushIoBuffers(), KeFlushMultipleTb(), KeFlushMultipleTb64(), KeFlushSingleTb(), KeFlushSingleTb64(), KeInsertQueueDpc(), KeRegisterBugCheckCallback(), KeSetAutoAlignmentThread(), KeSetSystemTime(), KeStartProfile(), KeStopProfile(), KeSweepCacheRange(), KeSweepDcache(), KeSweepDcacheRange(), KeSweepIcache(), KeSweepIcacheRange(), KeSynchronizeMemoryAccess(), KeThawExecution(), KiContinue(), KiDeliverApc(), KiEmulateByteWord(), KiEmulateReference(), KiFreezeTargetExecution(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiIpiGenericCall(), KiTimerListExpire(), MiCheckVirtualAddress(), MiEmptyWorkingSet(), MiGatherMappedPages(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiMappedPageWriter(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), MiReserveSystemPtes2(), MmAccessFault(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory(), MmWorkingSetManager(), NtCancelIoFile(), NTFastDOSIO(), NtGetContextThread(), NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys(), NtQueryInformationFile(), NtQueryInformationThread(), NtSetContextThread(), NtSetInformationFile(), Ps386GetVdmIoHandler(), Psp386CreateVdmIoListHead(), Psp386InstallIoHandler(), Psp386RemoveIoHandler(), PspExitThread(), PspSystemThreadStartup(), PspUserThreadStartup(), VdmDispatchPageFault(), VdmFlushPrinterWriteData(), VdmPrinterStatus(), VdmpStartExecution(), VdmQueryDirectoryFile(), VdmTraceEvent(), and VerifierKeLowerIrql().

VOID KeRaiseIrql IN KIRQL  NewIrql,

Referenced by CmNotifyRunDown(), CmpNotifyChangeKey(), CmpPostApcRunDown(), CmpPostNotify(), CmpReportNotifyHelper(), ExAllocatePool(), ExFreePool(), ExLockPool(), IoCancelFileOpen(), IoCancelThreadIo(), IopCancelAlertedRequest(), IopCloseFile(), IopDeleteFile(), IopDisassociateThreadIrp(), IopParseDevice(), IopSynchronousServiceTail(), IoStartPacket(), IovpCompleteRequest2(), KdDisableDebugger(), KdEnableDebugger(), KdLogDbgPrint(), KdPollBreakIn(), KeBugCheckEx(), KeConnectInterrupt(), KeDeregisterBugCheckCallback(), KeDisconnectInterrupt(), KeEnterKernelDebugger(), KeFreezeExecution(), KeInsertQueueDpc(), KeRegisterBugCheckCallback(), KeSetAutoAlignmentThread(), KeSetSystemTime(), KeStartProfile(), KeStopProfile(), KiCompleteEffectiveRangeChange(), KiContinue(), KiDeliverApc(), KiEmulateByteWord(), KiEmulateReference(), KiFreezeTargetExecution(), KiInitializeKernel(), KiInitializePAT(), KiIpiGenericCall(), MiCheckVirtualAddress(), MiEmptyWorkingSet(), MiGatherMappedPages(), MiGatherPagefilePages(), MiInitMachineDependent(), MiMappedPageWriter(), MiReleaseSystemPtes(), MiReserveSystemPtes2(), MmAccessFault(), MmCopyToCachedPage(), MmWorkingSetManager(), NtCancelIoFile(), NTFastDOSIO(), NtGetContextThread(), NtNotifyChangeMultipleKeys(), NtQueryInformationFile(), NtQueryInformationThread(), NtSetContextThread(), NtSetInformationFile(), Ps386GetVdmIoHandler(), Psp386CreateVdmIoListHead(), Psp386InstallIoHandler(), Psp386RemoveIoHandler(), VdmDispatchPageFault(), VdmFlushPrinterWriteData(), VdmPrinterStatus(), VdmpStartExecution(), VdmQueryDirectoryFile(), VdmTraceEvent(), and VerifierKeRaiseIrql().

VOID KeReleaseSpinLock IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock,

Referenced by ExAllocatePool(), ExFreePool(), ExNotifyCallback(), ExRegisterCallback(), ExUnlockPool(), ExUnregisterCallback(), KdDeregisterDebuggerDataBlock(), KdpTimeSlipWork(), KdRegisterDebuggerDataBlock(), KdUpdateTimeSlipEvent(), KeRestoreMtrr(), KeSetPhysicalCacheTypeRange(), KeSweepDcache(), KeSweepIcache(), KiAmdK6InitializeMTRR(), KiAmdK6MtrrSetMemoryType(), KiInitializeKernel(), MemPrint(), MemPrintFlush(), MemPrintWriteCompleteApc(), MemPrintWriteThread(), PspDeleteVdmObjects(), RtlAcquireRemoveLockEx(), RtlReleaseRemoveLock(), UdfAddToWorkque(), UdfFspDispatch(), VdmpDelayIntApcRoutine(), VdmpDelayIntDpcRoutine(), VdmpDelayInterrupt(), and VerifierKeReleaseSpinLock().

VOID KfSanityCheckLowerIrql IN KIRQL  NewIrql  ) 

Definition at line 2283 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, DISPATCH_LEVEL, HIGH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), and VerifierIrqlData.

Referenced by VerifierKeLowerIrql(), and VerifierKeReleaseSpinLock().

02286 { 02287 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02288 02289 // 02290 // Check for the caller inadvertently lowering. 02291 // 02292 02293 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02294 02295 if (CurrentIrql == NewIrql) { 02296 VerifierIrqlData[8] += 1; 02297 if (CurrentIrql == APC_LEVEL) { 02298 VerifierIrqlData[9] += 1; 02299 } 02300 else if (CurrentIrql == DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 02301 VerifierIrqlData[10] += 1; 02302 } 02303 else { 02304 VerifierIrqlData[11] += 1; 02305 } 02306 } 02307 else { 02308 VerifierIrqlData[12] += 1; 02309 } 02310 02311 if (CurrentIrql < NewIrql) { 02312 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02313 0x31, 02314 CurrentIrql, 02315 NewIrql, 02316 0); 02317 } 02318 02319 // 02320 // Check for the caller using an uninitialized variable. 02321 // 02322 02323 if (NewIrql > HIGH_LEVEL) { 02324 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02325 0x31, 02326 CurrentIrql, 02327 NewIrql, 02328 0); 02329 } 02330 }

VOID KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql IN KIRQL  NewIrql  ) 

Definition at line 2233 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, DISPATCH_LEVEL, HIGH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), and VerifierIrqlData.

Referenced by VerifierKeAcquireSpinLock(), VerifierKeRaiseIrql(), and VerifierSynchronizeExecution().

02236 { 02237 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02238 02239 // 02240 // Check for the caller inadvertently lowering. 02241 // 02242 02243 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02244 02245 if (CurrentIrql == NewIrql) { 02246 VerifierIrqlData[0] += 1; 02247 if (CurrentIrql == APC_LEVEL) { 02248 VerifierIrqlData[1] += 1; 02249 } 02250 else if (CurrentIrql == DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 02251 VerifierIrqlData[2] += 1; 02252 } 02253 else { 02254 VerifierIrqlData[3] += 1; 02255 } 02256 } 02257 else { 02258 VerifierIrqlData[4] += 1; 02259 } 02260 02261 if (CurrentIrql > NewIrql) { 02262 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02263 0x30, 02264 CurrentIrql, 02265 NewIrql, 02266 0); 02267 } 02268 02269 // 02270 // Check for the caller using an uninitialized variable. 02271 // 02272 02273 if (NewIrql > HIGH_LEVEL) { 02274 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02275 0x30, 02276 CurrentIrql, 02277 NewIrql, 02278 0); 02279 } 02280 }

LOGICAL MiApplyDriverVerifier IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY  DataTableEntry,

Definition at line 3448 of file verifier.c.

References ExAllocatePoolWithTag, FALSE, KernelVerifier, KiStackProtectTime, MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY, MiActiveVerifies, MiEnableRandomSpecialPool(), MiEnableVerifier(), MiFaultRetries, MiIoRetryLevel, MiSuspectDriverList, MiUserFaultRetries, MiUserIoRetryLevel, MiVerifierStackProtectTime, MiVerifyAllDrivers, MiVerifyRandomDrivers, MmVerifierData, NonPagedPool, NULL, RtlEqualUnicodeString(), RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(), TRUE, VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY, VI_VERIFYING_INVERSELY, ViInitializeEntry(), ViInsertVerifierEntry(), and ViPrintString().

Referenced by MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), and MiLoadSystemImage().

03455 : 03456 03457 This function is called as each module is loaded. If the module being 03458 loaded is in the suspect list, thunk it here. 03459 03460 Arguments: 03461 03462 DataTableEntry - Supplies the data table entry for the module. 03463 03464 Verifier - Non-NULL if verification must be applied. FALSE indicates 03465 that the driver name must match for verification to be 03466 applied. 03467 03468 Return Value: 03469 03470 TRUE if thunking was applied, FALSE if not. 03471 03472 Environment: 03473 03474 Kernel mode, Phase 0 Initialization and normal runtime. 03475 Non paged pool exists in Phase0, but paged pool does not. 03476 Post-Phase0 serialization is provided by the MmSystemLoadLock. 03477 03478 --*/ 03479 03480 { 03481 WCHAR FirstChar; 03482 LOGICAL Found; 03483 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 03484 ULONG VerifierFlags; 03485 03486 if (Verifier != NULL) { 03487 Found = TRUE; 03488 } 03489 else { 03490 Found = FALSE; 03491 NextEntry = MiSuspectDriverList.Flink; 03492 while (NextEntry != &MiSuspectDriverList) { 03493 03494 Verifier = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, 03495 MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY, 03496 Links); 03497 03498 if (RtlEqualUnicodeString (&Verifier->BaseName, 03499 &DataTableEntry->BaseDllName, 03500 TRUE)) { 03501 03502 Found = TRUE; 03503 ViInitializeEntry (Verifier, FALSE); 03504 break; 03505 } 03506 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 03507 } 03508 } 03509 03510 if (Found == FALSE) { 03511 VerifierFlags = VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY; 03512 if (MiVerifyAllDrivers == TRUE) { 03513 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 03514 VerifierFlags = VI_VERIFYING_INVERSELY; 03515 } 03516 Found = TRUE; 03517 } 03518 else if (MiVerifyRandomDrivers != (WCHAR)0) { 03519 03520 // 03521 // Wildcard match drivers randomly. 03522 // 03523 03524 FirstChar = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(DataTableEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer[0]); 03525 03526 if (MiVerifyRandomDrivers == FirstChar) { 03527 Found = TRUE; 03528 } 03529 else if (MiVerifyRandomDrivers == (WCHAR)'X') { 03530 if ((FirstChar >= (WCHAR)'0') && (FirstChar <= (WCHAR)'9')) { 03531 Found = TRUE; 03532 } 03533 } 03534 } 03535 03536 if (Found == FALSE) { 03537 return FALSE; 03538 } 03539 03540 Verifier = (PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY)ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( 03541 NonPagedPool, 03542 sizeof (MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY) + 03543 DataTableEntry->BaseDllName.MaximumLength, 03544 'dLmM'); 03545 03546 if (Verifier == NULL) { 03547 return FALSE; 03548 } 03549 03550 Verifier->BaseName.Buffer = (PWSTR)((PCHAR)Verifier + 03551 sizeof (MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY)); 03552 Verifier->BaseName.Length = DataTableEntry->BaseDllName.Length; 03553 Verifier->BaseName.MaximumLength = DataTableEntry->BaseDllName.MaximumLength; 03554 03555 RtlMoveMemory (Verifier->BaseName.Buffer, 03556 DataTableEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer, 03557 DataTableEntry->BaseDllName.Length); 03558 03559 ViInitializeEntry (Verifier, TRUE); 03560 03561 Verifier->Flags = VerifierFlags; 03562 03563 ViInsertVerifierEntry (Verifier); 03564 } 03565 03566 Verifier->StartAddress = DataTableEntry->DllBase; 03567 Verifier->EndAddress = (PVOID)((ULONG_PTR)DataTableEntry->DllBase + DataTableEntry->SizeOfImage); 03568 03569 if (MiEnableVerifier (DataTableEntry) == TRUE) { 03570 03571 if (Verifier->Flags & VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY) { 03572 ViPrintString (&DataTableEntry->BaseDllName); 03573 } 03574 03575 MmVerifierData.Loads += 1; 03576 03577 Verifier->Loads += 1; 03578 03579 DataTableEntry->Flags |= LDRP_IMAGE_VERIFYING; 03580 MiActiveVerifies += 1; 03581 03582 if (MiActiveVerifies == 1) { 03583 03584 // 03585 // Up the retry mechanism for potential injection failures. 03586 // 03587 03588 MiIoRetryLevel = (ULONG)-1; 03589 MiFaultRetries = MiIoRetryLevel; 03590 MiUserIoRetryLevel = (ULONG)-1; 03591 MiUserFaultRetries = MiUserIoRetryLevel; 03592 03593 #ifndef NO_POOL_CHECKS 03594 03595 // 03596 // If a loaded driver(s) is undergoing validation, the default 03597 // special pool randomizer is disabled as the precious virtual 03598 // address space and physical memory is being put to specific 03599 // use. 03600 // 03601 03602 MiEnableRandomSpecialPool (FALSE); 03603 #endif 03604 if (MmVerifierData.Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING) { 03605 03606 // 03607 // Page out all thread stacks as soon as possible to 03608 // catch drivers using local events that do usermode waits. 03609 // 03610 03611 if (KernelVerifier == FALSE) { 03612 MiVerifierStackProtectTime = KiStackProtectTime; 03613 KiStackProtectTime = 0; 03614 } 03615 } 03616 } 03617 } 03618 03619 return Found; 03620 }

LOGICAL MiEnableVerifier IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY  DataTableEntry  ) 

Definition at line 4712 of file verifier.c.


Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier().

