#include "precomp.h"
#include <ntddmou.h>
Go to the source code of this file.
Classes | |
struct | _RIT_INIT |
Defines | |
#define | UPDATE_KBD_LEDS 2 |
#define | MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT 0x0001 |
#define | MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT 0x0002 |
#define | MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE 0x0004 |
#define | MOUSE_BUTTON_X1 0x0008 |
#define | MOUSE_BUTTON_X2 0x0010 |
#define | ID_INPUT 0 |
#define | ID_MOUSE 1 |
#define | ID_TIMER 2 |
#define | ID_HIDCHANGE 3 |
#define | ID_SHUTDOWN 4 |
#define | ID_WDTIMER 5 |
#define | fAbsoluteMouse(pmei) (((pmei)->Flags & MOUSE_MOVE_ABSOLUTE) != 0) |
#define | ConvertToMouseDriverFlags(Flags) |
#define | VKTOMODIFIERS(Vk) |
Typedefs | |
typedef _RIT_INIT | RIT_INIT |
typedef _RIT_INIT * | PRIT_INIT |
Functions | |
void | ProcessQueuedMouseEvents (void) |
VOID | RawInputThread (PVOID pVoid) |
LONG | DoMouseAccel (LONG delta) |
VOID | GetMouseCoord (LONG dx, LONG dy, DWORD dwFlags, LONG time, ULONG_PTR ExtraInfo, PPOINT ppt) |
VOID | xxxMoveEventAbsolute (LONG x, LONG y, ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo, DWORD time, BOOL bInjected) |
ULONG | MonotonicTick () |
BOOL | xxxInitInput (PTERMINAL pTerm) |
PSCANCODEMAP | InitScancodeMap () |
BOOL | MapScancode (PBYTE pbScanCode, PBYTE pbPrefix) |
VOID | InitMice () |
PDEVICEINFO | FreeDeviceInfo (PDEVICEINFO pDeviceInfo) |
void | UpdateMouseInfo (void) |
VOID | InitKeyboard (VOID) |
HKL | GetActiveHKL () |
VOID | xxxButtonEvent (DWORD ButtonNumber, POINT ptPointer, BOOL fBreak, DWORD time, ULONG_PTR ExtraInfo, BOOL bInjected, BOOL fDblClk) |
VOID | QueueMouseEvent (USHORT ButtonFlags, USHORT ButtonData, ULONG_PTR ExtraInfo, POINT ptMouse, LONG time, BOOL bInjected, BOOL bWakeRIT) |
BOOL | UnqueueMouseEvent (PMOUSEEVENT pme) |
VOID | xxxDoButtonEvent (PMOUSEEVENT pme) |
VOID NTAPI | InputApc (IN PVOID ApcContext, IN PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock, IN ULONG Reserved) |
VOID | ProcessMouseInput (PDEVICEINFO pMouseInfo) |
__inline | IsHexNumpadKeys (BYTE Vk, WORD wScanCode) |
VOID | xxxKeyEvent (USHORT usFlaggedVk, WORD wScanCode, DWORD time, ULONG_PTR ExtraInfo, BOOL bInjected) |
VOID | xxxMoveEvent (LONG dx, LONG dy, DWORD dwFlags, ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo, DWORD time, BOOL bInjected) |
void | UpdateRawKeyState (BYTE Vk, BOOL fBreak) |
VOID | CleanupResources (VOID) |
BOOL | InitiateWin32kCleanup (VOID) |
void | RemoteSyncToggleKeys (ULONG toggleKeys) |
VOID | ProcessKeyboardInput (PDEVICEINFO pDeviceInfo) |
VOID | xxxProcessKeyEvent (PKE pke, ULONG_PTR ExtraInformation, BOOL bInjected) |
PWND | PwndForegroundCapture (VOID) |
VOID | SetKeyboardRate (UINT nKeySpeedAndDelay) |
VOID | UpdateKeyLights (BOOL bInjected) |
int | _GetKeyboardType (int nTypeFlag) |
VOID | xxxMouseEventDirect (DWORD dx, DWORD dy, DWORD mouseData, DWORD dwMEFlags, DWORD dwTime, ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo) |
VOID | xxxInternalKeyEventDirect (BYTE bVk, WORD wScan, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwTime, ULONG_PTR dwExtraInfo) |
BOOL | _BlockInput (BOOL fBlockIt) |
UINT | xxxSendInput (UINT nInputs, LPINPUT pInputs) |
