#include "precomp.h"
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | GetCharABCWidthsAorW ((ped)->fAnsi ? GetCharABCWidthsA : GetCharABCWidthsW) |
#define | GetCharWidthAorW ((ped)->fAnsi ? GetCharWidthA : GetCharWidthW) |
#define | umin(a, b) ((unsigned)(a) < (unsigned)(b) ? (unsigned)(a) : (unsigned)(b)) |
#define | GET_COMPOSITION_STRING (ped->fAnsi ? fpImmGetCompositionStringA : fpImmGetCompositionStringW) |
Typedefs | |
Functions | |
DWORD | GetMaxOverlapChars (void) |
void | ECSetMargin (PED ped, UINT wFlags, long lMarginValues, BOOL fRedraw) |
void | ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont (PED ped, BOOL fRedraw) |
int | UserGetCharDimensionsEx (HDC hDC, HFONT hfont, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, LPINT lpcy) |
ICH | ECGetText (PED ped, ICH maxCchToCopy, LPSTR lpBuffer, BOOL fNullTerminate) |
BOOL | ECNcCreate (PED ped, PWND pwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) |
BOOL | ECCreate (PED ped, LONG windowStyle) |
void | ECNcDestroyHandler (PWND pwnd, PED ped) |
void | ECSetPasswordChar (PED ped, UINT pwchar) |
BOOL | GetNegABCwidthInfo (PED ped, HDC hdc) |
void | ECSize (PED ped, LPRECT lprc, BOOL fRedraw) |
void | ECSetFont (PED ped, HFONT hfont, BOOL fRedraw) |
BOOL | ECIsCharNumeric (PED ped, DWORD keyPress) |
VOID | ECEnableDisableIME (PED ped) |
VOID | ECImmSetCompositionWindow (PED ped, LONG x, LONG y) |
VOID | ECImmSetCompositionFont (PED ped) |
VOID | ECInitInsert (PED ped, HKL hkl) |
void | ECSetCaretHandler (PED ped) |
void | MLReplaceSel (PED, LPSTR) |
BOOL FAR PASCAL | ECResultStrHandler (PED ped) |
LRESULT | ECImeComposition (PED ped, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) |
BOOL | HanjaKeyHandler (PED ped) |
LRESULT | EcImeRequestHandler (PED ped, WPARAM dwSubMsg, LPARAM lParam) |
Variables | |
LOOKASIDE | EditLookaside |
WCHAR | AveCharWidthData [] = L"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" |
Definition at line 1285 of file edecrare.c. Referenced by ECResultStrHandler(). |
Definition at line 25 of file edecrare.c. Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(). |
Definition at line 26 of file edecrare.c. |
Definition at line 28 of file edecrare.c. Referenced by ECCchInWidth(). |
Definition at line 20 of file edecrare.c. |
Definition at line 30 of file edecrare.c. |
Definition at line 31 of file edecrare.c. |
Definition at line 109 of file edecrare.c. References ECSetMargin(), tagED::fSingle, tagED::fTrueType, GetCharABCWidthsAorW, tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, min, NtUserGetDC(), ReleaseDC(), TRUE, UINT, UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, and tagED::wMaxNegA. Referenced by ECSetFont().
Definition at line 387 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, BYTE, tagED::cchTextMax, tagED::charSet, ECGetEditDC(), ECInitInsert(), ECReleaseEditDC(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCreate, tagED::fAutoHScroll, tagED::fNoHideSel, tagED::format, fpLpkEditControl, HW, ICH, MAXTEXT, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pwnd, TestWF, THREAD_HKL, TRUE, and WEFRIGHT. Referenced by MLCreate(), and SLCreate().