04718 : 04719 04720 This function enables the verifier for the argument driver by thunking 04721 relevant system APIs in the argument driver import table. 04722 04723 Arguments: 04724 04725 DataTableEntry - Supplies the data table entry for the driver. 04726 04727 Return Value: 04728 04729 TRUE if thunking was applied, FALSE if not. 04730 04731 Environment: 04732 04733 Kernel mode, Phase 0 Initialization and normal runtime. 04734 Non paged pool exists in Phase0, but paged pool does not. 04735 04736 --*/ 04737 04738 { 04739 ULONG i; 04740 ULONG j; 04741 PULONG_PTR ImportThunk; 04742 ULONG ImportSize; 04743 PVERIFIER_THUNKS VerifierThunk; 04744 ULONG ThunkCount; 04745 LOGICAL Found; 04746 ULONG_PTR RealRoutine; 04747 PULONG_PTR PointerRealRoutine; 04748 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 04749 PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS ThunkTable; 04750 PDRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS ThunkTableBase; 04751 04752 ImportThunk = (PULONG_PTR)RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData( 04753 DataTableEntry->DllBase, 04754 TRUE, 04755 IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT, 04756 &ImportSize); 04757 04758 if (ImportThunk == NULL) { 04759 return FALSE; 04760 } 04761 04762 ImportSize /= sizeof(PULONG_PTR); 04763 04764 for (i = 0; i < ImportSize; i += 1, ImportThunk += 1) { 04765 04766 Found = FALSE; 04767 04768 VerifierThunk = MiVerifierThunks; 04769 04770 for (ThunkCount = 0; ThunkCount < sizeof (MiVerifierThunks) / sizeof (VERIFIER_THUNKS); ThunkCount += 1) { 04771 04772 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 04773 if (VERIFIER_POOL_ROUTINE (VerifierThunk->Flag) == 0) { 04774 VerifierThunk += 1; 04775 continue; 04776 } 04777 } 04778 04779 if (VERIFIER_THUNK_IN_HAL (VerifierThunk->Flag) == 0) { 04780 RealRoutine = (ULONG_PTR)VerifierThunk->PristineRoutine; 04781 } 04782 else { 04783 04784 // 04785 // Only the x86 has/needs this oddity - take the kernel address, 04786 // knowing that it points at a 2 byte jmp opcode followed by 04787 // a 4-byte indirect pointer to a destination address. 04788 // 04789 04790 PointerRealRoutine = (PULONG_PTR)*((PULONG_PTR)((PCHAR)VerifierThunk->PristineRoutine + 2)); 04791 RealRoutine = *PointerRealRoutine; 04792 } 04793 04794 if (*ImportThunk == RealRoutine) { 04795 *ImportThunk = (ULONG_PTR)(VerifierThunk->NewRoutine); 04796 Found = TRUE; 04797 break; 04798 } 04799 VerifierThunk += 1; 04800 } 04801 04802 if (Found == FALSE) { 04803 04804 NextEntry = MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead.Flink; 04805 while (NextEntry != &MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead) { 04806 04807 ThunkTableBase = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, 04808 DRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS, 04809 ListEntry); 04810 04811 ThunkTable = (PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS)(ThunkTableBase + 1); 04812 04813 for (j = 0; j < ThunkTableBase->NumberOfThunks; j += 1) { 04814 04815 if (*ImportThunk == (ULONG_PTR)ThunkTable->PristineRoutine) { 04816 *ImportThunk = (ULONG_PTR)(ThunkTable->NewRoutine); 04817 Found = TRUE; 04818 break; 04819 } 04820 ThunkTable += 1; 04821 } 04822 04823 if (Found == TRUE) { 04824 break; 04825 } 04826 04827 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 04828 } 04829 } 04830 } 04831 return TRUE; 04832 }

LOGICAL MiInitializeDriverVerifierList IN PLOADER_PARAMETER_BLOCK  LoaderBlock  ) 

Definition at line 3121 of file verifier.c.

References _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::BaseName, End, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ExInitializeFastMutex, FALSE, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Flags, IoVerifierInit(), IOVERIFIERINIT_EVERYTHING_TRACKED, IOVERIFIERINIT_PHASE0, IOVERIFIERINIT_VERIFIER_DRIVER_LIST, KeInitializeSpinLock(), KeQueryPerformanceCounter(), KernelVerifier, L, MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY, MiApplyDriverVerifier(), MiSuspectDriverList, MiTriageAddDrivers(), MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead, MiVerifyAllDrivers, MiVerifyRandomDrivers, MmDontVerifyRandomDrivers, MmVerifierData, MmVerifyDriverBuffer, MmVerifyDriverBufferLength, MmVerifyDriverLevel, NonPagedPool, NULL, RtlEqualUnicodeString(), RtlInitUnicodeString(), Start, TRUE, UNICODE_WHITESPACE, USHORT, VerifierListLock, VerifierModifyableOptions, VerifierPoolLock, VerifierPoolMutex, VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY, ViBadMapperLock, ViInitializeEntry(), and ViInsertVerifierEntry().

Referenced by MmInitSystem().

03127 : 03128 03129 Parse the registry setting and set up the list of driver names that will 03130 be put through the validation process. 03131 03132 Walk the loaded module list and thunk any drivers that need/deserve it. 03133 03134 Arguments: 03135 03136 None. 03137 03138 Return Value: 03139 03140 TRUE if successful, FALSE if not. 03141 03142 Environment: 03143 03144 Kernel mode, Phase 0 Initialization. 03145 03146 Nonpaged (but not paged) pool exists. 03147 03148 The PsLoadedModuleList has not been set up yet although the boot drivers 03149 have been relocated to their final resting places. 03150 03151 --*/ 03152 03153 { 03154 ULONG i; 03155 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 03156 PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry; 03157 PWCHAR Start; 03158 PWCHAR End; 03159 PWCHAR Walk; 03160 ULONG NameLength; 03161 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 03162 LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; 03163 UNICODE_STRING KernelString; 03164 UNICODE_STRING HalString; 03165 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY KernelEntry; 03166 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY HalEntry; 03167 03168 InitializeListHead (&MiSuspectDriverList); 03169 03170 if (MmVerifyDriverLevel != (ULONG)-1) { 03171 if (MmVerifyDriverLevel & DRIVER_VERIFIER_IO_CHECKING) { 03172 if (MmVerifyDriverBufferLength == (ULONG)-1) { 03173 MmVerifyDriverBufferLength = 0; // Mm will not page out verifier pages. 03174 } 03175 } 03176 } 03177 03178 if (MmVerifyDriverBufferLength == (ULONG)-1) { 03179 03180 if (MmDontVerifyRandomDrivers == TRUE) { 03181 return FALSE; 03182 } 03183 03184 MmVerifyDriverBufferLength = 0; 03185 03186 CurrentTime = KeQueryPerformanceCounter (NULL); 03187 CurrentTime.LowPart = (CurrentTime.LowPart % 26); 03188 03189 MiVerifyRandomDrivers = (WCHAR)'A' + (WCHAR)CurrentTime.LowPart; 03190 03191 if ((MiVerifyRandomDrivers == (WCHAR)'H') || 03192 (MiVerifyRandomDrivers == (WCHAR)'J') || 03193 (MiVerifyRandomDrivers == (WCHAR)'X') || 03194 (MiVerifyRandomDrivers == (WCHAR)'Y') || 03195 (MiVerifyRandomDrivers == (WCHAR)'Z')) { 03196 MiVerifyRandomDrivers = (WCHAR)'X'; 03197 } 03198 } 03199 03200 KeInitializeSpinLock (&ViBadMapperLock); 03201 KeInitializeSpinLock (&VerifierListLock); 03202 03203 KeInitializeSpinLock (&VerifierPoolLock); 03204 ExInitializeFastMutex (&VerifierPoolMutex); 03205 03206 InitializeListHead (&MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead); 03207 03208 // 03209 // If no default is specified, then special pool, pagable code/data 03210 // flushing and pool leak detection are enabled. 03211 // 03212 03213 if (MmVerifyDriverLevel == (ULONG)-1) { 03214 MmVerifierData.Level = DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING | 03215 DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING | 03216 DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS; 03217 } 03218 else { 03219 MmVerifierData.Level = MmVerifyDriverLevel; 03220 } 03221 03222 VerifierModifyableOptions = (DRIVER_VERIFIER_SPECIAL_POOLING | 03223 DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING | 03224 DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES); 03225 03226 IoVerifierInit (MmVerifierData.Level, IOVERIFIERINIT_PHASE0 | 03227 IOVERIFIERINIT_EVERYTHING_TRACKED | 03228 IOVERIFIERINIT_VERIFIER_DRIVER_LIST); 03229 03230 KernelEntry = NULL; 03231 HalEntry = NULL; 03232 03233 if (MiVerifyRandomDrivers == (WCHAR)0) { 03234 03235 RtlInitUnicodeString (&KernelString, L"ntoskrnl.exe"); 03236 RtlInitUnicodeString (&HalString, L"hal.dll"); 03237 03238 Start = MmVerifyDriverBuffer; 03239 End = MmVerifyDriverBuffer + (MmVerifyDriverBufferLength - sizeof(WCHAR)) / sizeof(WCHAR); 03240 03241 while (Start < End) { 03242 if (UNICODE_WHITESPACE(*Start)) { 03243 Start += 1; 03244 continue; 03245 } 03246 03247 if (*Start == (WCHAR)'*') { 03248 MiVerifyAllDrivers = TRUE; 03249 break; 03250 } 03251 03252 for (Walk = Start; Walk < End; Walk += 1) { 03253 if (UNICODE_WHITESPACE(*Walk)) { 03254 break; 03255 } 03256 } 03257 03258 // 03259 // Got a string. Save it. 03260 // 03261 03262 NameLength = (ULONG)(Walk - Start + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR); 03263 03264 Verifier = (PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY)ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( 03265 NonPagedPool, 03266 sizeof (MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY) + 03267 NameLength, 03268 'dLmM'); 03269 03270 if (Verifier == NULL) { 03271 break; 03272 } 03273 03274 Verifier->BaseName.Buffer = (PWSTR)((PCHAR)Verifier + 03275 sizeof (MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY)); 03276 Verifier->BaseName.Length = (USHORT)NameLength - sizeof (UNICODE_NULL); 03277 Verifier->BaseName.MaximumLength = (USHORT)NameLength; 03278 03279 RtlMoveMemory (Verifier->BaseName.Buffer, 03280 Start, 03281 NameLength - sizeof (UNICODE_NULL)); 03282 03283 ViInitializeEntry (Verifier, TRUE); 03284 03285 Verifier->Flags |= VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY; 03286 03287 ViInsertVerifierEntry (Verifier); 03288 03289 if (RtlEqualUnicodeString (&KernelString, 03290 &Verifier->BaseName, 03291 TRUE)) { 03292 03293 // 03294 // All driver pool allocation calls must be intercepted so 03295 // they are not mistaken for kernel pool allocations. 03296 // 03297 03298 MiVerifyAllDrivers = TRUE; 03299 03300 KernelVerifier = TRUE; 03301 KernelEntry = Verifier; 03302 03303 } 03304 else if (RtlEqualUnicodeString (&HalString, 03305 &Verifier->BaseName, 03306 TRUE)) { 03307 HalEntry = Verifier; 03308 } 03309 03310 Start = Walk + 1; 03311 } 03312 } 03313 03314 if (MiTriageAddDrivers (LoaderBlock) == TRUE) { 03315 03316 // 03317 // Disable random driver verification if triage has picked driver(s). 03318 // 03319 03320 MiVerifyRandomDrivers = (WCHAR)0; 03321 } 03322 03323 // 03324 // Process the boot-loaded drivers now. 03325 // 03326 03327 i = 0; 03328 NextEntry = LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead.Flink; 03329 03330 for ( ; NextEntry != &LoaderBlock->LoadOrderListHead; NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink) { 03331 03332 DataTableEntry = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, 03333 LDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY, 03334 InLoadOrderLinks); 03335 03336 // 03337 // Process the kernel and HAL specially. 03338 // 03339 03340 if (i == 0) { 03341 if (KernelEntry != NULL) { 03342 MiApplyDriverVerifier (DataTableEntry, KernelEntry); 03343 } 03344 } 03345 else if (i == 1) { 03346 if (HalEntry != NULL) { 03347 MiApplyDriverVerifier (DataTableEntry, HalEntry); 03348 } 03349 } 03350 else { 03351 MiApplyDriverVerifier (DataTableEntry, NULL); 03352 } 03353 i += 1; 03354 } 03355 03356 return TRUE; 03357 }

VOID MiVerifierCheckThunks IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY  DataTableEntry  ) 

Referenced by MmUnloadSystemImage().

VOID MiVerifyingDriverUnloading IN PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY  DataTableEntry  ) 

Definition at line 3625 of file verifier.c.

References ASSERT, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::BaseName, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::CurrentPagedPoolAllocations, DbgPrint, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::EndAddress, ExFreePool(), FALSE, KeBugCheckEx(), KernelVerifier, KiStackProtectTime, MiActiveVerifies, MiEnableRandomSpecialPool(), MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql, MiSuspectDriverList, MiVerifierStackProtectTime, MmVerifierData, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::NonPagedBytes, NULL, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PagedBytes, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PoolHash, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PoolHashFree, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PoolHashReserved, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PoolHashSize, RtlEqualUnicodeString(), _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::StartAddress, TRUE, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Unloads, VerifierListLock, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::VerifierPoolLock, VI_POOL_FREELIST_END, and ViBadDriver.

Referenced by MmUnloadSystemImage().