BOOL | _SetConsoleReserveKeys (PWND pwnd, DWORD fsReserveKeys) |
int | _GetMouseMovePointsEx (CONST MOUSEMOVEPOINT *ppt, MOUSEMOVEPOINT *ccxpptBuf, UINT nPoints, DWORD resolution) |
VOID | RawInputThread (PRIT_INIT pInitData) |
Variables | |
PKWAIT_BLOCK | gWaitBlockArray |
INT | idxRemainder |
INT | idyRemainder |
ULONG | gMouseProcessMiceInputTime = 0 |
ULONG | gMouseQueueMouseEventTime = 0 |
ULONG | gMouseUnqueueMouseEventTime = 0 |
PKTIMER | gptmrWD |
PVOID * | apObjects |
Definition at line 118 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by xxxMoveEvent(). |
Definition at line 100 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by ProcessMouseInput(). |
Definition at line 77 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(). |
Definition at line 73 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(). |
Definition at line 74 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(). |
Definition at line 78 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(). |
Definition at line 80 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(). |
Definition at line 76 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(). |
Definition at line 81 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(). |
Definition at line 69 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by xxxButtonEvent(). |
Definition at line 70 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by xxxButtonEvent(). |
Definition at line 71 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by xxxButtonEvent(). |
Definition at line 24 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(), and UpdateKeyLights(). |
Definition at line 23 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(), and SetKeyboardRate(). |
Definition at line 122 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by xxxKeyEvent(). |
Definition at line 3498 of file ntinput.c. References tagTHREADINFO::amdesk, tagWINDOWSTATION::dwWSF_Flags, FALSE, gptiBlockInput, grpdeskRitInput, NULL, PtiCurrent, tagTHREADINFO::rpdesk, tagDESKTOP::rpwinstaParent, RtlAreAllAccessesGranted(), tagTHREADINFO::TIF_flags, TIF_INCLEANUP, TRUE, and WSF_NOIO. Referenced by NtUserBlockInput().
Definition at line 3070 of file ntinput.c. References gKeyboardInfo, gpKbdNlsTbl, and NULL.
Definition at line 3652 of file ntinput.c. References BOOL, DWORD, FALSE, gaptMouse, gptInd, MAX_MOUSEPOINTS, min, PREVPOINT, SYSMET, TRUE, and UINT. Referenced by NtUserGetMouseMovePointsEx().
Definition at line 3634 of file ntinput.c. References BOOL, GETPTI, and TRUE. Referenced by NtUserSetConsoleReserveKeys().
Definition at line 2087 of file ntinput.c. References CleanupGDI(), CleanupPowerRequestList(), DestroyClass(), gbCleanedUpResources, gpclsList, HH_CLEANUPRESOURCES, HYDRA_HINT, LockQCursor, NULL, PpiCurrent, tagTHREADINFO::pq, tagTHREADINFO::ptiSibling, TRUE, UnloadCursorsAndIcons(), and VOID(). Referenced by xxxDestroyThreadInfo().
Definition at line 1025 of file w32/ntuser/kernel/pnp.c. Referenced by RegisterForDeviceChangeNotifications().
Definition at line 2888 of file ntinput.c. References abs, gMouseSpeed, gMouseThresh1, and gMouseThresh2. Referenced by GetMouseCoord().