Definition at line 1037 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::charPasswordChar, ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInitInsert(), tagED::fFocus, fpImmAssociateContext, fpImmGetContext, fpImmReleaseContext, tagED::fReadOnly, tagED::hImcPrev, tagED::hwnd, NtUserGetCaretPos(), NULL_HIMC, THREAD_HKL, and VOID(). Referenced by ECSetPasswordChar(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 246 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, ICH, and min. Referenced by EditWndProc(), and SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 1337 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, BYTE, tagED::cch, tagED::cchTextMax, DefWindowProcWorker(), ECDeleteText(), ECGetEditDC(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECNotifyParent(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECResultStrHandler(), ECSetCaretHandler(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fInsertCompChr, tagED::fMouseDown, tagED::fNoMoveCaret, fpImmGetContext, fpImmNotifyIME, fpImmReleaseContext, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fResultProcess, tagED::fSingle, HIBYTE, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, INT, L, LOBYTE, max, min, MLDeleteText(), MLInsertText(), NtUserMessageBeep, tagED::pwnd, SLDrawText(), SLInsertText(), SLScrollText(), TRUE, and tagED::wImeStatus. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1735 of file edecrare.c. References BYTE, tagED::cbChar, ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), ECInOutReconversionMode(), ECLock(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fFocus, fpImmIsIME, tagED::hText, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, INT, L, lpDest, LPVOID, NULL, THREAD_HKL, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1150 of file edecrare.c. References fpImmGetContext, fpImmReleaseContext, fpImmSetCompositionFontW, tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, lf, NULL_HIMC, and VOID(). Referenced by ECEnableDisableIME(), ECSetFont(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1085 of file edecrare.c. References DWORD, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fInReconversion, fpImmGetCompositionWindow, fpImmGetContext, fpImmReleaseContext, fpImmSetCompositionWindow, tagED::fSingle, GET_X_LPARAM, GET_Y_LPARAM, GetWindowRect(), tagED::hwnd, tagED::ichMinSel, MapWindowPoints(), NULL_HIMC, tagED::ptScreenBounding, tagED::rcFmt, SetRectEmpty, and VOID(). Referenced by ECDoIMEMenuCommand(), ECEnableDisableIME(), EcImeRequestHandler(), ECSize(), EditWndProc(), MLSetCaretPosition(), and SLSetCaretPosition().
Definition at line 1183 of file edecrare.c. References ECSetCaretHandler(), FALSE, tagED::fInsertCompChr, tagED::fKorea, tagED::fNoMoveCaret, fpImmIsIME, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fResultProcess, TRUE, and VOID(). Referenced by ECCreate(), ECEnableDisableIME(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1010 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, THREAD_HKL, and TRUE. Referenced by MLChar(), and SLChar().
Definition at line 285 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cchAlloc, CCHALLOCEXTRA, CHAR, tagED::charWidthBuffer, tagED::chLines, ClearWindowState(), DefWindowProcWorker(), DWORD, EditLookaside, EFMULTILINE, EFREADONLY, tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fBorder, tagED::fDisabled, tagED::fEncoded, tagED::fFlatBorder, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, tagED::fReadOnly, FreeLookasideEntry(), tagED::fSingle, tagED::fWin31Compat, GETEXPWINVER, tagED::hImcPrev, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, tagED::hwnd, tagED::hwndParent, HWq, tagED::iLockLevel, LHND, tagED::lineHeight, LOCALALLOC, NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, NULL_HIMC, tagED::pTabStops, TestWF, TRUE, WEFEDGEMASK, WFANSICREATOR, WFBORDER, WFDISABLED, and tagED::wImeStatus. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 439 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::charWidthBuffer, tagED::chLines, ComboBoxWndProcWorker(), EditLookaside, FALSE, FNID_CLEANEDUP_BIT, FNID_COMBOBOX, FreeLookasideEntry(), GETFNID, tagED::hCaretBitmap, tagED::hInstance, tagED::hText, HWq, LOCALFREE, NtUserSetWindowFNID(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, tagED::pTabStops, PTR_TO_ID, REBASEPWND, tagWND::spmenu, UserGlobalFree, and UserLocalFree. Referenced by EditWndProc().
Definition at line 1287 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, ECSetCaretHandler(), FALSE, FAR, tagED::fInsertCompChr, tagED::fNoMoveCaret, fpImmGetContext, fpImmReleaseContext, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fResultProcess, tagED::fSingle, GET_COMPOSITION_STRING, tagED::hwnd, MLReplaceSel(), NULL, SLReplaceSel(), TRUE, UserGlobalAlloc, and UserGlobalFree. Referenced by ECImeComposition().