03631 : 03632 03633 This function is called as a driver that was being verified is now being 03634 unloaded. 03635 03636 Arguments: 03637 03638 DataTableEntry - Supplies the data table entry for the driver. 03639 03640 Return Value: 03641 03642 TRUE if thunking was applied, FALSE if not. 03643 03644 Environment: 03645 03646 Kernel mode, Phase 0 Initialization and normal runtime. 03647 Non paged pool exists in Phase0, but paged pool does not. 03648 Post-Phase0 serialization is provided by the MmSystemLoadLock. 03649 03650 --*/ 03651 03652 { 03653 KIRQL OldIrql; 03654 LOGICAL Found; 03655 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 03656 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 03657 PVI_POOL_ENTRY OldHashTable; 03658 03659 Found = FALSE; 03660 NextEntry = MiSuspectDriverList.Flink; 03661 while (NextEntry != &MiSuspectDriverList) { 03662 03663 Verifier = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, 03664 MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY, 03665 Links); 03666 03667 if (RtlEqualUnicodeString (&Verifier->BaseName, 03668 &DataTableEntry->BaseDllName, 03669 TRUE)) { 03670 03671 Found = TRUE; 03672 break; 03673 } 03674 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 03675 } 03676 03677 ASSERT (Found == TRUE); 03678 03679 if (MmVerifierData.Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_TRACK_POOL_ALLOCATIONS) { 03680 03681 // 03682 // Better not be any pool left that wasn't freed. Walk the pagable 03683 // allocations in an attempt to make them all resident for a 03684 // kernel debugger session. 03685 // 03686 03687 if (Verifier->PagedBytes) { 03688 03689 #if DBG 03690 DbgPrint ("Driver %wZ leaked %d paged pool allocations (0x%x bytes)\n", 03691 &DataTableEntry->FullDllName, 03692 Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations, 03693 Verifier->PagedBytes); 03694 #endif 03695 03696 // 03697 // It would be nice to fault in the driver's paged pool allocations 03698 // now to make debugging easier, but this cannot be easily done 03699 // in a deadlock free manner. 03700 // 03701 // At least disable the paging of pool on IRQL raising in attempt 03702 // to keep some of these allocations resident for debugging. 03703 // No need to undo the increment as we're about to bugcheck anyway. 03704 // 03705 03706 InterlockedIncrement ((PLONG)&MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql); 03707 } 03708 03709 #if DBG 03710 if (Verifier->NonPagedBytes) { 03711 DbgPrint ("Driver %wZ leaked %d nonpaged pool allocations (0x%x bytes)\n", 03712 &DataTableEntry->FullDllName, 03713 Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations, 03714 Verifier->NonPagedBytes); 03715 } 03716 #endif 03717 03718 if (Verifier->PagedBytes || Verifier->NonPagedBytes) { 03719 #if 0 03720 DbgBreakPoint (); 03721 InterlockedDecrement (&MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql); 03722 #else 03723 // 03724 // Snap this so the build/BVT lab can easily triage the culprit. 03725 // 03726 03727 ViBadDriver = &Verifier->BaseName; 03728 03729 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 03730 0x60, 03731 Verifier->PagedBytes, 03732 Verifier->NonPagedBytes, 03733 Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations + 03734 Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations); 03735 #endif 03736 } 03737 03738 ExAcquireSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 03739 03740 if (Verifier->PoolHashReserved != 0) { 03741 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 03742 0x61, 03743 Verifier->PagedBytes, 03744 Verifier->NonPagedBytes, 03745 Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations + 03746 Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations); 03747 } 03748 03749 OldHashTable = Verifier->PoolHash; 03750 if (OldHashTable != NULL) { 03751 Verifier->PoolHashSize = 0; 03752 Verifier->PoolHashFree = VI_POOL_FREELIST_END; 03753 Verifier->PoolHash = NULL; 03754 } 03755 else { 03756 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashSize == 0); 03757 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashFree == VI_POOL_FREELIST_END); 03758 } 03759 03760 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 03761 03762 if (OldHashTable != NULL) { 03763 ExFreePool (OldHashTable); 03764 } 03765 03766 // 03767 // Clear these fields so reuse of stale addresses don't trigger 03768 // erroneous bucket fills. 03769 // 03770 03771 ExAcquireSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, &OldIrql); 03772 Verifier->StartAddress = NULL; 03773 Verifier->EndAddress = NULL; 03774 ExReleaseSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, OldIrql); 03775 } 03776 03777 Verifier->Unloads += 1; 03778 MmVerifierData.Unloads += 1; 03779 MiActiveVerifies -= 1; 03780 03781 if (MiActiveVerifies == 0) { 03782 03783 if (MmVerifierData.Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING) { 03784 03785 // 03786 // Return to normal thread stack protection. 03787 // 03788 03789 if (KernelVerifier == FALSE) { 03790 KiStackProtectTime = MiVerifierStackProtectTime; 03791 } 03792 } 03793 03794 #ifndef NO_POOL_CHECKS 03795 MiEnableRandomSpecialPool (TRUE); 03796 #endif 03797 } 03798 }

NTSTATUS MmAddVerifierThunks IN PVOID  ThunkBuffer,
IN ULONG  ThunkBufferSize

Definition at line 3846 of file verifier.c.

References _DRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS::DataTableEntry, ExAllocatePoolWithTag, ExFreePool(), FALSE, KeEnterCriticalRegion, KeLeaveCriticalRegion, KeReleaseMutant(), KernelMode, KeWaitForSingleObject(), KSEG0_BASE, _DRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS::ListEntry, MiActiveVerifierThunks, MiLookupDataTableEntry(), MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead, MM_BOOT_IMAGE_SIZE, MmSystemLoadLock, NULL, _DRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS::NumberOfThunks, PAGED_CODE, PagedPool, PDRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS, TRUE, and WrVirtualMemory.

Referenced by NtSetSystemInformation().

03853 : 03854 03855 This routine adds another set of thunks to the verifier list. 03856 03857 Arguments: 03858 03859 ThunkBuffer - Supplies the buffer containing the thunk pairs. 03860 03861 ThunkBufferSize - Supplies the number of bytes in the thunk buffer. 03862 03863 Return Value: 03864 03865 Returns the status of the operation. 03866 03867 Environment: 03868 03869 Kernel mode. APC_LEVEL and below. 03870 03871 --*/ 03872 03873 { 03874 ULONG i; 03875 ULONG NumberOfThunkPairs; 03876 PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS ThunkPairs; 03877 PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS ThunkTable; 03878 PDRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS ThunkTableBase; 03879 PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry; 03880 PVOID DriverStartAddress; 03881 PVOID DriverEndAddress; 03882 03883 PAGED_CODE(); 03884 03885 if (MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead.Flink == NULL) { 03886 return STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; 03887 } 03888 03889 ThunkPairs = (PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS)ThunkBuffer; 03890 NumberOfThunkPairs = ThunkBufferSize / sizeof(DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS); 03891 03892 if (NumberOfThunkPairs == 0) { 03893 return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1; 03894 } 03895 03896 ThunkTableBase = (PDRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS) ExAllocatePoolWithTag ( 03897 PagedPool, 03898 sizeof (DRIVER_SPECIFIED_VERIFIER_THUNKS) + NumberOfThunkPairs * sizeof (DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS), 03899 'tVmM'); 03900 03901 if (ThunkTableBase == NULL) { 03902 return STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; 03903 } 03904 03905 ThunkTable = (PDRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS)(ThunkTableBase + 1); 03906 03907 RtlCopyMemory (ThunkTable, 03908 ThunkPairs, 03909 NumberOfThunkPairs * sizeof(DRIVER_VERIFIER_THUNK_PAIRS)); 03910 03911 KeEnterCriticalRegion(); 03912 03913 KeWaitForSingleObject (&MmSystemLoadLock, 03914 WrVirtualMemory, 03915 KernelMode, 03916 FALSE, 03917 (PLARGE_INTEGER)NULL); 03918 03919 // 03920 // Find and validate the image that contains the routines to be thunked. 03921 // 03922 03923 DataTableEntry = MiLookupDataTableEntry (ThunkTable->PristineRoutine, 03924 TRUE); 03925 03926 if (DataTableEntry == NULL) { 03927 KeReleaseMutant (&MmSystemLoadLock, 1, FALSE, FALSE); 03928 KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); 03929 ExFreePool (ThunkTableBase); 03930 return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; 03931 } 03932 03933 DriverStartAddress = (PVOID)(DataTableEntry->DllBase); 03934 DriverEndAddress = (PVOID)((PCHAR)DataTableEntry->DllBase + DataTableEntry->SizeOfImage); 03935 03936 // 03937 // Don't let drivers hook calls to kernel or HAL routines. 03938 // 03939 03940 if (DriverStartAddress < (PVOID)(KSEG0_BASE + MM_BOOT_IMAGE_SIZE)) { 03941 KeReleaseMutant (&MmSystemLoadLock, 1, FALSE, FALSE); 03942 KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); 03943 ExFreePool (ThunkTableBase); 03944 return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; 03945 } 03946 03947 for (i = 0; i < NumberOfThunkPairs; i += 1) { 03948 03949 // 03950 // Ensure all the routines being thunked are in the same driver. 03951 // 03952 03953 if (((ULONG_PTR)ThunkTable->PristineRoutine < (ULONG_PTR)DriverStartAddress) || 03954 ((ULONG_PTR)ThunkTable->PristineRoutine >= (ULONG_PTR)DriverEndAddress)) { 03955 03956 KeReleaseMutant (&MmSystemLoadLock, 1, FALSE, FALSE); 03957 KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); 03958 ExFreePool (ThunkTableBase); 03959 return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; 03960 } 03961 ThunkTable += 1; 03962 } 03963 03964 // 03965 // Add the validated thunk table to the verifier's global list. 03966 // 03967 03968 ThunkTableBase->DataTableEntry = DataTableEntry; 03969 ThunkTableBase->NumberOfThunks = NumberOfThunkPairs; 03970 MiActiveVerifierThunks += 1; 03971 03972 InsertTailList (&MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead, 03973 &ThunkTableBase->ListEntry); 03974 03975 KeReleaseMutant (&MmSystemLoadLock, 1, FALSE, FALSE); 03976 KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); 03977 03978 return STATUS_SUCCESS; 03979 }

NTSTATUS MmGetVerifierInformation OUT PVOID  SystemInformation,
IN ULONG  SystemInformationLength,

Definition at line 4046 of file verifier.c.

References _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::BaseName, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::CurrentPagedPoolAllocations, EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Flags, KeEnterCriticalRegion, KeLeaveCriticalRegion, KeReleaseMutant(), KernelMode, KeWaitForSingleObject(), _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Loads, MiSuspectDriverList, MmSystemLoadLock, MmVerifierData, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::NonPagedBytes, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PAGED_CODE, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PagedBytes, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakNonPagedBytes, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakPagedBytes, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakPagedPoolAllocations, ROUND_UP, Status, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Unloads, VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY, and WrVirtualMemory.

Referenced by NtQuerySystemInformation().

04054 : 04055 04056 This routine returns information about drivers undergoing verification. 04057 04058 Arguments: 04059 04060 SystemInformation - Returns the driver verification information. 04061 04062 SystemInformationLength - Supplies the length of the SystemInformation 04063 buffer. 04064 04065 Length - Returns the length of the driver verification file information 04066 placed in the buffer. 04067 04068 Return Value: 04069 04070 Returns the status of the operation. 04071 04072 Environment: 04073 04074 The SystemInformation buffer is in user space and our caller has wrapped 04075 a try-except around this entire routine. Capture any exceptions here and 04076 release resources accordingly. 04077 04078 --*/ 04079 04080 { 04081 PSYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION UserVerifyBuffer; 04082 ULONG NextEntryOffset; 04083 ULONG TotalSize; 04084 NTSTATUS Status; 04085 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 04086 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 04087 UNICODE_STRING UserBufferDriverName; 04088 04089 PAGED_CODE(); 04090 04091 NextEntryOffset = 0; 04092 TotalSize = 0; 04093 04094 *Length = 0; 04095 UserVerifyBuffer = (PSYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION)SystemInformation; 04096 04097 // 04098 // Capture the number of verifying drivers and the relevant data while 04099 // synchronized. Then return it to our caller. 04100 // 04101 04102 Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; 04103 04104 KeEnterCriticalRegion(); 04105 04106 KeWaitForSingleObject (&MmSystemLoadLock, 04107 WrVirtualMemory, 04108 KernelMode, 04109 FALSE, 04110 (PLARGE_INTEGER)NULL); 04111 04112 try { 04113 04114 NextEntry = MiSuspectDriverList.Flink; 04115 while (NextEntry != &MiSuspectDriverList) { 04116 04117 Verifier = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, 04118 MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY, 04119 Links); 04120 04121 if ((Verifier->Flags & VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY) == 0) { 04122 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 04123 continue; 04124 } 04125 04126 UserVerifyBuffer = (PSYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION)( 04127 (PUCHAR)UserVerifyBuffer + NextEntryOffset); 04128 NextEntryOffset = sizeof(SYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION); 04129 TotalSize += sizeof(SYSTEM_VERIFIER_INFORMATION); 04130 04131 if (TotalSize > SystemInformationLength) { 04132 ExRaiseStatus (STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH); 04133 } 04134 04135 // 04136 // This data is cumulative for all drivers. 04137 // 04138 04139 UserVerifyBuffer->Level = MmVerifierData.Level; 04140 UserVerifyBuffer->RaiseIrqls = MmVerifierData.RaiseIrqls; 04141 UserVerifyBuffer->AcquireSpinLocks = MmVerifierData.AcquireSpinLocks; 04142 04143 UserVerifyBuffer->UnTrackedPool = MmVerifierData.UnTrackedPool; 04144 UserVerifyBuffer->SynchronizeExecutions = MmVerifierData.SynchronizeExecutions; 04145 04146 UserVerifyBuffer->AllocationsAttempted = MmVerifierData.AllocationsAttempted; 04147 UserVerifyBuffer->AllocationsSucceeded = MmVerifierData.AllocationsSucceeded; 04148 UserVerifyBuffer->AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool = MmVerifierData.AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool; 04149 UserVerifyBuffer->AllocationsWithNoTag = MmVerifierData.AllocationsWithNoTag; 04150 04151 UserVerifyBuffer->TrimRequests = MmVerifierData.TrimRequests; 04152 UserVerifyBuffer->Trims = MmVerifierData.Trims; 04153 UserVerifyBuffer->AllocationsFailed = MmVerifierData.AllocationsFailed; 04154 UserVerifyBuffer->AllocationsFailedDeliberately = MmVerifierData.AllocationsFailedDeliberately; 04155 04156 // 04157 // This data is kept on a per-driver basis. 04158 // 04159 04160 UserVerifyBuffer->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations = Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; 04161 UserVerifyBuffer->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations = Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; 04162 UserVerifyBuffer->PeakPagedPoolAllocations = Verifier->PeakPagedPoolAllocations; 04163 UserVerifyBuffer->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations = Verifier->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations; 04164 04165 UserVerifyBuffer->PagedPoolUsageInBytes = Verifier->PagedBytes; 04166 UserVerifyBuffer->NonPagedPoolUsageInBytes = Verifier->NonPagedBytes; 04167 UserVerifyBuffer->PeakPagedPoolUsageInBytes = Verifier->PeakPagedBytes; 04168 UserVerifyBuffer->PeakNonPagedPoolUsageInBytes = Verifier->PeakNonPagedBytes; 04169 04170 UserVerifyBuffer->Loads = Verifier->Loads; 04171 UserVerifyBuffer->Unloads = Verifier->Unloads; 04172 04173 // 04174 // The DriverName portion of the UserVerifyBuffer must be saved 04175 // locally to protect against a malicious thread changing the 04176 // contents. This is because we will reference the contents 04177 // ourselves when the actual string is copied out carefully below. 04178 // 04179 04180 UserBufferDriverName.Length = Verifier->BaseName.Length; 04181 UserBufferDriverName.MaximumLength = Verifier->BaseName.Length + sizeof (WCHAR); 04182 UserBufferDriverName.Buffer = (PWCHAR)(UserVerifyBuffer + 1); 04183 04184 UserVerifyBuffer->DriverName = UserBufferDriverName; 04185 04186 TotalSize += ROUND_UP (UserBufferDriverName.MaximumLength, 04187 sizeof(ULONG)); 04188 NextEntryOffset += ROUND_UP (UserBufferDriverName.MaximumLength, 04189 sizeof(ULONG)); 04190 04191 if (TotalSize > SystemInformationLength) { 04192 ExRaiseStatus (STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH); 04193 } 04194 04195 // 04196 // Carefully reference the UserVerifyBuffer here. 04197 // 04198 04199 RtlMoveMemory(UserBufferDriverName.Buffer, 04200 Verifier->BaseName.Buffer, 04201 Verifier->BaseName.Length); 04202 04203 UserBufferDriverName.Buffer[ 04204 Verifier->BaseName.Length/sizeof(WCHAR)] = UNICODE_NULL; 04205 UserVerifyBuffer->NextEntryOffset = NextEntryOffset; 04206 04207 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 04208 } 04209 } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { 04210 Status = GetExceptionCode(); 04211 } 04212 04213 KeReleaseMutant (&MmSystemLoadLock, 1, FALSE, FALSE); 04214 04215 KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); 04216 04217 if (Status != STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH) { 04218 UserVerifyBuffer->NextEntryOffset = 0; 04219 *Length = TotalSize; 04220 } 04221 04222 return Status; 04223 }


Definition at line 3802 of file verifier.c.