Definition at line 313 of file ntinput.c. References CheckDeviceInfoListCritIn, EVENT_INCREMENT, FALSE, FreeKernelEvent(), GDIAF_FREEME, GDIAF_PNPWAITING, GDIF_PNPMUSTFREE, GDIF_READERMUSTFREE, GDIF_READING, gpDeviceInfoList, KeSetEvent(), and NULL. Referenced by InputApc(), ProcessDeviceChanges(), RequestDeviceChange(), StartDeviceRead(), and Win32kNtUserCleanup().
Definition at line 439 of file ntinput.c. References _GetKeyboardLayout(), CheckCritIn, GETPTI, gpqForeground, tagKL::hkl, L, tagTHREADINFO::spklActive, and tagQ::spwndActive. Referenced by FindImeHotKeyByKey(), RemoteSyncToggleKeys(), VKFromVSC(), xxxButtonEvent(), xxxKeyEvent(), and xxxProcessKeyEvent().
Definition at line 1794 of file ntinput.c. References DoMouseAccel(), dwFlags, gMouseSensitivity, gMouseSensitivityFactor, gMouseSpeed, idxRemainder, idyRemainder, MOUSE_SENSITIVITY_DEFAULT, SAVEPOINT, SYSMET, and VOID(). Referenced by ProcessMouseInput(), and xxxMoveEvent().
Definition at line 2146 of file ntinput.c. References _PostThreadMessage(), BOOL, CleanupPowerRequestList(), CloseProtectedHandle(), CsrApiPort, tagPROCESSINFO::cThreads, tagTHREADINFO::cWindows, EnterCrit, FALSE, FreeAllSpbs(), FreeTimer(), gbConnected, gbExitInProgress, gbRemoteSession, ghDisconnectDesk, ghDisconnectWinSta, ghRemoteThinwireChannel, gpDispInfo, gpevtDesktopDestroyed, gppiList, gpsmsList, gptiRit, gptmrFirst, grpdeskLogon, grpdeskRitInput, gSessionId, gspdeskDisconnect, gspdeskShouldBeForeground, gspwndCursor, gspwndInternalCapture, gspwndLogonNotify, gspwndMouseOwner, gspwndScreenCapture, gTermIO, gTermNOIO, gThinwireFileObject, tagDISPLAYINFO::hDev, HH_ALLDTGONE, HH_DTQUITPOSTED, HH_INITIATEWIN32KCLEANUP, HH_RITGONE, HYDRA_HINT, KernelMode, KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), KeWaitForSingleObject(), L, LeaveCrit, MAX_SESSION_PATH, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, ObDereferenceObject, ObReferenceObject, tagPROCESSINFO::ppiNextRunning, PSMS, tagWINDOWSTATION::pTerm, PtiCurrent, tagTERMINAL::ptiDesktop, tagPROCESSINFO::ptiList, tagTHREADINFO::ptiSibling, tagTHREADINFO::pwinsta, tagTERMINAL::rpdeskDestroy, tagWINDOWSTATION::rpdeskList, tagDESKTOP::rpdeskNext, RtlInitUnicodeString(), Status, szName, tagTHREADINFO::TIF_flags, TIF_PALETTEAWARE, TRACE_HYDAPI, TRACE_RIT, TRUE, Unlock, UnlockDesktop, and WrUserRequest. Referenced by RawInputThread().
Definition at line 428 of file ntinput.c. References gbRemoteSession, gpScancodeMap, InitScancodeMap(), and VOID().
Definition at line 289 of file ntinput.c. References ACCF_MKVIRTUALMOUSE, CLEAR_ACCF, CLEAR_GTERMF, FALSE, GTERMF_MOUSE, SYSMET, and VOID(). Referenced by RawInputThread().
Definition at line 194 of file ntinput.c. References DWORD, FastGetProfileValue(), gbRemoteSession, ghRemoteKeyboardChannel, giosbKbdControl, L, NULL, PMAP_KBDLAYOUT, and PSCANCODEMAP. Referenced by InitKeyboard().