Definition at line 1225 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, CreateCaret, tagED::cxSysCharWidth, DestroyCaret(), ECGetEditDC(), ECLock(), ECReleaseEditDC(), ECUnlock(), tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::fSingle, tagED::hwnd, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::lineHeight, MLSetCaretPosition(), NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, SLSetCaretPosition(), and TRUE. Referenced by ECImeComposition(), ECInitInsert(), ECResultStrHandler(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 708 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, CHAR_WIDTH_BUFFER_LENGTH, tagED::charOverhang, tagED::charPasswordChar, tagED::charSet, tagED::charWidthBuffer, tagED::cxSysCharWidth, tagED::cySysCharHeight, DWORD, ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECGetCaretWidth, ECGetDBCSVector(), ECImmSetCompositionFont(), ECSetMargin(), ECSetPasswordChar(), ECSize(), tagLPKEDITCALLOUT::EditCreateCaret, tagED::f40Compat, FALSE, tagED::fDBCS, tagED::fFocus, tagED::fNonPropDBCS, tagED::fNonPropFont, fpImmIsIME, tagED::fSingle, tagED::fTrueType, tagED::fWrap, GETAPPVER, GetMaxOverlapChars(), GetNegABCwidthInfo(), gpsi, tagED::hFont, tagED::hwnd, tagED::lineHeight, MLBuildchLines(), NtUserCreateCaret(), NtUserDestroyCaret, NtUserGetDC(), NtUserHideCaret(), NtUserShowCaret(), NULL, tagED::pLpkEditCallout, ReleaseDC(), THREAD_HKL, TRUE, UINT, UserGetCharDimensionsEx(), UserLocalAlloc, UserLocalFree, UserLocalReAlloc, VER40, tagED::wMaxNegA, tagED::wMaxNegAcharPos, tagED::wMaxNegC, and tagED::wMaxNegCcharPos. Referenced by EditWndProc(), MLCreate(), and SLCreate().
Definition at line 49 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::aveCharWidth, BOOL, ECInvalidateClient(), FALSE, min, tagED::rcFmt, TRUE, UINT, tagED::wLeftMargin, tagED::wMaxNegA, tagED::wMaxNegC, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by ECCalcMarginForDBCSFont(), ECSetFont(), and EditWndProc().
Definition at line 516 of file edecrare.c. References tagED::charPasswordChar, ClearWindowState(), tagED::cPasswordCharWidth, ECEnableDisableIME(), ECGetEditDC(), ECReleaseEditDC(), EFPASSWORD, tagED::fAnsi, max, tagED::pwnd, SetWindowState(), and TRUE. Referenced by ECSetFont(), EditWndProc(), and SLCreate().
Definition at line 597 of file edecrare.c. References _GetClientRect(), tagED::aveCharWidth, CopyRect, ECImmSetCompositionWindow(), FALSE, tagED::fBorder, tagED::fCaretHidden, tagED::fFlatBorder, tagED::fFocus, fpImmIsIME, tagED::fSingle, tagED::hwnd, InflateRect(), tagED::lineHeight, min, MLSize(), NtUserGetCaretPos(), NtUserInvalidateRect(), NULL, tagED::pwnd, tagED::rcFmt, SYSMET, THREAD_HKL, TRUE, tagED::wLeftMargin, and tagED::wRightMargin. Referenced by ECSetFont(), MLEditWndProc(), and SLEditWndProc().
Definition at line 39 of file edecrare.c. Referenced by ECSetFont().
Definition at line 555 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, CHAR_WIDTH_BUFFER_LENGTH, tagED::charOverhang, tagED::charWidthBuffer, FALSE, and TRUE. Referenced by ECSetFont().
Definition at line 1683 of file edecrare.c. References BOOL, tagED::cbChar, tagED::cch, ECLock(), ECUnlock(), FALSE, tagED::fAnsi, tagED::fKorea, fpImmEscapeA, fpImmEscapeW, fpImmGetContext, tagED::fReadOnly, tagED::fReplaceCompChr, tagED::hwnd, ICH, tagED::ichCaret, tagED::ichMaxSel, tagED::ichMinSel, NtUserMessageBeep, THREAD_HKL, and TRUE. Referenced by MLKeyDown(), and SLKeyDown().
Definition at line 1309 of file editml.c.
Definition at line 185 of file edecrare.c. References AveCharWidthData, L, and lf. Referenced by ECSetFont().
Definition at line 176 of file edecrare.c. Referenced by UserGetCharDimensionsEx(). |
Definition at line 18 of file edecrare.c. Referenced by ECNcCreate(), ECNcDestroyHandler(), and EditWndProcWorker(). |