References FALSE, NULL, and TRUE.

Referenced by IovpIsInterestingDriver().

03808 : 03809 03810 This function informs the caller if the argument driver is being verified. 03811 03812 Arguments: 03813 03814 DriverObject - Supplies the driver object. 03815 03816 Return Value: 03817 03818 TRUE if this driver is being verified, FALSE if not. 03819 03820 Environment: 03821 03822 Kernel mode, any IRQL, any needed synchronization must be provided by the 03823 caller. 03824 03825 --*/ 03826 03827 { 03828 PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY DataTableEntry; 03829 03830 DataTableEntry = (PLDR_DATA_TABLE_ENTRY)DriverObject->DriverSection; 03831 03832 if (DataTableEntry == NULL) { 03833 return FALSE; 03834 } 03835 03836 if ((DataTableEntry->Flags & LDRP_IMAGE_VERIFYING) == 0) { 03837 return FALSE; 03838 } 03839 03840 return TRUE; 03841 }

NTSTATUS MmSetVerifierInformation IN OUT PVOID  SystemInformation,
IN ULONG  SystemInformationLength

Definition at line 4226 of file verifier.c.

References EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, KeEnterCriticalRegion, KeLeaveCriticalRegion, KeReleaseMutant(), KernelMode, KeWaitForSingleObject(), MmSystemLoadLock, MmVerifierData, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PAGED_CODE, Status, VerifierModifyableOptions, VerifierOptionChanges, and WrVirtualMemory.

Referenced by NtSetSystemInformation().

04233 : 04234 04235 This routine sets any driver verifier flags that can be done without 04236 rebooting. 04237 04238 Arguments: 04239 04240 SystemInformation - Gets and returns the driver verification flags. 04241 04242 SystemInformationLength - Supplies the length of the SystemInformation 04243 buffer. 04244 04245 Return Value: 04246 04247 Returns the status of the operation. 04248 04249 Environment: 04250 04251 The SystemInformation buffer is in user space and our caller has wrapped 04252 a try-except around this entire routine. Capture any exceptions here and 04253 release resources accordingly. 04254 04255 --*/ 04256 04257 { 04258 ULONG UserFlags; 04259 ULONG NewFlags; 04260 ULONG NewFlagsOn; 04261 ULONG NewFlagsOff; 04262 NTSTATUS Status; 04263 PULONG UserVerifyBuffer; 04264 04265 PAGED_CODE(); 04266 04267 if (SystemInformationLength < sizeof (ULONG)) { 04268 ExRaiseStatus (STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH); 04269 } 04270 04271 UserVerifyBuffer = (PULONG)SystemInformation; 04272 04273 // 04274 // Synchronize all changes to the flags here. 04275 // 04276 04277 Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; 04278 04279 KeEnterCriticalRegion(); 04280 04281 KeWaitForSingleObject (&MmSystemLoadLock, 04282 WrVirtualMemory, 04283 KernelMode, 04284 FALSE, 04285 (PLARGE_INTEGER)NULL); 04286 04287 try { 04288 04289 UserFlags = *UserVerifyBuffer; 04290 04291 // 04292 // Ensure nothing is being set or cleared that isn't supported. 04293 // 04294 // 04295 04296 NewFlagsOn = UserFlags & VerifierModifyableOptions; 04297 04298 NewFlags = MmVerifierData.Level | NewFlagsOn; 04299 04300 // 04301 // Any bits set in NewFlagsOff must be zeroed in the NewFlags. 04302 // 04303 04304 NewFlagsOff = ((~UserFlags) & VerifierModifyableOptions); 04305 04306 NewFlags &= ~NewFlagsOff; 04307 04308 if (NewFlags != MmVerifierData.Level) { 04309 VerifierOptionChanges += 1; 04310 MmVerifierData.Level = NewFlags; 04311 *UserVerifyBuffer = NewFlags; 04312 } 04313 04314 } except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { 04315 Status = GetExceptionCode(); 04316 } 04317 04318 KeReleaseMutant (&MmSystemLoadLock, 1, FALSE, FALSE); 04319 04320 KeLeaveCriticalRegion(); 04321 04322 return Status; 04323 }

PVOID VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority IN POOL_TYPE  PoolType,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes,
IN PVOID  CallingAddress

Referenced by ExAllocatePoolWithTag(), VerifierAllocatePool(), VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuota(), VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag(), VerifierAllocatePoolWithTag(), and VerifierAllocatePoolWithTagPriority().

THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePool IN POOL_TYPE  PoolType,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes

Definition at line 927 of file verifier.c.

References ExAllocatePool, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Flags, HighPoolPriority, KernelVerifier, MmVerifierData, NULL, POOL_DRIVER_MASK, RtlGetCallersAddress(), TRUE, VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY, and ViLocateVerifierEntry().

00931 { 00932 PVOID CallingAddress; 00933 PVOID CallersCaller; 00934 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 00935 00936 #if defined (_X86_) 00937 RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallingAddress, &CallersCaller); 00938 #else 00939 CallingAddress = (PVOID)_ReturnAddress(); 00940 #endif 00941 00942 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 00943 00944 Verifier = ViLocateVerifierEntry (CallingAddress); 00945 00946 if ((Verifier == NULL) || 00947 ((Verifier->Flags & VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY) == 0)) { 00948 00949 return ExAllocatePool (PoolType | POOL_DRIVER_MASK, NumberOfBytes); 00950 } 00951 PoolType |= POOL_DRIVER_MASK; 00952 } 00953 00954 MmVerifierData.AllocationsWithNoTag += 1; 00955 00956 return VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (PoolType, 00957 NumberOfBytes, 00958 'parW', 00959 HighPoolPriority, 00960 CallingAddress); 00961 }

THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuota IN POOL_TYPE  PoolType,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes

Definition at line 1003 of file verifier.c.

References ExAllocatePoolWithQuota, ExRaiseStatus(), FALSE, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Flags, HighPoolPriority, KernelVerifier, MmVerifierData, NULL, POOL_DRIVER_MASK, POOL_QUOTA_FAIL_INSTEAD_OF_RAISE, RtlGetCallersAddress(), TRUE, VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY, and ViLocateVerifierEntry().

01007 { 01008 PVOID Va; 01009 LOGICAL RaiseOnQuotaFailure; 01010 PVOID CallingAddress; 01011 PVOID CallersCaller; 01012 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 01013 01014 #if defined (_X86_) 01015 RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallingAddress, &CallersCaller); 01016 #else 01017 CallingAddress = (PVOID)_ReturnAddress(); 01018 #endif 01019 01020 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 01021 Verifier = ViLocateVerifierEntry (CallingAddress); 01022 01023 if ((Verifier == NULL) || 01024 ((Verifier->Flags & VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY) == 0)) { 01025 01026 return ExAllocatePoolWithQuota (PoolType | POOL_DRIVER_MASK, 01027 NumberOfBytes); 01028 } 01029 PoolType |= POOL_DRIVER_MASK; 01030 } 01031 01032 MmVerifierData.AllocationsWithNoTag += 1; 01033 01034 if (PoolType & POOL_QUOTA_FAIL_INSTEAD_OF_RAISE) { 01035 RaiseOnQuotaFailure = FALSE; 01036 PoolType &= ~POOL_QUOTA_FAIL_INSTEAD_OF_RAISE; 01037 } 01038 else { 01039 RaiseOnQuotaFailure = TRUE; 01040 } 01041 01042 Va = VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (PoolType, 01043 NumberOfBytes, 01044 'parW', 01045 HighPoolPriority, 01046 CallingAddress); 01047 01048 if (Va == NULL) { 01049 if (RaiseOnQuotaFailure == TRUE) { 01050 ExRaiseStatus (STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES); 01051 } 01052 } 01053 01054 return Va; 01055 }

THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag IN POOL_TYPE  PoolType,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes,

THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithTag IN POOL_TYPE  PoolType,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes,

Definition at line 965 of file verifier.c.

References ExAllocatePoolWithTag, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Flags, HighPoolPriority, KernelVerifier, NULL, POOL_DRIVER_MASK, RtlGetCallersAddress(), TRUE, VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY, and ViLocateVerifierEntry().

00970 { 00971 PVOID CallingAddress; 00972 PVOID CallersCaller; 00973 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 00974 00975 #if defined (_X86_) 00976 RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallingAddress, &CallersCaller); 00977 #else 00978 CallingAddress = (PVOID)_ReturnAddress(); 00979 #endif 00980 00981 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 00982 Verifier = ViLocateVerifierEntry (CallingAddress); 00983 00984 if ((Verifier == NULL) || 00985 ((Verifier->Flags & VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY) == 0)) { 00986 00987 return ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PoolType | POOL_DRIVER_MASK, 00988 NumberOfBytes, 00989 Tag); 00990 } 00991 PoolType |= POOL_DRIVER_MASK; 00992 } 00993 00994 return VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (PoolType, 00995 NumberOfBytes, 00996 Tag, 00997 HighPoolPriority, 00998 CallingAddress); 00999 }

THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierAllocatePoolWithTagPriority IN POOL_TYPE  PoolType,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes,

Definition at line 1115 of file verifier.c.

References ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::Flags, KernelVerifier, NULL, POOL_DRIVER_MASK, RtlGetCallersAddress(), TRUE, VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY, and ViLocateVerifierEntry().

01124 : 01125 01126 This thunked-in function: 01127 01128 - Performs sanity checks on the caller. 01129 - Can optionally provide allocation failures to the caller. 01130 - Attempts to provide the allocation from special pool. 01131 - Tracks pool to ensure callers free everything they allocate. 01132 01133 --*/ 01134 01135 { 01136 PVOID CallingAddress; 01137 PVOID CallersCaller; 01138 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 01139 01140 #if defined (_X86_) 01141 RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallingAddress, &CallersCaller); 01142 #else 01143 CallingAddress = (PVOID)_ReturnAddress(); 01144 #endif 01145 01146 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 01147 Verifier = ViLocateVerifierEntry (CallingAddress); 01148 01149 if ((Verifier == NULL) || 01150 ((Verifier->Flags & VI_VERIFYING_DIRECTLY) == 0)) { 01151 01152 return ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (PoolType | POOL_DRIVER_MASK, 01153 NumberOfBytes, 01154 Tag, 01155 Priority); 01156 } 01157 PoolType |= POOL_DRIVER_MASK; 01158 } 01159 01160 return VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (PoolType, 01161 NumberOfBytes, 01162 Tag, 01163 Priority, 01164 CallingAddress); 01165 }

THUNKED_API VOID FASTCALL VerifierExAcquireFastMutex IN PFAST_MUTEX  FastMutex  ) 

Definition at line 2815 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, and KeBugCheckEx().

02818 { 02819 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02820 02821 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02822 02823 // 02824 // Caller better be at or below APC_LEVEL or have APCs blocked. 02825 // 02826 02827 if (CurrentIrql > APC_LEVEL) { 02828 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02829 0x33, 02830 CurrentIrql, 02831 (ULONG_PTR)FastMutex, 02832 0); 02833 } 02834 02835 ExAcquireFastMutex (FastMutex); 02836 }

THUNKED_API VOID FASTCALL VerifierExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe IN PFAST_MUTEX  FastMutex  ) 

Definition at line 2841 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe(), IS_SYSTEM_THREAD, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, and PsGetCurrentThread.

02844 { 02845 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02846 02847 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02848 02849 // 02850 // Caller better be at APC_LEVEL or have APCs blocked. 02851 // 02852 02853 if ((CurrentIrql != APC_LEVEL) && 02854 (!IS_SYSTEM_THREAD(PsGetCurrentThread())) && 02855 (KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable == 0)) { 02856 02857 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02858 0x39, 02859 CurrentIrql, 02860 (ULONG_PTR)(KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable), 02861 (ULONG_PTR)FastMutex); 02862 } 02863 02864 ExAcquireFastMutexUnsafe (FastMutex); 02865 }

THUNKED_API BOOLEAN VerifierExAcquireResourceExclusive IN PERESOURCE  Resource,

Definition at line 2182 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(), IS_SYSTEM_THREAD, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, PsGetCurrentThread, and Resource.