Definition at line 1090 of file ntinput.c. References aDeviceTemplate, tagDEVICE_TEMPLATE::DeviceRead, EnterDeviceInfoListCrit(), FreeDeviceInfo(), GDIAF_FREEME, GDIF_READING, LeaveDeviceInfoListCrit(), NT_SUCCESS, PDEVICE_TEMPLATE, StartDeviceRead(), and VOID(). Referenced by StartDeviceRead().
Definition at line 1311 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by xxxKeyEvent().
Definition at line 256 of file ntinput.c. References CheckCritIn, DWORD, FALSE, gpScancodeMap, HIBYTE, LOBYTE, NULL, and TRUE. Referenced by ProcessKeyboardInput().
Definition at line 48 of file ntinput.c. References NtGetTickCount().
Definition at line 2615 of file ntinput.c. References AccessProceduresStream(), ACCF_ACCESSENABLED, BYTE, tagKEYBOARD_DEVICE_INFO::Data, DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD, EnterCrit, FALSE, gAccessTimeOut, gafRawKeyState, gbRemoteSession, gCurrentModifierBit, gfEnableWindowsKey, gPhysModifierState, gpScancodeMap, gSetLedReceived, gtmridAccessTimeOut, InternalSetTimer(), tagDEVICEINFO::keyboard, LeaveCrit, MapScancode(), NULL, PBYTE, RemoteSyncToggleKeys(), TEST_ACCESSFLAG, TEST_ACCF, UINT, UserBeep(), VKFromVSC(), VOID(), xxxAccessTimeOutTimer(), and xxxProcessKeyEvent().
Definition at line 1137 of file ntinput.c. References ACCF_ACCESSENABLED, tagMOUSE_DEVICE_INFO::Attr, CheckCritOut, CheckDeviceInfoListCritOut, tagMOUSE_DEVICE_INFO::Data, EnterCrit, fAbsoluteMouse, FALSE, FKMOUSEMOVE, gbRemoteSession, GDIAF_REFRESH_MOUSE, GetMouseCoord(), gFilterKeysState, gMouseProcessMiceInputTime, gptCursorAsync, gptiBlockInput, gStickyKeysLeftShiftCount, gStickyKeysRightShiftCount, gTermIO, gTermNOIO, gtmridFKActivation, KILLRITTIMER, LeaveCrit, LOGTIME, tagDEVICEINFO::mouse, NT_SUCCESS, NtGetTickCount(), NULL, PtiCurrentShared, tagTERMINAL::ptiDesktop, QueueMouseEvent(), RequestDeviceChange(), TEST_ACCF, VOID(), and xxxMoveEventAbsolute().
Definition at line 3784 of file ntinput.c. References tagMOUSEEVENT::ButtonFlags, tagLASTINPUT::dwFlags, EnterCrit, tagMOUSEEVENT::ExtraInfo, FALSE, gdwMouseMoveExtraInfo, glinp, gpDispInfo, gpsi, LeaveCrit, LINP_INPUTTIMEOUTS, LINP_KEYBOARD, LINP_POWERTIMEOUTS, tagDISPLAYINFO::pmdev, tagMOUSEEVENT::ptPointer, tagMOUSEEVENT::time, tagLASTINPUT::timeLastInputMessage, UnqueueMouseEvent(), xxxDoButtonEvent(), and zzzSetFMouseMoved(). Referenced by RawInputThread(), and xxxMouseEventDirect().
Definition at line 2912 of file ntinput.c. References gpqForeground, NULL, and tagQ::spwndCapture. Referenced by xxxButtonEvent().