02186 { 02187 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02188 02189 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02190 02191 if ((CurrentIrql != APC_LEVEL) && 02192 (!IS_SYSTEM_THREAD(PsGetCurrentThread())) && 02193 (KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable == 0)) { 02194 02195 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02196 0x37, 02197 CurrentIrql, 02198 (ULONG_PTR)(KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable), 02199 (ULONG_PTR)Resource); 02200 } 02201 02202 return ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite (Resource, Wait); 02203 }

THUNKED_API VOID FASTCALL VerifierExReleaseFastMutex IN PFAST_MUTEX  FastMutex  ) 

Definition at line 2870 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, IS_SYSTEM_THREAD, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, and PsGetCurrentThread.

02873 { 02874 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02875 02876 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02877 02878 // 02879 // Caller better be at APC_LEVEL or have APCs blocked. 02880 // 02881 02882 if ((CurrentIrql != APC_LEVEL) && 02883 (!IS_SYSTEM_THREAD(PsGetCurrentThread())) && 02884 (KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable == 0)) { 02885 02886 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02887 0x34, 02888 CurrentIrql, 02889 (ULONG_PTR)(KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable), 02890 (ULONG_PTR)FastMutex); 02891 } 02892 02893 ExReleaseFastMutex (FastMutex); 02894 }

THUNKED_API VOID FASTCALL VerifierExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe IN PFAST_MUTEX  FastMutex  ) 

Definition at line 2899 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe(), IS_SYSTEM_THREAD, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, and PsGetCurrentThread.

02902 { 02903 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02904 02905 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02906 02907 // 02908 // Caller better be at APC_LEVEL or have APCs blocked. 02909 // 02910 02911 if ((CurrentIrql != APC_LEVEL) && 02912 (!IS_SYSTEM_THREAD(PsGetCurrentThread())) && 02913 (KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable == 0)) { 02914 02915 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02916 0x3A, 02917 CurrentIrql, 02918 (ULONG_PTR)(KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable), 02919 (ULONG_PTR)FastMutex); 02920 } 02921 02922 ExReleaseFastMutexUnsafe (FastMutex); 02923 }

THUNKED_API VOID FASTCALL VerifierExReleaseResource IN PERESOURCE  Resource  ) 

Definition at line 2208 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, ExReleaseResourceLite(), IS_SYSTEM_THREAD, KeBugCheckEx(), KeGetCurrentThread, PsGetCurrentThread, and Resource.

02211 { 02212 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02213 02214 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02215 02216 if ((CurrentIrql != APC_LEVEL) && 02217 (!IS_SYSTEM_THREAD(PsGetCurrentThread())) && 02218 (KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable == 0)) { 02219 02220 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02221 0x38, 02222 CurrentIrql, 02223 (ULONG_PTR)(KeGetCurrentThread()->KernelApcDisable), 02224 (ULONG_PTR)Resource); 02225 } 02226 02227 ExReleaseResourceLite (Resource); 02228 }


Definition at line 2789 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, and KeBugCheckEx().

02792 { 02793 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02794 02795 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02796 02797 // 02798 // Caller better be at or below APC_LEVEL or have APCs blocked. 02799 // 02800 02801 if (CurrentIrql > APC_LEVEL) { 02802 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02803 0x33, 02804 CurrentIrql, 02805 (ULONG_PTR)FastMutex, 02806 0); 02807 } 02808 02809 return ExTryToAcquireFastMutex (FastMutex); 02810 }


Definition at line 2129 of file verifier.c.

References ExFreePool(), KernelVerifier, TRUE, and VerifierFreePoolWithTag().

02132 { 02133 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 02134 ExFreePool (P); 02135 return; 02136 } 02137 02138 VerifierFreePoolWithTag (P, 0); 02139 }


Definition at line 2143 of file verifier.c.

References ExFreePoolSanityChecks(), ExFreePoolWithTag, KernelVerifier, and TRUE.

Referenced by VerifierFreePool().

02147 { 02148 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 02149 ExFreePoolWithTag (P, TagToFree); 02150 return; 02151 } 02152 02153 ExFreePoolSanityChecks (P); 02154 02155 ExFreePoolWithTag (P, TagToFree); 02156 }

VOID VerifierFreeTrackedPool IN PVOID  VirtualAddress,
IN SIZE_T  ChargedBytes,
IN LOGICAL  CheckType,
IN LOGICAL  SpecialPool

Referenced by ExFreePoolWithTag(), MiFreePoolPages(), and MmFreeSpecialPool().


THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeAcquireSpinLock IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock,

Definition at line 2365 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeAcquireSpinLock, KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql(), MmVerifierData, PKE_ACQUIRE_SPINLOCK, and ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

02369 { 02370 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02371 PKE_ACQUIRE_SPINLOCK HalRoutine; 02372 02373 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02374 02375 KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql (DISPATCH_LEVEL); 02376 02377 MmVerifierData.AcquireSpinLocks += 1; 02378 02379 if (MmVerifierData.Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING) { 02380 if (CurrentIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 02381 ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory (); 02382 } 02383 } 02384 02385 #if defined (_X86_) 02386 HalRoutine = (PKE_ACQUIRE_SPINLOCK) (ULONG_PTR) MiKernelVerifierOriginalCalls[VI_KE_ACQUIRE_SPINLOCK]; 02387 02388 if (HalRoutine) { 02389 (*HalRoutine)(SpinLock, OldIrql); 02390 return; 02391 } 02392 #endif 02393 02394 KeAcquireSpinLock (SpinLock, OldIrql); 02395 }

THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeInitializeTimer IN PKTIMER  Timer  ) 

Definition at line 3039 of file verifier.c.

References VerifierKeInitializeTimerEx().

03042 { 03043 VerifierKeInitializeTimerEx(Timer, NotificationTimer); 03044 }

THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeInitializeTimerEx IN PKTIMER  Timer,

Definition at line 3020 of file verifier.c.

References KeCheckForTimer(), KeInitializeTimerEx(), KiTimerTableListHead, and NULL.

Referenced by VerifierKeInitializeTimer().

03024 { 03025 // 03026 // Check the object being initialized isn't already an 03027 // active timer. Make sure the timer table list is initialized. 03028 // 03029 03030 if (KiTimerTableListHead[0].Flink != NULL) { 03031 KeCheckForTimer(Timer, sizeof(KTIMER)); 03032 } 03033 03034 KeInitializeTimerEx(Timer, Type); 03035 }

THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeLowerIrql IN KIRQL  NewIrql  ) 

Definition at line 2972 of file verifier.c.

References KeLowerIrql(), KfSanityCheckLowerIrql(), and PKE_LOWER_IRQL.

02975 { 02976 PKE_LOWER_IRQL HalRoutine; 02977 02978 KfSanityCheckLowerIrql (NewIrql); 02979 02980 #if defined (_X86_) 02981 HalRoutine = (PKE_LOWER_IRQL) (ULONG_PTR) MiKernelVerifierOriginalCalls[VI_KE_LOWER_IRQL]; 02982 if (HalRoutine) { 02983 (*HalRoutine)(NewIrql); 02984 return; 02985 } 02986 #endif 02987 02988 KeLowerIrql (NewIrql); 02989 }

THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeRaiseIrql IN KIRQL  NewIrql,

Definition at line 2934 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeRaiseIrql(), KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql(), MmVerifierData, PKE_RAISE_IRQL, and ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

02938 { 02939 PKE_RAISE_IRQL HalRoutine; 02940 02941 *OldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02942 02943 KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql (NewIrql); 02944 02945 MmVerifierData.RaiseIrqls += 1; 02946 02947 if (MmVerifierData.Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING) { 02948 if ((*OldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) && (NewIrql >= DISPATCH_LEVEL)) { 02949 ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory (); 02950 } 02951 } 02952 02953 #if defined (_X86_) 02954 HalRoutine = (PKE_RAISE_IRQL) (ULONG_PTR) MiKernelVerifierOriginalCalls[VI_KE_RAISE_IRQL]; 02955 if (HalRoutine) { 02956 (*HalRoutine)(NewIrql, OldIrql); 02957 return; 02958 } 02959 #endif 02960 02961 KeRaiseIrql (NewIrql, OldIrql); 02962 }


THUNKED_API VOID VerifierKeReleaseSpinLock IN PKSPIN_LOCK  SpinLock,

Definition at line 2406 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), KeReleaseSpinLock(), KfSanityCheckLowerIrql(), and PKE_RELEASE_SPINLOCK.

02410 { 02411 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02412 PKE_RELEASE_SPINLOCK HalRoutine; 02413 02414 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 02415 02416 // 02417 // Caller better still be at DISPATCH_LEVEL when releasing the spinlock 02418 // 02419 02420 if (CurrentIrql != DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 02421 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02422 0x32, 02423 CurrentIrql, 02424 (ULONG_PTR)SpinLock, 02425 0); 02426 } 02427 02428 KfSanityCheckLowerIrql (NewIrql); 02429 02430 #if defined (_X86_) 02431 HalRoutine = (PKE_RELEASE_SPINLOCK) (ULONG_PTR) MiKernelVerifierOriginalCalls[VI_KE_RELEASE_SPINLOCK]; 02432 02433 if (HalRoutine) { 02434 (*HalRoutine)(SpinLock, NewIrql); 02435 return; 02436 } 02437 #endif 02438 02439 KeReleaseSpinLock (SpinLock, NewIrql); 02440 }





IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes,

Definition at line 662 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), MmMapIoSpace(), NULL, TRUE, and ViInjectResourceFailure().

00667 { 00668 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00669 00670 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00671 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00672 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00673 0x73, 00674 CurrentIrql, 00675 (ULONG_PTR)PhysicalAddress.LowPart, 00676 NumberOfBytes); 00677 } 00678 00679 if (ViInjectResourceFailure () == TRUE) { 00680 return NULL; 00681 } 00682 00683 return MmMapIoSpace (PhysicalAddress, NumberOfBytes, CacheType); 00684 }

THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierMapLockedPages IN PMDL  MemoryDescriptorList,

Definition at line 688 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, DbgPrint, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), KernelMode, MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL, MmMapLockedPages(), RtlGetCallersAddress(), TRUE, and ViAddBadMapper().

00692 { 00693 PVOID CallingAddress; 00694 PVOID CallersCaller; 00695 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00696 00697 #if defined (_X86_) 00698 RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallingAddress, &CallersCaller); 00699 #else 00700 CallingAddress = (PVOID)_ReturnAddress(); 00701 #endif 00702 00703 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00704 00705 if (AccessMode == KernelMode) { 00706 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00707 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00708 0x74, 00709 CurrentIrql, 00710 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00711 (ULONG_PTR)AccessMode); 00712 } 00713 } 00714 else { 00715 if (CurrentIrql > APC_LEVEL) { 00716 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00717 0x75, 00718 CurrentIrql, 00719 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00720 (ULONG_PTR)AccessMode); 00721 } 00722 } 00723 00724 if ((MemoryDescriptorList->MdlFlags & MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL) == 0) { 00725 00726 if (ViAddBadMapper (CallingAddress) == TRUE) { 00727 00728 // 00729 // All drivers must specify can fail. We'd really like to bugcheck 00730 // here to get drivers to convert but cut them some slack for now. 00731 // 00732 00733 DbgPrint ("*******************************************************************************\n"); 00734 DbgPrint ("* *\n"); 00735 00736 DbgPrint ("* The Driver Verifier has detected the driver at address %p\n", CallingAddress); 00737 DbgPrint ("* is calling MmMapLockedPages instead of MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache.\n"); 00738 DbgPrint ("* This can cause the system to needlessly bugcheck whenever system\n"); 00739 DbgPrint ("* resources are low. This driver needs to be fixed.\n"); 00740 00741 DbgPrint ("* *\n"); 00742 DbgPrint ("*******************************************************************************\n"); 00743 } 00744 } 00745 00746 return MmMapLockedPages (MemoryDescriptorList, AccessMode); 00747 }

THUNKED_API PVOID VerifierMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache IN PMDL  MemoryDescriptorList,
IN PVOID  RequestedAddress,
IN ULONG  BugCheckOnFailure,

Definition at line 751 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, DbgPrint, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), KernelMode, MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL, MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(), NULL, RtlGetCallersAddress(), TRUE, ViAddBadMapper(), and ViInjectResourceFailure().

00759 { 00760 PVOID CallingAddress; 00761 PVOID CallersCaller; 00762 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00763 00764 #if defined (_X86_) 00765 RtlGetCallersAddress(&CallingAddress, &CallersCaller); 00766 #else 00767 CallingAddress = (PVOID)_ReturnAddress(); 00768 #endif 00769 00770 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00771 if (AccessMode == KernelMode) { 00772 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00773 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00774 0x76, 00775 CurrentIrql, 00776 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00777 (ULONG_PTR)AccessMode); 00778 } 00779 } 00780 else { 00781 if (CurrentIrql > APC_LEVEL) { 00782 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00783 0x77, 00784 CurrentIrql, 00785 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00786 (ULONG_PTR)AccessMode); 00787 } 00788 } 00789 00790 if ((MemoryDescriptorList->MdlFlags & MDL_MAPPING_CAN_FAIL) || 00791 (BugCheckOnFailure == 0)) { 00792 00793 if (ViInjectResourceFailure () == TRUE) { 00794 return NULL; 00795 } 00796 } 00797 else { 00798 00799 // 00800 // All drivers must specify can fail or don't bugcheck. We'd 00801 // really like to bugcheck here to get drivers to convert but 00802 // cut them some slack for now. 00803 // 00804 00805 if (ViAddBadMapper (CallingAddress) == TRUE) { 00806 00807 DbgPrint ("*******************************************************************************\n"); 00808 DbgPrint ("* *\n"); 00809 00810 DbgPrint ("* The Driver Verifier has detected the driver at address %p\n", CallingAddress); 00811 DbgPrint ("* is not calling the safe version of MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache.\n"); 00812 DbgPrint ("* This can cause the system to needlessly bugcheck whenever system\n"); 00813 DbgPrint ("* resources are low. This driver needs to be fixed.\n"); 00814 00815 DbgPrint ("* *\n"); 00816 DbgPrint ("*******************************************************************************\n"); 00817 } 00818 } 00819 00820 return MmMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache (MemoryDescriptorList, 00821 AccessMode, 00822 CacheType, 00823 RequestedAddress, 00824 BugCheckOnFailure, 00825 Priority); 00826 }

THUNKED_API VOID VerifierProbeAndLockPages IN OUT PMDL  MemoryDescriptorList,

Definition at line 537 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExRaiseStatus(), KeBugCheckEx(), MmProbeAndLockPages(), TRUE, and ViInjectResourceFailure().

00542 { 00543 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00544 00545 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00546 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00547 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00548 0x70, 00549 CurrentIrql, 00550 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00551 (ULONG_PTR)AccessMode); 00552 } 00553 00554 if (ViInjectResourceFailure () == TRUE) { 00555 ExRaiseStatus (STATUS_WORKING_SET_QUOTA); 00556 } 00557 00558 MmProbeAndLockPages (MemoryDescriptorList, AccessMode, Operation); 00559 }

THUNKED_API VOID VerifierProbeAndLockProcessPages IN OUT PMDL  MemoryDescriptorList,

Definition at line 563 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, ExRaiseStatus(), KeBugCheckEx(), MmProbeAndLockProcessPages(), TRUE, and ViInjectResourceFailure().

00569 { 00570 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00571 00572 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00573 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00574 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00575 0x71, 00576 CurrentIrql, 00577 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00578 (ULONG_PTR)Process); 00579 } 00580 00581 if (ViInjectResourceFailure () == TRUE) { 00582 ExRaiseStatus (STATUS_WORKING_SET_QUOTA); 00583 } 00584 00585 MmProbeAndLockProcessPages (MemoryDescriptorList, 00586 Process, 00587 AccessMode, 00588 Operation); 00589 }

THUNKED_API VOID VerifierProbeAndLockSelectedPages IN OUT PMDL  MemoryDescriptorList,

Definition at line 593 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, ExRaiseStatus(), KeBugCheckEx(), MmProbeAndLockSelectedPages(), TRUE, and ViInjectResourceFailure().

00599 { 00600 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00601 00602 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00603 if (CurrentIrql > APC_LEVEL) { 00604 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00605 0x72, 00606 CurrentIrql, 00607 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00608 (ULONG_PTR)AccessMode); 00609 } 00610 00611 if (ViInjectResourceFailure () == TRUE) { 00612 ExRaiseStatus (STATUS_WORKING_SET_QUOTA); 00613 } 00614 00615 MmProbeAndLockSelectedPages (MemoryDescriptorList, 00616 SegmentArray, 00617 AccessMode, 00618 Operation); 00619 }

IN KPRIORITY  Increment,

Definition at line 2160 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, Event(), Increment, KeBugCheckEx(), and KeSetEvent().

02165 { 02166 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 02167 02168 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 02169 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 02170 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 02171 0x80, 02172 CurrentIrql, 02173 (ULONG_PTR)Event, 02174 (ULONG_PTR)0); 02175 } 02176 02177 return KeSetEvent (Event, Increment, Wait); 02178 }

THUNKED_API BOOLEAN VerifierSynchronizeExecution IN PKINTERRUPT  Interrupt,
IN PVOID  SynchronizeContext

Definition at line 2993 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeSynchronizeExecution(), KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql(), MmVerifierData, and ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

02998 { 02999 KIRQL OldIrql; 03000 03001 OldIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql (); 03002 03003 KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql (Interrupt->SynchronizeIrql); 03004 03005 MmVerifierData.SynchronizeExecutions += 1; 03006 03007 if (MmVerifierData.Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_FORCE_IRQL_CHECKING) { 03008 if ((OldIrql < DISPATCH_LEVEL) && (Interrupt->SynchronizeIrql >= DISPATCH_LEVEL)) { 03009 ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory (); 03010 } 03011 } 03012 03013 return KeSynchronizeExecution (Interrupt, 03014 SynchronizeRoutine, 03015 SynchronizeContext); 03016 }

VOID VerifierUnlockPages IN OUT PMDL  MemoryDescriptorList  ) 

Definition at line 829 of file verifier.c.


00832 { 00833 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00834 00835 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00836 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00837 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00838 0x78, 00839 CurrentIrql, 00840 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00841 0); 00842 } 00843 00844 if ((MemoryDescriptorList->MdlFlags & MDL_PAGES_LOCKED) == 0) { 00845 00846 // 00847 // The caller is trying to unlock an MDL that was never locked down. 00848 // 00849 00850 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00851 0x7C, 00852 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00853 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList->MdlFlags, 00854 0); 00855 } 00856 00857 if (MemoryDescriptorList->MdlFlags & MDL_SOURCE_IS_NONPAGED_POOL) { 00858 00859 // 00860 // Nonpaged pool should never be locked down. 00861 // 00862 00863 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00864 0x7D, 00865 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList, 00866 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList->MdlFlags, 00867 0); 00868 } 00869 00870 MmUnlockPages (MemoryDescriptorList); 00871 }

VOID VerifierUnmapIoSpace IN PVOID  BaseAddress,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes

Definition at line 906 of file verifier.c.

References DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), and MmUnmapIoSpace().

00910 { 00911 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00912 00913 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00914 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00915 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00916 0x7B, 00917 CurrentIrql, 00918 (ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress, 00919 (ULONG_PTR)NumberOfBytes); 00920 } 00921 00922 MmUnmapIoSpace (BaseAddress, NumberOfBytes); 00923 }

VOID VerifierUnmapLockedPages IN PVOID  BaseAddress,
IN PMDL  MemoryDescriptorList

Definition at line 874 of file verifier.c.

References APC_LEVEL, DISPATCH_LEVEL, KeBugCheckEx(), and MmUnmapLockedPages().

00878 { 00879 KIRQL CurrentIrql; 00880 00881 CurrentIrql = KeGetCurrentIrql(); 00882 00883 if (BaseAddress > MM_HIGHEST_USER_ADDRESS) { 00884 if (CurrentIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL) { 00885 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00886 0x79, 00887 CurrentIrql, 00888 (ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress, 00889 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList); 00890 } 00891 } 00892 else { 00893 if (CurrentIrql > APC_LEVEL) { 00894 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 00895 0x7A, 00896 CurrentIrql, 00897 (ULONG_PTR)BaseAddress, 00898 (ULONG_PTR)MemoryDescriptorList); 00899 } 00900 } 00901 00902 MmUnmapLockedPages (BaseAddress, MemoryDescriptorList); 00903 }

LOGICAL ViAddBadMapper IN PVOID  BadMapper  ) 

Definition at line 632 of file verifier.c.

References FALSE, NULL, TRUE, VI_BAD_MAPPERS_MAX, ViBadMapperLock, and ViBadMappers.

Referenced by VerifierMapLockedPages(), and VerifierMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache().

00635 { 00636 ULONG i; 00637 KIRQL OldIrql; 00638 LOGICAL Added; 00639 00640 Added = FALSE; 00641 ExAcquireSpinLock (&ViBadMapperLock, &OldIrql); 00642 00643 for (i = 0; i < VI_BAD_MAPPERS_MAX; i += 1) { 00644 if (ViBadMappers[i] == BadMapper) { 00645 break; 00646 } 00647 00648 if (ViBadMappers[i] == NULL) { 00649 ViBadMappers[i] = BadMapper; 00650 Added = TRUE; 00651 break; 00652 } 00653 } 00654 00655 ExReleaseSpinLock (&ViBadMapperLock, OldIrql); 00656 00657 return Added; 00658 }

VOID ViCancelPoolAllocation IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY  Verifier  ) 

Definition at line 1566 of file verifier.c.


Referenced by VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority().

01572 : 01573 01574 This function removes a reservation from the verifier list for this driver. 01575 All reservations must be made in advance. This routine is used when an 01576 earlier reservation is not going to be used (ie: the actual pool 01577 allocation failed so no reservation will be needed after all). 01578 01579 Arguments: 01580 01581 Verifier - Supplies the verifier entry to update. 01582 01583 Return Value: 01584 01585 None. 01586 01587 Environment: 01588 01589 Kernel mode, DISPATCH_LEVEL or below, no verifier mutexes held. 01590 01591 --*/ 01592 01593 { 01594 KIRQL OldIrql; 01595 01596 ExAcquireSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 01597 01598 // 01599 // The hash entry reserved earlier is not going to be used after all. 01600 // 01601 01602 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashReserved != 0); 01603 01604 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashSize >= Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->PoolHashReserved); 01605 01606 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashFree != VI_POOL_FREELIST_END); 01607 01608 Verifier->PoolHashReserved -= 1; 01609 01610 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01611 }


Definition at line 3047 of file verifier.c.

References KeInitializeSpinLock(), MI_VERIFIER_ENTRY_SIGNATURE, NULL, TRUE, VerifierListLock, and VI_POOL_FREELIST_END.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiInitializeDriverVerifierList().

03054 : 03055 03056 Initialize various verifier fields as the driver is being (re)loaded now. 03057 03058 Arguments: 03059 03060 Verifier - Supplies the verifier entry to be initialized. 03061 03062 FirstLoad - Supplies TRUE if this is the first load of this driver. 03063 03064 Return Value: 03065 03066 None. 03067 03068 --*/ 03069 03070 { 03071 KIRQL OldIrql; 03072 03073 // 03074 // Only the BaseName field is initialized on entry. 03075 // 03076 03077 KeInitializeSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock); 03078 03079 Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations = 0; 03080 Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations = 0; 03081 Verifier->PeakPagedPoolAllocations = 0; 03082 Verifier->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations = 0; 03083 03084 Verifier->PagedBytes = 0; 03085 Verifier->NonPagedBytes = 0; 03086 Verifier->PeakPagedBytes = 0; 03087 Verifier->PeakNonPagedBytes = 0; 03088 03089 Verifier->PoolHash = NULL; 03090 Verifier->PoolHashSize = 0; 03091 Verifier->PoolHashFree = VI_POOL_FREELIST_END; 03092 Verifier->PoolHashReserved = 0; 03093 03094 Verifier->Signature = MI_VERIFIER_ENTRY_SIGNATURE; 03095 03096 if (FirstLoad == TRUE) { 03097 Verifier->Flags = 0; 03098 Verifier->Loads = 0; 03099 Verifier->Unloads = 0; 03100 } 03101 03102 ExAcquireSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, &OldIrql); 03103 Verifier->StartAddress = NULL; 03104 Verifier->EndAddress = NULL; 03105 ExReleaseSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, OldIrql); 03106 }

LOGICAL ViInjectResourceFailure VOID   ) 

Definition at line 1168 of file verifier.c.

References FALSE, KeBootTime, KeQuerySystemTime(), KeQueryTickCount(), MmVerifierData, TRUE, VerifierRequiredTimeSinceBoot, and VerifierSystemSufficientlyBooted.

Referenced by VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), VerifierMapIoSpace(), VerifierMapLockedPagesSpecifyCache(), VerifierProbeAndLockPages(), VerifierProbeAndLockProcessPages(), and VerifierProbeAndLockSelectedPages().

01174 : 01175 01176 This function determines whether a resource allocation should be 01177 deliberately failed. This may be a pool allocation, MDL creation, 01178 system PTE allocation, etc. 01179 01180 Arguments: 01181 01182 None. 01183 01184 Return Value: 01185 01186 TRUE if the allocation should be failed. FALSE otherwise. 01187 01188 Environment: 01189 01190 Kernel mode. DISPATCH_LEVEL or below. 01191 01192 --*/ 01193 01194 { 01195 LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; 01196 01197 if ((MmVerifierData.Level & DRIVER_VERIFIER_INJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURES) == 0) { 01198 return FALSE; 01199 } 01200 01201 // 01202 // Don't fail any requests in the first 7 or 8 minutes as we want to 01203 // give the system enough time to boot. 01204 // 01205 01206 if (VerifierSystemSufficientlyBooted == FALSE) { 01207 KeQuerySystemTime (&CurrentTime); 01208 if (CurrentTime.QuadPart > KeBootTime.QuadPart + VerifierRequiredTimeSinceBoot.QuadPart) { 01209 VerifierSystemSufficientlyBooted = TRUE; 01210 } 01211 } 01212 01213 if (VerifierSystemSufficientlyBooted == TRUE) { 01214 01215 KeQueryTickCount(&CurrentTime); 01216 01217 if ((CurrentTime.LowPart & 0xF) == 0) { 01218 01219 MmVerifierData.AllocationsFailedDeliberately += 1; 01220 01221 // 01222 // Deliberately fail this request. 01223 // 01224 01225 return TRUE; 01226 } 01227 } 01228 01229 return FALSE; 01230 }

IN PVOID  VirtualAddress,
IN PVOID  CallingAddress,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes,

Definition at line 1369 of file verifier.c.


Referenced by ViPostPoolAllocation().

01379 : 01380 01381 This function inserts the specified virtual address into the verifier 01382 list for this driver. 01383 01384 Arguments: 01385 01386 Verifier - Supplies the verifier entry to update. 01387 01388 VirtualAddress - Supplies the virtual address to insert. 01389 01390 CallingAddress - Supplies the caller's address. 01391 01392 NumberOfBytes - Supplies the number of bytes to allocate. 01393 01394 Tag - Supplies the tag for the pool being allocated. 01395 01396 Return Value: 01397 01398 The list index this virtual address was inserted at. 01399 01400 Environment: 01401 01402 Kernel mode, DISPATCH_LEVEL. The Verifier->VerifierPoolLock must be held. 01403 01404 --*/ 01405 01406 { 01407 ULONG_PTR Index; 01408 PVI_POOL_ENTRY HashEntry; 01409 01410 ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01411 01412 // 01413 // The list entry must be reserved in advance. 01414 // 01415 01416 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashReserved != 0); 01417 01418 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashSize >= Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->PoolHashReserved); 01419 01420 // 01421 // Use the next free list entry. 01422 // 01423 01424 Index = Verifier->PoolHashFree; 01425 ASSERT (Index != VI_POOL_FREELIST_END); 01426 01427 HashEntry = Verifier->PoolHash + Index; 01428 01429 Verifier->PoolHashFree = HashEntry->FreeListNext; 01430 01431 Verifier->PoolHashReserved -= 1; 01432 01433 ASSERT (((HashEntry->FreeListNext & MINLONG_PTR) == 0) || 01434 (HashEntry->FreeListNext == VI_POOL_FREELIST_END)); 01435 01436 HashEntry->InUse.VirtualAddress = VirtualAddress; 01437 HashEntry->InUse.CallingAddress = CallingAddress; 01438 HashEntry->InUse.NumberOfBytes = NumberOfBytes; 01439 HashEntry->InUse.Tag = Tag; 01440 01441 ASSERT ((HashEntry->FreeListNext & MINLONG_PTR) != 0); 01442 01443 return Index; 01444 }

VOID ViInsertVerifierEntry IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY  Verifier  ) 

Definition at line 3360 of file verifier.c.