Definition at line 925 of file ntinput.c. References tagMOUSEEVENT::bInjected, tagMOUSEEVENT::ButtonData, tagMOUSEEVENT::ButtonFlags, CheckCritOut, EnterMouseCrit(), EVENT_INCREMENT, tagMOUSEEVENT::ExtraInfo, FALSE, gdwMouseEvents, gdwMouseQueueHead, gMouseEventQueue, gMouseQueueMouseEventTime, gpkeMouseData, KeSetEvent(), LeaveMouseCrit(), LOGTIME, NELEM_BUTTONQUEUE, tagMOUSEEVENT::ptPointer, tagMOUSEEVENT::time, UserBeep(), and VOID(). Referenced by ProcessMouseInput(), xxxMKMouseMove(), xxxMKMoveAccelCursorTimer(), xxxMKMoveConstCursorTimer(), and xxxMouseEventDirect().
Definition at line 3858 of file ntinput.c. References _RegisterHotKey(), aDeviceTemplate, apObjects, BOOL, CheckCritOut, CreateDeviceInfo(), CreateKernelEvent(), DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD, DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSE, DWORD, EnterCrit, EnterDeviceInfoListCrit(), EVENT_INCREMENT, ExEventObjectType, FALSE, gbRemoteSession, gdwUpdateKeyboard, GetPrimaryMonitor(), giosbKbdControl, gklp, gktp, gnRetryReadInput, gpDeviceInfoList, gpDispInfo, gpepCSRSS, gpkeMouseData, gpsi, gptCursorAsync, gptiRit, gptmrMaster, gptmrWD, gpvwplHungRedraw, grcCursorClip, gSessionId, gspwndAltTab, gWaitBlockArray, tagDISPLAYINFO::hDev, HH_RITCREATED, HYDRA_HINT, ID_HIDCHANGE, ID_INPUT, ID_MOUSE, ID_NUMBER_NON_HYDRA_HANDLES, ID_SHUTDOWN, ID_TIMER, ID_WDTIMER, IDHOT_WINDOWS, InitiateWin32kCleanup(), InitKeyboard(), InitMice(), InitSystemThread(), KeInitializeTimer(), KeInitializeTimerEx(), KernelMode, KeSetEvent(), KeWaitForMultipleObjects(), KeWaitForSingleObject(), KTIMER, L, LeaveCrit, LeaveDeviceInfoListCrit(), MAX_SESSION_PATH, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, ObDereferenceObject, ObReferenceObjectByHandle(), ObReferenceObjectByPointer(), tagTERMINAL::pEventInputReady, tagTHREADINFO::pEventQueueServer, tagDEVICE_TEMPLATE::pkeHidChange, _RIT_INIT::pRitReadyEvent, ProcessDeviceChanges(), ProcessQueuedMouseEvents(), _RIT_INIT::pTerm, PtiCurrentShared, tagTHREADINFO::pwinsta, PWND_INPUTOWNER, tagMONITOR::rcMonitor, tagDISPLAYINFO::rcScreen, tagTHREADINFO::rpdesk, tagWINDOWSTATION::rpdeskList, RtlInitUnicodeString(), SetDebugHotKeys(), StartTimers(), Status, szName, TIF_DONTJOURNALATTACH, tagTHREADINFO::TIF_flags, TimersProc(), TRUE, UINT, UPDATE_KBD_LEDS, UPDATE_KBD_TYPEMATIC, UserSleep(), VOID(), _EPROCESS::Win32Process, WrUserRequest, xxxReceiveMessages, xxxRegisterForDeviceClassNotifications(), and xxxSwitchDesktop().
Referenced by xxxInitInput(). |
Definition at line 2527 of file ntinput.c. References BYTE, CheckCritIn, FALSE, GetActiveHKL(), gpqForeground, gSetLedReceived, NULL, TestRawKeyToggle, and xxxProcessKeyEvent(). Referenced by ProcessKeyboardInput().
Definition at line 2932 of file ntinput.c. References gdwUpdateKeyboard, gKeyboardInfo, gktp, KDELAY_MASK, KDELAY_SHIFT, KSPEED_MASK, UINT, UPDATE_KBD_TYPEMATIC, USHORT, and VOID(). Referenced by LW_DriversInit(), and xxxSystemParametersInfo().