References MiSuspectDriverList, and VerifierListLock.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiInitializeDriverVerifierList().

03366 : 03367 03368 Nonpagable wrapper to insert a new verifier entry. 03369 03370 Note that the system load mutant or the verifier load spinlock is sufficient 03371 for readers to access the list. This is because the insertion path 03372 acquires both. 03373 03374 Lock synchronization is needed because pool allocators walk the 03375 verifier list at DISPATCH_LEVEL. 03376 03377 Arguments: 03378 03379 Verifier - Supplies a caller-initialized entry for the driver. 03380 03381 Return Value: 03382 03383 None. 03384 03385 --*/ 03386 03387 { 03388 KIRQL OldIrql; 03389 03390 ExAcquireSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, &OldIrql); 03391 InsertTailList (&MiSuspectDriverList, &Verifier->Links); 03392 ExReleaseSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, OldIrql); 03393 }

PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY ViLocateVerifierEntry IN PVOID  SystemAddress  ) 

Definition at line 3396 of file verifier.c.

References _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::EndAddress, MiSuspectDriverList, NULL, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::StartAddress, and VerifierListLock.

Referenced by VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), VerifierAllocatePool(), VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuota(), VerifierAllocatePoolWithQuotaTag(), VerifierAllocatePoolWithTag(), VerifierAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), and ViPostPoolAllocation().

03402 : 03403 03404 Locate the Driver Verifier entry for the specified system address. 03405 03406 Arguments: 03407 03408 SystemAddress - Supplies a code or data address within a driver. 03409 03410 Return Value: 03411 03412 The Verifier entry corresponding to the driver or NULL. 03413 03414 Environment: 03415 03416 The caller may be at DISPATCH_LEVEL and does not hold the MmSystemLoadLock. 03417 03418 --*/ 03419 03420 { 03421 KIRQL OldIrql; 03422 PLIST_ENTRY NextEntry; 03423 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 03424 03425 ExAcquireSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, &OldIrql); 03426 03427 NextEntry = MiSuspectDriverList.Flink; 03428 while (NextEntry != &MiSuspectDriverList) { 03429 03430 Verifier = CONTAINING_RECORD(NextEntry, 03431 MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY, 03432 Links); 03433 03434 if ((SystemAddress >= Verifier->StartAddress) && 03435 (SystemAddress < Verifier->EndAddress)) { 03436 03437 ExReleaseSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, OldIrql); 03438 return Verifier; 03439 } 03440 NextEntry = NextEntry->Flink; 03441 } 03442 03443 ExReleaseSpinLock (&VerifierListLock, OldIrql); 03444 return NULL; 03445 }

PVOID ViPostPoolAllocation IN PVOID  VirtualAddress,
IN SIZE_T  NumberOfBytes,
IN PVOID  CallingAddress

Definition at line 1614 of file verifier.c.

References ASSERT, BASE_POOL_TYPE_MASK, BYTE_OFFSET, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::CurrentPagedPoolAllocations, EX_REAL_POOL_USAGE, FALSE, Header, MI_SPECIAL_POOL_VERIFIER, MI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER, MmSpecialPoolEnd, MmSpecialPoolStart, MmVerifierData, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::NonPagedBytes, NULL, PAGE_ALIGN, PAGE_SIZE, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PagedBytes, PagedPool, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakNonPagedBytes, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakPagedBytes, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::PeakPagedPoolAllocations, PMI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER, POOL_BUDDY_MAX, POOL_OVERHEAD, POOL_VERIFIER_MASK, TRUE, _POOL_HEADER::Ulong1, VerifierIsTrackingPool, VerifierPoolLock, _MI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY::VerifierPoolLock, VerifierPoolMutex, ViInsertPoolAllocation(), and ViLocateVerifierEntry().

Referenced by VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority().

01624 : 01625 01626 This function performs verifier book-keeping on the allocation attempt. 01627 01628 Arguments: 01629 01630 VirtualAddress - Supplies the virtual address that should be allocated. 01631 01632 NumberOfBytes - Supplies the number of bytes to allocate. 01633 01634 PoolType - Supplies the type of pool being allocated. 01635 01636 Tag - Supplies the tag for the pool being allocated. 01637 01638 CallingAddress - Supplies the caller's address. 01639 01640 Return Value: 01641 01642 The virtual address the caller should use. 01643 01644 Environment: 01645 01646 Kernel mode. DISPATCH_LEVEL or below. 01647 01648 --*/ 01649 01650 { 01651 KIRQL OldIrql; 01652 PMI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER Header; 01653 SIZE_T ChargedBytes; 01654 PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY Verifier; 01655 ULONG_PTR InsertedIndex; 01656 LOGICAL SpecialPoolAllocation; 01657 PPOOL_HEADER PoolHeader; 01658 01659 InterlockedIncrement ((PLONG)&MmVerifierData.AllocationsSucceeded); 01660 ChargedBytes = EX_REAL_POOL_USAGE(NumberOfBytes); 01661 SpecialPoolAllocation = FALSE; 01662 01663 if (VirtualAddress >= MmSpecialPoolStart && VirtualAddress < MmSpecialPoolEnd) { 01664 ChargedBytes = NumberOfBytes; 01665 InterlockedIncrement ((PLONG)&MmVerifierData.AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool); 01666 SpecialPoolAllocation = TRUE; 01667 } 01668 else if (NumberOfBytes <= POOL_BUDDY_MAX) { 01669 ChargedBytes -= POOL_OVERHEAD; 01670 } 01671 else { 01672 01673 // 01674 // This isn't exactly true but it does give the user a way to see 01675 // if this machine is large enough to support special pool 100%. 01676 // 01677 01678 InterlockedIncrement ((PLONG)&MmVerifierData.AllocationsSucceededSpecialPool); 01679 } 01680 01681 if ((PoolType & POOL_VERIFIER_MASK) == 0) { 01682 return VirtualAddress; 01683 } 01684 01685 if (NumberOfBytes > POOL_BUDDY_MAX) { 01686 ASSERT (BYTE_OFFSET(VirtualAddress) == 0); 01687 } 01688 01689 Verifier = ViLocateVerifierEntry (CallingAddress); 01690 ASSERT (Verifier != NULL); 01691 VerifierIsTrackingPool = TRUE; 01692 01693 if (SpecialPoolAllocation == TRUE) { 01694 01695 // 01696 // Carefully adjust the special pool page to move the verifier tracking 01697 // header to the front. This allows the allocation to remain butted 01698 // against the end of the page so overruns can be detected immediately. 01699 // 01700 01701 if (((ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress & (PAGE_SIZE - 1))) { 01702 PoolHeader = (PPOOL_HEADER)(PAGE_ALIGN (VirtualAddress)); 01703 Header = (PMI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER) (PoolHeader + 1); 01704 VirtualAddress = (PVOID) ((PCHAR)VirtualAddress + sizeof (MI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER)); 01705 } 01706 else { 01707 PoolHeader = (PPOOL_HEADER)((PCHAR)PAGE_ALIGN (VirtualAddress) + PAGE_SIZE - POOL_OVERHEAD); 01708 Header = (PMI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER) (PoolHeader - 1); 01709 } 01710 // ASSERT (PoolHeader->Ulong1 & MI_SPECIAL_POOL_VERIFIER); 01711 PoolHeader->Ulong1 -= sizeof (MI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER); 01712 ChargedBytes -= sizeof (MI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER); 01713 PoolHeader->Ulong1 |= MI_SPECIAL_POOL_VERIFIER; 01714 } 01715 else { 01716 Header = (PMI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER)((PCHAR)VirtualAddress + 01717 ChargedBytes - 01718 sizeof(MI_VERIFIER_POOL_HEADER)); 01719 } 01720 01721 ASSERT (((ULONG_PTR)Header & (sizeof(ULONG) - 1)) == 0); 01722 01723 01724 Header->Verifier = Verifier; 01725 01726 // 01727 // Enqueue the entry and update per-driver counters. 01728 // Note that paged pool allocations must be chained using nonpaged 01729 // pool to prevent deadlocks. 01730 // 01731 01732 ExAcquireSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 01733 01734 InsertedIndex = ViInsertPoolAllocation (Verifier, 01735 VirtualAddress, 01736 CallingAddress, 01737 ChargedBytes, 01738 Tag); 01739 01740 if ((PoolType & BASE_POOL_TYPE_MASK) == PagedPool) { 01741 01742 Verifier->PagedBytes += ChargedBytes; 01743 if (Verifier->PagedBytes > Verifier->PeakPagedBytes) { 01744 Verifier->PeakPagedBytes = Verifier->PagedBytes; 01745 } 01746 01747 Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations += 1; 01748 if (Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations > Verifier->PeakPagedPoolAllocations) { 01749 Verifier->PeakPagedPoolAllocations = Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; 01750 } 01751 } 01752 else { 01753 Verifier->NonPagedBytes += ChargedBytes; 01754 if (Verifier->NonPagedBytes > Verifier->PeakNonPagedBytes) { 01755 Verifier->PeakNonPagedBytes = Verifier->NonPagedBytes; 01756 } 01757 01758 Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations += 1; 01759 if (Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations > Verifier->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations) { 01760 Verifier->PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations = Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; 01761 } 01762 } 01763 01764 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01765 01766 // 01767 // Since the header for paged pool is paged, don't initialize it until the 01768 // spinlock above is released. 01769 // 01770 01771 Header->ListIndex = InsertedIndex; 01772 01773 // 01774 // Update systemwide counters. 01775 // 01776 01777 if ((PoolType & BASE_POOL_TYPE_MASK) == PagedPool) { 01778 ExAcquireFastMutex (&VerifierPoolMutex); 01779 01780 MmVerifierData.PagedBytes += ChargedBytes; 01781 if (MmVerifierData.PagedBytes > MmVerifierData.PeakPagedBytes) { 01782 MmVerifierData.PeakPagedBytes = MmVerifierData.PagedBytes; 01783 } 01784 01785 MmVerifierData.CurrentPagedPoolAllocations += 1; 01786 if (MmVerifierData.CurrentPagedPoolAllocations > MmVerifierData.PeakPagedPoolAllocations) { 01787 MmVerifierData.PeakPagedPoolAllocations = MmVerifierData.CurrentPagedPoolAllocations; 01788 } 01789 01790 ExReleaseFastMutex (&VerifierPoolMutex); 01791 } 01792 else { 01793 ExAcquireSpinLock (&VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 01794 01795 MmVerifierData.NonPagedBytes += ChargedBytes; 01796 if (MmVerifierData.NonPagedBytes > MmVerifierData.PeakNonPagedBytes) { 01797 MmVerifierData.PeakNonPagedBytes = MmVerifierData.NonPagedBytes; 01798 } 01799 01800 MmVerifierData.CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations += 1; 01801 if (MmVerifierData.CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations > MmVerifierData.PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations) { 01802 MmVerifierData.PeakNonPagedPoolAllocations = MmVerifierData.CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations; 01803 } 01804 01805 ExReleaseSpinLock (&VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01806 } 01807 01808 return VirtualAddress; 01809 }

VOID ViPrintString IN PUNICODE_STRING  DriverName  ) 

Definition at line 4336 of file verifier.c.

References _VERIFIER_STRING_INFO::BuildNumber, _VERIFIER_STRING_INFO::Check, DbgPrint, _VERIFIER_STRING_INFO::DriverVerifierLevel, FALSE, _VERIFIER_STRING_INFO::Flags, L, MmVerifierData, NtBuildNumber, Printable, PrintableChars, RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(), TRUE, and USHORT.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier().

04342 : 04343 04344 This routine does a really bad hash of build number, verifier level and 04345 flags by using the driver name as a stream of bytes to XOR into the flags, 04346 etc. 04347 04348 This is a Neill Clift special. 04349 04350 Arguments: 04351 04352 DriverName - Supplies the name of the driver. 04353 04354 Return Value: 04355 04356 None. 04357 04358 --*/ 04359 04360 { 04361 VERIFIER_STRING_INFO Bld; 04362 PUCHAR BufPtr; 04363 PWCHAR DriverPtr; 04364 ULONG BufLen; 04365 ULONG i; 04366 ULONG j; 04367 ULONG DriverChars; 04368 ULONG MaxChars; 04369 WCHAR OutBuf[sizeof (VERIFIER_STRING_INFO) * 2 + 1]; 04370 UNICODE_STRING OutBufU; 04371 ULONG Rem; 04372 ULONG LastRem; 04373 LOGICAL Done; 04374 04375 Bld.BuildNumber = NtBuildNumber; 04376 Bld.DriverVerifierLevel = MmVerifierData.Level; 04377 04378 // 04379 // Unloads and other actions could be encoded in the Flags field here. 04380 // 04381 04382 Bld.Flags = 0; 04383 04384 // 04385 // Make the last ULONG a weird function of the others. 04386 // 04387 04388 Bld.Check = ((Bld.Flags + 1) * Bld.BuildNumber * (Bld.DriverVerifierLevel + 1)) * 123456789; 04389 04390 BufPtr = (PUCHAR) &Bld; 04391 BufLen = sizeof (Bld); 04392 04393 DriverChars = DriverName->Length / sizeof (DriverName->Buffer[0]); 04394 DriverPtr = DriverName->Buffer; 04395 MaxChars = DriverChars; 04396 04397 if (DriverChars < sizeof (VERIFIER_STRING_INFO)) { 04398 MaxChars = sizeof (VERIFIER_STRING_INFO); 04399 } 04400 04401 // 04402 // Xor each character in the driver name into the buffer. 04403 // 04404 04405 for (i = 0; i < MaxChars; i += 1) { 04406 BufPtr[i % BufLen] ^= (UCHAR) RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(DriverPtr[i % DriverChars]); 04407 } 04408 04409 // 04410 // Produce a base N decoding of the binary buffer using the printable 04411 // characters defines. Treat the binary as a byte array and do the 04412 // division for each, tracking the carry. 04413 // 04414 04415 j = 0; 04416 do { 04417 Done = TRUE; 04418 04419 for (i = 0, LastRem = 0; i < sizeof (VERIFIER_STRING_INFO); i += 1) { 04420 Rem = BufPtr[i] + 256 * LastRem; 04421 BufPtr[i] = (UCHAR) (Rem / PrintableChars); 04422 LastRem = Rem % PrintableChars; 04423 if (BufPtr[i]) { 04424 Done = FALSE; 04425 } 04426 } 04427 OutBuf[j++] = Printable[LastRem]; 04428 04429 if (j >= sizeof (OutBuf) / sizeof (OutBuf[0])) { 04430 04431 // 04432 // The stack buffer isn't big enough. 04433 // 04434 04435 return; 04436 } 04437 04438 } while (Done == FALSE); 04439 04440 OutBuf[j] = L'\0'; 04441 04442 OutBufU.Length = OutBufU.MaximumLength = (USHORT) j * sizeof (WCHAR); 04443 OutBufU.Buffer = OutBuf; 04444 04445 DbgPrint ("*******************************************************************************\n"); 04446 DbgPrint ("* *\n"); 04447 04448 DbgPrint ("* This is the string to paste into your build mail\n"); 04449 04450 DbgPrint ("* Driver Verifier: Enabled for %Z on Build %ld %wZ\n", 04451 DriverName, NtBuildNumber & 0xFFFFFFF, &OutBufU); 04452 04453 DbgPrint ("* *\n"); 04454 DbgPrint ("*******************************************************************************\n"); 04455 04456 return; 04457 }

VOID ViReleasePoolAllocation IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY  Verifier,
IN PVOID  VirtualAddress,
IN ULONG_PTR  ListIndex,
IN SIZE_T  ChargedBytes

Definition at line 1447 of file verifier.c.