Definition at line 997 of file ntinput.c. References BOOL, DWORD, EnterMouseCrit(), FALSE, gdwMouseEvents, gdwMouseQueueHead, gMouseEventQueue, gMouseUnqueueMouseEventTime, LeaveMouseCrit(), LOGTIME, NELEM_BUTTONQUEUE, PMOUSEEVENT, and TRUE. Referenced by ProcessQueuedMouseEvents().
Definition at line 2985 of file ntinput.c. References CheckCritIn, ClearRawKeyToggle, DEVICE_TYPE_KEYBOARD, EnterDeviceInfoListCrit(), gbRemoteSession, gdwUpdateKeyboard, giosbKbdControl, gKeyboardInfo, gklp, gpDeviceInfoList, gptiRit, LeaveDeviceInfoListCrit(), NULL, PtiCurrent, SetRawKeyToggle, TestAsyncKeyStateToggle, UPDATE_KBD_LEDS, and VOID(). Referenced by _SetKeyboardState(), ChangeForegroundKeyboardTable(), ProcessDeviceChanges(), RemotePassthruDisable(), UpdatePerUserKeyboardIndicators(), xxxKeyEvent(), and xxxRemoteReconnect().
Definition at line 385 of file ntinput.c. References CheckCritIn, DEVICE_TYPE_MOUSE, DEVICEINFO, EnterDeviceInfoListCrit(), gbRemoteSession, GDIAF_ARRIVED, GDIAF_RECONNECT, ghRemoteMouseChannel, gnMice, gpDeviceInfoList, LeaveDeviceInfoListCrit(), NULL, RequestDeviceChange(), and TRUE. Referenced by xxxRemoteReconnect().
Definition at line 2061 of file ntinput.c. References CheckCritIn, ClearRawKeyDown, SetRawKeyDown, TestRawKeyDown, and ToggleRawKeyToggle. Referenced by xxxProcessKeyEvent().
Definition at line 472 of file ntinput.c. References _PostMessage(), BOOL, CFIME, CheckCritIn, CMSHUNGAPPTIMEOUT, tagTHREADINFO::dwExpWinVer, DWORD, tagWINDOWSTATION::dwWSF_Flags, EVENT_INCREMENT, FALSE, FHungApp(), gbMouseButtonsRecentlySwapped, GetActiveHKL(), GetAppImeCompatFlags(), GETPTI, GetTopLevelWindow(), glinp, gpEventHungThread, gpqForeground, gpsi, grpdeskRitInput, gspwndAltTab, gspwndMouseOwner, gspwndScreenCapture, gwMouseOwnerButton, IS_IME_ENABLED, IsMenuStarted(), ISTS, KeSetEvent(), Lock, MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT, MOUSE_BUTTON_MIDDLE, MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT, MOUSE_BUTTON_X1, MOUSE_BUTTON_X2, MouseKeys(), NULL, tagDESKTOP::pDeskInfo, PhkFirstValid(), PostEventMessage(), PostInputMessage(), PostMove(), PtiCurrent, tagLASTINPUT::ptiLastWoken, tagQ::ptiMouse, tagLASTINPUT::ptLastClick, PwndForegroundCapture(), QEVENT_CANCELMODE, QF_MOUSEMOVED, tagDESKTOP::rpwinstaParent, SHORT, SpeedHitTest(), tagDESKTOPINFO::spwnd, tagQ::spwndCapture, tagTHREADINFO::spwndDefaultIme, SYSMET, TEST_ACCESSFLAG, TestAsyncKeyStateDown, TestCF, TestWF, ThreadLockAlways, ThreadUnlock, UINT, Unlock, UpdateAsyncKeyState(), VER40, VOID(), WEFNOACTIVATE, WFINDESTROY, WSF_NOIO, xxxCallHook2(), xxxCancelCoolSwitch(), xxxHardwareMouseKeyUp(), and xxxSetForegroundWindow2(). Referenced by xxxDoButtonEvent(), xxxMKButtonSetState(), and xxxRemoteStopScreenUpdates().
Definition at line 1020 of file ntinput.c. References tagMOUSEEVENT::bInjected, BOOL, tagMOUSEEVENT::ButtonData, tagMOUSEEVENT::ButtonFlags, CheckCritIn, DWORD, tagMOUSEEVENT::ExtraInfo, FALSE, gbClientDoubleClickSupport, gpqForeground, NULL, PhkFirstValid(), PostInputMessage(), PtiCurrent, tagMOUSEEVENT::ptPointer, SHORT, tagMOUSEEVENT::time, TRUE, VOID(), xxxButtonEvent(), and xxxCallHook2(). Referenced by ProcessQueuedMouseEvents().
Definition at line 140 of file ntinput.c. References BOOL, CreateKernelEvent(), CreateSystemThread(), EnterCrit, FALSE, FreeKernelEvent(), gptiRit, KernelMode, KeWaitForSingleObject(), LeaveCrit, NT_SUCCESS, NTSTATUS(), NULL, PKSTART_ROUTINE, _RIT_INIT::pRitReadyEvent, _RIT_INIT::pTerm, RawInputThread(), Status, and WrUserRequest. Referenced by CreateTerminalInput().
Definition at line 3403 of file ntinput.c. References tagTHREADINFO::amdesk, ausNumPadCvt, BYTE, dwFlags, tagWINDOWSTATION::dwWSF_Flags, gafRawKeyState, gppiInputProvider, grpdeskRitInput, LOBYTE, tagTHREADINFO::ppi, PtiCurrent, tagTHREADINFO::rpdesk, tagDESKTOP::rpwinstaParent, RtlAreAllAccessesGranted(), TRUE, USHORT, VKFromVSC(), VOID(), WSF_NOIO, and xxxProcessKeyEvent(). Referenced by xxxSendInput().
Definition at line 1338 of file ntinput.c. References BOOL, BYTE, CheckCritIn, DWORD, FALSE, FJOURNALPLAYBACK, FJOURNALRECORD, tagTHREADINFO::fsReserveKeys, GetActiveHKL(), GETPTI, gfEnableHexNumpad, gfInNumpadHexInput, gfsSASModifiersDown, glinp, gppiLockSFW, gpqForeground, gpsi, gptiBlockInput, gptiForeground, gptiRit, gspwndActivate, gspwndAltTab, HIBYTE, IsHexNumpadKeys(), IsHotKey(), IsSAS(), tagQ::mlInput, MODIFIER_FOR_ALT_NUMPAD, msg, tagQMSG::msg, NULL, NUMPAD_HEXMODE_LL, PhkFirstValid(), PostEventMessage(), PostInputMessage(), PostMove(), tagTHREADINFO::pq, tagMLIST::pqmsgWriteLast, PtiCurrent, tagQ::ptiKeyboard, tagLASTINPUT::ptiLastWoken, QEVENT_APPCOMMAND, tagQ::QF_flags, QF_MOUSEMOVED, QF_TABSWITCHING, SCANCODE_NUMPAD_DOT, SCANCODE_NUMPAD_PLUS, SFW_ACTIVATERESTORE, SFW_SWITCH, TestAsyncKeyStateDown, TestRawKeyDown, TestWF, ThreadLockAlways, ThreadUnlock, TRUE, UINT, Unlock, UpdateAsyncKeyState(), UpdateKeyLights(), USHORT, VKTOMODIFIERS, VOID(), WakeSomeone(), WFCHILD, xxxCallHook2(), xxxCancelCoolSwitch(), xxxDoHotKeyStuff(), xxxNextWindow(), xxxSetForegroundWindow2(), and xxxSetWindowPos(). Referenced by NlsAlphanumericModeProc(), NlsCodeInputToggleProc(), NlsHiraganaModeProc(), NlsKatakanaModeProc(), NlsRomanToggleProc(), NlsSbcsDbcsToggleProc(), xxxAltGr(), xxxICO_00(), xxxNumpadCursor(), xxxProcessKeyEvent(), xxxPushKeyEvent(), xxxShiftLock(), and xxxSimulateShiftF10().