Referenced by VerifierFreeTrackedPool().

01456 : 01457 01458 This function removes the specified virtual address from the verifier 01459 list for this driver. 01460 01461 Arguments: 01462 01463 Verifier - Supplies the verifier entry to update. 01464 01465 VirtualAddress - Supplies the virtual address to release. 01466 01467 ListIndex - Supplies the verifier pool hash index for the address being 01468 released. 01469 01470 ChargedBytes - Supplies the bytes charged for this allocation. 01471 01472 Return Value: 01473 01474 None. 01475 01476 Environment: 01477 01478 Kernel mode, DISPATCH_LEVEL. The Verifier->VerifierPoolLock must be held. 01479 01480 --*/ 01481 01482 { 01483 PFN_NUMBER PageFrameIndex; 01484 PFN_NUMBER PageFrameIndex2; 01485 PVI_POOL_ENTRY HashEntry; 01486 PMMPTE PointerPte; 01487 01488 ASSERT (KeGetCurrentIrql() == DISPATCH_LEVEL); 01489 01490 if (Verifier->PoolHash == NULL) { 01491 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 01492 0x59, 01493 (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress, 01494 ListIndex, 01495 (ULONG_PTR)Verifier); 01496 } 01497 01498 // 01499 // Ensure that the list pointer has not been overrun and still 01500 // points at something decent. 01501 // 01502 01503 HashEntry = Verifier->PoolHash + ListIndex; 01504 01505 if (ListIndex >= Verifier->PoolHashSize) { 01506 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 01507 0x54, 01508 (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress, 01509 Verifier->PoolHashSize, 01510 ListIndex); 01511 } 01512 01513 if (HashEntry->InUse.VirtualAddress != VirtualAddress) { 01514 01515 PageFrameIndex = 0; 01516 PageFrameIndex2 = 1; 01517 01518 if ((!MI_IS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS(VirtualAddress)) && 01519 (MI_IS_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS(HashEntry->InUse.VirtualAddress))) { 01520 01521 PointerPte = MiGetPteAddress(VirtualAddress); 01522 if (PointerPte->u.Hard.Valid == 1) { 01523 PageFrameIndex = MI_GET_PAGE_FRAME_FROM_PTE (PointerPte); 01524 01525 PageFrameIndex2 = MI_CONVERT_PHYSICAL_TO_PFN (HashEntry->InUse.VirtualAddress); 01526 } 01527 } 01528 01529 // 01530 // Caller overran and corrupted the virtual address - the linked 01531 // list cannot be counted on either. 01532 // 01533 01534 if (PageFrameIndex != PageFrameIndex2) { 01535 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 01536 0x52, 01537 (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress, 01538 (ULONG_PTR)HashEntry->InUse.VirtualAddress, 01539 ChargedBytes); 01540 } 01541 } 01542 01543 if (HashEntry->InUse.NumberOfBytes != ChargedBytes) { 01544 01545 // 01546 // Caller overran and corrupted the byte count - the linked 01547 // list cannot be counted on either. 01548 // 01549 01550 KeBugCheckEx (DRIVER_VERIFIER_DETECTED_VIOLATION, 01551 0x51, 01552 (ULONG_PTR)VirtualAddress, 01553 (ULONG_PTR)HashEntry, 01554 ChargedBytes); 01555 } 01556 01557 // 01558 // Put this list entry into the freelist. 01559 // 01560 01561 HashEntry->FreeListNext = Verifier->PoolHashFree; 01562 Verifier->PoolHashFree = HashEntry - Verifier->PoolHash; 01563 }

LOGICAL ViReservePoolAllocation IN PMI_VERIFIER_DRIVER_ENTRY  Verifier  ) 

Definition at line 1233 of file verifier.c.

References ASSERT, ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority(), ExFreePool(), FALSE, _VI_POOL_ENTRY::FreeListNext, HighPoolPriority, Increment, NonPagedPool, NULL, PAGE_SIZE, POOL_DRIVER_MASK, PVI_POOL_ENTRY, TRUE, VI_POOL_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE, and VI_POOL_ENTRY.

Referenced by VeAllocatePoolWithTagPriority().

01236 { 01237 ULONG_PTR OldSize; 01238 ULONG_PTR NewSize; 01239 ULONG_PTR NewHashOffset; 01240 ULONG_PTR Increment; 01241 ULONG_PTR Entries; 01242 ULONG_PTR i; 01243 KIRQL OldIrql; 01244 PVOID NewHashTable; 01245 PVI_POOL_ENTRY HashEntry; 01246 PVI_POOL_ENTRY OldHashTable; 01247 01248 ExAcquireSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 01249 01250 while (Verifier->PoolHashSize <= Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->PoolHashReserved) { 01251 01252 // 01253 // More space is needed. Try for it now. 01254 // 01255 01256 #define VI_POOL_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE (PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(VI_POOL_ENTRY)) 01257 01258 OldSize = Verifier->PoolHashSize * sizeof(VI_POOL_ENTRY); 01259 01260 if (Verifier->PoolHashSize >= VI_POOL_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE) { 01261 Increment = PAGE_SIZE; 01262 } 01263 else { 01264 Increment = 16 * sizeof (VI_POOL_ENTRY); 01265 } 01266 01267 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01268 01269 NewSize = OldSize + Increment; 01270 01271 if (NewSize < OldSize) { 01272 return FALSE; 01273 } 01274 01275 // 01276 // Note POOL_DRIVER_MASK must be set to stop the recursion loop 01277 // when using the kernel verifier. 01278 // 01279 01280 NewHashTable = ExAllocatePoolWithTagPriority (NonPagedPool | POOL_DRIVER_MASK, 01281 NewSize, 01282 'ppeV', 01283 HighPoolPriority); 01284 01285 ExAcquireSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 01286 01287 OldSize = Verifier->PoolHashSize * sizeof(VI_POOL_ENTRY); 01288 01289 if (NewHashTable == NULL) { 01290 if (Verifier->PoolHashSize <= Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->PoolHashReserved) { 01291 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01292 return FALSE; 01293 } 01294 01295 // 01296 // Another thread got here before us and space is available. 01297 // 01298 01299 break; 01300 } 01301 01302 if (NewSize != OldSize + Increment) { 01303 01304 // 01305 // Another thread got here before us. 01306 // 01307 01308 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01309 ExFreePool (NewHashTable); 01310 ExAcquireSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 01311 } 01312 else { 01313 01314 // 01315 // Rebuild the list into the new table. 01316 // 01317 01318 OldHashTable = Verifier->PoolHash; 01319 if (OldHashTable != NULL) { 01320 RtlCopyMemory (NewHashTable, OldHashTable, OldSize); 01321 } 01322 01323 // 01324 // Construct the freelist chaining it through any existing 01325 // list (any free entries must be already reserved). 01326 // 01327 01328 HashEntry = (PVI_POOL_ENTRY) ((PCHAR)NewHashTable + OldSize); 01329 Entries = Increment / sizeof (VI_POOL_ENTRY); 01330 NewHashOffset = HashEntry - (PVI_POOL_ENTRY)NewHashTable; 01331 01332 // 01333 // If list compaction becomes important then chaining it on the 01334 // end here will need to be revisited. 01335 // 01336 01337 for (i = 0; i < Entries; i += 1) { 01338 HashEntry->FreeListNext = NewHashOffset + i + 1; 01339 HashEntry += 1; 01340 } 01341 HashEntry -= 1; 01342 HashEntry->FreeListNext = Verifier->PoolHashFree; 01343 Verifier->PoolHashFree = NewHashOffset; 01344 Verifier->PoolHash = NewHashTable; 01345 Verifier->PoolHashSize += Entries; 01346 01347 // 01348 // Free the old table. 01349 // 01350 01351 if (OldHashTable != NULL) { 01352 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01353 ExFreePool (OldHashTable); 01354 ExAcquireSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, &OldIrql); 01355 } 01356 } 01357 } 01358 01359 Verifier->PoolHashReserved += 1; 01360 01361 ASSERT (Verifier->PoolHashSize >= Verifier->CurrentPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->CurrentNonPagedPoolAllocations + Verifier->PoolHashReserved); 01362 01363 ExReleaseSpinLock (&Verifier->VerifierPoolLock, OldIrql); 01364 01365 return TRUE; 01366 }

VOID ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory VOID   ) 

Definition at line 2333 of file verifier.c.

References FALSE, KeQueryTickCount(), KernelVerifier, KernelVerifierTickPage, MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql, MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory(), MmVerifierData, and TRUE.

Referenced by VerifierKeAcquireSpinLock(), VerifierKeRaiseIrql(), and VerifierSynchronizeExecution().

02336 { 02337 LARGE_INTEGER CurrentTime; 02338 LOGICAL PageOut; 02339 02340 PageOut = TRUE; 02341 if (KernelVerifier == TRUE) { 02342 KeQueryTickCount(&CurrentTime); 02343 if ((CurrentTime.LowPart & KernelVerifierTickPage) != 0) { 02344 PageOut = FALSE; 02345 } 02346 } 02347 02348 if ((PageOut == TRUE) && (MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql == 0)) { 02349 MmVerifierData.TrimRequests += 1; 02350 if (MmTrimAllSystemPagableMemory (FALSE) == TRUE) { 02351 MmVerifierData.Trims += 1; 02352 } 02353 } 02354 }

Variable Documentation

LOGICAL KernelVerifier = FALSE

Definition at line 404 of file verifier.c.

ULONG KernelVerifierTickPage = 0x7

Definition at line 406 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

ULONG MiActiveVerifierThunks

Definition at line 378 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiVerifierCheckThunks(), MmAddVerifierThunks(), and MmUnloadSystemImage().

ULONG MiActiveVerifies

Definition at line 376 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiVerifyingDriverUnloading().

ULONG MiNoPageOnRaiseIrql

Definition at line 380 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiVerifyingDriverUnloading(), and ViTrimAllSystemPagableMemory().

LIST_ENTRY MiSuspectDriverList

Definition at line 370 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), MiVerifyingDriverUnloading(), MmGetVerifierInformation(), ViInsertVerifierEntry(), and ViLocateVerifierEntry().

LIST_ENTRY MiVerifierDriverAddedThunkListHead

Definition at line 400 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiEnableVerifier(), MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), MiVerifierCheckThunks(), and MmAddVerifierThunks().

ULONG MiVerifierStackProtectTime

Definition at line 382 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiVerifyingDriverUnloading().

VERIFIER_THUNKS MiVerifierThunks[]

Definition at line 4516 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiEnableVerifier().

LOGICAL MiVerifyAllDrivers

Definition at line 372 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiInitializeDriverVerifierList().

WCHAR MiVerifyRandomDrivers

Definition at line 374 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiApplyDriverVerifier(), and MiInitializeDriverVerifierList().

LOGICAL MmDontVerifyRandomDrivers = TRUE

Definition at line 384 of file verifier.c.

LOGICAL MmSpecialPoolCatchOverruns

Definition at line 402 of file verifier.c.


Definition at line 361 of file verifier.c.

WCHAR Printable[] = L"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789" [static]

Definition at line 4332 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ViPrintString().

ULONG PrintableChars = sizeof (Printable) / sizeof (Printable[0]) - 1 [static]

Definition at line 4333 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ViPrintString().

int VerifierIrqlData[0x10]

Definition at line 2230 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by KfSanityCheckLowerIrql(), and KfSanityCheckRaiseIrql().

LOGICAL VerifierIsTrackingPool = FALSE

Definition at line 390 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by VerifierFreeTrackedPool(), and ViPostPoolAllocation().

PRTL_BITMAP VerifierLargePagedPoolMap

Definition at line 398 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiAllocatePoolPages(), MiBuildPagedPool(), and MiFreePoolPages().

KSPIN_LOCK VerifierListLock

Definition at line 392 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), MiVerifyingDriverUnloading(), ViInitializeEntry(), ViInsertVerifierEntry(), and ViLocateVerifierEntry().

ULONG VerifierModifyableOptions

Definition at line 367 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), and MmSetVerifierInformation().

ULONG VerifierOptionChanges

Definition at line 368 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MmSetVerifierInformation().

KSPIN_LOCK VerifierPoolLock

Definition at line 394 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), VerifierFreeTrackedPool(), and ViPostPoolAllocation().

FAST_MUTEX VerifierPoolMutex

Definition at line 396 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), VerifierFreeTrackedPool(), and ViPostPoolAllocation().

LARGE_INTEGER VerifierRequiredTimeSinceBoot = {(ULONG)(40 * 1000 * 1000 * 10), 1}

Definition at line 388 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ViInjectResourceFailure().

LOGICAL VerifierSystemSufficientlyBooted

Definition at line 386 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ViInjectResourceFailure().


Definition at line 3622 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiVerifyingDriverUnloading().

KSPIN_LOCK ViBadMapperLock

Definition at line 628 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by MiInitializeDriverVerifierList(), and ViAddBadMapper().


Definition at line 629 of file verifier.c.

Referenced by ViAddBadMapper().

Generated on Sat May 15 19:46:08 2004 for test by doxygen 1.3.7