Definition at line 3213 of file ntinput.c. References AccessCheckObject(), tagTHREADINFO::amdesk, BOOL, CheckGrantedAccess(), DesktopMapping, tagTHREADINFO::dwExpWinVer, DWORD, tagWINDOWSTATION::dwWSF_Flags, EnterCrit, FALSE, gppiInputProvider, gptCursorAsync, grpdeskRitInput, KernelMode, LeaveCrit, max, min, NtGetTickCount(), NULL, tagTHREADINFO::ppi, ProcessQueuedMouseEvents(), PtiCurrent, QueueMouseEvent(), tagTHREADINFO::rpdesk, tagDESKTOP::rpwinstaParent, TRUE, USHORT, VER40, VOID(), WSF_NOIO, and xxxMoveEvent(). Referenced by xxxSendInput().
Definition at line 2020 of file ntinput.c. References CheckCritOut, ConvertToMouseDriverFlags, dwFlags, GetMouseCoord(), gptCursorAsync, VOID(), and xxxMoveEventAbsolute(). Referenced by xxxMKMouseMove(), xxxMKMoveAccelCursorTimer(), xxxMKMoveConstCursorTimer(), and xxxMouseEventDirect().
Definition at line 1936 of file ntinput.c. References BOOL, BoundCursor(), CheckCritOut, EnterCrit, FALSE, gdwMouseMoveTimeStamp, gpDispInfo, gptCursorAsync, gptiRit, tagDISPLAYINFO::hDev, IsGlobalHooked, IsHooked, LeaveCrit, NULL, PhkFirstValid(), VOID(), WHF_FROM_WH, and xxxCallHook2(). Referenced by ProcessMouseInput(), and xxxMoveEvent().
Definition at line 2791 of file ntinput.c. References BYTE, CheckCritIn, tagLASTINPUT::dwFlags, GetActiveHKL(), glinp, gpDispInfo, gpsi, KEOEMProcs(), LINP_INPUTTIMEOUTS, LINP_KEYBOARD, LINP_POWERTIMEOUTS, NtGetTickCount(), tagDISPLAYINFO::pmdev, TestRawKeyDown, tagLASTINPUT::timeLastInputMessage, UpdateRawKeyState(), VOID(), xxxKELocaleProcs(), xxxKENLSProcs(), and xxxKeyEvent(). Referenced by ProcessKeyboardInput(), RemoteSyncToggleKeys(), xxxFKAcceptanceDelayTimer(), xxxFKRepeatRateTimer(), xxxInternalKeyEventDirect(), xxxStickyKeys(), xxxToggleKeysTimer(), and xxxUpdateModifierState().
Definition at line 3575 of file ntinput.c. References DWORD, LOBYTE, PtiCurrent, UINT, xxxInternalKeyEventDirect(), and xxxMouseEventDirect(). Referenced by NtUserSendInput().
Definition at line 84 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(), Win32kNtUserCleanup(), and xxxMsgWaitForMultipleObjects(). |
Definition at line 38 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by ProcessMouseInput(). |
Definition at line 39 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by QueueMouseEvent(). |
Definition at line 40 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by UnqueueMouseEvent(). |
Definition at line 82 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(), and Win32kNtUserCleanup(). |
Definition at line 18 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by RawInputThread(), and Win32kNtUserCleanup(). |
Definition at line 32 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by GetMouseCoord(). |
Definition at line 32 of file ntinput.c. Referenced by GetMouseCoord(). |